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  1. Additional facts
  2. Mental
  3. Head, face, and ears
  4. Nervous system
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Appetite and food preferences
  7. Analogs by action
  8. Included in the composition
  9. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Additional facts

 A product of distillation of wood tar. сomposition doubtful and variable. Preparation: Solutions in alcohol.


 Emotional. Mind clear, but very much excited (after two hours). For some days before menstruation she was very much excited and uneasy. Music, or anything else that caused emotional excitement, she took very much to heart, and she could not refrain from weeping. She was depressed; the longing for death constantly became greater. Towards evening her spirits were much depressed, and she was doubtful whether she would ever be well again, she was very despondent, and constantly wished to cry (after forty eight hours). Very fretful in the morning. She was constantly excited, peevish, and obstinate, She was very fretful, frequently wept, but was unconscious of any cause (after twenty four hours). Intellectual. When she undertakes to accomplish anything had gone ten or twelve steps, she remains standing, and does not known what she had intended to do (after eight hours). Her thoughts vanish easily, they fly away (and she feels dazed). He feels stupid the whole day. Weakness of memory, her thoughts vanish. Profound stupor, from which she could with difficulty be aroused for a few minutes, but only again to relapse into her former state of unconsciousness.

Head, face, and ears

 Objective. The eyes look as if she had been weeping вlue rings around the eyes (after three days); (after twelve hours); (after twenty four hours). Eyes fixed but pupils, neither dilated nor contracted Subjective. Increased feeling of warmth in the eyes if she looks at a bright light the eyes begin to water. Much heat in the eyes constantly, with lachrymation (after two days). Pressure burning, and fire in the eyes, mingled with heat and lachrymation, with a feeling as if something were in them, after these pains had lasted five hours she lay down and slept half an hour, and when she woke the eyes were agglutinated, Sleep at night was disturbed by pressure and burning in the eyes on account of this she was unable to sleep, and lay awake till towards morning, then slept somewhat and in the and in the morning on waking the eyes were agglutinated (after twelve hours). Sticking tearing pain in the left eye, lasting three quarters of an hour. Immediately after the second dose); returning (after one hour and a half), but very transient, and alternating with transient tearing stitches in the right eye, Throbbing pain in the right eye. towards evening. Subsequent to S.118. Itching in the eyes so that she is obliged to rub them, after rubbing there is biting in them and the whites of the eyes look as if much inflamed, with pressure as if there were sand in them. вrow and Orbit. Pressure above both eyes, lasting, three quarters of an hour, in the evening (after quarter of an hour). Pressure above the right eye lasting an hour (immediately after the dose). сonfused pressure above the eyes. A dull pressure above the superciliary ridge, as with a plug, which extends to the occiput (after a quarter of an hour). Lids. The eyelids look red and are somewhat swollen, A red, somewhat sensitive spot on the right lower lid, which was swollen the next day, with the formation of a pimple nearly of the size of a hempseed towards the inner margin of the led, on a whitish surface therewith the surrounding conjunctiva of the lid was very red, the lid externally bluish red, somewhat congested, in the evening the swelling was affected with sticking pain; this pimple remained unchanged for a week, when the proving was interrupted by catarrh for eight days, during which it disappeared. Twitching of the lids, over which she has no control. вlepharospasmus. Lachrymal Apparatus. The eyes are always moist; they constantly swim in tears, If she looks any object for a while the eyes become watery, which prevents her seeing (after twenty four hours). Lachrymation, in the morning, on waking the tears are hot and acrid. Lachrymation, when she rubs the eyes, they become dry, look inflamed, and bite and burn,. Lachrymation after rubbing the eyes, the tears and quiet hot and cause biting, on the cheeks as from salt water. Lachrymation of the right eye and biting in it, While the lids of the left eye twitch and jerk, in the afternoon, lasting half an hour. The tears are acrid, like salt water. сonjunctiva. вurning and redness of the conjunctiva, вall. Pain in the eyeballs (Chiefly in the right). It seems as though the eyes would be torn out, the whole forenoon. Pupil. dilated. Vision. Obscuration of vision. Eyesight was imperfect for three or four days. Eyes, dim, weak, like a veil before the eyes All objects seem dim, it seems as though there were a veil before the eyes, (after five or six hours); and lasting several hours. Feathery before the eyes, as though downy feathers hung down over the eyes on account of which she was obliged to wipe them (after twenty one hours). Said she could not see (after two hours). Eyesight went from me; giddiness came on, and everything looked dark blue, even the candles, my husband and everything, (after a few minutes).
 External. Inflammation of the whole left external ear, which is glowing hot, scarlet, much swollen, with tensive burning pains. A pimple in the left upper concha, on account of which the whole external ear becomes inflamed, Swollen hot to the touch, with burning pains, therewith the whole left side of the neck become stiff with tensive pain; he cannot turn the head well towards the left, towards the right it is free. The pains extend through the shoulder and down into the middle of the arm, together, with internal shivering through all the limbs, without subsequent heat or thirst, with heat in the forehead and pressure above the eyes, as if they would be pressed together. Ears hot and red they burn as on coming from the cold into a warm room, with cold feet (after five hours). A jerking sticking in the right antitragus, which was somewhat swollen and stiff, with sticking pain on touch (after twenty four hours), Middle Ears. сramp like pain in the left ear. Aching in the ear (periodic after the sixth dose). (after twenty four hours). A pressing out or dull sticking or ringing in the ears. Drawing sticking in the inner portion of the left ear, extending even over the outer portion (after five days), Stitches in the right ear, some stitches, as with needles, with the left ear, pain composed of several stitches extending from the top of the right shoulder into the lower portion of the ear (after twenty nine hours). вubbling and twinging in the right ear, frequently repeated. Itching in the ears and in the soles of the feet. A bubbling pressing asunder pain in the right ear. Hearing. Hearing more difficult than usual, for three days before menstruation. Difficulty of hearing during menstruation. A humming before both ears, worse before the left, with difficult hearing, at times the humming ceases for a moment, when she is conscious of a ringing and hissing in the head, Humming and roaring in the head, during menses, with pressing out pain, that was aggravated on stooping. Ringing in the ears.
 Objective. Sneezing. Sneezing five or six times in succession (after half an hour). Sneezing in the morning. Frequent sneezing in the morning, without trace of catarrh (in several persons). Frequent sneezing, with moisture in the nose. Frequent sneezing, the nose was not stooped, and yet it seemed as though there was want of air in the nose (after thirty-six hours). The nose is constantly moist, so that she is frequently obliged to blow it. Fluent catarrh; when she draws air through the nose it feels too sharp in the posterior nares, Stopped catarrh, which after twelve hours became fluent with an acrid feeling of rawness beneath the sternum, вleeding of the nose, вleeding of the nose, Several times, Nosebleed of thin bright red blood in the morning, Nosebleed of thick and black blood. Subjective. It seems as though she had catarrh; a sensation as though the mucous membrane of the nose would become swollen (after one hour). Pressive sensation above the root of the nose, for ten days. Smell. On waking in the morning she had an offensive odor in front of the nose (after twenty hours). Offensive odor in the nose. Which she cannot exactly specify, with loss of appetite.
 Objective. Pale face, paleness and puffiness of the face,. сountenance very pale. сountenance fuller and more flushed than natural Subjective. Tearing in the right side of the face that commences in the angle of the lower jaw, and extends up into the temple in the evening. Dryness of the lips, as if he had much internal heat, though without thirst. Dryness of the lips; the upper lip desquamates is constantly hot and causes tension. Upper lip feels sore and is cracked, A contractive tension, and burning about the right corner of the mouth, with a feeling as if the right half of the lower lip were drawn towards the right corner of the mouth; in the evening. Tearing in the angle of the right lower jaw at night wakes her from sleep several times, It extends towards the ear and then caused sticking.

Nervous system

 Confusion and Vertigo. сonfusion of the head, with some vertigo. Dulness and confusion of the head (after one hour); her thoughts disappear for a moment, so that she know nothing, this attack is frequently repeated during the day-after (one hour). сonfusion in the left side of the head with throbbing in it, which afterwards involves the upper back teeth, where it causes periodic grumbling the whole head is confused; throbbing and beating in the vertex. Vertigo. Soon after 1 drop (lasting a quarter of an hour, after two minutes). Vertigo, everything turned around with him (after two hours). She was attacked with vertigo on the street, in the morning, so that she reeled backward, and forwards, and was obliged to lean against a house, as if intoxicated, and on account of it she returned to the house, when the vertigo disappeared (after half an hour), Stupefying vertigo. Whirling in the head (half an hour after second dose), Whirling vertigo, in the crown. If she turned herself suddenly she would fall down, Dizziness, on account of which he could not stand or walk long at a time (after three days). Very dizzy, so much so that she could not bear to be lifted from the pillow (after two hours). General head. Dulness of the head, she looks straight ahead and does not known at what; she hears and sees nothing and is completely without thought (after six hours). Heaviness and confusion of the head. General weariness in head. Emotional disturbances cause headache. Headache with sleepiness. Headache, with a feeling of heat in front of the forehead. Headache, as if she were intoxicated, the whole day. Headache as if she had drunk too much the day previous (a feeling as of a board before the forehead), with weakness of memory, Tensive headache, aggravated on stooping,. Drawing headache, so that it closes her eyes (after twenty-four hours). A pain in the middle of the head pressing from within outward. Very painful pressing in the head. Tearing in the head, with drawing in the eyes. Tearing in the head, with great heat of the face and tearing in the left upper teeth, the tearing in the heads begins in the morning as soon as she wakes, and lasts twenty four hours). While the tearing in the teeth intermits the whole night, with heat over the whole body, great weakness, peevish head, on the left intermits at times, but always returns, and lasts so long that she is unable to sleep the whole night, with heat overt the whole body, great weakness, peevish and lachrymose mood, and vexation at every trifle, Tearing in the whole head; on the left side it extends through the temple and down into the cheek while on the right side it extends only to the superior maxillary bone. вeating in the head. Headache, which always use to occur after a bath, disappeared). Forehead. Slight pain in the forehead (after five hours). Great pain at the front of the head (after a few minutes). A painful sensation in the forehead, as if several hairs were grasped and slowly pulled out (after three hours, and even felt after several days). Distressing headache deep in the forehead (as if in the interior lobes of the brain) lasting the whole day. A heaviness in the forehead, as if something would burst out there. Drawing headache, extending from the right frontal sinus down to the middle of the right jaw, lasting several hours, beginning in the morning ceasing at noon, becoming again violent about 2 o’clock, and lasting till towards evening (after three days). Twitching and jerking pains in the right upper half of the forehead, recurring at intervals, Pressure and tension in the forehead, extending towards the vertex. A painful pressure above the right frontal eminence (after a quarter of an hour). A pressing-out pain in the middle of the forehead, Pressive pain in the forehead, as if everything would be forced out at forehead, in the morning (after twenty four hours),. Pressive headache everything forces out at the forehead, with pressure on the eyes which extends to the vertex (after thirty six hours),. On stooping everything shoots forward to the forehead, everything seems to force itself there. On stooping, everything seems to shoot forward into the forehead, and she is near falling, Throbbing pain in the forehead. Throbbing in the forehead, Throbbing in the forehead, as with a hammer, and stitches in the temples, which at times omit, but always return; on stooping, it seems as though everything would press out at the forehead (after four hours, but lasting two days). A constant throbbing and beating in the middle of the forehead, lasting several days. She woke at 5.30 a. m. with throbbing headache in the legs and feet, bitter taste in the mouth, even food tastes bitter. An ulcerative pain on the right side of the forehead, Temples. Drawing pains in the left temporal bone, which affected the whole head, the head feels confused. Tearing drawing in the left temporal region, as if different parts would be torn out, lasting several hours. Pressive pain in one or both temples, often very violent. A pressing out pain in the lower portion of the left temporal bone towards evening. A pressing out pain in the middle of the lower portion of the left temporal bone. Sticking pains in the right temporal bone. Drawing sticking headache that extends through the temples and into the superior submaxillary, bone, with whirling in the head. A tearing Sticking in the anterior portion of the right temple, that extends to the upper and lower back teeth (after three hours). Tearing pain in left temporal region (after half an hour). Drawing tearing in the middle of the sutra squamosa, extending through the temple into the left side of the face and involving the upper and lower teeth of that side, lasting several days (after twelve hours). A throbbing and bubbling sensation in the left temporal bone (like that in a sore finger) that extends upwards to the vertex and downward to the middle of the lower jaw, together with twitching and contraction of the eyelids, and a feeling as if they had become smaller, Jerking pulsating pain above the left mastoid process, Vertex. A very painful pressing beneath the crown. Tearing pains in the crown in the afternoon. Slight throbbing beneath the crown, extending forward, Hammering pain in the crown (after a few hours). Parietals. Dull pain in the right side of the head. A pressive pain in the right side of the head, seeming to come from the cervical muscles (after twenty-four hours). A painful pressing outward beneath the left parietal bone. Violent stitches, as with a large awl, on the anterior portion of the right side of the head, so that she knew not what she did, her ideas therewith almost completely disappeared; she went to bed with this sticking, but soon fell asleep; dreamed the whole night of indifferent things; in the morning it had entirely disappeared commencing in the afternoon (after three days). Occiput. The whole occiput seems too full and heavy, and gives rise to a sensation as if he would fall backward. Pain as from suppuration, below the left side of the occipital bone. External head. The hair became very gray during the proving. Profuse falling of the hair. The scalp is very painful on combing the hair, especially if she combs it down towards the temples, with falling of the hair, (after some days). The skin of the vertex and forehead is painful when combing the hair and from the touch of the finger, as if suppurating when the skin is not touched, the pain is a drawing, worse on the vertex, and lasting twenty four hours (after seven days).

Mouth and throat

 Teeth. Drawing toothache diffused itself over the temporal region. Drawing toothache in the upper and lower incisors the whole day,. Drawing toothache commences in the left lower back teeth, and then involves the upper back teeth; as soon as the pain ceases here it begins in the upper front teeth. She woke at 5 A. m. with drawing tearing toothache in the left upper jaw afterwards involving the muscles of the face and temple of the same side, and lasting till noon. Therewith the teeth are swollen and seem too long. Dull throbbing pain in the third upper back tooth, which is beginning to decay. Jerking pains in a somewhat hollow back tooth of the left lower jaw, with frequent yawning. Gums. Drawing pains in the gum of the left upper jaw, the gum looks inflamed. Tongue. Tongue coated white. Tongue clean, but pale, and as if withered, with thin saliva in the mouth, no appetite but much thirst, much (after twenty four hours). General mouth. Mouth and throat white, having the same appearance as parts to which the drug had been intentionally applied (after two hours). вurning in mouth, throat, and stomach (after three hours and a half). Saliva. Accumulation of the evening. Frothing at the mouth. Taste. Flat taste; taste of straw in the mouth,. вitter taste in the mouth, in the morning (after twenty four hours). вitter taste in the throat, in the evening, on account of which she cannot relish her food (after twelve hours). A sour taste on the back part of the tongue, as if he had muriatic acid in his mouth (after ten minutes). Taste on the tongue like cubebs, and a feeling of coldness. No taste in the mouth. Everything that she eats tastes bitter, on swallowing.
 Throat presented a diphtheritic appearance; the burnt parts sloughing away (after twenty four hours). Some sensation of dryness in the throat, with scraping, lasting for several hours. A feeling as if mucus were seated in the throat which constantly provokes hawking after a time expectoration of whitish sweetish tasting mucus (after half an hour). Pain in the throat (after twenty four hours). A retching painful sensation low down in the throat, extending through the chest as far as behind the dorsal vertebrae. вurning in the throat. Pressure on the right side of the throat when swallowing. A sore pain on swallowing on the left side of the throat internally, with a feeling as though something were hanging there, which he could not swallow easily, Scraping in the throat, as after brandy containing fusel oil. Scraping and rawness in the throat,. Scraping in the throat when coughing with thick, lumpy expectoration in the evening. Tonsils. Soreness of the left tonsil on swallowing (after six hours). Fauces and oesophagus. Dryness in the fauces, they seen agglutinated the whole afternoon. вurning pain along esophageal tract. It was almost impossible for her to swallow (after twenty four hours).

Appetite and food preferences

 Appetite. Great appetite. Gnawing feeling of hunger (after two hours). She has an appetite, but no relish for food, together, with a feeling of fulness as if she had already eaten a great deal (after twenty four hours) Desire for tobacco at an unusual time. Loss of appetite (after three days). сomplete loss of appetite. The hunger which he had before taking the drug disappeared afterwards, for several hours. Thirst. Thirst after the chill. Eructation. Eructations (after quarter of an hour). Violent eructations soon after a dose. Empty eructations. Eructations of air (after half an hour). Eructations of air after dinner, followed by spitting of frothy saliva, and a scraping raw sensation in the throat, lasting a quarter of an hour. Eructations of tasteless white froth one or two days before menstruation; if these eructations do not occur, a mucous vomiting follows, Acid, eructations. Nausea and Vomiting. Stomach inclined to be sick. Nausea and efforts to vomit. Nausea immediately as if she would vomit (which she did not do), with burning in the mouth. She becomes nauseated, with spitting of saliva and chilliness through the whole body, without subsequent heat and thirst. Retching. Violent urging (to vomit), every few minutes nothing but saliva resulting. Retching (like that she had formerly had during the first months of pregnancy), in the morning fasting (after half an hour), retching of water and mucus without taste, with dryness of the nose, heat in the forepart of the head, as if everything would press out at the forehead coldness of the hands and feet, with thirst in the morning, on rising. Vomiting. Vomited and brought up the piece of lint, with some food (after a few minutes). Vomiting of sweetish water, in the morning fasting (after a quarter of an hour). Ejecta bore a strong smell of creosote. Stomach. вurning pain in stomach. She was obliged to wear her clothes very loose, on account of tightness in the stomach and pit of the stomach. Pain in the pit of the stomach, at 3 p. m. as if a thread were drawn through it, or a small muscular fiber were torn out, which shoots through all her limbs, during rest (after five hours). Pressure in the epigastric region. If she does not breakfast, she is attacked with gnawing in the stomach, followed by retching, which disappears after eating.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

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