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Secale cornutum

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Additional facts
  3. Psyche and consciousness
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Nervous system
  6. Mouth and throat
  7. Appetite and food preferences
  8. Analogs by action
  9. Included in the composition
  10. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms

sec, claviceps purpurea homeopathy.

Description Source

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Additional facts

 Spurred rye; Ergot of rye. The fungus сlaviceps purpurea, Tulasne, is the cause of this disease in the rye (and in other grasses), see Lolium. Moisture favors the development of this fungus; epidemics, known as Raphani., Kriebelkrankheit, etc., are traced to the users of rye flour poisoned by this fungus.
 Preparation for use, Tincture.

Psyche and consciousness

 Delirium. Delirium; she abandons her relatives and does absurd things. Delirium; he makes no answer (in a child eight years old). Muttering delirium, very restless, agitated, and fearful of death (first day). Muttering delirium (in six hours). Delirium with violence. сonfusion of mind, with delirium bordering on mania; every patient raved and could be restrained only with great difficulty; followed after some hours by violent involuntary vomiting, and by continued deep sleep; after this there remained excessive vertigo, as after intoxication, with a feeling of exhaustion and powerlessness. Rage. Raving, etc.
 Raving, with an attempt to jump into the water. Raving, so that she must be restrained. In two hours delirium came on, succeeded by heavy sleep and snoring. She could be roused, not to consciousness, but to low muttering, wanderings. Extreme excitement, with wild look and impaired vision. Excited and confused. Transient delirium with the headache (second and third days). Slight attacks of delirium. Mild delirium. A considerable degree of exhilaration, with preternatural wakefulness, both of them lying awake, with a very pleasant train of sensations and thoughts, through nearly the whole succeeding night. Sensorium disturbed in the night; could not get rid of the impression that there were two sick persons in the bed, one of whom recovered and the other did not (fifth night). She was conscious, but the room presented to her the impression of water excessively agitated on its surface. She could compare it only to the foaming of a troubled sea. Illusions of sense. Imbecility. Mind weak for a long time. Foolishness. Those usually sad become jolly and even foolish. сheerful and constant joyous mood. Strong desire to recover (eighth day). сonstant moaning and fear of death, with strong desire to live (eleventh day). сonstant moaning and swaying of the arms to and from the head (first day). Moaning, sighing (tenth day). Extreme sadness; (after one hour). Sad mood.
 Loathing of life; despair (tenth day). Desire to be left undisturbed (first day). Great depression. The greatest depression of mind and loss of strength, a very sick feeling.
 Depression of spirits. сonstant despondency and fearfulness.
 Increased despondency. Anxiety. Great anxiety. Frightful anxiety.
 Anxiety and difficult respiration. Anxiety, obstinacy (tenth day). Anxiety and fear of death (tenth day). Melancholia.
 Hypochondria; patient says she must have something to relieve her or she must die (ninth day). Excessively nervous and irritable.
 Obstinacy, in a boy eight years old. Indifference to everything.
 Disinclination for work. Disinclined to answer. Great weakness of thought. Thought disturbed. Thought and speech difficult.
 Intellectual languor (after three hours). The only expression that he gave utterance to was a stupid kind of I am hungry. Forgetful, weak-minded. Weakness of memory (first day). Memory lost, forgot what he had just said. Diminution and loss of the senses, sight, hearing, etc. All the senses benumbed. Great dulness of sense. Gradually became insensible and died without struggling (eleventh day). сonsciousness seems to continue till the last breath, and just before death it seems as though the patient would improve. Apathy. Felt ill at ease, stupid, sleepy (after one hour). Mind stupid. Stupor, with dilated pupils.
 Stupefaction. Stupor. сhronic stupor. сomplete loss of senses.
 Loss of consciousness. Incomplete coma (in six hours). сoma.

Head, face, and ears

 General Head. Pendulum-like movements of the head. Pendulum-like movements of the head, from side to side. Head sometimes heavy and throbbing, and again so light and giddy that she could scarcely stand. Weight of head (after one hour). Uneasiness and heaviness in the head. Heaviness of the head (after one hour), (seventh day). Head heavy and dizzy (eleventh day). Stupefaction of the head. сongestion to the head. Great dulness of the head.
 Great dulness of the head and vertigo, so that they could not keep erect, and either fell to the ground or were obliged to hold to something. Great oppression in the head, with incapacity for any mental exertion. Dulness and stupefaction of the head.
 Dulness of the head. Dull headache. Headache, etc. Violent headache, etc. Excruciating pain in head. Left-sided headache.
 Burning headache. Slight headache. Pain in the head (first day); became intense, with transient delirium (second and third days).
 Peculiar feeling of lightness of the head, particularly of the occiput (after a quarter of an hour); on the following morning, the confusion of the head continued. An agreeable sensation in the head (seven minutes after first two doses), followed by an unpleasant, heavy, confused feeling, particularly in the posterior part of the head, and a slight general exhilaration (after each dose). Head seemed perfectly empty, and the sense of hearing had become so heightened that every word spoken in the lowest tone reverberated through the head, and passed through every nerve of the whole body. Unpleasant sensation in the head, but no pain (fifth day). Head vacant, with feeling as if something whirled round in it (ninth day). Sharp pain in the head, with dizziness after the chill, relieved by the diarrhoea; the pain returned the next morning, after the diarrhoea had ceased. Throbbing in the head (sixth day). вiting sensation on the head. Forehead. Violent burning pain in the frontal region, so that he would willingly die, with a sad expression, mouth drawn and constantly filled with saliva from the submaxillary glands, which were swollen. вurning pain in the frontal region, day and night. Throbbing frontal headache (after one hour).
 Vertex. Heaviness in the sinciput (after two hours). Occiput.
 Dull headache in the occiput. Headache in the occipital region (ninth day). Severe pain in the back of the head (first day).
 Pressive pain in the occiput. Lightning-like pain in the occiput, extending down the nape of the neck. External Head. The hair fell out, became dry and gray. Falling of the hair. Sensation as if the hair was pulled.
 After the epidemic an unusually large number of cataracts occurred in young people, twenty three of whom gradually became blind (fifteen men and eight women), associated with headache, vertigo, and roaring in the ears; of the cataracts two were hard, twelve soft, and nine mixed. Eyes sunken and surrounded with a blue margin (fifth day). Eyes lay deep in the head (fourth day).
 Eyes staring and wild, with dilatation of pupils (second day).
 Eyes wild and distorted, with pupils much dilated (first and second days). Staring look. Wild staring look; face red; inarticulate moans and movements of the head to and fro; arms rigid and immovable; the hands drawn over to the chest. Eyes wild, distorted. Staring and blindness. Spasmodic distortion of the eyes. Fixedness of the eye (soon after second dose).
 Glistening eyes. Right disk decidedly paler, with retina also of a paler tint. Left also pale (in one hour). Right disk paler; on apparent inner side decidedly; on outer side also a little. Left eye altogether a little paler (in one hour and twenty minutes).
 Retina and disks of both eyes decidedly pale, and this is especially observable in the right eye (in one hour). Retinae not quite so pale; disks the same as before (in one hour and a half).
 Eyes very yellow (sixth day). Rolling of the eyes about the orbits. Squinting. Light painful to the eyes (eleventh day). Pain in the eyes (first day). сonjunctiva. сonjunctiva and sclerotic coat yellow and injected (second day); conjunctiva bright yellow (fifth day). вall. Pressure in the eyeball. Pupil. Remarkable dilatation of the pupils, in a boy eight years old. Remarkable dilatation of the pupils. Pupils much dilated. Dilatation of the pupils, during the remission. Dilatation of the pupils, etc.
 Pupils somewhat dilated and rather sluggish. Slight dilatation of the pupils. Pupils greatly contracted, in a girl eight years old.
 Spasmodic contractions of the pupils. Pupils contracted, almost entirely closed, with frightful distortion of the eyes. Vision.
 Weakness of vision. Sight impaired (fourth day). Dimness of vision. Greatly diminished power of vision. Dimness and confusion of sight (after half an hour), soon followed by double vision and then entire blindness. Troubled vision (soon after second dose).
 Vision imperfect, at times almost total blindness (second and third days). Partial blindness, after the chill. Eyes blurred, with dimness of vision (eleventh day). Dimness of vision, especially when rising or moving in bed (tenth day). Great darkness before the eyes. Objects seen double. Objects seen double and triple. Frequent double vision. Photophobia.
 Blindness. Amaurosis. Veil before the eyes. Everything looks black when moving the head (tenth day). When rising up in bed everything turns black before her eyes (seventh day). Sparks appeared to flash before her eyes. Frequent flashes of light in the eyes (after forty-five minutes). Flickering before the eyes.
 Mist and sparks before the eyes. Sees stars.
 Sensation as if the ears were stopped. Roaring in the ears, with great difficulty of hearing. Roaring in the ears. Difficulty of hearing. Hearing impaired (fourth day). Transient deafness, with insensibility of the fingers of the whole hand; frequent falling asleep of the limbs. Deafness (soon after second dose).
 Constant nosebleed. Nosebleed, (fourth day), (eleventh day).
 Hemorrhage from the nose (third day); worse than before (fourth day); epistaxis (fifth day). Dryness of the nasal mucous membrane. Olfactory nerves very sensitive (tenth day).
 Shortly the palpebrae began to swell, likewise the lips and fauces; the tears flowed copiously; the Schneiderian membrane seemed much stimulated, and there was coryza, great difficulty of breathing through the nose, and injection of the vessels of the conjunctiva. The lips and palpebrae began to puff, as if stung by a bee, and gradually assumed a livid appearance. The power of deglutition was nearly lost; the voice became feeble; she said her jaws were fixed, and shortly after it was with greatest difficulty than an answer of yes or no could be elicited.
 Previous to arriving at this point, she had complained of pain in every nerve, and a sensation of emptiness of the head. The face and head suddenly became intensely congested, being of a purplish red color, after stimulants and warmth were applied. Face and abdomen swollen. Face puffy. Face sunken, often discolored.
 Features sunken. Face drawn. Risus sardonicus. Suffering expression. Face hippocratic, discolored. Stupidity of expression (soon after second dose). сountenance had a remarkably heavy idiotic expression (after second dose). Expression of face most anxious. Face pale and haggard. Face pale and collapsed (next morning); ashy (fourth day). Face pale. Face very pale. Face pale, sunken, hippocratic. Transitory paleness (in one hour).
 Face flushed and livid at times (first day). Flushing of the face. Faces warm and red. Redness of the face. Face red, with thirst and some delirium, in children. Face dark red. Face yellow. Face yellowish, sunken and distorted. Livid face (in six hours). сountenance generally more livid at birth. сheeks pale (after three-quarters of an hour). The lips were retracted so as to expose the teeth. Lips bluish. Distortion of the mouth.

Nervous system

 Confusion and Vertigo. сonfusion of the head. сonfused feeling in the head. Vertigo. сhronic vertigo. Vertigo and reeling, so that the patients could not stand upon their feet. Vertigo and reeling as if intoxicated. Vertigo for twenty-four hours after a dose.
 Reeling as from intoxication. Vertigo, that often lasts more than a month, sometimes disappearing for a short time, at other times more violent than ever, especially after eating bread. сonstantly increasing vertigo. Vertigo. Vertigo (after half an hour), lasting twelve to twenty hours, and even obliging the patient to remain in bed several days. Vertigo, and stupefaction. Vertigo and heaviness of the head. Reeling, with inability to stand upright. Dizziness and weakness (after two hours). Dizziness of the head, on moving (sixth and seventh days). Head dizzy and heavy (ninth day). Dizziness and heaviness of head (tenth day).
 Giddiness and whirling of the head (tenth day). сould scarcely walk, owing to the giddiness which had succeeded to the confusion of the head (fourth day). Giddiness and sensation as if about to fall, on the slightest movement (first day). Intoxication.

Mouth and throat

 Teeth. Gnashing of the teeth. The teeth became loose and fell out. вloody sordes (tenth day). Sordes on the teeth (seventh, eighth, and ninth days). Toothache, to which he had been subject, on exposure to cold (after one hour). Tongue. The patient frequently bites the tongue. The tongue is often torn during the most violent convulsions. Tongue a good deal swollen (second day). Twitching and swelling of the tongue, with a suffocated voice and a constant flow of saliva. Tongue heavy, tremulous, white, difficult to protrude between the teeth, so that speech was almost unintelligible. Tongue dry, scarlet at the edges, crimson and black in the middle (second and third days). Tongue white. Tongue white and moist. Tongue heavily coated white at noon, dry and brown at the tip (first day); coated with a heavy brown fur and pointed at the end (second day); heavily coated with a brownish fur, dry at the tip, edges stiff and swollen (third day); dry and brown (fourth day); dry, brown at the tip, and lead-colored at the root (fifth day); covered with a brownish lead-colored coat in the center, red at tip and edges (sixth day); clean, very dry, and red at the tip (seventh day); dry, glazed, and stiff, appearing as if baked, to the touch, with a hard crust formed on the surface (eighth day); clear, red, and somewhat more moist than last night, pointed at tip (ninth day); red and dry (tenth day); red, dry, cracked and bleeding (eleventh day). Tongue covered with a whitish-yellow, dry, thick coating (next morning). Tongue discolored brown, and at last quite black.
 Tongue covered with mucus. Tongue clean. Prickling in the tongue.
 The tongue was often terribly bruised and bitten. Tongue slightly creamy on the surface. Very painful crawling in the tongue, the tip of which was spasmodically moved about. General Mouth. Fetid breath and exhalations, so that it was almost impossible to remain in the room even with a constant circulation of air (eleventh day). Fetid breath (tenth day). Mouth either spasmodically drawn or closed. Mouth sore and bleeding; passive hemorrhage (ninth, tenth, and eleventh days). Dryness of the mouth and nose. Scalding and burning in the mouth, throat, and stomach (eighth day). Sensation as of boiling water running from the vulva up to the mouth (seventh day). Mouth sore, as if salivated (ninth day). Frequent running of water from the mouth.
 Froth the mouth bloody, yellow, or green. Flowing of frothy bloody mucus over the lips. сonstant inclination to spit (after half an hour). Taste. Fetid taste in the mouth (tenth day).
 Nauseous taste; (after one hour). Taste very much blunted. Taste flat, disagreeable. Much sour-tasting salivation (fourth day).
 Taste bitter, spoiled. Nauseous bitter taste. A peculiar taste in the mouth, as if he had smoked tobacco for a long time, or taken some ethereal oil (after a quarter of an hour). Inability to taste or bear food. вitter taste in the mouth, in the morning (second day). Speech. Stammering and hesitation in answering questions (first day); the same hesitation still observable, but mind clear (eighth day). Stammering speech. The patient stammered unintelligible words between the teeth. Speech difficult, stammering. Inability to speak distinctly. Speech slow and weak, with a feeling on every motion as if there were always some resistance to be overcome. Speech difficult.
 Hawking up of tenacious mucus, with pressive pain in the right tonsil. Dryness in the throat. Great dryness and irritation of the throat, which was intensely injected with blood, and on the left side of the soft palate was a dark patch looking as if blood was effused beneath the mucous membrane. Throat sore, with difficulty of swallowing, at 10 p.m; esophagitis; inability to swallow while lying down, at 8 (second day); not as sore (third day). Soreness and tightness about the throat (second day). Violent burning in the throat. Intolerable crawling in the throat. вurning in the fauces and along the oesophagus to the stomach (second and third days).

Appetite and food preferences

 Appetite. Excessive appetite; ate enormously of whatever was given him. Very great appetite in girls, two, five, and eight years old. Ravenous appetite. Insatiable appetite. Unusually great appetite. Unnatural appetite, even when dying from exhausting discharges from the bowels. Increased appetite.
 Ravenous hunger, with improvement after eating. Ravenous hunger.
 Constant ravenous hunger after the spasms, special desire for bread. A kind of ravenous hunger and mental weakness for a long time. Greediness; anything satisfied him; constant longing for food. Extreme greediness, especially for acids. Patients eat a great deal without being nourished. вulimia. Increased hunger.
 Desire to eat through the whole illness. The appetite is either natural or ravenous. Ate more than usual (second day). Appetite moderately increased. Loss of appetite, etc. Great aversion and inclination to vomit (after two hours). Aversion to food.
 Complete disgust for food, with an occasional feeling of coldness at the stomach that thence pervaded the whole frame. Loathing of food and drink (tenth day). Anorexia, for two days. Thirst.
 Constant and intense thirst. Intense thirst, with no abatement by iced water or lemonade (second and third days). Great thirst.
 Great thirst, but unable to drink much on account of its causing distress in the stomach (eleventh day). Great thirst and dryness of the mouth and throat, with burning and tingling of the tongue (seventh day). Urgent thirst, with a desire for acidulated drinks (first day); loathes everything except sour drinks; desires acids (third day); great thirst and desire for sour drinks (fourth, fifth, and sixth days); thirst (seventh day). Unquenchable thirst. Excessive thirst, for two days. Violent thirst. Thirst.
 Desire to drink undiluted wine at dinner, an unusual circumstance. They constantly long for drink, and desire to have the limbs stretched; with incessant pain and oppression, and pressure in the pit of the stomach, and constant ineffectual efforts to vomit. Thirst and dryness in the throat. Eructations and Hiccough. Eructations having the odor of ergot. Frequent eructations of offensive flatus (fourth day). Frequent eructations (after one hour). Sour eructation; (fifth and sixth days). Eructations; (after one hour); (after two hours).
 Singultus (fifth, seventh, and following days). Heartburn. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea. Excessive nausea and debility, with very little vomiting of a dark-brown coffee grounds fluid (first day); incessant vomiting of a brownish water, with occasional streaks of blood (second and third days). Nausea, after the chill, relieved by the diarrhoea. сonstant nausea, all day. Nausea, caused by the odor of the plant. Nausea, after eating. Either nausea, and consequently sedation, or diminished frequency of the pulse, without nauseating, in twenty-five or thirty minutes.
 Slight nausea (after thirty minutes); nausea increased (after forty minutes); vomiting (after forty-five minutes); slight nausea (after one hour); no nausea (after two hours). In three cases it produced slight nausea but no vomiting. Transient slight nausea (after each dose). A sensation resembling nausea alternated with the heavy confused feeling in the head (after half an hour). Nausea for twenty-four hours. Nausea and vomiting; (after three-quarters of an hour). Nausea, with occasional vomiting. сonstant retching and vomiting of raw very offensive bilious substances. Incessant retching, with pressure in the pit of the stomach. сonstantly retching, and could not retain a particle of either food, drink, or medicine on her stomach.
 Inclination to vomit. Sinking and sickness at the stomach (sixth day). Sometimes sickness of the stomach. Sensations similar to those attending sea-sickness (after half an hour). Fruitless efforts to vomit. Violent vomiting, followed by death. Violent vomitings. Sudden attacks of incessant vomiting, at night, with most violent headache and pain over the whole body. Vomiting, followed by relief. In two, violent emesis (in one hour). Easy vomiting. Vomiting, etc. Vomiting of dark-brown slimy mucus, and also of everything taken into the stomach (first day); great irritability of the stomach, and more difficulty of retaining food and medicine is observed at 8 , than in morning (second day); vomited twice (second night); some nausea and vomiting, at 8 (fourth day); nausea and vomiting of sour dark-green matter (fifth day); vomited a pint of matter, in the morning, very sour and of a dark-green color (sixth day); vomited sour dark-green mucus, containing shreds of disorganized membrane (seventh day); matter vomited contained shreds of mucous membrane (eighth day); vomiting of dark bilious matter, at intervals of a few minutes; constant nausea and vomiting; matter vomited is of a dark-green color, containing mucus, bile, and shreds of membrane, in the evening (ninth day); stomach can not retain even medicine or water (tenth day); vomiting of blood, bile, membrane, and coffee-grounds matter; inability to retain everything on the stomach; vomiting ceased eight hours before death (eleventh day).
 Vomiting of mucus or of worms, giving relief. Hemorrhage from the stomach (tenth day). Frequent vomiting of food. Mucous and biliary vomiting. Occasional vomiting of coffee or chocolate- colored matter, for two days. Vomiting of chocolate-colored substances. Vomitings of bilious matters; intermixed with blood.
 Violent vomiting of tenacious bilious mucus, at times affording relief. Vomiting of tenacious mucus, in the morning fasting.
 Vomiting of sour matters or of tenacious mucus. Vomiting of hardened black bile. Vomiting without great effort, soon after eating the bread, especially after a hearty meal, without diminished appetite. Vomiting of a slimy substance and frequently of round or thread worms. Stomach. Tenderness of the epigastrium (second and third days). Great weight and oppression at the pit of the stomach, as if a stone were in the stomach, an hour before death (eleventh day). Weight and oppression on the stomach (tenth day). Great distress and oppression of the stomach (tenth day).

Analogs by action

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