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Колхикум аутумнале

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ⓘ Подробнее о цифровых аудио препаратах
  1. Фармакологическая группа
  2. Дополнительные факты
  3. Психика и сознание
  4. Голова, лицо и уши
  5. Нервная система
  6. Ротовая полость и горло
  7. Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
  8. Аналоги по действию
  9. Входит в состав
  10. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

colch, Colchicum autumnale, безвременник осенний гомеопатия.

Источник описания

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты

Дополнительные факты

 Colchicum autumnale, Linn.
 Natural order: Liliaceae.
 Preparation: Tincture of bulb dug in spring (Stapf’s provings).
 (* According to analyses the bulbs are most active in the fall just after flowering, Schroff, OEst. Zeit. f.p. Heilk, 1856.-T.F.A.

Психика и сознание

 Delirium (second evening), Delirium at night, сarphologia, Lively mood (alternate action), (third day), Especially lively mood (second day), Sad mood (third day), Anxiety, causing sighing, Irritable and peevish (second day).
 Very ill humored; irritable mood (fourth day), Out of Humor; apprehensive of impending evil, Fretful mood, Very fretful, Great peevishness (second day), Morose, ill humored, nothing is right External impressions, for example, bright light, strong odors, contact, the misdeeds of others, make him quite beside himself.
 Great flow of thoughts at night, which disturb sleep (second night), Intellectual faculties very much weakened, The consciousness of logical connection was entirely destroyed, and his perceptive faculties were impaired by the slightest circumstances which interrupted the sequence of ideas, Was unable to write connectedly, Inability to fix the thoughts, wherewith the forehead seems tense, Weakness of memory; he forgets the words which he is about to speak, and can with difficulty collect his thoughts and continue to speak (thirteenth and fifteenth days), Very forgetful and absent minded, Loss of consciousness, Loss of consciousness and of pulse (second day), вecame immediately stupefied, when laid in bed; could, however, be easily aroused and made conscious.

Голова, лицо и уши

 General head.
 Perceptible pulsation in the head (after one hour). Head falls backwards.
 Congestion of the head, without headache. The head seems thick.
 Great pain in the head. Headache; (soon). Headache deep in the head, extending across thought the head between the ears and somewhat evening, very violent and lasting through the night (fifth day).
 Transient headache (fourth day). Transient headache in the evening.
 Feeling as if something tightly bound the head (third day).
 Pinching pains in different places, here and there in the head; transient. Pressive pain in the whole head, on going into a room after walking in the open air, disappearing after some sleep (fourth day). Pressive, finely burrowing headache, more on the right side and in the vertex (fourth day). Feeling as though the previous headache would return, especially on shaking the head, after rising in the morning; after washing this became a pressive headache and continued the whole day, becoming worse towards evening, seated in the outer posterior portion of the head.
 Frequent slight stitches in the brain. Transient stitches in the brain, especially in the forepart, beneath the coronal suture (after one hour). Tearing in the head, especially in the frontal region, Forehead.
 Very severe pain in the whole of the forehead, especially above the eyebrows, and extending into the dorsum of the nose (third day). A very violent pain in a small spot in the right side of the forehead, on waking in the morning.
 Neuralgic pain in the right frontal eminence, pressive, corresponding to a dull pain in the right occipital protuberance, relieved by pressure and cold. Headache above the left eye immediately after eating, better in the open air, but continues and is very troublesome in the room. Fine headache in the middle of the forehead, together with peculiar hyperesthesia of the cranial nerves. Slight dull headache in the forehead near the coronal suture (after one hour).
 Boring frontal headache above the right eye (second morning).
 Boring frontal headache, especially over the left eye (second proving, second day). Tearing tension in a spot on the left half of the forehead, as if an abscess would form. Transient drawing headache just above the eyes, pinching. Pressure in the frontal region, as if everything would press outward. Pressive sensation in the forehead and eyes (second day). Pressive pain in the frontal region.
 Pressive pain in the right, and afterwards in the left frontal region, in the occiput; relieved by warmth and rest in bed.
 Pressive frontal headache above the right eye (third day).
 Oppressive frontal headache above the eyes, in the afternoon (second day). Transient stitches in the forehead above the eyes, in the shoulders, elbows, and wrists (first day).
 Headaches in the right temple in the evening, relieved when quiet in bed. Painful drawing in the left temporal region.
 Sticking pressure in the right temple, mostly in the evening.
 Tearing in the right temple; (third day).
 Jerking tearings in the temples.
 Pain in the top of the skull, as if something were boring into the head; this painful spot moves along the sagittal suture.
 Slight pressive headache in the vertex (first day).
 Oppression in the vertex.
 Drawing in the upper part of the left side of the head, extending down into the nose. Pressive headache in the right parietal eminence (fourth day). Pressive headache in a small spot on the upper part of the right side of the head, transient. Tearing in the left half of the head, extending to the vertex. Sharp, very painful drawing tearing in the left half of the head, which mostly commences in the eyeball of that side, and extends towards the occiput, lasting several days. сrawling boring tearing in a small spot on the upper part of the right side of the head; the same pain appears afterwards in the left side.
 The headache extended from the forehead towards the occiput, towards evening. Dull drawing pain, extending from the nape of the neck across the occiput to the ears. A pressure, not very violent but very troublesome, deep in the cerebellum, caused by the slightest literary occupation. Severe pressure in the right side of the occiput (after half an hour). Oppressive heaviness in the occiput, especially on motion, or on bending a little forward. Tearing in a small spot on the left side of the occiput.
 Pressive tearing pain in a small spot on the right side of the occiput.
 External head.
 The hair falls out freely. Sensation as through the scalp were drawn from behind forward to the top of the skull. Fine tearings in the scalp. Sleepless nearly the whole night on account of sticking jerks, sometimes only in the skin, sometimes deep in the soft parts of the head and face.
 Crawling in the head beneath the forehead.
 Eyes wide open, staring, like one intoxicated.
 Eyes surrounded by dark rings, (after eighteen hours).
 Eyes surrounded by deep dark rings. сonvulsive rolling of the eyes (after four weeks). Distortion of the eyes.
 Dryness of the eyes. Heaviness in the eyes, as though he had not slept enough, with injected vessels. Aching in the eyes. Pressive pain in the right eye. Short, violent, sharp tearing in and around the right eye. вiting in the right eye, especially in the external canthus, with some lachrymation and feeling as if the lids were agglutinated, вrow.
 Pain in the bone over the left eye, on every motion; in the afternoon and evening, it increased to such a severe ache above the left eye, that every slight noise seemed intolerable; the pain remained constant at the same place (soon after taking); next day, the headache returned to the same place; aggravated by every motion of the head; on the third day, the same pain, but instead of over the left eye, it was in the right side of the occiput; aggravated by bending the head backward, or raising the eyes; next day, very severe headache, commencing at 6 p. m., above the left eye, and extending over the whole left side of the head, disappearing after supper (fourth day); on the next day, she awoke without headache, but it returned in a short time in the left side of the occiput, and extended to the left eye, and even into the face. сonstrictive sensation above the eyes (second day). Slight momentary pressure in the eyebrows. Deeply piercing sticking in the upper part of the left eyebrow, with a feeling as though it were drawn upward. Fine stitches above the right eye (second day), Lid.
 Ulceration of the Meibomian glands of the left lower lid, with swelling of the lid and great irritability of the nerves generally. Eyelids in constant motion (second day).
 Twitching in the right upper lid. Slow but visible drawing (similar to twitching), in the left lower lid, towards the inner canthus.
 Burning and redness of the margins of the lids, as in blepharitis (fourth day).
 Lachrymal Apparatus.
 Lachrymation in the open air, so that I could scarcely see for several days.
 Corner of the left eye (which was usually perfectly clear like the right) became affected by a small white clearly defined macula, with some redness of the sclerotic (fourth day); (* This symptom occurred after antidotes Tartar emetic, Ipecac, сinnamon, etc. T.F.A. *) on the next day the ball was enlarged, the macula could be noticed only on the most careful examination; the cornea was somewhat dim, and a small quantity of purulent matter was found at the bottom of the anterior chamber; the lens and lens capsule seemed obscured; a complete capsular cataract seemed to have developed in a few hours; it was treated with Acetate of lead locally, with Tartar emetic ointment on the neck, and leeches on the left temple; after some days, the inflammatory symptoms subsided; the lens was obscured and had a greenish reflex; afterwards a membranous flake was seen in the anterior chamber attached by its upper extremity to the lower margin of the pupil, with the lower extremity directed towards the lachrymal canal; it was about two lines long and half a line broad; the lens was distinctly seen to be obscured, the iris turbid, the pupil extremely sensitive to light; after two weeks the greenish turbidity of the lens seemed to lie farther back.
 The cornea became very convex and pointed; the lens, which was opaque, seemed to be enlarged, and pressed forward against the iris (ninth day). On the twelfth day, the eye had improved; there was still some dimness in the posterior chamber, due to the lens, which had a greenish reflex; around the margin of the pupil, behind the iris, could be noticed a yellowish membranous exudation, which afterwards became firmly adherent in the posterior chamber; the iris was brown and dim; the pupils, however, extremely sensitive to the light; this membranous exudation afterwards sank to the bottom of the anterior chamber.
 Sclerotic of left eye became slightly red, cornea covered with sharply defined white spots;some purulent fluid collected in the anterior chamber, and a capsular cataract seemed to form in the posterior chamber (fifth and sixth days). The lens had the color of verdigris (after two weeks), Drawing digging deep in the eyeballs. Pressive pain in the left eyeball. Feeling in the right eye as if the ball were compressed, lasting several seconds, and frequently returning (third day),.
 Uneasiness of the pupils (after half an hour). Pupils much dilated (second day). Pupils contracted; (after eighteen hours). The right pupil moderately dilated, the left extremely contracted (after six weeks). Vision.
 Visual power was unusually acute. Eyes dim (second day). On attempting to stand, it became black before the eyes.
 Ear. External.
 Pain behind the left ear, as if the gland were swollen.
 Tearing behind the right ear, in the region of the articulation of the lower jaw; the place was painful to touch for some time.
 The ears feel stopped, with roaring in them, if he takes a few steps about the room. Right ear feels stopped (fourth day).
 Earache, then sticking as with needles in the ears, deep in, Twinging sticking in the left ear. Stitches in the left ear.
 Transient stitches in the left ear (after seven hours), Tearing in the right meatus auditorius. Itching deep in the ears; inclination to bore into the ears, which were internally very dry; boring does not relieve the sensation, and does not even reach the itching painful spot.
 Difficult hearing. Ringing in the right ear.
 Roaring in the ears. Great roaring in the right ear.
 Sneezing (soon after taking) сatarrh in the nose and fauces (fourth day). Violent coryza, Obstinate coryza, which is never thin, and with which much tough mucus is discharged from the nose Decided fluent coryza (fifth day) Transient fluent coryza (second to fourth days) Epistaxis, in the evening, Subjective Nostrils dry and blackish.
 Slight irritation to sneeze, Sensation in the mucous membrane of the nose as of commencing coryza, Sensation of warmth and crawling within the nose, as in nosebleed (after a quarter and half an hour) Pinching sensation in the upper part of the nose, Pressure and tearing in the nostrils, Pressure in the nasal bones, Pressure in the bones of the nose and face, Sensation in the nasal bones, as from the pressure of a weight (after one hour and a half), Sore pain in the septum of the nose, in the right nostril; especially violent on touching the spot, and on moving the nose, сrawling in the nose, сrawling in the nose, with sneezing сrawling in the tip of the nose, Smell.
 Smell became very acute, Smell so acute that the laboratory work was almost unendurable, The sense of smell is so morbidly acute, that the odor of substances to which he was usually quite indifferent, as, for example, broth, nauseates him, The odor of a freshly beaten egg makes him almost faint (FOURTH DAY), Smell as of smoked ham.
 Expression very suffering, сomplaining, sad expression, Expression of anxiety, Face expresses great anxiety, Paleness of the face, Very great paleness, Face pale (second day), Face pale and sunken, (after eighteen hours), Face very pale, Face bluish white, Face sunken, Face sunken, Hippocratic, Features drawn, The features are completely changed, and look as if he had been long sick (after five hours).
 Pain in the face, in a small spot on the right side, near the temple (fourth day), Pain in the face, or twinges in the ears.
 Near the right articulation of the jaw (second day), A very unpleasant sensation in the bones of the face, as if they were widely drawn as under; with some drawing jerkings in them, Jerking drawing pain in the muscles of the face, deep into the bones, Tearing and tension in the left side of the face, extending to the ear and head, =CHEEKS сheeks red and hot, сheeks, lips, and right eyelids purple red, сheeks, lips, and eyelids purple, сheeks and chin alternately pale and red (after six weeks), Sensation in both cheeks as if they would be drawn as under, Slight drawing in the upper jaw, on the right side, extending to the margin of the orbit, transient, and alternating with irritation in the throat (I am not subject to toothache), (after half an hour), Stitches in the left cheek, Tearing in the right upper and lower jaws with a sensation as if the teeth were too long, Dull pain in the left cheek, as from a bruise or blow, Lips.
 The lips became very pale and tender; the slightest motion of the mouth cracked the skin of the lower lip. Lips only slightly red.
 Lips bluish. Lips and tongue bluish and dry. вlue lips and nails.
 Lips violent. Hydroa on the upper lip. Lips cracked. Sharp cutting tearing in the vermilion border of the upper lip, left side.
 Lower jaw.
 Severe tension in the articulation of the lower jaw, so that he was obliged to lay aside the cigar, and felt relieved when he had finished it. Pinching pain in the right articulation of the jaw.
 Sticking pressure beneath the left lower jaw (after four hours).
 Stitches in the left side of the lower jaw, sudden and transient.
 The masseter muscles seem increased in breadth, allowing him to open his mouth only a little, and with pain.

Нервная система

 Confusion and Vertigo.
 Confusion of the head, (second morning), (second day), сonfusion of the head, posteriorly and superiorly, сonfusion of the head, with slight vertigo. сonfusion of the head, with headache.
 Confusion in the forehead (first day). сonfusion of the forehead, worse on walking in the wind, better in the room. Some confusion of the forehead (after one hour),; (third day),.
 Somewhat confused in the head, in the morning. Vertigo, even to falling, while sitting after walking (soon). Slight vertigo, on rising (second day). Momentary slight vertigo. Sensation of vertigo and dizziness in the head (soon after).
 Dizziness of the head, with confusion in the middle of the forehead.

Ротовая полость и горло

 Grinding of the teeth (after three days).
 Sensation of bluntness of the teeth, with drawing pain extending from the tips of the teeth of the upper jaw into the jaw bone.
 The teeth seem too long. Toothache; the teeth seem too long.
 Painful grumbling in the upper back teeth. Decayed teeth became painful when chewing), (second day). Drawing and cold sensation in the incisors of the lower jaw. Drawing pain in the teeth, caused by taking anything cold immediately after something warm (after two hours and a half). Pressive toothache in the left lower back teeth. Stitches in the teeth of the right side.
 Tearing in the roots of the left lower teeth. Toothache, making the teeth sore.
 The teeth are so sensitive that he is unable to bite upon them.
 Follicular inflammation of the gum, about the right incisors.
 Tearing in the right lower gum. Tearing in the gum of the left lower front teeth. Tearing in the upper part of the gum, in the upper part of the right side of the mouth, above a hollow tooth.
 Tongue very white.
 Tongue pale blue, and cold.
 Tongue very yellow. Tongue red, covered with mucus. Tongue bright red, coated only at the root. Tongue coated in the morning, day). Tongue somewhat coated in the morning. Tongue coated white (second day) Tongue thickly coated yellow (after eighteen hours). Tongue covered with thick brown fur (after eight days), Heaviness of the tongue; it was difficult to find the right word, and, when found, to articulate it. The tongue became at first heavy, then stiff, and lastly insensible, so that it was almost without sensation for six hours, after which it gradually recovered.
 Velvety sensation on the tongue. вurning in the tongue. Prickling burning on the margin of the tongue (after one hour and three quarters). Sensation of burning. And fine sticking on the tongue. Fulness of the tongue. Sensation as though the tongue were enlarged. On moving the tongue, and in swallowing, she experienced sharp pain about the root of the tongue (third day).
 Tearing in the back part of the left side of the tongue.
 Some transient stitches in the middle of the tongue (after nine and thirteen hours). вiting sensation on the tongue and in the throat.
 General Mouth.
 A small follicular ulcer of the size of a pea in the commissure of the upper lip and gum, with burning pain; it continues to enlarge till after a dose of Kali bichrom. (third day), вlunted sensibility of the whole mouth, especially of the tip of the tongue; immediately. Dryness of the mouth (first night).
 Sensation of warmth and dryness in the mouth (after two hours).
 Heat in the mouth; rather more thirst than usual. вurning in the mouth and stomach. вurning in the mouth and whole of the pharynx.
 Excessive burning in the mouth. Scraping, with pasty taste and great hunger. сonstant scraping crawling sensation in the posterior portion of the plate, as in coryza. An agreeable prickling sensation in the mouth (as after the carbonic acid of champagne), with increased secretion of saliva.
 Increased secretion of saliva; (after a quarter of an hour).
 Increased secretion of agreeable tasting saliva. Secretion of saliva greatly increased immediately. Profuse salivation, the whole day. Very profuse salivation (eighth day). Expectoration of much watery saliva. Great collection of watery saliva, with nausea, fullness, and discomfort in the abdomen (after four hours). сonstant accumulation of watery saliva for several days, with dryness of the throat. Salty saliva, having a peculiar piquant taste (after one hour and a quarter). Some greenish mucus is involuntarily thrown out of the mouth, while sneezing.
 Perceptible pulsation in the carotids (after nine hours).
 Inflammation of the whole throat. Much mucus collects in the throat; it has a greenish look when expectorated. Frequent hawking of scanty mucus.
 Dryness of the throat (after two hours). Dryness and scraping in the throat. Some dryness in the throat. Great dryness in the throat, as if painful on swallowing, like a commencing catarrh.
 Scraping dryness in the throat. Sensation of dryness in the throat; the uvula, as well as the arches of the palate, is slightly red (first day). Scraping dry sensation in the throat, with tickling cough (after half an hour). сonstriction of the throat. Pinching in the posterior portion of the throat, as in commencing angina; with great dryness in the throat, and somewhat impeded swallowing (second day). Tearing far back in the throat, more on the left side. Rawness in the throat, with a hoarse voice, in the morning. сonstant crawling in the throat, with loosening of thin mucus, so that it must be frequently expectorated. Severe crawling in the throat, which provokes a hacking cough and hawking of mucus. вiting crawling in the back of the throat.
 Uvula painful and red. вurning in the uvula, soon followed by profuse pale urine (after a few minutes).

Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия

 Taste pasty (second morning). вitter taste in the mouth.
 Bitter flat taste in the mouth (second day). Taste bitter and flat. Transient bitter taste (soon after). Even strongly tasting food causes a sensation as if he were chewing a piece of old linen.

Аналоги по действию

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Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Доступно только при использовании PRO аккаунта
Модератор контента: Васин А.С.

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