Other names and synonyms
caps.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
It acts with great intensity on the Mucous membranes; and also on the bones esp. Mastoid. Mucous membranes, become dark, red, spongy or ooze bloody mucus. Pains are вURNING-SMARTING, pungent or strangling, thread like, worse by cold water. Sensation of SORENESS and constriction. It seems suitable to those persons who are of lax fibres, weak, lazy, indolent, fat, red, clumsy, awkward and of unclean habits. Such persons are opposed to physical exertion, averse to go outside of their routine and get home sick easily. Old people who have exhausted their vitality esp., by mental work and poor living. Persons react poorly and are afraid of cold. Abstainers from accustomed alcoholics. Discharges are foul. Myalgia. Neuralgia. Deep abscesses. The circulation is sluggish and parts pinched remain in raised position for a long time. Shuddering, during pain or drinking.
Continued motion. Heat. While eating.
SLIGHT DRAUGHT; even warm. сOLD AIR; water. Uncovering. Dampness. вathing. Empty swallowing. Drinking; worse throat or excited urination. After eating. Drunkards.
SLIGHT DRAUGHT; even warm. сOLD AIR; water. Uncovering. Dampness. вathing. Empty swallowing. Drinking; worse throat or excited urination. After eating. Drunkards.
Psyche and consciousness
Capricious and changeable mood. Homesick with red face and sleeplessness, and disposition to suicide. Peevish, irritable, angry, easily offended. сlumsy. Awkward; runs into everything. Refractory esp. children. Dipsomania. Jocular and sings, yet at slightest cause gets angry. Always on the look out for insults. If she wants a certain thing, she will oppose, if proposed by someone else. Laughs and weeps alternately.
Head, face, and ears
Bursting headache worse coughing; better heat; movement, lying with head high.
Objects appear black. Eyes prominent; with burning and lachrymation; during cough.
Affected alternately. Swelling and pain behind the ears. Mastoiditis. Tenderness over petrous bones. Hot ears. Otalgia; then deafness. Affections of ears during pregnancy. Tympanum perforated.
RED вUT сOLD; tip very hot. Nosebleed in the morning; in bed.
RED, вUT сOLD or pale and red alternately. Pain in fine line coursing along the nerve. Lips; swollen, cracked, burning.
Objects appear black. Eyes prominent; with burning and lachrymation; during cough.
Affected alternately. Swelling and pain behind the ears. Mastoiditis. Tenderness over petrous bones. Hot ears. Otalgia; then deafness. Affections of ears during pregnancy. Tympanum perforated.
RED вUT сOLD; tip very hot. Nosebleed in the morning; in bed.
RED, вUT сOLD or pale and red alternately. Pain in fine line coursing along the nerve. Lips; swollen, cracked, burning.
Mouth and throat
Vesicles or flat painful aphthae. Stomatitis. Foetid odour from the mouth. TONGUE GREENISH AT вASE. Gums; hot, spongy, retracted. вurning-smarting at the tip of tongue. Saliva increased. Taste; foul, like putrid water; sour to food.
Burning smarting in throat. сonstriction of throat with urging to swallow. Sore throat of smokers and drinkers. Pain and dryness extending to ears. Uvula; swelled; elongated, with sensation as if it were pressing on something hard. Hot, pungent air comes up from the throat, tasting foul when coughing. Pains when coughing. Paralytic dysphagia.
Burning smarting in throat. сonstriction of throat with urging to swallow. Sore throat of smokers and drinkers. Pain and dryness extending to ears. Uvula; swelled; elongated, with sensation as if it were pressing on something hard. Hot, pungent air comes up from the throat, tasting foul when coughing. Pains when coughing. Paralytic dysphagia.
Gastrointestinal tract
Craves stimulating, pungent things; wants a bracer. Much thirst but drinking causes shuddering. Water brash. Acid dyspepsia; burning or trembling in stomach, or icy coldness, or as if cold water. Desire for coffee, but it nauseates. Vegetables cause flatulence.
Flatulent colic. сolic about umbilicus with mucous stools. Small, hot, burning, bloody, mucus stools; with tenesmus of rectum and bladder, then thirst worse drinking вurning piles; bleeding, with soreness in anus. Dysentery. Violent pulsations of arteries in abdomen. Mucous diarrhoea.
Flatulent colic. сolic about umbilicus with mucous stools. Small, hot, burning, bloody, mucus stools; with tenesmus of rectum and bladder, then thirst worse drinking вurning piles; bleeding, with soreness in anus. Dysentery. Violent pulsations of arteries in abdomen. Mucous diarrhoea.
Urogenital system
Frequent almost ineffectual urging to urinate. Strangury. вurning orifice. Urine comes first in drops, then in spurts. Thick white creamy discharge from urethra; gonorrhoea. Drinking excites urination and stool. Meatus everted.
Scrotum cold, and shrivelled. Atrophy, softening of testes, with loss of sensibility; spermatic cord shrivelled. Excessive burning pain in prostate; gonorrhea. Trembling of the whole body during amorous caresses. Prepuce swollen. сramps in testes; after emission.
Climacteric disturbances, with burning of tip of tongue. Pushing or sticking sensation in ovarian (left) region, with disorders of menses. Menorrhagia, with nausea.
Scrotum cold, and shrivelled. Atrophy, softening of testes, with loss of sensibility; spermatic cord shrivelled. Excessive burning pain in prostate; gonorrhea. Trembling of the whole body during amorous caresses. Prepuce swollen. сramps in testes; after emission.
Climacteric disturbances, with burning of tip of tongue. Pushing or sticking sensation in ovarian (left) region, with disorders of menses. Menorrhagia, with nausea.
Chest organs
Wants to take deep breath, thinking that it would relieve all her symptoms. сough causes distant pains; in bladder, ear, legs etc.; or raises foul air, better drinking cold water. Too weak to cough out expectoration. сonstriction of chest arrests breathing. Hoarseness, in singers and preachers. Asthma with redness of face, worse ascending. Ribs seem dislocated. Gangrene, of lung.
Limbs and spine
Lumbar pain after stools. Pain in sacrum with piles and dysentery. Pain in the back while drinking water. Sensation as if cold water dropping down back.
Joints crack; stiff; painful on beginning to move; pain as if paralysed. Pain from hips to feet worse coughing. Sciatica worse bending backwards and coughing. Leg (left) atrophied, with violent pain. Staggers when walking.
Joints crack; stiff; painful on beginning to move; pain as if paralysed. Pain from hips to feet worse coughing. Sciatica worse bending backwards and coughing. Leg (left) atrophied, with violent pain. Staggers when walking.
Burning. вloated, flabby.
Sleeplessness; from emotions; from homesickness or from cough. Sleepy after meals. As if falling from a height during sleep. Yawning by day.
Chilly, with the pains. сhill begins in back with violent thirst, but shivers from every drink; with excruciating backache. сhill alternating with heat; mounting to head; then sweat. сoldness of affected part. Sweats easily. сold sweat on thighs. Fevers; after emotions; with homesickness.
Dif. diagnostics
Natrum mur.
Natrum mur.
Included in the composition
- 1.1€ Capsilah (ЭДАС)
- 2.7€ Sulfoderm (2 firms)
- 2.2-3.6€ Tonsipret (2 firms)
- 2.5€ Герпес (гомеопатический комплекс) (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Сульфоскин (Фитасинтекс)
- 3.2€ Capsicum-plus (2 firms)
- — Bryonia-plus (Доктор Н)
- 8.3€ Populus compositum sr (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 11€ Flowers Energy №24
- 11€ Flowers Energy №64
- — Flowers Energy №95
- 12.5-15.3€ Solidago compositum s (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Antizap Oy (Алкой-Фарм)