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Phytolacca decandra

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Additional facts
  3. Psyche and consciousness
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Appetite and food preferences
  7. Analogs by action
  8. Included in the composition
  9. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Additional facts

 Phytolacca decandra, L.
 Natural order: Phytolaccaceae.
 Preparation: Tincture of the root.

Psyche and consciousness

 Feeling of intoxication and weakness on rising and walking about (second day). Increased cheerfulness of the mind. The mind has been gloomy since I began taking it, and more than usually irritable (fourth day); more cheerful (fifth day). Great loss of personal delicacy; there appeared to be a total disregard of all surrounding objects, and no disposition to adjust their persons under any circumstances. Sense of entire indifference to life, and disgust for the business of the day, on waking, early in the morning. Indisposition to mental exertion, with the heavy aching feeling in the head and vertigo (after three hours and a half, fourth day). The patients in a half stupor all the time, and would fall asleep immediately after a paroxysm of cramping had passed.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo. Alarming vertigo, with nausea (after half an hour).
 Vertigo; (after one hour and a half). Vertigo, with dimness of vision. Dulness, giddiness, and vertigo. I have sometimes observed slight narcotic symptoms during the operation of Phytolacca, particularly vertigo. Transient giddiness. He never noticed any dizziness or stupor from it, although he had always been particular in his inquiries to know if any such symptoms took place. Slight dizziness, with the heat in the head (after three hours, third day). General Head. Head thrown backward to its utmost extent. Dulness of the head. Dulness in the head, with the general disturbed feeling in the stomach (after half an hour). Dull feeling in the head. Heaviness in the head, and especially in the temples. About 11 p.m, a feeling of heaviness or weight in the head, and vertigo began; the heavy feeling extended down through the shoulders and chest, and later in the day through the legs (third day). Some heaviness of the head, accompanied by a feeling on the back part of the tongue as if burnt, soon. A heavy aching feeling in the head, with vertigo and indisposition to mental exertion (after three hours and a half, fourth day). Headache, with sickness at the stomach. Headache (after one hour and a half); (after third dose, second day); slight all day (third day). During the forenoon I had a severe headache, which began soon after breakfast; a part of the time the whole head ached; a part of the time the pain was in the temples, and was accompanied by a slight vertigo, and a part of the time the pain was most marked in or confined to the occiput; walking or riding increased the pain, but walking the most (fourth day). Headache, with sickness of the stomach, from walking. Headache. Pain through the whole head of a dull character (after three hours and three-quarters). Pains throughout the head, aching. The pain in head is increased by looking down and by stooping. Moving, transitory pains in various parts of the head, almost constantly, generally in one side at a time, but more frequently and most severe on right side. No pains in head until leucorrhoea commenced, then had pain through both temples. Sore pain over the head, worse on the right side and in damp weather, as if an attack of sick headache were approaching.
 Sensation of soreness in the interior of the had. Sensation of soreness in the interior of the head, deep in the brain. Pressure in the head, as if it would burst, at 3 (second day). Many of the symptoms, especially those about the head and throat, are better after breakfast, while the heat and many of the abdominal symptoms are worse, in the afternoon. Forehead. Dulness, with sensation of weight in the forehead. Dull pain in the forehead.
 Dull, steady, aching pain, principally in the forehead. Dull, heavy headache in the forehead, a constant symptom; sharp, shooting pains in right temple. Heavy aching pain about the forehead, after dinner. Dull pressing pain in the forehead, accompanied by slight nausea, with cool perspiration on the forehead and feeling of weakness (after one hour and a quarter); the nausea and headache were somewhat relieved by eating supper, but soon returned. Headache, commencing in the frontal region and extending backward. Pain in the region of time and mirthfulness, on the right side. Pain in the forehead and temples very severe, with a feeling of lassitude (first night). The pains in the head are chiefly in the forehead, and worse after dinner. One-sided pain just above the eyebrows, with sickness of the stomach.
 Slight pain in the forepart of the had, with increased sense of hearing. Slight pain in the tuberosities of the forehead. Slight fullness of forehead, with constant gaping. Pressure in the forehead, after dinner, most in the glabella. Pressure on forehead and upper parts of both eyes, painful. Slight pressure across the forehead, with gaping. Slight constriction across the forehead. Temple. Severe pain in the temples (after four hours).
 Pain in the temples, with pressure outward (after three hours, third day). Pain in the temples and forehead, at 7 p.m (second day). Pain in the left temple, followed by burning in the skin, in the left region of time. Drawing pain in the right temple.
 Pain and pressure in the temples (after two hours). Pressure on the temples and constrictive feeling at the precordia, like the feeling that precedes sea-sickness. Pressure in the temples.
 Pressure in the temples and over the eyes. Vertex. Heaviness at the top of the head (soon after fifth dose). Pain in the top of the head, and a sensation as if the brain were bruised, when stepping from a high step to the ground. Pressure in the top of the head, with dryness, lasting an hour (fifteen minutes after second dose, second day). Headache in the vertex, beginning while riding, at 5 ; motion increased the pain and caused vertigo; pain lasted until I went to sleep at night (after five hours and a half). Parietals. Throbbing headache on right side. Occiput.
 Pain in the back of the head (after five hours). Dull, bruised pain in the occiput (after two hours and a quarter). Pain in the left region of combativeness.
 Eyes deeply sunk in their orbits (after a few hours). Eyes sunk deep in their sockets and surrounded by a livid circle (after one hour and a half). Eyes became much inflamed, and tears flowed continually (after three hours). The eyes ached and were subjectively sore (second day). Sensation of twitching about the eyes. Shooting pain from the left eye to the top of the head, which passes off and returns at short intervals. Shooting from the left eye to the top of the head. Pressure in the eyes. Some painful pressure on the upper part of both eyes and forehead.
 Sandy feeling in the eyes. Smarting in the left eye. Sensation in the eyes like that caused by horseradish. Feeling in the eyes and nose as if a cold would come on. вurning and smarting sensation in the left eye with great flow of tears. The prominent feeling in the eyes is that of smarting. The symptoms of the eyes and eyelids are worse in the morning, but the vision is worse in the evening. During one of the provings the symptoms of the eyes became so severe that Sulphur was taken as an antidote, and all the subsequent symptoms appeared on the left side. When enumerating the symptoms of the eyes only, we find the left one most frequently mentioned. Orbit. Aching pain along the lower half of the right orbit. Pressure around the eyes in the afternoon, as if the eyes were too large. Pressure over the eyes.
 Lids. Eyelids agglutinated and oedematous, as if poisoned (second morning); this state continued two days. Agglutination of the eyelids, during the night. Reddish-blue swelling of the eyelids, worse on the left side and in the morning; cannot close the eyes without pain all the forenoon, better in the afternoon. Soreness on closing the eyelids. Lids feel as if granulated, and the tarsal edges have a scalded, hot feeling, as if raw (fourth day); granulated, sandy sensation in the lids, with same sensation upon the edges (fifth day). The lids felt as if coals of fire were laid upon them. Sensation as if a grain of sand were lodged under the left eyelid, causing a secretion and flow of tears from that eye. Smarting in the internal canthi of both eyes, but worse in the left one, and very much aggravated by gaslight, in the evening. Itching at internal canthi of the eyes, very severe, which causing the application of the finger to rub the eye, the ball became very painful from the slightest pressure. Lachrymal Apparatus. Eyes and nose ran freely, like water, for two hours, and stooped shortly before vomiting stopped. Flow of tears all the time form the eyes, relieved in the open air. Pupil. Great dilatation of pupils (after five hours). Pupils dilated; (after one hour and a half). Vision. Long-sightedness. Dizziness of vision now began to be manifest (after four hours and a quarter); impairment of vision increasing (after five hours). Diplopia; not only two, but four and five reduplications of an object were apparent; the objects, whether double, triple, or otherwise, were in the same horizontal plane (first day); the diplopia grew worse, in the evening, and again three or four reduplications were visible (second day); the same eye symptoms, with evening exacerbation (third day); diplopia, with twitching (fourth day); only when suddenly raising the eyes to look at a higher object (fifth day). Obscurity of vision. Dimness of vision; (after one hour and a half). Aversion to light. Photophobia, in the morning.
 Pain in both ears, worse in the right one. Shooting pain in the right ear, very quick. A sensation of obstruction in the left Eustachian tube, with a rushing sound in the ear of the same side, and a feeling as if the hearing were dull, while at the same time it is sensitive to the most minute sounds. Irritation in one of the Eustachian tubes. Increased sense of hearing, with pain in the forehead. Increased sense of hearing; the right is most affected.
 Pustule in the nostril (fifth day). Flow of mucus from one nostril, while the other is stopped. Discharge of mucus from one nostril at a time, sometimes one and sometimes the other. сoryza.
 Severe coryza (after three hours, third day; after four hours, fourth day). Fluent coryza, for two days (after two days). All the effects of a severe coryza. Total obstruction of the nose when riding, so that one is forced to breathe altogether through the mouth, and cannot relieve himself by blowing the nose.
 Stoppage of the right nostril. During the night one nostril was stopped up (second day). Sensation in nostril is smarting and stinging, at 9 p.m; have ridden in open carriage three hours; sensation in throat almost entirely gone, at 1 ; have seen in a warm room about two hours and find symptom returning, but less violent, at 5 (second day). Sensation in the right nostril as if tickled with a stiff feather (after three hours and a quarter). He felt first a burning sensation in the nose, then dryness in the throat, which soon produced soreness; then, watery discharge form the nostrils, which increased until the nose became stuffed. Drawing sensation about the root of the nose.
 Drawing sensation above the root of the nose. Feeling in the nose and eyes as if a cold would come on.
 Sickly-looking countenance; sclerotica and face of a dark- yellow color (second day). Expression as though suffering form cholera.
 Countenance pale and hippocratic. Paleness of the face, which looked sunken, blue, and suffering. Paleness of the face. Face very red, almost purple, alternately very pale. Face flushed.
 Suffering intensely with pains in the joints, and bones of the face and head; her sufferings were such that she had not slept for many nights; the pains proceeded form the nodes, especially on the frontal bone, and resembled very much those of periostitis. Pain in the superior maxillary and teeth, at 11 p.m.
 (second day). Pain in the superior maxillary (after three hours, third day). Jaws ached awfully the whole time; seemed as though could not open or stir them.

Mouth and throat

 Teeth. Teeth all ache, are very sore, and feel elongated.
 Shooting pains in the molar teeth of the upper and lower jaws of the right side. Irresistible inclination to bite the teeth together. Tongue. Tongue coated white. A white coating made its appearance on the tongue the third day; it still continues (sixth day). Tongue coated yellow, and dry (after three hours, third day). Tongue swollen and yellow. Tongue feels rough, with blisters on both sides, and a very red tip; great pain in the root of the tongue when swallowing. Tongue and lips dry. Great pain in root of tongue, fauces, etc. A feeling on the back part of the tongue as if burnt accompanied the heaviness of the head.
 Slight feeling of smarting and coldness towards the tip of the tongue. General Mouth. Great congestion and swelling of the soft palate and tonsils;;the right tonsil is half as large again as the left; both are of a very dark red. Swelling of the soft palate. Small ulcers on the inside of the right cheek, like those caused by Mercury. Tenderness and heat in the roof of the mouth and on the tongue. Dryness of the palate, in the morning. Saliva.
 Profuse secretion of saliva each day. Profuse secretion of saliva, in the morning (second day). сonstant flow from mouth, throat, and salivary glands of a thick, ropy, tenacious secretion (after two hours and a quarter). Secretion of saliva increased.
 Mouth fills with water. Flow of saliva into the mouth. The saliva is yellowish and has a metallic taste. сold, sticky, stringy saliva. No saliva. Taste. Metallic taste in the mouth (fourth and fifth days). Taste like nuts, in the mouth. Taste, bitter at first, but leaving a slight feeling of smarting and coldness towards the tip of the tongue.
 Redness and soreness of the throat (after third dose, second day). Sore throat and swelling of the soft palate, in the morning, with a thick white and yellow mucus about the fauces, after the removal of which the throat feels better, and still better after breakfast. Soreness of the throat, and a feeling when swallowing saliva as if a lump had formed there; the same sensation is felt;on turning the head to the left side. Throat sore; the isthmus congested and of a dark-red color; dryness of the throat, with same swelling of the tonsils. Throat felt sore, fauces congested and of a dark color; dryness of the throat; the tonsils were a little swollen. Sensation of rawness and scraping in the throat and tonsils, as if something had lodged at the root of the tongue (second day). Feeling of rawness and excoriation in the throat (after three hours and three-quarters). Roughness and rawness of the throat. Feeling in the throat as though it was burned (after four hours). Pain and suffocating feeling in the throat and lungs (after three hours, third day). Pain and suffocating feeling in the throat and lungs (after two hours).
 While riding, in the forenoon, a sensation of a plug in the throat, not relieved by hawking; this sensation was replaced by an increased discharge of mucus from the posterior nares, which was detached with difficulty, and which continually excited a disposition to attempt to expel it (fourth day). Sensation of a lump in the throat. Sensation as of a lump in the throat, that causes a constant inclination to swallow; sensation as if an apple-core had lodged in the throat. A sensation of the throat being so full that it felt choked; hawking to rid the throat and posterior nares of mucus; the raising of the mucus succeeded the feeling in the throat; a sensation of fullness and as if something had lodged on the left side of the throat came on after bending the head forward in writing, and was aggravated by turning the head to the left. Pressing pain in the right side of the throat. The throat feels very dry and sore, especially on swallowing, in the afternoon. Throat very dry, rough, and sore, with a feeling of a lump therein. Dryness of the throat, which soon produced soreness. Dryness, soreness, roughness, and redness in the throat, all the time (fourth day). Great dryness of the throat. Dryness in the throat, on going to bed. Dryness in the throat, worse in the morning. Felt the medicine all the way from the throat down into and through the abdomen. Tonsils. Tonsils and palate congested, and of a dark-purple color. Tonsils sore and somewhat swollen, in the morning (second day). Tonsils red and swollen (after third dose, second day). Fauces. Eruption in the fauces and oesophagus (after three months). General soreness of the posterior fauces, and apparent extension of the irritation into one of the Eustachian tubes. The fauces experienced an uneasy sensation of dryness, which provoked a hacking and dry cough (after twenty minutes). Slight fullness in the fauces (first day); sensation of fullness in the fauces and upper part of the larynx, and a sensation as of lid there, which lasted until afternoon (soon, second day); the same feeling of fullness that was previously noted, with a disposition to hawk up mucus from the throat, though none could be raised (third day). Feeling as if a ball of red-hot iron had lodged in the fauces and whole length of the oesophagus, when swallowing; the pain was so great that I could eat nothing but fluid for two days; constant choking sensation. Smarting in the fauces (after a few minutes). Dryness of the fauces, most in the morning. Sensation of dryness of a spot in the fauces on the left side, in the morning, continuing until after breakfast. Pharynx. Roughness in the pharynx (constantly). Roughness in the pharynx. Unpleasant sensation of dryness in the pharynx, towards morning, which makes him cough.
 Sensation in the pharynx like that caused by eating choke- pears.
 Dry sensation in the upper part of the pharynx, disposition to hawk and clear the throat, without affording relief (after three hours and a quarter); dryness of the pharynx and hawking still continues; have raised several small pieces of tough, sticky mucus, at 9 p.m; have ridden in open carriage three hours; sensation in throat almost entirely gone, at 1 ; have been in a warm room about two hours, and find symptoms returning, but less violent, at 5 (second day). Swallowing. Difficulty of swallowing, which became so severe that he was unable to swallow even water; every attempt to swallow was attended with excruciating shooting pains through both ears. сould not swallow because the throat felt so dry and rough. External Throat. A very peculiar pressure and tension in the parotids.
 Eructations. сontinued eructation of gases while vomiting.
 Eructations of sour fluid. Eructation of flatus. Eructations, with spitting of water. Eructations of air. Eructations.
 Regurgitation of food through the evening and until I went to sleep. Hiccough. Hiccough, with great inclination to vomit, but no nausea. Nausea and Vomiting. Effects first felt on awaking from an after-dinner nap; nausea, which passed off and recurred in ten minutes, again passed off and recurred, was first felt after two hours. Nausea, with the vertigo, immediately followed by violent retching and vomiting, ejecting the contents of the stomach, which consisted of the ingesta (after half an hour); vomiting now continued at intervals of from one to five minutes, ejecting a transparent mucus, slightly tinged with yellow.
 Nausea, on being awoke out of sleep, in the night. Sickness of the stomach accompanying the headache. Feeling of sickness, as if he would vomit. Sickly feeling in the stomach. Nausea, with a very faint feeling. Nausea, with severe pain in the umbilical region. Nausea (after one hour). Nausea, with the heat in the head (after three hours, third day). Slight nausea, with the dull pressing pain in forehead (after one hour and a quarter); somewhat relieved by eating, but soon returning with increased severity; commenced to vomit ingesta; vomited violently at intervals of ten or fifteen minutes; nausea relieved, and pain in forehead increased by vomiting (after two hours and a quarter); vomited an acrid substance, which caused a feeling of scraping and excoriation in the throat (after three hours); continued acrid vomiting; took a glass of warm water to prevent the empty retching which was becoming very painful (after three hours and three-quarters); drank another glass of warm water, and vomited again in ten minutes (after four hours and a quarter); drank a cup of strong coffee, which the stomach rejected in fifteen minutes (after four hours and three-quarters). Slight nausea most of the time (second day). Slight nausea, with profuse vomiting, without much pain attending it, but a good deal of distress in the stomach. Nausea and violent vomiting, the ingesta of a dark- red color. Nausea and vomiting, the ingesta of a dark-red color.
 Nausea, followed soon by vomiting and purging, continuing for about six hours (after two hours). Deathly sickness all the time; position made no difference about sickness. Violent vomiting.

Appetite and food preferences

 Appetite. Raging appetite. Hungry soon after eating. сanine hunger. The usual appetite remains, notwithstanding the nausea of the stomach. Diminished appetite. Little or no appetite for several days. Loss of appetite. Thirst. Intense thirst (after one hour and a half); (after five hours). Thirst, towards morning, with the feverishness. сonsiderable thirst (first night).

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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Natura Pharma
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