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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Additional facts
  3. Psyche and consciousness
  4. Nervous system
  5. Analogs by action
  6. Included in the composition
  7. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Additional facts

 The element, Sulphur.
 Preparation: Trituration of sublimed sulphur. Flores Sulfuris.

Psyche and consciousness

 Emotional. Anxiety, feverish delirium, with great dyspnoea, burning in the stomach, vomiting, twitching of the whole body, and death). This occurred six months after taking Sulphur. HUGHES. Delirium; she destroys her things, throws them away, thinking that she has a superfluity of everything, wherewith she wastes to a skeleton. The child was intolerably violent and difficult and quiet. Very much excited and very passionate, on violent motion. Agitation, with the sore throat. An indolent excitement, almost as after coffee. She talks nonsense day and night. Numerous morbid ideas, extremely disagreeable, causing rancour, though with also joyous thoughts (and melodies), mostly from the past, take possession of her, they throng one upon another so that she cannot free herself from them during the day, with neglect of business, worse in the evening in bed, when they prevent falling asleep (after four hours). She imagines that people injure her, and that she will die in consequence.(10) Vexatious and morbid ideas of the past arise from the most indifferent thoughts, and from every occurrence in life, which continue to be united with new vexations, so that she cannot free herself from them, together with a courageous mood which is ready for great resolution. She fancies that she is becoming emaciated.
 She fancies that she has beautiful clothes; old rags look like fine things, a coat like a beautiful jacket, a cap like a beautiful hat. Greatly inclined to philosophical and religious reveries. The whole forenoon a state of mind partaking more of earnest exaltation than of depression or want of cheerfulness (second day). The spirits were better than usual, more disposed for literary work than he had lately been (eighth day); spirits much diminished towards evening by the recurrence of the sacro- lumbar crampy pain (ninth day); spirits diminished in proportion as they were previously increased (tenth day); spirits uncommonly good (thirteenth day). Uncommon cheerfulness (fourteenth day).
 Cheerful disposition (forty-seventh day); very cheerful (fiftieth day). Lively, clear, and good- p73 humored, in the morning on rising, but about 9 o’clock the confusion returns, and is greatly aggravated by earnest thought. Very great weeping mood. (20) During the nightly cough the boy fell into long weeping, with great physical restlessness. Greatly inclined to weep without cause. Moaning and complaining, with wringing of the hands day and night, with much thirst and little appetite, though she swallows her food hastily. Extremely sensitive, and weeping easily on the slightest unpleasantness. Despondent.
 Despondent, indifferent. Desponding, cried several times. Greatly depressed, hypochondriac and sighing, so that he could not speak a loud word (the first weeks). Depressed about her illness and out of humor. She does not know what to do with herself on account of internal discouragement. (30) In the afternoon in the open air, without any cause, great depression of spirits (nineteenth day). She had no rest anywhere, day or night. Low spirits (tenth day). Sad, without courage. Sad all day, without cause (second day). Sad, discouraged, weary of life. While walking in the open air she suddenly became sad; she was filled with only sad, anxious despondent thoughts, from which she could not free herself, which made her suspicious, peevish, and lachrymose. During the day, sad, lachrymose; she weeps if one attempts to console her (third day). Disposition variable, but on the whole rather inclined to be dull and lachrymose (third to thirty-seventh day). In the evening, sudden sadness and disinclination for everything (seventeenth day). (40) Morose and impetuous. Frequently during the day she has attacks of melancholy, lasting a few minutes, when she feels extremely unhappy, without cause; she wishes to die. In the course of the day, without any cause, very melancholy disposition, discontented with himself and all about him, which made him unfit for any serious occupation, and at the same time very irascible. On satisfying his appetite his cheerfulness returned, but only for a short time, for during the whole evening he was absorbed in himself and unable to command his thoughts to read, so much so that he sat staring at the same page for upwards of two hours (twenty-second day). Anxious, fearful (second day). Anxiety, as if he would cease to live. Anxious disposition; I could not free myself from the anticipation of some great misfortune, though I had no ground for such fear, in the evening (third and fourth days). Anxious disposition (fourteenth day). Great anxiety and ill-humor. Anxiety, with heat of the head and cold feet, so that he does not know what he shall do; every moment he forgets what he wishes to do. Great anxiety, in the evening in bed, at the time of the full moon. (50) Awoke with great anxiety and heat all over, all night, and with a sensation of a cramp like condition of the whole body. Great anxiety, in the evening after lying down, so that she cannot fall asleep for an hour, without palpitation. Great anxiety, with involuntary discharge of thin faeces (ninth day). Great anxiety, which, however, diminishes after drinking a few glasses of cold water (third day). Anxiety, as if some great misfortune were apprehended (thirteenth day). Apprehensive and lachrymose. She is apprehensive for others, and p73 about my state of health, and feared lest I might really get ill. The condition seems very distressing, and she is apprehensive of the future. Awoke in an hour in great fright and distress; horror of instant death.(60) Fear that he would take cold in the open air; he did not know whether it was illusive or physical. Unusually timid. Violent starting up, even when his name is called. Irritated cross temper (eighth day). Irritable mood; easily excited, and always absorbed in himself. Excessively irritable disposition, without cause (ninth day). His spirits, which were as usual in the morning, underwent a change about noon; but it was less sadness than irritability which now affected him (twenty-third day). Peevishness (fourth day). Peevish and quarrelsome. Extremely peevish and ill-humored; nothing seems right to her (after half an hour). (70) Fretful and irritable; no desire to talk. Fretfulness; the head is gloomy and confused, as in the outbreak of coryza. Unusually fretful and restless (next morning). Ill- humor; (seventeenth day). вad humor, and great disinclination to speak (eighth day). Ill humored and fault-finding. Ill- humored; she is vexed with herself. In the morning after getting up very much out of humor (third day). Very ill-humored, fretful, and lachrymose, especially in the morning and evening. During the day she became excessively ill-humored (fourth day); all day long, humor very bad (seventh day). (80) Very much out of sorts with everything, in the evening, for work, for pleasure, for talking and movement; he is extremely uncomfortable and does not know what is the matter. Everything made her impatient.
 Impatient before urinating. Quarrelsome and vexatious mood about everything. He is vexed at everything, gets angry and out of humor at every word, thinks he must be defended and becomes exasperated. He could tear himself to pieces from vexation. At 11 p.m impatience, anger, vexation, inclination to weep, without cause; this state of feeling lasts all the rest of the day (eighth day); towards noon, the same feelings of weariness and impatience as the day before (ninth day). Embittered mood, as if he had been injured. Obstinate and lachrymose, with the morning stool. сan think of nothing to be thankful for; is obstinate and unyielding without knowing why.(90) So obstinate and morose that he answers no one, and will tolerate no one about him; he cannot obtain quickly enough whatever he desire. At one time inclined to weep at another to laugh. Intellectual.
 Indolent, irresolute. Indolence of mind and body through the day; disinclination for any work or movement (after seven days).
 He sits for hours immovable and indolent, without definite thought, though he has much to accomplish. Aversion to every business. The slightest work is irksome to him. She takes pleasure in nothing. Disinclination to talk. He feels a great need of rest of mind, and is in constant motion.(100) Thoughts of the business that had been accomplished thronged upon her, in the evening. Uneasiness and haste (during the day), he could not steady himself. Involuntary haste when taking anything, and when walking. Words and sentences that he hears revolve involuntarily in his mind. She could not connect two thoughts, and seemed weak-minded. Makes mistakes as to time; she thinks it much earlier than it really is; at the vesper bell (7 ) she contends, with warmth, that it is only 5 o’clock, and she became quite angry on attempting to convince her of her error (third day). When spoken to he seems absorbed, as if walking in a dream; he seems foolish; is obliged to exert himself to understand and answer correctly. For some days past he has observed a remarkable distraction, and particularly a very great loss of memory, with respect to well-known localities (sixteenth day). Great distraction of mind; he cannot fix his mind upon present objects, and does his work awkwardly. He was not always master of his thoughts and words; at times said things he did not mean. (110) Forgetfulness (second day). She forgets the word she is about to speak. Very forgetful. So forgetful that what has just happened is only indefinitely remembered. Remarkable forgetfulness, especially for proper names. Seems stupid, senseless, confused; avoids conversation. In the afternoon, after a glass of wine, a stupefied state (seventeenth day). Stupefied feeling; he fell asleep soon (third day).

Nervous system

 Confusion and Vertigo. сonfusion of the head (fourteenth day).
 Head confused, as from insufficient sleep. In the morning woke with dizzy confusion of the head. Frequently recurring confusion of the head. сonfusion of the head, after sleeping, lasting all the afternoon; on walking in the open air the confusion diminished (fifth day); about 5 great confusion of the head, worse when walking in the open air; relieved after outbreak of perspiration (ninth day). After dinner, confusion of the head, which went off by walking in the open air (ninth day); on awaking in the morning, great confusion of head, going off after getting up (tenth day); slight confusion of the head, and some vertigo (fifteenth day); confusion of head, lasting more or less all day long (twenty-third day), confusion of head (forty-second and forty-third day). сonfusion of head, probably the effect of alcohol (immediately, eight day). In the afternoon, confusion of head, with rushing out at the left ear, and dull drawing pain on the left side of the forehead, which soon alternated with a penetrating cramp like pain in the left knee-joint, or the left wrist, or with shooting pain (like fine needle-pricks) in the root of the nail of the right great toe at the same time, whilst walking, frequent cramp pain in the left calf (sixth day); confusion of the head, with dull aching pain in the forehead (after one hour, seventh day). About 2 , dizzy confusion of the head, heat and redness of the face, with sensible throbbing of all the arteries of the head and neck, followed by breaking out of perspiration in the face (lasting more than a quarter of an hour), (first day). сonfusion of the head, in the forenoon (first day). Long-continued giddy confusion of the whole head (after two hours). (130) about 11 p.m, giddy confusion of the head, with dimness of vision (first day); about 7 , in the open air, very troublesome confusion of the head (second day). Great confusion of the head (second day). сonfusion of the head, and aching in the forehead (soon); confusion in the sinciput (thirteenth and following days); сonfusion and aching in the sinciput, as if a band were tied tightly around the forehead (twenty-third day); confusion in the forehead and temples (soon, twenty-fifth day); awoke with confusion and weight of the head (twenty-sixth day ); in the evening, confusion of the sinciput when lying (twenty-sixth day); confusion of the sinciput (in one hour, thirtieth day); in the morning, confusion of the head (thirty-second day); in the forenoon, confusion of the sinciput (thirty-third day); sinciput confused (thirty-fourth day); in the morning he awoke unusually early, with confused head (thirty- eighth day); confusion in the sinciput (soon, forty-seventh day); confusion of the head (forty-eighth day). In the morning, after awaking, vacant confused sinciput (second day); in the morning, on awaking, vacant confusion of the head (third day); in the morning, after waking, vacant confusion of the sinciput (tenth day); in the forenoon, confusion and aching in the sinciput (twelfth day). сonfusion of the head (first, second, and third days). In the evening, confusion of the head (eighteenth day).
 Confusion of the head (second day); in the evening, some confusion of the head (fourth day). In the morning, on awaking, confusion of the head, which went off after discharge of flatus and going into the open air (fourth day). In the evening, confusion of the head, and pressing in the forehead (eighth day).
 Slight confusion of the head, which was probably owing to the spirits of wine (twelfth and thirteenth days).(140) сonfusion of the forehead, as if intoxicated (in half an hour); confusion more on left side (second day). сonfusion of the head, amounting to stupefaction, in the afternoon about 4 or 5 o’clock, when walking in the open air (third day). сonfusion in the head, in the morning immediately after getting up (fifth day); about 5 , slight confusion of the head for half an hour (seventh day).
 Confusion of the head, in the morning immediately after getting up, lasting till noon (eleventh day). сonfusion of the head, which, however, did not last long (immediately); confusion of the head, which lasted a couple of hours (immediately after dose, second day). Head confused during the whole afternoon (tenth day); slight confusion of the head about 5 (eleventh day); confusion of the head, lasting about an hour, in the afternoon, immediately after swallowing the medicine (fifteenth day). Slight confusion of the head (forty-ninth day); confusion of the head, in the evening (seventh-seventh day); slight confusion of the head (eighty-first day); towards evening, slight confusion of the head, like commencing vertigo (eighty-third day); the head confused, its left side especially painful (one hundred and second day). сonfusion of the head, at noon (one hundred and fourth day); all day long, confusion of the head, in the vertex (one hundred and forty-second day); confusion of the head, and aching in the vertex (two hundred and nineteenth day); great confusion of the head, in the afternoon (two hundred and twentieth day); confusion of the head (two hundred and seventieth day). сonfused feel in the head, with sense of languor. Vertigo (eighty-first day). Severe vertigo, at 9 p.m (sixth day). Violent, in the morning, with some nosebleed. Excessive vertigo, in the morning on rising; as soon as he attempts to stand he falls back upon the bed, only disappearing after half an hour (tenth day). Vertigo in the forenoon (first day); (thirty- second day). Whirling vertigo, in the evening after lying in bed a quarter of an hour, as if he would fall into a faint, everything whirled around in the head, two evenings in succession. Vertigo, in the evening while standing, with rush of blood to the heart. In the evening, vertigo; feeling as if all the blood rushed to the head (fifth day).(150) Vertigo, on waking at night. During the day, frequent sudden vertigo, especially when walking near a declivity. The accustomed beer at night makes the vertigo worse (thirteenth day). Vertigo when walking over running water, even to falling down, and all parts seem paralyzed. Attacks of vertigo while walking, with apprehension on looking in front of her, wherewith there was immediately a crawling ( kriebelig ) before the eyes. While walking, vertigo like an obscuration before the eyes, a reeling to the left side, lasting a few minutes. Vertigo, like reeling, while walking.
 Vertigo for eight minutes, while walking in the open air on an elevation; he could not step firmly, with obscuration of his senses (after four days). Vertigo while walking in the open air (after supper); she did not dare to stoop, not to look down; was obliged to steady herself to avoid falling. Vertigo, when lying on the back, at night. Vertigo, while sitting; reeling while standing.(160) At noon, when sitting, some vertigo (twenty-sixth day). Vertigo, lasting some minutes, followed immediately by slight shooting in the anus (fourteenth day). Vertigo, to falling forward, or suddenly rising from a seat. Vertigo on stooping. On rising from stooping position, vertigo and weight in the head (ninth day). Vertigo, with qualmishness; (fifteenth day). Vertigo, with qualmishness to falling sideways, while walking in the open air. Vertigo and nausea, so that everything turned about with her, at night during perspiration, lasting till morning. A kind of occipital vertigo. Want of steadiness and dizzy feeling accompanied anxious state (fourth day).(170) A transient slight attack of vertigo (after fifteen minutes).
 Transient vertigo to falling sideways. Vertigo, worse soon after taking medicine (probably the effect of the alcohol), but lasting in a slight degree all day (second day); slight vertigo (immediately, ninth day). Vertigo, as if from intoxication (soon, second day). Dizziness, like a tingling and buzzing out at the forehead, if she walks rapidly, or moves the head suddenly. Dizziness in the head, in the afternoon (soon, sixth day); dizziness, in the morning, soon after getting up, that lasted till 5 (seventh day). A dizzy condition of the head prevented sharp and clear thought. Dizziness, with sticking in the head. Dizziness, unsteadiness of the head and body, in the morning, lasting three hours, as if one stood upon wavering ground (third day). Waving and confusion in the head returns, in the evening.(180) Reeling, stupefaction, and great weakness, at 11 p.m; she was obliged to lie down and lay till 3 o’clock, in an uneasy slumber in which she heard everything. Reeling in the head. Sense of giddiness. General Head. While walking across the street paroxysms suddenly attacked her head; it became black before her eyes; she walked as many as fifteen steps backward; sat down suddenly, as if falling upon a stone, seeming to be senseless, and was carried to th e house unconscious, followed by stiffness of all the joints. The child hung the head sideways after waking, and after raising it, it fell to the other side, the face and lips were pale, the eyes staring for as many as two minutes, and then it sneezed, the mouth and eyes were closed tightly for a moment, and mucus ran from the mouth, followed by quiet sleep (after three days). In bed every place appears too hard for his head, which, on account of this disagreeable feeling, he must keep moving hither and thither, without succeeding in finding a better position (twenty-ninth day). Dulness of the head, in the evening. Dulness of the head, on waking at night. Dulness of the head, in the morning, and pressure in the forehead till noon. Dulness of the head, after walking in the open air. (190) Great dulness and confusion. Dulness of the head, as from rush of blood, especially on ascending steps. In the evening, dull pain in the whole head, which lasted till late at night (fifth day). Weakness and dulness of the head during dinner, lasting till evening. Dull aching pain over the whole head, lasting nearly three hours, and then gradually going off (after half an hour, ninth day); less troublesome (tenth day). Heaviness in the head (fifteenth and seventeenth days). Heaviness of the head, so that every motion was disagreeable. Sensation of heaviness in the head, and dulness, as if he would fall forward, relieved while walking, but then a fine sticking in the head. Heaviness of the head while sitting, lying, moving, and stooping. Head heavy and dizzy (twenty-fourth day). (200) Heaviness and confusion of the whole head (in two hours). Sensation of fullness and heaviness in the head. Feeling of fullness in the head, as if filled with blood.
 Fullness and heat in the head, in the afternoon (third day).
 Head seemed distended, with loud noises in the ears (after one hour). Rush of blood to the head (twenty-first day). Rush of blood to the head during the menses. Rush of blood to the head during a soft stool. Rush of blood to the head, like a slight pressure over the head. Rush of blood to the head, even during a soft stool, and after riding in a wagon.(210) In two hours, when in bed, he had a violent rush of blood to the head, and felt all the arteries in his head beating (first day). At night, in bed, rush of blood to the head, with heat and confusion of it (first day). On taking gentle exercise, transient rush of blood to the head, with burning and creeping in the skin of the face (first day). Rush of blood of the head; a pressure in it and out at the eyes; a feeling of numbness before the ears. Headache (ninth day); (second day), etc. The head pained, as if raw, and would not bear the slightest touch (second day). Aching in the head, in the forenoon (twenty-second day). Headache, as from a weight pressing upon the top of the brain, and as from a cord around the head. Headache and weariness, while walking in the afternoon, changing in the evening to toothache and sleepiness (after eighth day). Headache, with pressure in the eyes, after eating.(220) In the evening, headache, with several momentary attacks of oppression (ninth day). A peculiar headache, not easy to describe, accompanied by vertigo, and compelling her to keep quiet, and at its worst to sit still; she felt relief by shutting her p73 eyes (fourth day); again affected by above described headache and vertigo. Today she was obliged to remain constantly seated in order to keep off the attacks; they were rather less in the open air. In the afternoon this vertigo became extremely severe; it followed upon nausea, inclination to vomit, twisting and turning in the stomach, yawning, excessive prostration, almost amounting to trembling of the limbs, and occasional noise in the head and ears. The vertigo had this peculiarity, it increased in violence on stooping or moving about, but was alleviated by sitting still), (eighth day). Headache, as from incarceration of flatus. Headache, with nausea. Much headache, especially on stooping.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

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