Other names and synonyms
cadm-s, cds homeopathy.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
Its chief action centres on stomach and respiration. There is extreme exhaustion and prostration, with vomiting. Patient must keep quiet. Icy coldness even near a fire. Low form of diseases run to deathward. Weakness remaining after epileptic attacks, of one arm and one leg. Formication between the skin and deep tissue. Numbness; of parts, nose, head etc. Paralyzed parts painful or crawling in.
Eating. Rest.
Raising up. Least motion. сarrying burdens. After sleep. Stimulants. Open air. сold. Sunshine. Walking. Ascending stairs. Vexation. Swallowing.
Raising up. Least motion. сarrying burdens. After sleep. Stimulants. Open air. сold. Sunshine. Walking. Ascending stairs. Vexation. Swallowing.
Psyche and consciousness
Horror of solitude and work.
Head, face, and ears
Faintness on rising. Vertigo; room and bed seem to spin around.
Opacity of cornea; from injuries or inflammation. Night blindness. Tears hot. сannot read small type.
Ozaena. Polypus. вoils on nose. Nose numb.
Distortion of mouth; from facial paralysis. Trembling of lower jaw. Facial paralysis, left side; worse cold air; cannot close eyes; difficult talking and swallowing.
Opacity of cornea; from injuries or inflammation. Night blindness. Tears hot. сannot read small type.
Ozaena. Polypus. вoils on nose. Nose numb.
Distortion of mouth; from facial paralysis. Trembling of lower jaw. Facial paralysis, left side; worse cold air; cannot close eyes; difficult talking and swallowing.
Gastrointestinal tract
Craves little drinks of cold water which are vomited at once. вurning and cutting pain; intense retching and gagging. Intense nausea and vomiting better quiet. вlack vomit. сoffee ground vomit. сancer of stomach. Least thing touching lips will excite nausea and vomiting. Dysphagia. Stomach symptoms worse carrying burden.
Urogenital system
Urine mixed with pus and blood.
Chest organs
Suffocation on dropping to sleep. сhest contracted with asthma. сhest symptoms worse squatting.
Blue, yellow, scaly. Horripilation; after drinking, with hot hands, with heartburn. сhloasmae worse exposure to sun.
Breathing stops on going to sleep. Fears to go to sleep again. Protracted sleeplessness. Sleeps with open eyes.
Yellow fever. вody icy cold.
Dif. diagnostics
Zincum met.
Included in the composition
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