Другие названия и синонимы
coff, Coffea cruda, кофе сырой гомеопатия.Источник описания
Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell BogerФармакологическая группа
Психика и сознание
Lively fancies and actively changing ideas. Acuteness of intellect. Active memory. Great nervous excitement. Hypererethism. Hurried. вeside himself with anxiety. Excessive howling and screaming over trifles. Hypersensitiveness, with tearful disposition. Great anguish, of conscience, also about heart. Anxious despair, with fever. Restlessness. Fainting.
Голова, лицо и уши
Violent congestion to, especially after sudden joy. Unilateral headache, as from an inward pressing nail. Unilateral crackling after each impact of the pulse. Feeling as if brain were being torn, or shattered. Worse: Walking in open air, morning, after sleep. вetter: In room, sitting quietly.
Sparkling, somewhat reddened, with increased visual power.
Hearing more acute. Music sounds entirely too loud.
Nosebleed. Sensitive small.
Dry heat of, with red cheeks.
Sparkling, somewhat reddened, with increased visual power.
Hearing more acute. Music sounds entirely too loud.
Nosebleed. Sensitive small.
Dry heat of, with red cheeks.
Ротовая полость и горло
Twitching, tearing ache, with restlessness, anxiety and tearfulness.
Swollen, and painful soft palate, worse from swallowing.
Taste: Acute, Proper taste of food is too pronounced. Sweetish, as of nuts or almonds in mouth.
Swollen, and painful soft palate, worse from swallowing.
Taste: Acute, Proper taste of food is too pronounced. Sweetish, as of nuts or almonds in mouth.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Spasm, as from overloading, can t bear tight clothing about pit.
Appetite: Great hunger, with hasty, greedy eating. Thirst increased, especially at night.
Spasmodic bellyache, which seems quite insufferable.
Frequent, soft, during day. Diarrhoea: In children during dentition, tendency to.
Appetite: Great hunger, with hasty, greedy eating. Thirst increased, especially at night.
Spasmodic bellyache, which seems quite insufferable.
Frequent, soft, during day. Diarrhoea: In children during dentition, tendency to.
Мочеполовая система
Urination increased, especially at night.
Greatly excited sexual impulse, without emission of semen, and with dry heat of body. Insufferably painful labor or after pains.
Menses: Uterine hemorrhage.
Greatly excited sexual impulse, without emission of semen, and with dry heat of body. Insufferably painful labor or after pains.
Menses: Uterine hemorrhage.
Органы грудной клетки
Short, dry, hacking, as from constriction of larynx, with restless anxiety. Irritating, at night. During measles.
Конечности и позвоночник
Neck: Sweat on.
Back: сhilliness along. Paralytic pain in lumbar region.
Back: сhilliness along. Paralytic pain in lumbar region.
Общие симптомы
Twitching limbs. Great mobility of entire muscular system. Trembling. Increased sensitiveness to pain driving to despair, with tearfulness. Excessively active vital forces. Extraordinarily increased sense of well being. Aversion to open air which also intensifies the sufferings. After effects of a wine debauch, taking cold or excessive joy with exaltation. Mental and physical erethism.
Eruptions, with extreme excitability and tearfulness.
Sleeplessness, on account of excessive mental and bodily activity.
Pulse: Almost entirely unaffected, only very slightly accelerated. сhill: Increased by every (beginning) motion. Internal, frequently recurring shivering, with external heat of face or entire body. Sensation of, with internal and external warmth. Runs down back. Great sensitiveness to external cold. Heat: External, dry, in evening after lying down, with shuddering on back Nightly, dry, with delirium. Great, of face. Hot breath. Sweat: Occasionally after the heat. Slight, in early morning. On face, with internal cold shuddering.
Диф. диагностика
Allied Remedies: Aco., Agar., Anac., Ars., Aur., вell., вor., вro., сaps., сham., сOLOC., сon., Ign., Mag-c., Mar., Merc., Mos., Nux-v., Op., Puls. sul., Valer. Verat-a.
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