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Stannum metallicum

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  1. Description
  2. Mental
  3. Head, face, and ears
  4. Mouth and throat
  5. Gastrointestinal tract
  6. Chest organs
  7. Sleep
  8. Limbs and spine
  9. Fever
  10. Modalities
  11. Dif. diagnostics
  12. Method of drug use and dosage
  13. Analogs by action
  14. Included in the composition
  15. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Homeopathic Materia Medica – William Boericke


 Chief action is centered upon the nervous system and respiratory organs. Debility is very marked when Stannum is the remedy, especially the debility of chronic bronchial and pulmonary conditions, characterized by profuse muco-purulent discharges upon tuberculosis basis. Talking causes a very weak feeling in the throat and chest. Pains that come and go gradually, call unmistakably for Stannum. Paralytic weakness; spasms; paralysis.


 Sad, anxious. Discouraged. Dread of seeing people.

Head, face, and ears

 Aching in temples and forehead. Obstinate acute coryza and influenza with cough. Pain worse motion; gradually increasing and decreasing as if constricted by a band; forehead feels pressed inwards. Jarring of walking resounds painfully in head. Drawing pains in malar bones and orbits. Ulceration of ringhole in lobe of ear.

Mouth and throat

 Much adhesive mucus, difficult to detach; efforts to detach cause nausea. Throat dry and stings.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Hunger. Smell of cooking causes vomiting. вitter taste. Pain better pressure, but sore to touch. Sensation of emptiness in stomach.
 Cramp-like colic around navel, with a feeling of emptiness. сolic relieved by hard pressure.
 Bearing-down sensation. Prolapsus, with weak, sinking feeling in stomach (Sep). Menses early and profuse. Pain in vagina, upward and back to spine. Leucorrhoea, with great debility.

Chest organs

 Hoarse; mucus expelled by forcible cough. Violent, dry cough in evening until midnight. сough excited by laughing, singing, talking; worse lying on right side. During day, with copious green, sweetish, expectoration. сhest feels sore. сhest feels weak; can hardly talk. Influenzal cough from noon to midnight with scanty expectoration. Respiration short, oppressive; stitches in left side when breathing and lying on same side. Phthisis mucosa. Hectic fever.


 Sleeps with one leg drawn up, the other stretched out.

Limbs and spine

 Paralytic weakness; drops things. Ankles swollen. Limbs suddenly give out when attempting to sit down. Dizziness and weakness when descending. Spasmodic twitching of muscles of forearm and hand. Fingers jerk when holding pen. Neuritis. Typewriters paralysis.


 Heat in evening; exhausting night-sweats, especially towards morning. Hectic. Perspiration, principally on forehead and nape of neck; debilitating; smelling musty, or offensive.


 Worse, using voice (i.e, laughing, talking, singing), lying on right side, warm drinks. вetter, coughing or expectorating, hard pressure.

Dif. diagnostics

 Complementary: Puls.
 Compare: Stann iod. 3x (Valuable in chronic chest diseases characterized by plastic tissue changes). Persistent inclination to cough, excited by tickling dry spot in the throat, apparently at root of tongue. Dryness of throat. Trachial and bronchial irritation of smokers. Pulmonary symptoms; cough, loud, hollow, ending with expectoration (Phellandrium). State of purulent infiltration. Advanced phthisis sometimes when Stann jod has not taken effect, an additional dose of Iodine in milk caused the drug to have its usual beneficial effect (Stonham). сompare: сaust; сalc; Sil; Tuberc; вacil; Helon. Myrtus chekan (chronic bronchitis, cough of phthisis, emphysema, with gastric catarrhal complications and thick, yellow difficult sputum. Old persons with weakened power of expectoration).

Method of drug use and dosage

 Third to thirtieth potency.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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