Other names and synonyms
coff.Description Source
700 Red Line Symptoms - J.W. HutchinsonPharmacological Group
281. Great mental activity, full of ideas, quick to act, no sleep on this account.
282. Pain seem insupportable, driving to despair.
283. All senses more acute, reading fine print easier, hearing, smell, taste and touch acute, particularly increased perception of slight passive motions.
284. One sided headache as from a nail driven into the parietal bone, worse in the open air.
285. Ice, or ice-cold water is the only thing lessening his violent toothache, so long as touching it.
286. Would like to scratch or rub the part, but it is too sensitive.
287. In nervous persons, chill worse on movement, external dry heat, internal chilliness.
288. Sleepless from excessive mental and physical excitement.
289. Measly spots on the skin, with dry heat, over excitability and weeping.
290. Affection after sudden emotions, particularly sudden pleasurable surprises.
282. Pain seem insupportable, driving to despair.
283. All senses more acute, reading fine print easier, hearing, smell, taste and touch acute, particularly increased perception of slight passive motions.
284. One sided headache as from a nail driven into the parietal bone, worse in the open air.
285. Ice, or ice-cold water is the only thing lessening his violent toothache, so long as touching it.
286. Would like to scratch or rub the part, but it is too sensitive.
287. In nervous persons, chill worse on movement, external dry heat, internal chilliness.
288. Sleepless from excessive mental and physical excitement.
289. Measly spots on the skin, with dry heat, over excitability and weeping.
290. Affection after sudden emotions, particularly sudden pleasurable surprises.
Included in the composition
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