Other names and synonyms
podo.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
May Apple ; Mandrake. вerberidacea.
Grows extensively in the United States, in moist, shady woods ; flowers early in June, the fruit ripens in September. The tincture is prepared from the root, gathered after the fruit has ripened.
Proved by Williamson, Jeanes, Ward and Husemann, Trans. Amer. Inst. of Hom., vol. 1, p. 209.
Grows extensively in the United States, in moist, shady woods ; flowers early in June, the fruit ripens in September. The tincture is prepared from the root, gathered after the fruit has ripened.
Proved by Williamson, Jeanes, Ward and Husemann, Trans. Amer. Inst. of Hom., vol. 1, p. 209.
- Headache, вell, N. A. J. H., vol. 20, p. 9 ; вayes, в. J. H., vol. 31, p. 339 ; вilious headache, Moore, в. J. H., vol. 31, p. 335 ; Rolling of head, вerridge, N. E. M. G., vol. 11, p. 15 ; Vomiting, Morgan, Hah. Mo., vol. 8, p. 444 ; Hepatic derangement, Winans, Times Ret., 1877, p. 38, from M. J., vol. 6, p. 24 ; Hills, N. Y. Medorrhinum Times, vol. 9, p. 308 (See вernard & Strong) ; Harris, в. J. H., vol. 31, p. 341 ; Hepatic disorder, Dixon, в. J. H., vol. 28, p. 386 ; Jaundice, R. S. A. H. O., vol. 2, p. 42 ; вlake, Hom. Rev., vol. 16, p. 405 ; Rickaby, Times Ret., 1875, p. 75, from Medorrhinum Union, vol. 2, p. 254 ; With olive oil for expulsion of gall-stones, Hale, N. A. J. H., vol. 12, p. 258 ; Pain in rectus abdominis muscles, Harrity, Rev. Hom., вelge, vol. 3, p. 313 ; Abdominal congestion, вayes, в. J. H., vol. 31, p. 339 ; Diarrhoea, сolburn, N. E. M. G., vol. 12, p. 356 ; Jennings, Hom. Phys., vol. 4, p. 262 ; Pretsch, A. H. O., vol. 1, p. 324 ; Morrison, Hom. Rev., vol. 18, p. 687 ; Hughes, в. J. H., vol. 24, p. 673 ; Harris, в. J. H., vol. 31, p. 342 ; Deck, в. J. H., vol. 31, p. 571 ; Young, вrewster, Seward, сin. Medorrhinum Adv., vol. 3, p. 380 ; Martin, Hah. Mo., vol. 8, p. 442 ; Lilienthal, Hah. Mo., vol. 9, p. 218 ; Miller, Hah. Mo., vol. 9, p. 202 ; ehme, Hah. Mo., vol. 9, p. 319 ; Smith, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 143, from Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 9, p. 7 ; Angell, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 3, p. 20 ; Moore, Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 6, p. 343 ; сlark, U. S. Medorrhinum Inv., 1876, p. 229 (MSS. Seward, Young, вrewster, U. S. Medorrhinum Inv., 1875, p. 418 (MSS. Greenleaf, Times Ret., 1876, p. 92, from Trans. N. Y. S., 1876, p. 148 ; вerridge, Times Ret., 1875, p. 76, from N. Y. J. H., vol. 2, p. 308 ; Seward, Times Ret., 1875, p. 76 ; Young, вrewster, Times Ret., 1875, p. 76, from Trans. N. Y. S., 1875 ; сolburn, Times Ret., 1877, p. 95 ; Dever, U. S. Medorrhinum Inv., 1875, p. 330 (MSS. ; сhronic diarrhoea, вurt, McClelland, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 139 ; Lennard, в. J. H., vol. 26, p. 654, Dysentery, Smith, в. J. H., vol. 29, p. 399 ; Angell, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 1, p. 141 ; сholera infantum, Fairbanks, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 119, from Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 8, p. 126 ; сonstipation, вayes, в. J. H., vol. 31, p. 339 ; Prolapsus ani, McClelland, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 153, from Trans. Pa. Hom. Soc., 1870, p. 56 ; вlake, Hom. Rev., vol. 16, p. 405 ; Richards, Fahnestock, Times Ret., 1876, p. 96, from Medorrhinum Inv., 1876, pp. 94, 236 ; Incontinence of urine, Lobstein, в. J. H., vol. 16, p. 329 ; Diabetes insipidus, Palmer, Times Ret., 1875, p. 87, from Trans. N. Y. S., 1875, p. 56 ; Diabetes, Palmer, Times Ret., 1876, p. 19, from Trans. N. Y. S., 1876-77, p. 144 ; Diabetes mellitus, Palmer, Times Ret., 1877, p. 102 ; Pain in right ovary, Neidhard, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 374 ; Ovarian tumor, Hawley, U. S. Medorrhinum Inv., 1875, p. 416, Times Ret., 1875, p. 93 ; Seward, U. S. Medorrhinum Inv., 1875, p. 416, Trans. N. Y. S., 1875, p. 78, Times Ret., 1875, p. 93 ; Gallupe, Trans. Am. Inst., 1869, p. 114, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 146 ; Ovarian pains, Neidhard, Hah. Mo., vol. 20, p. 262 ; Prolapsus uteri, Martin, Hah. Mo., vol. 9, p. 411 ; Klein, A. H. O., vol. 2, p. 75 ; Thatcher, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 167, from A. J. H. M. M., vol. 5, p. 232 ; After-pains, Miller, Hah. Mo., vol. 7, p. 529 ; Asthma, Moore, в. J. H., vol. 31, p. 332 ; сhronic bronchitis, Moore, в. J. H., vol. 31, p. 333 ; Fever and induration of liver, Williamson, Hering’s Analy. Therap., p. 159 ; Ague, Lippe, Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 6, p. 345 ; Allen, Allen’s Int. Fever, p. 203, from Amer. Hom., vol. 3, p. 208 ; вruckner, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 1, p. 51 ; Allen, Times Ret., 1876, p. 161, from Hom. Times, vol. 4, p. 102 ; Rushmore, Hom. Phys., vol. 5, p. 149 ; Gout, Moore, в. J. H., vol. 31, p. 331.
Psyche and consciousness
Conscious during chill, but cannot talk, forgets words.
Delirium, loquacity during heat ; afterwards forgetful of what has passed.
Depression. Imagines he is going to die or be very ill ; in gastric affections.
Disgust for life ; headache ; bilious disorders.
Overfatigue of mind from business ; when in bed he rolled his head on waking and while awake.
Delirium, loquacity during heat ; afterwards forgetful of what has passed.
Depression. Imagines he is going to die or be very ill ; in gastric affections.
Disgust for life ; headache ; bilious disorders.
Overfatigue of mind from business ; when in bed he rolled his head on waking and while awake.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo : while standing, in open air ; with tendency to fall forward ; with sensation of fulness over eyes ; from gastric or bilious disorders.
Momentary darts of pain in forehead, obliging one to shut eyes.
Stunning headache through temples, better from pressure.
Pressing in temples in forenoon, with drawing in eyes as if strabismus would follow.
Throbbing temples, aching eyes, hot head, in morning.
Burning pain at top of head and over forehead ; attack lasts twenty-four hours and, if very severe, ends in vomiting ; urine pale during attack ; passes much bile day after ; worse from overexcitement or walking. θ вilious headache.
Morning headache, with flushed face and face heat in vertex.
Dull headache, with pain behind eyes ; liver affected.
Bilious and rheumatic headaches, based on torpidity of liver.
Headache alternating with diarrhoea.
When feeling as well as usual there suddenly appears a blur before vision ; objects look much as if one had been looking at sun for a moment, or perhaps the part at which the eye is directed appears clearly and the rest of the object blurred and indistinct ; a more or less distinct wavering or whirling of mist also becomes perceptible and can be perceived with closed eyes, both eyes alike ; in five minutes fleeting pains appear in head, more in back part, gradually increase in intensity, occupying mostly occipital protuberances, with disgusting nausea and often sour vomiting without relief ; pains extend into neck and shoulders ; numbness of fingers, like that in beginning of anesthesia ; a peculiar feeling of disgust of life ; pain in upper part of head like that produced by holding a piece of ice for a short time on occipital protuberances ; lying down in a dark and quiet place ameliorates, and often produces sleep, during which the more urgent symptoms pass off ; in severe attacks there were always peculiar symptoms of want of power of expression (aphasia) even of simplest ideas, very absurd words being chosen in place of right ones, head does not get fully settled until next day ; attacks appear at any time of day. θ Headache.
Sick-headache accompanied by constipation.
Head hot, rolling head from side to side, moaning. θ Dentition.
Reflex irritation of brain from disorders of bowels ; grinding of teeth at night.
Rolling of head, with moaning in sleep, eyelids half closed ; hydrocephaloid.
Hydrocephaloid after cholera infantum.
Rolling head ; grinding teeth ; whining at night ; head sweaty in sleep, flesh cold ; difficult dentition.
Ulceration of cornea ; conjunctiva hyperemic ; smarting, aching, heaviness (from grinding the root).
Scrofulous ophthalmia, worse in morning.
Soreness with small pustules in nose.
Hot, flushed cheeks. θ Infantile diarrhoea.
Complexion sallow, dingy.
Momentary darts of pain in forehead, obliging one to shut eyes.
Stunning headache through temples, better from pressure.
Pressing in temples in forenoon, with drawing in eyes as if strabismus would follow.
Throbbing temples, aching eyes, hot head, in morning.
Burning pain at top of head and over forehead ; attack lasts twenty-four hours and, if very severe, ends in vomiting ; urine pale during attack ; passes much bile day after ; worse from overexcitement or walking. θ вilious headache.
Morning headache, with flushed face and face heat in vertex.
Dull headache, with pain behind eyes ; liver affected.
Bilious and rheumatic headaches, based on torpidity of liver.
Headache alternating with diarrhoea.
When feeling as well as usual there suddenly appears a blur before vision ; objects look much as if one had been looking at sun for a moment, or perhaps the part at which the eye is directed appears clearly and the rest of the object blurred and indistinct ; a more or less distinct wavering or whirling of mist also becomes perceptible and can be perceived with closed eyes, both eyes alike ; in five minutes fleeting pains appear in head, more in back part, gradually increase in intensity, occupying mostly occipital protuberances, with disgusting nausea and often sour vomiting without relief ; pains extend into neck and shoulders ; numbness of fingers, like that in beginning of anesthesia ; a peculiar feeling of disgust of life ; pain in upper part of head like that produced by holding a piece of ice for a short time on occipital protuberances ; lying down in a dark and quiet place ameliorates, and often produces sleep, during which the more urgent symptoms pass off ; in severe attacks there were always peculiar symptoms of want of power of expression (aphasia) even of simplest ideas, very absurd words being chosen in place of right ones, head does not get fully settled until next day ; attacks appear at any time of day. θ Headache.
Sick-headache accompanied by constipation.
Head hot, rolling head from side to side, moaning. θ Dentition.
Reflex irritation of brain from disorders of bowels ; grinding of teeth at night.
Rolling of head, with moaning in sleep, eyelids half closed ; hydrocephaloid.
Hydrocephaloid after cholera infantum.
Rolling head ; grinding teeth ; whining at night ; head sweaty in sleep, flesh cold ; difficult dentition.
Ulceration of cornea ; conjunctiva hyperemic ; smarting, aching, heaviness (from grinding the root).
Scrofulous ophthalmia, worse in morning.
Soreness with small pustules in nose.
Hot, flushed cheeks. θ Infantile diarrhoea.
Complexion sallow, dingy.
Mouth and throat
Great desire to press gums together ; jaws clenched ; grinds teeth at night ; difficult dentition.
During dentition : catarrhal cough and catarrh of chest ; cholera infantum ; hydrocephaloid.
Total loss of taste, could not tell sweet from sour ; sleepless, restless.
Everything tastes sour or putrid.
Feeling as if tongue and sometimes throat and palate had been burned.
Tongue. Furred white, with foul taste ; white, moist, shows imprints of teeth ; dry, yellow ; full and broad with a pasty coat in centre ; red, not bright red ; rough with uniformly erect papilla ; dull bluish color ; red, dry, cracked, somewhat swollen and often bleeding.
Offensive odor from mouth.
Offensiveness of breath at night, perceptible to patient.
Copious salivation.
Mouth and tongue dry on awaking.
Nursing sore mouth, canker.
Dryness of throat.
Soreness of throat : extending to ears ; right to left ; left side sore, worse when swallowing liquids and in morning.
Rattling of mucus in throat.
Pharynx dry, deglutition painful.
Eructations : smelling like rotten eggs ; hot ; sour.
Sour regurgitation of food.
Chronic bronchitis.
During dentition : catarrhal cough and catarrh of chest ; cholera infantum ; hydrocephaloid.
Total loss of taste, could not tell sweet from sour ; sleepless, restless.
Everything tastes sour or putrid.
Feeling as if tongue and sometimes throat and palate had been burned.
Tongue. Furred white, with foul taste ; white, moist, shows imprints of teeth ; dry, yellow ; full and broad with a pasty coat in centre ; red, not bright red ; rough with uniformly erect papilla ; dull bluish color ; red, dry, cracked, somewhat swollen and often bleeding.
Offensive odor from mouth.
Offensiveness of breath at night, perceptible to patient.
Copious salivation.
Mouth and tongue dry on awaking.
Nursing sore mouth, canker.
Dryness of throat.
Soreness of throat : extending to ears ; right to left ; left side sore, worse when swallowing liquids and in morning.
Rattling of mucus in throat.
Pharynx dry, deglutition painful.
Eructations : smelling like rotten eggs ; hot ; sour.
Sour regurgitation of food.
Chronic bronchitis.
Appetite and food preferences
Indifference to food ; loss of appetite ; smell of food produces loathing.
Satiety from a small quantity of food, followed by nausea and vomiting.
Appetite variable, at times voracious.
Great thirst for large quantities of cold water ; moderate thirst during fever.
Desire for something sour.
After eating : regurgitation of food, sour ; hot, sour belching ; diarrhoea ; vomits food an hour after, craving appetite afterwards ; depression of spirits.
After acid fruit and milk : diarrhoea.
After eating and drinking : diarrhoea.
Satiety from a small quantity of food, followed by nausea and vomiting.
Appetite variable, at times voracious.
Great thirst for large quantities of cold water ; moderate thirst during fever.
Desire for something sour.
After eating : regurgitation of food, sour ; hot, sour belching ; diarrhoea ; vomits food an hour after, craving appetite afterwards ; depression of spirits.
After acid fruit and milk : diarrhoea.
After eating and drinking : diarrhoea.
Gastrointestinal tract
Heartburn, waterbrash, heat in stomach.
Nausea : distressing and extreme ; with attempts to vomit ; motion of gagging is made with mouth and not accompanied with the effort in stomach seen in retching ; stomach contracts so hard and rapidly that the wrenching pain causes the patient to utter sharp screams ; gagging or empty retching.
Gagging : in infantile diarrhoea.
Nausea and vomiting with fulness in head.
Vomiting : of milk in infants, with protrusion of anus ; of food, with putrid taste and odor ; of thick bile and blood ; of hot, frothy mucus ; with congestion of pelvic viscera, during pregnancy.
Sensation of hollowness in epigastrium ; empty feeling in stomach ; weakness in epigastric region.
Stitches in epigastrium from coughing.
Dyspepsia after abuse of calomel ; tongue shows imprint of teeth ; conjunctiva yellow ; aching behind eyes ; clayey stools.
Gastric catarrh.
Acute burning pain in region of pyloric orifice, with violent retching and vomiting of bile, and belching of wind ; constipation ; after attacks which occurred sometimes twice or thrice a day, prostration, slight jaundice and persistent tenderness to touch in one spot corresponding to entrance of common choledic duct into duodenum.
Fulness in right hypochondrium, with flatulence, pain and soreness.
Twisting pain in right hypochondrium, with sensation of heat there.
Stitches, worse while eating.
Pain in region of liver, inclination to rub part with hand.
Excessive secretion of bile ; great irritability of liver.
Biliousness ; nausea and giddiness ; bitter taste and risings ; tendency to bilious vomiting and purging ; dark urine.
For years subject to diarrhoea which would come on now and then after eating breakfast, with considerable pain in rectum, obliging her to remain at stool as long as pain lasted ; an acute attack caused by bad news caused an early morning aggravation, as well as after eating ; attack would also be induced by any depressing emotions or excitement of any kind ; stools variable, mostly deep yellow or greenish, much belching, often severe retching, with almost complete anorexia ; great distension of right hypochondriac region, but no painfulness to pressure ; sensation as of a thousand live things moving about in abdomen, or of fish turning over each other ; chills occasionally, which would commence over region of liver and pass around to back. θ Hepatic derangement.
Congestion and enlargement of liver ; acute and chronic hepatitis.
Torpidity of liver and portal system ; jaundice.
Inactivity of liver ; great mental depression ; chilliness ; cold perspiration ; restless sleep ; furred tongue, showing imprints of teeth ; nausea ; clayey, delayed stools ; fulness, tenderness and stitch-like pain in region of liver ; irregular action of heart ; general prostration.
Liver much congested, interfering with portal circulation and causing passive congestion of all the pelvic organs, with prolapse of uterus and rectum and a thick, transparent albuminous leucorrhoea.
Disorders of liver attended by constipation, yellow furred tongue, dark or brown stools, dry, bilious temperaments.
Torpidity of liver, constipation, or diarrhoea alternating with constipation, depression of spirits, irritability of temper, malaise, urine dark colored and defective, or full of lithates.
Diarrhoea in the morning, stools black, green, watery, or natural but exhaustive ; jaundice in complication with gall-stones ; pain extending from region of gall-bladder, when at its height attended with nausea ; fulness, pain and soreness in right hypochondrium ; twisting pain with sensation of heat in liver ; patient is continually chafing and shaking the hypochondriac region ; prolapsus ani ; belching of hot, very sour flatus ; tongue coated white ; emission of fetid flatus ; eructations smelling like rotten eggs ; worse evening and before midnight. θ Affections of liver.
Jaundice : with gall-stones, pain from region of stomach to region of gall-bladder, with excessive nausea ; with hyperemia of liver, fulness, soreness and pain ; alternate constipation and diarrhoea ; itching of skin, urine high colored ; feces sometimes white, at others dark ; of children ; returning again and again after сhina and Mercur. ; mistaken for cancer of stomach.
Chronic hepatitis, with costiveness ; tenderness and pain in region of liver.
Flatus : in right abdomen, palpitation, sleepy in morning ; during dentition, with green, sour stools in morning.
Tympanitic distension in typhoid, and in children with diarrhoea.
Rumbling in ascending colon.
Pain in transverse colon 3 A. M., followed by diarrhoea.
Severe pain and heat in bowels, with inclination to go to stool.
Pains in abdomen and back are worse during stool and continue after.
Dull, unpleasant pain or weight in hypogastric region.
Sharp pain in right groin, preventing motion, latter months of pregnancy.
Frequent but transient abdominal pains, during day, better from pressure.
Pain in bowels at daybreak, better from external warmth and bending forward while lying on side ; worse lying on back.
Cramplike pain in bowels, with retraction of abdominal muscles, 10 P. M., and again at 5 A. M. until 9 A. M. ; lead colic.
Colic. With cramplike knots ; every morning with stools of mucus and blood ; biliary ; of a high grade, pain originating from a depraved and excessive secretion caused by a morbid state of solar plexus.
Pains and stool worse mornings and excited by eating and drinking. θ сolic.
Myalgia abdominal muscles ; after abuse of purgatives.
Sharp pain and numbness in rectus muscles.
Enteritis affecting jejunum and ileum ; duodenitis.
Duodenitis ; catarrhal process extending along biliary ducts and causing jaundice.
Conditions simulating puerperal peritonitis, when it has been preceded by diarrhoea or abuse of purgatives.
Abdominal plethora : abdomen feels bloated, distended ; soreness and uneasiness ; better after stool ; causing uterine troubles, constipation and headache in women, and in men headaches, constipation, sometimes variocele.
Emission of fetid flatus.
Morning diarrhoea and then no more stools during day.
Diarrhoea early in morning, continuing through forenoon, followed by natural stool in evening.
Profuse gushing diarrhoea, coming on in morning, or more during day than at night ; stools may contain undigested food and often in children deposit a mealy sediment.
Early morning diarrhoea, hurrying patient out of bed, continues through day, but is worse at noon ; stools changeable in color.
Liquid, green stools with colic, early in morning, with fainting.
Green, sour stool in morning, with flatulence. θ During dentition.
Morning diarrhoea, stools green, slimy, very offensive, with gagging and excessive thirst, in children.
Evacuations in morning attended with strong urgings in bowels, heat and pain in anus.
Stools watery, gushing, profuse, green, with sudden urging, often painless ; offensive, worse in hot weather.
Diarrhoea : with great sinking at epigastrium, sensation as if everything would drop through pelvis ; painful with screaming, and grinding of teeth ; immediately after eating and drinking ; from acid fruit and milk ; after of while being washed ; dirty water soaking napkin through ; with prolapsus ani at every stool ; stool changes constantly in appearance, now green, now yellowish, now whitish, slimy, etc.
Stools : too frequent, but natural in appearance ; frequent, profuse, painless, watery, fetid ; yellow, pasty ; gushing out ; yellow, watery, with meal-like sediment ; green, sour, with flatulence ; greenish, watery ; dark yellow, mucous ; smell like carrion ; white, slimy, mucous ; bloody and green mucous ; mucous and blood-streaked ; changeable ; frothy ; involuntary (during sleep) and when passing flatus ; morning during dentition ; greenish-yellow, slimy, bloody, gelatinous, mixed with feces ; with severe straining, much flatus emitted ; mucous, with spots and streaks of blood ; black, only in morning ; chalk-like, fecal, undigested ; muco-gelatinous stools preceded by griping and colic ; coated with shreds of yellow mucus ; tar-like.
Before stool : intense nausea ; sudden urging ; loud gurgling as of water ; rumbling in left side ; violent colic or absence of pain ; prolapsus ani.
During stool : urging in bowels ; heat and pain in anus ; sensation as if genital organs would fall out ; in women, bearing down as if from inactivity of rectum ; nausea ; gagging, tormina and pain in lumbar region ; prolapsus ani ; colic or absence of pain ; pains in sacrum ; emission of flatus ; tenesmus (dysenteric stools).
After stool : extreme weakness and cutting pains in intestines ; exhaustion ; cutting pains ; weak, even after natural stool ; flashes of heat running up back, cutting in bowels, severe and painful tenesmus ; great weakness and faintness and pain in lumbar region ; prolapsus ani ; flushes of heat up back ; colic continues ; sense of weakness and emptiness pain abdomen and rectum ; soreness of anus.
Stools offensive and dark colored ; lies upon mother’s lap moaning, eyes half closed ; rolling head.
Following a miscarriage : muco-gelatinous stools, preceded by undefined pain all over abdomen, worse after stool ; tongue red and pointed.
Diarrhoea from indigestion after eating canned fruit ; stools dark-brown, mushy, copious, with much wind ; following night driven out of bed, suddenly, about 3 A. M. ; stool watery, scanty, though gushing, as if abundant ; stools became frequent ; occasionally slight pain in abdomen ; much rumbling and gurgling ; finally three to six stools every hour ; dark green, with yellow water, somewhat mealy ; tenesmus ; tendency to prolapsus ani ; pains frequent and threatening to become intense and incisive ; urine almost suppressed ; tongue moist but beginning to become moist and white and slimy.
Frequent copious, slimy, stringy, green, offensive stools, with straining ; worse after food ; child rolls head in pillow ; wants to be carried.
Diarrhoea thin, having the appearance of soapsuds, pain preceding evacuation, better by pressure on abdomen ; no pain during evacuation.
Diarrhoea for a week in a teething girl, at. 20 months ; passages smell like carrion, are watery and pass through diaper leaving a doughy sediment.
Diarrhoea during dentition ; stools resemble dirty water ; sleeping with eyes partially closed.
Bowel complaints of children ; colic with spasmodic retraction of abdominal muscles ; spasmodic tenesmus ; tendency to prolapsus ani.
Chronic diarrhoea ; bowels moved every half hour, passages looking like washings of fresh meat ; severe straining and tenesmus with stool, and for ten minutes thereafter severe burning pain deep in rectum ; severe cough ; tongue coated with thick brown fur ; stomach so weak that rice would not digest ; said he had a large ball in stomach.
Chronic diarrhoea of two years’ standing ; great emaciation ; bowels flat and hard ; yellowish, watery, slimy discharges, mixed with undigested food, accompanied by soreness of abdomen.
Every fifteen minutes severe pain in abdomen, followed by passage of small quantity of mucus and blood. θ Diarrhoea.
Dysenteric diarrhoea affecting rectum ; discharge of mucus and dark-colored scybala.
Dysentery commencing with a watery diarrhoea ; discharges become muco-sanguineous, accompanied by sickness at stomach, especially if preceding diarrhoea manifested itself in morning.
Bilious dysentery ; stools look like pea soup and consist of yellowish, greenish, or bloody mucus of disagreeable odor, and accompanied by violent pains in region of colon, rectum and anus.
Severe straining during stool, with emission of much flatus ; mucous stools with spots and streaks of blood ; thirst, but no appetite. θ Endemic dysentery.
Cholera infantum in hot weather ; gagging or empty retching ; greenish, watery, white or dark-yellow stools ; profuse, painless, very offensive ; great prostration ; rapid emaciation ; rolling of head ; restless sleep ; half-closed eyes.
Frequent loose stools, remaining after attack of cholera infantum.
Diarrhoea of children during epidemic of cholera ; catarrhal affections of respiratory organs sometimes precede attack ; all desire for food gone ; great thirst ; upper part of intestinal tract affected and vomiting more frequent than diarrhoea ; copious, foul-smelling, exhausting stools.
Cholera morbus ; especially when characterized by absence of pain ; generally during summer ; stools watery, come out with a gush and a splutter like water from a hydrant ; marked loathing of food ; stools very liable to change color ; worse after midnight and towards morning.
Painless cholera morbus ; stools profuse and gushing, each seeming to drain patient dry, but soon he is full again ; there may also be violent cramps.
Camp diarrhoea.
Alternate diarrhoea and constipation.
Stool difficult : from inactive bowels ; hard, dry, pale or clayey ; voided with difficulty ; hard, crumble when evacuated, clay-colored, often streaked with green ; hard, coated with yellow, tenacious mucus ; thick, transparent mucus or mixed with blood.
Constipation waking her almost every night, not always at same hour, with severe abdominal colic in umbilical region, which lasted from one to two hours.
Constipation. Old intermittent cases or those due to a residence in India ; succeeds diarrhoea in infants artificially nourished ; with irritation in persons of sedentary habits ; infantile with prolapsus of rectum ; of bottle-fed babies, with dry, crumbling stools ; after uterine disease ; attacks of tenesmus uteri, vesica, abdominal colic and severe and nervous headache, with abdominal venous congestion.
Enteritis folliculosa ; larger stools than are to be expected from the amount of ingesta taken, with excessive fetor.
Acute and chronic colitis.
Prolapsus ani. With stool, even from least exertion, followed by stool or thick transparent mucus or mixed with blood ; even with loose stool ; from debility of infancy and childhood, stools too large and frequent, but natural in color and consistence ; with diarrhoea ; most frequently in morning ; following parturition ; complicated with and sequential to uterine displacement ; of children.
Anus feels very sore, sensitive and swollen.
Chronic, painful, hemorrhoidal tumors all around anus, some of them bleeding.
Hemorrhoids, with prolapsus recti.
Piles, with prolapsus ani and long-standing diarrhoea, worse mornings ; or constipation.
External piles, bleeding or not.
Nausea : distressing and extreme ; with attempts to vomit ; motion of gagging is made with mouth and not accompanied with the effort in stomach seen in retching ; stomach contracts so hard and rapidly that the wrenching pain causes the patient to utter sharp screams ; gagging or empty retching.
Gagging : in infantile diarrhoea.
Nausea and vomiting with fulness in head.
Vomiting : of milk in infants, with protrusion of anus ; of food, with putrid taste and odor ; of thick bile and blood ; of hot, frothy mucus ; with congestion of pelvic viscera, during pregnancy.
Sensation of hollowness in epigastrium ; empty feeling in stomach ; weakness in epigastric region.
Stitches in epigastrium from coughing.
Dyspepsia after abuse of calomel ; tongue shows imprint of teeth ; conjunctiva yellow ; aching behind eyes ; clayey stools.
Gastric catarrh.
Acute burning pain in region of pyloric orifice, with violent retching and vomiting of bile, and belching of wind ; constipation ; after attacks which occurred sometimes twice or thrice a day, prostration, slight jaundice and persistent tenderness to touch in one spot corresponding to entrance of common choledic duct into duodenum.
Fulness in right hypochondrium, with flatulence, pain and soreness.
Twisting pain in right hypochondrium, with sensation of heat there.
Stitches, worse while eating.
Pain in region of liver, inclination to rub part with hand.
Excessive secretion of bile ; great irritability of liver.
Biliousness ; nausea and giddiness ; bitter taste and risings ; tendency to bilious vomiting and purging ; dark urine.
For years subject to diarrhoea which would come on now and then after eating breakfast, with considerable pain in rectum, obliging her to remain at stool as long as pain lasted ; an acute attack caused by bad news caused an early morning aggravation, as well as after eating ; attack would also be induced by any depressing emotions or excitement of any kind ; stools variable, mostly deep yellow or greenish, much belching, often severe retching, with almost complete anorexia ; great distension of right hypochondriac region, but no painfulness to pressure ; sensation as of a thousand live things moving about in abdomen, or of fish turning over each other ; chills occasionally, which would commence over region of liver and pass around to back. θ Hepatic derangement.
Congestion and enlargement of liver ; acute and chronic hepatitis.
Torpidity of liver and portal system ; jaundice.
Inactivity of liver ; great mental depression ; chilliness ; cold perspiration ; restless sleep ; furred tongue, showing imprints of teeth ; nausea ; clayey, delayed stools ; fulness, tenderness and stitch-like pain in region of liver ; irregular action of heart ; general prostration.
Liver much congested, interfering with portal circulation and causing passive congestion of all the pelvic organs, with prolapse of uterus and rectum and a thick, transparent albuminous leucorrhoea.
Disorders of liver attended by constipation, yellow furred tongue, dark or brown stools, dry, bilious temperaments.
Torpidity of liver, constipation, or diarrhoea alternating with constipation, depression of spirits, irritability of temper, malaise, urine dark colored and defective, or full of lithates.
Diarrhoea in the morning, stools black, green, watery, or natural but exhaustive ; jaundice in complication with gall-stones ; pain extending from region of gall-bladder, when at its height attended with nausea ; fulness, pain and soreness in right hypochondrium ; twisting pain with sensation of heat in liver ; patient is continually chafing and shaking the hypochondriac region ; prolapsus ani ; belching of hot, very sour flatus ; tongue coated white ; emission of fetid flatus ; eructations smelling like rotten eggs ; worse evening and before midnight. θ Affections of liver.
Jaundice : with gall-stones, pain from region of stomach to region of gall-bladder, with excessive nausea ; with hyperemia of liver, fulness, soreness and pain ; alternate constipation and diarrhoea ; itching of skin, urine high colored ; feces sometimes white, at others dark ; of children ; returning again and again after сhina and Mercur. ; mistaken for cancer of stomach.
Chronic hepatitis, with costiveness ; tenderness and pain in region of liver.
Flatus : in right abdomen, palpitation, sleepy in morning ; during dentition, with green, sour stools in morning.
Tympanitic distension in typhoid, and in children with diarrhoea.
Rumbling in ascending colon.
Pain in transverse colon 3 A. M., followed by diarrhoea.
Severe pain and heat in bowels, with inclination to go to stool.
Pains in abdomen and back are worse during stool and continue after.
Dull, unpleasant pain or weight in hypogastric region.
Sharp pain in right groin, preventing motion, latter months of pregnancy.
Frequent but transient abdominal pains, during day, better from pressure.
Pain in bowels at daybreak, better from external warmth and bending forward while lying on side ; worse lying on back.
Cramplike pain in bowels, with retraction of abdominal muscles, 10 P. M., and again at 5 A. M. until 9 A. M. ; lead colic.
Colic. With cramplike knots ; every morning with stools of mucus and blood ; biliary ; of a high grade, pain originating from a depraved and excessive secretion caused by a morbid state of solar plexus.
Pains and stool worse mornings and excited by eating and drinking. θ сolic.
Myalgia abdominal muscles ; after abuse of purgatives.
Sharp pain and numbness in rectus muscles.
Enteritis affecting jejunum and ileum ; duodenitis.
Duodenitis ; catarrhal process extending along biliary ducts and causing jaundice.
Conditions simulating puerperal peritonitis, when it has been preceded by diarrhoea or abuse of purgatives.
Abdominal plethora : abdomen feels bloated, distended ; soreness and uneasiness ; better after stool ; causing uterine troubles, constipation and headache in women, and in men headaches, constipation, sometimes variocele.
Emission of fetid flatus.
Morning diarrhoea and then no more stools during day.
Diarrhoea early in morning, continuing through forenoon, followed by natural stool in evening.
Profuse gushing diarrhoea, coming on in morning, or more during day than at night ; stools may contain undigested food and often in children deposit a mealy sediment.
Early morning diarrhoea, hurrying patient out of bed, continues through day, but is worse at noon ; stools changeable in color.
Liquid, green stools with colic, early in morning, with fainting.
Green, sour stool in morning, with flatulence. θ During dentition.
Morning diarrhoea, stools green, slimy, very offensive, with gagging and excessive thirst, in children.
Evacuations in morning attended with strong urgings in bowels, heat and pain in anus.
Stools watery, gushing, profuse, green, with sudden urging, often painless ; offensive, worse in hot weather.
Diarrhoea : with great sinking at epigastrium, sensation as if everything would drop through pelvis ; painful with screaming, and grinding of teeth ; immediately after eating and drinking ; from acid fruit and milk ; after of while being washed ; dirty water soaking napkin through ; with prolapsus ani at every stool ; stool changes constantly in appearance, now green, now yellowish, now whitish, slimy, etc.
Stools : too frequent, but natural in appearance ; frequent, profuse, painless, watery, fetid ; yellow, pasty ; gushing out ; yellow, watery, with meal-like sediment ; green, sour, with flatulence ; greenish, watery ; dark yellow, mucous ; smell like carrion ; white, slimy, mucous ; bloody and green mucous ; mucous and blood-streaked ; changeable ; frothy ; involuntary (during sleep) and when passing flatus ; morning during dentition ; greenish-yellow, slimy, bloody, gelatinous, mixed with feces ; with severe straining, much flatus emitted ; mucous, with spots and streaks of blood ; black, only in morning ; chalk-like, fecal, undigested ; muco-gelatinous stools preceded by griping and colic ; coated with shreds of yellow mucus ; tar-like.
Before stool : intense nausea ; sudden urging ; loud gurgling as of water ; rumbling in left side ; violent colic or absence of pain ; prolapsus ani.
During stool : urging in bowels ; heat and pain in anus ; sensation as if genital organs would fall out ; in women, bearing down as if from inactivity of rectum ; nausea ; gagging, tormina and pain in lumbar region ; prolapsus ani ; colic or absence of pain ; pains in sacrum ; emission of flatus ; tenesmus (dysenteric stools).
After stool : extreme weakness and cutting pains in intestines ; exhaustion ; cutting pains ; weak, even after natural stool ; flashes of heat running up back, cutting in bowels, severe and painful tenesmus ; great weakness and faintness and pain in lumbar region ; prolapsus ani ; flushes of heat up back ; colic continues ; sense of weakness and emptiness pain abdomen and rectum ; soreness of anus.
Stools offensive and dark colored ; lies upon mother’s lap moaning, eyes half closed ; rolling head.
Following a miscarriage : muco-gelatinous stools, preceded by undefined pain all over abdomen, worse after stool ; tongue red and pointed.
Diarrhoea from indigestion after eating canned fruit ; stools dark-brown, mushy, copious, with much wind ; following night driven out of bed, suddenly, about 3 A. M. ; stool watery, scanty, though gushing, as if abundant ; stools became frequent ; occasionally slight pain in abdomen ; much rumbling and gurgling ; finally three to six stools every hour ; dark green, with yellow water, somewhat mealy ; tenesmus ; tendency to prolapsus ani ; pains frequent and threatening to become intense and incisive ; urine almost suppressed ; tongue moist but beginning to become moist and white and slimy.
Frequent copious, slimy, stringy, green, offensive stools, with straining ; worse after food ; child rolls head in pillow ; wants to be carried.
Diarrhoea thin, having the appearance of soapsuds, pain preceding evacuation, better by pressure on abdomen ; no pain during evacuation.
Diarrhoea for a week in a teething girl, at. 20 months ; passages smell like carrion, are watery and pass through diaper leaving a doughy sediment.
Diarrhoea during dentition ; stools resemble dirty water ; sleeping with eyes partially closed.
Bowel complaints of children ; colic with spasmodic retraction of abdominal muscles ; spasmodic tenesmus ; tendency to prolapsus ani.
Chronic diarrhoea ; bowels moved every half hour, passages looking like washings of fresh meat ; severe straining and tenesmus with stool, and for ten minutes thereafter severe burning pain deep in rectum ; severe cough ; tongue coated with thick brown fur ; stomach so weak that rice would not digest ; said he had a large ball in stomach.
Chronic diarrhoea of two years’ standing ; great emaciation ; bowels flat and hard ; yellowish, watery, slimy discharges, mixed with undigested food, accompanied by soreness of abdomen.
Every fifteen minutes severe pain in abdomen, followed by passage of small quantity of mucus and blood. θ Diarrhoea.
Dysenteric diarrhoea affecting rectum ; discharge of mucus and dark-colored scybala.
Dysentery commencing with a watery diarrhoea ; discharges become muco-sanguineous, accompanied by sickness at stomach, especially if preceding diarrhoea manifested itself in morning.
Bilious dysentery ; stools look like pea soup and consist of yellowish, greenish, or bloody mucus of disagreeable odor, and accompanied by violent pains in region of colon, rectum and anus.
Severe straining during stool, with emission of much flatus ; mucous stools with spots and streaks of blood ; thirst, but no appetite. θ Endemic dysentery.
Cholera infantum in hot weather ; gagging or empty retching ; greenish, watery, white or dark-yellow stools ; profuse, painless, very offensive ; great prostration ; rapid emaciation ; rolling of head ; restless sleep ; half-closed eyes.
Frequent loose stools, remaining after attack of cholera infantum.
Diarrhoea of children during epidemic of cholera ; catarrhal affections of respiratory organs sometimes precede attack ; all desire for food gone ; great thirst ; upper part of intestinal tract affected and vomiting more frequent than diarrhoea ; copious, foul-smelling, exhausting stools.
Cholera morbus ; especially when characterized by absence of pain ; generally during summer ; stools watery, come out with a gush and a splutter like water from a hydrant ; marked loathing of food ; stools very liable to change color ; worse after midnight and towards morning.
Painless cholera morbus ; stools profuse and gushing, each seeming to drain patient dry, but soon he is full again ; there may also be violent cramps.
Camp diarrhoea.
Alternate diarrhoea and constipation.
Stool difficult : from inactive bowels ; hard, dry, pale or clayey ; voided with difficulty ; hard, crumble when evacuated, clay-colored, often streaked with green ; hard, coated with yellow, tenacious mucus ; thick, transparent mucus or mixed with blood.
Constipation waking her almost every night, not always at same hour, with severe abdominal colic in umbilical region, which lasted from one to two hours.
Constipation. Old intermittent cases or those due to a residence in India ; succeeds diarrhoea in infants artificially nourished ; with irritation in persons of sedentary habits ; infantile with prolapsus of rectum ; of bottle-fed babies, with dry, crumbling stools ; after uterine disease ; attacks of tenesmus uteri, vesica, abdominal colic and severe and nervous headache, with abdominal venous congestion.
Enteritis folliculosa ; larger stools than are to be expected from the amount of ingesta taken, with excessive fetor.
Acute and chronic colitis.
Prolapsus ani. With stool, even from least exertion, followed by stool or thick transparent mucus or mixed with blood ; even with loose stool ; from debility of infancy and childhood, stools too large and frequent, but natural in color and consistence ; with diarrhoea ; most frequently in morning ; following parturition ; complicated with and sequential to uterine displacement ; of children.
Anus feels very sore, sensitive and swollen.
Chronic, painful, hemorrhoidal tumors all around anus, some of them bleeding.
Hemorrhoids, with prolapsus recti.
Piles, with prolapsus ani and long-standing diarrhoea, worse mornings ; or constipation.
External piles, bleeding or not.
Urogenital system
Diabetes mellitus and insipidus ; chalk-like stools ; urinating immediately after drinking ; micturition profuse and frequent ; thin, anemic.
Urinary tenesmus.
Irritability of bladder.
Incontinence of urine ; enuresis.
Frequent nocturnal urination during pregnancy.
Profuse and frequent micturition.
Urine. Dark brown ; increased, diminished or suppressed ; yellow, containing a sediment.
Stitching pain above pubis and in course of spermatic cords.
Diseases of prostate gland associated with rectal troubles.
Numb aching in region of left ovary ; heat down thigh ; third month of pregnancy.
Pain in region of ovaries, especially the right.
Pain commences in right ovary, and descends anterior crural nerve, increasing in intensity as it goes down, worse by straightening out limb.
Shooting pain in right ovary, before and during menstruation.
Tired pain in ovaries, with swelling and pain in both limbs, extending below knees, worse on right side.
Pain in ovaries connected with diseases of liver ; light-colored evacuations.
Dragging pains in ovarian regions.
Pain in right ovary and uterus.
On catching cold after confinement, drawing dragging pain in right iliac region, shooting along inside of thigh and crural nerve to knee ; pain intermitted every half hour to an hour, lasting about ten minutes, very severe, not better by passage of flatus ; pain could be traced from r. ovary, through internal spermatic nerve to lumbar plexus, and from there along anterior crural nerve to knee.
For three months beating and throbbing in right ovary, pain shooting down knee inside of thigh.
Right sided ovaritis in women who have borne children, coming on suddenly from an imprudence in walking, getting wet, or from sexual intercourse during or too soon after menstruation, or from excessive use of sewing machine.
Ovarian tumor with pains extending upward to shoulder.
Four cases of ovarian tumor from size of a hen’s egg to half the size of fist, all on right side ; pain and numbness extending down corresponding thigh.
Pressing and bearing down in uterine region.
Sensation at stool as if genital organs would fall out.
Pain in uterus.
Prolapsus uteri : with aching and bearing-down pains ; womb disposed to fall very low, even painfully so ; with much aching pain in region of left ovary, heat running down to left thigh, in pregnancy, must lie on stomach ; after confinement ; with diarrhoea and prolapsus recti ; with pain in sacrum ; from washing ; with amenorrhoea ; stool frequent though natural ; after overlifting or straining ; after parturition.
Prolapsus uteri for twenty-four years, wore a glass pessary for fifteen ; dull pain in back, removal of pessary followed by procidentia.
Induration of os uteri.
Menorrhagia from straining.
Bearing down in abdomen and back during menses ; ovarian pain on both sides of abdomen, with a numb and aching pain running down into thighs. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
Retarded menses, with ovarian pains, burning in hypogastrium and sacral region ; pain from motion, better lying down.
Leucorrhoea : discharge of thick, transparent mucus ; with constipation and bearing down.
Swelling of labia during pregnancy.
Urinary tenesmus.
Irritability of bladder.
Incontinence of urine ; enuresis.
Frequent nocturnal urination during pregnancy.
Profuse and frequent micturition.
Urine. Dark brown ; increased, diminished or suppressed ; yellow, containing a sediment.
Stitching pain above pubis and in course of spermatic cords.
Diseases of prostate gland associated with rectal troubles.
Numb aching in region of left ovary ; heat down thigh ; third month of pregnancy.
Pain in region of ovaries, especially the right.
Pain commences in right ovary, and descends anterior crural nerve, increasing in intensity as it goes down, worse by straightening out limb.
Shooting pain in right ovary, before and during menstruation.
Tired pain in ovaries, with swelling and pain in both limbs, extending below knees, worse on right side.
Pain in ovaries connected with diseases of liver ; light-colored evacuations.
Dragging pains in ovarian regions.
Pain in right ovary and uterus.
On catching cold after confinement, drawing dragging pain in right iliac region, shooting along inside of thigh and crural nerve to knee ; pain intermitted every half hour to an hour, lasting about ten minutes, very severe, not better by passage of flatus ; pain could be traced from r. ovary, through internal spermatic nerve to lumbar plexus, and from there along anterior crural nerve to knee.
For three months beating and throbbing in right ovary, pain shooting down knee inside of thigh.
Right sided ovaritis in women who have borne children, coming on suddenly from an imprudence in walking, getting wet, or from sexual intercourse during or too soon after menstruation, or from excessive use of sewing machine.
Ovarian tumor with pains extending upward to shoulder.
Four cases of ovarian tumor from size of a hen’s egg to half the size of fist, all on right side ; pain and numbness extending down corresponding thigh.
Pressing and bearing down in uterine region.
Sensation at stool as if genital organs would fall out.
Pain in uterus.
Prolapsus uteri : with aching and bearing-down pains ; womb disposed to fall very low, even painfully so ; with much aching pain in region of left ovary, heat running down to left thigh, in pregnancy, must lie on stomach ; after confinement ; with diarrhoea and prolapsus recti ; with pain in sacrum ; from washing ; with amenorrhoea ; stool frequent though natural ; after overlifting or straining ; after parturition.
Prolapsus uteri for twenty-four years, wore a glass pessary for fifteen ; dull pain in back, removal of pessary followed by procidentia.
Induration of os uteri.
Menorrhagia from straining.
Bearing down in abdomen and back during menses ; ovarian pain on both sides of abdomen, with a numb and aching pain running down into thighs. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
Retarded menses, with ovarian pains, burning in hypogastrium and sacral region ; pain from motion, better lying down.
Leucorrhoea : discharge of thick, transparent mucus ; with constipation and bearing down.
Swelling of labia during pregnancy.
Plant characteristics
Can lie comfortably only on stomach, early months.
Morning sickness or excessive vomiting of pregnant women.
Excessive vomiting in pregnancy and conditions arising from a congested condition of the pelvic viscera.
Pain in region of ovaries, especially at night, disturbing sleep ; very nervous and restless ; condition may recur night after night until finally symptoms of abortion set in.
Severe after-pains, with strong bearing down sensation.
After-pains with heat and flatulency ; also with strong bearing down.
Hemorrhoids and prolapsus recti ; after confinement Pendulous abdomen.
Morning sickness or excessive vomiting of pregnant women.
Excessive vomiting in pregnancy and conditions arising from a congested condition of the pelvic viscera.
Pain in region of ovaries, especially at night, disturbing sleep ; very nervous and restless ; condition may recur night after night until finally symptoms of abortion set in.
Severe after-pains, with strong bearing down sensation.
After-pains with heat and flatulency ; also with strong bearing down.
Hemorrhoids and prolapsus recti ; after confinement Pendulous abdomen.
Chest organs
Inclined to breathe deeply ; sighing.
Shortness of breath.
Sensation of suffocation, at first when lying down at night.
Bronchial asthma ; worse after catching cold.
Cough : loose, hacking ; with remittent fever ; dry ; loose ; rattling on chest, during dentition ; whooping, with constipation and loss of appetite ; from disease of liver.
Catarrh of chest during dentition.
Shortness of breath.
Sensation of suffocation, at first when lying down at night.
Bronchial asthma ; worse after catching cold.
Cough : loose, hacking ; with remittent fever ; dry ; loose ; rattling on chest, during dentition ; whooping, with constipation and loss of appetite ; from disease of liver.
Catarrh of chest during dentition.
Cardiovascular system
Sensation in chest as if heart were ascending to throat.
Stinging pain in region of heart.
Palpitation : with a clucking sensation rising up to throat, obstructing respiration ; from mental emotion or exertion, with rumbling in ascending colon, heavy sleep, fatigue on awakening in morning, drowsy all forenoon ; from physical exertions ; nervous in consequence of excessive hepatic action.
Pulse slow, scarcely perceptible ; pulseless.
Stinging pain in region of heart.
Palpitation : with a clucking sensation rising up to throat, obstructing respiration ; from mental emotion or exertion, with rumbling in ascending colon, heavy sleep, fatigue on awakening in morning, drowsy all forenoon ; from physical exertions ; nervous in consequence of excessive hepatic action.
Pulse slow, scarcely perceptible ; pulseless.
Limbs and spine
Nape of neck stiff, with soreness of muscles of neck and shoulders.
Pain under right scapula.
Pain between shoulders, in morning.
Flashes up back, with stool.
Weakness and soreness of back.
Lumbar backache after washing. θ Prolapsus uteri. θ Diarrhoea.
Pain in lumbar and sacral regions, worse during stool and still worse afterwards.
Pain in lumbar region, withered sensation, worse at night and from motion.
Pain in loins, worse when walking on uneven ground or from a misstep.
Sacral pain. θ Uterine displacement.
Pain in course of ulnar nerve of both arms.
Rheumatism in left forearm and fingers.
Pains from head into neck and shoulders ; fingers numb.
Weakness of wrists, soreness to touch.
Sharply defined ache in sacro-ischiadic foramen, with tenderness on pressure.
Pain and weakness in left hip, like rheumatism from cold ; worse going up stairs.
Slight paralytic weakness of left side.
Cramps in calves, thighs and feet, with painless watery stools.
Knee joints crack during motion.
Joints weak, especially knees.
Legs heavy and stiff, as after a long walk.
Aching of limbs worse at night.
Severe pain and swelling of ankle joints.
Feet : cold ; sweat in evening.
Lying down : ovarian pain ; sensation of suffocation ; chilliness.
Must on stomach : during pregnancy.
Lying on back : pain in bowels worse.
Bending forward when lying on side ; pain in bowels better.
Straightening out limb ; pain down leg worse.
Stretching in bed : better restlessness.
Standing : vertigo.
Motion : ovarian pain ; pain in lumbar region.
Walking : bilious headache, worse pain in loins worse from walking on uneven ground ; misstep.
Going up stairs : pain in left hip.
From physical exertion : palpitation.
Touch : tenderness in one spot, corresponding to entrance of common choledic duct into duodenum.
Pressure : pain in temples ; abdominal pains ; tenderness of foramen.
Inclination to rub region of liver with hand.
Pain under right scapula.
Pain between shoulders, in morning.
Flashes up back, with stool.
Weakness and soreness of back.
Lumbar backache after washing. θ Prolapsus uteri. θ Diarrhoea.
Pain in lumbar and sacral regions, worse during stool and still worse afterwards.
Pain in lumbar region, withered sensation, worse at night and from motion.
Pain in loins, worse when walking on uneven ground or from a misstep.
Sacral pain. θ Uterine displacement.
Pain in course of ulnar nerve of both arms.
Rheumatism in left forearm and fingers.
Pains from head into neck and shoulders ; fingers numb.
Weakness of wrists, soreness to touch.
Sharply defined ache in sacro-ischiadic foramen, with tenderness on pressure.
Pain and weakness in left hip, like rheumatism from cold ; worse going up stairs.
Slight paralytic weakness of left side.
Cramps in calves, thighs and feet, with painless watery stools.
Knee joints crack during motion.
Joints weak, especially knees.
Legs heavy and stiff, as after a long walk.
Aching of limbs worse at night.
Severe pain and swelling of ankle joints.
Feet : cold ; sweat in evening.
Lying down : ovarian pain ; sensation of suffocation ; chilliness.
Must on stomach : during pregnancy.
Lying on back : pain in bowels worse.
Bending forward when lying on side ; pain in bowels better.
Straightening out limb ; pain down leg worse.
Stretching in bed : better restlessness.
Standing : vertigo.
Motion : ovarian pain ; pain in lumbar region.
Walking : bilious headache, worse pain in loins worse from walking on uneven ground ; misstep.
Going up stairs : pain in left hip.
From physical exertion : palpitation.
Touch : tenderness in one spot, corresponding to entrance of common choledic duct into duodenum.
Pressure : pain in temples ; abdominal pains ; tenderness of foramen.
Inclination to rub region of liver with hand.
Nervous system
Nervous irritability and sleeplessness ; feels as if weak and unable to move about.
Faintness, with sensation of emptiness in abdomen after stool.
Sensation of great prostration with pain in stomach.
Slight paralytic weakness of whole left side.
Sudden shocks of jerking pains.
Convulsions from reflex irritation in teething children ; rolling of head ; variegated, slimy stools.
Faintness, with sensation of emptiness in abdomen after stool.
Sensation of great prostration with pain in stomach.
Slight paralytic weakness of whole left side.
Sudden shocks of jerking pains.
Convulsions from reflex irritation in teething children ; rolling of head ; variegated, slimy stools.
Sleepiness : in daytime, especially in forenoon ; with rumbling in bowels, in morning.
Heavy sleep ; fatigue on waking.
Drowsy, half-closed eyes, moaning, whining, especially children.
Great restlessness, tossing about in bed, yawning and stretching, with entire relief on doing so.
Very worrying and sleepless early part of night, apparently from nervous irritability. θ Dentition.
Moaning in sleep, with eyelids half closed.
Restless sleep, whining.
Drowsiness or restless sleep, with grinding of teeth or rolling of head.
Unrefreshed by sleep on waking in morning.
Morning : throbbing temples ; aching in eyes ; headache ; scrofulous ophthalmia.
At 3 A. M. : pain in transverse colon ; sudden diarrhoea.
From 5 A. M. until 9 A. M. : cramplike pains in bowels.
At 7 A. M. : chill.
At 11 A. M. : shaking chill.
Forenoon : pressing in temples ; diarrhoea ; drowsy.
Noon : diarrhoea.
Day : frequent transient abdominal pain.
Afternoon : feverish.
Evening : diarrhoea.
At 10 P. M. : cramplike pains in bowels.
Night : whining ; grinds teeth ; offensive breath ; pain in region of ovaries ; sensation of suffocation ; pain in lumbar region.
Before midnight : diarrhoea.
After midnight : stools.
Heavy sleep ; fatigue on waking.
Drowsy, half-closed eyes, moaning, whining, especially children.
Great restlessness, tossing about in bed, yawning and stretching, with entire relief on doing so.
Very worrying and sleepless early part of night, apparently from nervous irritability. θ Dentition.
Moaning in sleep, with eyelids half closed.
Restless sleep, whining.
Drowsiness or restless sleep, with grinding of teeth or rolling of head.
Unrefreshed by sleep on waking in morning.
Morning : throbbing temples ; aching in eyes ; headache ; scrofulous ophthalmia.
At 3 A. M. : pain in transverse colon ; sudden diarrhoea.
From 5 A. M. until 9 A. M. : cramplike pains in bowels.
At 7 A. M. : chill.
At 11 A. M. : shaking chill.
Forenoon : pressing in temples ; diarrhoea ; drowsy.
Noon : diarrhoea.
Day : frequent transient abdominal pain.
Afternoon : feverish.
Evening : diarrhoea.
At 10 P. M. : cramplike pains in bowels.
Night : whining ; grinds teeth ; offensive breath ; pain in region of ovaries ; sensation of suffocation ; pain in lumbar region.
Before midnight : diarrhoea.
After midnight : stools.
Common symptoms
Open air : vertigo while standing.
After or while washing : diarrhoea.
External warmth : pain in bowels .
Hot weather : offensive stools ; cholera infantum.
Covering up warmly in bed : better chilliness.
Catching cold : bronchial asthma.
Chilliness : not better by heat of stove.
As if strabismus would occur ; pain in head as if having held a piece of ice on occipital protuberances ; as if tongue, throat and palate had been burned ; as of a thousand live things moving about in abdomen, or of fish turning over ; as if everything would drop through pelvis ; as if genital organs would fall out ; bearing down as if from inactivity of rectum ; as if heart were ascending to throat ; as if weak and unable to move about.
Pain : in region of liver ; in rectum ; in region of gall-bladder ; in transverse colon ; in anus ; in lumbar region ; in sacrum ; all over abdomen ; in region of ovaries ; first in ovary, ascends crural nerve ; in both limbs ; in right ovary and uterus ; under right scapula ; between shoulders ; in loins ; in course of ulnar nerve of both arms ; in left hips ; in stomach ; in bowels ; in wrists ; in knees ; in ankles.
Violent pains : in head.
Severe pain : in bowels ; in abdomen ; of ankle joints.
Sharp pain : in right groin ; in rectus muscles.
Darts of pain : in forehead.
Shooting pain : in right ovary ; along inside of thigh and crural nerve to knee.
Cutting pains : in intestines.
Stitches : in epigastrium.
Stitchlike pain : in region of liver.
Stitching pains : above pubis and in course of spermatic cords.
Fleeting pains : in head, extend into neck and shoulders.
Twisting pain : in right hypochondrium.
Dragging pains : in ovarian region ; in right iliac region.
Pressing pain : in both hypochondria.
Stunning pain : through temples.
Burning pain : at top of head and over forehead ; in region of pyloric orifice ; deep in rectum ; in hypogastrium and sacral region.
Stinging pain : in region of heart.
Cramplike pains : in bowels.
Cramps : in calves, thighs and feet.
Dull, unpleasant pain : in hypogastric region ; in back.
Tired pain : in ovaries.
Rheumatic pain : in left forearm and fingers.
Aching : in eyes ; behind eyes ; in region of left ovary ; running down into thighs ; sharply defined in sacro-ischiadic foramen ; of limbs ; in ankles and joints, elbows and wrists ; dull in joints ; in bones.
Numb aching : in region of left ovary.
Beating : in right ovary.
Drawing : in eyes.
Throbbing : in temples ; in right ovary.
Bearing down : in uterine region ; in abdomen ; in back.
Pressing : in temples ; in uterine region.
Smarting : of eyes.
Soreness : of nose ; of throat ; in hypochondrium ; in abdomen ; of anus ; of muscles of neck and shoulders ; of back.
Heat : in head ; in vertex ; in stomach ; in hypochondrium ; in bowels ; in anus ; down thigh ; in abdomen.
Heaviness : of eyes.
Weight : in hypogastric region.
Fulness : in head ; in right hypochondrium.
Dryness : of throat.
Weakness : in epigastric region ; of back ; in wrists ; in left hip ; of left side.
Withered sensation : in lumbar region.
Numbness : of fingers ; of rectus muscles ; down right thigh ; of fingers.
Empty feeling : in stomach.
Itching : of skin.
Coldness : of feet ; of skin.
Emaciation ; many stools daily, all of which are natural ; morning diarrhoea. θ Atrophy of children.
Softness of flesh, with debility ; children.
Relaxes the sphincters.
Fulness of superficial veins, indicating impairment of innervation of sympathetic system of nerves.
Hepatic and intestinal congestion.
Mercurial rheumatism.
Useful in gout after acute symptoms have subsided, or in cases where attack is preceded by premonitory symptoms it is indicated at once ; it will ward off an impending attack of gout.
After or while washing : diarrhoea.
External warmth : pain in bowels .
Hot weather : offensive stools ; cholera infantum.
Covering up warmly in bed : better chilliness.
Catching cold : bronchial asthma.
Chilliness : not better by heat of stove.
As if strabismus would occur ; pain in head as if having held a piece of ice on occipital protuberances ; as if tongue, throat and palate had been burned ; as of a thousand live things moving about in abdomen, or of fish turning over ; as if everything would drop through pelvis ; as if genital organs would fall out ; bearing down as if from inactivity of rectum ; as if heart were ascending to throat ; as if weak and unable to move about.
Pain : in region of liver ; in rectum ; in region of gall-bladder ; in transverse colon ; in anus ; in lumbar region ; in sacrum ; all over abdomen ; in region of ovaries ; first in ovary, ascends crural nerve ; in both limbs ; in right ovary and uterus ; under right scapula ; between shoulders ; in loins ; in course of ulnar nerve of both arms ; in left hips ; in stomach ; in bowels ; in wrists ; in knees ; in ankles.
Violent pains : in head.
Severe pain : in bowels ; in abdomen ; of ankle joints.
Sharp pain : in right groin ; in rectus muscles.
Darts of pain : in forehead.
Shooting pain : in right ovary ; along inside of thigh and crural nerve to knee.
Cutting pains : in intestines.
Stitches : in epigastrium.
Stitchlike pain : in region of liver.
Stitching pains : above pubis and in course of spermatic cords.
Fleeting pains : in head, extend into neck and shoulders.
Twisting pain : in right hypochondrium.
Dragging pains : in ovarian region ; in right iliac region.
Pressing pain : in both hypochondria.
Stunning pain : through temples.
Burning pain : at top of head and over forehead ; in region of pyloric orifice ; deep in rectum ; in hypogastrium and sacral region.
Stinging pain : in region of heart.
Cramplike pains : in bowels.
Cramps : in calves, thighs and feet.
Dull, unpleasant pain : in hypogastric region ; in back.
Tired pain : in ovaries.
Rheumatic pain : in left forearm and fingers.
Aching : in eyes ; behind eyes ; in region of left ovary ; running down into thighs ; sharply defined in sacro-ischiadic foramen ; of limbs ; in ankles and joints, elbows and wrists ; dull in joints ; in bones.
Numb aching : in region of left ovary.
Beating : in right ovary.
Drawing : in eyes.
Throbbing : in temples ; in right ovary.
Bearing down : in uterine region ; in abdomen ; in back.
Pressing : in temples ; in uterine region.
Smarting : of eyes.
Soreness : of nose ; of throat ; in hypochondrium ; in abdomen ; of anus ; of muscles of neck and shoulders ; of back.
Heat : in head ; in vertex ; in stomach ; in hypochondrium ; in bowels ; in anus ; down thigh ; in abdomen.
Heaviness : of eyes.
Weight : in hypogastric region.
Fulness : in head ; in right hypochondrium.
Dryness : of throat.
Weakness : in epigastric region ; of back ; in wrists ; in left hip ; of left side.
Withered sensation : in lumbar region.
Numbness : of fingers ; of rectus muscles ; down right thigh ; of fingers.
Empty feeling : in stomach.
Itching : of skin.
Coldness : of feet ; of skin.
Emaciation ; many stools daily, all of which are natural ; morning diarrhoea. θ Atrophy of children.
Softness of flesh, with debility ; children.
Relaxes the sphincters.
Fulness of superficial veins, indicating impairment of innervation of sympathetic system of nerves.
Hepatic and intestinal congestion.
Mercurial rheumatism.
Useful in gout after acute symptoms have subsided, or in cases where attack is preceded by premonitory symptoms it is indicated at once ; it will ward off an impending attack of gout.
Chilliness while moving about during fever and in act of lying down, with sweat immediately afterwards.
Chilly at first on lying down in evening, followed by fever and sleep with talking and imperfect waking.
Chill, 7 A. M., pressing in both hypochondria ; dull aching in knees and ankles, elbows and wrists.
Backache before chill.
During chill, great loquacity.
Shaking and sensation of coldness continue for some time after heat commences.
Heat begins during chill or while he is yet chilly.
Feverish during afternoon, with occasional chilliness, not better by heat of stove, but better by covering up warmly in bed.
Pain in bowels first attended with coldness, followed by heat and warm sweat.
Heat with violent pains in head ; excessive thirst ; great loquacity, constantly talking, which continues with delirium until fever reaches climax, when he falls asleep and sweats profusely, with forgetfulness of all he had said.
Flashes up back and abdominal pains during stool.
Sweat warm on head and legs ; feet cold ; head sweat with coldness of skin ; sleep during sweat.
Moaning, groaning, restlessness and ravenous hunger with thirst during fever, white tongue, heat in abdomen, especially in region of liver, liver indurated ; asthmatic cough.
Shaking chill, 11 A. M., with pain in wrists, knees and ankles, followed by heat without pains, then sweat on back, head, face and hollow of elbows. θ Ague.
Loquacity during chill and far into heat, with complete forgetfulness afterwards of all that had passed ; falls asleep at climax of heat, and sleeps during perspiration.
Chill with pressing pain in both hypochondria ; dull aching pain in joints ; great desire to talk, but cannot because he forgets words. θ Intermittent.
Obstinate constipation, all bones ache ; fever, sweat, full pulse, with congestion to head ; chill followed by fever at night ; an hour of chilliness followed by an hour of fever, such a succession continuing during whole twenty-four hours. θ Ague.
Backache severe in lumbar region ; gastric and bilious symptoms are marked, sometimes for days before paroxysm. θ Ague.
Bilious remittent fever ; dull throbbing headache when waking in morning with dread or fear that he would be very ill ; dry mouth with had taste ; heavy, dirty-white coating on tongue ; preceding paroxysm of fever, nausea and vomiting of a bilious substance, accompanied by first a yellow, then a greenish diarrhoea ; during paroxysm patient stupid inclined to talk, but would drop a sentence before half finished ; great thirst, hot face, protruding eyes and continued talking, finally sleep with sweat.
Bilious fever. With much vomiting of bile ; bilious diarrhoea ; tongue coated yellow great thirst ; much intestinal irritation ; remittent or intermittent.
Remittent fever from excessive hepatic action.
Irritative fever and infantile remittent.
Alternate : headache and diarrhoea ; constipation and diarrhoea.
An hour of chilliness followed by an hour of fever, during whole twenty-four hours.
For ten minutes after stool : severe burning pain in rectum.
Every fifteen minutes : severe pain in abdomen.
Every half hour : bowels moved ; shooting along thigh lasting about ten minutes.
An hour after eating : vomits food.
Every hour : three to six stools.
From one to two hours : colic.
Every morning : colic with mucous stools.
Almost every night : constipation wakes her.
Attack lasts twenty-four hours : burning pain at top of head.
Day after attack : passes much bile.
For three months : beating and throbbing in right ovary.
Two years standing : diarrhoea.
For years : subject to diarrhoea.
Right : fulness in hypochondrium ; twisting pain in hypochondrium ; great distension in hypochondriac region ; soreness in hypochondrium ; flatus in abdomen ; sharp pain in groin ; pain in region of ovary ; pain commences in ovary and descends anterior crural nerve ; shooting in ovary ; dragging pain in iliac region ; pain traced from ovary through internal spermatic nerve to lumbar plexus ; beating and throbbing in ovary ; ovarian tumor ; pain under scapula.
Left : side of throat sore ; rumbling in side ; numb aching in region of ovary ; aching pain in region of ovary ; heat down thigh ; rheumatism in forearm and fingers ; pain in hip ; weakness of side.
From right to left : sore throat.
Chilly at first on lying down in evening, followed by fever and sleep with talking and imperfect waking.
Chill, 7 A. M., pressing in both hypochondria ; dull aching in knees and ankles, elbows and wrists.
Backache before chill.
During chill, great loquacity.
Shaking and sensation of coldness continue for some time after heat commences.
Heat begins during chill or while he is yet chilly.
Feverish during afternoon, with occasional chilliness, not better by heat of stove, but better by covering up warmly in bed.
Pain in bowels first attended with coldness, followed by heat and warm sweat.
Heat with violent pains in head ; excessive thirst ; great loquacity, constantly talking, which continues with delirium until fever reaches climax, when he falls asleep and sweats profusely, with forgetfulness of all he had said.
Flashes up back and abdominal pains during stool.
Sweat warm on head and legs ; feet cold ; head sweat with coldness of skin ; sleep during sweat.
Moaning, groaning, restlessness and ravenous hunger with thirst during fever, white tongue, heat in abdomen, especially in region of liver, liver indurated ; asthmatic cough.
Shaking chill, 11 A. M., with pain in wrists, knees and ankles, followed by heat without pains, then sweat on back, head, face and hollow of elbows. θ Ague.
Loquacity during chill and far into heat, with complete forgetfulness afterwards of all that had passed ; falls asleep at climax of heat, and sleeps during perspiration.
Chill with pressing pain in both hypochondria ; dull aching pain in joints ; great desire to talk, but cannot because he forgets words. θ Intermittent.
Obstinate constipation, all bones ache ; fever, sweat, full pulse, with congestion to head ; chill followed by fever at night ; an hour of chilliness followed by an hour of fever, such a succession continuing during whole twenty-four hours. θ Ague.
Backache severe in lumbar region ; gastric and bilious symptoms are marked, sometimes for days before paroxysm. θ Ague.
Bilious remittent fever ; dull throbbing headache when waking in morning with dread or fear that he would be very ill ; dry mouth with had taste ; heavy, dirty-white coating on tongue ; preceding paroxysm of fever, nausea and vomiting of a bilious substance, accompanied by first a yellow, then a greenish diarrhoea ; during paroxysm patient stupid inclined to talk, but would drop a sentence before half finished ; great thirst, hot face, protruding eyes and continued talking, finally sleep with sweat.
Bilious fever. With much vomiting of bile ; bilious diarrhoea ; tongue coated yellow great thirst ; much intestinal irritation ; remittent or intermittent.
Remittent fever from excessive hepatic action.
Irritative fever and infantile remittent.
Alternate : headache and diarrhoea ; constipation and diarrhoea.
An hour of chilliness followed by an hour of fever, during whole twenty-four hours.
For ten minutes after stool : severe burning pain in rectum.
Every fifteen minutes : severe pain in abdomen.
Every half hour : bowels moved ; shooting along thigh lasting about ten minutes.
An hour after eating : vomits food.
Every hour : three to six stools.
From one to two hours : colic.
Every morning : colic with mucous stools.
Almost every night : constipation wakes her.
Attack lasts twenty-four hours : burning pain at top of head.
Day after attack : passes much bile.
For three months : beating and throbbing in right ovary.
Two years standing : diarrhoea.
For years : subject to diarrhoea.
Right : fulness in hypochondrium ; twisting pain in hypochondrium ; great distension in hypochondriac region ; soreness in hypochondrium ; flatus in abdomen ; sharp pain in groin ; pain in region of ovary ; pain commences in ovary and descends anterior crural nerve ; shooting in ovary ; dragging pain in iliac region ; pain traced from ovary through internal spermatic nerve to lumbar plexus ; beating and throbbing in ovary ; ovarian tumor ; pain under scapula.
Left : side of throat sore ; rumbling in side ; numb aching in region of ovary ; aching pain in region of ovary ; heat down thigh ; rheumatism in forearm and fingers ; pain in hip ; weakness of side.
From right to left : sore throat.
Sallow skin ; jaundice ; also in children.
Skin moist with preternatural warmth.
Scabs on skin.
Rawness and itching about genitals ; also pustules (from grinding the root).
Cold, clammy skin.
Skin moist with preternatural warmth.
Scabs on skin.
Rawness and itching about genitals ; also pustules (from grinding the root).
Cold, clammy skin.
Patient type and constitution
Bilious temperaments, especially after mercurialization.
Child, at. 4 months ; diarrhoea.
Child, at. 18 months, suffering several months ; diarrhoea after cholera infantum.
Boy, at. 1 ; diabetes mellitus.
Boy, at. 2, fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair, impulsive and vehement disposition, suffering since beginning of dentition ; diarrhoea.
Boy, at. about 3 ; diarrhoea.
Boy, at. 9 ; diabetes insipidus.
Maud в., child ; diarrhoea.
Man, at. 33, cachectic appearance, liver or spleen or both disordered ; asthma.
Man, at. 35, treated allopathically from childhood for disorders of liver and stomach, has been regarded as having disease of neck of stomach, has taken mercurials and potash ; hepatic disorder.
Minister, at. 38, nervo-bilious temperament ; headache.
Woman, at. 45, subject to occasional dyspepsia ; hepatic derangement.
Mrs., at. 45 ; dysentery.
Mrs. M., at. 45, sanguine temperament, full habit, not through change of life, sensitive to all atmospheric changes, for fourteen years has suffered from uterine disease ; constipation and colic.
Mrs. H., at. 45, suffering twenty-four years ; prolapsus uteri.
Man, at. 45, bilious temperament ; gout.
Man, at. 50, blue eyes, light hair, fair skin, nervous temperament, suffering two years ; chronic diarrhoea.
Woman, past 60, mother of large family, suffering for years ; hepatic derangement.
Miss T., at. 66 ; ovarian tumor.
Stout lady, at. 71 ; chronic bronchitis.
Man, at. 76, never had a severe illness of any kind ; ague.
Soldier, has taken much opium and acids ; chronic diarrhoea.
Mrs. в., confined ten weeks ago with a healthy baby, when she took cold, since then suffering ; pain in right ovary.
Child, at. 4 months ; diarrhoea.
Child, at. 18 months, suffering several months ; diarrhoea after cholera infantum.
Boy, at. 1 ; diabetes mellitus.
Boy, at. 2, fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair, impulsive and vehement disposition, suffering since beginning of dentition ; diarrhoea.
Boy, at. about 3 ; diarrhoea.
Boy, at. 9 ; diabetes insipidus.
Maud в., child ; diarrhoea.
Man, at. 33, cachectic appearance, liver or spleen or both disordered ; asthma.
Man, at. 35, treated allopathically from childhood for disorders of liver and stomach, has been regarded as having disease of neck of stomach, has taken mercurials and potash ; hepatic disorder.
Minister, at. 38, nervo-bilious temperament ; headache.
Woman, at. 45, subject to occasional dyspepsia ; hepatic derangement.
Mrs., at. 45 ; dysentery.
Mrs. M., at. 45, sanguine temperament, full habit, not through change of life, sensitive to all atmospheric changes, for fourteen years has suffered from uterine disease ; constipation and colic.
Mrs. H., at. 45, suffering twenty-four years ; prolapsus uteri.
Man, at. 45, bilious temperament ; gout.
Man, at. 50, blue eyes, light hair, fair skin, nervous temperament, suffering two years ; chronic diarrhoea.
Woman, past 60, mother of large family, suffering for years ; hepatic derangement.
Miss T., at. 66 ; ovarian tumor.
Stout lady, at. 71 ; chronic bronchitis.
Man, at. 76, never had a severe illness of any kind ; ague.
Soldier, has taken much opium and acids ; chronic diarrhoea.
Mrs. в., confined ten weeks ago with a healthy baby, when she took cold, since then suffering ; pain in right ovary.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by : Lact. ac., Nux vomica, сolocyn., Leptan.
It antidotes : Mercur.
Compatible : after Ipec. and Nux vom. in gastric vomiting ; after сalcarea ostr. and Sulphur in liver diseases.
Incompatible : Salt, which increases its action.
Compare : ascul., Aloes, Apis, Arnic., вryon., сhelid., сollinsonia, сolchic., Helleb., Iris, Leptan., Lilium, Mercur., Nitr. ac., Nux vomica, Pulsat., Sulphur, Veratr.
It antidotes : Mercur.
Compatible : after Ipec. and Nux vom. in gastric vomiting ; after сalcarea ostr. and Sulphur in liver diseases.
Incompatible : Salt, which increases its action.
Compare : ascul., Aloes, Apis, Arnic., вryon., сhelid., сollinsonia, сolchic., Helleb., Iris, Leptan., Lilium, Mercur., Nitr. ac., Nux vomica, Pulsat., Sulphur, Veratr.
Included in the composition
- 2.5€ Choledius (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 1.9€ Холелитин-гомео (Вербена)
- — Berberis-plus (Доктор Н)
- 7.1€ Leptandra compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy №45
- 11€ Flowers Energy №46
- 11€ Flowers Energy №5
- 7.5-13.2€ Momordica compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 8-9.8€ Ubichinon compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug