Другие названия и синонимы
arn, Arnica montana, арника горная гомеопатия.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen
Фармакологическая группа
Common name (German), Wohlverleih.

Дополнительные факты
Arnica montana, L.
Natural order: сompositae.
Preparation: Tincture from the whole plant when in flower (Hahnemann).
Natural order: сompositae.
Preparation: Tincture from the whole plant when in flower (Hahnemann).
Психика и сознание
Excessive sensitiveness of the mind; extreme disposition to agreeable as well as disagreeable emotions, without weakness or excessive sensitiveness of the body; (on one occasion this excessive sensitiveness of the mind was observed before that of the body; I have also seen these two kinds of sensitiveness occurring in alternation or simultaneously).
Uncommon liveliness.
Bright, talkative (this was a curative reaction in a person of an opposite mood).
Calm, bright mood (curative reaction).
Indifference to everything.
After supper she weeps, is peevish, listens to nobody, and does not wish to be told anything.
Depression of spirits and absence of mind (after three hours and a half).
Hypochondriac anxiety.
Violent attacks of anxiety.
Anxiety about the present and the future (third day).
Frightfulness, Unexpected trifles frighten and cause him to start (after an hour and a half).
Apprehension of future evils.
Horror of instant death.
Uncommonly peevish; everything is disagreeable to her.
Hypochondriac peevishness; he is not disposed to do anything.
She is extremely peevish; all her former cheerfulness and amiable manners have gone (after one hour). peevishness; he would like to quarrel with everybody.
Quarrelsomeness and peevishness.
He is contradictory; nothing can be done to suit him (after three and twelve hours).
She is extremely morose and irritable; she does not speak a word.
Moroseness; one first desires all sorts of things, and afterwards repels them.
Sullen mood, as after a quarrel.
Sullen insolence and imperiousness (after some hours).
Obstinate and headstrong resistance to other people’s opinions (after four hours).
Irritable, sensitive mood.
Excessive irritation of the temples; she easily laughed when there was no occasion for it; when something disagreeable was told her she got angry, and broke forth in loud howling.
(Excessive inclination to perform many and long literary labors, without possessing the strength which is required to terminate them without injuring health).
He is easily absorbed by reveries while awake.
He sits absorbed in a revery, although he thinks, properly speaking, of nothing.
Absence of mind; he cannot direct his thoughts long to one objects.
Absence of mind; his thoughts imperceptibly wander from their object, and dwell upon images and fanciful visions.
After walking in the open air, he is ill-disposed to think or talk, notwithstanding he was very cheerful before (after nine hours). Aversion to every earnest labor.
He loathes every sort of work.
Uneasiness of body and mind (without there being any anxiety); one feels as if one were prevented from doing something which is extremely necessary, accompanied by total want of disposition for any kind of work.
Inability to perform continued active work.
Want of memory; he forgets the word he is about speaking.
Excessive sensitiveness of the mind; extreme disposition to agreeable as well as disagreeable emotions, without weakness or excessive sensitiveness of the body; (on one occasion this excessive sensitiveness of the mind was observed before that of the body; I have also seen these two kinds of sensitiveness occurring in alternation or simultaneously).
Uncommon liveliness.
Bright, talkative (this was a curative reaction in a person of an opposite mood).
Calm, bright mood (curative reaction).
Indifference to everything.
After supper she weeps, is peevish, listens to nobody, and does not wish to be told anything.
Depression of spirits and absence of mind (after three hours and a half).
Hypochondriac anxiety.
Violent attacks of anxiety.
Anxiety about the present and the future (third day).
Frightfulness, Unexpected trifles frighten and cause him to start (after an hour and a half).
Apprehension of future evils.
Horror of instant death.
Uncommonly peevish; everything is disagreeable to her.
Hypochondriac peevishness; he is not disposed to do anything.
She is extremely peevish; all her former cheerfulness and amiable manners have gone (after one hour). peevishness; he would like to quarrel with everybody.
Quarrelsomeness and peevishness.
He is contradictory; nothing can be done to suit him (after three and twelve hours).
She is extremely morose and irritable; she does not speak a word.
Moroseness; one first desires all sorts of things, and afterwards repels them.
Sullen mood, as after a quarrel.
Sullen insolence and imperiousness (after some hours).
Obstinate and headstrong resistance to other people’s opinions (after four hours).
Irritable, sensitive mood.
Excessive irritation of the temples; she easily laughed when there was no occasion for it; when something disagreeable was told her she got angry, and broke forth in loud howling.
(Excessive inclination to perform many and long literary labors, without possessing the strength which is required to terminate them without injuring health).
He is easily absorbed by reveries while awake.
He sits absorbed in a revery, although he thinks, properly speaking, of nothing.
Absence of mind; he cannot direct his thoughts long to one objects.
Absence of mind; his thoughts imperceptibly wander from their object, and dwell upon images and fanciful visions.
After walking in the open air, he is ill-disposed to think or talk, notwithstanding he was very cheerful before (after nine hours). Aversion to every earnest labor.
He loathes every sort of work.
Uneasiness of body and mind (without there being any anxiety); one feels as if one were prevented from doing something which is extremely necessary, accompanied by total want of disposition for any kind of work.
Inability to perform continued active work.
Want of memory; he forgets the word he is about speaking.

Голова, лицо и уши
Confusion of the head, сonfusion in the head.
Head confused.
Confusion of the head, with decided pressure in the right half of the head, especially over the right brow.
Confusion of head, changing to pressive right-sided headache.
Confusion of head, with frequent inclination to sleep.
Confusion and fullness in the head.
Confusion of the head, vertigo, and anguish are aggravated by artificial vomiting.
Stupefying headache early in the morning.
Dulness and pain in the head.
Obscuration of the head and confusion of one-half of the skull, with contraction of the pupils.
Heaviness of the head.
Her head feels so heavy that she lets it constantly hang on one side.
The head feels heavy, and is so movable on account of weakness of the muscles of the neck, that it easily inclines to all sides (after four hours).
Heaviness and confusion of the had.
Short-lasting vertigo.
Sudden vertigo at dinner, as if he would fall forward.
He feels vertigo and nausea when reading too long.
Vertigo when walking.
Vertigo; it is almost imperceptible when sitting and bending the head over, but when, righting or moving the head she feels as if everything turned with her.
Vertigo in the forehead, especially when walking; everything turns with her, and threatens to fall over with her.
Intense headache, with feeling of great weight and heaviness in the eyes, and oppression and drooping of the lids, as they could not be raised.
Violent headache, on waking in the morning, which reached such a point at 8 p.m that, while walking in the open air, he almost fell from dizziness; disappeared at 10 p.m, Headache, twitching, tearing; increased by stooping and coughing.
(Headache, which is tolerable only when lying, but intolerable when raising one’s self and sitting in the bed).
Partial headache.
Burning in the head, with pressive pain, as if the head were distended from within outwards.
Burning in the brain, the remainder of the body being cool, or at least not hot.
Great internal and external heat of the head.
Internal heat, especially in the head, with heaviness of the head, without any thirst.
Flushes of heat over the head, with sweat gathering in the face.
Rush of blood to the brain, and headache in the forehead.
Emptiness in the head, without any particular headache (after two hours).
Slight pressure.
Pressure and confusion of the head.
Pressive headache from 3 to 8 , now more in the occiput.
Headache, pressive, which is also followed by a throbbing, pressive headache in the temples.
Pressive headache, as if the head were being distended from within outwards; the pain seems to arise from something soft in the vertex, with drawing in the occiput, and tearing towards the temples.
Pain as if a knife were drawn through the head transversely from the left side; this is immediately followed by internal coldness of the head, which causes the hair to stand on end.
Violent stitches in the head when coughing (after ten hours), Headache; stitches extending upwards; they come on again when coughing or moving the head, and can only be relieved by resting the head upon the painful side.
Frontal headache.
Heaviness in the forehead (after one hour).
Dull pain in the head in the region of the forehead.
Pressive pain in the forehead.
Pressive frontal headache.
Pressive headache, frontal, with confusion of the head so severe that she feared she would fall over while sitting, and had to lie down.
Pressive headache in right forehead, and temple and right eye.
Pressure in the right half of the frontal bone; afterwards sneezing; the pressure then moved into the left, afterwards into the right ear (after two days).
Pressive pain in the left half of forehead, in the evening.
First pressive pain in the forehead, afterwards stitching and twitching stitching pain in the forehead, accompanied by chilliness (after eight hours).
Pressive pain in the forehead, especially when walking, or ascending the stairs, reflecting, or reading.
Pressive pain in the forehead, which increases near the warm stove, as if the brain were rolled up in a lump.
Headache, pressive, over the eyes, extending towards the temples, with a sensation as if the integuments of the forehead were spasmodically contracted (after one hour).
Stupefying, dull, pressive pain in the forehead, more externally (after five hours and a half).
Violent sticking pains in the forehead and occiput, on waking in the morning; lasts all day.
Fine pricking pain in the forehead, which becomes worse by raising the eyes, with heat in the face and thirst.
Stitches in the forehead.
Stitches pain in the forehead.
Violent stitches in the forehead when coughing (after seven hours).
Rapid stitches in the left frontal eminence, accompanied by the sensation as if an extravasation of blood had taken place.
Jerking stitches in the forehead.
Twitching headache in the forepart of the head (after one hour).
Jerking, lancinating headache when stooping, as if everything would come out of the forehead, accompanied by nausea, qualmishness about the heart.
Crawling in the forehead.
Feeling of cold at a small place on the forehead, as if some one touched him with a cold thumb.
Headache, pressive, in the temples (after half an hour).
Repeated tearings in the left temple.
Tearing in the left temple; when walking in the open air the pressive headache distending the head from within outwards returns (after ten hours).
Sticking pains in temples and forehead.
Headache as if a nail had been thrust into the temple, accompanied by general sweat about midnight; this is followed by faintness (after some hours).
Stitches in the temporal region following each other in quick succession, extending towards the forehead (after four hours).
Dull stitches from without inward in the temples (after one hour).
Jerking stitches in the left temple.
Headache in the left temple, returning from time to time; fine pricking and tearing (after four hours).
Transitory burning on the top of the head and neck externally.
Headache, pressive, externally on the top of the head.
Brain felt sore and tender in the upper part or the head.
Crawling on the top of the head externally.
Slight headache on the right side.
Headache on the left side.
Rheumatic headache, with vertigo (commonly one-sided).
Pressive headache in the parietal region and in the orbits.
Pressive, painful drawing in the left half of the skull, beginning at the ear and coming out at the top of the head (after three hours).
Headache, dull, pressive, under the parietal bone and in the region of the lachrymal fossa.
Pain in the occiput at some places, as if the hair were pulled our, or as severe electric shocks.
The scalp, as far as the eyebrows, is firmly attached to the skull, and almost immovable (after an hour and a half).
Stinging itching of the scalp, which cannot be relieved by scratching.
Staring eyes, denoting anguish.
Slight protrusion of the right eye; it looks more elevated and larger than the left.
Eyes sunken, glassy, with dilated insensible pupils.
Considerable swelling under the left eye.
Left eye seems more elastic and is sensitive to pressure.
(Burning in the eyes).
Burning in the eyes, without any dryness.
Pressive pain in left eye. Stitches in the eyes).
Itching of the eyes.
Crawling over the orbits.
Cramplike tearing of the left eyebrow.
Painful, dull, intermittent pressure on the margin of the left orbit.
Occasional flow of tears, which burn like fire.
The margin of the upper eyelids, along its line of contact with the eyeball, internally, is painful when the lids are moved, as if they were too dry and a little sore.
Sharp, fine stitches in the internal canthus.
Itching of the canthi (after twenty-seven hours).
Spasmodic, pressive twitching under the left eye, on the nasal bone; they extend even over the ball of the eye.
Pressive pinching pain, confined to inner half of right eyeball.
Pressive pinching pain in the inner half of right eyeball, gradually ceasing on motion in the open air.
Pressive pain in inner half of right eyeball, and corresponding part of forehead.
Drawing pain in the right eyeball (after twenty-seven hours).
Dilatation of the pupils (after twenty-six hours).
Contraction of the pupils (after twenty-four hours).
Contraction of the pupils, with obscuration of the head.
Vision of sparks.
Heat and burning in the lobule.
Feeling of heat externally, of the left ear, and in the cheek.
Feeling as of one ear being hot, which, however, is not the case (after one hour).
Pressure in the ear.
Intermittent pressure in both ears, in the region of tympanum, (after ten hours).
First, stitches, afterwards a tearing pain in the ears (after one hour).
Dull stitches, extending inwardly, through the internal ear (after one hour).
Dull, long stitches behind the ear.
Stitch darting through the right ear, the through the left, lastly through the eyes, with a feeling in the eyes as if they were forcibly turned upwards.
Pain, internally, in the cartilage of the left ear, as if the parts had been bruised or contused.
The hearing is much more acute (after ten hours).
Sensibly diminished hearing (after thirty hours).
Very frequent roaring in ears, even in repose.
Ringing in the left ear (after three hours).
Slight singing in right ear.
Humming of the ears.
Humming in the ears (after seven hours).
Swelling of the nose.
Nose swollen, erysipelatous, and vesicated.
Frequent sneezing (after forty-eight hours).
Sneezing (after two and a half hours).
The countenance is much sunken.
Dry heat in the face, towards evening, extending as far as behind the ears, without any thirst, the nose being quite cold (after twenty-four hours).
Flushes of heat in the face, in the evening (after thirty- six hours).
Heat and itching in the face.
Red swelling of the right cheek, with throbbing and pinching pain, swollen lips and great heat in the head, with a cold body; the feet felt sometimes hot.
Hot, red, shining stiff swelling of the left cheek.
Redness and burning in the cheek, otherwise cool, or at any rate, not hot. At noon, during dinner, in one cheek, perceptible warmth).
When yawning, cramplike pain in the cheek (after one hour).
Creeping over the left cheek, like a shivering without coldness, extending as far as the side of the occiput (after six hours).
Throbbing and pinching in the swollen cheek, as if two hammers beat against each other, crushing the flesh.
Twitching throbbing in the left cheek (after half an hour).
Violent trembling of the lower lip.
Swollen, thick lips.
Ulcerated corners of the mouth, with a burning pain, especially when moving those parts.
Hydroa on the lips (in one individual).
Chapped lips.
The external margin around the lips, especially the upper lips, becomes chapped, as by cold (after eight and a half fours).
Parched lips.
Burning heat in both lips, with moderate warmth of the body.
Tingling in the lips as if they had gone to sleep (after two and a half hours).
Itching of the upper lip; when rubbing it, it burns.
Pressive twitchings (intermitting tearings), in the muscles of the ramus of the ramus of the lower jaw.
Incipient paralysis of the lower jaw.
(Pain, as from bruises, in the articulation of the right jaw, when moving the jaw to and fro, early in the morning).
(after twenty hours).
Confusion of the head, сonfusion in the head.
Head confused.
Confusion of the head, with decided pressure in the right half of the head, especially over the right brow.
Confusion of head, changing to pressive right-sided headache.
Confusion of head, with frequent inclination to sleep.
Confusion and fullness in the head.
Confusion of the head, vertigo, and anguish are aggravated by artificial vomiting.
Stupefying headache early in the morning.
Dulness and pain in the head.
Obscuration of the head and confusion of one-half of the skull, with contraction of the pupils.
Heaviness of the head.
Her head feels so heavy that she lets it constantly hang on one side.
The head feels heavy, and is so movable on account of weakness of the muscles of the neck, that it easily inclines to all sides (after four hours).
Heaviness and confusion of the had.
Short-lasting vertigo.
Sudden vertigo at dinner, as if he would fall forward.
He feels vertigo and nausea when reading too long.
Vertigo when walking.
Vertigo; it is almost imperceptible when sitting and bending the head over, but when, righting or moving the head she feels as if everything turned with her.
Vertigo in the forehead, especially when walking; everything turns with her, and threatens to fall over with her.
Intense headache, with feeling of great weight and heaviness in the eyes, and oppression and drooping of the lids, as they could not be raised.
Violent headache, on waking in the morning, which reached such a point at 8 p.m that, while walking in the open air, he almost fell from dizziness; disappeared at 10 p.m, Headache, twitching, tearing; increased by stooping and coughing.
(Headache, which is tolerable only when lying, but intolerable when raising one’s self and sitting in the bed).
Partial headache.
Burning in the head, with pressive pain, as if the head were distended from within outwards.
Burning in the brain, the remainder of the body being cool, or at least not hot.
Great internal and external heat of the head.
Internal heat, especially in the head, with heaviness of the head, without any thirst.
Flushes of heat over the head, with sweat gathering in the face.
Rush of blood to the brain, and headache in the forehead.
Emptiness in the head, without any particular headache (after two hours).
Slight pressure.
Pressure and confusion of the head.
Pressive headache from 3 to 8 , now more in the occiput.
Headache, pressive, which is also followed by a throbbing, pressive headache in the temples.
Pressive headache, as if the head were being distended from within outwards; the pain seems to arise from something soft in the vertex, with drawing in the occiput, and tearing towards the temples.
Pain as if a knife were drawn through the head transversely from the left side; this is immediately followed by internal coldness of the head, which causes the hair to stand on end.
Violent stitches in the head when coughing (after ten hours), Headache; stitches extending upwards; they come on again when coughing or moving the head, and can only be relieved by resting the head upon the painful side.
Frontal headache.
Heaviness in the forehead (after one hour).
Dull pain in the head in the region of the forehead.
Pressive pain in the forehead.
Pressive frontal headache.
Pressive headache, frontal, with confusion of the head so severe that she feared she would fall over while sitting, and had to lie down.
Pressive headache in right forehead, and temple and right eye.
Pressure in the right half of the frontal bone; afterwards sneezing; the pressure then moved into the left, afterwards into the right ear (after two days).
Pressive pain in the left half of forehead, in the evening.
First pressive pain in the forehead, afterwards stitching and twitching stitching pain in the forehead, accompanied by chilliness (after eight hours).
Pressive pain in the forehead, especially when walking, or ascending the stairs, reflecting, or reading.
Pressive pain in the forehead, which increases near the warm stove, as if the brain were rolled up in a lump.
Headache, pressive, over the eyes, extending towards the temples, with a sensation as if the integuments of the forehead were spasmodically contracted (after one hour).
Stupefying, dull, pressive pain in the forehead, more externally (after five hours and a half).
Violent sticking pains in the forehead and occiput, on waking in the morning; lasts all day.
Fine pricking pain in the forehead, which becomes worse by raising the eyes, with heat in the face and thirst.
Stitches in the forehead.
Stitches pain in the forehead.
Violent stitches in the forehead when coughing (after seven hours).
Rapid stitches in the left frontal eminence, accompanied by the sensation as if an extravasation of blood had taken place.
Jerking stitches in the forehead.
Twitching headache in the forepart of the head (after one hour).
Jerking, lancinating headache when stooping, as if everything would come out of the forehead, accompanied by nausea, qualmishness about the heart.
Crawling in the forehead.
Feeling of cold at a small place on the forehead, as if some one touched him with a cold thumb.
Headache, pressive, in the temples (after half an hour).
Repeated tearings in the left temple.
Tearing in the left temple; when walking in the open air the pressive headache distending the head from within outwards returns (after ten hours).
Sticking pains in temples and forehead.
Headache as if a nail had been thrust into the temple, accompanied by general sweat about midnight; this is followed by faintness (after some hours).
Stitches in the temporal region following each other in quick succession, extending towards the forehead (after four hours).
Dull stitches from without inward in the temples (after one hour).
Jerking stitches in the left temple.
Headache in the left temple, returning from time to time; fine pricking and tearing (after four hours).
Transitory burning on the top of the head and neck externally.
Headache, pressive, externally on the top of the head.
Brain felt sore and tender in the upper part or the head.
Crawling on the top of the head externally.
Slight headache on the right side.
Headache on the left side.
Rheumatic headache, with vertigo (commonly one-sided).
Pressive headache in the parietal region and in the orbits.
Pressive, painful drawing in the left half of the skull, beginning at the ear and coming out at the top of the head (after three hours).
Headache, dull, pressive, under the parietal bone and in the region of the lachrymal fossa.
Pain in the occiput at some places, as if the hair were pulled our, or as severe electric shocks.
The scalp, as far as the eyebrows, is firmly attached to the skull, and almost immovable (after an hour and a half).
Stinging itching of the scalp, which cannot be relieved by scratching.
Staring eyes, denoting anguish.
Slight protrusion of the right eye; it looks more elevated and larger than the left.
Eyes sunken, glassy, with dilated insensible pupils.
Considerable swelling under the left eye.
Left eye seems more elastic and is sensitive to pressure.
(Burning in the eyes).
Burning in the eyes, without any dryness.
Pressive pain in left eye. Stitches in the eyes).
Itching of the eyes.
Crawling over the orbits.
Cramplike tearing of the left eyebrow.
Painful, dull, intermittent pressure on the margin of the left orbit.
Occasional flow of tears, which burn like fire.
The margin of the upper eyelids, along its line of contact with the eyeball, internally, is painful when the lids are moved, as if they were too dry and a little sore.
Sharp, fine stitches in the internal canthus.
Itching of the canthi (after twenty-seven hours).
Spasmodic, pressive twitching under the left eye, on the nasal bone; they extend even over the ball of the eye.
Pressive pinching pain, confined to inner half of right eyeball.
Pressive pinching pain in the inner half of right eyeball, gradually ceasing on motion in the open air.
Pressive pain in inner half of right eyeball, and corresponding part of forehead.
Drawing pain in the right eyeball (after twenty-seven hours).
Dilatation of the pupils (after twenty-six hours).
Contraction of the pupils (after twenty-four hours).
Contraction of the pupils, with obscuration of the head.
Vision of sparks.
Heat and burning in the lobule.
Feeling of heat externally, of the left ear, and in the cheek.
Feeling as of one ear being hot, which, however, is not the case (after one hour).
Pressure in the ear.
Intermittent pressure in both ears, in the region of tympanum, (after ten hours).
First, stitches, afterwards a tearing pain in the ears (after one hour).
Dull stitches, extending inwardly, through the internal ear (after one hour).
Dull, long stitches behind the ear.
Stitch darting through the right ear, the through the left, lastly through the eyes, with a feeling in the eyes as if they were forcibly turned upwards.
Pain, internally, in the cartilage of the left ear, as if the parts had been bruised or contused.
The hearing is much more acute (after ten hours).
Sensibly diminished hearing (after thirty hours).
Very frequent roaring in ears, even in repose.
Ringing in the left ear (after three hours).
Slight singing in right ear.
Humming of the ears.
Humming in the ears (after seven hours).
Swelling of the nose.
Nose swollen, erysipelatous, and vesicated.
Frequent sneezing (after forty-eight hours).
Sneezing (after two and a half hours).
The countenance is much sunken.
Dry heat in the face, towards evening, extending as far as behind the ears, without any thirst, the nose being quite cold (after twenty-four hours).
Flushes of heat in the face, in the evening (after thirty- six hours).
Heat and itching in the face.
Red swelling of the right cheek, with throbbing and pinching pain, swollen lips and great heat in the head, with a cold body; the feet felt sometimes hot.
Hot, red, shining stiff swelling of the left cheek.
Redness and burning in the cheek, otherwise cool, or at any rate, not hot. At noon, during dinner, in one cheek, perceptible warmth).
When yawning, cramplike pain in the cheek (after one hour).
Creeping over the left cheek, like a shivering without coldness, extending as far as the side of the occiput (after six hours).
Throbbing and pinching in the swollen cheek, as if two hammers beat against each other, crushing the flesh.
Twitching throbbing in the left cheek (after half an hour).
Violent trembling of the lower lip.
Swollen, thick lips.
Ulcerated corners of the mouth, with a burning pain, especially when moving those parts.
Hydroa on the lips (in one individual).
Chapped lips.
The external margin around the lips, especially the upper lips, becomes chapped, as by cold (after eight and a half fours).
Parched lips.
Burning heat in both lips, with moderate warmth of the body.
Tingling in the lips as if they had gone to sleep (after two and a half hours).
Itching of the upper lip; when rubbing it, it burns.
Pressive twitchings (intermitting tearings), in the muscles of the ramus of the ramus of the lower jaw.
Incipient paralysis of the lower jaw.
(Pain, as from bruises, in the articulation of the right jaw, when moving the jaw to and fro, early in the morning).
(after twenty hours).
Органы грудной клетки
Sneezing twice in succession, followed by a pain in the left side of the forehead, as after a violent blow.
Coryza in the evening, when going to sleep; catarrh on the chest, on waking in the morning.
Some coryza.
Violent coryza.
Frequent blowing of nose, with traces of blood.
Discharge of several drops of clear blood from the nose of first blowing it in the morning.
Frequent nose-bleed.
Frequent bleeding at the nose.
Slight epistaxis.
Severe epistaxis at night prevented sleep. Constant burning about the borders of the nostrils, with desire to sneeze).
Feeling of heat in the nose; however, it is cold to the touch, сramplike pain at the root of the nose (after two hours).
Dull pressure on the nasal bone, with stupefaction.
Sticking tearing pain in the nose.
The nose pains him from above downwards as if he had a violent fall upon it.
Sense as if the nostrils were ulcerated; the nose is sore within.
Itching crawling on the side of the nose, going off by rubbing (after one hour).
Feeling as if an insect were crawling near the nose; this cannot be removed by rubbing.
Sneezing twice in succession, followed by a pain in the left side of the forehead, as after a violent blow.
Coryza in the evening, when going to sleep; catarrh on the chest, on waking in the morning.
Some coryza.
Violent coryza.
Frequent blowing of nose, with traces of blood.
Discharge of several drops of clear blood from the nose of first blowing it in the morning.
Frequent nose-bleed.
Frequent bleeding at the nose.
Slight epistaxis.
Severe epistaxis at night prevented sleep. Constant burning about the borders of the nostrils, with desire to sneeze).
Feeling of heat in the nose; however, it is cold to the touch, сramplike pain at the root of the nose (after two hours).
Dull pressure on the nasal bone, with stupefaction.
Sticking tearing pain in the nose.
The nose pains him from above downwards as if he had a violent fall upon it.
Sense as if the nostrils were ulcerated; the nose is sore within.
Itching crawling on the side of the nose, going off by rubbing (after one hour).
Feeling as if an insect were crawling near the nose; this cannot be removed by rubbing.
Ротовая полость и горло
Teeth covered with mucus (after one hour).
Wabbling and elongation of the teeth, without pain.
Pressive pain in one of the left lower incisors, which is not hollow. Toothache, as if the teeth had been bitten out, sprained, were wabbling, throbbing; the teeth feel as if they were pressed out by the blood rushing towards them; they are, then, more painful when touched).
Pain in the teeth, as if the roots of the teeth were being scraped with a knife.
Pressure on the inferior and internal gums, as of a leaden bullet. Tearing toothache of the left molar teeth, upper row, during eating; the pain goes off after eating.
Tingling in the gums, as if they had gone to sleep.
During mastication, the gums pain as if ulcerated, especially the place under the tongue.
Tongue coated white, with a good appetite, and good taste (after two days).
Sensation of dryness on the tip of the tongue, in the palate, on the lips, with shivering over the arms and thighs (after two hours).
Burning in the tongue (anterior third), and soft palate, as from pepper, or swallowing hot liquid.
Burning of tongue and palate.
Stinging biting at the root of the tongue.
Biting sensation on the tongue (after four hour).
Sensation as of the tongue being sore (after four hours).
Fetid breath from the mouth.
Vapor fetid, coming out of the mouth during an expiration, for two days.
Dryness in the mouth.
Dryness of mouth and throat.
Dryness in the mouth with great thirst.
Dryness in the mouth without thirst.
Dryness in the mouth, early in the morning, without any thirst, the taste in the mouth is foul (after fourteen hours).
Burning scraping in the mouth and oesophagus.
Puckered feeling in the palate as of something astringent (after five hours).
Increased saliva (three hours).
Profuse saliva.
Bitter taste in the mouth.
Bitter, rather disgusting taste.
Bitter taste on swallowing the medicine.
Bitter taste in the mouth, early after waking. Everything which he takes, tastes sour).
Putrid, slimy taste in the mouth.
Taste of rotten eggs in the mouth between the meals.
Swelling of the submaxillary glands; they are chiefly painful when he raises or turns his head, but especially on touch (after four days).
Swelling of the submaxillary glands.
Sound of subdued whistle in the throat.
Phlegm in the throat, tastes bitter when hawked up (after twelve hours).
Burning in the back part of the throat, with a feeling of internal heat, or rather that sort of anguish which originates in heat (without any heat being perceptible externally).
Violent burning in the throat when swallowing.
Constriction in the throat.
Stinging in the back part of the throat, between the acts of swallowing.
Pressive pain of the velum pendulum palati.
Pain in the fauces, as if something hard or rough (as a crust of bread) were lodged in it, in the afternoon, when lying down; the pain passes off when rising (after six hours).
Feeling as if the pharynx were swollen, and would hinder swallowing (half an hour).
Violent burning from the fauces through the oesophagus to the stomach.
A peculiar scraping burning from the throat to the stomach, which became a troublesome pressure in the stomach.
Noise during deglutition.
Difficult deglutition.
Deglutition is prevented by a sort of nausea, as if the food would not go down.
Frequent eructations.
Empty eructations.
Empty eructation (after a quarter of an hour).
Frequent empty eructations.
Frequent eructations, smelling of Arnica.
Half-suppressed eructations.
Eructations of much wind.
Eructations bitter and like bad eggs (two hours).
Early in the morning, eructations, tasting like rotten eggs.
A kind of suppressed, imperfect hiccough, after dinner.
Gulping up of saltish water.
During the eructations, a bitter phlegm is gulped up.
Wabbling and elongation of the teeth, without pain.
Pressive pain in one of the left lower incisors, which is not hollow. Toothache, as if the teeth had been bitten out, sprained, were wabbling, throbbing; the teeth feel as if they were pressed out by the blood rushing towards them; they are, then, more painful when touched).
Pain in the teeth, as if the roots of the teeth were being scraped with a knife.
Pressure on the inferior and internal gums, as of a leaden bullet. Tearing toothache of the left molar teeth, upper row, during eating; the pain goes off after eating.
Tingling in the gums, as if they had gone to sleep.
During mastication, the gums pain as if ulcerated, especially the place under the tongue.
Tongue coated white, with a good appetite, and good taste (after two days).
Sensation of dryness on the tip of the tongue, in the palate, on the lips, with shivering over the arms and thighs (after two hours).
Burning in the tongue (anterior third), and soft palate, as from pepper, or swallowing hot liquid.
Burning of tongue and palate.
Stinging biting at the root of the tongue.
Biting sensation on the tongue (after four hour).
Sensation as of the tongue being sore (after four hours).
Fetid breath from the mouth.
Vapor fetid, coming out of the mouth during an expiration, for two days.
Dryness in the mouth.
Dryness of mouth and throat.
Dryness in the mouth with great thirst.
Dryness in the mouth without thirst.
Dryness in the mouth, early in the morning, without any thirst, the taste in the mouth is foul (after fourteen hours).
Burning scraping in the mouth and oesophagus.
Puckered feeling in the palate as of something astringent (after five hours).
Increased saliva (three hours).
Profuse saliva.
Bitter taste in the mouth.
Bitter, rather disgusting taste.
Bitter taste on swallowing the medicine.
Bitter taste in the mouth, early after waking. Everything which he takes, tastes sour).
Putrid, slimy taste in the mouth.
Taste of rotten eggs in the mouth between the meals.
Swelling of the submaxillary glands; they are chiefly painful when he raises or turns his head, but especially on touch (after four days).
Swelling of the submaxillary glands.
Sound of subdued whistle in the throat.
Phlegm in the throat, tastes bitter when hawked up (after twelve hours).
Burning in the back part of the throat, with a feeling of internal heat, or rather that sort of anguish which originates in heat (without any heat being perceptible externally).
Violent burning in the throat when swallowing.
Constriction in the throat.
Stinging in the back part of the throat, between the acts of swallowing.
Pressive pain of the velum pendulum palati.
Pain in the fauces, as if something hard or rough (as a crust of bread) were lodged in it, in the afternoon, when lying down; the pain passes off when rising (after six hours).
Feeling as if the pharynx were swollen, and would hinder swallowing (half an hour).
Violent burning from the fauces through the oesophagus to the stomach.
A peculiar scraping burning from the throat to the stomach, which became a troublesome pressure in the stomach.
Noise during deglutition.
Difficult deglutition.
Deglutition is prevented by a sort of nausea, as if the food would not go down.
Frequent eructations.
Empty eructations.
Empty eructation (after a quarter of an hour).
Frequent empty eructations.
Frequent eructations, smelling of Arnica.
Half-suppressed eructations.
Eructations of much wind.
Eructations bitter and like bad eggs (two hours).
Early in the morning, eructations, tasting like rotten eggs.
A kind of suppressed, imperfect hiccough, after dinner.
Gulping up of saltish water.
During the eructations, a bitter phlegm is gulped up.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Increased appetite.
Enormous appetite in the evening; after the meal, immediately affected with a feeling of repletion, and a colic- like pressure in several places of the abdomen, especially the sides.
Although she has eaten considerable, she nevertheless felt empty, as if she had not eaten anything, but she felt as if she had drunk a good deal; sense as of swashing in the body.
Gnawing hunger, without appetite; lasted till he fell asleep.
Appetite lost.
Repugnance to food.
Total want of appetite for ten days, during which time he loathed the slight of food, Want of appetite; the tongue coated white and yellow.
Complete want of appetite, with nausea.
Want of appetite in the evening.
Repugnance to meat and broth.
His (usual) tobacco is repugnant to him.
Desire for vinegar.
She wants to drink constantly, but she knows not what, because everything is offensive to her.
Desire for water.
A good deal of thirst and drinking during the yawning stage, previous to fever; afterwards thirst, but little drinking, during the hot stage.
Nightly thirst (after forty-eight hours).
Thirst, without any external heat, the pupils being little capable of dilatation (after one hour). Repugnance to milk).
Inclination to eructations.
Extreme nausea.
Nausea, without vomiting, or without any stool.
Nausea, with burning scratching in the throat.
Nausea and eructations.
Nausea and general relaxation during the forenoon.
Nausea and disposition to vomit early in the morning (fourteen hours).
He felt well during the siesta, as long as the eyes were closed; on opening them, qualmishness of the stomach, Qualmishness and nausea, with anxious pressure in the stomach.
Qualmishness of the stomach, with empty eructations.
Inclination to vomit.
Inclination to vomit, without nausea (half on hour).
Empty retching, ineffectual efforts to vomit, (after a quarter of an hour).
Retching at night; vomiting, however, does not come on; in the pit of his stomach there is a weight, as of a lump.
Retching, unto vomiting.
Vomiting os bitter yellow bile.
Vomiting small quantities of yellow odorless fluid, with excruciating pains.
Vomiting of coagulated blood.
Grumbling, unpleasant motions in the stomach.
Grumbling in the stomach, with colic.
Great pains in the stomach, increased by pressure, сardialgia.
Fullness in the stomach and abdomen.
The stomach feels over distended (though he had eaten nothing), with a feeling as though he would throw off every moment.
Feeling of repletion of the stomach, accompanied by loathing, Emptiness in stomach.
Contractive pains in the stomach.
Spasmodic contraction of the stomach causes a general pain, but mostly in the posterior wall of the stomach, with a sensation as if the wall of the stomach would be forcibly pressed towards the spine, and as if the spine would be made painful from that place downward (one hour).
Enormous appetite in the evening; after the meal, immediately affected with a feeling of repletion, and a colic- like pressure in several places of the abdomen, especially the sides.
Although she has eaten considerable, she nevertheless felt empty, as if she had not eaten anything, but she felt as if she had drunk a good deal; sense as of swashing in the body.
Gnawing hunger, without appetite; lasted till he fell asleep.
Appetite lost.
Repugnance to food.
Total want of appetite for ten days, during which time he loathed the slight of food, Want of appetite; the tongue coated white and yellow.
Complete want of appetite, with nausea.
Want of appetite in the evening.
Repugnance to meat and broth.
His (usual) tobacco is repugnant to him.
Desire for vinegar.
She wants to drink constantly, but she knows not what, because everything is offensive to her.
Desire for water.
A good deal of thirst and drinking during the yawning stage, previous to fever; afterwards thirst, but little drinking, during the hot stage.
Nightly thirst (after forty-eight hours).
Thirst, without any external heat, the pupils being little capable of dilatation (after one hour). Repugnance to milk).
Inclination to eructations.
Extreme nausea.
Nausea, without vomiting, or without any stool.
Nausea, with burning scratching in the throat.
Nausea and eructations.
Nausea and general relaxation during the forenoon.
Nausea and disposition to vomit early in the morning (fourteen hours).
He felt well during the siesta, as long as the eyes were closed; on opening them, qualmishness of the stomach, Qualmishness and nausea, with anxious pressure in the stomach.
Qualmishness of the stomach, with empty eructations.
Inclination to vomit.
Inclination to vomit, without nausea (half on hour).
Empty retching, ineffectual efforts to vomit, (after a quarter of an hour).
Retching at night; vomiting, however, does not come on; in the pit of his stomach there is a weight, as of a lump.
Retching, unto vomiting.
Vomiting os bitter yellow bile.
Vomiting small quantities of yellow odorless fluid, with excruciating pains.
Vomiting of coagulated blood.
Grumbling, unpleasant motions in the stomach.
Grumbling in the stomach, with colic.
Great pains in the stomach, increased by pressure, сardialgia.
Fullness in the stomach and abdomen.
The stomach feels over distended (though he had eaten nothing), with a feeling as though he would throw off every moment.
Feeling of repletion of the stomach, accompanied by loathing, Emptiness in stomach.
Contractive pains in the stomach.
Spasmodic contraction of the stomach causes a general pain, but mostly in the posterior wall of the stomach, with a sensation as if the wall of the stomach would be forcibly pressed towards the spine, and as if the spine would be made painful from that place downward (one hour).
Входит в состав
- 140₽ Кардисед-ГФ (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 145-150₽ Кардиомил (ЭДАС)
- 155-219₽ Афосар (ЭДАС)
- 165₽ Мастопан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 167₽ Каленгам (ЭДАС)
- 180-220₽ Арнаур (ЭДАС)
- 180₽ Арнес (ЭДАС)
- 173-190₽ Вискумел (ЭДАС)
- 190-215₽ Веномил (ЭДАС)
- 167-273₽ Иов-венум (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 230₽ Анабар (ЭДАС)
- 180-292₽ Мемория
- 252₽ Миал (ЭДАС)
- 207-275₽ Арника-Эскулюс (2 фирмы)
- 250₽ Алкавит (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Алкозапрет (Фитасинтекс)
- 230-250₽ Аноплекс (Фитасинтекс)
- 230-250₽ Артрокапли (Фитасинтекс)
- 210-250₽ Бронхосил (Фитасинтекс)
- 210-250₽ Гипносон (Фитасинтекс)
- 210-250₽ Гриппакс (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Кардиосил (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Лингватон (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Меморакс (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Носик-олис (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Отит-олис (Фитасинтекс)
- 210-250₽ Прегнаферрум (Фитасинтекс)
- 300-380₽ Русбрикар (2 фирмы)
- 250₽ Стомакс (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Сульфоскин (Фитасинтекс)
- 95-540₽ Псоринум ФС (Фитасинтекс)
- 190₽ Венотон (Вербена)
- 350₽ Венофлебин (2 фирмы)
- 275-500₽ Ревматал (Фитасинтекс)
- 300₽ Травмалис (Фитасинтекс)
- 350₽ Целлюкс-олис (Фитасинтекс)
- 315₽ Аурум-плюс (2 фирмы)
- — Купрум-плюс (Доктор Н)
- — Меркур-плюс (Доктор Н)
- 315₽ Пеония-плюс (2 фирмы)
- — Эскулар (Доктор Н)
- 259₽ Травмосан (Доктор Н)
- 304-518₽ Пумпан (5 фирм)
- 420₽ Ангиосан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 284-670₽ Арнигель (БУАРОН )
- 520₽ Маммосан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 450-565₽ Ангин-хель сд (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 500₽ Артрис (Фитасинтекс)
- 500₽ Холеокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 510-11682₽ Траумель с (2 фирмы)
- 532-890₽ Эскулюс композитум (2 фирмы)
- 750₽ Млада (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 750₽ Оберег (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 653-18455₽ Цель т (2 фирмы)
- — Flowers Energy №11
- — Flowers Energy №3
- — Flowers Energy №30
- — Flowers Energy №32
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №34
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №39
- — Flowers Energy №66
- — Flowers Energy №68
- — Flowers Energy №69
- — Flowers Energy №70
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №71
- — Flowers Energy №75
- — Flowers Energy №76
- — Flowers Energy №79
- — Flowers Energy №8
- — Flowers Energy №80
- — Flowers Energy №85
- — Flowers Energy №91
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №92
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №93
- — Flowers Energy №96
- 920-15562₽ Эхинацея композитум сн (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 1375-1605₽ Церебрум композитум н (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Арника-Хель (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Гомеофлю
- — Карбо композитум
- — Каустикум композитум
- — Кор композитум
- — Л-Флю
- — Л52 Ленинг (Laboratoires Lehning )
- — Реписан (Richard Bittner AG )
- — Сердечный тон (ТАЛИОН-А )
- — Стеналгил (Алкой ООО )
- — Травмасан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Улькусан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата






