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colch.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Meadow Saffron. Liliacea.
The Autumn сrocus, or Meadow Saffron, is found in most parts of temperate Europe, especially near Rome.
Colchicum was well known to the ancients, who possessed extensive knowledge of its properties and uses.
Alexander of Tralles, in the fifth century, says that although it speedily relieves the pain and soreness of an attack of gout, it nevertheless favors the frequent recurrence of attacks, an opinion repeated by recent authorities.
Proved by Hahnemann, Stapf, Lindeman, and others too numerous to mention.
Vide Encyclopedia, vol. 3, p. 449.
The Autumn сrocus, or Meadow Saffron, is found in most parts of temperate Europe, especially near Rome.
Colchicum was well known to the ancients, who possessed extensive knowledge of its properties and uses.
Alexander of Tralles, in the fifth century, says that although it speedily relieves the pain and soreness of an attack of gout, it nevertheless favors the frequent recurrence of attacks, an opinion repeated by recent authorities.
Proved by Hahnemann, Stapf, Lindeman, and others too numerous to mention.
Vide Encyclopedia, vol. 3, p. 449.
- Stye, E. W. вerridge, Raue’s R., 1874, p. 71 ; Ileus, E. V. Nash, Raue’s R., 1875, p. 144 ; Ascites, W. McGregor, Raue’s R., 1873, p. 135 ; Obstinate acute diarrhoea, Hughes, Hughes’ Manual, p. 309 ; Dysentery, вrown, Organon, vol. 3, p. 375 ; Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 443 ; H. с. Allen, Organon, vol. 3, p. 375 ; Hartman, Henke, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 866 ; Hemorrhage from bowels, E. V. Nash, Raue’s R., 1875, p. 137 ; Inflammation of kidneys, Goullon, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 50, p. 20 ; Renal derangement, A. E. Small, Raue’s R., 1872 ; p. 160, Nausea of pregnancy, J. в. вell, Organon, vol. 3, p. 372 ; сhronic night cough, Elb, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 342 ; Hydrothorax, Hartman, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 341 ; Elb, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 342 ; Pleurisy, Seidel, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 341 ; Pericarditis, Kidd, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 895 ; Rheumatism (3 cases), Williams, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 511 ; (3 cases), Godart, Frank’s Mag., vol. 3, p. 144 ; Acute articular rheumatism, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 895 ; Gout, сhrichow, Frank’s Mag., vol. 1, p. 354 ; Great prostration, Haden, Analytical Therapeutics, vol. 1, p. 134 ; Paralysis, Hartman, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 470 ; Asiatic cholera, Engelhard, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 471 ; Post-scarlatinal dropsy, сl. Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 47 ; Dropsy, Ignatia Pollak, Raue’s R., 1870, p. 226.
Psyche and consciousness
Perception entirely lost ; unconscious. θ Typhus. θ Myelitis acuta.
Memory weakened, ideas not so clear as usual ; forgetfulness ; absence of mind.
Disorders in comprehension and association of ideas ; he lacks words to express his ideas ; when writing, he forgets syllables and entire words ; he confounds objects.
Confusion of head ; intellect clouded, though he answers correctly.
Says nothing unless questioned, his condition does not seem to him dangerous. θ Typhus.
Can read, but cannot understand even a short sentence ; cannot understand the words ; vision is heightened, but intellectual faculties dulled.
Delirium with headache.
Great desire for rest, and disinclination to mental exertion, or exertion of any kind.
Mind depressed. θ Dropsy. θ Gout.
Surly, ill-humored, not satisfied with anything.
His sufferings seem intolerable to him ; external impressions, light, noise, strong smells, contact, etc., disturb his temper.
Pains so excessive they almost drive one mad, in the evening.
Aggravation very often, after mental exertion.
Pains worse by mental exertion or by motion.
Ailments from grief or misbehavior of others.
Confusion and drowsiness of the head.
Anxiety : in precordia.
Confusion : of head.
Dulness : in sternum.
Pulsations : in head ; in abdomen.
Creeping : in forehead.
Shuddering and creeping, in isolated parts, such as are felt on getting cold from change of weather.
Crawling : in nose.
Prickling : in hands and feet, as if asleep.
Biting tingling : in throat and fauces.
Tingling : in ears, as after being frosted ; in nose ; in face ; in anus ; in tips of fingers ; in right big toe ; in toes as after being frosted ; in many parts of body ; here and there in skin, as after being frosted.
Tickling : in throat ; in fossa navicularis ; in trachea.
Weakness : with the pains.
Tiredness : of feet.
Frequent trembling : through body.
Uneasiness : at epigastrium.
Paralytic sensation : in maxillary joint ; with the pains.
Numbness : of tongue ; of hands and feet ; in small joints which are swollen and stiff.
Stiffness : in joints.
Lameness : through limbs, with great weakness.
Dryness : of ears ; in mouth ; of throat ; of tongue.
Heat : in mouth ; in pharynx and whole length of oesophagus ; of palms.
Warm sensation : in mouth.
Cold sensation : of head and limbs.
Itching : in nose ; in pharynx ; in anus ; at prepuce and orifice of urethra ; in larynx and trachea ; of skin, as in nettlerash.
Metastasis to internal organs.
Dropsy of cavities and internal organs, especially hydro-pericardium ; hydrothorax ; ascites ; hydrometra.
It affects the urinary and digestive tracts, and to some extent the respiratory organs.
Useful in hemorrhages from lungs, stomach and uterus.
Muscular rheumatism and loss of muscular power.
Stands in close relation to fibrous tissues ; redness, swelling, heat, etc., not tending to suppuration ; easily and quickly changing location.
Gout attacking many joints ; muscular pains like torticollis ; lumbago ; tearing pains in joints ; pains in all bones.
Acts markedly on periosteum ; synovial membranes of joints, especially small joints ; that part of the nervous system which presides over the function of voluntary motion.
General inflammation of joints, with excessive hyperesthesia, slightest concussion of air, floor, or bed, renders pains unbearable ; exacerbation of fever and of pain in evening, and at night with copious sweating ; secretion of urine diminished, but urine highly saturated ; excessive thirst, quickened respiration, and increased strong beating of heart ; large joints intensely red and hot ; smaller ones swollen and stiff, with sensation of numbness.
Acts more on small joints than on large.
When during chronic form of gout acute paroxysms set in, also in metastasis to heart.
Rheumatism. Articular, acute or chronic ; with or without fever ; after getting thoroughly wet ; complicated with gastric affections ; occurring immediately after moist weather ; in later stages.
It hastens relapses of gout it abused.
Secretions of all mucous surfaces altered and increased.
Gastric rheumatic genus epidemicus.
Diphtheritis of mucous membranes and submucous cellular tissue.
Emaciation, oedema, anasarca, complicated with rheumatism.
Acute dropsy, with renal affections.
Dropsy after scarlatina.
Memory weakened, ideas not so clear as usual ; forgetfulness ; absence of mind.
Disorders in comprehension and association of ideas ; he lacks words to express his ideas ; when writing, he forgets syllables and entire words ; he confounds objects.
Confusion of head ; intellect clouded, though he answers correctly.
Says nothing unless questioned, his condition does not seem to him dangerous. θ Typhus.
Can read, but cannot understand even a short sentence ; cannot understand the words ; vision is heightened, but intellectual faculties dulled.
Delirium with headache.
Great desire for rest, and disinclination to mental exertion, or exertion of any kind.
Mind depressed. θ Dropsy. θ Gout.
Surly, ill-humored, not satisfied with anything.
His sufferings seem intolerable to him ; external impressions, light, noise, strong smells, contact, etc., disturb his temper.
Pains so excessive they almost drive one mad, in the evening.
Aggravation very often, after mental exertion.
Pains worse by mental exertion or by motion.
Ailments from grief or misbehavior of others.
Confusion and drowsiness of the head.
Anxiety : in precordia.
Confusion : of head.
Dulness : in sternum.
Pulsations : in head ; in abdomen.
Creeping : in forehead.
Shuddering and creeping, in isolated parts, such as are felt on getting cold from change of weather.
Crawling : in nose.
Prickling : in hands and feet, as if asleep.
Biting tingling : in throat and fauces.
Tingling : in ears, as after being frosted ; in nose ; in face ; in anus ; in tips of fingers ; in right big toe ; in toes as after being frosted ; in many parts of body ; here and there in skin, as after being frosted.
Tickling : in throat ; in fossa navicularis ; in trachea.
Weakness : with the pains.
Tiredness : of feet.
Frequent trembling : through body.
Uneasiness : at epigastrium.
Paralytic sensation : in maxillary joint ; with the pains.
Numbness : of tongue ; of hands and feet ; in small joints which are swollen and stiff.
Stiffness : in joints.
Lameness : through limbs, with great weakness.
Dryness : of ears ; in mouth ; of throat ; of tongue.
Heat : in mouth ; in pharynx and whole length of oesophagus ; of palms.
Warm sensation : in mouth.
Cold sensation : of head and limbs.
Itching : in nose ; in pharynx ; in anus ; at prepuce and orifice of urethra ; in larynx and trachea ; of skin, as in nettlerash.
Metastasis to internal organs.
Dropsy of cavities and internal organs, especially hydro-pericardium ; hydrothorax ; ascites ; hydrometra.
It affects the urinary and digestive tracts, and to some extent the respiratory organs.
Useful in hemorrhages from lungs, stomach and uterus.
Muscular rheumatism and loss of muscular power.
Stands in close relation to fibrous tissues ; redness, swelling, heat, etc., not tending to suppuration ; easily and quickly changing location.
Gout attacking many joints ; muscular pains like torticollis ; lumbago ; tearing pains in joints ; pains in all bones.
Acts markedly on periosteum ; synovial membranes of joints, especially small joints ; that part of the nervous system which presides over the function of voluntary motion.
General inflammation of joints, with excessive hyperesthesia, slightest concussion of air, floor, or bed, renders pains unbearable ; exacerbation of fever and of pain in evening, and at night with copious sweating ; secretion of urine diminished, but urine highly saturated ; excessive thirst, quickened respiration, and increased strong beating of heart ; large joints intensely red and hot ; smaller ones swollen and stiff, with sensation of numbness.
Acts more on small joints than on large.
When during chronic form of gout acute paroxysms set in, also in metastasis to heart.
Rheumatism. Articular, acute or chronic ; with or without fever ; after getting thoroughly wet ; complicated with gastric affections ; occurring immediately after moist weather ; in later stages.
It hastens relapses of gout it abused.
Secretions of all mucous surfaces altered and increased.
Gastric rheumatic genus epidemicus.
Diphtheritis of mucous membranes and submucous cellular tissue.
Emaciation, oedema, anasarca, complicated with rheumatism.
Acute dropsy, with renal affections.
Dropsy after scarlatina.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo : while sitting, after walking ; on rising.
Delirium, with headache.
Coma, or unconsciousness.
Pressive heaviness deep in cerebellum, especially on moving or stooping.
Pressing pain above, in small spots, or very severely in substance of cerebellum, and occurring on the slightest intellectual exertion.
Pressure in head ; especially in occiput, also deep in cerebellum, excited by mental exertion, or night watching.
Boring, pressing headache, brought on by mental labor, and by entering room from open air.
Sensation of constriction in ciliary region, with great desire for rest, and disinclination to mental exertion. θ Iritis.
Spasmodic pains in head, especially over eyes.
Boring headache, especially over eyes, extending into dorsum of nose.
Headache over left eye, worse in open air.
Painful rending, tearing, drawing pains in left side of head, from eyeball to occiput.
Very painful drawing-tearing in half of head, beginning at ball of eye, extending to occiput.
Hemicrania, either of right or left side, changing about.
Pressing pain in right and afterwards in left frontal region.
Tearing, wandering pains, in one half of head, in occiput, in temples, or pericranium.
Creeping sensation in forehead.
Pressing-tearing in occiput.
Oppressive weight in occiput, during movement and when bending the body backward.
Pressing headache. θ Dropsy.
Pulsations in head.
Very violent headache, coming in evening, and lasting until morning.
Headache better after supper, from warmth and lying quiet in bed.
Heaviness of head.
Head bent forward upon breast, arms hang listless.
When raised the head falls back, mouth wide open.
Extreme weakness, cannot move her head from pillow without help. θ Hemorrhage from bowels.
Difficulty in moving head.
Hot forehead. θ Dropsy.
Forehead covered with cold sweat. θ Typhus.
Tearing in scalp, on small spots, particularly on occiput.
Lacerating pain in scalp.
Great falling off of the hair.
Porrigo favosa, oozing acrid ichor.
Eyes half open ; sunken, staring ; hollow, congested, protruding.
Loss of sight for a minute or two on getting out of bed.
Drawing, digging pain, deep in orbit, like in sclerotitis.
Drawing tension deep in eye.
A slight nebulous dimness appears in posterior chamber, probably proceeding from vitreous body.
Soft cataract, glaucoma.
Complete capsulo-lenticular cataract, with increased size of lens.
Lens pressed forward against iris, then closing up pupil.
Iris first of a beautiful brown color, afterwards dim and as if blotted out.
Iritis, rheumatic cases, with great soreness of eyeballs.
Pupils much dilated, only slightly sensitive to light, or immovable and slightly dilated ; left pupil contracted, while right is dilated. θ Typhoid.
Pupil naturally large, is excessively sensitive to light, contracting not much but very rapidly.
Deposit of a purulent fluid in lower part of anterior chamber.
Dimness, opacity of cornea ; macula.
Inflammation of eyes, dim-sightedness, watering of eyes, white spot on cornea.
Soreness and pressive pain in eyes.
Violent, short, sharp, tearing pain, in and around eyeball.
Ulceration of meibomian glands of left lower lid, which is much swollen, with great nervousness.
Burning and redness of edges of lids.
Smarting in the eye, especially in outer canthus, with lachrymation ; feeling as if canthus was glued up.
Pressure and biting in canthi, with moderate lachrymation.
Stye on left lower lid, near inner canthus.
Excoriating lachrymation, worse in open air. θ Iritis.
Worse when looking upward.
Around the edge of the pupil, from behind the iris, a yellowish flocculent membrane appears in the pupil, and protrudes into the anterior chamber.
Hearing generally acute.
Arthritic vertigo of auditory nerve.
Roaring in ears ; they feel stopped up.
Tingling of ears, as after being frosted.
Earache, with stitches in ears.
Dryness of ears.
Discharge from ears, with tearing pain. θ Otorrhoea after measles.
Smell morbidly acute ; the odor of meat broth causes nausea, and that of fresh eggs nearly fainting ; excessive sensitiveness of smell to cooking.
Strong odors make him quiet beside himself.
Tingling and itching in nose. θ сoryza.
Sneezing, with crawling sensation in nose.
Nostrils dry and black.
Sore pain in septum.
Nosebleed, particularly in evening.
Long-lasting coryza ; discharge thin, tenacious, never watery.
Extreme anxiety of countenance. θ Pericarditis.
Anxious countenance ; sharp features ; cheeks, lips and eyelids purple.
Face : doleful, sad expression ; suffering, like that of a chronic patient ; hippocratic, sunken, cadaverous look ; risus sardonicus ; pale ; pale and blue ; yellow spotted ; cheeks red and hot, covered with sweat ; cachectic (dysentery).
For three or four hours each day circumscribed redness of cheeks, with marked paleness about nose and mouth.
Face, and especially nose, color of bleached coal ashes. θ сhronic asthma.
Tingling in skin of face as after being frosted.
Tearing and tensive pains in facial muscles, moving from one location to another.
Drawing in bones of face or nose ; sensation as if they were being rent asunder.
Edematous swelling of face.
Edema of lids and face ; great sensitiveness to contact, motion, and changes to damp weather ; gouty diathesis. θ Iritis.
Pain and swelling from a decayed tooth ; tongue furred.
Lips chapped, livid, or blue.
Thick, brownish coating on lips, teeth and tongue.
A paralytic sensation, a cramplike pain in maxillary joint. θ Arthritic toothache.
Delirium, with headache.
Coma, or unconsciousness.
Pressive heaviness deep in cerebellum, especially on moving or stooping.
Pressing pain above, in small spots, or very severely in substance of cerebellum, and occurring on the slightest intellectual exertion.
Pressure in head ; especially in occiput, also deep in cerebellum, excited by mental exertion, or night watching.
Boring, pressing headache, brought on by mental labor, and by entering room from open air.
Sensation of constriction in ciliary region, with great desire for rest, and disinclination to mental exertion. θ Iritis.
Spasmodic pains in head, especially over eyes.
Boring headache, especially over eyes, extending into dorsum of nose.
Headache over left eye, worse in open air.
Painful rending, tearing, drawing pains in left side of head, from eyeball to occiput.
Very painful drawing-tearing in half of head, beginning at ball of eye, extending to occiput.
Hemicrania, either of right or left side, changing about.
Pressing pain in right and afterwards in left frontal region.
Tearing, wandering pains, in one half of head, in occiput, in temples, or pericranium.
Creeping sensation in forehead.
Pressing-tearing in occiput.
Oppressive weight in occiput, during movement and when bending the body backward.
Pressing headache. θ Dropsy.
Pulsations in head.
Very violent headache, coming in evening, and lasting until morning.
Headache better after supper, from warmth and lying quiet in bed.
Heaviness of head.
Head bent forward upon breast, arms hang listless.
When raised the head falls back, mouth wide open.
Extreme weakness, cannot move her head from pillow without help. θ Hemorrhage from bowels.
Difficulty in moving head.
Hot forehead. θ Dropsy.
Forehead covered with cold sweat. θ Typhus.
Tearing in scalp, on small spots, particularly on occiput.
Lacerating pain in scalp.
Great falling off of the hair.
Porrigo favosa, oozing acrid ichor.
Eyes half open ; sunken, staring ; hollow, congested, protruding.
Loss of sight for a minute or two on getting out of bed.
Drawing, digging pain, deep in orbit, like in sclerotitis.
Drawing tension deep in eye.
A slight nebulous dimness appears in posterior chamber, probably proceeding from vitreous body.
Soft cataract, glaucoma.
Complete capsulo-lenticular cataract, with increased size of lens.
Lens pressed forward against iris, then closing up pupil.
Iris first of a beautiful brown color, afterwards dim and as if blotted out.
Iritis, rheumatic cases, with great soreness of eyeballs.
Pupils much dilated, only slightly sensitive to light, or immovable and slightly dilated ; left pupil contracted, while right is dilated. θ Typhoid.
Pupil naturally large, is excessively sensitive to light, contracting not much but very rapidly.
Deposit of a purulent fluid in lower part of anterior chamber.
Dimness, opacity of cornea ; macula.
Inflammation of eyes, dim-sightedness, watering of eyes, white spot on cornea.
Soreness and pressive pain in eyes.
Violent, short, sharp, tearing pain, in and around eyeball.
Ulceration of meibomian glands of left lower lid, which is much swollen, with great nervousness.
Burning and redness of edges of lids.
Smarting in the eye, especially in outer canthus, with lachrymation ; feeling as if canthus was glued up.
Pressure and biting in canthi, with moderate lachrymation.
Stye on left lower lid, near inner canthus.
Excoriating lachrymation, worse in open air. θ Iritis.
Worse when looking upward.
Around the edge of the pupil, from behind the iris, a yellowish flocculent membrane appears in the pupil, and protrudes into the anterior chamber.
Hearing generally acute.
Arthritic vertigo of auditory nerve.
Roaring in ears ; they feel stopped up.
Tingling of ears, as after being frosted.
Earache, with stitches in ears.
Dryness of ears.
Discharge from ears, with tearing pain. θ Otorrhoea after measles.
Smell morbidly acute ; the odor of meat broth causes nausea, and that of fresh eggs nearly fainting ; excessive sensitiveness of smell to cooking.
Strong odors make him quiet beside himself.
Tingling and itching in nose. θ сoryza.
Sneezing, with crawling sensation in nose.
Nostrils dry and black.
Sore pain in septum.
Nosebleed, particularly in evening.
Long-lasting coryza ; discharge thin, tenacious, never watery.
Extreme anxiety of countenance. θ Pericarditis.
Anxious countenance ; sharp features ; cheeks, lips and eyelids purple.
Face : doleful, sad expression ; suffering, like that of a chronic patient ; hippocratic, sunken, cadaverous look ; risus sardonicus ; pale ; pale and blue ; yellow spotted ; cheeks red and hot, covered with sweat ; cachectic (dysentery).
For three or four hours each day circumscribed redness of cheeks, with marked paleness about nose and mouth.
Face, and especially nose, color of bleached coal ashes. θ сhronic asthma.
Tingling in skin of face as after being frosted.
Tearing and tensive pains in facial muscles, moving from one location to another.
Drawing in bones of face or nose ; sensation as if they were being rent asunder.
Edematous swelling of face.
Edema of lids and face ; great sensitiveness to contact, motion, and changes to damp weather ; gouty diathesis. θ Iritis.
Pain and swelling from a decayed tooth ; tongue furred.
Lips chapped, livid, or blue.
Thick, brownish coating on lips, teeth and tongue.
A paralytic sensation, a cramplike pain in maxillary joint. θ Arthritic toothache.
Mouth and throat
Grinding of teeth ; teeth feel too long.
Teeth very sensitive when pressed together, as in biting.
Toothache, worse from cold and immediately after warm things.
Arthritic toothache, worse at night.
Tearing in jaws and gums.
Flat, bitterish taste, or tastelessness of food. θ Dysentery.
Inability to talk, or talks with effort. θ сholera. θ Typhus.
Loss of sensibility in tongue.
Tearing, burning and sticking in tongue.
Tongue. вright red ; heavy, stiff and numb ; cold ; moved and projected with difficulty.
Tongue coated : with whitish fur ; with a thick yellow fur ; with brown slime. θ Intestinal disturbances. θ Pericarditis. θ Dysentery.
Mouth open to the widest extent. θ Typhus.
Sensation of warmth and dryness in mouth.
Heat in mouth, with thirst.
Inflammation of mucous membrane of mouth and throat.
Salivation. θ сholera sporadica.
Profuse flow of saliva, with dryness of throat.
Affection of salivary glands. θ вright’s disease.
The saliva causes nausea and inclination to vomit when swallowing it.
Tickling in throat, as if coryza was setting in, inducing cough and clearing throat.
Smarting and sensation of dryness of tongue and throat.
Biting-tingling in throat and fauces.
The throat is dry, and yet there is a flow of watery saliva, accompanied by nausea and discomfort in abdomen.
Inflammation and redness of palate and fauces.
Tonsils inflamed and swollen ; here and there spots covered with pus, swallowing difficult.
Heat in pharynx and whole length of oesophagus.
Itching in pharynx.
Constriction of oesophagus.
Accumulation of mucus in throat.
Much greenish, thin mucus in throat, sometimes comes involuntarily into mouth, or is hawked up.
Voice hoarse, or deeper than usual.
Hoarseness in morning, with roughness of throat.
Itching in larynx and trachea.
Tickling in trachea with coryza and a little cough.
Trachea inflamed at its bifurcation.
Catarrh of air passages.
Teeth very sensitive when pressed together, as in biting.
Toothache, worse from cold and immediately after warm things.
Arthritic toothache, worse at night.
Tearing in jaws and gums.
Flat, bitterish taste, or tastelessness of food. θ Dysentery.
Inability to talk, or talks with effort. θ сholera. θ Typhus.
Loss of sensibility in tongue.
Tearing, burning and sticking in tongue.
Tongue. вright red ; heavy, stiff and numb ; cold ; moved and projected with difficulty.
Tongue coated : with whitish fur ; with a thick yellow fur ; with brown slime. θ Intestinal disturbances. θ Pericarditis. θ Dysentery.
Mouth open to the widest extent. θ Typhus.
Sensation of warmth and dryness in mouth.
Heat in mouth, with thirst.
Inflammation of mucous membrane of mouth and throat.
Salivation. θ сholera sporadica.
Profuse flow of saliva, with dryness of throat.
Affection of salivary glands. θ вright’s disease.
The saliva causes nausea and inclination to vomit when swallowing it.
Tickling in throat, as if coryza was setting in, inducing cough and clearing throat.
Smarting and sensation of dryness of tongue and throat.
Biting-tingling in throat and fauces.
The throat is dry, and yet there is a flow of watery saliva, accompanied by nausea and discomfort in abdomen.
Inflammation and redness of palate and fauces.
Tonsils inflamed and swollen ; here and there spots covered with pus, swallowing difficult.
Heat in pharynx and whole length of oesophagus.
Itching in pharynx.
Constriction of oesophagus.
Accumulation of mucus in throat.
Much greenish, thin mucus in throat, sometimes comes involuntarily into mouth, or is hawked up.
Voice hoarse, or deeper than usual.
Hoarseness in morning, with roughness of throat.
Itching in larynx and trachea.
Tickling in trachea with coryza and a little cough.
Trachea inflamed at its bifurcation.
Catarrh of air passages.
Appetite and food preferences
Enormous appetite.
He has appetite for different things, but as soon as he sees them, or still more smells them, he shudders from nausea, and is unable to eat anything.
Appetite entirely gone. θ Dysentery.
No appetite, but intense thirst. θ Pericarditis. θ Rheumatism. θ Dropsy.
Aversion to food ; loathing the sight, and still more the smell of it. θ Ileus. θ Hemorrhage from bowels.
The smell of fish, eggs, fat meats or both, causes nausea even unto faintness. θ Dysentery.
Great thirst. θ Hemorrhage from bowels. θ Dysentery. θ сholera sporadica.
No thirst.
He has appetite for different things, but as soon as he sees them, or still more smells them, he shudders from nausea, and is unable to eat anything.
Appetite entirely gone. θ Dysentery.
No appetite, but intense thirst. θ Pericarditis. θ Rheumatism. θ Dropsy.
Aversion to food ; loathing the sight, and still more the smell of it. θ Ileus. θ Hemorrhage from bowels.
The smell of fish, eggs, fat meats or both, causes nausea even unto faintness. θ Dysentery.
Great thirst. θ Hemorrhage from bowels. θ Dysentery. θ сholera sporadica.
No thirst.
Gastrointestinal tract
Frequent, copious eructations of tasteless gas.
Eructations, with burning in stomach.
Gulping up of water, followed by nausea. θ Dropsy.
Nausea and inclination to vomit, caused by swallowing saliva.
Deathly nausea and prostration. θ Acute diarrhoea.
Nausea, with great restlessness ; on assuming upright posture, a qualmishness in stomach and inclination to vomit.
Smell of cooking nauseates to faintness ; often from merely looking at food. θ Dropsy. θ Hemorrhage from bowels. θ Typhlitis. θ Intermittent fever.
Nausea, eructations and copious vomiting of mucus and bile.
Disposition to vomit, better by lying perfectly still ; renewed, however, by every motion.
Violent and excessive retching without vomiting.
Violent retching, followed by copious and forcible vomiting of food and then of bile.
Vomiting first food, then fluid, finally considerable quantities of stercoraceous matter. θ Ileus.
Vomiting : of food ; of bilious, glairy matter, of greenish mucus ; the water he drank ; of acrid, sour slime ; of rice water ; of fluid like coffee-grounds ; renewed after every motion ; occurring with great ease.
Vomiting followed by weakness and sometimes ravenous hunger. θ Dropsy.
He was obliged to bend himself up and lie quite still the whole day, without the slightest movement, else he was seized with the most violent vomiting.
Ravenous hunger and weakness after vomiting. θ Dropsy.
Vomiting, with watery diarrhoea.
Vomiting and purging of rice-water stools, with thirst.
Uneasiness at epigastrium ; extremely sensitive to touch or pressure. θ Dysentery.
Violent burning in epigastrium.
Pain in epigastrium as if pierced with a knife.
Stomach deranged after eating too many eggs.
The stomach seems constantly icy cold.
Pressure in stomach.
Burning in stomach, or icy coldness, with great pain and debility.
Burning in pit of stomach. θ Dropsy.
Burning in pit of stomach, followed by nausea and finally vomiting, with subsequent weakness, and sometimes ravenous hunger.
Severe pain and tenderness over region of stomach, at times extending over bowels.
Fulness of stomach ; swelling as if he had eaten too much, even when he had taken nothing, worse after eating even light food.
Sensation of gnawing hunger in stomach.
Stitches in pit of stomach.
Violent burning pain in stomach.
Cramps in stomach.
Colic : aggravated by eating ; after flatulent food ; with great distension of belly ; better when bending double.
Gastric affections, with a coated tongue, clammy taste, anorexia, pressure in stomach, empty eructation.
Gastric affections before and during an attack of rheumatism.
Anxious feeling in precordia.
Distension of a gas under short ribs, as after eating too much.
Pain in right hypochondrium, like from incarcerated flatus.
Tympanitis. θ сolic. θ Dysentery.
Tympanitis with pain in back. θ Typhoid.
Great distension of abdomen with gas, as if he had eaten too much.
Flatulent distension of abdomen, with less frequent and less copious stools.
Belching and great meteoristic distension of stomach and upper abdomen. θ Ileus.
Great swelling of lower part of abdomen.
Abdomen much swollen, with a fold or crease below umbilicus, extending across. θ Ascites.
Distended abdomen, contracts spasmodically when touched.
No bellyache, but rumbling noise and sensation as if diarrhoea would begin every moment. θ Dysentery.
Surface of abdomen hotter than rest of body and extremely sensitive to touch.
Intense intermitting pain in upper portion of small intestines, with constipation, fever, thirst and yellow tongue.
Pain extends from stomach over abdomen, followed by large watery evacuations ; each discharge with severe griping pain.
Burning, or icy coldness in stomach and abdomen. θ сolic. θ сholera sporadica.
Pulsation in abdomen.
Pressing, tearing, cutting or stitching pains in abdomen.
Spasmodic pains in lower abdomen, loss of appetite and general lassitude. θ Dysentery.
Great pain, tenderness and swelling in right ileo-cecal and ileo-inguinal regions. θ Ileus.
Tearing pain in belly, especially about sigmoid flexure of colon, worse from pressure, and at night. θ Rheumatic diarrhoea.
Griping in abdomen and colicky pains. θ Dysentery.
Colic : worse by eating ; after flatulent food ; until diarrhoea sets in ; better from bending double.
Painless cholera morbus, with much weakness and prostration.
In inflammatory irritation of abdominal viscera, by metastasis from gout.
Pain in bowels increases, towards evening, and continues until daybreak. θ Hemorrhage from bowels.
Pain in belly, worse on pressure and at night. θ Rheumatic diarrhoea.
Very offensive flatus in evening.
Urging to stool : unsatisfactory ; better by frequent passages of flatus.
Ineffectual pressing to stool, feels feces in rectum but cannot expel them.
Very painful urging to stool ; at first only a little feces passed, afterwards followed transparent, gelatinous and very membranous mucus, with some relief of pain in abdomen.
Stools scanty, discharged only by hard straining, even if soft, with pain in small of back.
Extremely painful stools.
Stools : changeable ; mucous, jelly-like ; greenish ; reddish ; yellowish ; light yellow ; orange yellow ; slimy ; fecal ; excoriating ; slightly sour smelling ; white, shreddy particles ; with borborygmus ; frequent, abundant, watery, with flocculi ; like rice water ; yellowish and bloody ; scanty, with tenesmus, salivation, and copious secretion of urine ; copious, frequent, watery, or bilious, often without pain, sometimes with cutting colic ; watery, with bright yellow flakes ; scanty, difficult, of bloody mucus and shreds, with pain in anus, and violent tenesmus ; green, watery, very offensive mucus ; pass insensibly ; involuntarily ; only mucous discharges, and during night.
Very offensive evacuations. θ Dysentery. θ Dropsy.
Feces mixed with small, white membranes, or light bluish matter. θ Dysentery.
Discharge from bowels like gelatin. θ Dysentery.
Evacuated mere mucus without blood, with a good deal of tenesmus. θ Dysentery.
Watery jelly-like mucus passes from anus, with violent spasm in sphincter. θ Dysentery. θ сholera sporadica.
Bilious diarrhoea, stools afterwards mixed with white membranous pieces.
Constant vomiting and passages of green matter, with cutting pains about umbilicus, each successive stool growing more watery. θ Asiatic cholera.
Profuse, watery stools, in hot, damp weather, or in Autumn. θ Diarrhoea.
Obstinate, acute diarrhoea, with deathly nausea and prostration.
Diarrhoea, with violent colicky pains.
After a few discharges from bowels of a slimy, watery substance, without relief, obstinate constipation. θ Ileus.
Stools slimy, streaked with blood, and lumpy, attended with tenesmus and nocturnal fever. θ Rheumatism.
Bloody stools, with scrapings from intestines and protrusion of anus. θ Dysentery.
Fall dysentery, with discharges of white mucus and violent tenesmus ; bloody stools, mingled with a slimy substance.
Bloody discharge from bowels with deathly nausea from smelling cooking.
Putrid, dark colored blood and mucus pass from bowels.
Pain about sigmoid flexure of colon. θ Rheumatic diarrhoea.
Tenesmus in rectum.
Long-lasting, agonizing pain in rectum and anus, after stool, causing screams and crying.
Forcing, pressing pains in rectum, with frequent scanty discharge. θ Dysentery.
Tingling, itching, burning and tearing in anus.
Protrusion of rectum. θ Dysentery.
Hemorrhage from bowels in autumnal, cold, damp weather.
Oozing of copious mucus from anus.
Spasm of sphincter during or independent of discharge, with a shuddering over back.
Child falls asleep on vessel as soon as tenesmus ceases. θ Dysentery.
Before stool : flatulency ; pinching in abdomen.
During stool : stinking flatus ; rending pain in anus, backache ; vomiting, vertigo, faintness, cardial stitches.
After stool : remission of intestinal pains and of sensorial complaints ; increase of pelvic pains ; stinking flatus, feeling of diarrhoea in rectum, and sore biting in anus ; renewed desire to go to stool ; exhaustion.
Eructations, with burning in stomach.
Gulping up of water, followed by nausea. θ Dropsy.
Nausea and inclination to vomit, caused by swallowing saliva.
Deathly nausea and prostration. θ Acute diarrhoea.
Nausea, with great restlessness ; on assuming upright posture, a qualmishness in stomach and inclination to vomit.
Smell of cooking nauseates to faintness ; often from merely looking at food. θ Dropsy. θ Hemorrhage from bowels. θ Typhlitis. θ Intermittent fever.
Nausea, eructations and copious vomiting of mucus and bile.
Disposition to vomit, better by lying perfectly still ; renewed, however, by every motion.
Violent and excessive retching without vomiting.
Violent retching, followed by copious and forcible vomiting of food and then of bile.
Vomiting first food, then fluid, finally considerable quantities of stercoraceous matter. θ Ileus.
Vomiting : of food ; of bilious, glairy matter, of greenish mucus ; the water he drank ; of acrid, sour slime ; of rice water ; of fluid like coffee-grounds ; renewed after every motion ; occurring with great ease.
Vomiting followed by weakness and sometimes ravenous hunger. θ Dropsy.
He was obliged to bend himself up and lie quite still the whole day, without the slightest movement, else he was seized with the most violent vomiting.
Ravenous hunger and weakness after vomiting. θ Dropsy.
Vomiting, with watery diarrhoea.
Vomiting and purging of rice-water stools, with thirst.
Uneasiness at epigastrium ; extremely sensitive to touch or pressure. θ Dysentery.
Violent burning in epigastrium.
Pain in epigastrium as if pierced with a knife.
Stomach deranged after eating too many eggs.
The stomach seems constantly icy cold.
Pressure in stomach.
Burning in stomach, or icy coldness, with great pain and debility.
Burning in pit of stomach. θ Dropsy.
Burning in pit of stomach, followed by nausea and finally vomiting, with subsequent weakness, and sometimes ravenous hunger.
Severe pain and tenderness over region of stomach, at times extending over bowels.
Fulness of stomach ; swelling as if he had eaten too much, even when he had taken nothing, worse after eating even light food.
Sensation of gnawing hunger in stomach.
Stitches in pit of stomach.
Violent burning pain in stomach.
Cramps in stomach.
Colic : aggravated by eating ; after flatulent food ; with great distension of belly ; better when bending double.
Gastric affections, with a coated tongue, clammy taste, anorexia, pressure in stomach, empty eructation.
Gastric affections before and during an attack of rheumatism.
Anxious feeling in precordia.
Distension of a gas under short ribs, as after eating too much.
Pain in right hypochondrium, like from incarcerated flatus.
Tympanitis. θ сolic. θ Dysentery.
Tympanitis with pain in back. θ Typhoid.
Great distension of abdomen with gas, as if he had eaten too much.
Flatulent distension of abdomen, with less frequent and less copious stools.
Belching and great meteoristic distension of stomach and upper abdomen. θ Ileus.
Great swelling of lower part of abdomen.
Abdomen much swollen, with a fold or crease below umbilicus, extending across. θ Ascites.
Distended abdomen, contracts spasmodically when touched.
No bellyache, but rumbling noise and sensation as if diarrhoea would begin every moment. θ Dysentery.
Surface of abdomen hotter than rest of body and extremely sensitive to touch.
Intense intermitting pain in upper portion of small intestines, with constipation, fever, thirst and yellow tongue.
Pain extends from stomach over abdomen, followed by large watery evacuations ; each discharge with severe griping pain.
Burning, or icy coldness in stomach and abdomen. θ сolic. θ сholera sporadica.
Pulsation in abdomen.
Pressing, tearing, cutting or stitching pains in abdomen.
Spasmodic pains in lower abdomen, loss of appetite and general lassitude. θ Dysentery.
Great pain, tenderness and swelling in right ileo-cecal and ileo-inguinal regions. θ Ileus.
Tearing pain in belly, especially about sigmoid flexure of colon, worse from pressure, and at night. θ Rheumatic diarrhoea.
Griping in abdomen and colicky pains. θ Dysentery.
Colic : worse by eating ; after flatulent food ; until diarrhoea sets in ; better from bending double.
Painless cholera morbus, with much weakness and prostration.
In inflammatory irritation of abdominal viscera, by metastasis from gout.
Pain in bowels increases, towards evening, and continues until daybreak. θ Hemorrhage from bowels.
Pain in belly, worse on pressure and at night. θ Rheumatic diarrhoea.
Very offensive flatus in evening.
Urging to stool : unsatisfactory ; better by frequent passages of flatus.
Ineffectual pressing to stool, feels feces in rectum but cannot expel them.
Very painful urging to stool ; at first only a little feces passed, afterwards followed transparent, gelatinous and very membranous mucus, with some relief of pain in abdomen.
Stools scanty, discharged only by hard straining, even if soft, with pain in small of back.
Extremely painful stools.
Stools : changeable ; mucous, jelly-like ; greenish ; reddish ; yellowish ; light yellow ; orange yellow ; slimy ; fecal ; excoriating ; slightly sour smelling ; white, shreddy particles ; with borborygmus ; frequent, abundant, watery, with flocculi ; like rice water ; yellowish and bloody ; scanty, with tenesmus, salivation, and copious secretion of urine ; copious, frequent, watery, or bilious, often without pain, sometimes with cutting colic ; watery, with bright yellow flakes ; scanty, difficult, of bloody mucus and shreds, with pain in anus, and violent tenesmus ; green, watery, very offensive mucus ; pass insensibly ; involuntarily ; only mucous discharges, and during night.
Very offensive evacuations. θ Dysentery. θ Dropsy.
Feces mixed with small, white membranes, or light bluish matter. θ Dysentery.
Discharge from bowels like gelatin. θ Dysentery.
Evacuated mere mucus without blood, with a good deal of tenesmus. θ Dysentery.
Watery jelly-like mucus passes from anus, with violent spasm in sphincter. θ Dysentery. θ сholera sporadica.
Bilious diarrhoea, stools afterwards mixed with white membranous pieces.
Constant vomiting and passages of green matter, with cutting pains about umbilicus, each successive stool growing more watery. θ Asiatic cholera.
Profuse, watery stools, in hot, damp weather, or in Autumn. θ Diarrhoea.
Obstinate, acute diarrhoea, with deathly nausea and prostration.
Diarrhoea, with violent colicky pains.
After a few discharges from bowels of a slimy, watery substance, without relief, obstinate constipation. θ Ileus.
Stools slimy, streaked with blood, and lumpy, attended with tenesmus and nocturnal fever. θ Rheumatism.
Bloody stools, with scrapings from intestines and protrusion of anus. θ Dysentery.
Fall dysentery, with discharges of white mucus and violent tenesmus ; bloody stools, mingled with a slimy substance.
Bloody discharge from bowels with deathly nausea from smelling cooking.
Putrid, dark colored blood and mucus pass from bowels.
Pain about sigmoid flexure of colon. θ Rheumatic diarrhoea.
Tenesmus in rectum.
Long-lasting, agonizing pain in rectum and anus, after stool, causing screams and crying.
Forcing, pressing pains in rectum, with frequent scanty discharge. θ Dysentery.
Tingling, itching, burning and tearing in anus.
Protrusion of rectum. θ Dysentery.
Hemorrhage from bowels in autumnal, cold, damp weather.
Oozing of copious mucus from anus.
Spasm of sphincter during or independent of discharge, with a shuddering over back.
Child falls asleep on vessel as soon as tenesmus ceases. θ Dysentery.
Before stool : flatulency ; pinching in abdomen.
During stool : stinking flatus ; rending pain in anus, backache ; vomiting, vertigo, faintness, cardial stitches.
After stool : remission of intestinal pains and of sensorial complaints ; increase of pelvic pains ; stinking flatus, feeling of diarrhoea in rectum, and sore biting in anus ; renewed desire to go to stool ; exhaustion.
Urogenital system
Constant burning in urinary organs, with diminished secretion.
Pain in region of kidneys.
Hyperemia of kidneys ; urine contains albumen.
Nephritis ; bloody, ink-like, albuminous urine. θ Dropsy after scarlatina.
Strangury with hemorrhage from bladder.
Bladder contracted and empty.
Vesical irritability and tenesmus, depending upon gouty diathesis.
Evacuations of urine attended and followed by tenesmus of bladder and a burning pain in urethra, as if urine was very warm.
Before urination ; burning in urinary passages.
During urination : burning in urethra ; constriction in neck of bladder.
After urination : tickling in fossa navicularis ; tickling burning in urethra and discharge of a few drops.
Constant urging, scanty urine, painful discharge from spasm in neck of bladder. θ Hydrothorax.
Urging to urinate, and discharge of hot, highly-colored urine ; burning and tenesmus. θ Dysentery.
Copious, involuntary urination, or suppression of urine. θ Typhus.
Profuse secretion of urine.
Frequent micturition with diminished discharge.
Urine : copious, watery and frequent ; dark and turbid, with tenesmus of bladder and burning in urethra ; of sour smell and acid reaction ; dark, scanty, discharged in drops, whitish sediment ; pale yellow ; clear ; reddish ; bloody ; brown ; albuminous ; suppressed ; greenish ; black ; inky ; contains clots of putrid, decomposed blood contains phosphates and some sugar.
Scanty urine. θ Hydrothorax.
Urethra hurts while urine passes, as if raw.
Urine turbid, leaves an orange-colored ring in vessel. θ Nephritis. θ Gout.
Nephritis and dropsy after scarlatina.
Urine like ink. θ Dropsy after scarlet fever.
Tearing in glans and left spermatic cord.
Itching at prepuce and orifice of urethra.
Edema of scrotum. θ Dropsy.
Chordee after gonorrhoea.
Hemorrhage of uterus.
Menses too early and scanty.
Sudden suppression of menses, followed by dropsy of uterus.
Tiredness and heaviness of feet.
Lancinating tearing, deep in right breast, through to back.
Pain in region of kidneys.
Hyperemia of kidneys ; urine contains albumen.
Nephritis ; bloody, ink-like, albuminous urine. θ Dropsy after scarlatina.
Strangury with hemorrhage from bladder.
Bladder contracted and empty.
Vesical irritability and tenesmus, depending upon gouty diathesis.
Evacuations of urine attended and followed by tenesmus of bladder and a burning pain in urethra, as if urine was very warm.
Before urination ; burning in urinary passages.
During urination : burning in urethra ; constriction in neck of bladder.
After urination : tickling in fossa navicularis ; tickling burning in urethra and discharge of a few drops.
Constant urging, scanty urine, painful discharge from spasm in neck of bladder. θ Hydrothorax.
Urging to urinate, and discharge of hot, highly-colored urine ; burning and tenesmus. θ Dysentery.
Copious, involuntary urination, or suppression of urine. θ Typhus.
Profuse secretion of urine.
Frequent micturition with diminished discharge.
Urine : copious, watery and frequent ; dark and turbid, with tenesmus of bladder and burning in urethra ; of sour smell and acid reaction ; dark, scanty, discharged in drops, whitish sediment ; pale yellow ; clear ; reddish ; bloody ; brown ; albuminous ; suppressed ; greenish ; black ; inky ; contains clots of putrid, decomposed blood contains phosphates and some sugar.
Scanty urine. θ Hydrothorax.
Urethra hurts while urine passes, as if raw.
Urine turbid, leaves an orange-colored ring in vessel. θ Nephritis. θ Gout.
Nephritis and dropsy after scarlatina.
Urine like ink. θ Dropsy after scarlet fever.
Tearing in glans and left spermatic cord.
Itching at prepuce and orifice of urethra.
Edema of scrotum. θ Dropsy.
Chordee after gonorrhoea.
Hemorrhage of uterus.
Menses too early and scanty.
Sudden suppression of menses, followed by dropsy of uterus.
Tiredness and heaviness of feet.
Lancinating tearing, deep in right breast, through to back.
Plant characteristics
Faint aching about navel as if she must eat, but with loathing and disgust at thought, sight or smell of food ; all attempts to eat cause violent nausea and vomiting ; smell of meat and eggs especially repugnant. θ Nausea of pregnancy.
Feverish restlessness in last months of pregnancy.
Nipples dark, brownish-red, protruding ; unbearable pain on slightest touch by child ; breasts full, skin hot, pulse strong (lying-in, fourth day).
Puerperal fever.
Feverish restlessness in last months of pregnancy.
Nipples dark, brownish-red, protruding ; unbearable pain on slightest touch by child ; breasts full, skin hot, pulse strong (lying-in, fourth day).
Puerperal fever.
Chest organs
Cold breath.
Respiration. Difficult ; rapid and short ; quick, and heart’s impulse strong ; accelerated and audible ; slow ; irregular, or intermittent ; asthmatic ; with moist sound ; hurried, with groans. θ Pericarditis.
Breathing so oppressed she could hardly lie down, better on bending forward. θ Ascites.
Racking pain during respiration and oppression of chest.
Lies in bed gasping for breath. θ Pericarditis.
Great dyspnoea. θ Gastro-pleurodynia.
Dyspnoea at night. θ Dropsy.
Dyspnoea with palpitation of heart from 11 to 3 A. M.
Asthma : depending upon hydrothorax or hydro-pericardium ; with dropsy of lower extremities, extending to knees.
Slight cough, with coryza.
Frequent, short, dry cough, from tickling in larynx.
Short, dry cough, with great exhaustion. θ Dysentery.
Night cough, with involuntary spurting out of urine.
Troublesome night cough, compelling him to sit up, excited by scraping in chest, with much expectoration.
Violent cutting pain in chest, interrupting breathing.
Lancinating pain, as with a knife, in right side of chest.
Dull stitches in posterior part of thorax, during expiration. θ Hydrothorax.
Stinging in region of heart, with oppression.
Severe pain at left side, below region of heart, shooting from behind forward ; worse on breathing, with rapid, sharp, irregular pulse, and great dyspnoea. θ Gout pleurodynia.
Spasms of chest.
Oppression of chest, dyspnoea, a tensive feeling in chest, sometimes high and sometimes low down. θ Asthma.
Oppression of chest, with anxiety, better by bending forward.
Oppression of chest and violent palpitation. θ Myelitis.
Frequent pressure in small spots in chest.
Indescribable dulness and gnawing in sternum, about midway and deep in, slightly better from constantly pressing and rubbing sternum with hand ; cannot keep still, constantly tossing from side to side. θ Nausea of pregnancy.
Spitting blood, after injuries ; hemorrhage of lungs.
Hydrothorax, with oedema of hands and feet.
Serous effusion in chest, with rheumatic and gouty persons. θ Arthritic pleurisy.
Supra-mammary region dull on percussion up to about lower edge of third costal cartilage ; sharp rending pains along sternum and into left shoulder. θ Pericarditis.
Darting pains through right side. θ Nephritis.
Stinging and tearing in muscles of chest.
Pleurodynia from catching cold or from living in damp dwellings.
Rheumatism of pectoral muscles.
Respiration. Difficult ; rapid and short ; quick, and heart’s impulse strong ; accelerated and audible ; slow ; irregular, or intermittent ; asthmatic ; with moist sound ; hurried, with groans. θ Pericarditis.
Breathing so oppressed she could hardly lie down, better on bending forward. θ Ascites.
Racking pain during respiration and oppression of chest.
Lies in bed gasping for breath. θ Pericarditis.
Great dyspnoea. θ Gastro-pleurodynia.
Dyspnoea at night. θ Dropsy.
Dyspnoea with palpitation of heart from 11 to 3 A. M.
Asthma : depending upon hydrothorax or hydro-pericardium ; with dropsy of lower extremities, extending to knees.
Slight cough, with coryza.
Frequent, short, dry cough, from tickling in larynx.
Short, dry cough, with great exhaustion. θ Dysentery.
Night cough, with involuntary spurting out of urine.
Troublesome night cough, compelling him to sit up, excited by scraping in chest, with much expectoration.
Violent cutting pain in chest, interrupting breathing.
Lancinating pain, as with a knife, in right side of chest.
Dull stitches in posterior part of thorax, during expiration. θ Hydrothorax.
Stinging in region of heart, with oppression.
Severe pain at left side, below region of heart, shooting from behind forward ; worse on breathing, with rapid, sharp, irregular pulse, and great dyspnoea. θ Gout pleurodynia.
Spasms of chest.
Oppression of chest, dyspnoea, a tensive feeling in chest, sometimes high and sometimes low down. θ Asthma.
Oppression of chest, with anxiety, better by bending forward.
Oppression of chest and violent palpitation. θ Myelitis.
Frequent pressure in small spots in chest.
Indescribable dulness and gnawing in sternum, about midway and deep in, slightly better from constantly pressing and rubbing sternum with hand ; cannot keep still, constantly tossing from side to side. θ Nausea of pregnancy.
Spitting blood, after injuries ; hemorrhage of lungs.
Hydrothorax, with oedema of hands and feet.
Serous effusion in chest, with rheumatic and gouty persons. θ Arthritic pleurisy.
Supra-mammary region dull on percussion up to about lower edge of third costal cartilage ; sharp rending pains along sternum and into left shoulder. θ Pericarditis.
Darting pains through right side. θ Nephritis.
Stinging and tearing in muscles of chest.
Pleurodynia from catching cold or from living in damp dwellings.
Rheumatism of pectoral muscles.
Cardiovascular system
Quick stitches in pericardial region.
Pressure and oppression in region of heart, as if an attack of apoplexy threatened ; better by walking.
Pressure and anxiety in precordial region ; fulness and oppression as from stagnation of blood in heart, at night while lying on left side, is obliged to turn to the right side ; dull, irregular, seemingly suppressed beats of heart, with a peculiar sensation in chest, pulse small, slow and weak.
Heart’s impulse strong.
Violent palpitation with anxiety. θ Dropsy. θ Hydro-pericardium.
Palpitation of heart and dyspnoea from 11 to 3 A. M.
On assuming upright posture, vertigo, palpitation, stitches about heart and loss of consciousness.
Heart’s action muffled, indistinct, very weak. θ Pericarditis.
Heart sound murmuring, weak, indistinct, whistling. θ Pericarditis.
Effusion into the pericardium after inflammatory affection of heart.
Effusion into pericardium, with sympathetic irritation of endocardium. θ Pericarditis.
Heart disease, following gout or acute rheumatism.
Pulse. Accelerated and hard, or full and slow ; slow and feeble ; quick and thready ; pulseless ; 170, full bounding, incompressible ; rapid, sharp, irregular (gouty pleurodynia) ; large, full and hard ; more full and frequent (nephritis) ; small, weak, somewhat frequent (dysentery) ; rapid, weak and fluttering (pericarditis) ; trembling ; very small, contracted, almost imperceptible ; 90, soft and weak (acute rheumatism) ; slow, small and thready ; low, 45 and very full ; scarcely perceptible, occasionally intermitting (dysentery) ; changeable in frequency, often irregular ; threadlike, imperceptible.
Pressure and oppression in region of heart, as if an attack of apoplexy threatened ; better by walking.
Pressure and anxiety in precordial region ; fulness and oppression as from stagnation of blood in heart, at night while lying on left side, is obliged to turn to the right side ; dull, irregular, seemingly suppressed beats of heart, with a peculiar sensation in chest, pulse small, slow and weak.
Heart’s impulse strong.
Violent palpitation with anxiety. θ Dropsy. θ Hydro-pericardium.
Palpitation of heart and dyspnoea from 11 to 3 A. M.
On assuming upright posture, vertigo, palpitation, stitches about heart and loss of consciousness.
Heart’s action muffled, indistinct, very weak. θ Pericarditis.
Heart sound murmuring, weak, indistinct, whistling. θ Pericarditis.
Effusion into the pericardium after inflammatory affection of heart.
Effusion into pericardium, with sympathetic irritation of endocardium. θ Pericarditis.
Heart disease, following gout or acute rheumatism.
Pulse. Accelerated and hard, or full and slow ; slow and feeble ; quick and thready ; pulseless ; 170, full bounding, incompressible ; rapid, sharp, irregular (gouty pleurodynia) ; large, full and hard ; more full and frequent (nephritis) ; small, weak, somewhat frequent (dysentery) ; rapid, weak and fluttering (pericarditis) ; trembling ; very small, contracted, almost imperceptible ; 90, soft and weak (acute rheumatism) ; slow, small and thready ; low, 45 and very full ; scarcely perceptible, occasionally intermitting (dysentery) ; changeable in frequency, often irregular ; threadlike, imperceptible.
Limbs and spine
A pressing pain or tension in cervical muscles, felt even when swallowing.
Rheumatic pains in neck and back.
Pains in shoulder and hip joints.
Stitching and tension between scapula.
Drawing, tension and stitches occurring in back, much worse on motion.
Soreness in small of back when touched.
Frequent shudderings down the back. θ Dysentery.
Tension and pain in region of kidneys. θ Nephritis.
Violent pain in region of right kidney, could only lie on his back, worse from pressure and motion. θ Nephritis.
Pain in loins like toothache, with a feeling of weight when she stands, which makes her feel sick and good for nothing.
Pain in loins as if all power was going, and the back was turning to pulp.
Rheumatic pains in loins and hips, extending to left shoulder and chest ; pains most severe from 4 P. M. until 6, and lasting until 8 or 9, in evening, or returning at 1 in morning. θ Rheumatism.
Sudden tearing and shooting in loins. θ Myelitis acuta.
Violent writhing in region of loins and urinary passages.
Spot on sacrum feels sore, as if ulcerated ; very sensitive to touch.
Rheumatic pains : in clavicle, shoulders, arms, back and neck, preventing moving head ; in elbow joint, forearm, wrist, and ligaments of finger joints.
Stitches in right shoulder.
Painful swelling, and sensitiveness to pressure of humero-cubital articulation, with burning.
Lacerating in elbows, in direction of upper arm.
Tearing in arms, hands and fingers.
Paralytic pain in arms, so violent that he cannot hold the slightest thing firmly.
Bubbling sensation in left upper arm.
Heat of palms of hands.
Trembling of right hand, preventing writing.
Tearing in back of right hand.
Edematous swelling of hands.
Cannot hold anything with hand. θ Rheumatism.
Cramps in fingers. θ сholera.
Laceration of finger joints.
Enlarged and distorted finger joints. θ Gout.
Fingers spasmodically flexed but in constant motion.
Fingers cold ; tingling in tips.
Lividity of nails.
Rheumatic pains in loins and legs, extending to toes.
Flying pains in hips.
Tearing : in thighs ; knee joints, with swelling ; in patella ; in tibia, calves, ankles, toes, tendo-achillis.
A feeling of muscular weakness, or paralytic feeling, which interferes with locomotion ; on attempting to walk thinks he shall lose the use of his limbs.
With pains, weariness, heaviness, and inability to move. θ Rheumatism.
Lower limbs oedematous and cold. θ Dysentery. θ Dropsy.
Constant pain in right thigh, which has become much emaciated.
Edematous swelling of lower limbs with asthma. θ Hydrothorax.
Cramps in calves. θ Dysentery. θ сholera.
Knees strike together, can hardly walk.
Lameness after suddenly checked sweat, particularly on feet, by getting wet all over.
It is difficult to lift feet or go up-stairs ; stumbles over threshold ; uncertain walk. θ Rheumatism.
Feet feel heavy.
Very painful cramps in both feet, particularly in soles.
Heels contracted, so that he fears never to be able to walk. θ сhronic rheumatism.
Tearing pains in feet, particularly in heel, left tarsus, dorsa of feet, and left sole.
Tingling in right big toe, as if it would go to sleep.
Pain in left big toe, as if nail would grow into flesh.
Drawing with pressure in toes.
Tingling in toes, like after being frosted.
Pain in ball of left big toe as if inflamed. θ сhronic rheumatism.
Burning itching over nail of right big toe.
All muscles of voluntary motion, especially those of arms and legs, paralyzed.
Sensation of lameness through limbs, with great weakness.
Neuralgic pains in extremities and other parts.
Violent pains in arms and legs, cannot use limbs.
Drawing, tearing pains in limbs, changing place.
Stiffness in joints, and swelling of hands and feet. θ Gout.
Shooting, tearing pains in suffering parts, increasing with fever.
Rheumatic tearing pains in limbs during warm weather ; stitches during cold.
Attacks of rheumatism breaking forth suddenly and disappearing suddenly ; pains shifting ; acute attacks merging into chronic form, or during chronic form acute attacks set in.
Arthritic pains in limbs, with stiffness in joints and swelling of hands and feet. θ Gout.
Arthritic pains in joints, especially when knocking the joints ; makes patient scream with pain, or when stubbing toes hurt exceedingly.
Articular rheumatism, particularly in young persons, when first attack makes its appearance.
At beginning of acute rheumatism, before fully developed.
Pains in shoulder and hip joints ; and in all bones, with difficulty of moving head and tongue.
Joints most affected, without swelling or redness.
Now the one then the other joint affected, sore to touch and swollen, without redness. θ Rheumatism.
Painful flexure of joints.
Tearing and stitching pains in muscles and joints.
Muscular rheumatism with sensation of lameness and real paralysis of muscles.
Disease of periosteum, with rending, tearing pain.
Numbness of hands and feet, with prickling as if asleep.
Edematous swelling of hands and feet.
Bloating of hands and feet. θ Dysentery.
Limbs cold ; hands and feet cold.
Rest : great desire for.
Lying perfectly still : better headache ; better disposition to vomit.
While sitting : after walking, vertigo.
While lying on left side : fulness and oppression as from stagnation of blood in heart at night, must turn to right side.
Sleepless because he cannot lie on left side, on which he is accustomed to go to sleep.
Violent pain in region of kidney, can only lie on back.
Lies prostrate on back.
Was obliged to bend himself up and lie quite still the whole day, without slightest movement, else he was seized with most violent vomiting.
Troublesome night cough compelling him to sit up.
Standing : feeling of weight in loins which makes her feel sick and good for nothing.
Motion : pains worse by ; pressive heaviness deep in cerebellum on ; oppressive weight in occiput during ; oedematous lids and face very sensitive to ; disposition to vomit ; vomiting renewed after every ; drawing tension and stitches in back.
On looking upward : eyes.
On assuming upright posture : qualmishness in stomach and inclination to vomit ; vertigo, palpitation, stitches about heart and loss of consciousness.
On rising : vertigo.
Difficulty to rise after sitting. θ Rheumatism.
Cannot rise from bed in morning but with difficulty.
Bending forward : better oppression of breath ; better oppression of chest.
On stooping : pressive heaviness deep in cerebellum.
Bending double : better colic.
On bending body backward : oppressive weight in occiput.
On attempting to walk : sensation as if he would lose use of limbs.
Walking : better pressure and oppression in region of heart, as if an attack of apoplexy threatened ; a feeling of muscular weakness or paralytic feeling interferes with ; knees strike together.
Difficult to lift feet or go up-stairs ; stumbles over threshold ; uncertain walk.
Writing : trembling of hand prevents.
Inability to move.
Touch : lips and face oedematous with great sensitiveness ; epigastrium sensitive ; distended abdomen contracts spasmodically ; surface of abdomen extremely sensitive ; unbearable pain in nipples from slightest ; soreness in small of back ; sore spot on sacrum very sensitive ; affected joints sore.
Pressure : epigastrium extremely sensitive ; tearing pain in abdomen, especially about sigmoid flexure of colon.
Teeth very sensitive when pressed together.
Rubbing : dulness and gnawing in sternum better from constant.
When raised : head falls back, mouth wide open.
Slightest concussion of air, floor, or bed renders the pains unbearable.
Knocking joints : arthritic pains worse by, making patient scream.
Stubbing toes hurts exceedingly.
Rheumatic pains in neck and back.
Pains in shoulder and hip joints.
Stitching and tension between scapula.
Drawing, tension and stitches occurring in back, much worse on motion.
Soreness in small of back when touched.
Frequent shudderings down the back. θ Dysentery.
Tension and pain in region of kidneys. θ Nephritis.
Violent pain in region of right kidney, could only lie on his back, worse from pressure and motion. θ Nephritis.
Pain in loins like toothache, with a feeling of weight when she stands, which makes her feel sick and good for nothing.
Pain in loins as if all power was going, and the back was turning to pulp.
Rheumatic pains in loins and hips, extending to left shoulder and chest ; pains most severe from 4 P. M. until 6, and lasting until 8 or 9, in evening, or returning at 1 in morning. θ Rheumatism.
Sudden tearing and shooting in loins. θ Myelitis acuta.
Violent writhing in region of loins and urinary passages.
Spot on sacrum feels sore, as if ulcerated ; very sensitive to touch.
Rheumatic pains : in clavicle, shoulders, arms, back and neck, preventing moving head ; in elbow joint, forearm, wrist, and ligaments of finger joints.
Stitches in right shoulder.
Painful swelling, and sensitiveness to pressure of humero-cubital articulation, with burning.
Lacerating in elbows, in direction of upper arm.
Tearing in arms, hands and fingers.
Paralytic pain in arms, so violent that he cannot hold the slightest thing firmly.
Bubbling sensation in left upper arm.
Heat of palms of hands.
Trembling of right hand, preventing writing.
Tearing in back of right hand.
Edematous swelling of hands.
Cannot hold anything with hand. θ Rheumatism.
Cramps in fingers. θ сholera.
Laceration of finger joints.
Enlarged and distorted finger joints. θ Gout.
Fingers spasmodically flexed but in constant motion.
Fingers cold ; tingling in tips.
Lividity of nails.
Rheumatic pains in loins and legs, extending to toes.
Flying pains in hips.
Tearing : in thighs ; knee joints, with swelling ; in patella ; in tibia, calves, ankles, toes, tendo-achillis.
A feeling of muscular weakness, or paralytic feeling, which interferes with locomotion ; on attempting to walk thinks he shall lose the use of his limbs.
With pains, weariness, heaviness, and inability to move. θ Rheumatism.
Lower limbs oedematous and cold. θ Dysentery. θ Dropsy.
Constant pain in right thigh, which has become much emaciated.
Edematous swelling of lower limbs with asthma. θ Hydrothorax.
Cramps in calves. θ Dysentery. θ сholera.
Knees strike together, can hardly walk.
Lameness after suddenly checked sweat, particularly on feet, by getting wet all over.
It is difficult to lift feet or go up-stairs ; stumbles over threshold ; uncertain walk. θ Rheumatism.
Feet feel heavy.
Very painful cramps in both feet, particularly in soles.
Heels contracted, so that he fears never to be able to walk. θ сhronic rheumatism.
Tearing pains in feet, particularly in heel, left tarsus, dorsa of feet, and left sole.
Tingling in right big toe, as if it would go to sleep.
Pain in left big toe, as if nail would grow into flesh.
Drawing with pressure in toes.
Tingling in toes, like after being frosted.
Pain in ball of left big toe as if inflamed. θ сhronic rheumatism.
Burning itching over nail of right big toe.
All muscles of voluntary motion, especially those of arms and legs, paralyzed.
Sensation of lameness through limbs, with great weakness.
Neuralgic pains in extremities and other parts.
Violent pains in arms and legs, cannot use limbs.
Drawing, tearing pains in limbs, changing place.
Stiffness in joints, and swelling of hands and feet. θ Gout.
Shooting, tearing pains in suffering parts, increasing with fever.
Rheumatic tearing pains in limbs during warm weather ; stitches during cold.
Attacks of rheumatism breaking forth suddenly and disappearing suddenly ; pains shifting ; acute attacks merging into chronic form, or during chronic form acute attacks set in.
Arthritic pains in limbs, with stiffness in joints and swelling of hands and feet. θ Gout.
Arthritic pains in joints, especially when knocking the joints ; makes patient scream with pain, or when stubbing toes hurt exceedingly.
Articular rheumatism, particularly in young persons, when first attack makes its appearance.
At beginning of acute rheumatism, before fully developed.
Pains in shoulder and hip joints ; and in all bones, with difficulty of moving head and tongue.
Joints most affected, without swelling or redness.
Now the one then the other joint affected, sore to touch and swollen, without redness. θ Rheumatism.
Painful flexure of joints.
Tearing and stitching pains in muscles and joints.
Muscular rheumatism with sensation of lameness and real paralysis of muscles.
Disease of periosteum, with rending, tearing pain.
Numbness of hands and feet, with prickling as if asleep.
Edematous swelling of hands and feet.
Bloating of hands and feet. θ Dysentery.
Limbs cold ; hands and feet cold.
Rest : great desire for.
Lying perfectly still : better headache ; better disposition to vomit.
While sitting : after walking, vertigo.
While lying on left side : fulness and oppression as from stagnation of blood in heart at night, must turn to right side.
Sleepless because he cannot lie on left side, on which he is accustomed to go to sleep.
Violent pain in region of kidney, can only lie on back.
Lies prostrate on back.
Was obliged to bend himself up and lie quite still the whole day, without slightest movement, else he was seized with most violent vomiting.
Troublesome night cough compelling him to sit up.
Standing : feeling of weight in loins which makes her feel sick and good for nothing.
Motion : pains worse by ; pressive heaviness deep in cerebellum on ; oppressive weight in occiput during ; oedematous lids and face very sensitive to ; disposition to vomit ; vomiting renewed after every ; drawing tension and stitches in back.
On looking upward : eyes.
On assuming upright posture : qualmishness in stomach and inclination to vomit ; vertigo, palpitation, stitches about heart and loss of consciousness.
On rising : vertigo.
Difficulty to rise after sitting. θ Rheumatism.
Cannot rise from bed in morning but with difficulty.
Bending forward : better oppression of breath ; better oppression of chest.
On stooping : pressive heaviness deep in cerebellum.
Bending double : better colic.
On bending body backward : oppressive weight in occiput.
On attempting to walk : sensation as if he would lose use of limbs.
Walking : better pressure and oppression in region of heart, as if an attack of apoplexy threatened ; a feeling of muscular weakness or paralytic feeling interferes with ; knees strike together.
Difficult to lift feet or go up-stairs ; stumbles over threshold ; uncertain walk.
Writing : trembling of hand prevents.
Inability to move.
Touch : lips and face oedematous with great sensitiveness ; epigastrium sensitive ; distended abdomen contracts spasmodically ; surface of abdomen extremely sensitive ; unbearable pain in nipples from slightest ; soreness in small of back ; sore spot on sacrum very sensitive ; affected joints sore.
Pressure : epigastrium extremely sensitive ; tearing pain in abdomen, especially about sigmoid flexure of colon.
Teeth very sensitive when pressed together.
Rubbing : dulness and gnawing in sternum better from constant.
When raised : head falls back, mouth wide open.
Slightest concussion of air, floor, or bed renders the pains unbearable.
Knocking joints : arthritic pains worse by, making patient scream.
Stubbing toes hurts exceedingly.
Nervous system
Great irritability with the pains ; very sensitive to slightest touch ; the least vibration renders the pain unbearable.
Distressing restlessness and sleeplessness. θ Pericarditis.
Great weakness and exhaustion, as after exertion ; cannot move head from pillow without help. θ Dysentery.
Sudden sinking or strength ; prostration with restlessness ; deep fainting.
Lassitude, nausea and great prostration, with anxious expression of face. θ Acute rheumatism. θ сholera.
Paralytic feeling with the pains.
Frequent starting and trembling are felt through the body.
Tingling in many parts of body as if frost-bitten, when the weather changes.
Sudden loss of all power. θ сholera.
Tearing twitches, like electric shocks, through one side of body, with sensation of lameness.
Paralysis after sudden suppression of sweat, particularly foot sweat, by getting wet.
Loss of muscular power ; all muscles of voluntary motion, especially those of arms and legs, are paralyzed.
Convulsions, cramps, neuralgia, paralytic conditions, and debility, in persons of gouty constitution.
Carpologia ; subsultus tendinum. θ Typhoid.
Distressing restlessness and sleeplessness. θ Pericarditis.
Great weakness and exhaustion, as after exertion ; cannot move head from pillow without help. θ Dysentery.
Sudden sinking or strength ; prostration with restlessness ; deep fainting.
Lassitude, nausea and great prostration, with anxious expression of face. θ Acute rheumatism. θ сholera.
Paralytic feeling with the pains.
Frequent starting and trembling are felt through the body.
Tingling in many parts of body as if frost-bitten, when the weather changes.
Sudden loss of all power. θ сholera.
Tearing twitches, like electric shocks, through one side of body, with sensation of lameness.
Paralysis after sudden suppression of sweat, particularly foot sweat, by getting wet.
Loss of muscular power ; all muscles of voluntary motion, especially those of arms and legs, are paralyzed.
Convulsions, cramps, neuralgia, paralytic conditions, and debility, in persons of gouty constitution.
Carpologia ; subsultus tendinum. θ Typhoid.
Great sleepiness during day ; falls asleep while reading.
Irresistible sleepiness, drowsiness, when not in too much pain ; pains worse towards evening, and do not diminish before daybreak. θ Hemorrhage from bowels.
Comatose state.
Lying on the back.
Starting and jerking in sleep.
Sleep disturbed or driven away by pains, or restlessness of limbs. θ Rheumatism.
Sleep disturbed at night by dyspnoea, from 11 to 3 o’clock. θ Dropsy.
Sleep disturbed by frightful dreams. θ Dysentery.
Cannot rise in the morning from bed but with difficulty. θ Rheumatism.
In morning : hoarseness, with roughness of throat ; cannot rise from bed but with difficulty.
In afternoon : exacerbation of fever.
Rheumatic pains in loins and hips, extending to left shoulder and chest, most severe from 4 P. M. until 6, and lasting until 8 or 9 in the evening, or returning at 1 in morning.
During day : great sleepiness, falls asleep while reading.
In evening : pains so excessive they almost drive one mad ; very offensive flatus ; very violent headache, lasting until morning ; nosebleed ; pain in bowels ; worse exacerbation of fever and of pain.
At night : arthritic toothache.
Irresistible sleepiness, drowsiness, when not in too much pain ; pains worse towards evening, and do not diminish before daybreak. θ Hemorrhage from bowels.
Comatose state.
Lying on the back.
Starting and jerking in sleep.
Sleep disturbed or driven away by pains, or restlessness of limbs. θ Rheumatism.
Sleep disturbed at night by dyspnoea, from 11 to 3 o’clock. θ Dropsy.
Sleep disturbed by frightful dreams. θ Dysentery.
Cannot rise in the morning from bed but with difficulty. θ Rheumatism.
In morning : hoarseness, with roughness of throat ; cannot rise from bed but with difficulty.
In afternoon : exacerbation of fever.
Rheumatic pains in loins and hips, extending to left shoulder and chest, most severe from 4 P. M. until 6, and lasting until 8 or 9 in the evening, or returning at 1 in morning.
During day : great sleepiness, falls asleep while reading.
In evening : pains so excessive they almost drive one mad ; very offensive flatus ; very violent headache, lasting until morning ; nosebleed ; pain in bowels ; worse exacerbation of fever and of pain.
At night : arthritic toothache.
Common symptoms
Warmth : headache .
Warm weather : rheumatic tearing in limbs during.
In warm weather rheumatic pains are felt principally at surface of body, as the air grows cooler they seem to penetrate the deeper tissues and the bones.
In hot, damp weather : profuse watery stools.
Warm food : toothache worse immediately after.
Warm stove : constant chilly feeling even when sitting near.
Warm room : chill and shivering.
On entering room from the open air : boring, pressing headache.
In open air : headache over left eye.
Cold : toothache worse from.
Cold weather : stitches in limbs during.
Rheumatic pains excited or worse by damp or cold weather.
From catching cold : pleurodynia.
After getting cold by lying down on ice when overheated ; ileus.
After heating body in dancing : acute rheumatism.
From getting wet all over, or after suddenly checked sweat : lameness ; paralysis.
After being drenched when sweating.
Complaints from cold bathing.
From living in damp dwelling : pleurodynia.
Changes to damp weather : oedematous lids and face very sensitive.
On change of weather : tingling in many parts of body as if frost-bitten.
In Autumn : diarrhoea.
In autumnal, cold, damp weather : hemorrhage from bowels.
Fall dysentery.
In Spring : rheumatism.
As if canthus was glued up ; as if ears were stopped up ; as if bones of face or nose were being rent asunder ; as if teeth were too long ; as if epigastrium was pierced by a knife ; as if stomach was constantly icy cold ; as if he had eaten too much ; as of gnawing hunger, in stomach ; as if diarrhoea would begin every moment ; as if abdomen was icy cold ; as if urine was very warm ; as if urethra was raw ; as if all power was going from loins, and back was turning to pulp ; as if a spot on sacrum was ulcerated ; as of bubbling in left upper arm ; as of muscular weakness, or paralytic feeling interfering with locomotion ; as if he would lose use of limbs, on attempting to walk ; as if right big toe would go to sleep ; as if nail on left big toe would grow into flesh ; as if ball of left big toe was inflamed ; as if muscles were paralyzed ; as if parts were frost-bitten.
Pain : over region of stomach ; in right hypochondriac region, like from incarcerated flatus ; in back ; below region of heart ; in upper portion of small intestines ; in small of back with stool ; during stools ; in region of kidneys ; in shoulder and hip joints ; in loins ; in right thigh ; in left big toe ; in arms and legs ; in all bones.
Long-lasting agonizing pain in rectum and anus after stool, causing screams and crying.
Cutting : in abdomen ; about umbilicus ; in chest.
Lancinating pain, as with a knife ; in right side of chest.
Lancinating-tearing : deep in right breast, through to back.
Lacerating : on scalp ; in elbows, in direction of upper arm ; in finger joints.
Darting pains : through right side ; through body.
Boring : headache, especially over eyes.
Stitches : in ears ; in pit of stomach ; in posterior part of thorax ; in pericardial region ; in back ; in right shoulder ; in skin.
Stitching : in abdomen ; between scapula ; in limbs during cold weather ; in muscles and joints.
Sticking : in tongue.
Distressing pains in sticking shocks or jerks, felt deep in soft parts, and, as it were, upon the periosteum.
Stinging : in region of heart ; in muscles of chest.
Sudden shooting : in loins.
Flying pains : in hips.
Tearing : in scalp, on small spots, particularly on occiput ; short, sharp, in and around eyeball ; in ears ; in facial muscles, moving from one location to another ; in jaws and gums ; in tongue ; in abdomen ; about sigmoid flexure of colon ; in anus ; in glans and left spermatic cord ; in muscles of chest ; in loins (sudden) ; in arms, hands and fingers ; in back of right hand ; in thighs, knee joints, patella, tibia, calves, ankles, toes, tendo-achillis ; in feet, particularly in heel, left tarsus, dorsa of feet and left sole ; in muscles and joints.
Tearing, tensive pains : over small parts, at a time ; quickly changing location.
Shooting-tearing : in suffering parts, increasing with the fever.
Rending-tearing : in left side of head from eyeball to occiput ; in periosteum.
Drawing-tearing : in limbs, changing place ; in half of head.
Tearing, wandering pains : in one-half of head, in occiput, in temples, in pericranium.
Rheumatic and arthritic tearing : in extremities and other parts of body, especially when weather is hot.
Shooting-darting pains : in muscles, especially in cold weather.
Tearing twitches : through one side of body, like electric shocks, with sensation of lameness.
Rheumatic tearing : in limbs during warm weather.
Rending pain : in anus ; along sternum and into left shoulder.
Drawing : in left side of head, from eyeball to occiput ; in bones of face and nose ; in back ; in toes.
Drawing digging : deep in orbit, like in sclerotitis.
Racking pain : during respiration.
Forcing pains : in rectum.
Burning : of edges of eyelids ; in tongue ; in stomach ; in epigastrium ; in pit of stomach ; in stomach ; in abdomen ; in anus ; in urinary organs ; in urethra ; in swelling of humero-cubital articulation.
Tickling burning : in urethra.
Burning itching : over nail of right big toe.
Smarting : in eye, especially in outer canthus ; of tongue and throat.
Soreness : of eyeballs ; in eyes ; of septum of nose ; in small of back ; of spot on sacrum ; and sensitiveness of whole body.
Sore biting : in anus.
Biting : in canthi.
Pressing pain : in right afterwards in left frontal region ; in occiput ; in eyes ; in abdomen ; in rectum ; in cervical muscles.
Pinching : in abdomen.
Gnawing : in sternum.
Violent writhing : in region of loins and urinary passages.
Cramps : in stomach ; in fingers ; in calves ; in both feet, particularly in soles.
Cramplike pain : in maxillary joint.
Constriction : in ciliary region ; of oesophagus ; in neck of bladder.
Scraping : in chest.
Griping : in abdomen.
Colicky pains : in abdomen.
Arthritic pains : in limbs ; in joints.
Rheumatic pains : in neck and back ; in loins and hips, extending to right shoulder and chest ; in clavicle, shoulders, arms, elbow joint, forearm, wrist and ligaments of finger joints ; in loins and legs, extending to toes ; of pectoral muscles.
Paralytic pain : in arms, so violent that he cannot hold lightest string firmly.
Neuralgic pains : in extremities and other parts.
Drawing tension : deep in eye.
Tensive pains : in facial muscles, moving from one location to another.
Tension : in chest ; in cervical muscles ; between scapula ; in back ; in region of kidneys.
Faint aching : about navel, as if she must eat.
Like toothache : pains in loins.
Fulness : of stomach.
Pressure : in head ; in occiput, also deep in cerebellum, excited by mental exertion or night watching ; in canthi ; in stomach ; in small spots in chest ; in region of heart ; in precordial region ; in toes.
Weight : oppression in occiput during movement ; in loins while standing, makes her feel sick and good for nothing.
Pressive heaviness : deep in cerebellum.
Heaviness : of head ; of feet ; with the pains.
Oppression : of chest ; in region of heart.
Warm weather : rheumatic tearing in limbs during.
In warm weather rheumatic pains are felt principally at surface of body, as the air grows cooler they seem to penetrate the deeper tissues and the bones.
In hot, damp weather : profuse watery stools.
Warm food : toothache worse immediately after.
Warm stove : constant chilly feeling even when sitting near.
Warm room : chill and shivering.
On entering room from the open air : boring, pressing headache.
In open air : headache over left eye.
Cold : toothache worse from.
Cold weather : stitches in limbs during.
Rheumatic pains excited or worse by damp or cold weather.
From catching cold : pleurodynia.
After getting cold by lying down on ice when overheated ; ileus.
After heating body in dancing : acute rheumatism.
From getting wet all over, or after suddenly checked sweat : lameness ; paralysis.
After being drenched when sweating.
Complaints from cold bathing.
From living in damp dwelling : pleurodynia.
Changes to damp weather : oedematous lids and face very sensitive.
On change of weather : tingling in many parts of body as if frost-bitten.
In Autumn : diarrhoea.
In autumnal, cold, damp weather : hemorrhage from bowels.
Fall dysentery.
In Spring : rheumatism.
As if canthus was glued up ; as if ears were stopped up ; as if bones of face or nose were being rent asunder ; as if teeth were too long ; as if epigastrium was pierced by a knife ; as if stomach was constantly icy cold ; as if he had eaten too much ; as of gnawing hunger, in stomach ; as if diarrhoea would begin every moment ; as if abdomen was icy cold ; as if urine was very warm ; as if urethra was raw ; as if all power was going from loins, and back was turning to pulp ; as if a spot on sacrum was ulcerated ; as of bubbling in left upper arm ; as of muscular weakness, or paralytic feeling interfering with locomotion ; as if he would lose use of limbs, on attempting to walk ; as if right big toe would go to sleep ; as if nail on left big toe would grow into flesh ; as if ball of left big toe was inflamed ; as if muscles were paralyzed ; as if parts were frost-bitten.
Pain : over region of stomach ; in right hypochondriac region, like from incarcerated flatus ; in back ; below region of heart ; in upper portion of small intestines ; in small of back with stool ; during stools ; in region of kidneys ; in shoulder and hip joints ; in loins ; in right thigh ; in left big toe ; in arms and legs ; in all bones.
Long-lasting agonizing pain in rectum and anus after stool, causing screams and crying.
Cutting : in abdomen ; about umbilicus ; in chest.
Lancinating pain, as with a knife ; in right side of chest.
Lancinating-tearing : deep in right breast, through to back.
Lacerating : on scalp ; in elbows, in direction of upper arm ; in finger joints.
Darting pains : through right side ; through body.
Boring : headache, especially over eyes.
Stitches : in ears ; in pit of stomach ; in posterior part of thorax ; in pericardial region ; in back ; in right shoulder ; in skin.
Stitching : in abdomen ; between scapula ; in limbs during cold weather ; in muscles and joints.
Sticking : in tongue.
Distressing pains in sticking shocks or jerks, felt deep in soft parts, and, as it were, upon the periosteum.
Stinging : in region of heart ; in muscles of chest.
Sudden shooting : in loins.
Flying pains : in hips.
Tearing : in scalp, on small spots, particularly on occiput ; short, sharp, in and around eyeball ; in ears ; in facial muscles, moving from one location to another ; in jaws and gums ; in tongue ; in abdomen ; about sigmoid flexure of colon ; in anus ; in glans and left spermatic cord ; in muscles of chest ; in loins (sudden) ; in arms, hands and fingers ; in back of right hand ; in thighs, knee joints, patella, tibia, calves, ankles, toes, tendo-achillis ; in feet, particularly in heel, left tarsus, dorsa of feet and left sole ; in muscles and joints.
Tearing, tensive pains : over small parts, at a time ; quickly changing location.
Shooting-tearing : in suffering parts, increasing with the fever.
Rending-tearing : in left side of head from eyeball to occiput ; in periosteum.
Drawing-tearing : in limbs, changing place ; in half of head.
Tearing, wandering pains : in one-half of head, in occiput, in temples, in pericranium.
Rheumatic and arthritic tearing : in extremities and other parts of body, especially when weather is hot.
Shooting-darting pains : in muscles, especially in cold weather.
Tearing twitches : through one side of body, like electric shocks, with sensation of lameness.
Rheumatic tearing : in limbs during warm weather.
Rending pain : in anus ; along sternum and into left shoulder.
Drawing : in left side of head, from eyeball to occiput ; in bones of face and nose ; in back ; in toes.
Drawing digging : deep in orbit, like in sclerotitis.
Racking pain : during respiration.
Forcing pains : in rectum.
Burning : of edges of eyelids ; in tongue ; in stomach ; in epigastrium ; in pit of stomach ; in stomach ; in abdomen ; in anus ; in urinary organs ; in urethra ; in swelling of humero-cubital articulation.
Tickling burning : in urethra.
Burning itching : over nail of right big toe.
Smarting : in eye, especially in outer canthus ; of tongue and throat.
Soreness : of eyeballs ; in eyes ; of septum of nose ; in small of back ; of spot on sacrum ; and sensitiveness of whole body.
Sore biting : in anus.
Biting : in canthi.
Pressing pain : in right afterwards in left frontal region ; in occiput ; in eyes ; in abdomen ; in rectum ; in cervical muscles.
Pinching : in abdomen.
Gnawing : in sternum.
Violent writhing : in region of loins and urinary passages.
Cramps : in stomach ; in fingers ; in calves ; in both feet, particularly in soles.
Cramplike pain : in maxillary joint.
Constriction : in ciliary region ; of oesophagus ; in neck of bladder.
Scraping : in chest.
Griping : in abdomen.
Colicky pains : in abdomen.
Arthritic pains : in limbs ; in joints.
Rheumatic pains : in neck and back ; in loins and hips, extending to right shoulder and chest ; in clavicle, shoulders, arms, elbow joint, forearm, wrist and ligaments of finger joints ; in loins and legs, extending to toes ; of pectoral muscles.
Paralytic pain : in arms, so violent that he cannot hold lightest string firmly.
Neuralgic pains : in extremities and other parts.
Drawing tension : deep in eye.
Tensive pains : in facial muscles, moving from one location to another.
Tension : in chest ; in cervical muscles ; between scapula ; in back ; in region of kidneys.
Faint aching : about navel, as if she must eat.
Like toothache : pains in loins.
Fulness : of stomach.
Pressure : in head ; in occiput, also deep in cerebellum, excited by mental exertion or night watching ; in canthi ; in stomach ; in small spots in chest ; in region of heart ; in precordial region ; in toes.
Weight : oppression in occiput during movement ; in loins while standing, makes her feel sick and good for nothing.
Pressive heaviness : deep in cerebellum.
Heaviness : of head ; of feet ; with the pains.
Oppression : of chest ; in region of heart.
Chill and shivering : running through all the limbs ; even in warm room ; frequent shiverings, running down back ; general coldness.
Frequent chilliness. θ Acute rheumatism.
Cold sensation of head and limbs. θ Acute rheumatism.
Body hot and limbs cold. θ Typhus.
Constant chilly feeling, even when sitting near the stove ; with flushes of heat.
Constantly increasing dry heat of whole body, with palpitation and thirst.
Hands and feet cold ; trunk hot and extremities cold ; skin dry ; sweating ; suppressed sweat ; forehead covered with cold sweat. θ Typhoid.
External, dry heat the whole night, with violent, unquenchable thirst.
Exacerbation of the fever in the afternoon.
Almost constant shivering, skin dry, not any thirst, urine clear and reddish. θ Rheumatism.
Sweat wanting, intermittent. θ Nephritis. θ вright’s disease.
After sudden suppression of general perspiration, or of sweat of feet by getting wet. θ Dysentery.
Copious sour sweat, without relief. θ Gout. θ Rheumatism.
Clammy sweat on whole surface, with low temperature of skin. θ Acute rheumatism.
Acid reaction of sweat and urine.
Intermittent fever with sensitiveness to odor of food.
Frequent : eructations ; stools ; scanty discharge from rectum ; micturition with diminished discharge ; short, dry cough ; pressure in small spots in chest ; shudderings down back ; darting and trembling through body ; shiverings down back ; chilliness.
Sudden : loss of all power.
Break forth suddenly and disappear suddenly : attacks of rheumatism.
Spasmodic : pains in head, especially over eyes, extending into dorsum of nose.
For a minute or two : loss of sight on getting out of bed.
Intermitting : intense pains in upper portion of small intestines.
Constant : vomiting and passages of green matter ; burning in urinary organs ; urging to urinate ; motion of fingers ; chilly feeling ; increasing dry heat of body, with palpitation and thirst ; shivering.
Long-lasting : coryza ; agonizing pain in rectum and anus after stool.
For three or four hours each dayà: circumscribed redness of cheeks, with paleness about nose and mouth.
From 11 to 3 in the night : dyspnoea with palpitation of heart.
For a whole day : was obliged to bend himself up and lie quite still, else he was seized with violent vomiting.
From evening until morning : very violent headache ; pain in bowels.
Whole night : external dry heat, with violent, unquenchable thirst.
Chronic : asthma.
Right : pupil dilated ; pain in hypochondriac region, like from incarcerated flatus ; great pain, tenderness and swelling in ileo-cecal and ileo-inguinal regions ; lancinating-tearing deep in breast through to back ; lancinating pain, as with a knife in side of chest ; at side, below region of heart, severe pain, shooting from behind forward ; darting pains through side ; stitches in shoulder ; trembling of hand, preventing writing ; tearing in back of hand ; constant pain in thigh which has become much emaciated ; tingling in big toe, as if it would go to sleep ; burning-itching over nail of big toe.
Left : headache over eye ; rending, tearing, drawing pains in side of head, from eyeball to occiput ; pupil contracted ; ulceration of meibomian glands of lower lid, which is much swollen ; stye on lower lid near inner canthus ; tearing in spermatic cord ; sharp rending pains along sternum and into shoulder ; rheumatic pains in loins and hips extending to shoulders and back ; bubbling sensation in upper arm ; tearing in tarsus, in sole ; pain in big toe, as if nail would grow into flesh ; pain in ball of big toe as if inflamed.
From right to left : pressing pain in frontal region.
Pain going from left to right, in gout.
From behind forward : severe pain at right side, below region of heart, shooting.
From above downward : frequent shiverings running down back.
Pains often change their location.
Frequent chilliness. θ Acute rheumatism.
Cold sensation of head and limbs. θ Acute rheumatism.
Body hot and limbs cold. θ Typhus.
Constant chilly feeling, even when sitting near the stove ; with flushes of heat.
Constantly increasing dry heat of whole body, with palpitation and thirst.
Hands and feet cold ; trunk hot and extremities cold ; skin dry ; sweating ; suppressed sweat ; forehead covered with cold sweat. θ Typhoid.
External, dry heat the whole night, with violent, unquenchable thirst.
Exacerbation of the fever in the afternoon.
Almost constant shivering, skin dry, not any thirst, urine clear and reddish. θ Rheumatism.
Sweat wanting, intermittent. θ Nephritis. θ вright’s disease.
After sudden suppression of general perspiration, or of sweat of feet by getting wet. θ Dysentery.
Copious sour sweat, without relief. θ Gout. θ Rheumatism.
Clammy sweat on whole surface, with low temperature of skin. θ Acute rheumatism.
Acid reaction of sweat and urine.
Intermittent fever with sensitiveness to odor of food.
Frequent : eructations ; stools ; scanty discharge from rectum ; micturition with diminished discharge ; short, dry cough ; pressure in small spots in chest ; shudderings down back ; darting and trembling through body ; shiverings down back ; chilliness.
Sudden : loss of all power.
Break forth suddenly and disappear suddenly : attacks of rheumatism.
Spasmodic : pains in head, especially over eyes, extending into dorsum of nose.
For a minute or two : loss of sight on getting out of bed.
Intermitting : intense pains in upper portion of small intestines.
Constant : vomiting and passages of green matter ; burning in urinary organs ; urging to urinate ; motion of fingers ; chilly feeling ; increasing dry heat of body, with palpitation and thirst ; shivering.
Long-lasting : coryza ; agonizing pain in rectum and anus after stool.
For three or four hours each dayà: circumscribed redness of cheeks, with paleness about nose and mouth.
From 11 to 3 in the night : dyspnoea with palpitation of heart.
For a whole day : was obliged to bend himself up and lie quite still, else he was seized with violent vomiting.
From evening until morning : very violent headache ; pain in bowels.
Whole night : external dry heat, with violent, unquenchable thirst.
Chronic : asthma.
Right : pupil dilated ; pain in hypochondriac region, like from incarcerated flatus ; great pain, tenderness and swelling in ileo-cecal and ileo-inguinal regions ; lancinating-tearing deep in breast through to back ; lancinating pain, as with a knife in side of chest ; at side, below region of heart, severe pain, shooting from behind forward ; darting pains through side ; stitches in shoulder ; trembling of hand, preventing writing ; tearing in back of hand ; constant pain in thigh which has become much emaciated ; tingling in big toe, as if it would go to sleep ; burning-itching over nail of big toe.
Left : headache over eye ; rending, tearing, drawing pains in side of head, from eyeball to occiput ; pupil contracted ; ulceration of meibomian glands of lower lid, which is much swollen ; stye on lower lid near inner canthus ; tearing in spermatic cord ; sharp rending pains along sternum and into shoulder ; rheumatic pains in loins and hips extending to shoulders and back ; bubbling sensation in upper arm ; tearing in tarsus, in sole ; pain in big toe, as if nail would grow into flesh ; pain in ball of big toe as if inflamed.
From right to left : pressing pain in frontal region.
Pain going from left to right, in gout.
From behind forward : severe pain at right side, below region of heart, shooting.
From above downward : frequent shiverings running down back.
Pains often change their location.
Delicate skin.
Skin dry and pale ; swollen ; parts cold and glistening. θ Dropsy.
Dryness of skin, particularly when accompanied by dark, scanty urine. θ Dysentery.
Hot, dry skin. θ Pericarditis.
Skin dry, sweat suppressed, or profuse sweating.
Stitches in skin.
Tingling here and there, like after being frosted.
Itching : as in nettlerash ; unchanged by scratching ; with pinkish redness around joints.
Erysipelas, smooth.
Purple efflorescence on face, neck, and upper anterior part of thorax, inside of thighs, scrotum and groins in patches.
Edematous swelling and anasarca.
Skin dry and pale ; swollen ; parts cold and glistening. θ Dropsy.
Dryness of skin, particularly when accompanied by dark, scanty urine. θ Dysentery.
Hot, dry skin. θ Pericarditis.
Skin dry, sweat suppressed, or profuse sweating.
Stitches in skin.
Tingling here and there, like after being frosted.
Itching : as in nettlerash ; unchanged by scratching ; with pinkish redness around joints.
Erysipelas, smooth.
Purple efflorescence on face, neck, and upper anterior part of thorax, inside of thighs, scrotum and groins in patches.
Edematous swelling and anasarca.
Patient type and constitution
Venous constitutions.
Melancholic temperament.
Cachectic appearance. θ Dysentery. θ Gout.
Uric acid diathesis.
Emaciated, sensitive individuals, disposed to rheumatism and catarrh.
Gout in persons of vigorous constitution.
Often indicated with old people.
Vesical irritability depending upon gouty diathesis.
Asthmatic people.
Those suffering from effects of night watching, and from hard study.
Boy, at. 10, subject to frequent attacks of rheumatism, has for last fourteen days been suffering rheumatic fever ; pericarditis.
Woman, at. 22, of dissipated habits, and mother of three illegitimate children ; gout.
Mr. S., caught cold by lying on ice after violent exercise while skating.
Scrofulous young man, at. 27 ; dropsy.
M., at. 30, male ; rheumatism.
Mrs. N., at. 43, renal derangement ; relieved.
Woman, at. 43, ceased menstruating half a year ago ; pleurisy.
Male, at. 46 ; acute articular rheumatism.
Woman, at. 55 ; rheumatism.
Male, at. 56, of athletic build ; inflammation of kidney.
M., at. 65, coachman ; rheumatism.
Mrs. M., at. 74 ; hemorrhage from bowels.
Lady, at. 85 ; ascites.
An old lady, to all appearances in good health, lying in bed, free from any inflammatory symptoms ; prostration with an anxious expression.
Melancholic temperament.
Cachectic appearance. θ Dysentery. θ Gout.
Uric acid diathesis.
Emaciated, sensitive individuals, disposed to rheumatism and catarrh.
Gout in persons of vigorous constitution.
Often indicated with old people.
Vesical irritability depending upon gouty diathesis.
Asthmatic people.
Those suffering from effects of night watching, and from hard study.
Boy, at. 10, subject to frequent attacks of rheumatism, has for last fourteen days been suffering rheumatic fever ; pericarditis.
Woman, at. 22, of dissipated habits, and mother of three illegitimate children ; gout.
Mr. S., caught cold by lying on ice after violent exercise while skating.
Scrofulous young man, at. 27 ; dropsy.
M., at. 30, male ; rheumatism.
Mrs. N., at. 43, renal derangement ; relieved.
Woman, at. 43, ceased menstruating half a year ago ; pleurisy.
Male, at. 46 ; acute articular rheumatism.
Woman, at. 55 ; rheumatism.
Male, at. 56, of athletic build ; inflammation of kidney.
M., at. 65, coachman ; rheumatism.
Mrs. M., at. 74 ; hemorrhage from bowels.
Lady, at. 85 ; ascites.
An old lady, to all appearances in good health, lying in bed, free from any inflammatory symptoms ; prostration with an anxious expression.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by вellad., сamphor, сoccul., Nux vomica, Pulsat., honey and vinegar. Spigel., when in heart affections patient feels as if dying. сopious draughts of ice water prevent its action on the bowels. In poisoning give Ammonium caust. in sugar water.
Compatible : useful in dropsy after failure of Apis and Arsen. сarb. veg. followed well in ascites. After Lycop.
Compare : Aconite, Arnic. (typhus), Arsen., вellad., вryon., (gout, effusions albuminous or serous, hence, while symptoms express less energy than вryon., they are more serious) ; сinchon., сoccul., Mercur., Natr. mur., Nux. vom., Opium, Podoph. (painless cholera morbus) ; Pulsat. (derangement of stomach from eggs) ; Sepia.
Compatible : useful in dropsy after failure of Apis and Arsen. сarb. veg. followed well in ascites. After Lycop.
Compare : Aconite, Arnic. (typhus), Arsen., вellad., вryon., (gout, effusions albuminous or serous, hence, while symptoms express less energy than вryon., they are more serious) ; сinchon., сoccul., Mercur., Natr. mur., Nux. vom., Opium, Podoph. (painless cholera morbus) ; Pulsat. (derangement of stomach from eggs) ; Sepia.
Included in the composition
- 1.8-1.9€ Arthromil (ЭДАС)
- 1.7-2.1€ Antisol (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 2.5€ Тиреотокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 3.5€ Venophlebin (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Rhus-plus (2 firms)
- 5.3-8.9€ Aesculus compositum (2 firms)
- 11€ Flowers Energy №44
- 11€ Flowers Energy №5
- — Flowers Energy №75
- 8-9.8€ Ubichinon compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Arnica-Heel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Bioline Arthritis
- — Ginseng compositum