Другие названия и синонимы
arn, Arnica montana, арника горная гомеопатия.Источник описания
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. Hering
Фармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Leopard’s вane. сomposita.
A widely spread plant growing on the high mountain plains of Germany. One of the oldest popular drugs, called in the German Wohlverleih, which means bestowing, well-being, having nothing to do with wolves, as our learned French colleague supposed ; it is also called Fallkraut, meaning the herb useful after a fall. Two hundred years ago Fehr called it panacea lapsorum.
One of the first provings of Hahnemann was made with the Arnica montana root. Fragmenta de viribus medicamentorum positivis sine in sano corpore humano observatis, 1805, pp. 17-24) containing 117 symptoms of Hahnemann’s own observation ; quotations, 33 ; one of the most wonderful results of his exploration, and all from the root.
In the first volume of his Materia Medica Pura, 1811, pp 236-248, his own symptoms increased to 175 ; quotations from old books, never considered of any importance to real homoeopathic practitioners, to 55.
In the second edition, 1822, pp. 471-503, Hahnemann’s symptoms had increased to 278, all from the root, and he was able to add provings by his students. He examined each prover with the utmost care and scrupulousness, and the symptoms had increased to 314.
In the third edition, 1830, soon after, there were in all 638, only 46 additions. A great many reports of so-called poisonings have been given in the journals.
It is very probable that all these were the result of tincture made from the flowers, containing the arnica fly. вefore the bud opens, an insect Atherix maculatus Meignen, lays its eggs into the torus, or receptacle. The worms coming therefrom live on the seed, which does not prevent the development of the flower, but the ripening of seed. Nearly all flowers in the shops contain eggs, worms, or the excrements and other remains of the worms, or the pupas ; and all this acts similarly to сantharides.
Following the example of Hahnemann, we ought to use nothing but the root.
It would be of great importance to have this insect or its eggs or pupas proved, to enable us to separate the symptoms of the flower from those of the insect. All tinctures made from the flowers are very uncertain preparations and not to be trusted.
A widely spread plant growing on the high mountain plains of Germany. One of the oldest popular drugs, called in the German Wohlverleih, which means bestowing, well-being, having nothing to do with wolves, as our learned French colleague supposed ; it is also called Fallkraut, meaning the herb useful after a fall. Two hundred years ago Fehr called it panacea lapsorum.
One of the first provings of Hahnemann was made with the Arnica montana root. Fragmenta de viribus medicamentorum positivis sine in sano corpore humano observatis, 1805, pp. 17-24) containing 117 symptoms of Hahnemann’s own observation ; quotations, 33 ; one of the most wonderful results of his exploration, and all from the root.
In the first volume of his Materia Medica Pura, 1811, pp 236-248, his own symptoms increased to 175 ; quotations from old books, never considered of any importance to real homoeopathic practitioners, to 55.
In the second edition, 1822, pp. 471-503, Hahnemann’s symptoms had increased to 278, all from the root, and he was able to add provings by his students. He examined each prover with the utmost care and scrupulousness, and the symptoms had increased to 314.
In the third edition, 1830, soon after, there were in all 638, only 46 additions. A great many reports of so-called poisonings have been given in the journals.
It is very probable that all these were the result of tincture made from the flowers, containing the arnica fly. вefore the bud opens, an insect Atherix maculatus Meignen, lays its eggs into the torus, or receptacle. The worms coming therefrom live on the seed, which does not prevent the development of the flower, but the ripening of seed. Nearly all flowers in the shops contain eggs, worms, or the excrements and other remains of the worms, or the pupas ; and all this acts similarly to сantharides.
Following the example of Hahnemann, we ought to use nothing but the root.
It would be of great importance to have this insect or its eggs or pupas proved, to enable us to separate the symptoms of the flower from those of the insect. All tinctures made from the flowers are very uncertain preparations and not to be trusted.

Психика и сознание
Stupefaction, loss of sight and hearing. θ сoncussion of brain.
Comatose, soporous, stupid states. θ Typhus.
Lies as if dead. θ сoncussion of brain ; apoplexy, etc.
Coma, insensibility. θ сongestive chills, meningitis, etc.
Stupor, with involuntary discharge of feces. θ Typhus.
Loss of consciousness. θ Angina pectoris.
Unconscious ; when spoken to answers correctly, but unconsciousness and delirium at once return.
Could be aroused and answer intelligently, but relapsed immediately into stupor.
Forgetful ; what he reads quickly escapes his memory, even the word he is about to speak. θ Typhus.
Absent-minded, thoughts wander from their object and dwell on images and fancies.
Mind clear like that of a clairvoyant ; quiet countenance, pale as chalk, thinks her death unavoidable.
Thinks rightly, but uses the wrong word for a correct idea. θ Typhus.
Confusion of the head, changing to pressive right-sided headache.
Sits as if in thought, yet thinks of nothing ; a sort of waking dream. θ Typhus.
Does not think ; confused heaviness in forehead.
Thinking tardy. θ Apoplexy.
Slowness of thinking.
Says there is nothing the matter with him. θ Putrid fever.
Muttering delirium. θ Typhus.
Delirium, low murmuring.
Delirium tremens.
Raving madness, in which patient is conscious of his condition.
Excessive inclination to hard and long literary labors.
Indisposed to think ; after a walk in open air.
She does not speak a word ; declines answering questions, dislikes sympathy. θ Typhus.
Sheds tears and makes exclamations. θ After rage.
Prays quietly for her soul.
Picks the bedclothes.
Thoughtless gayety ; great frivolity and mischievousness.
Depression of spirits.
Hopelessness ; indifference. θ After concussion.
Despondency and conviction of approaching death. θ Neuralgia.
Hypochondriacal anxiety, peevishness.
Fears being struck by those coming towards him ; fears even the possibility of being touched. θ Gout.
Violent attacks of anguish. θ Angina pectoris.
Horror of instant death. θ With cardiac distress in night.
Indifference to everything, morose.
Naturally cheerful, kindly and genial, he became downcast, waspish and peevish.
Excitable and timid. θ Paralysis.
She is extremely morose and irritable ; she does not speak a word.
Oversensitive mood, peevish, quarrelsome.
Excessive sensitiveness of mind. θ Prolapsus uteri.
^^ Naturally very sensitive, his keen sensitiveness of mind became greatly exaggerated.
Excessively sensitive mind ; disposition to agreeable as well as disagreeable emotions, without weakness or excessive sensitiveness of body ; sometimes occurring alternately or simultaneously.
Susceptibility to every shock, movement or exertion, and to reading and reflection. θ Megrim.
Sensation of being good for nothing.
All occupation had to be relinquished for the time, so intense were the sufferings. θ Attacks of headache.
Languid. θ Myalgia.
Inability to perform continued active work.
Easily frightened ; unexpected trifles cause him to start.
State of mind most pitiable. θ Prolapsus ani.
Mental emotions exerted an influence in bringing on chronic attacks of headache.
Every excitement of mind, which is very irritable, aggravates all symptoms of headache. θ Prolapsus ani.
Ailments from fright or anger.
Suddenly aroused by his night-bell, and turning out of bed, brought on headache next day. θ сhronic cephalalgia.
Confusion of head, with decided pressure in r. half of head, especially over right brow.
Dizzy with sickness at stomach, worse on rising or moving ; better when lying still.
Giddiness and incapacity for all exertion, with headache. θ Prolapsus ani.
Vertigo when shutting eyes.
Vertigo in forehead when walking, or raising and moving head. θ Angina pectoris.
Vertigo from a too copious meal, nausea, obscuration of sight.
Vertigo when assuming an erect position. θ Apoplexy.
Vertigo, it is almost imperceptible when sitting and bending head, but when righting or moving head she feels as if everything turned with her.
Comatose, soporous, stupid states. θ Typhus.
Lies as if dead. θ сoncussion of brain ; apoplexy, etc.
Coma, insensibility. θ сongestive chills, meningitis, etc.
Stupor, with involuntary discharge of feces. θ Typhus.
Loss of consciousness. θ Angina pectoris.
Unconscious ; when spoken to answers correctly, but unconsciousness and delirium at once return.
Could be aroused and answer intelligently, but relapsed immediately into stupor.
Forgetful ; what he reads quickly escapes his memory, even the word he is about to speak. θ Typhus.
Absent-minded, thoughts wander from their object and dwell on images and fancies.
Mind clear like that of a clairvoyant ; quiet countenance, pale as chalk, thinks her death unavoidable.
Thinks rightly, but uses the wrong word for a correct idea. θ Typhus.
Confusion of the head, changing to pressive right-sided headache.
Sits as if in thought, yet thinks of nothing ; a sort of waking dream. θ Typhus.
Does not think ; confused heaviness in forehead.
Thinking tardy. θ Apoplexy.
Slowness of thinking.
Says there is nothing the matter with him. θ Putrid fever.
Muttering delirium. θ Typhus.
Delirium, low murmuring.
Delirium tremens.
Raving madness, in which patient is conscious of his condition.
Excessive inclination to hard and long literary labors.
Indisposed to think ; after a walk in open air.
She does not speak a word ; declines answering questions, dislikes sympathy. θ Typhus.
Sheds tears and makes exclamations. θ After rage.
Prays quietly for her soul.
Picks the bedclothes.
Thoughtless gayety ; great frivolity and mischievousness.
Depression of spirits.
Hopelessness ; indifference. θ After concussion.
Despondency and conviction of approaching death. θ Neuralgia.
Hypochondriacal anxiety, peevishness.
Fears being struck by those coming towards him ; fears even the possibility of being touched. θ Gout.
Violent attacks of anguish. θ Angina pectoris.
Horror of instant death. θ With cardiac distress in night.
Indifference to everything, morose.
Naturally cheerful, kindly and genial, he became downcast, waspish and peevish.
Excitable and timid. θ Paralysis.
She is extremely morose and irritable ; she does not speak a word.
Oversensitive mood, peevish, quarrelsome.
Excessive sensitiveness of mind. θ Prolapsus uteri.
^^ Naturally very sensitive, his keen sensitiveness of mind became greatly exaggerated.
Excessively sensitive mind ; disposition to agreeable as well as disagreeable emotions, without weakness or excessive sensitiveness of body ; sometimes occurring alternately or simultaneously.
Susceptibility to every shock, movement or exertion, and to reading and reflection. θ Megrim.
Sensation of being good for nothing.
All occupation had to be relinquished for the time, so intense were the sufferings. θ Attacks of headache.
Languid. θ Myalgia.
Inability to perform continued active work.
Easily frightened ; unexpected trifles cause him to start.
State of mind most pitiable. θ Prolapsus ani.
Mental emotions exerted an influence in bringing on chronic attacks of headache.
Every excitement of mind, which is very irritable, aggravates all symptoms of headache. θ Prolapsus ani.
Ailments from fright or anger.
Suddenly aroused by his night-bell, and turning out of bed, brought on headache next day. θ сhronic cephalalgia.
Confusion of head, with decided pressure in r. half of head, especially over right brow.
Dizzy with sickness at stomach, worse on rising or moving ; better when lying still.
Giddiness and incapacity for all exertion, with headache. θ Prolapsus ani.
Vertigo when shutting eyes.
Vertigo in forehead when walking, or raising and moving head. θ Angina pectoris.
Vertigo from a too copious meal, nausea, obscuration of sight.
Vertigo when assuming an erect position. θ Apoplexy.
Vertigo, it is almost imperceptible when sitting and bending head, but when righting or moving head she feels as if everything turned with her.
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo. θ Paralysis.
Heaviness and confusion of head.
Vertigo with nausea when moving and rising ; better lying.
Aching, darting and pressing most in forehead ; worse from motion.
Aching in forehead commencing in morning, gradually extends through temples to occiput ; worse in afternoon.
Dull pain in forehead ; pain in back and limbs. θ Dysentery.
Pressive pain in forehead when walking, ascending stairs, reflecting or reading.
Pains over one eye, with compression in forehead and greenish vomiting.
Pressive pain in forehead worse near warm stove, as if brain was rolled up in a lump.
Rapid stitches in left frontal eminence accompanied by sensation as if an extravasation of blood had taken place.
Stitches in forehead.
Coldness in forehead changing to a heat or sometimes a darting pain ; worse from shocks, motion, etc.
Pressure over eyes extending to temples.
The fulness was followed in about an hour by a slight pain in forehead, gradually increasing, extending to temples and occiput, reaching its height towards evening. θ сhronic cephalalgia.
Pressure over eyes extending towards temples, with sensation as if integuments of forehead were spasmodically contracted.
Sticking pain in temples and forehead.
Headache in left temple returning from time to time ; fine pricking and tearing.
Headache as from a nail thrust into temple, with general sweat about 12 P. M., followed by faintness.
Pressing shooting in both temples, from without inward.
Occasional attacks of very painful headaches, which are either beating or pressing, and in one or the other temple. θ Prolapsus ani.
Pressive headache as if head was being distended from within outward ; pain seems to arise from something soft in vertex, with drawing in vertex and occiput, and tearing towards temples.
Heaviness in middle of brain.
Pressure and confusion of head.
Feels like a heavy weight in head.
Feeling of weight in head and on making any exertion, sensation as if a liquid was fluctuating in brain on day following an attack. θ сhronic cephalalgia.
Feeling at upper part of head as though brain was sore and tender.
Oversensitiveness of whole brain, or in different parts of it. θ Megrim.
Burning in brain, with natural heat of body, night and morning ; worse from motion, better at rest.
Congestive and gastric headaches.
Bad effects from falls or blows on head.
Mechanical injuries ; especially with stupor from concussion ; fractures of skull, or even compression (apply externally warm cloths saturated with dilute tincture from the root ; give also internally).
Headache better from motion on pillow. θ Pneumonia.
Early in morning he dare not set about reading, nor working on first getting out of bed without incurring an attack. θ Megrim.
Headache : violent on waking ; in morning, stupefying ; from 3 to 8 P. M., pressive ; on walking in open air, pressing ; with cough, stitch in forehead ; on moving head, stitches in head ; on rising or sitting up in bed ; on reading or reflecting, pressure in forehead ; on stooping ; on walking, pressure in forehead ; on walking upstairs, pressing in forehead.
Headache with vertigo.
Pain as if a knife was drawn through head transversely from left side ; this is immediately followed by internal coldness of head, which causes hair to stand on end.
Brain affected. θ Diarrhoea and dysentery.
Violent headache on waking in morning, which reached such a point at 8 A. M. that while walking in open air he fell from dizziness ; disappeared at 10 A. M.
Meningitis after mechanical or traumatic injuries, such as concussions, bruises, falling, concussion of brain, etc., when suspecting exudation of blood, fibrine or pus. In such cases we find great sopor and partial paralysis of tongue, oculomotors, iris or limbs.
Meningitis after lesion or concussion, provided there is no complete want of reaction.
Meningitis granulosa with characteristic inclination to vomit.
Serous or bloody exudation. θ Meningitis infantum.
Apoplexy, loss of consciousness, with involuntary evacuations from bowels and bladder, paralysis (left-sided) ; pulse full, strong ; stertor ; sighing, muttering.
Apoplexia sanguinea.
No headache. θ Apoplexia sanguinea.
Head feels too large.
Cold sensation in a small spot on forehead as if some one touched him with a cold thumb.
Unbearable feeling as from ice on top of head ; after breakfast.
Burning or hot spots on top of head. θ Prolapsus ani.
Head hot, rest of body cool. θ Iritis. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Pain in occiput as if hair was pulled out or as from severe electric shocks.
A pressure in forehead as if these parts were crushed by a violent concussion ; this feeling extends over face into both cheek bones.
Better by lying low with head. θ Iritis.
Boring head deep in pillows. θ Meningitis infantum.
Pressive headache over eyes extending towards temples, with sensation as if integuments of forehead were spasmodically contracted.
Carries head forward or to right. θ After injury to left eye.
Recurring boils on scalp.
Photophobia. θ Apoplexy.
Early in morning fulness of head, soon followed by flickering before eyes, which was increased by reading or writing. θ Headache occurring once or twice a week for twelve years.
Diplopia after injuring eye.
If she attempts to read eyes pain and print seems to dance in a fog and vanish, so she must rub eyes.
Musca volitantes.
Cork from a bottle struck right eye seventeen days before, eye swollen for four days ; sees through a mist, pupil moderately dilated and immovable without a trace of exudation.
All turns black before eyes. θ Meningitis infantum.
Loss of sight after a violent blow.
Darkness before eye and loss of vision with headache. θ Prolapsus ani.
Feeling of great weight and heaviness in eyes, with intense headache.
Pressive pinching pain in inner half of right eyeball, gradually ceasing on motion in open air.
Drawing pain in right eye.
Stitches in eyes.
Shooting tearing pains in both eyes and surrounding parts. Worse in bed and by warmth. θ Ophthalmia.
Burning in eyes.
Insufficiency of superior oblique muscle of left eye.
Traumatic muscular paralysis in a robust man 25 years old.
Double vision and vertigo on looking downward, carries his head somewhat forward and turned to right. θ Traumatic muscular paralysis.
All high objects appear to lean forward and about to fall upon him. θ Traumatic muscular paralysis.
Pupils first contracted, twenty-four hours later dilated.
Contraction of pupils with cloudiness of head.
Dilated pupils, with sensitiveness to light.
Right eye projects from head and looks larger than left.
Eyes protrude, staring, denoting anguish.
Eyes sunken.
Eyes dull, expression stupid. θ Typhus.
Congestion to eyes ; balls bloodshot.
Eyes very red. θ Pneumonia.
Eyeball resembled a piece of raw flesh.
Conjunctiva much reddened ; photophobia. θ Rheumatic fever.
Inflammation of eyes, with suggillations after mechanical injuries.
Subconjunctival ecchymosis, resulting from whooping cough or from injuries.
Rheumatic iritis, marked by much lachrymation, photophobia and redness, with shooting and tearing pains in and around eye ; worse at night and by warmth.
Retinal hemorrhage ; expedites absorption of clots.
Amblyopia after a blow on head.
Relaxed condition of bloodvessels and too fluid condition of blood predisposing to hemorrhages. θ Whooping cough.
Traumatic ulceration, with much hemorrhage into anterior chamber.
Lachrymation, shooting and tearing pains in both eyes and in surrounding parts ; worse in bed and by warmth.
Considerable lachrymation. θ Ophthalmia.
Sharp fine stitches in inner canthi.
Itching in canthi.
Severe ciliary neuralgia ; head hot, body cool. θ Iritis.
Sensation of oppression and drooping in eyelids as if they could not be raised.
Difficult and painful motion of eyelids, they are swollen, and balls feel as if excoriated ; eyes and lids red ; worse closing, better opening the eyes.
Edema of dry, hot, inflamed lids, with much subconjunctival suggillation. θ Iritis.
Margin of upper lids painful when lids are moved, as if they were dry and slightly sore.
A variety of eye troubles resulting from blows and various injuries ; sometimes applied locally (tincture diluted with water) and sometimes given internally.
Bruised iris after cataract operations.
Traumatic mydriasis.
Dull pain over eyes, even when not using them. θ Asthenopia.
On left orbital ridge very painful, intermitting, dull pressure.
Cramplike pressive pricking under left eye on nasal bone, extending over eyeball.
Great sensitiveness to loud sounds, with pain in ears.
Noises in ear caused by rush of blood to head ; with great sensitiveness to sound.
Buzzing and humming before ears with difficult hearing. θ Meningitis infantum ; sequel.
Hard hearing from concussions.
Deafness after typhus.
Rushing in ears with deafness of right and stitches through l. ear.
Pain internally in cartilage of left ear, as if parts had been bruised or contused.
Bruised pain in ears, stitches in and behind ears ; ears very dry.
Feeling of heat externally in left ear and cheek.
Suppurating otitis with stupor.
After suppuration of internal ears. θ Typhus.
Discharge of blood from ear.
Swelling of parotid gland. θ Measles.
Swelling of nose.
Sneezes twenty or thirty times with a violent slinging motion of the head, until sinking on the bed exhausted ; hardly having recovered his breath another attack follows.
Nose pains from above down as after a violent fall on it.
Nosebleed : preceded by tingling ; copious after every exertion ; from mechanical causes ; after washing face ; whooping cough ; typhus ; blowing nose.
Ulcerated nostrils.
Nose cold, but internally hot ; or with dry heat of face.
End of nose cold. θ Pneumonia.
Pain in glabella over root of nose.
Discharge of several drops of thin blood from nose on first blowing it in morning.
Frequent blowing of nose with traces of blood.
Right cheek hanging, mouth drawn to left side. θ Apoplexy.
When breathing, cheek blown up, expanded. θ Apoplexy.
Countenance much sunken.
Face rather pale and a sense of chilliness rather than of heat. θ сhronic headache.
Pale, sunken ; sallow. θ сholera infantum.
Complexion earthy, looks unhealthy. θ Diarrhoea.
Dry heat in face towards evening, extending as far as behind ears, without any thirst, nose being quite cold.
Redness and burning in one cheek, otherwise cool or, at any rate, not hot.
Face deep red, almost as red as mahogany. θ Typhus.
Face hot and red, with cold legs. θ Meningitis infantum.
Face and forehead hot. θ Apoplexy.
The puffed cheeks are highly reddened. θ Apoplexy.
Swollen cheeks, with throbbing and stinging pain.
Red swelling of right cheek, with throbbing and pinching pain ; swollen lips and great heat in head, with cold body.
Lips burn ; are swollen and cracked.
Lower lip trembles. θ Typhus.
Bruised pain (right) articulation of jaw, from motion ; early in morning.
Lower jaw hanging.
Burning heat in lips, with moderate warmth of body.
Pimples on upper lip.
Chapped lips.
Swollen lips with heat in head.
Heaviness and confusion of head.
Vertigo with nausea when moving and rising ; better lying.
Aching, darting and pressing most in forehead ; worse from motion.
Aching in forehead commencing in morning, gradually extends through temples to occiput ; worse in afternoon.
Dull pain in forehead ; pain in back and limbs. θ Dysentery.
Pressive pain in forehead when walking, ascending stairs, reflecting or reading.
Pains over one eye, with compression in forehead and greenish vomiting.
Pressive pain in forehead worse near warm stove, as if brain was rolled up in a lump.
Rapid stitches in left frontal eminence accompanied by sensation as if an extravasation of blood had taken place.
Stitches in forehead.
Coldness in forehead changing to a heat or sometimes a darting pain ; worse from shocks, motion, etc.
Pressure over eyes extending to temples.
The fulness was followed in about an hour by a slight pain in forehead, gradually increasing, extending to temples and occiput, reaching its height towards evening. θ сhronic cephalalgia.
Pressure over eyes extending towards temples, with sensation as if integuments of forehead were spasmodically contracted.
Sticking pain in temples and forehead.
Headache in left temple returning from time to time ; fine pricking and tearing.
Headache as from a nail thrust into temple, with general sweat about 12 P. M., followed by faintness.
Pressing shooting in both temples, from without inward.
Occasional attacks of very painful headaches, which are either beating or pressing, and in one or the other temple. θ Prolapsus ani.
Pressive headache as if head was being distended from within outward ; pain seems to arise from something soft in vertex, with drawing in vertex and occiput, and tearing towards temples.
Heaviness in middle of brain.
Pressure and confusion of head.
Feels like a heavy weight in head.
Feeling of weight in head and on making any exertion, sensation as if a liquid was fluctuating in brain on day following an attack. θ сhronic cephalalgia.
Feeling at upper part of head as though brain was sore and tender.
Oversensitiveness of whole brain, or in different parts of it. θ Megrim.
Burning in brain, with natural heat of body, night and morning ; worse from motion, better at rest.
Congestive and gastric headaches.
Bad effects from falls or blows on head.
Mechanical injuries ; especially with stupor from concussion ; fractures of skull, or even compression (apply externally warm cloths saturated with dilute tincture from the root ; give also internally).
Headache better from motion on pillow. θ Pneumonia.
Early in morning he dare not set about reading, nor working on first getting out of bed without incurring an attack. θ Megrim.
Headache : violent on waking ; in morning, stupefying ; from 3 to 8 P. M., pressive ; on walking in open air, pressing ; with cough, stitch in forehead ; on moving head, stitches in head ; on rising or sitting up in bed ; on reading or reflecting, pressure in forehead ; on stooping ; on walking, pressure in forehead ; on walking upstairs, pressing in forehead.
Headache with vertigo.
Pain as if a knife was drawn through head transversely from left side ; this is immediately followed by internal coldness of head, which causes hair to stand on end.
Brain affected. θ Diarrhoea and dysentery.
Violent headache on waking in morning, which reached such a point at 8 A. M. that while walking in open air he fell from dizziness ; disappeared at 10 A. M.
Meningitis after mechanical or traumatic injuries, such as concussions, bruises, falling, concussion of brain, etc., when suspecting exudation of blood, fibrine or pus. In such cases we find great sopor and partial paralysis of tongue, oculomotors, iris or limbs.
Meningitis after lesion or concussion, provided there is no complete want of reaction.
Meningitis granulosa with characteristic inclination to vomit.
Serous or bloody exudation. θ Meningitis infantum.
Apoplexy, loss of consciousness, with involuntary evacuations from bowels and bladder, paralysis (left-sided) ; pulse full, strong ; stertor ; sighing, muttering.
Apoplexia sanguinea.
No headache. θ Apoplexia sanguinea.
Head feels too large.
Cold sensation in a small spot on forehead as if some one touched him with a cold thumb.
Unbearable feeling as from ice on top of head ; after breakfast.
Burning or hot spots on top of head. θ Prolapsus ani.
Head hot, rest of body cool. θ Iritis. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Pain in occiput as if hair was pulled out or as from severe electric shocks.
A pressure in forehead as if these parts were crushed by a violent concussion ; this feeling extends over face into both cheek bones.
Better by lying low with head. θ Iritis.
Boring head deep in pillows. θ Meningitis infantum.
Pressive headache over eyes extending towards temples, with sensation as if integuments of forehead were spasmodically contracted.
Carries head forward or to right. θ After injury to left eye.
Recurring boils on scalp.
Photophobia. θ Apoplexy.
Early in morning fulness of head, soon followed by flickering before eyes, which was increased by reading or writing. θ Headache occurring once or twice a week for twelve years.
Diplopia after injuring eye.
If she attempts to read eyes pain and print seems to dance in a fog and vanish, so she must rub eyes.
Musca volitantes.
Cork from a bottle struck right eye seventeen days before, eye swollen for four days ; sees through a mist, pupil moderately dilated and immovable without a trace of exudation.
All turns black before eyes. θ Meningitis infantum.
Loss of sight after a violent blow.
Darkness before eye and loss of vision with headache. θ Prolapsus ani.
Feeling of great weight and heaviness in eyes, with intense headache.
Pressive pinching pain in inner half of right eyeball, gradually ceasing on motion in open air.
Drawing pain in right eye.
Stitches in eyes.
Shooting tearing pains in both eyes and surrounding parts. Worse in bed and by warmth. θ Ophthalmia.
Burning in eyes.
Insufficiency of superior oblique muscle of left eye.
Traumatic muscular paralysis in a robust man 25 years old.
Double vision and vertigo on looking downward, carries his head somewhat forward and turned to right. θ Traumatic muscular paralysis.
All high objects appear to lean forward and about to fall upon him. θ Traumatic muscular paralysis.
Pupils first contracted, twenty-four hours later dilated.
Contraction of pupils with cloudiness of head.
Dilated pupils, with sensitiveness to light.
Right eye projects from head and looks larger than left.
Eyes protrude, staring, denoting anguish.
Eyes sunken.
Eyes dull, expression stupid. θ Typhus.
Congestion to eyes ; balls bloodshot.
Eyes very red. θ Pneumonia.
Eyeball resembled a piece of raw flesh.
Conjunctiva much reddened ; photophobia. θ Rheumatic fever.
Inflammation of eyes, with suggillations after mechanical injuries.
Subconjunctival ecchymosis, resulting from whooping cough or from injuries.
Rheumatic iritis, marked by much lachrymation, photophobia and redness, with shooting and tearing pains in and around eye ; worse at night and by warmth.
Retinal hemorrhage ; expedites absorption of clots.
Amblyopia after a blow on head.
Relaxed condition of bloodvessels and too fluid condition of blood predisposing to hemorrhages. θ Whooping cough.
Traumatic ulceration, with much hemorrhage into anterior chamber.
Lachrymation, shooting and tearing pains in both eyes and in surrounding parts ; worse in bed and by warmth.
Considerable lachrymation. θ Ophthalmia.
Sharp fine stitches in inner canthi.
Itching in canthi.
Severe ciliary neuralgia ; head hot, body cool. θ Iritis.
Sensation of oppression and drooping in eyelids as if they could not be raised.
Difficult and painful motion of eyelids, they are swollen, and balls feel as if excoriated ; eyes and lids red ; worse closing, better opening the eyes.
Edema of dry, hot, inflamed lids, with much subconjunctival suggillation. θ Iritis.
Margin of upper lids painful when lids are moved, as if they were dry and slightly sore.
A variety of eye troubles resulting from blows and various injuries ; sometimes applied locally (tincture diluted with water) and sometimes given internally.
Bruised iris after cataract operations.
Traumatic mydriasis.
Dull pain over eyes, even when not using them. θ Asthenopia.
On left orbital ridge very painful, intermitting, dull pressure.
Cramplike pressive pricking under left eye on nasal bone, extending over eyeball.
Great sensitiveness to loud sounds, with pain in ears.
Noises in ear caused by rush of blood to head ; with great sensitiveness to sound.
Buzzing and humming before ears with difficult hearing. θ Meningitis infantum ; sequel.
Hard hearing from concussions.
Deafness after typhus.
Rushing in ears with deafness of right and stitches through l. ear.
Pain internally in cartilage of left ear, as if parts had been bruised or contused.
Bruised pain in ears, stitches in and behind ears ; ears very dry.
Feeling of heat externally in left ear and cheek.
Suppurating otitis with stupor.
After suppuration of internal ears. θ Typhus.
Discharge of blood from ear.
Swelling of parotid gland. θ Measles.
Swelling of nose.
Sneezes twenty or thirty times with a violent slinging motion of the head, until sinking on the bed exhausted ; hardly having recovered his breath another attack follows.
Nose pains from above down as after a violent fall on it.
Nosebleed : preceded by tingling ; copious after every exertion ; from mechanical causes ; after washing face ; whooping cough ; typhus ; blowing nose.
Ulcerated nostrils.
Nose cold, but internally hot ; or with dry heat of face.
End of nose cold. θ Pneumonia.
Pain in glabella over root of nose.
Discharge of several drops of thin blood from nose on first blowing it in morning.
Frequent blowing of nose with traces of blood.
Right cheek hanging, mouth drawn to left side. θ Apoplexy.
When breathing, cheek blown up, expanded. θ Apoplexy.
Countenance much sunken.
Face rather pale and a sense of chilliness rather than of heat. θ сhronic headache.
Pale, sunken ; sallow. θ сholera infantum.
Complexion earthy, looks unhealthy. θ Diarrhoea.
Dry heat in face towards evening, extending as far as behind ears, without any thirst, nose being quite cold.
Redness and burning in one cheek, otherwise cool or, at any rate, not hot.
Face deep red, almost as red as mahogany. θ Typhus.
Face hot and red, with cold legs. θ Meningitis infantum.
Face and forehead hot. θ Apoplexy.
The puffed cheeks are highly reddened. θ Apoplexy.
Swollen cheeks, with throbbing and stinging pain.
Red swelling of right cheek, with throbbing and pinching pain ; swollen lips and great heat in head, with cold body.
Lips burn ; are swollen and cracked.
Lower lip trembles. θ Typhus.
Bruised pain (right) articulation of jaw, from motion ; early in morning.
Lower jaw hanging.
Burning heat in lips, with moderate warmth of body.
Pimples on upper lip.
Chapped lips.
Swollen lips with heat in head.

Ротовая полость и горло
Toothache after operation, plugging, etc.
Excruciating pains, cutting, tearing in all teeth of right upper jaw, radiating to ear ; worse from external warmth or from inhaling fresh air.
Tooth feels as if forced out of its socket ; throbbing toothache.
Gums sore, swollen. θ Teething children.
Beating and tingling in gums. θ Toothache.
Toothache as if teeth had been bitten out, sprained, were wabbling, throbbing ; teeth feel as if they were pressed out by blood rushing towards them ; they are then more painful when touched.
Toothache and swelling of gums on left upper jaw.
Tongue. сoated white ; dry, with a brown streak down middle. θ Typhus.
Tongue dry or yellow coated. θ Dyspepsia.
Tongue coated white, with a good appetite and good taste.
Putrid smell from mouth. θ Typhus.
Saliva diminished.
Spits sometimes a little blood. θ Typhus.
Mouth dry, with much thirst.
Burning scraping in mouth and oesophagus ; increased saliva.
Stinging in back of throat between acts of deglutition.
Chronic pains in fauces and larynx, worse for a long time after an animated talk.
Burning in throat when swallowing.
Pain in fauces as if something hard or rough was lodged there ; afternoon, lying down.
Scraping burning from throat to stomach, which became a troublesome pressure in stomach.
Swallowing almost always improves.
Swallowing is prevented by a sort of nausea as if food would not go down.
Eructations : frequent ; empty ; bitter.
Putrid eructations. θ Uterine prolapsus. θ Diarrhoea.
Eructations like rotten eggs in morning.
Belches after coughing.
Extreme nausea.
Nausea in epigastrium. θ Uterine prolapsus.
Nausea, burning scratching in throat ; general relaxation during forenoon.
Empty retching, ineffectual efforts to vomit Retching at night ; vomiting however does not come on ; in pit of stomach there is a weight as of a lump.
Voice deep, or low, muttering.
Hoarseness from overusing voice ; also early in morning.
Raw, scraped sensation along trachea and bronchi.
Tickling sensation in trachea.
When lying down, crackling sensation in trachea ; evening.
Hoarseness of preachers and military officers, from long preaching and commanding, also of conductors from calling out the railway stations.
In throat, sound of a subdued whistle.
Cough is difficult, most in lying position. θ Apoplexy.
Excruciating pains, cutting, tearing in all teeth of right upper jaw, radiating to ear ; worse from external warmth or from inhaling fresh air.
Tooth feels as if forced out of its socket ; throbbing toothache.
Gums sore, swollen. θ Teething children.
Beating and tingling in gums. θ Toothache.
Toothache as if teeth had been bitten out, sprained, were wabbling, throbbing ; teeth feel as if they were pressed out by blood rushing towards them ; they are then more painful when touched.
Toothache and swelling of gums on left upper jaw.
Tongue. сoated white ; dry, with a brown streak down middle. θ Typhus.
Tongue dry or yellow coated. θ Dyspepsia.
Tongue coated white, with a good appetite and good taste.
Putrid smell from mouth. θ Typhus.
Saliva diminished.
Spits sometimes a little blood. θ Typhus.
Mouth dry, with much thirst.
Burning scraping in mouth and oesophagus ; increased saliva.
Stinging in back of throat between acts of deglutition.
Chronic pains in fauces and larynx, worse for a long time after an animated talk.
Burning in throat when swallowing.
Pain in fauces as if something hard or rough was lodged there ; afternoon, lying down.
Scraping burning from throat to stomach, which became a troublesome pressure in stomach.
Swallowing almost always improves.
Swallowing is prevented by a sort of nausea as if food would not go down.
Eructations : frequent ; empty ; bitter.
Putrid eructations. θ Uterine prolapsus. θ Diarrhoea.
Eructations like rotten eggs in morning.
Belches after coughing.
Extreme nausea.
Nausea in epigastrium. θ Uterine prolapsus.
Nausea, burning scratching in throat ; general relaxation during forenoon.
Empty retching, ineffectual efforts to vomit Retching at night ; vomiting however does not come on ; in pit of stomach there is a weight as of a lump.
Voice deep, or low, muttering.
Hoarseness from overusing voice ; also early in morning.
Raw, scraped sensation along trachea and bronchi.
Tickling sensation in trachea.
When lying down, crackling sensation in trachea ; evening.
Hoarseness of preachers and military officers, from long preaching and commanding, also of conductors from calling out the railway stations.
In throat, sound of a subdued whistle.
Cough is difficult, most in lying position. θ Apoplexy.
Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
Taste : putrid ; of rotten eggs ; bitter.
Dry tongue and disinclination to talk. θ Typhus.
Dry almost black tongue. θ Typhus.
Tongue coated yellow with bitter taste ;
In morning taste of rotten eggs.
Biting sensation on tongue, with soreness burning, and stinging in back part of throat.
Violent burning from fauces through oesophagus to stomach.
Appetite disturbed, eating increases pain. θ сhronic attacks of headache.
Appetite lessened. θ Diarrhoea. θ Myalgia.
Loss of appetite and sourness of stomach of brandy drinkers, and creates a disgust for brandy.
Total want of appetite for ten days, loathing very sight of food.
Aversion : to meat ; broth ; milk ; smoking tobacco ; brandy.
Thirst for cold water, without fever.
Thirst without any external heat, pupils being little capable of dilatation.
Constant desire for drinks, but knows not for what, as all drinks are offensive. θ Diarrhoea.
Longing for vinegar or sour things ; for alcoholic drinks.
After eating, distress in epigastrium.
Vomiting of food, obstinate constipation and restless, sleepless nights. θ сoncussion.
During dinner, one cheek hot.
After eating : feels.
After too copious a meal vertigo with nausea, obscuration of sight.
After drinking. сhill increased ; vomits ; drinks much, and then vomits.
Dry tongue and disinclination to talk. θ Typhus.
Dry almost black tongue. θ Typhus.
Tongue coated yellow with bitter taste ;
In morning taste of rotten eggs.
Biting sensation on tongue, with soreness burning, and stinging in back part of throat.
Violent burning from fauces through oesophagus to stomach.
Appetite disturbed, eating increases pain. θ сhronic attacks of headache.
Appetite lessened. θ Diarrhoea. θ Myalgia.
Loss of appetite and sourness of stomach of brandy drinkers, and creates a disgust for brandy.
Total want of appetite for ten days, loathing very sight of food.
Aversion : to meat ; broth ; milk ; smoking tobacco ; brandy.
Thirst for cold water, without fever.
Thirst without any external heat, pupils being little capable of dilatation.
Constant desire for drinks, but knows not for what, as all drinks are offensive. θ Diarrhoea.
Longing for vinegar or sour things ; for alcoholic drinks.
After eating, distress in epigastrium.
Vomiting of food, obstinate constipation and restless, sleepless nights. θ сoncussion.
During dinner, one cheek hot.
After eating : feels.
After too copious a meal vertigo with nausea, obscuration of sight.
After drinking. сhill increased ; vomits ; drinks much, and then vomits.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Hiccough. θ Meningitis.
Vomits : least food taken ; bitter, yellow bile ; coagulated blood.
Vomiting of dark red coagula, mouth bitter ; general soreness. θ After injuries.
Stomach distended with wind ; pressure on precordia, oppression of chest.
Pain in stomach as if its coats were spasmodically drawn together, better by eating.
Spasmodic contraction of stomach causes a general pain, but mostly in posterior wall, with a sensation as if wall of stomach would be forcibly pressed towards spine, and as if spine would be made painful from that place downward.
Pinching and pressure in stomach, extended through bowels as a constriction, with much movement.
Pinching, spasmodic griping in stomach Heaviness and pressure in stomach.
Pressive cutting pains in epigastrium, with nausea and retching. θ After blows on stomach.
Soreness in stomach with putrid eructations, like rotten eggs.
Feeling of repletion in stomach with loathing. θ Angina pectoris.
Sensation of hunger in stomach.
Aching or burning distress in pit of stomach, epigastrium distended ; feels worse from pressure ; foul belching.
Easy and rapid transfer of cerebral irritation to stomach, ending in nausea, retching and vomiting. θ Megrim.
Much mucus in throat and stomach.
Dyspepsia. θ Prolapsus ani.
Severe pressure at epigastrium.
Pressive cutting pains in epigastrium, with nausea and retching.
Sensible to pressure in region of liver. θ Stupor.
Stitches in region of liver ; painful when turning in bed.
Pressure : in region of liver ; like a stone, both during inspiration and expiration ; felt lying on left side.
Pressing in region of left ribs below heart, day and night.
Pain and fulness in right hypochondrium from a blow.
Stitches in splenic region, with soreness on pressure. θ Splenitis, in intermittent fevers.
Stitches under false ribs, left side, interrupting breathing when standing.
Sharp thrusts through abdomen from one side to the other.
Pain around navel when moving.
Dull, heavy pain in left hypogastrium, followed in a few hours by a copious discharge. T Dysentery.
Seized in middle of night with violent cutting and burning pains in hypogastrium, mostly left ; pains intermitting, ceasing after fifteen to twenty minutes. θ Dysentery.
Colic resembling dysentery, a kind of grinding deep in hypogastrium, within hips on both sides, accompanied by nausea and slumber.
Intermittent tearing in left half of pubic eminence.
Colic with strangury.
Swashing in abdomen as of water.
Pains in abdomen and headache. θ Angina pectoris.
Right side of abdomen hard, swollen, with pain as if cutting into a wound when touched.
Abdomen bloated. θ Diarrhoea.
Hard swelling of right side of abdomen, with severe pain when touched ; better by escape of flatus.
Tympanitic distension of abdomen, frequent urging to stool.
Constricting cramps in rectum while standing.
Painful pressure in rectum.
Ineffectual urging to stool.
Frequent urging to stool, with severe pressure at anus. θ Dysentery.
Tenesmus with severe pains. θ Dysentery.
Inclination to evacuate bowels recurring every four or five hours, tenesmus being severe during stool. θ Dysentery.
Sensation of rumbling in rectum for three days, not attended by stools.
Offensive flatus ; smelling like rotten eggs.
Frequent small stools. θ Dysentery.
Frequent stool ; after every stool is obliged to lie down.
Nightly diarrhoea, with pressive colic, as if from flatulence.
Diarrheic stool with some cutting in intestines.
Frequent small stools consisting only of mucus.
Diarrheic stools yellowish or sometimes bloody.
Diarrhoea, stools resembling brown yeast.
Painless stools of undigested food.
Involuntary discharge of feces during stupor. θ Typhus. θ Meningitis infantum (in later stages).
Stool involuntary during sleep (also urine). θ Fevers. θ Apoplexy, etc.
Stools : of undigested food ; bloody ; purulent ; bloody, slimy, mucous, with urging and violent bellyache ; dark, bloody, mucous, with sore, bruised feeling in abdomen ; brown, fermented (like yeast) ; averse to food ; fetid breath ; very offensive, papescent, at times involuntary ; involuntary during sleep ; frequent, small, mucous ; fluid, foamy, terribly offensive, acrid.
Tenesmus followed by a copious thin or pap-like sourish-smelling stool, giving great relief.
Urging to stool every half hour, nothing but slime being passed.
Frequent, fluid, frothy, acrid, very fetid stools, with much flatulence ; girl, at. 2 1/2.
Scanty, slimy, dark colored, bloody stools. θ Dysentery.
Dark, bloody, mucous stools, with sore, bruised feeling in abdomen. θ Dysentery.
Excessive pain and discharges of pure blood and mucus. θ Dysentery.
Copious discharge of dark, venous blood, amounting in quantity at a time to about a quart, came on at intervals of about four hours, greatly relieving pain in abdomen for an hour or two. θ Dysentery.
Dysentery with ischuria, or tenesmus of neck of bladder with fruitless urging.
Most marked indication is long intervals between stools, namely from four to six hours. θ Dysentery.
Stool tardy. θ Apoplexy.
Obstinate constipation after a blow on epigastrium.
Constipation. θ Pneumonia. θ Paralysis.
Before stool : abdomen distended.
During stool. Rumbling and pressure in abdomen ; urging, tenesmus, passing only slime and mucus.
With slimy stools : bruised pain in back.
After stool : must lie down.
Pain in anus as if it was bruised. θ Dysentery.
Pressive pains in anus and rectum, mostly in anus. θ Dysentery.
After suffering much from hemorrhoids a very troublesome and painful prolapsus of anus lasting four months.
After walking five or ten minutes prolapsus protrudes and hinders him from going any further, forces him to return without delay.
During headaches rectum does not fall down and vice versa. θ Prolapsus ani.
A man after suffering from hemorrhoids in a weakened and relaxed state. θ Prolapsus ani.
Vomits : least food taken ; bitter, yellow bile ; coagulated blood.
Vomiting of dark red coagula, mouth bitter ; general soreness. θ After injuries.
Stomach distended with wind ; pressure on precordia, oppression of chest.
Pain in stomach as if its coats were spasmodically drawn together, better by eating.
Spasmodic contraction of stomach causes a general pain, but mostly in posterior wall, with a sensation as if wall of stomach would be forcibly pressed towards spine, and as if spine would be made painful from that place downward.
Pinching and pressure in stomach, extended through bowels as a constriction, with much movement.
Pinching, spasmodic griping in stomach Heaviness and pressure in stomach.
Pressive cutting pains in epigastrium, with nausea and retching. θ After blows on stomach.
Soreness in stomach with putrid eructations, like rotten eggs.
Feeling of repletion in stomach with loathing. θ Angina pectoris.
Sensation of hunger in stomach.
Aching or burning distress in pit of stomach, epigastrium distended ; feels worse from pressure ; foul belching.
Easy and rapid transfer of cerebral irritation to stomach, ending in nausea, retching and vomiting. θ Megrim.
Much mucus in throat and stomach.
Dyspepsia. θ Prolapsus ani.
Severe pressure at epigastrium.
Pressive cutting pains in epigastrium, with nausea and retching.
Sensible to pressure in region of liver. θ Stupor.
Stitches in region of liver ; painful when turning in bed.
Pressure : in region of liver ; like a stone, both during inspiration and expiration ; felt lying on left side.
Pressing in region of left ribs below heart, day and night.
Pain and fulness in right hypochondrium from a blow.
Stitches in splenic region, with soreness on pressure. θ Splenitis, in intermittent fevers.
Stitches under false ribs, left side, interrupting breathing when standing.
Sharp thrusts through abdomen from one side to the other.
Pain around navel when moving.
Dull, heavy pain in left hypogastrium, followed in a few hours by a copious discharge. T Dysentery.
Seized in middle of night with violent cutting and burning pains in hypogastrium, mostly left ; pains intermitting, ceasing after fifteen to twenty minutes. θ Dysentery.
Colic resembling dysentery, a kind of grinding deep in hypogastrium, within hips on both sides, accompanied by nausea and slumber.
Intermittent tearing in left half of pubic eminence.
Colic with strangury.
Swashing in abdomen as of water.
Pains in abdomen and headache. θ Angina pectoris.
Right side of abdomen hard, swollen, with pain as if cutting into a wound when touched.
Abdomen bloated. θ Diarrhoea.
Hard swelling of right side of abdomen, with severe pain when touched ; better by escape of flatus.
Tympanitic distension of abdomen, frequent urging to stool.
Constricting cramps in rectum while standing.
Painful pressure in rectum.
Ineffectual urging to stool.
Frequent urging to stool, with severe pressure at anus. θ Dysentery.
Tenesmus with severe pains. θ Dysentery.
Inclination to evacuate bowels recurring every four or five hours, tenesmus being severe during stool. θ Dysentery.
Sensation of rumbling in rectum for three days, not attended by stools.
Offensive flatus ; smelling like rotten eggs.
Frequent small stools. θ Dysentery.
Frequent stool ; after every stool is obliged to lie down.
Nightly diarrhoea, with pressive colic, as if from flatulence.
Diarrheic stool with some cutting in intestines.
Frequent small stools consisting only of mucus.
Diarrheic stools yellowish or sometimes bloody.
Diarrhoea, stools resembling brown yeast.
Painless stools of undigested food.
Involuntary discharge of feces during stupor. θ Typhus. θ Meningitis infantum (in later stages).
Stool involuntary during sleep (also urine). θ Fevers. θ Apoplexy, etc.
Stools : of undigested food ; bloody ; purulent ; bloody, slimy, mucous, with urging and violent bellyache ; dark, bloody, mucous, with sore, bruised feeling in abdomen ; brown, fermented (like yeast) ; averse to food ; fetid breath ; very offensive, papescent, at times involuntary ; involuntary during sleep ; frequent, small, mucous ; fluid, foamy, terribly offensive, acrid.
Tenesmus followed by a copious thin or pap-like sourish-smelling stool, giving great relief.
Urging to stool every half hour, nothing but slime being passed.
Frequent, fluid, frothy, acrid, very fetid stools, with much flatulence ; girl, at. 2 1/2.
Scanty, slimy, dark colored, bloody stools. θ Dysentery.
Dark, bloody, mucous stools, with sore, bruised feeling in abdomen. θ Dysentery.
Excessive pain and discharges of pure blood and mucus. θ Dysentery.
Copious discharge of dark, venous blood, amounting in quantity at a time to about a quart, came on at intervals of about four hours, greatly relieving pain in abdomen for an hour or two. θ Dysentery.
Dysentery with ischuria, or tenesmus of neck of bladder with fruitless urging.
Most marked indication is long intervals between stools, namely from four to six hours. θ Dysentery.
Stool tardy. θ Apoplexy.
Obstinate constipation after a blow on epigastrium.
Constipation. θ Pneumonia. θ Paralysis.
Before stool : abdomen distended.
During stool. Rumbling and pressure in abdomen ; urging, tenesmus, passing only slime and mucus.
With slimy stools : bruised pain in back.
After stool : must lie down.
Pain in anus as if it was bruised. θ Dysentery.
Pressive pains in anus and rectum, mostly in anus. θ Dysentery.
After suffering much from hemorrhoids a very troublesome and painful prolapsus of anus lasting four months.
After walking five or ten minutes prolapsus protrudes and hinders him from going any further, forces him to return without delay.
During headaches rectum does not fall down and vice versa. θ Prolapsus ani.
A man after suffering from hemorrhoids in a weakened and relaxed state. θ Prolapsus ani.
Мочеполовая система
Chill followed by nephritic pains, nausea and vomiting, without relief ; vomiting produces excruciating pain in epigastrium, extending to right hypochondrium and down to groin. θ Nephritis.
Piercing pains as from knives plunged into kidneys ; chilly, inclined to vomit.
Agonizing pains in back and hips as from passing calculi. θ Renal colic.
Traumatic inflammation of bladder.
Bladder affections after mechanical injuries.
Bladder feels overfilled, ineffectual urging.
Tenesmus of bladder ; urine drops involuntary.
Tenesmus from spasms of neck of bladder.
Infants scream from pain in bladder.
Constant urging while urine passes involuntary in drops.
Frequent attempts to urinate.
Has to wait a long time for urine to pass.
Retention of urine from exertion.
Ischuria with dysentery.
Spasmodic ischuria with hot hoofs, excrement in small balls (horses).
Involuntary urination at night during sleep. θ Apoplexy. θ Typhus, etc.
Involuntary urination when running.
Involuntary urination at night with a red sediment. θ Paralysis.
Increases watery constituents of urine.
Frequent pale urine.
Extensive diuresis. θ Meningitis.
Urine in small quantity, staining napkin yellow brown. θ сholera infantum.
Urine of a very dark brown color.
Urine brown with lateritious sediment.
Brown clear urine which immediately becomes whitish and turbid.
Urine dark brown, scanty ; brick-dust sediment.
Urine red. θ Liver complaint.
Brick-dust sediment in urine. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Scanty red urine very offensive.
Urine scanty, infrequent ; sometimes frequent urging.
Urine difficult, scanty, dark, with thick brown sediment. θ Nephritis.
Bloody urine.
Hamaturia from mechanical causes.
Urine thick, with much pus and some blood globules, but no tubes. θ Nephritis.
Urine very acid, with increase of specific gravity.
Before urination ; agonizing pains in back and hips ; pressure in bladder.
During urination. вurning pain along perineum and discharge of pus from urethra. θ After a fall on perineum.
At end of urination : cutting in orifice of urethra.
After urination : stitches.
Violent sexual desire, continued erections (weak old man).
Violent continued erections often waking.
Feeling of weakness, relaxed testicles, as after an emission ; early in bed.
Emission of semen (day or night) during an affectionate caress.
Testes indurated, swollen and tender.
Spermatic cords painfully swollen, stitches in abdomen.
Hydrocele caused by a bruise.
Penis and testicles swollen purple red ; after injuries.
Erysipelas of scrotum extending to anus.
Phymosis from friction ; parts bruised and much swollen.
Pains like from spraining in ovarian region (groin), obliging her to walk bent. θ Ovarian diseases.
Metrorrhagia after coition. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Bruised sore feeling remains after a hurt in abdomen, cannot walk erect. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Prolapsus uteri caused by a concussion leaving a sore, bruised feeling in uterine region, which prevents her from walking erect.
Ulcers of uterus with a tendency to bleed.
Menses generally too soon ; nausea in epigastrium.
Menses too frequent and profuse. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Bloody discharge between menstrual periods. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Blood bright red with mixed clots. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Uterine hemorrhage.
Labia painfully swollen.
Piercing pains as from knives plunged into kidneys ; chilly, inclined to vomit.
Agonizing pains in back and hips as from passing calculi. θ Renal colic.
Traumatic inflammation of bladder.
Bladder affections after mechanical injuries.
Bladder feels overfilled, ineffectual urging.
Tenesmus of bladder ; urine drops involuntary.
Tenesmus from spasms of neck of bladder.
Infants scream from pain in bladder.
Constant urging while urine passes involuntary in drops.
Frequent attempts to urinate.
Has to wait a long time for urine to pass.
Retention of urine from exertion.
Ischuria with dysentery.
Spasmodic ischuria with hot hoofs, excrement in small balls (horses).
Involuntary urination at night during sleep. θ Apoplexy. θ Typhus, etc.
Involuntary urination when running.
Involuntary urination at night with a red sediment. θ Paralysis.
Increases watery constituents of urine.
Frequent pale urine.
Extensive diuresis. θ Meningitis.
Urine in small quantity, staining napkin yellow brown. θ сholera infantum.
Urine of a very dark brown color.
Urine brown with lateritious sediment.
Brown clear urine which immediately becomes whitish and turbid.
Urine dark brown, scanty ; brick-dust sediment.
Urine red. θ Liver complaint.
Brick-dust sediment in urine. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Scanty red urine very offensive.
Urine scanty, infrequent ; sometimes frequent urging.
Urine difficult, scanty, dark, with thick brown sediment. θ Nephritis.
Bloody urine.
Hamaturia from mechanical causes.
Urine thick, with much pus and some blood globules, but no tubes. θ Nephritis.
Urine very acid, with increase of specific gravity.
Before urination ; agonizing pains in back and hips ; pressure in bladder.
During urination. вurning pain along perineum and discharge of pus from urethra. θ After a fall on perineum.
At end of urination : cutting in orifice of urethra.
After urination : stitches.
Violent sexual desire, continued erections (weak old man).
Violent continued erections often waking.
Feeling of weakness, relaxed testicles, as after an emission ; early in bed.
Emission of semen (day or night) during an affectionate caress.
Testes indurated, swollen and tender.
Spermatic cords painfully swollen, stitches in abdomen.
Hydrocele caused by a bruise.
Penis and testicles swollen purple red ; after injuries.
Erysipelas of scrotum extending to anus.
Phymosis from friction ; parts bruised and much swollen.
Pains like from spraining in ovarian region (groin), obliging her to walk bent. θ Ovarian diseases.
Metrorrhagia after coition. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Bruised sore feeling remains after a hurt in abdomen, cannot walk erect. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Prolapsus uteri caused by a concussion leaving a sore, bruised feeling in uterine region, which prevents her from walking erect.
Ulcers of uterus with a tendency to bleed.
Menses generally too soon ; nausea in epigastrium.
Menses too frequent and profuse. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Bloody discharge between menstrual periods. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Blood bright red with mixed clots. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Uterine hemorrhage.
Labia painfully swollen.
Характеристика растения
Pain between crest of right ilium and sacrum during pregnancy.
It feels as if fetus was lying crosswise.
Threatened abortion from falls, shocks, etc. ; nervous, excited ; feels bruised.
Labor pains : violent, yet they do but little good ; weak, or ceasing, wants to change position often ; feels bruised.
Metrorrhagia after coition. θ During pregnancy.
Constant dribbling of urine after labor.
Soreness of parts after labor ; prevents hemorrhage.
Hemorrhages bright red or mixed with clots ; head hot, body cool.
After pains violent ; return while suckling.
Ruptured perineum (applied externally).
Prophylactic against pyamia in childbed fever.
Swelling of mamma from contusions.
Mastitis from bruises ; erysipelatous inflammation.
After an abscess in left mamma, the right became hard and tender, the left being opened instead of cured by inward medicine ; the right became swollen and red, pitted on pressure, the horrible cut with the knife brought no matter ; three days later the lancet was plunged in again, pus and blood came, but not freely ; towards night breast got painful, middle of night tremendously swollen. Finally the cut closed, but left an angry bright redness of surrounding skin, which changed to a malignant purple hue, the woman became greatly exhausted and shivered. Arnica lotion relieved at once, and very soon there followed a healthy discharge from the abscess.
Sore nipples.
Child is breathless, bruised ; or the mother has had a long, painful labor. θ Asphyxia neonatorum.
Nipples of child swollen and tender, сhamom. ; after pinching by nurses, Arnica.
It feels as if fetus was lying crosswise.
Threatened abortion from falls, shocks, etc. ; nervous, excited ; feels bruised.
Labor pains : violent, yet they do but little good ; weak, or ceasing, wants to change position often ; feels bruised.
Metrorrhagia after coition. θ During pregnancy.
Constant dribbling of urine after labor.
Soreness of parts after labor ; prevents hemorrhage.
Hemorrhages bright red or mixed with clots ; head hot, body cool.
After pains violent ; return while suckling.
Ruptured perineum (applied externally).
Prophylactic against pyamia in childbed fever.
Swelling of mamma from contusions.
Mastitis from bruises ; erysipelatous inflammation.
After an abscess in left mamma, the right became hard and tender, the left being opened instead of cured by inward medicine ; the right became swollen and red, pitted on pressure, the horrible cut with the knife brought no matter ; three days later the lancet was plunged in again, pus and blood came, but not freely ; towards night breast got painful, middle of night tremendously swollen. Finally the cut closed, but left an angry bright redness of surrounding skin, which changed to a malignant purple hue, the woman became greatly exhausted and shivered. Arnica lotion relieved at once, and very soon there followed a healthy discharge from the abscess.
Sore nipples.
Child is breathless, bruised ; or the mother has had a long, painful labor. θ Asphyxia neonatorum.
Nipples of child swollen and tender, сhamom. ; after pinching by nurses, Arnica.
Органы грудной клетки
Breath fetid, short, panting.
Worse on inspiration ; better expiration.
Inspiration quick, expiration slow.
Quick inspirations and expirations.
Short, panting breathing. θ Angina pectoris.
Oppression of chest, with anguish and heat in head.
Anxiousness and dyspnoea ; when getting awake.
Dyspnoea, head hot, face red, body cool.
Dyspnoea from a blow on epigastrium.
Asthma, with inclination to move about ; sleepless, before midnight ; looks as if dying.
Asthma from fatty degeneration of heart.
Suffocative oppression of chest.
Children when angry lose their breath.
Dry, short, hacking cough.
Cough produced by itching irritation in upper part of larynx, during siesta.
Constant insupportable tickling in larynx and trachea, causing cough day and night. θ Pneumonia.
Tickling in lower part of trachea, and dry, hacking cough, most at night.
Dry cough, with tickling in chest.
Constant dry cough, which shakes whole frame.
Child weak, fretful, has a frequent short cough. θ Diarrhoea.
Cough after screaming or crying.
Cough excited by cries in children when accompanied by anger and tossing about.
After gaping he coughs.
Cough after measles.
Cough at night during sleep.
Paroxysms of cough at night during sleep, not awaking. θ Heart disease.
Whooping cough : child cries before paroxysm as though in fear of soreness it will cause ; cough causes bloodshot eyes, nosebleed ; expectoration of foaming blood, or clots of blood.
Sputa loosened with difficulty.
Spitting of frothy phlegm with water. θ Pneumonia.
Expectoration. Offensive, green, purulent, blood-streaked ; when loosened must be swallowed ; day and evening scanty, difficult expectoration of transparent, glairy slime, mixed with black dots, or bloody. θ вronchitis.
Sputa mixed with blood.
Severe hamoptysis in a phthisical patient ; blood darkish, semi-fluid, and expelled after a hacking cough.
Hemorrhage after mechanical injuries ; slight spitting of black, thick, viscid blood, or bright red, frothy blood, mixed with mucus and coagula.
During cough. Scratching in throat, tickling in trachea ; rawness, stitches in chest ; asthma ; catching of breath ; congestions and heat ; bruised feeling in ribs ; vomiting ; pressure and stinging in head ; prickling on head.
Cough, with stitching in sides of chest.
Cough, producing a feeling in ribs as if all of them were bruised.
Great tightness of chest, with difficult breathing.
Pressive pain in (r.) chest, at a small spot, not increased by motion, touch or inspiration.
Oppression of chest, with anguish. θ Angina pectoris.
Sensation of an oppressive weight at upper part of chest, with a feeling of constriction in throat.
Pains in right side of chest, dependent on overexertion of r. arm. θ Myalgia.
Aching pains in chest.
Dull aching pain in left chest. θ Pneumonia.
Chest sore when coughing, sputa blood-streaked ; cannot raise the loosened mucus.
Burning or rawness in chest.
His chest feels affected, raw ; his sputa is sometimes tinged with blood, especially when walking.
Stitches in chest (l.), worse from a dry cough ; worse from motion ; better from external pressure.
Violent stitches in middle of left chest.
Stitches in left chest near sternum, during a deep inhalation. θ Angina pectoris.
Stitching in one side of chest, with a short cough, which creates pain.
Pleurisy after mechanical injuries ; must continually change position, bed feels so hard.
Pneumothorax from external injuries.
Pneumonia after whooping cough, especially where there is much soreness on coughing.
Chest sore when coughing, sputa blood-streaked ; cannot raise the loosened mucus. θ Pneumonia. θ Pertussis.
All joints of bones and cartilages of chest feel painful, as if they were sprained, bruised ; during motion and breathing.
Articulations and cartilaginous connections of chest feel as if beaten, when moving, breathing, or coughing.
Pain through thorax, stitches with cough, which increased the pain.
Pressive pain in right chest, at a small spot which remains unaltered either by motion, contact, or breathing.
Pains in intercostal muscles.
Pains in left side of chest, at insertion of greater and lesser pectorals ; had to lift heavy weights with left hand. θ Myalgia.
Severe pain in left side of chest and abdomen ; pain was not only along insertion of pectorals, especially their lower portion, but also along digitations of external oblique abdominis and serratus magnus, from working in a constrained position.
Red sweat on chest.
Worse on inspiration ; better expiration.
Inspiration quick, expiration slow.
Quick inspirations and expirations.
Short, panting breathing. θ Angina pectoris.
Oppression of chest, with anguish and heat in head.
Anxiousness and dyspnoea ; when getting awake.
Dyspnoea, head hot, face red, body cool.
Dyspnoea from a blow on epigastrium.
Asthma, with inclination to move about ; sleepless, before midnight ; looks as if dying.
Asthma from fatty degeneration of heart.
Suffocative oppression of chest.
Children when angry lose their breath.
Dry, short, hacking cough.
Cough produced by itching irritation in upper part of larynx, during siesta.
Constant insupportable tickling in larynx and trachea, causing cough day and night. θ Pneumonia.
Tickling in lower part of trachea, and dry, hacking cough, most at night.
Dry cough, with tickling in chest.
Constant dry cough, which shakes whole frame.
Child weak, fretful, has a frequent short cough. θ Diarrhoea.
Cough after screaming or crying.
Cough excited by cries in children when accompanied by anger and tossing about.
After gaping he coughs.
Cough after measles.
Cough at night during sleep.
Paroxysms of cough at night during sleep, not awaking. θ Heart disease.
Whooping cough : child cries before paroxysm as though in fear of soreness it will cause ; cough causes bloodshot eyes, nosebleed ; expectoration of foaming blood, or clots of blood.
Sputa loosened with difficulty.
Spitting of frothy phlegm with water. θ Pneumonia.
Expectoration. Offensive, green, purulent, blood-streaked ; when loosened must be swallowed ; day and evening scanty, difficult expectoration of transparent, glairy slime, mixed with black dots, or bloody. θ вronchitis.
Sputa mixed with blood.
Severe hamoptysis in a phthisical patient ; blood darkish, semi-fluid, and expelled after a hacking cough.
Hemorrhage after mechanical injuries ; slight spitting of black, thick, viscid blood, or bright red, frothy blood, mixed with mucus and coagula.
During cough. Scratching in throat, tickling in trachea ; rawness, stitches in chest ; asthma ; catching of breath ; congestions and heat ; bruised feeling in ribs ; vomiting ; pressure and stinging in head ; prickling on head.
Cough, with stitching in sides of chest.
Cough, producing a feeling in ribs as if all of them were bruised.
Great tightness of chest, with difficult breathing.
Pressive pain in (r.) chest, at a small spot, not increased by motion, touch or inspiration.
Oppression of chest, with anguish. θ Angina pectoris.
Sensation of an oppressive weight at upper part of chest, with a feeling of constriction in throat.
Pains in right side of chest, dependent on overexertion of r. arm. θ Myalgia.
Aching pains in chest.
Dull aching pain in left chest. θ Pneumonia.
Chest sore when coughing, sputa blood-streaked ; cannot raise the loosened mucus.
Burning or rawness in chest.
His chest feels affected, raw ; his sputa is sometimes tinged with blood, especially when walking.
Stitches in chest (l.), worse from a dry cough ; worse from motion ; better from external pressure.
Violent stitches in middle of left chest.
Stitches in left chest near sternum, during a deep inhalation. θ Angina pectoris.
Stitching in one side of chest, with a short cough, which creates pain.
Pleurisy after mechanical injuries ; must continually change position, bed feels so hard.
Pneumothorax from external injuries.
Pneumonia after whooping cough, especially where there is much soreness on coughing.
Chest sore when coughing, sputa blood-streaked ; cannot raise the loosened mucus. θ Pneumonia. θ Pertussis.
All joints of bones and cartilages of chest feel painful, as if they were sprained, bruised ; during motion and breathing.
Articulations and cartilaginous connections of chest feel as if beaten, when moving, breathing, or coughing.
Pain through thorax, stitches with cough, which increased the pain.
Pressive pain in right chest, at a small spot which remains unaltered either by motion, contact, or breathing.
Pains in intercostal muscles.
Pains in left side of chest, at insertion of greater and lesser pectorals ; had to lift heavy weights with left hand. θ Myalgia.
Severe pain in left side of chest and abdomen ; pain was not only along insertion of pectorals, especially their lower portion, but also along digitations of external oblique abdominis and serratus magnus, from working in a constrained position.
Red sweat on chest.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Pain from liver up through left chest and down left arm ; veins on hand swollen, purplish ; sudden pain, as if heart was squeezed, or as if it got a shock. θ Angina pectoris.
Region of base of heart feels as if bruised.
Strain of the heart, from violent running.
Irritable cardiac action. θ Myalgia.
Fatty degeneration of heart.
Great cardiac distress.
Stitches in cardiac region.
Painful pricking in region of heart.
Stitches in heart from left to right, with fainting fits. θ Angina pectoris.
Heavy breathing ; stitches, burning ; palpitation.
Congestion to head and chest, with sensation of heat in these parts, and coldness of the rest of body.
Palpitation after almost any exertion ; goes off by rest.
Beating of heart, more like a quivering. θ Angina pectoris.
Pulse not full nor rapid, temperature not increased. θ сhronic attacks of headache.
Pulse 72, less frequent and weaker than usual. θ Apoplexy.
Full, hard, slow pulse. θ Typhus.
Pulse : accelerated, full, hard ; sometimes quicker than beat of heart ; intermittent, feeble, hurried, irregular ; fluttering.
Pulse, in rest, below 60, after moving, above 120. θ Nephritis.
When the pulse grows slow it is weak. θ Very low, weak, rapid pulse. θ Typhus.
Faintness, feeble, hurried, variable pulse and irregular rhythm of heart, horror of instant death. θ With cardiac distress in night.
Region of base of heart feels as if bruised.
Strain of the heart, from violent running.
Irritable cardiac action. θ Myalgia.
Fatty degeneration of heart.
Great cardiac distress.
Stitches in cardiac region.
Painful pricking in region of heart.
Stitches in heart from left to right, with fainting fits. θ Angina pectoris.
Heavy breathing ; stitches, burning ; palpitation.
Congestion to head and chest, with sensation of heat in these parts, and coldness of the rest of body.
Palpitation after almost any exertion ; goes off by rest.
Beating of heart, more like a quivering. θ Angina pectoris.
Pulse not full nor rapid, temperature not increased. θ сhronic attacks of headache.
Pulse 72, less frequent and weaker than usual. θ Apoplexy.
Full, hard, slow pulse. θ Typhus.
Pulse : accelerated, full, hard ; sometimes quicker than beat of heart ; intermittent, feeble, hurried, irregular ; fluttering.
Pulse, in rest, below 60, after moving, above 120. θ Nephritis.
When the pulse grows slow it is weak. θ Very low, weak, rapid pulse. θ Typhus.
Faintness, feeble, hurried, variable pulse and irregular rhythm of heart, horror of instant death. θ With cardiac distress in night.
Конечности и позвоночник
Weakness of cervical muscles : they do not support the head steadily.
Violent spinal pain, as from sudden rising after long stooping.
Her head feels so heavy, and is so movable from weak, cervical muscles, that it inclines easily to all sides.
Great sensibility of cervical vertebra to pressure. θ сongestive chills.
Great soreness of back.
Fulness and pressure in lumbar region.
Sensation of a great weight across lower part of loins, and feeling of being drawn in, as if a cord was tightly drawn across.
Tingling in back.
Spine pains, as if not capable of carrying body.
Pain in region of lumbar vertebra. θ Nephritis.
Small of back pains ; stitches when coughing breathing deeply, or walking.
Right scapula and small of back painful, as if beaten.
A peculiar painful sensation extending down back, as comes sometimes from continued stooping in hard work, in rising from bed in morning.
Pressive pain between scapula, which seemed to extend from posterior wall of stomach.
Pain in right scapula towards back, as after a violent blow or fall.
The small of the back is painful, as if it had been beaten.
Bruised feeling in whole body, especially in region of dorsal and cervical vertebra, and great weakness of muscles of neck, pain as of a bruise, and compression of chest.
Violent twitching pain from shoulder joint to middle finger.
Anterior surface of arms feels bruised.
Arms feel weary as if bruised by blows ; he was unable to bend his fingers inward.
Cannot lift right arm. θ Apoplexy.
Sensation as if joints of arms and wrists were sprained.
Pains in arms and hands, as if knocked against something hard.
Forearm and hand much swollen and red, surface covered with vesicles.
Slight cracking and sensation of dislocation in right wrist when moving hand.
Left wrist powerless ; feels as if he could not use arm.
Tearing, twitching, drawing pain during rest on ulnar side of dorsum of right hand.
Veins of hand distended, with full, strong pulse.
Erysipelatous inflammation, left hand dark blue, and covered with large and small vesicles, which gave skin the appearance of a rhinoceros hide.
Drawing in right thumb.
Acute bruised pain in balls of thumbs.
Cramps in fingers of left hand. θ Angina pectoris.
Ends of fingers cold. θ Pneumonia.
Violent twitching pain, extending to middle finger.
Pressive pain in joints of right ring and little fingers.
Tearing in tips of left ring and little finger.
Drawing pain in skin of dorsum of left little finger.
Itching pimple between thumb and index finger ; when touched, a fine stinging pain, as if a splinter were in it.
Abscess of psoas muscle.
Drawing pressing pains in left hip joint, thigh being extended, when sitting.
Hips pain as if sprained.
Boring, tearing pains shifting from right hip joint to various parts ; worse at night, cannot find an easy position ; bearable during day, and during motion. θ After a sprain.
Formication ; lame feeling ; must often change position, bed or chair seems so hard. θ After exertion, long marches, etc. θ Sciatica.
Pain in thighs when walking, as from a blow, or contusion.
Thighs livid, with blue yellow marks, as if black and blue.
Blue spots appeared on thighs, which felt as if bruised when touched ; these spots were more numerous after mental emotion or exertion.
Carbuncle on thigh.
Large open, inflamed carbuncle, red ; on inner side of left thigh.
Knee joints suddenly bend when standing, feet numb, insensible.
Prick in knee when touched.
Complains of a feeling as if knee was dislocated, and of a paralytic weakness of whole limb. θ After an injury.
Hygroma patella.
White swelling of knee.
Intense burning at a small spot on outside of left tibia.
Pain in calf of right leg, as from a blow, with lassitude of legs.
The right lower limb cannot be used as usual. θ Apoplexy.
Tingling in legs.
Arthritic pains in foot, worse towards evening ; fears passersby may strike it ; big toe joint red, feels sprained.
Arthritic pain in foot, with a little fever towards evening.
Tearing pain in right external malleolus, and on dorsum of foot.
Drawing in outer half of back of left foot.
Want of power in ankles and feeling of a heavy weight in each instep.
Tarsal joint pains as if sprained.
Violent burning in feet.
Feet feel tired or inflamed after a walk.
Hot erysipelatous inflammation and painfulness of foot.
A splinter ran deep into sole months ago, producing a great deal of proud flesh, came out after inner and outer use.
When walking, on raising left foot, and bending left ankle, crawling in outer half of left sole, as if nerve was pulled.
Tearing in left little toe.
Corns (pare them and apply externally).
Young lady subject to headache and neuralgia ; when headache got , the same pain would come on in some small spot on lower extremities.
Heaviness in limbs.
Paralytic pain in all joints during motion, as if bruised.
Limbs as if bruised at rest or in motion ; painful concussion from jolting of carriage or stepping firmly.
Soreness in limbs. θ Meningitis.
Limbs ache as if beaten. θ Intermittents.
Tearing, with soreness, numbness, swelling, or tingling.
Motion : dizziness and sick stomach ; pains in chest.
In walking, feeble, as if suddenly blighted with old age.
Walking : in open air relieves pinching in right eyeball ; pressure in forehead ; when running, urine involuntary ; small of back pains ; thighs pain as from a blow ; crawling in outer half left sole ; vertigo ; prolapsus ani ; cannot think after walk in open air.
Walks bent : prolapsus uteri.
Stooping : headache.
Running : involuntary urination.
Rising : dizziness and sick stomach.
Sitting : pain in left hip joint ; headache.
Undisturbed horizontal posture alleviated some, and a few hours of sleep made it to disappear. θ сhronic attacks of headache.
Ascending : pressive pain in forehead.
Standing : cramps in rectum.
Must lie down : after stools ; from weakness.
Lying : dizziness and sick stomach ; on left side, pain in region of liver ; stinging in skin ; feels hot, etc. ; must lie stretched out on back ; must lie down after stool ; pain in fauces as from something rough ; relieves vertigo ; must lie stretched out on back, megrim ; with head low, iritis is better.
Better when lying on side or on back.
At rest : burning in brain ; pain in eyes.
Turning in bed : liver painful.
Complaints from exertion. Hoarse, overusing voice ; palpitation ; formication, lame ; paralysis ; bruised feeling ; sciatica ; weary, faint ; retained urine ; nosebleed.
Every exertion : walking, stooping, talking, increases pain to an almost insufferable extent. θ сhronic attacks of headache.
Inclination for motion : asthma, etc., boring pains, better.
Better with head low or in a horizontal position ; worse rising from a seat or assuming an erect position.
Complaints when overhurried : urine involuntary when running, etc.
Better from gentle pressure. θ Iritis.
Stitches in chest .
Painfulness of limbs to touch.
Everything on which he lies seems too hard.
Bed-sores ; especially sacral region and hips. θ Typhus.
Worse after riding ; sick stomach from car or carriage riding.
After overlifting, attacks of violent sneezing.
Sprains, with much swelling, bluish redness, intense soreness.
After bruises with blunt instruments. θ Iritis.
Concussions ; falls ; mechanical injuries.
Contusions without laceration.
Friction : phymosis.
Stings of bees or wasps ; splinters.
Compound fractures, and their profuse suppuration.
Pressure : aching in epigastrium .
Mechanical injuries. сoncussion of brain while there are unconsciousness, pallor or drowsiness ; weak, intermitting pulse ; cold surface, and other indications of depressed vitality from shock ; threatened abortion ; ovarian troubles ; orchitis ; mastitis, etc., etc.
Violent spinal pain, as from sudden rising after long stooping.
Her head feels so heavy, and is so movable from weak, cervical muscles, that it inclines easily to all sides.
Great sensibility of cervical vertebra to pressure. θ сongestive chills.
Great soreness of back.
Fulness and pressure in lumbar region.
Sensation of a great weight across lower part of loins, and feeling of being drawn in, as if a cord was tightly drawn across.
Tingling in back.
Spine pains, as if not capable of carrying body.
Pain in region of lumbar vertebra. θ Nephritis.
Small of back pains ; stitches when coughing breathing deeply, or walking.
Right scapula and small of back painful, as if beaten.
A peculiar painful sensation extending down back, as comes sometimes from continued stooping in hard work, in rising from bed in morning.
Pressive pain between scapula, which seemed to extend from posterior wall of stomach.
Pain in right scapula towards back, as after a violent blow or fall.
The small of the back is painful, as if it had been beaten.
Bruised feeling in whole body, especially in region of dorsal and cervical vertebra, and great weakness of muscles of neck, pain as of a bruise, and compression of chest.
Violent twitching pain from shoulder joint to middle finger.
Anterior surface of arms feels bruised.
Arms feel weary as if bruised by blows ; he was unable to bend his fingers inward.
Cannot lift right arm. θ Apoplexy.
Sensation as if joints of arms and wrists were sprained.
Pains in arms and hands, as if knocked against something hard.
Forearm and hand much swollen and red, surface covered with vesicles.
Slight cracking and sensation of dislocation in right wrist when moving hand.
Left wrist powerless ; feels as if he could not use arm.
Tearing, twitching, drawing pain during rest on ulnar side of dorsum of right hand.
Veins of hand distended, with full, strong pulse.
Erysipelatous inflammation, left hand dark blue, and covered with large and small vesicles, which gave skin the appearance of a rhinoceros hide.
Drawing in right thumb.
Acute bruised pain in balls of thumbs.
Cramps in fingers of left hand. θ Angina pectoris.
Ends of fingers cold. θ Pneumonia.
Violent twitching pain, extending to middle finger.
Pressive pain in joints of right ring and little fingers.
Tearing in tips of left ring and little finger.
Drawing pain in skin of dorsum of left little finger.
Itching pimple between thumb and index finger ; when touched, a fine stinging pain, as if a splinter were in it.
Abscess of psoas muscle.
Drawing pressing pains in left hip joint, thigh being extended, when sitting.
Hips pain as if sprained.
Boring, tearing pains shifting from right hip joint to various parts ; worse at night, cannot find an easy position ; bearable during day, and during motion. θ After a sprain.
Formication ; lame feeling ; must often change position, bed or chair seems so hard. θ After exertion, long marches, etc. θ Sciatica.
Pain in thighs when walking, as from a blow, or contusion.
Thighs livid, with blue yellow marks, as if black and blue.
Blue spots appeared on thighs, which felt as if bruised when touched ; these spots were more numerous after mental emotion or exertion.
Carbuncle on thigh.
Large open, inflamed carbuncle, red ; on inner side of left thigh.
Knee joints suddenly bend when standing, feet numb, insensible.
Prick in knee when touched.
Complains of a feeling as if knee was dislocated, and of a paralytic weakness of whole limb. θ After an injury.
Hygroma patella.
White swelling of knee.
Intense burning at a small spot on outside of left tibia.
Pain in calf of right leg, as from a blow, with lassitude of legs.
The right lower limb cannot be used as usual. θ Apoplexy.
Tingling in legs.
Arthritic pains in foot, worse towards evening ; fears passersby may strike it ; big toe joint red, feels sprained.
Arthritic pain in foot, with a little fever towards evening.
Tearing pain in right external malleolus, and on dorsum of foot.
Drawing in outer half of back of left foot.
Want of power in ankles and feeling of a heavy weight in each instep.
Tarsal joint pains as if sprained.
Violent burning in feet.
Feet feel tired or inflamed after a walk.
Hot erysipelatous inflammation and painfulness of foot.
A splinter ran deep into sole months ago, producing a great deal of proud flesh, came out after inner and outer use.
When walking, on raising left foot, and bending left ankle, crawling in outer half of left sole, as if nerve was pulled.
Tearing in left little toe.
Corns (pare them and apply externally).
Young lady subject to headache and neuralgia ; when headache got , the same pain would come on in some small spot on lower extremities.
Heaviness in limbs.
Paralytic pain in all joints during motion, as if bruised.
Limbs as if bruised at rest or in motion ; painful concussion from jolting of carriage or stepping firmly.
Soreness in limbs. θ Meningitis.
Limbs ache as if beaten. θ Intermittents.
Tearing, with soreness, numbness, swelling, or tingling.
Motion : dizziness and sick stomach ; pains in chest.
In walking, feeble, as if suddenly blighted with old age.
Walking : in open air relieves pinching in right eyeball ; pressure in forehead ; when running, urine involuntary ; small of back pains ; thighs pain as from a blow ; crawling in outer half left sole ; vertigo ; prolapsus ani ; cannot think after walk in open air.
Walks bent : prolapsus uteri.
Stooping : headache.
Running : involuntary urination.
Rising : dizziness and sick stomach.
Sitting : pain in left hip joint ; headache.
Undisturbed horizontal posture alleviated some, and a few hours of sleep made it to disappear. θ сhronic attacks of headache.
Ascending : pressive pain in forehead.
Standing : cramps in rectum.
Must lie down : after stools ; from weakness.
Lying : dizziness and sick stomach ; on left side, pain in region of liver ; stinging in skin ; feels hot, etc. ; must lie stretched out on back ; must lie down after stool ; pain in fauces as from something rough ; relieves vertigo ; must lie stretched out on back, megrim ; with head low, iritis is better.
Better when lying on side or on back.
At rest : burning in brain ; pain in eyes.
Turning in bed : liver painful.
Complaints from exertion. Hoarse, overusing voice ; palpitation ; formication, lame ; paralysis ; bruised feeling ; sciatica ; weary, faint ; retained urine ; nosebleed.
Every exertion : walking, stooping, talking, increases pain to an almost insufferable extent. θ сhronic attacks of headache.
Inclination for motion : asthma, etc., boring pains, better.
Better with head low or in a horizontal position ; worse rising from a seat or assuming an erect position.
Complaints when overhurried : urine involuntary when running, etc.
Better from gentle pressure. θ Iritis.
Stitches in chest .
Painfulness of limbs to touch.
Everything on which he lies seems too hard.
Bed-sores ; especially sacral region and hips. θ Typhus.
Worse after riding ; sick stomach from car or carriage riding.
After overlifting, attacks of violent sneezing.
Sprains, with much swelling, bluish redness, intense soreness.
After bruises with blunt instruments. θ Iritis.
Concussions ; falls ; mechanical injuries.
Contusions without laceration.
Friction : phymosis.
Stings of bees or wasps ; splinters.
Compound fractures, and their profuse suppuration.
Pressure : aching in epigastrium .
Mechanical injuries. сoncussion of brain while there are unconsciousness, pallor or drowsiness ; weak, intermitting pulse ; cold surface, and other indications of depressed vitality from shock ; threatened abortion ; ovarian troubles ; orchitis ; mastitis, etc., etc.
Нервная система
Twitching of muscles.
Head feels hot to him, body feels chilly and cold, between frequent attacks of violent convulsions. θ After Aconite.
Tired feeling, as after hard work or as if beaten. θ Intermittent.
General weakness.
Great weakness. θ Apoplexy.
Great weakness followed by fearful exhaustion and shivering, after repeated useless lancing of abscesses of mamma.
Weary, bruised, sore, great weakness, must lie down, yet bed feels too hard.
Weakness, weariness, sensation as of being bruised ; these symptoms oblige him to lie down.
Much reduced by long continuance of intermittent.
General relaxation during forenoon, with nausea.
General fatigue, lassitude and sleepiness.
Went to bed languid and exhausted.
Lassitude and sluggishness of whole body ; scarcely able to stand.
Loss of strength and of all sense of health.
Great sinking of strength.
Great prostration. θ Typhus.
General sinking of strength ; he can scarcely move a limb. θ Typhus.
Paralysis depending on extravasation of blood in brain.
Paralysis : generally painful ; left-sided (after apoplexy) ; partial, from concussion of spine or brain.
Head feels hot to him, body feels chilly and cold, between frequent attacks of violent convulsions. θ After Aconite.
Tired feeling, as after hard work or as if beaten. θ Intermittent.
General weakness.
Great weakness. θ Apoplexy.
Great weakness followed by fearful exhaustion and shivering, after repeated useless lancing of abscesses of mamma.
Weary, bruised, sore, great weakness, must lie down, yet bed feels too hard.
Weakness, weariness, sensation as of being bruised ; these symptoms oblige him to lie down.
Much reduced by long continuance of intermittent.
General relaxation during forenoon, with nausea.
General fatigue, lassitude and sleepiness.
Went to bed languid and exhausted.
Lassitude and sluggishness of whole body ; scarcely able to stand.
Loss of strength and of all sense of health.
Great sinking of strength.
Great prostration. θ Typhus.
General sinking of strength ; he can scarcely move a limb. θ Typhus.
Paralysis depending on extravasation of blood in brain.
Paralysis : generally painful ; left-sided (after apoplexy) ; partial, from concussion of spine or brain.
Frequent yawning in evening, without sleepiness.
Sleepiness ; too sleepy early in evening.
Languor, drowsiness. θ сholera infantum.
Drowsy state. θ Meningitis infantum.
While answering, falls into a deep sleep before finishing. θ Typhus.
Is often kept awake until 2 to 3 A. M. from heat, restlessness and constant desire to change position ; or from prickling stinging biting, now here, now there, on body.
Sleep restless, frequently wakened by dreams.
Restless sleep. θ Apoplexy.
Sleep at night restless and interrupted. θ Diarrhoea.
Unrefreshing sleep, loud blowing breathing.
Lies preferably with head low or horizontally.
Sleepless all night, has to lay limb now here and now there, but no relief. θ сaries.
Passes many nights sleepless. θ Prolapsus ani.
Cannot fall asleep, fantastical visions while lying awake.
During sleep loud talking, whimpering, loud blowing in and expirations ; feces and urine pass involuntarily ; head jerked backward.
Loud crying out in sleep. θ Meningitis infantum.
Involuntary expulsion of feces while asleep.
Sleep was much disturbed.
On falling asleep : starts as in fright ; is aroused by heat.
Frequent starting in sleep. θ Meningitis infantum.
Falling asleep, lying on one side, he has pleasant dreams, but awakes with a violent pain in shoulder joint and arms ; hands fall asleep.
Falling asleep while lying on back ; awful dreams of robbers and murderers, and of being buried alive, suffocation, etc.
Dreams : vivid ; frightful, of graves, black dogs, struck by lightning, etc. ; unrefreshing, anxious, with talking. θ Typhus.
Many vivid dreams. θ Meningitis infantum.
Dreams repeat ; had the very same often before.
Awoke six or seven times, each time from dreaming that he was dying, his bed surrounded by friends, to take their last leave.
When getting awake, they stare and look about anxiously, with small pupils. θ Meningitis infantum.
On waking in morning, paralyzed on right side.
Worse after a long sleep, or on awaking.
Early after getting up, he dare not at once read or work mentally, without getting a spell. θ Megrim.
Night : retching ; urine, stool involuntary ; coughs in sleep ; boring, tearing, right hip joint.
Night : violent, cutting pains in hypogastrium ; involuntary urination ; cough, with heart disease.
At 12 P. M. : sweat, with headache.
Early morning : fulness in head ; great thirst ; dry heat.
Morning : nose bleeds on blowing ; taste of rotten eggs.
Forenoon nausea ; chilly.
Noon : one cheek warm during dinner.
Afternoon : aching in forehead.
Day and evening : expectoration scanty.
Towards evening : headache.
Evening : dry heat of face ; crackling in trachea ; sleepy too early.
Evening until midnight : cough.
Night and morning : burning in brain.
Day and night : cough.
Sleepiness ; too sleepy early in evening.
Languor, drowsiness. θ сholera infantum.
Drowsy state. θ Meningitis infantum.
While answering, falls into a deep sleep before finishing. θ Typhus.
Is often kept awake until 2 to 3 A. M. from heat, restlessness and constant desire to change position ; or from prickling stinging biting, now here, now there, on body.
Sleep restless, frequently wakened by dreams.
Restless sleep. θ Apoplexy.
Sleep at night restless and interrupted. θ Diarrhoea.
Unrefreshing sleep, loud blowing breathing.
Lies preferably with head low or horizontally.
Sleepless all night, has to lay limb now here and now there, but no relief. θ сaries.
Passes many nights sleepless. θ Prolapsus ani.
Cannot fall asleep, fantastical visions while lying awake.
During sleep loud talking, whimpering, loud blowing in and expirations ; feces and urine pass involuntarily ; head jerked backward.
Loud crying out in sleep. θ Meningitis infantum.
Involuntary expulsion of feces while asleep.
Sleep was much disturbed.
On falling asleep : starts as in fright ; is aroused by heat.
Frequent starting in sleep. θ Meningitis infantum.
Falling asleep, lying on one side, he has pleasant dreams, but awakes with a violent pain in shoulder joint and arms ; hands fall asleep.
Falling asleep while lying on back ; awful dreams of robbers and murderers, and of being buried alive, suffocation, etc.
Dreams : vivid ; frightful, of graves, black dogs, struck by lightning, etc. ; unrefreshing, anxious, with talking. θ Typhus.
Many vivid dreams. θ Meningitis infantum.
Dreams repeat ; had the very same often before.
Awoke six or seven times, each time from dreaming that he was dying, his bed surrounded by friends, to take their last leave.
When getting awake, they stare and look about anxiously, with small pupils. θ Meningitis infantum.
On waking in morning, paralyzed on right side.
Worse after a long sleep, or on awaking.
Early after getting up, he dare not at once read or work mentally, without getting a spell. θ Megrim.
Night : retching ; urine, stool involuntary ; coughs in sleep ; boring, tearing, right hip joint.
Night : violent, cutting pains in hypogastrium ; involuntary urination ; cough, with heart disease.
At 12 P. M. : sweat, with headache.
Early morning : fulness in head ; great thirst ; dry heat.
Morning : nose bleeds on blowing ; taste of rotten eggs.
Forenoon nausea ; chilly.
Noon : one cheek warm during dinner.
Afternoon : aching in forehead.
Day and evening : expectoration scanty.
Towards evening : headache.
Evening : dry heat of face ; crackling in trachea ; sleepy too early.
Evening until midnight : cough.
Night and morning : burning in brain.
Day and night : cough.
Общие симптомы
Inclination for open air ; better in open air.
Warmth : pain in eyes ; teeth.
Near warm stove : pressive pain in forehead.
Sudden cooling after overheating, followed by a consumptive cough.
Wants his cold feet covered.
Worse in damp, cold weather. θ Paralysis.
Temperature changeable, one time cold, and another warm. θ Diarrhoea.
Longing to be in the free open country air.
All Summer and Autumn. θ Dysentery.
Washing whole body with cold water is the only thing that gives relief for the time. θ Prolapsus ani.
Chilly when uncovering.
Sweat : sour or offensive ; sometimes cold.
Offensive odor of moist skin ; breath putrid. θ Typhus.
Worse when sweating ; sweat partial on front of body ; aversion to uncover.
General sweat about midnight, followed by faintness. θ With headache.
The exhalations smell sour ; nightly sour sweat.
All three stages, rigor, heat and sweat well marked.
Thirst great before and during chill, less during heat and with sweat almost gone. θ Intermittent after quinine.
Malaria intermittent.
During apyrexia in intermittent fever, headache, yellow face, bitter taste, aversion to meat.
Traumatic fevers.
Hectic fever, emaciation. θ After a blow on stomach.
Typhus or dysentery with little pain in abdomen.
Typhoid conditions.
Putrid fevers.
Worse during increase of moon.
Periodical attacks of megrim.
Spasms of cough.
Heat in oft-repeated short attacks.
Periodically repeated rheumatic pleurisy.
Every day : violent chill ; nightly diarrhoea.
Unilateral commencement of pains. θ Megrim.
Right : pressure in half of head, especially over brow ; headache ; carries head to right after injury to left eye ; drawing pain in eye ; eye projects from head ; pressive pain inner half right eyeball ; rushing in ears, deaf in right ; cheek red, swollen ; jaw pains ; cutting in teeth right upper jaw ; pain and fulness in hypochondrium ; right side of abdomen hard, swollen ; pains in side of chest from excessive use of right arm ; scapula painful ; sharp drawing back of hand ; wrist as if dislocated ; pressive pain joints of ring and little fingers ; pains shift from hip ; calf pains as from a blow ; malleolus pains.
Left : pain in head ; stitches in frontal eminence ; pain as if knife was drawn through head transversely ; pricking under eye ; stitches in ear ; cartilage as if bruised ; ear and cheek hot ; pressure in liver, lying on l. side ; pressure in ribs below heart ; stitches under ribs ; dull heavy pain in hypogastrium ; pain from liver to left chest and down left arm ; aching in side of chest ; stitches middle left chest ; left scapula to middle finger ; pain in abdomen ; drawing pressive pain in hip joint ; hand dark blue ; wrist powerless ; paralysis ; cramps in fingers ; drawing in skin of little finger ; hip ; tibia burns ; foot ; little toe ; crawling in sole ; epigastrium to right hypochondrium.
Left to right : abscess of mamma ; stitches in cardiac region ; pain as if a knife was drawn through head.
Within outward : pressive headache.
As if brain was rolled up in a lump ; as if head was being distended, or feels too large ; as if an extravasation of blood had taken place in forehead ; as if integuments of forehead were spasmodically contracted ; as from a nail thrust into temple ; as of a heavy weight in head ; as if a liquid was fluctuating in brain ; as if brain was sore and tender ; as if some one touched forehead with cold thumb ; as of ice on top of head ; as if eyes could not be raised ; eyeballs as if excoriated ; as if lids were dry and slightly sore ; as if parts of ear had been bruised ; as if a knife was drawn through head transversely from left side ; as if forehead and cheekbones were crushed ; as if hair was pulled out in occiput ; as if teeth were forced or pressed out ; as if something hard or rough was lodged in fauces ; as of a lump in pit of stomach ; as if wall of stomach was forcibly pressed towards spine and as if spine would be made painful from that place downward ; as of water in abdomen ; as if cutting into a wound in abdomen when touched ; colic as if from flatulence ; back pains as if beaten ; as if knee was dislocated ; as if coats of stomach were spasmodically drawn together ; as if squeezed together, cardiac pain ; as if a cord was tightly drawn across lower part of loins ; as if fetus was lying crosswise.
Excruciating pain : in teeth of upper jaw ; in epigastrium ; in back and hips.
Stitches : rapid, in left frontal eminence ; in forehead ; in eyes ; in inner canthi ; through left ear ; in region of liver ; in splenic region ; under false ribs ; through abdomen ; in urethra ; in abdomen ; in chest ; in cardiac region ; in small of back.
Cutting : in teeth ; in epigastrium ; in hypogastrium ; in intestines ; like knives through kidneys ; in orifice of urethra.
Shooting : in and around eyes.
Sharp thrusts : through abdomen.
Sticking pain : in temples and forehead.
Stinging : in throat.
Pricking : and tearing in forehead ; in knee.
Darting : in forehead.
Splinter pain : in pimple between thumb and index finger.
Tearing : towards temples ; in and around eyes ; in teeth ; in left half of pubic eminence ; in right hand ; in right hip joint ; in right foot ; in left little toe ; in finger tips ; in limbs.
Drawing : in vertex and occiput ; in right eye ; in right hand ; in left hip joint ; in left foot ; in right thumb ; on back of left little finger ; in periosteum.
Biting sensation : on tongue.
Stinging : in back part of throat ; in head.
Burning : in brain ; in eyes ; in cheek ; in lips ; in throat ; from fauces to stomach ; in stomach ; in hypogastrium ; along perineum ; in chest ; in cardiac region ; on outside of left tibia ; in feet ; in calf of right leg.
Scraping burning : in mouth and oesophagus.
Raw scraped sensation : in trachea and bronchi.
Soreness : in upper part of head and brain ; in back part of throat ; in stomach ; of parts after labor ; of chest ; of back ; in limbs.
Aching : in forehead ; through temples to occiput ; in stomach ; of chest ; in limbs.
Pressure : in right half of head over brow ; in forehead ; in eyeball ; in stomach ; on precordia ; at epigastrium ; in region of liver ; in anus and rectum ; in bladder ; in right chest, at a small spot ; in lumbar region ; between scapula ; in left hip joint ; in finger joints.
Pressing shooting in temples.
Pinching : in eyeball ; in stomach.
Grinding : deep in hypogastrium.
Griping : in stomach.
Boring : from right hip joint to various parts.
Arthritic pains : in foot.
Sprained sensation in teeth ; in groin ; in joints of bones and cartilages of chest ; in joints of arms ; in hips ; in big toe ; in tarsal joints.
Sensation of dislocation ; in right wrist ; in knee.
Bruised feeling : in and behind ears ; in nose ; in articulation of right jaw ; in abdomen ; in anus ; in back ; in ribs ; in joints of chest ; base of heart ; in right scapula and small of back ; in whole back ; in thighs, in arms ; in balls of thumbs ; in lower limbs.
Twitching pain : from shoulder joint to middle finger ; in dorsum of right hand ; in middle finger.
Cramps : in fingers of left hand.
Cramplike, pressive pricking in left eye and nasal bone.
Dull pain : in forehead ; back and limbs ; over eyes ; in left hypogastrium.
Undefined pain : over one eye ; in ears ; over root of nose ; around navel ; in abdomen ; in bladder ; between crest of right ileum and sacrum ; in right side of chest ; intercostal muscles ; in lumbar vertebra ; in calf of right leg.
Throbbing : stinging or pinching in swollen cheek ; toothache.
Fluctuating sensation : in brain ; in abdomen.
Constricting cramp : in rectum.
Tightness : of chest.
Constriction in throat ; constricting cramps in rectum.
Electric shocks : in occiput.
Fulness : in pit of stomach ; in right hypochondrium ; in lumbar region.
Heaviness : of the head ; in middle of brain ; in eyes ; in stomach like a weight at upper chest ; in insteps ; in limbs.
Heat : in forehead ; of head ; in left ear and cheek.
Coldness : in forehead ; in head, after knifelike pain ; as if touched with a cold thumb on forehead ; like ice on top of head ; of nose ; of body.
Crackling sensation : in trachea.
Crawling, as if nerve was pulled, in sole of left foot.
Tingling : in nose ; in gums ; in back ; in lower limbs.
Scratching : in throat ; crackling sensation in trachea.
Prickling : in head.
Tickling in trachea.
Itching in canthi ; all over.
Concussions and contusions.
Bleeding of internal and external parts.
Venous enlargements, varicose tumors on lower limbs. θ Dysentery.
Burrowing pus, not painful.
Prevents suppuration.
Prevents formation of pus by withdrawing water from serum ; the watery contents of urine increase without increased drinking. Grauvogl.
Exudations in brain and spine.
Dropsy of internal parts.
Hyperinosis is rather a contra-indication for Arnica.
Muscles rigid.
Septicemia ; tendency to typhoid forms.
Myalgia ; particularly after overexertion.
Jactitation of tendons.
Painful sensitiveness of all joints and of skin, on making slightest motion.
Gout and rheumatism.
Bones (periosteum) ache. θ Intermittent.
Paralysis of sphincters. θ Typhus.
Inflammation of skin and cellular tissue ; tender on pressure.
Emaciation. θ Hectic fever. θ Subacute pneumonia.
Warmth : pain in eyes ; teeth.
Near warm stove : pressive pain in forehead.
Sudden cooling after overheating, followed by a consumptive cough.
Wants his cold feet covered.
Worse in damp, cold weather. θ Paralysis.
Temperature changeable, one time cold, and another warm. θ Diarrhoea.
Longing to be in the free open country air.
All Summer and Autumn. θ Dysentery.
Washing whole body with cold water is the only thing that gives relief for the time. θ Prolapsus ani.
Chilly when uncovering.
Sweat : sour or offensive ; sometimes cold.
Offensive odor of moist skin ; breath putrid. θ Typhus.
Worse when sweating ; sweat partial on front of body ; aversion to uncover.
General sweat about midnight, followed by faintness. θ With headache.
The exhalations smell sour ; nightly sour sweat.
All three stages, rigor, heat and sweat well marked.
Thirst great before and during chill, less during heat and with sweat almost gone. θ Intermittent after quinine.
Malaria intermittent.
During apyrexia in intermittent fever, headache, yellow face, bitter taste, aversion to meat.
Traumatic fevers.
Hectic fever, emaciation. θ After a blow on stomach.
Typhus or dysentery with little pain in abdomen.
Typhoid conditions.
Putrid fevers.
Worse during increase of moon.
Periodical attacks of megrim.
Spasms of cough.
Heat in oft-repeated short attacks.
Periodically repeated rheumatic pleurisy.
Every day : violent chill ; nightly diarrhoea.
Unilateral commencement of pains. θ Megrim.
Right : pressure in half of head, especially over brow ; headache ; carries head to right after injury to left eye ; drawing pain in eye ; eye projects from head ; pressive pain inner half right eyeball ; rushing in ears, deaf in right ; cheek red, swollen ; jaw pains ; cutting in teeth right upper jaw ; pain and fulness in hypochondrium ; right side of abdomen hard, swollen ; pains in side of chest from excessive use of right arm ; scapula painful ; sharp drawing back of hand ; wrist as if dislocated ; pressive pain joints of ring and little fingers ; pains shift from hip ; calf pains as from a blow ; malleolus pains.
Left : pain in head ; stitches in frontal eminence ; pain as if knife was drawn through head transversely ; pricking under eye ; stitches in ear ; cartilage as if bruised ; ear and cheek hot ; pressure in liver, lying on l. side ; pressure in ribs below heart ; stitches under ribs ; dull heavy pain in hypogastrium ; pain from liver to left chest and down left arm ; aching in side of chest ; stitches middle left chest ; left scapula to middle finger ; pain in abdomen ; drawing pressive pain in hip joint ; hand dark blue ; wrist powerless ; paralysis ; cramps in fingers ; drawing in skin of little finger ; hip ; tibia burns ; foot ; little toe ; crawling in sole ; epigastrium to right hypochondrium.
Left to right : abscess of mamma ; stitches in cardiac region ; pain as if a knife was drawn through head.
Within outward : pressive headache.
As if brain was rolled up in a lump ; as if head was being distended, or feels too large ; as if an extravasation of blood had taken place in forehead ; as if integuments of forehead were spasmodically contracted ; as from a nail thrust into temple ; as of a heavy weight in head ; as if a liquid was fluctuating in brain ; as if brain was sore and tender ; as if some one touched forehead with cold thumb ; as of ice on top of head ; as if eyes could not be raised ; eyeballs as if excoriated ; as if lids were dry and slightly sore ; as if parts of ear had been bruised ; as if a knife was drawn through head transversely from left side ; as if forehead and cheekbones were crushed ; as if hair was pulled out in occiput ; as if teeth were forced or pressed out ; as if something hard or rough was lodged in fauces ; as of a lump in pit of stomach ; as if wall of stomach was forcibly pressed towards spine and as if spine would be made painful from that place downward ; as of water in abdomen ; as if cutting into a wound in abdomen when touched ; colic as if from flatulence ; back pains as if beaten ; as if knee was dislocated ; as if coats of stomach were spasmodically drawn together ; as if squeezed together, cardiac pain ; as if a cord was tightly drawn across lower part of loins ; as if fetus was lying crosswise.
Excruciating pain : in teeth of upper jaw ; in epigastrium ; in back and hips.
Stitches : rapid, in left frontal eminence ; in forehead ; in eyes ; in inner canthi ; through left ear ; in region of liver ; in splenic region ; under false ribs ; through abdomen ; in urethra ; in abdomen ; in chest ; in cardiac region ; in small of back.
Cutting : in teeth ; in epigastrium ; in hypogastrium ; in intestines ; like knives through kidneys ; in orifice of urethra.
Shooting : in and around eyes.
Sharp thrusts : through abdomen.
Sticking pain : in temples and forehead.
Stinging : in throat.
Pricking : and tearing in forehead ; in knee.
Darting : in forehead.
Splinter pain : in pimple between thumb and index finger.
Tearing : towards temples ; in and around eyes ; in teeth ; in left half of pubic eminence ; in right hand ; in right hip joint ; in right foot ; in left little toe ; in finger tips ; in limbs.
Drawing : in vertex and occiput ; in right eye ; in right hand ; in left hip joint ; in left foot ; in right thumb ; on back of left little finger ; in periosteum.
Biting sensation : on tongue.
Stinging : in back part of throat ; in head.
Burning : in brain ; in eyes ; in cheek ; in lips ; in throat ; from fauces to stomach ; in stomach ; in hypogastrium ; along perineum ; in chest ; in cardiac region ; on outside of left tibia ; in feet ; in calf of right leg.
Scraping burning : in mouth and oesophagus.
Raw scraped sensation : in trachea and bronchi.
Soreness : in upper part of head and brain ; in back part of throat ; in stomach ; of parts after labor ; of chest ; of back ; in limbs.
Aching : in forehead ; through temples to occiput ; in stomach ; of chest ; in limbs.
Pressure : in right half of head over brow ; in forehead ; in eyeball ; in stomach ; on precordia ; at epigastrium ; in region of liver ; in anus and rectum ; in bladder ; in right chest, at a small spot ; in lumbar region ; between scapula ; in left hip joint ; in finger joints.
Pressing shooting in temples.
Pinching : in eyeball ; in stomach.
Grinding : deep in hypogastrium.
Griping : in stomach.
Boring : from right hip joint to various parts.
Arthritic pains : in foot.
Sprained sensation in teeth ; in groin ; in joints of bones and cartilages of chest ; in joints of arms ; in hips ; in big toe ; in tarsal joints.
Sensation of dislocation ; in right wrist ; in knee.
Bruised feeling : in and behind ears ; in nose ; in articulation of right jaw ; in abdomen ; in anus ; in back ; in ribs ; in joints of chest ; base of heart ; in right scapula and small of back ; in whole back ; in thighs, in arms ; in balls of thumbs ; in lower limbs.
Twitching pain : from shoulder joint to middle finger ; in dorsum of right hand ; in middle finger.
Cramps : in fingers of left hand.
Cramplike, pressive pricking in left eye and nasal bone.
Dull pain : in forehead ; back and limbs ; over eyes ; in left hypogastrium.
Undefined pain : over one eye ; in ears ; over root of nose ; around navel ; in abdomen ; in bladder ; between crest of right ileum and sacrum ; in right side of chest ; intercostal muscles ; in lumbar vertebra ; in calf of right leg.
Throbbing : stinging or pinching in swollen cheek ; toothache.
Fluctuating sensation : in brain ; in abdomen.
Constricting cramp : in rectum.
Tightness : of chest.
Constriction in throat ; constricting cramps in rectum.
Electric shocks : in occiput.
Fulness : in pit of stomach ; in right hypochondrium ; in lumbar region.
Heaviness : of the head ; in middle of brain ; in eyes ; in stomach like a weight at upper chest ; in insteps ; in limbs.
Heat : in forehead ; of head ; in left ear and cheek.
Coldness : in forehead ; in head, after knifelike pain ; as if touched with a cold thumb on forehead ; like ice on top of head ; of nose ; of body.
Crackling sensation : in trachea.
Crawling, as if nerve was pulled, in sole of left foot.
Tingling : in nose ; in gums ; in back ; in lower limbs.
Scratching : in throat ; crackling sensation in trachea.
Prickling : in head.
Tickling in trachea.
Itching in canthi ; all over.
Concussions and contusions.
Bleeding of internal and external parts.
Venous enlargements, varicose tumors on lower limbs. θ Dysentery.
Burrowing pus, not painful.
Prevents suppuration.
Prevents formation of pus by withdrawing water from serum ; the watery contents of urine increase without increased drinking. Grauvogl.
Exudations in brain and spine.
Dropsy of internal parts.
Hyperinosis is rather a contra-indication for Arnica.
Muscles rigid.
Septicemia ; tendency to typhoid forms.
Myalgia ; particularly after overexertion.
Jactitation of tendons.
Painful sensitiveness of all joints and of skin, on making slightest motion.
Gout and rheumatism.
Bones (periosteum) ache. θ Intermittent.
Paralysis of sphincters. θ Typhus.
Inflammation of skin and cellular tissue ; tender on pressure.
Emaciation. θ Hectic fever. θ Subacute pneumonia.
Frequent violent attacks of chills. θ Nephritis.
Chilly morning or forenoon ; before chill, yawning, thirst for large quantities of water ; drawing in periosteum.
Chill : most in evening, with much thirst already before chill ; after every sleep ; felt in pit of stomach ; one-sided ; on side lain on.
During chill, thirst, head and face hot.
Violent chill, lasting six hours, succeeded by fever for eight hours, both returning every day towards evening. θ Dysentery.
Shivering over whole body and head, at same time heat in head, and redness and heat in face, accompanied by a coolness of hands and a feeling as of hips, back and anterior surface of arms being bruised.
Chilly internally, with external heat.
Chilly, with heat and redness of one cheek.
Head feels hot to him, body chilly and cold ; worse between frequent attacks of convulsions.
Upper part of body warm, lower part cold. θ Paralysis.
Head and breast warm, abdomen and limbs cold. θ сholera infantum.
Heat of upper part of body, coldness of lower.
Heat alone, or face alone hot, body cold.
Great internal heat ; hands and feet being cold.
Dry, general heat after waking ; early morning, violent thirst ; uncovering makes him chilly ; chilly even when moving in bed.
Dry heat over whole body after waking early in morning.
Heat, with indifference, stupor ; drinks less. θ Typhus.
Flushes of heat, with thirst. θ Typhus.
Continuous heat, with such weakness that when attempting to sit up he faints.
Chilly morning or forenoon ; before chill, yawning, thirst for large quantities of water ; drawing in periosteum.
Chill : most in evening, with much thirst already before chill ; after every sleep ; felt in pit of stomach ; one-sided ; on side lain on.
During chill, thirst, head and face hot.
Violent chill, lasting six hours, succeeded by fever for eight hours, both returning every day towards evening. θ Dysentery.
Shivering over whole body and head, at same time heat in head, and redness and heat in face, accompanied by a coolness of hands and a feeling as of hips, back and anterior surface of arms being bruised.
Chilly internally, with external heat.
Chilly, with heat and redness of one cheek.
Head feels hot to him, body chilly and cold ; worse between frequent attacks of convulsions.
Upper part of body warm, lower part cold. θ Paralysis.
Head and breast warm, abdomen and limbs cold. θ сholera infantum.
Heat of upper part of body, coldness of lower.
Heat alone, or face alone hot, body cold.
Great internal heat ; hands and feet being cold.
Dry, general heat after waking ; early morning, violent thirst ; uncovering makes him chilly ; chilly even when moving in bed.
Dry heat over whole body after waking early in morning.
Heat, with indifference, stupor ; drinks less. θ Typhus.
Flushes of heat, with thirst. θ Typhus.
Continuous heat, with such weakness that when attempting to sit up he faints.
Intense pricking or itching on entire body.
Skin hot and dry. θ Pneumonia.
Hot, red, oedematous skin.
Petechia, ecchymoses.
Hot, hard, shining swelling, from insect-sting.
Red spots first on limbs, then upon trunk.
Bed-sores ; especially sacral region and hips.
Erythema nodosum.
Phlegmonous erysipelas.
Erysipelatous inflammation, left hand dark blue.
Eruption like pin-heads, with redness of skin.
Irritable and slightly vesicular eruption.
Numerous small semitransparent vesicles with red bases, on some parts confluent, great and excessive irritation from itching. The course of the eruption was : first heat and great itching of skin, then redness, then vesicles, increasing in size, with intolerable itching ; slight desquamation, followed with some redness of skin ; where irritation had been worst the skin remained for some time hard, leathery.
Many small boils painful, one after another ; extremely sore.
Varicose ulcers : torpid ; dirty, bluish bottom ; no pus, but watery, fetid secretion, half-transparent crusts, like thick glue, fetid ; painful ulcers.
Skin hot and dry. θ Pneumonia.
Hot, red, oedematous skin.
Petechia, ecchymoses.
Hot, hard, shining swelling, from insect-sting.
Red spots first on limbs, then upon trunk.
Bed-sores ; especially sacral region and hips.
Erythema nodosum.
Phlegmonous erysipelas.
Erysipelatous inflammation, left hand dark blue.
Eruption like pin-heads, with redness of skin.
Irritable and slightly vesicular eruption.
Numerous small semitransparent vesicles with red bases, on some parts confluent, great and excessive irritation from itching. The course of the eruption was : first heat and great itching of skin, then redness, then vesicles, increasing in size, with intolerable itching ; slight desquamation, followed with some redness of skin ; where irritation had been worst the skin remained for some time hard, leathery.
Many small boils painful, one after another ; extremely sore.
Varicose ulcers : torpid ; dirty, bluish bottom ; no pus, but watery, fetid secretion, half-transparent crusts, like thick glue, fetid ; painful ulcers.
Тип пациента и конституция
Dark hair, rigid muscle.
Hydrogenoid constitution of Grauvogl.
Light complexion, sandy hair, sanguine. θ Whooping cough.
Nervous, cannot stand pain. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Especially suitable to those who remain long impressed by even slight mechanical injuries.
Nervous women, sanguine plethoric persons, with red face. θ Prolapsus uteri.
In cases of sanguine plethoric people with lively expression, very red face, disposed to cerebral congestion. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Full-blooded, strong, old people.
Strong man, much dosed with quinia.
A lymphatic man leading a sedentary life, made a kind of opodeldoc of arnica and soon got many and alarming symptoms, lasting fully a month.
Girl, at. 2 1/2, cured by the tincture, of diarrhoea of several weeks’ standing.
Man, at. 25, bilious temperament.
A woman, at. 35, nervous temperament, dysentery.
Man, at. 57, short, thick, apoplectic habit, dark red face, accustomed to spirituous drinks. θ Paralysis of right side.
A robust man, at. 50, inflammation of eye after a cold.
Man, at. 67, acute stitches in ears followed by stupor, after an unusually cold bath.
Hydrogenoid constitution of Grauvogl.
Light complexion, sandy hair, sanguine. θ Whooping cough.
Nervous, cannot stand pain. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Especially suitable to those who remain long impressed by even slight mechanical injuries.
Nervous women, sanguine plethoric persons, with red face. θ Prolapsus uteri.
In cases of sanguine plethoric people with lively expression, very red face, disposed to cerebral congestion. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Full-blooded, strong, old people.
Strong man, much dosed with quinia.
A lymphatic man leading a sedentary life, made a kind of opodeldoc of arnica and soon got many and alarming symptoms, lasting fully a month.
Girl, at. 2 1/2, cured by the tincture, of diarrhoea of several weeks’ standing.
Man, at. 25, bilious temperament.
A woman, at. 35, nervous temperament, dysentery.
Man, at. 57, short, thick, apoplectic habit, dark red face, accustomed to spirituous drinks. θ Paralysis of right side.
A robust man, at. 50, inflammation of eye after a cold.
Man, at. 67, acute stitches in ears followed by stupor, after an unusually cold bath.
Диф. диагностика
Antidotes to massive doses : сamphor, Ipec.
After сinchon. low, given for the chills. θ Nephritis.
Antidotes to potencies : Aconite, Arsen., сinchon., Ignat., Ipec.
Arnica antidotes : Ammonium carb., сinchon., сicut., Ferrum, Ignat., Ipecac., Senega.
It follows well after. Acon., Ipecac., Veratr. ; after Apis in hydrocephalus.
After it follow well : Aconite, Arsen., вryon., Ipecac., Rhus tox., Sulphur ac.
Headache is most quickly and certainly removed by a cup of coffee. θ Prolapsus ani.
Arnica is indicated in ailments from spirituous liquors or from charcoal vapors.
Arsen. aided Arnica in dysentery with varicose veins.
Complementary to Acon.
Alternated successfully in cases where the change of symptoms indicate it, with Acon. and Rhus tox.
Injurious after the bite of a dog or any rabid or angry animal.
Wine increases the unpleasant effects of Arnic.
Hyper. is preferable in spinal concussions.
Cognates : Aconite ; Ammonium carb. ; сroton (swashing in abdomen) ; Arsen. ; вaptis. ; вellad. ; вryon. ; сhamom. ; сhina ; Euphras. (injuries to eye) ; сalendula ; Ferrum ; Hepar ; Hypericum ; Hamam. Ipecac. Mercur. Pulsat. Ranunculus scel. Pains in intercostal muscles) ; Rhus tox. Ruta ; Staphis. Silicea ; Symphyt. Sulphur (traumatic pleurisy) ; Acid Sulphuricum ; Veratr.
After сinchon. low, given for the chills. θ Nephritis.
Antidotes to potencies : Aconite, Arsen., сinchon., Ignat., Ipec.
Arnica antidotes : Ammonium carb., сinchon., сicut., Ferrum, Ignat., Ipecac., Senega.
It follows well after. Acon., Ipecac., Veratr. ; after Apis in hydrocephalus.
After it follow well : Aconite, Arsen., вryon., Ipecac., Rhus tox., Sulphur ac.
Headache is most quickly and certainly removed by a cup of coffee. θ Prolapsus ani.
Arnica is indicated in ailments from spirituous liquors or from charcoal vapors.
Arsen. aided Arnica in dysentery with varicose veins.
Complementary to Acon.
Alternated successfully in cases where the change of symptoms indicate it, with Acon. and Rhus tox.
Injurious after the bite of a dog or any rabid or angry animal.
Wine increases the unpleasant effects of Arnic.
Hyper. is preferable in spinal concussions.
Cognates : Aconite ; Ammonium carb. ; сroton (swashing in abdomen) ; Arsen. ; вaptis. ; вellad. ; вryon. ; сhamom. ; сhina ; Euphras. (injuries to eye) ; сalendula ; Ferrum ; Hepar ; Hypericum ; Hamam. Ipecac. Mercur. Pulsat. Ranunculus scel. Pains in intercostal muscles) ; Rhus tox. Ruta ; Staphis. Silicea ; Symphyt. Sulphur (traumatic pleurisy) ; Acid Sulphuricum ; Veratr.
Входит в состав
- 140₽ Кардисед-ГФ (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 145-150₽ Кардиомил (ЭДАС)
- 155-219₽ Афосар (ЭДАС)
- 165₽ Мастопан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 167₽ Каленгам (ЭДАС)
- 180-220₽ Арнаур (ЭДАС)
- 180₽ Арнес (ЭДАС)
- 173-190₽ Вискумел (ЭДАС)
- 190-215₽ Веномил (ЭДАС)
- 167-273₽ Иов-венум (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 230₽ Анабар (ЭДАС)
- 180-292₽ Мемория
- 252₽ Миал (ЭДАС)
- 207-275₽ Арника-Эскулюс (2 фирмы)
- 250₽ Алкавит (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Алкозапрет (Фитасинтекс)
- 230-250₽ Аноплекс (Фитасинтекс)
- 230-250₽ Артрокапли (Фитасинтекс)
- 210-250₽ Бронхосил (Фитасинтекс)
- 210-250₽ Гипносон (Фитасинтекс)
- 210-250₽ Гриппакс (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Кардиосил (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Лингватон (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Меморакс (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Носик-олис (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Отит-олис (Фитасинтекс)
- 210-250₽ Прегнаферрум (Фитасинтекс)
- 300-380₽ Русбрикар (2 фирмы)
- 250₽ Стомакс (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Сульфоскин (Фитасинтекс)
- 95-540₽ Псоринум ФС (Фитасинтекс)
- 190₽ Венотон (Вербена)
- 350₽ Венофлебин (2 фирмы)
- 275-500₽ Ревматал (Фитасинтекс)
- 300₽ Травмалис (Фитасинтекс)
- 350₽ Целлюкс-олис (Фитасинтекс)
- 315₽ Аурум-плюс (2 фирмы)
- — Купрум-плюс (Доктор Н)
- — Меркур-плюс (Доктор Н)
- 315₽ Пеония-плюс (2 фирмы)
- — Эскулар (Доктор Н)
- 259₽ Травмосан (Доктор Н)
- 304-518₽ Пумпан (5 фирм)
- 420₽ Ангиосан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 284-670₽ Арнигель (БУАРОН )
- 520₽ Маммосан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 450-565₽ Ангин-хель сд (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 500₽ Артрис (Фитасинтекс)
- 500₽ Холеокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 510-11682₽ Траумель с (2 фирмы)
- 532-890₽ Эскулюс композитум (2 фирмы)
- 750₽ Млада (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 750₽ Оберег (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 653-18455₽ Цель т (2 фирмы)
- — Flowers Energy №11
- — Flowers Energy №3
- — Flowers Energy №30
- — Flowers Energy №32
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №34
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №39
- — Flowers Energy №66
- — Flowers Energy №68
- — Flowers Energy №69
- — Flowers Energy №70
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №71
- — Flowers Energy №75
- — Flowers Energy №76
- — Flowers Energy №79
- — Flowers Energy №8
- — Flowers Energy №80
- — Flowers Energy №85
- — Flowers Energy №91
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №92
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №93
- — Flowers Energy №96
- 920-15562₽ Эхинацея композитум сн (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 1375-1605₽ Церебрум композитум н (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Арника-Хель (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Гомеофлю
- — Карбо композитум
- — Каустикум композитум
- — Кор композитум
- — Л-Флю
- — Л52 Ленинг (Laboratoires Lehning )
- — Реписан (Richard Bittner AG )
- — Сердечный тон (ТАЛИОН-А )
- — Стеналгил (Алкой ООО )
- — Травмасан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Улькусан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата