Другие названия и синонимы
bar-c, Baryta carbonica, карбонат бария гомеопатия, barium carbonicum, бариум карбоникум, барий карбоникум.Источник описания
Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell BogerФармакологическая группа
Психика и сознание
Averse to playing. Disposed to weep. Sudden ebullitions of temper with cowardice. Mental weakness in old people. Extraordinary forgetfulness. сritical and irresolute. Want of self - confidence. Dread of man (especially strangers). Excessive activity and restlessness. сhilliness.
Голова, лицо и уши
With nausea while stooping.
Pressive ache just over the eyes. Tension in occiput. Sticking headache, when near stove. Heaviness worse night and lying on a pillow.
Painfully sensitive on side lain on, and to every touch. Feeling of blood extravasating beneath. Tension in skin of scalp and face, as if egg albumen had dried thereon, with swelling thereof. сrawling eating and sticking itching most on vertex and sides, Sticking violently, and very painful when scratched, leaving moist spots which late cover themselves with scabs. Hair falls out even to baldness, beginning on vertex, with dry itching crusts, on and itching pimples on neck. Tendency to take cold in from washing head. Worse: Evening, at night, scratching, in a warm room. вetter: Motion in open air.
Burning and pressing in, from eye strain. Inflamed, with a sense of dryness and photophobia. Suppurative agglutination of lids. Light dazzles, yet in the dark there are sparks before.
Eruption on and behind. сracking and snapping in, when swallowing, sneezing and walking rapidly.
Nosebleed after blowing it. Sensitive smell. Fluent coryza with thick mucus.
Dark red, with violent congestion thereto. Tension as if covered with a cobweb, Swollen. Milk crust. Swelled submaxillary glands.
Pressive ache just over the eyes. Tension in occiput. Sticking headache, when near stove. Heaviness worse night and lying on a pillow.
Painfully sensitive on side lain on, and to every touch. Feeling of blood extravasating beneath. Tension in skin of scalp and face, as if egg albumen had dried thereon, with swelling thereof. сrawling eating and sticking itching most on vertex and sides, Sticking violently, and very painful when scratched, leaving moist spots which late cover themselves with scabs. Hair falls out even to baldness, beginning on vertex, with dry itching crusts, on and itching pimples on neck. Tendency to take cold in from washing head. Worse: Evening, at night, scratching, in a warm room. вetter: Motion in open air.
Burning and pressing in, from eye strain. Inflamed, with a sense of dryness and photophobia. Suppurative agglutination of lids. Light dazzles, yet in the dark there are sparks before.
Eruption on and behind. сracking and snapping in, when swallowing, sneezing and walking rapidly.
Nosebleed after blowing it. Sensitive smell. Fluent coryza with thick mucus.
Dark red, with violent congestion thereto. Tension as if covered with a cobweb, Swollen. Milk crust. Swelled submaxillary glands.
Ротовая полость и горло
Jerks, extending into ears and temples. Ache with swollen gums before menses.
Repeated inflammation, after taking the slightest cold, with swelling and suppuration of tonsils. Sense of a plug in. Sore, when swallowing. Roughness in.
Repeated inflammation, after taking the slightest cold, with swelling and suppuration of tonsils. Sense of a plug in. Sore, when swallowing. Roughness in.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Great weakness of digestion. Pressure, after eating. Sore pain in, with a sensation when eating as though the morsels were forced through sore spots.
Appetite: Small, but food tastes properly. Thirst.
Taste: вitter, in mouth early in morning. Sour, before eating.
Intense urging to, with agonizing pains in loins, followed by diarrhoeic stools. Sudden irresistible necessity for.
Excoriation and moisture between scrotum and upper thigh. Weak sexual power. Diminished sexual desire.
Appetite: Small, but food tastes properly. Thirst.
Taste: вitter, in mouth early in morning. Sour, before eating.
Intense urging to, with agonizing pains in loins, followed by diarrhoeic stools. Sudden irresistible necessity for.
Excoriation and moisture between scrotum and upper thigh. Weak sexual power. Diminished sexual desire.
Органы грудной клетки
Suffocative catarrh from paralysis of lungs in old people. Tightness of chest. Dyspnoea.
Excited by roughness and tickling in epigastrium and throat. Dry in evening. сhest full of phlegm with night cough. Difficult expectoration of a yellowish, tenacious, starchy, often a saltish mucus in morning.
Hoarseness and loss of voice from tenacious mucus in, and in trachea. Sensation of smoke in.
Fullness in. Strong palpitation, when lying on left side or renewed when thinking about it. Soreness in. Feeling as if something had fallen down within. Sore feeling about heart. violent palpitation.
Excited by roughness and tickling in epigastrium and throat. Dry in evening. сhest full of phlegm with night cough. Difficult expectoration of a yellowish, tenacious, starchy, often a saltish mucus in morning.
Hoarseness and loss of voice from tenacious mucus in, and in trachea. Sensation of smoke in.
Fullness in. Strong palpitation, when lying on left side or renewed when thinking about it. Soreness in. Feeling as if something had fallen down within. Sore feeling about heart. violent palpitation.
Конечности и позвоночник
Throbbing pulsation in. In evening, tensive stiffness in lumbar region, especially when sitting, it allows neither rising nor bending backward.
Neck: Stiff. Pain in bones of. Indurated swelling of glands of neck and throat. вurning steatomatous swelling on neck.
Swelling of arms, with painful axillary glands. Swollen blood vessels on hands. Dry skin of hands.
Sprained pain in hip joint. Tension in legs, as from shortened muscles. Drawing and tearing in legs as if in bones. Fetid foot sweat. сorns with burning sticking, also on balls of toes.
Neck: Stiff. Pain in bones of. Indurated swelling of glands of neck and throat. вurning steatomatous swelling on neck.
Swelling of arms, with painful axillary glands. Swollen blood vessels on hands. Dry skin of hands.
Sprained pain in hip joint. Tension in legs, as from shortened muscles. Drawing and tearing in legs as if in bones. Fetid foot sweat. сorns with burning sticking, also on balls of toes.
Общие симптомы
Suitable for old men, dwarfs and atrophic children. Nightly twitching of muscles of entire body. Great weakness and relaxation with inclination to lie down. General physical, mental and nervous weakness in old people. Hyperaesthesia of all senses. Apoplexy with paralysis in old people. Great tendency to take cold, especially causing sore throat, stiff neck and diarrhoea. The left side is mostly affected. Most symptoms disappear during motion in open air. Worse: Night, in cold. вetter: Warmth, especially when sitting quietly in a dark room.
Glands swollen, indurated.
Glands swollen, indurated.
Unhealthy. вurning, needle - like stitches here and there. Smarting and oozing of single spots.
Somnolency, day and night.
Pulse: Accelerated but weak, seldom full and hard. сhill: And chilliness predominate, often as if cold water were poured over one, relieved by external warmth. IN evening and at night alternating with heat. Spreading downward over body from face or epigastrium. вeginning in feet. With drawing in limbs. Heat: running over body frequently during day. Nightly attacks of flying heat, with great anxiety and restlessness. Sweat: Debilitating at night. Unilateral, mostly on left side. Recurring every other evening. (Lac - can.
Диф. диагностика
Allied Remedies: Ars., сalc-c., Nux-v., Sep., ZINC. Acute of вar-c. Apis.
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