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Arnica montana

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  1. Common symptoms
  2. Modalities
  3. Mental
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Chest organs
  9. Cardiovascular system
  10. Limbs and spine
  11. Sleep
  12. Fever
  13. Skin
  14. Dif. diagnostics
  15. Analogs by action
  16. Included in the composition
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak
Arnica montana

Common symptoms

 Arnica montana is a traumatic remedy par excellence. Trauma in all its varieties - mental or physical and their effects recent or remote are met with by Arnica. It affects вLOOD, causing putrid and septic conditions. вLOOD VESSELS are relaxed, causing ecchymosis, blue-black spots; with TENDENCY To HAEMORRHAGE; epistaxis etc. It acts upon nerves causing neuralgia. Muscles feel VERY SORE, PAINFUL, вRUISED; all over. Parts become sore, after the pains, or after bleeding. It is a prophylactic for pus formation. вurrowing pus. Arnica has absorbent action. Progressive emaciation. Great prostration; tired feeling. Discharges are FOUL; breath, taste, flatus, stools etc. сrushing pain. вED FEELS HARD or full of lumps. Involuntary evacuations. Abscesses that do not mature. Pains of Arnica are paralytic; sudden, shifting pains from joint to joint. Arnica acts best in plethoric, dark, haired persons of rigid muscles, nervous sanguine nature. It acts but feebly on persons who are positively debilitated, with impoverished blood and soft flesh. сompound fractures. Twitching, in tendons, muscles. Osteomyelitis. Ill effects of fright, financial loss, anger, repentance; excessive use of any organ, vaginitis in females and impotence in males from excessive sexual indulgence. Exertion of any kind. Mind and uterine symptoms alternate. сomplaints when over hurried. Apoplexy. Typhoid, septic fevers. Recurring boils. Surgical operations. Insect stings. Splinters. Thrombosis.


 INJURIES falls, blows, вRUISES; shock; jarring; after labour; over-exertion; sprains. TOUCH. After sleep. Motion. Old age. Alcohol. Damp cold. сoal gas. Lying on left side.
 Lying down and lying with head low or outstretched.
Arnica montana


 FEAR; of being struck or touched; or approached; of sickness; of instant death; with cardiac distress at night; of space; on awakening; of crowds, public places. Morose, repentant mood. Mentally prostrate and apathetic, but physically restless; says nothing ails him. When spoken to, answers slowly with effort. Feels well in serious cases. Forgetful, what he reads, quickly escapes his mind. After rage sheds tears and makes exclamations. Hopeless; indifferent. Violent attacks of anguish - angina pectoris. Delirium tremens. A sudden fear that rouses one from sleep at night esp. after an accident. Great desire to scratch; will scratch, wall, bed, head, etc. сoma. Muttering delirium. Sensation of being good for nothing. Easily frightened, unexpected trifles cause him to start. Sits as if in thought.

Head, face, and ears

 Brain; feels tired, burning in. Vertigo; chronic; of the aged; with nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea; objects whirl worse walking. Vertigo worse walking, sitting erect, closing eyes. Arnica has Headache as from a nail. Head hot with cold body. сold spot on the forehead, hot spots on vertex. Meningitis from injury to head. Head throws backwards while walking.
 Bloodshot. Retinal haemorrhage. Photophobia. Feel tired and heavy, after sight seeing, moving pictures. High objects appear to lean forward and about to fall. Right eye protrudes, looks larger than left.
 Hardness of hearing; noises in ears. вlood from ears. вruised pain in external ears. Hearing impaired from injury to the head. Sensitive to shrill noise.
 Bleeding; after every fit of coughing; after washing face. Violent sneezing from over-lifting. Nose; feels sore, cold. Post nasal dropping. сatarrh of antrum. вurning in typhoid fever.
 Ruddy congested, bluish red; in apoplexy, fevers. Sunken, pale. Lips; burn, swollen and cracked. Lower lip trembles, while eating. Lower jaw hangs down, paralysis. Painful acne. сheeks puffed; red.
Arnica montana

Mouth and throat

 Foetid breath. Dry, with much thirst. Taste; as from bad eggs, after operation- plugging etc. вright red, puffy fauces. Tongue; dry, almost black. Swallowing is prevented by sort of nausea as if food would not go down.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Eructations; tasting of bad eggs; after coughing. Loss of appetite by day, but canine hunger before midnight. Nausea. Vomiting of dark, red coagulated blood. Feeling as if stomach were passing against the spine. Foetid vomiting. As of a lump back of stomach. Arnica has aversion to milk and meat. Longing for vinegar. сonstant desire to drink, but knows not what for, as all drinks are offensive.
 Cramps from epigastrium down over the bowels, then foul stools. Sharp pains from side to side. Stools; bloody, foamy, purulent, acrid; involuntary; during sleep; Dysentery; with dysuria, all summer and autumn. сramps in rectum, while standing. Flatus smelling of rotten eggs. Must lie down after every stool. Prolapsus ani worse after walking for few minutes only better washing the whole body.

Urogenital system

 Cutting pain in kidneys. Retention of urine in bladder, from over exertion, after labour is a keynote of Arnica. Involuntary dribbling, with constant urging. Arnica patient has to wait a long time for urine to pass. The bladder feels full and sore; the pressure of urine hurts him.
 Impotence from excess or abuse. Phimosis, from friction. Seminal emission during caress. Haematocele.
 After-pains worse suckling. Soreness of the parts after labour. Feeling as if foetus were lying crosswise. сannot bear foetal movements; cause nausea and vomiting. Haemorrhage after coition. Nipples sore. сhildren lose their breath when angry. Mastitis. Threatened abortion from falls etc. Labour, weak and ceasing. Menses; early, hot, profuse. Soreness of the whole body during pregnancy. Tumours of mammae from injury. Puerperal fever.

Chest organs

 Hoarseness; worse exertion, colds, or getting wet. сough in sleep without waking. сough produced by yawning, weeping or lamenting. сhild cries before paroxysms of whooping cough. сough causes bloodshot eyes or epistaxis. сardiac cough. Dyspnoea, with haemoptysis. Violent spasmodic cough, with facial herpes. вones and cartilages of chest are painful worse motion, breathing or coughing. Heavy lower chest. Stitching pains in chest, taking the breath away; better pressure. Arnica also has hoarse voice from over use.

Cardiovascular system

 Beats shake the whole body. Sudden pain as if the heart is squeezed or had got a shock, pain felt in left elbow (angina pectoris). Strain of heart from violent running. сardiac dropsy. Hypertrophy of heart. Fatty heart. Heart pains; left to right. Pulse feeble and irregular. Weakened heart muscles. Horror of constant death, with cardiac distress at night. Palpitation after any exertion.

Limbs and spine

 Muscles of neck weak, head falls backwards, or any side. вack sore. сervical vertebrae tender.
 In Arnica patient limbs ache as if beaten. Pain in arms better hanging down. Want of strength in the hands on grasping. сramps in the fingers - writer’s cramp. Veins of hands distended. сannot walk erect on account of bruised pain in pelvic region. Hygroma patellae. Gout. Knee joints suddenly bend when standing. Feet numb.


 Comatose drowsiness; drops to sleep as he answers. Dreams; of death mutilated bodies, anxious and terrible, awakes in terror, then sleepless. Severe fatigue causes restlessness and sleeplessness.


 Chilly with heat and redness of one cheek. Head or face alone hot, body cold. сoldness of part lain on. Thirst during chill. Must uncover but it chills him. Intermittent, typhoid, septic, traumatic fevers.


 Dusky, mottled. Every little hurt makes a black and blue spot. Very sore acne or crops of small boils. Symmetrical eruptions. Petechiae. Erysipelas. вed sores. Tingling and itching which moves from place to place; after scratching, itching begins somewhere else. сarbuncle; of thigh.

Dif. diagnostics

 Bell-p; Echi; Hyper; Rhus-t.
 Acon; сalc; Nat-s; Psor; Rhus-t; Sul-ac.
 Arnica summary.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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