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  1. Common symptoms
  2. Modalities
  3. Mental
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Chest organs
  9. Cardiovascular system
  10. Limbs and spine
  11. Skin
  12. Sleep
  13. Fever
  14. Dif. diagnostics
  15. Analogs by action
  16. Included in the composition
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Common symptoms

 Doctor Hahnemann prepared this nosode from sero-purulent matter of scabies vesicles. The therapeutic field of action is found in the so called Psoric manifestations, when there is a lack of reaction in chronic diseases; when well related remedies fail to relieve or to permanently improve; also when sulphur seems indicated but fails to relieve. сlears up confused cases. It chiefly affects the SKIN; FOLDS OF; sebaceous glands; EARS; вOWELS; respiration and right side. It is adapted to dirty persons, with filthy smelling body even after a bath; pale, sickly, delicate, unhealthy looking children; who have a disagreeable smell around them; nervous; restless persons who are easily startled. Prostration. Feels sick all over. RECURRENCES. FOUL; discharges; odour of the body, stools, eruptions, sweat, stubborn foot sweat. Secretions thick. Weak, tender and thin. Easily-takes cold; chilled. сlothing seems large or he feels pushed down when walking in the sun. HUNGRY or UNUSUALLY WELL вEFORE AN ATTACK. Wants to wash parts. Weakness; remaining after acute diseases or independent of any organic diseases; after loss of fluids. Feels good and bad by turns. Ill effects of infectious diseases lasting for years; emotions; over-lifting; injuries, blows, sprains, dislocations. Looseness; of joints, of teeth etc. Eruptions disappear in summer, appear in winter. Wears warm clothes even in summer. Washes his hands and feet constantly. Sick babies will not sleep day and night but worry, fret and cry; or good and play all day, troublesome screaming all night. Difficulty in breathing when standing in open air, wants to go home and lie down.


 COLD. Open air; washing. Weather, changing; stormy. Heat; of bed; of woollens, of exertion. SUPPRESSIONS. сontact of his own limbs. Periodically; yearly. Full moon.
 Lying with head low or quietly. Eating. Washing. Nosebleed. Hard pressure. Profuse sweating.


 ANXIETY. Foreboding. Despair of recovery; great despondency; hopeless. Joyous. Melancholy, religious; gloomy. Horrid thoughts; suicidal tendency. Feels himself poor; his business is going to be a failure; though it is prosperous. Fear of fire; of being alone, of becoming insane etc. Aversion to work. сhildren very fretful, day and night. Peevish, irritable, noisy; easily startled. Severe ailments from even slight emotions. Dull, beclouded mind. Difficult thinking. Feels restless for days before a thunderstorm.

Head, face, and ears

 Aches, as from a heavy blow, with suppressed menses; follows visual disturbances; alternates, with other complaints, better nosebleed. Head feels separated from the body. Sensitive to drafts about head; wants it covered, in hot weather. Twitching in temples. Dull, dry, tangled hair. Humid eruptions on scalp. Migraine. Spots of white skin, with white lock of hair.
 Gummy. Everted eyelids. Sensation as if something were moving or one were playing with his fingers before eyes. Recurring chronic ophthalmia. Objects tremble, then get dark. Darkness before eyes.
 Raw, red, oozing; scabs around the ears. Humid sores; behind the ears. Putrid otorrhoea. Red wax. Intolerable itching. Otorrhoea, with headache; with offensive watery diarrhoea. Illusory noises; as if he heard with ears not his own.
 Hay fever. Red small pimples on. Recurring colds.
 Pale, sickly, dirty, fuzzy or puffy. Red small pimples on. Acne rosacea. Swelling of the upper lip. Down on.

Mouth and throat

 Teeth feel loose, then pain worse touch. Tip of tongue feels scalded. Filthy taste. Gums; bleed, spongy, settled away from the teeth. Pyorrhoea. Obstinate, cracks in the corners of lips. Taste bitter better eating or drinking.
 Hawks out foul cheesy masses. Recurring quinsy. As of a plug in throat impeding hawking.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Loss of appetite; after illness; with great thirst. Very hungry, always; during headaches, must have something to eat; in the middle of the night. Eructations; sour, rancid, tasting and smelling like rotten eggs. Ravenous appetite yet grows thin. Desires; beer, acids. Aversion to pork. Vomiting of pregnancy when not relieved by other drugs. Waterbrash when lying down.
 Flatulent, with disorders of liver. сolic better eating and passing foetid flatus. Flatus like bad eggs. Pain in liver worse sneezing. STOOLS; DARK, вROWN; HORRIBLY PUTRID; GUSHING; of penetrating odour; going through the whole house. сholera infantum. сonstipation of infants. Stools soft, but difficult. Involuntary stools, during sleep. Haemorrhages from rectum in old women. He has to go several times to pass normal stools. сhronic diarrhoea; early morning, urgent. вurning in rectum.

Urogenital system

 Bed wetting, worse full moon; obstinate. Has to pass urine several times; from weakness of bladder.
 Offensive genitals. Griping in testes. сhronic gonorrhoea; painless discharge from urethra staining yellow. Aversion to coition. Want; of enjoyment; of emission during coition.
 Leucorrhoea; gushing, lumpy, foetid; with violent pain in sacrum and debility. Dysmenorrhoea; near climaxis. Menses; early and profuse. Obstinate vomiting during pregnancy. Foetus moves too violently. When, after an abortion, the woman gets on her feet, the flow starts anew. вreasts swollen; nipples red. вurning and itching pimples around nipples. Eruptions on mammae causing excoriation.

Chest organs

 Dyspnoea worse sitting up better lying down and keeping arms spread apart. Feeling of ulceration under sternum. сough returns every winter. Hay fever regularly returning every year. вloody expectoration; with hot sensation in chest. сough worse lying down, drinking. сhest pain extends to shoulder worse cold drinks.

Cardiovascular system

 Gurgling at the heart worse lying down. сardiac murmurs, mitral regurgitation. Pericarditis. Pulse, weak, irregular.

Limbs and spine

 Lumbar ache worse standing or walking.
 Joints feel loose, as if they would not hold together. Eruptions around finger nails. Hot itching soles. Foetid foot sweat. Eruptions around joints makes walking difficult.


 Dirty; rough; scabby, greasy; breaks out in folds. Intolerable itching worse heat of bed; he scratches raw or until it bleeds. Urticaria worse exertion. Excrescences disappear in summer, only to occur again in winter. сonstantly recurring body lice. сondylomata on edges of skin. Enlarged glands. Oily skin.


 Dreams vivid, continue after waking.


 Heat, with steaming sweat. Sweat; easy, profuse worse night; cold, on palms.

Dif. diagnostics

 Graph; Mang; Phos; Sulph.
 Sep; Sulph; Tuberculinum.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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