Other names and synonyms
aur.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Gold. Au., the element.
Gold, the common metal, proved and introduced by Hahnemann in 1818, in Materia Medica, vol. iv (95 and 138) ; 2d ed., 1825 (151 and 201) ; in сhronic Diseases, 2d edition, 1835, 404 symptoms. The last proving was made by J. с. вurnett, in 1879. No preparation ought to be used except such as has been made from the precipitate.
Gold, the common metal, proved and introduced by Hahnemann in 1818, in Materia Medica, vol. iv (95 and 138) ; 2d ed., 1825 (151 and 201) ; in сhronic Diseases, 2d edition, 1835, 404 symptoms. The last proving was made by J. с. вurnett, in 1879. No preparation ought to be used except such as has been made from the precipitate.
Psyche and consciousness
Active memory.
Weak memory. θ Puerperal mania. θ Neuralgia of face.
Loss of memory.
Absence of mind, forgetfulness. θ Ozana.
Mental dulness ; feels stupid.
Inability to reflect.
She thinks she feels depression of spirits in chest. θ Induration of uterus.
Looks on dark side, weeps, prays, thinks she is not fit for this world, longs for death, strong inclination to commit suicide ; desperate, desires to jump from a height. θ Prolapsus or induration of uterus. θ Pregnancy.
Imagines he is neglectful and deserves reproach in consequence.
Imagines he cannot succeed in anything, and he does everything wrong ; he is in disunion with himself.
Imagines to see obstacles in his way everywhere, occasioned partly by contrary fate, partly by himself ; makes him feel desponding.
Thinking of death gives him intense joy.
He imagines he has lost the affection of his friends ; this makes him sad even to tears.
Inclined to be delirious. θ Headache.
Violent, gay, loquacious delirium, with exaltation of strength. θ Typhus.
Insanity more frequent than imbecility.
Suicidal mania or melancholia, tedium vita, with genital symptoms.
Religious mania ; prays all the time.
Desire to be active, to move about.
Longing for death.
Mind constantly turns towards suicide. θ Prolapsus uteri. θ сhildbed. θ Amenorrhoea.
Disposition to commit suicide. θ сhronic hepatitis. θ Headache.
Hysterical mood, laughing one minute and crying next.
Constant complaining. θ Adiposis.
Inclined to weep.
Weeping and praying. θ Melancholy.
She howls and screams and imagines herself irretrievably lost.
Sudden screaming from earache. θ Ozana.
Uneasy, hurried, desire for mental and bodily activity ; cannot do things fast enough.
Desire for solitude.
Mood changing, cheerful or despondent ; irritable ; no unconsciousness.
Remarkable changeability of mind, now impulsive, rash, now very merry, now sad, anxious longing to die, soon after laughing aloud. θ Hysteria.
Lachrymose mood. θ Heart disease.
Very sad, could cry all the time. θ Hemiopia.
Melancholy, disposed to weep ; imagines he is unfit for this world, that he never can succeed.
Melancholy, feels hateful and quarrelsome ; anxious palpitation and desire to commit suicide.
Great depression of spirits, accompanied by sterility.
Great depression of spirits. θ Old age.
Melancholic mood, disposed to shun people ; if meeting some one it gives him a nervous trembling and has to weep.
All the time a dark, hopeless mood, frequently anxiety and despair ; life is a burden to him.
Terrible melancholy after abuse of mercury ; patient pining away on account of bodily and mental anxiety.
Is very unhappy ; continued thought of suicide. θ Puerperal mania.
Hopeless and despondent. θ Headache.
Hypochondriasis, with longing for death.
A kind of hypochondriacal drunkenness ; the head feels full of compressed air, especially towards nape of neck.
Apprehensiveness, full of fear ; a mere noise at door makes him anxious.
Fearfulness, a longing for death. θ Hyperemia of brain.
Dread of men.
Anxiety and dread. θ Valvular heart disease.
Anguish of mind and great grief. θ Headache.
Great anguish increasing unto self-destruction, with spasmodic contraction of abdomen.
Frequent attacks of anguish about heart, with trembling fearfulness.
Excessive anguish with palpitation of heart, weariness in all limbs and sleepiness.
Great anguish coming from precordial region, and driving him from place to place, so that he can remain nowhere.
Despair of self and others.
Weary of life ; especially in evening, with longing for death.
Disappointed love, with weeping and inclination to commit suicide.
Has no confidence in herself, thinks others have none ; this makes her unhappy.
Extreme disposition to be offended ; he was extremely affected and provoked by least circumstances which had the appearance of hurting his feelings.
Choleric and quarrelsome.
Disposed to grumble and quarrel. θ Headache.
Quarrelsome disposition when displeased. θ Prolapsus uteri. θ Amenorrhoea.
Alternately peevish and cheerful.
Whining mood. θ Obesity.
Peevish and vehement, least contradiction excites his wrath ; he trembles when he cannot satisfy his anger.
Suffers constant vexation and torment. θ Jaundice.
Becomes angry at absent persons while thinking of them.
Chagrin, violent anger and vehemence.
Vehement and disposed to fly into a passion. θ Headache.
Contradiction excites wrath ; distrust.
Very sensitive, easily frightened, especially when falling asleep. θ Hysteria.
Prostration of soul and body.
Worse from mental exertion ; better from entertainment.
Mental labor fatigues ; headache from least mental exertion.
Feels weary and exhausted from performing mental labor.
Worse after emotion. θ Palpitation.
Ailments from grief, disappointed love.
Ailments from fright, anger, contradiction, mortification, or vexation with dread, fear, reserved displeasure, or vehemence.
Pain makes her desperate so that she would like to jump out of window, or dash herself down. θ Parturition.
Weak memory. θ Puerperal mania. θ Neuralgia of face.
Loss of memory.
Absence of mind, forgetfulness. θ Ozana.
Mental dulness ; feels stupid.
Inability to reflect.
She thinks she feels depression of spirits in chest. θ Induration of uterus.
Looks on dark side, weeps, prays, thinks she is not fit for this world, longs for death, strong inclination to commit suicide ; desperate, desires to jump from a height. θ Prolapsus or induration of uterus. θ Pregnancy.
Imagines he is neglectful and deserves reproach in consequence.
Imagines he cannot succeed in anything, and he does everything wrong ; he is in disunion with himself.
Imagines to see obstacles in his way everywhere, occasioned partly by contrary fate, partly by himself ; makes him feel desponding.
Thinking of death gives him intense joy.
He imagines he has lost the affection of his friends ; this makes him sad even to tears.
Inclined to be delirious. θ Headache.
Violent, gay, loquacious delirium, with exaltation of strength. θ Typhus.
Insanity more frequent than imbecility.
Suicidal mania or melancholia, tedium vita, with genital symptoms.
Religious mania ; prays all the time.
Desire to be active, to move about.
Longing for death.
Mind constantly turns towards suicide. θ Prolapsus uteri. θ сhildbed. θ Amenorrhoea.
Disposition to commit suicide. θ сhronic hepatitis. θ Headache.
Hysterical mood, laughing one minute and crying next.
Constant complaining. θ Adiposis.
Inclined to weep.
Weeping and praying. θ Melancholy.
She howls and screams and imagines herself irretrievably lost.
Sudden screaming from earache. θ Ozana.
Uneasy, hurried, desire for mental and bodily activity ; cannot do things fast enough.
Desire for solitude.
Mood changing, cheerful or despondent ; irritable ; no unconsciousness.
Remarkable changeability of mind, now impulsive, rash, now very merry, now sad, anxious longing to die, soon after laughing aloud. θ Hysteria.
Lachrymose mood. θ Heart disease.
Very sad, could cry all the time. θ Hemiopia.
Melancholy, disposed to weep ; imagines he is unfit for this world, that he never can succeed.
Melancholy, feels hateful and quarrelsome ; anxious palpitation and desire to commit suicide.
Great depression of spirits, accompanied by sterility.
Great depression of spirits. θ Old age.
Melancholic mood, disposed to shun people ; if meeting some one it gives him a nervous trembling and has to weep.
All the time a dark, hopeless mood, frequently anxiety and despair ; life is a burden to him.
Terrible melancholy after abuse of mercury ; patient pining away on account of bodily and mental anxiety.
Is very unhappy ; continued thought of suicide. θ Puerperal mania.
Hopeless and despondent. θ Headache.
Hypochondriasis, with longing for death.
A kind of hypochondriacal drunkenness ; the head feels full of compressed air, especially towards nape of neck.
Apprehensiveness, full of fear ; a mere noise at door makes him anxious.
Fearfulness, a longing for death. θ Hyperemia of brain.
Dread of men.
Anxiety and dread. θ Valvular heart disease.
Anguish of mind and great grief. θ Headache.
Great anguish increasing unto self-destruction, with spasmodic contraction of abdomen.
Frequent attacks of anguish about heart, with trembling fearfulness.
Excessive anguish with palpitation of heart, weariness in all limbs and sleepiness.
Great anguish coming from precordial region, and driving him from place to place, so that he can remain nowhere.
Despair of self and others.
Weary of life ; especially in evening, with longing for death.
Disappointed love, with weeping and inclination to commit suicide.
Has no confidence in herself, thinks others have none ; this makes her unhappy.
Extreme disposition to be offended ; he was extremely affected and provoked by least circumstances which had the appearance of hurting his feelings.
Choleric and quarrelsome.
Disposed to grumble and quarrel. θ Headache.
Quarrelsome disposition when displeased. θ Prolapsus uteri. θ Amenorrhoea.
Alternately peevish and cheerful.
Whining mood. θ Obesity.
Peevish and vehement, least contradiction excites his wrath ; he trembles when he cannot satisfy his anger.
Suffers constant vexation and torment. θ Jaundice.
Becomes angry at absent persons while thinking of them.
Chagrin, violent anger and vehemence.
Vehement and disposed to fly into a passion. θ Headache.
Contradiction excites wrath ; distrust.
Very sensitive, easily frightened, especially when falling asleep. θ Hysteria.
Prostration of soul and body.
Worse from mental exertion ; better from entertainment.
Mental labor fatigues ; headache from least mental exertion.
Feels weary and exhausted from performing mental labor.
Worse after emotion. θ Palpitation.
Ailments from grief, disappointed love.
Ailments from fright, anger, contradiction, mortification, or vexation with dread, fear, reserved displeasure, or vehemence.
Pain makes her desperate so that she would like to jump out of window, or dash herself down. θ Parturition.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo. θ Syphilis.
Head giddy, full, hot. θ Melancholy.
Vertigo. When stooping, as if turning in a circle ; goes off on rising ; as if drunk, when walking in open air ; feels as if he would fall to left side ; must lie down, even then for some time it returns on slightest motion.
Feels stupid, a dazed feeling in head. θ сhronic hepatitis.
Congestion of blood to head.
Rushes of blood to head with violent palpitation, great anxiety and fainting.
Uncomfortable feeling in forehead.
Violent pain in left forehead and eye. θ Melancholy.
Pressure in left temple, worse on being touched.
Severe frontal headache. θ сoryza.
Heat of head with cold hands and feet.
Rush of blood to head with tumult and waving of head.
Tearing headache deep in brain, in forehead, temples and vertex, abating in open air.
Rush of blood to head ; sparks before eyes, and glossy, bloated face ; worse from mental exertion.
Bruised pain, especially early in morning or during mental labor, ideas become confused ; roaring in head.
Megrim, stitching burning pains, beating in one side of forehead ; nausea, even bilious vomiting.
Fine tearing from right side of occiput through brain to forehead ; worse during motion.
One-sided boring, severe throbbing ; begins on awaking mornings.
Tearing in head, teeth and ears ; worse left side. θ Heart disease.
Headache as from incipient cold.
Sensation as if a current of air was rushing through head, if not kept warm.
Pricking as from pins in forehead externally.
Boring in left side of frontal bone.
Pressive pains in left temple externally.
Pains in bones of head on lying down, affecting vital energy.
Pains in bones of skull, morning in bed.
Syphilitic exostoses on skull.
Skull bones painful, as if broken ; worse lying down.
Severe, constant burning heat on top of head.
Exostoses on skull ; boring pains ; worse from touch.
Caries of mastoid process.
Tinea capitis.
Eruption of small white pimples all over hairy scalp, with heat and itching.
Portions of frontal bone had exfoliated. θ Syphilis with mercurialization.
Falling out of hair, especially in syphilis.
Photophobia, profuse scalding tears on opening eyes ; eyes very sensitive to touch.
Photophobia ; lids cannot be even forcibly opened.
Weak sight and eyes.
Vision 5/200, after Aurum с2 5/80, and in eight weeks more, 5/60. θ Tumor in eye.
By gaslight, a number of bright, floating specks and dots are seen.
Eyes better by moonlight, and after active muscular exercise.
Objects seem smaller and more distant. θ Hemiopia.
Sees a little better on looking intensely and steadily on an object, though he sees no trace of upper half of it.
Large letters cannot be distinguished, seem only something black upon a white ground.
Yellow, crescent-shaped bodies floating obliquely upward in field of vision.
Fiery sparks before eyes ; optical illusions in bright colors.
Everything looks blue.
Color of optic nerve-entrances of a greenish hue, except round periphery, which was yellowish-white, with a slight trace of pigmentary deposit on lower outer edge of optic disc in left eye.
Fog or smoke before his eyes, to this, at a later period, black spots were added, and for the last few weeks he can only see upper half of objects, their lower half seems to be covered by a black veil. θ Hemiopia.
Black spots floating before eyes. θ Hemiopia.
Tension in eyes ; sees things double or mixed up.
Objects as if divided horizontally ; sees only half of an object, other half as if covered with a dark body.
In upper dark section of field of vision occasional showers of bright, starlike bodies, lower half looks lighter, and he can distinguish color, light or dark.
Hemiopia of left eye.
Could not see upper half of a room or any large object, though lower half was clear, with left eye.
Hemiopia from straining eyes.
Strong pressure from within outward and from above downward in both eyeballs, accompanied by dull, heavy aching deep in both globes.
Pressing in eyes as from acrid dust. θ Hysteria.
Cutting pain through eyes.
Pains in eyes better by blowing nose.
On using eyes, sensation of violent heat in them.
Central portion of retinal vessels strongly pulsating.
Chorio-retinitis chronica, with an accumulation of fluid beneath retina, which settled to lower portion of left eye, causing a large detachment of retina. θ Hemiopia.
Large black subchoroidal tumor behind lens in fundus, growing from inner side.
Iris blackish-brown mixed with blood red, in place of pupil and encroaching upon iris a nodular new growth of a mixed black and red color, filling whole anterior chamber, without, however, displacing cornea, on which formed a vesicle discharging fluid ; sclerotica sprinkled with blackish spots ; conjunctiva pale red and swollen ; slight lachrymation ; pressing and slight burning in and about eye ; later drawing in surrounding bones. θ Melanotic tumor.
Vitreous hazy from infiltration. θ Hemiopia.
Anterior chamber contracted.
Protruding eyes. θ Headache.
Staring, dreary look. θ Melancholy.
On pressure eyeball more tense and firm than usual.
Interstitial keratitis and kerato-iritis, even in atonic cases, with infiltrated cornea and fine interstitial vascularity.
Cornea opaque ; leukoma ; gray or yellow spots, always marked by a surrounding network of enlarged bloodvessels ; after keratitis, syphilitic or scrofulous cases.
Iritis marked by much pain around eye, which seems to be deep in bone, extends from without inward, and is aggravated by touch. θ Mercurio-syphilis.
Pupils generally contracted.
Pupils irregularly dilated ; cornea dull, with loss of usual lustre.
Macula cornea.
Red sclerotica ; burning, stitching, drawing and itching at inner canthus.
Scrofulous ophthalmia, with great photophobia.
Twitching in upper lid. θ Hemiopia.
Pains of a burning or dull character, compelling one to close lids ; worse in morning and better by application of cold water. θ Trachoma.
Eyelids red, suppurating ; stinging, pricking, itching ; agglutination in morning ; cilia fall out. θ Mercurio-syphilis.
Pannus, with ulceration of cornea ; pains from without in ; worse from pressure.
Large bony tumor on left eye, with boring, aching pains, worse at night.
Little blisters turning into crusts on edges of lids, with some trichiasis.
Bones around eye feel bruised.
Styes on eyelids.
Humming, buzzing and rushing in ears. θ Hysteria.
Roaring in ears. θ сerebral hyperemia.
Oversensitive to noises ; but music relieves.
Annoying dryness in ears and nose, with difficult hearing.
Caries of mastoid process ; obstinate otorrhoea ; burning, pricking, itching ; boring pain behind left ear.
Congestion to ears.
Fetid otorrhoea ; especially with caries of ossicula. θ After scarlatina.
Parotids swollen, painful to touch, as if pressed or contused.
Excessively fetid discharge from nose. θ Ozana.
Scrofulous and syphilitic affections of bones of nose and face.
Caries of bones of nose and palate.
Complaints caused by strong odors.
Sensitive smell ; everything smells too strong.
Putrid smell when blowing the nose.
Want of smell.
Pain in nasal bones.
Boring pain in nasal bones. θ Ozana.
Nasal catarrh, with melancholy, or even suicidal mood.
Ulcerated, agglutinated, painful nostrils, cannot breathe through nose.
Crusts in nose. θ Ozana.
Nose feels obstructed, as in dry coryza, yet air passes through freely.
Ozana, excessively fetid discharge ; severe frontal headache. θ Scrofula. θ Mercurio-syphilis.
Coryza, thick discharge, like white of egg ; frequent sneezing.
Caries of nasal bones ; right nasal bone and adjoining parts of upper jaw painful to touch.
Nose sunken in. θ сaries of nose.
Boring in left side of nasal bone, towards maxilla.
Burning, itching, stitching, smarting ; feeling of soreness in nose, especially when touched.
Mucous discharge from posterior nares in morning.
Brown red spots on nose ; nostrils chapped.
Yellow, thick discharge from nose, or dry, firm pieces are blown out, always of an offensive odor.
Tip of nose knobby, red.
Nose red, swollen. θ Scrofula. θ Abuse of mercury.
Swelling of nose, like erysipelas.
Swelling of nose in room, after walking in open air.
Eruptions on nose.
Cancer of nose.
Puffy under eyes. θ Endocarditis.
In groove between nose and cheek a cutaneous lump of size of a split pea, which irritates, gets picked, scabs over, and persists.
Anxious expression of face. θ Endocarditis.
Feels ill, and looks pale.
Heat only in face.
Face pale. θ Valvular disease of heart.
Blue about nose and lips. θ Typhus.
Face cyanotic. θ Asthma.
Face glowing red. θ Headache.
Face bloated, glossy ; worse from mental exertion.
Swelling of one cheek, with drawing and tearing in upper and lower jaws ; teeth feel too long ; swelling of both cheeks.
Erysipelas of face.
Acute cutting, stinging and tearing, now in nerves of left side of head, now of teeth, coming and going, preventing sleep.
Inflammation of bones of face ; caries, with tearing, boring and burning stitches.
Violent boring in right zygomatic process when walking.
Fine pimples on face. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Lichens on face.
Red eruption on forehead and nose, often peeling.
Fine pimples on face, their tips are filled with pus.
Corona veneris. θ Syphilis with mercurialization.
Tensive pain in lower jaw.
Dull, pressive pain, either with or without swallowing, in a gland below angle of lower jaw.
Painful swelling of submaxillary glands.
Trismus. θ Typhus.
Lips bluish. θ Endocarditis.
Head giddy, full, hot. θ Melancholy.
Vertigo. When stooping, as if turning in a circle ; goes off on rising ; as if drunk, when walking in open air ; feels as if he would fall to left side ; must lie down, even then for some time it returns on slightest motion.
Feels stupid, a dazed feeling in head. θ сhronic hepatitis.
Congestion of blood to head.
Rushes of blood to head with violent palpitation, great anxiety and fainting.
Uncomfortable feeling in forehead.
Violent pain in left forehead and eye. θ Melancholy.
Pressure in left temple, worse on being touched.
Severe frontal headache. θ сoryza.
Heat of head with cold hands and feet.
Rush of blood to head with tumult and waving of head.
Tearing headache deep in brain, in forehead, temples and vertex, abating in open air.
Rush of blood to head ; sparks before eyes, and glossy, bloated face ; worse from mental exertion.
Bruised pain, especially early in morning or during mental labor, ideas become confused ; roaring in head.
Megrim, stitching burning pains, beating in one side of forehead ; nausea, even bilious vomiting.
Fine tearing from right side of occiput through brain to forehead ; worse during motion.
One-sided boring, severe throbbing ; begins on awaking mornings.
Tearing in head, teeth and ears ; worse left side. θ Heart disease.
Headache as from incipient cold.
Sensation as if a current of air was rushing through head, if not kept warm.
Pricking as from pins in forehead externally.
Boring in left side of frontal bone.
Pressive pains in left temple externally.
Pains in bones of head on lying down, affecting vital energy.
Pains in bones of skull, morning in bed.
Syphilitic exostoses on skull.
Skull bones painful, as if broken ; worse lying down.
Severe, constant burning heat on top of head.
Exostoses on skull ; boring pains ; worse from touch.
Caries of mastoid process.
Tinea capitis.
Eruption of small white pimples all over hairy scalp, with heat and itching.
Portions of frontal bone had exfoliated. θ Syphilis with mercurialization.
Falling out of hair, especially in syphilis.
Photophobia, profuse scalding tears on opening eyes ; eyes very sensitive to touch.
Photophobia ; lids cannot be even forcibly opened.
Weak sight and eyes.
Vision 5/200, after Aurum с2 5/80, and in eight weeks more, 5/60. θ Tumor in eye.
By gaslight, a number of bright, floating specks and dots are seen.
Eyes better by moonlight, and after active muscular exercise.
Objects seem smaller and more distant. θ Hemiopia.
Sees a little better on looking intensely and steadily on an object, though he sees no trace of upper half of it.
Large letters cannot be distinguished, seem only something black upon a white ground.
Yellow, crescent-shaped bodies floating obliquely upward in field of vision.
Fiery sparks before eyes ; optical illusions in bright colors.
Everything looks blue.
Color of optic nerve-entrances of a greenish hue, except round periphery, which was yellowish-white, with a slight trace of pigmentary deposit on lower outer edge of optic disc in left eye.
Fog or smoke before his eyes, to this, at a later period, black spots were added, and for the last few weeks he can only see upper half of objects, their lower half seems to be covered by a black veil. θ Hemiopia.
Black spots floating before eyes. θ Hemiopia.
Tension in eyes ; sees things double or mixed up.
Objects as if divided horizontally ; sees only half of an object, other half as if covered with a dark body.
In upper dark section of field of vision occasional showers of bright, starlike bodies, lower half looks lighter, and he can distinguish color, light or dark.
Hemiopia of left eye.
Could not see upper half of a room or any large object, though lower half was clear, with left eye.
Hemiopia from straining eyes.
Strong pressure from within outward and from above downward in both eyeballs, accompanied by dull, heavy aching deep in both globes.
Pressing in eyes as from acrid dust. θ Hysteria.
Cutting pain through eyes.
Pains in eyes better by blowing nose.
On using eyes, sensation of violent heat in them.
Central portion of retinal vessels strongly pulsating.
Chorio-retinitis chronica, with an accumulation of fluid beneath retina, which settled to lower portion of left eye, causing a large detachment of retina. θ Hemiopia.
Large black subchoroidal tumor behind lens in fundus, growing from inner side.
Iris blackish-brown mixed with blood red, in place of pupil and encroaching upon iris a nodular new growth of a mixed black and red color, filling whole anterior chamber, without, however, displacing cornea, on which formed a vesicle discharging fluid ; sclerotica sprinkled with blackish spots ; conjunctiva pale red and swollen ; slight lachrymation ; pressing and slight burning in and about eye ; later drawing in surrounding bones. θ Melanotic tumor.
Vitreous hazy from infiltration. θ Hemiopia.
Anterior chamber contracted.
Protruding eyes. θ Headache.
Staring, dreary look. θ Melancholy.
On pressure eyeball more tense and firm than usual.
Interstitial keratitis and kerato-iritis, even in atonic cases, with infiltrated cornea and fine interstitial vascularity.
Cornea opaque ; leukoma ; gray or yellow spots, always marked by a surrounding network of enlarged bloodvessels ; after keratitis, syphilitic or scrofulous cases.
Iritis marked by much pain around eye, which seems to be deep in bone, extends from without inward, and is aggravated by touch. θ Mercurio-syphilis.
Pupils generally contracted.
Pupils irregularly dilated ; cornea dull, with loss of usual lustre.
Macula cornea.
Red sclerotica ; burning, stitching, drawing and itching at inner canthus.
Scrofulous ophthalmia, with great photophobia.
Twitching in upper lid. θ Hemiopia.
Pains of a burning or dull character, compelling one to close lids ; worse in morning and better by application of cold water. θ Trachoma.
Eyelids red, suppurating ; stinging, pricking, itching ; agglutination in morning ; cilia fall out. θ Mercurio-syphilis.
Pannus, with ulceration of cornea ; pains from without in ; worse from pressure.
Large bony tumor on left eye, with boring, aching pains, worse at night.
Little blisters turning into crusts on edges of lids, with some trichiasis.
Bones around eye feel bruised.
Styes on eyelids.
Humming, buzzing and rushing in ears. θ Hysteria.
Roaring in ears. θ сerebral hyperemia.
Oversensitive to noises ; but music relieves.
Annoying dryness in ears and nose, with difficult hearing.
Caries of mastoid process ; obstinate otorrhoea ; burning, pricking, itching ; boring pain behind left ear.
Congestion to ears.
Fetid otorrhoea ; especially with caries of ossicula. θ After scarlatina.
Parotids swollen, painful to touch, as if pressed or contused.
Excessively fetid discharge from nose. θ Ozana.
Scrofulous and syphilitic affections of bones of nose and face.
Caries of bones of nose and palate.
Complaints caused by strong odors.
Sensitive smell ; everything smells too strong.
Putrid smell when blowing the nose.
Want of smell.
Pain in nasal bones.
Boring pain in nasal bones. θ Ozana.
Nasal catarrh, with melancholy, or even suicidal mood.
Ulcerated, agglutinated, painful nostrils, cannot breathe through nose.
Crusts in nose. θ Ozana.
Nose feels obstructed, as in dry coryza, yet air passes through freely.
Ozana, excessively fetid discharge ; severe frontal headache. θ Scrofula. θ Mercurio-syphilis.
Coryza, thick discharge, like white of egg ; frequent sneezing.
Caries of nasal bones ; right nasal bone and adjoining parts of upper jaw painful to touch.
Nose sunken in. θ сaries of nose.
Boring in left side of nasal bone, towards maxilla.
Burning, itching, stitching, smarting ; feeling of soreness in nose, especially when touched.
Mucous discharge from posterior nares in morning.
Brown red spots on nose ; nostrils chapped.
Yellow, thick discharge from nose, or dry, firm pieces are blown out, always of an offensive odor.
Tip of nose knobby, red.
Nose red, swollen. θ Scrofula. θ Abuse of mercury.
Swelling of nose, like erysipelas.
Swelling of nose in room, after walking in open air.
Eruptions on nose.
Cancer of nose.
Puffy under eyes. θ Endocarditis.
In groove between nose and cheek a cutaneous lump of size of a split pea, which irritates, gets picked, scabs over, and persists.
Anxious expression of face. θ Endocarditis.
Feels ill, and looks pale.
Heat only in face.
Face pale. θ Valvular disease of heart.
Blue about nose and lips. θ Typhus.
Face cyanotic. θ Asthma.
Face glowing red. θ Headache.
Face bloated, glossy ; worse from mental exertion.
Swelling of one cheek, with drawing and tearing in upper and lower jaws ; teeth feel too long ; swelling of both cheeks.
Erysipelas of face.
Acute cutting, stinging and tearing, now in nerves of left side of head, now of teeth, coming and going, preventing sleep.
Inflammation of bones of face ; caries, with tearing, boring and burning stitches.
Violent boring in right zygomatic process when walking.
Fine pimples on face. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Lichens on face.
Red eruption on forehead and nose, often peeling.
Fine pimples on face, their tips are filled with pus.
Corona veneris. θ Syphilis with mercurialization.
Tensive pain in lower jaw.
Dull, pressive pain, either with or without swallowing, in a gland below angle of lower jaw.
Painful swelling of submaxillary glands.
Trismus. θ Typhus.
Lips bluish. θ Endocarditis.
Mouth and throat
Toothache caused by drawing air into mouth ; when chewing, suddenly a painful dulness in one of upper molar teeth.
Toothache from congestion to head.
Carious teeth. θ Faceache.
Toothache at night. θ Heart disease.
Violent tearing toothache, affects the heart.
Gums swollen, darker red, sore when touched or when eating ; gums bleed easily.
Metallic taste in mouth ; tongue slightly coated with brownish fur.
Milky taste.
Loss of taste. θ Melancholy.
Flabby taste with clear tongue. θ Hysteria.
Bitter taste in mouth, with sensation of dryness.
Foul taste of even water.
Putrid taste in mouth, as of spoiled game, between meals.
Loss of taste ; tongue hard as leather and immovable.
Tongue swollen with scirrhus-like hardness ; after biting tongue in sleep.
Tongue trembling and dry. θ Typhus.
Tongue dry and coated. θ Endocarditis.
Tongue coated at back. θ Pining boys.
Ulcers on tongue.
Foul breath. θ Girls at puberty.
Fetor of breath like old cheese.
In morning offensive breath, reddish tongue and copious salivation. θ Melancholy.
Saliva copious, sweetish.
Aphtha on tongue and in mouth.
Caries of palate. θ After abuse of mercury. θ Syphilis.
Red, swollen and ulcerated tonsils ; difficult deglutition.
Boring in hard palate ; caries of roof, palate and nose. θ Abuse of mercury. θ Syphilis.
Stinging soreness in throat only during deglutition.
Difficult rising of phlegm.
Dull, pressive pain, with or without swallowing, in a gland below angle of jaw.
Syphilitic ulcers in palate and throat.
Voice : nasal ; husky, as if he had a cold.
Phlegm deep in larynx, not easily hawked up.
Toothache from congestion to head.
Carious teeth. θ Faceache.
Toothache at night. θ Heart disease.
Violent tearing toothache, affects the heart.
Gums swollen, darker red, sore when touched or when eating ; gums bleed easily.
Metallic taste in mouth ; tongue slightly coated with brownish fur.
Milky taste.
Loss of taste. θ Melancholy.
Flabby taste with clear tongue. θ Hysteria.
Bitter taste in mouth, with sensation of dryness.
Foul taste of even water.
Putrid taste in mouth, as of spoiled game, between meals.
Loss of taste ; tongue hard as leather and immovable.
Tongue swollen with scirrhus-like hardness ; after biting tongue in sleep.
Tongue trembling and dry. θ Typhus.
Tongue dry and coated. θ Endocarditis.
Tongue coated at back. θ Pining boys.
Ulcers on tongue.
Foul breath. θ Girls at puberty.
Fetor of breath like old cheese.
In morning offensive breath, reddish tongue and copious salivation. θ Melancholy.
Saliva copious, sweetish.
Aphtha on tongue and in mouth.
Caries of palate. θ After abuse of mercury. θ Syphilis.
Red, swollen and ulcerated tonsils ; difficult deglutition.
Boring in hard palate ; caries of roof, palate and nose. θ Abuse of mercury. θ Syphilis.
Stinging soreness in throat only during deglutition.
Difficult rising of phlegm.
Dull, pressive pain, with or without swallowing, in a gland below angle of jaw.
Syphilitic ulcers in palate and throat.
Voice : nasal ; husky, as if he had a cold.
Phlegm deep in larynx, not easily hawked up.
Appetite and food preferences
Violent hunger and thirst.
Hunger, immoderate ; relishes his meal, but hunger not appeased.
Immoderate appetite and thirst, with qualmishness in stomach.
Desire for milk and coffee.
Desire for alcoholic drinks, which are easily borne. θ Typhus.
Loss of appetite.
Want of appetite. θ Jaundice.
Aversion to food, especially meat.
Appetite poor. θ Hemiopia.
No appetite for plain food. θ Pining boys.
After dinner : discomfort in abdomen ; sleep.
After eating : colic ; inclined to vomit ; pressure in hypochondria ; sense of suffocation.
Worse after drinking ; after wine.
Worse when hungry ; pain at stomach, etc.
Colic even after simplest food.
Drowsy after dinner.
Hunger, immoderate ; relishes his meal, but hunger not appeased.
Immoderate appetite and thirst, with qualmishness in stomach.
Desire for milk and coffee.
Desire for alcoholic drinks, which are easily borne. θ Typhus.
Loss of appetite.
Want of appetite. θ Jaundice.
Aversion to food, especially meat.
Appetite poor. θ Hemiopia.
No appetite for plain food. θ Pining boys.
After dinner : discomfort in abdomen ; sleep.
After eating : colic ; inclined to vomit ; pressure in hypochondria ; sense of suffocation.
Worse after drinking ; after wine.
Worse when hungry ; pain at stomach, etc.
Colic even after simplest food.
Drowsy after dinner.
Gastrointestinal tract
Sour belching.
Eructations of gas relieve attacks of palpitation.
Nausea from mental labor.
Burning sensation at stomach, with hot risings.
Pressure in region of stomach at noon.
Pressure to left of scrobiculum, below cartilages of upper false ribs ; worse during expiration.
Swelling of pit of stomach and hypochondrium, with stinging pain when touching parts.
Swelling of liver consecutive to cardiac hypertrophy.
Burning heat and cutting in right hypochondrium.
Jaundice, with pain in liver and pit of stomach ; greenish-brown urine ; bad breath and putrid taste.
Chronic hepatitis, with aversion to life ; suicidal mood ; averse to exercise, feels stupid.
Painful accumulation of gas below left ribs, causing stitching pains.
Pressure in hypochondria, as from flatulence ; worse after food or drink, and motion.
Distended abdomen.
Nightly flatulent colic.
Ascites. From disturbances of abdominal organs ; with albuminuria ; with melancholy.
Abdomen puffed up. θ Hysteria.
Colic, frequent discharge of wind.
Tabes mesenterica.
Spasmodic contraction of abdomen, with great anguish ; inclined to suicide.
Inguinal hernia ; also with children.
Heaviness in abdomen, with icy cold hands and feet.
Intolerable itching in right groin in its inner third, could not resist scratching ; later inspection showed a wheal, tender from violent rubbing ; even after wheal is gone, part remains tender.
Copious stool.
Passes fetid flatus.
Stools : offensive, painful ; greyish, ashy ; offensive in pregnancy.
Nightly diarrhoea, with burning in rectum.
Hard, knotty or large stools ; constipation, worse during menses, with prolapsus uteri.
Piles with rectal catarrh ; costive ; external piles bleed during stool.
Constipation ; stool very large in size and very hard or knotty.
Obstinate constipation. θ Jaundice.
Looseness and costiveness in alternation. θ Melancholy.
Eructations of gas relieve attacks of palpitation.
Nausea from mental labor.
Burning sensation at stomach, with hot risings.
Pressure in region of stomach at noon.
Pressure to left of scrobiculum, below cartilages of upper false ribs ; worse during expiration.
Swelling of pit of stomach and hypochondrium, with stinging pain when touching parts.
Swelling of liver consecutive to cardiac hypertrophy.
Burning heat and cutting in right hypochondrium.
Jaundice, with pain in liver and pit of stomach ; greenish-brown urine ; bad breath and putrid taste.
Chronic hepatitis, with aversion to life ; suicidal mood ; averse to exercise, feels stupid.
Painful accumulation of gas below left ribs, causing stitching pains.
Pressure in hypochondria, as from flatulence ; worse after food or drink, and motion.
Distended abdomen.
Nightly flatulent colic.
Ascites. From disturbances of abdominal organs ; with albuminuria ; with melancholy.
Abdomen puffed up. θ Hysteria.
Colic, frequent discharge of wind.
Tabes mesenterica.
Spasmodic contraction of abdomen, with great anguish ; inclined to suicide.
Inguinal hernia ; also with children.
Heaviness in abdomen, with icy cold hands and feet.
Intolerable itching in right groin in its inner third, could not resist scratching ; later inspection showed a wheal, tender from violent rubbing ; even after wheal is gone, part remains tender.
Copious stool.
Passes fetid flatus.
Stools : offensive, painful ; greyish, ashy ; offensive in pregnancy.
Nightly diarrhoea, with burning in rectum.
Hard, knotty or large stools ; constipation, worse during menses, with prolapsus uteri.
Piles with rectal catarrh ; costive ; external piles bleed during stool.
Constipation ; stool very large in size and very hard or knotty.
Obstinate constipation. θ Jaundice.
Looseness and costiveness in alternation. θ Melancholy.
Urogenital system
For many days great morbid activity of uropoetic system.
Urination frequent with painful retention. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Albuminuria consecutive to heart disease.
Kidneys hyperemic, with pressure around waist and increase of urine ; consecutive to cardiac hypertrophy.
Passes more urine than corresponds to quantity of water drunk.
Constant urging to urinate.
Urine scanty, greenish-brown. θ Jaundice.
Urine clear, gold-colored. θ Dropsy.
Turbid, like buttermilk ; much mucous sediment.
Urine ammoniacal, decomposes rapidly, smells like the otorrhoea.
Ischuria and constipation, worse during menses. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Suppression of urine.
Painful retention of urine with pressure in bladder.
Frequent painful retention of urine.
Renal secretion much less in quantity.
Testes mere pendent shreds. θ Pining boys.
Chronic induration of testicles.
Testes indurated ; also after abuse of mercury.
Testes a little swelled and hard.
Frequent nightly emissions. θ Melancholy. θ Neuralgia of face.
Onanism. θ Faceache. θ Melancholy.
Nightly erections without emission ; or nightly erections and pollutions, without subsequent weakness.
Discharge of prostatic fluid from a relaxed penis ; settled melancholy, with suicidal mania.
Sensation as if a knife was drawn through swollen testicle.
Right testicle swollen ; pressive pains when touched or rubbed ; pressure and tension as from a bruise.
Itching of scrotum.
Ulcers on scrotum, after gonorrhoea.
Cutting and stinging in perineum.
Inguinal glands suppurate. θ Mercurio-syphilis.
Hydrocele. θ сhild, at. 6 months.
Hunterian chancres.
Secondary syphilis ; also infantile ; especially after abuse of mercury (and probably of potash).
Affections of prepuce.
Condylomata around anus ; around corona glandis.
Sarcocele ; epididymitis ; orchitis.
Sterility after depression of spirits.
Ovarian affections connected with syphilis.
Induration of uterus. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Menses delayed, especially the first. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Menses too late and scanty. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Amenorrhoea with great melancholy ; her mind constantly inclines to suicide. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Bruised, shooting or drawing pain in uterus. θ Prolapsus.
Drawing pain at pubes. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Right inguinal region sore to touch ; uterus affected.
Os uteri swollen, hardened.
Prolapsus and induration of uterus.
Uterus prolapsed and indurated ; bruised pain, with shooting or drawing ; heaviness in abdomen ; after lifting a heavy load ; worse at menstrual period.
Menses regular, but with headache and burning on vertex ; uterus indurated.
Menses too late, scanty ; preceded by swelling of axillary glands ; accompanied by colic, prolapse of rectum.
Constant oozing from vulva.
Thick white leucorrhoea ; burning smarting of vulva ; labia majora red, swollen.
Leucorrhoea profuse and corroding, yellow. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Leucorrhoea thick white. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Prolapsus. With backache, worse during menses ; with heat of vagina ; from reaching high ; from straining ; with induration of uterus and bruised, shooting or drawing pains.
Urination frequent with painful retention. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Albuminuria consecutive to heart disease.
Kidneys hyperemic, with pressure around waist and increase of urine ; consecutive to cardiac hypertrophy.
Passes more urine than corresponds to quantity of water drunk.
Constant urging to urinate.
Urine scanty, greenish-brown. θ Jaundice.
Urine clear, gold-colored. θ Dropsy.
Turbid, like buttermilk ; much mucous sediment.
Urine ammoniacal, decomposes rapidly, smells like the otorrhoea.
Ischuria and constipation, worse during menses. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Suppression of urine.
Painful retention of urine with pressure in bladder.
Frequent painful retention of urine.
Renal secretion much less in quantity.
Testes mere pendent shreds. θ Pining boys.
Chronic induration of testicles.
Testes indurated ; also after abuse of mercury.
Testes a little swelled and hard.
Frequent nightly emissions. θ Melancholy. θ Neuralgia of face.
Onanism. θ Faceache. θ Melancholy.
Nightly erections without emission ; or nightly erections and pollutions, without subsequent weakness.
Discharge of prostatic fluid from a relaxed penis ; settled melancholy, with suicidal mania.
Sensation as if a knife was drawn through swollen testicle.
Right testicle swollen ; pressive pains when touched or rubbed ; pressure and tension as from a bruise.
Itching of scrotum.
Ulcers on scrotum, after gonorrhoea.
Cutting and stinging in perineum.
Inguinal glands suppurate. θ Mercurio-syphilis.
Hydrocele. θ сhild, at. 6 months.
Hunterian chancres.
Secondary syphilis ; also infantile ; especially after abuse of mercury (and probably of potash).
Affections of prepuce.
Condylomata around anus ; around corona glandis.
Sarcocele ; epididymitis ; orchitis.
Sterility after depression of spirits.
Ovarian affections connected with syphilis.
Induration of uterus. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Menses delayed, especially the first. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Menses too late and scanty. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Amenorrhoea with great melancholy ; her mind constantly inclines to suicide. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Bruised, shooting or drawing pain in uterus. θ Prolapsus.
Drawing pain at pubes. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Right inguinal region sore to touch ; uterus affected.
Os uteri swollen, hardened.
Prolapsus and induration of uterus.
Uterus prolapsed and indurated ; bruised pain, with shooting or drawing ; heaviness in abdomen ; after lifting a heavy load ; worse at menstrual period.
Menses regular, but with headache and burning on vertex ; uterus indurated.
Menses too late, scanty ; preceded by swelling of axillary glands ; accompanied by colic, prolapse of rectum.
Constant oozing from vulva.
Thick white leucorrhoea ; burning smarting of vulva ; labia majora red, swollen.
Leucorrhoea profuse and corroding, yellow. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Leucorrhoea thick white. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Prolapsus. With backache, worse during menses ; with heat of vagina ; from reaching high ; from straining ; with induration of uterus and bruised, shooting or drawing pains.
Plant characteristics
During pregnancy : suicidal melancholia ; jaundice.
Suppressed milk.
Palpitation following metrorrhagia after a mole or in childbed, after overexertion.
Labor pains make her desperate, she would like to jump from the window or dash herself down ; often with congestion to head and chest and palpitation.
Suppressed milk.
Palpitation following metrorrhagia after a mole or in childbed, after overexertion.
Labor pains make her desperate, she would like to jump from the window or dash herself down ; often with congestion to head and chest and palpitation.
Chest organs
Morning asthma ; face cyanotic ; light-haired persons ; worse after mercury, in wet weather and in warm air.
Marked dyspnoea, anxiety at heart ; stenocardia.
Excessive dyspnoea, with difficult breathing at night.
Cardiac difficulty of breathing. θ Old age.
Dyspnoea : with dull stitches in chest when inspiring ; cannot be relieved in any position ; takes deep breaths from ‘besoin de respirer’. θ Heart disease.
Asthma from congestion to chest ; great oppression at night and when walking in open air ; suffocative fits, with spasmodic constriction of chest ; face bluish-red ; palpitation ; falls down unconscious.
Want of breath. θ Valvular disease of heart.
Difficult breathing. θ Jaundice.
Loses her breath, better from belching or walking. θ Hysteria.
Suffocative fits and constriction of chest.
When laughing difficulty in breathing.
Propped up in bed and breathing very hurriedly. θ Endocarditis.
Cough for want of breath at night.
Cough with tough yellow sputum on awaking in morning.
Dry, spasmodic, nervous cough, peculiar to females ; periodically, every night from sunset to sunrise.
Expectoration infrequent, morning and evening.
Moist rales all over chest with cough. θ Endocarditis.
Great tightness of chest.
Violent rush of blood to chest.
Hyperemia of lungs.
Shooting through back when breathing. θ Facial neuralgia.
Shooting pains in chest after attacks of palpitation.
Dull stitches in both sides of chest, with heat in chest and dyspnoea ; increased by inspiration.
Persistent dry catarrh on chest, early in morning, on waking ; with great difficulty he raises a little phlegm, and this only after rising from bed.
Oppression of chest with faceache.
Extreme tightness of chest with difficult breathing.
Great weight on chest, especially a heavy weight on sternum. θ Angina pectoris.
A wart, size of a split horse-bean since proving сundurango, several years since, is beginning to lap over and to catch things and seems flatter ; in sixth week flatter and much smaller ; on 80th day, nearly gone ; in twelfth week increases again.
Marked dyspnoea, anxiety at heart ; stenocardia.
Excessive dyspnoea, with difficult breathing at night.
Cardiac difficulty of breathing. θ Old age.
Dyspnoea : with dull stitches in chest when inspiring ; cannot be relieved in any position ; takes deep breaths from ‘besoin de respirer’. θ Heart disease.
Asthma from congestion to chest ; great oppression at night and when walking in open air ; suffocative fits, with spasmodic constriction of chest ; face bluish-red ; palpitation ; falls down unconscious.
Want of breath. θ Valvular disease of heart.
Difficult breathing. θ Jaundice.
Loses her breath, better from belching or walking. θ Hysteria.
Suffocative fits and constriction of chest.
When laughing difficulty in breathing.
Propped up in bed and breathing very hurriedly. θ Endocarditis.
Cough for want of breath at night.
Cough with tough yellow sputum on awaking in morning.
Dry, spasmodic, nervous cough, peculiar to females ; periodically, every night from sunset to sunrise.
Expectoration infrequent, morning and evening.
Moist rales all over chest with cough. θ Endocarditis.
Great tightness of chest.
Violent rush of blood to chest.
Hyperemia of lungs.
Shooting through back when breathing. θ Facial neuralgia.
Shooting pains in chest after attacks of palpitation.
Dull stitches in both sides of chest, with heat in chest and dyspnoea ; increased by inspiration.
Persistent dry catarrh on chest, early in morning, on waking ; with great difficulty he raises a little phlegm, and this only after rising from bed.
Oppression of chest with faceache.
Extreme tightness of chest with difficult breathing.
Great weight on chest, especially a heavy weight on sternum. θ Angina pectoris.
A wart, size of a split horse-bean since proving сundurango, several years since, is beginning to lap over and to catch things and seems flatter ; in sixth week flatter and much smaller ; on 80th day, nearly gone ; in twelfth week increases again.
Cardiovascular system
Frequent attacks of anguish about heart, with tremulous fearfulness ; great anguish increasing to self-destruction, with spasmodic contraction of abdomen ; uneasiness and hurried desire for bodily and mental activity ; he cannot do anything fast enough, and does not succeed in satisfying himself ; is constantly impelled to be in motion, and is sorry for his inactivity ; he imagines he is neglecting something and deserves reproaches in consequence.
Violent heart-stroke not synchronous with pulse.
Sensation as if heart was turning around.
Constriction of chest with a painful spasmodic sensation of heart ; pulse remits.
Pains wander from joint to joint, and finally become fixed in heart ; must sit upright ; feels as though heart ceased and then suddenly gave one hard thump.
Pain in region of heart, extending down left arm to fingers.
Pain in heart and palpitation ; jumping feeling of heart and violent palpitation by motion.
Angina pectoris.
Action of heart floundering. θ Endocarditis.
Violent palpitation, anxiety and congestion of blood to head and chest. θ After uterine hemorrhage.
Palpitation, with great agony.
When riding or walking, palpitation compels him to stop.
Violent beating of heart after exertion.
Between attacks of palpitation, feeling as of a bladder hanging in left chest ; must often take a deep breath.
Attacks of oppression at heart at night, with palpitation and great debility. θ Old age.
Loud endocardial bruits. θ Endocarditis.
Fatty degeneration of heart.
Violent orgasm of blood as if it was boiling.
Congestions to head and chest, with anxious palpitation.
Visible beating of carotids and of temporal arteries. θ Heart affections in old age.
Palpitation, with irregular, intermittent pulse ; short breathing.
Pulse small, but accelerated ; small, feeble, rapid ; irregular.
Pulse quick, full, corresponding to beat of heart, and omitting before single strong beat. θ Heart disease.
Pulse rapid, compressible and intermittent. θ Endocarditis.
Weak pulse. θ Old age.
Weak heart.
Sensation as if heart stood still.
Violent heart-stroke not synchronous with pulse.
Sensation as if heart was turning around.
Constriction of chest with a painful spasmodic sensation of heart ; pulse remits.
Pains wander from joint to joint, and finally become fixed in heart ; must sit upright ; feels as though heart ceased and then suddenly gave one hard thump.
Pain in region of heart, extending down left arm to fingers.
Pain in heart and palpitation ; jumping feeling of heart and violent palpitation by motion.
Angina pectoris.
Action of heart floundering. θ Endocarditis.
Violent palpitation, anxiety and congestion of blood to head and chest. θ After uterine hemorrhage.
Palpitation, with great agony.
When riding or walking, palpitation compels him to stop.
Violent beating of heart after exertion.
Between attacks of palpitation, feeling as of a bladder hanging in left chest ; must often take a deep breath.
Attacks of oppression at heart at night, with palpitation and great debility. θ Old age.
Loud endocardial bruits. θ Endocarditis.
Fatty degeneration of heart.
Violent orgasm of blood as if it was boiling.
Congestions to head and chest, with anxious palpitation.
Visible beating of carotids and of temporal arteries. θ Heart affections in old age.
Palpitation, with irregular, intermittent pulse ; short breathing.
Pulse small, but accelerated ; small, feeble, rapid ; irregular.
Pulse quick, full, corresponding to beat of heart, and omitting before single strong beat. θ Heart disease.
Pulse rapid, compressible and intermittent. θ Endocarditis.
Weak pulse. θ Old age.
Weak heart.
Sensation as if heart stood still.
Limbs and spine
Enormous goitre disappeared long after.
Swollen cervical glands. θ Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Tension in neck, as if muscles were too short, even at rest ; mostly when stooping.
Spine disease, with gressus gallinaceus.
Pain in small of back as from fatigue.
Tendons of muscles so painfully stiff that thigh cannot be raised ; thigh feels paralyzed.
Stinging pains in small of back. θ Jaundice.
Pain at lower part of spine.
Arms start. θ Hysteria.
Boring in left shoulder.
Inflammatory swelling of axillary glands.
Difficult movement of arms ; they feel fatigued ; forearms feel heavy.
Severe bone pains in right elbow.
Boring in right forearm.
Cramplike tearing in bones of both arms.
Palms itch.
Herpes of palms.
Boring in finger joints.
Bones of hands swelled ; almost immovable, and tender. θ Endocarditis.
Large bursa-like swelling on wrist for a long time. θ Hemiopia.
Flesh of hands puffy. θ Endocarditis.
Finger nails turning blue.
Retraction of lower limbs. θ Typhus.
All the blood appeared to rush from her head into her lower limbs ; they feel paralyzed ; she has to sit down.
Tottering of knees ; stiffness, paralytic feeling ; they pain as if firmly bandaged, when sitting.
Right knee becomes weak from walking ; drawing when walking or setting foot on floor.
Weakness in limbs, most in hollow of knees. θ Neuralgia.
Small blotches on leg and below knee, when slightly rubbed they are changed to thick nodosities under skin.
Nodes on legs. θ Syphilis with mercurialization.
Caries in bones of lower extremities.
Boring in tibia, ankles and dorsa of feet.
Swelling of legs and feet, when getting up in morning ; better after walking.
Toes red.
Itching on soles.
Slight dropsy of feet. θ Endocarditis.
Swollen feet. θ Valvular disease of heart.
Weary pains in right tarsal bones, shooting up towards knee, early morning in bed.
Limbs go to sleep ; numb, insensible on awaking ; more while lying than when moving.
Paralytic drawing in limbs in morning, when awaking ;
Has to seize hold of left arm during attacks of palpitation.
Swelling of periosteum of forearm and thigh bones.
Pain as from bruises in head and limbs, early in bed ; mostly at rest ; passes off after rising.
Sensations in joints and muscles like after unwonted exercise.
Limbs swelled and painful, joints almost as firmly locked as if anchylosed, cannot move hand nor foot for pain, from this swelled and inflamed state of joints. θ Endocarditis.
Inclined to be active.
Lying down : bones of skull painful ; limbs feel numb.
Must lie down : vertigo.
In dyspnoea no position relieves.
Sitting : knees pain as if firmly bandaged.
Must sit down : paralytic symptoms.
Must sit erect : heart disease.
Rising : vertigo goes off ; raises only a little phlegm ; pain in head and limbs goes off.
Stooping : vertigo, as if turning in a circle ; tension in neck.
Walking : vertigo, as if drunk ; headache ; palpitation so bad must stop ; right knee weak ; relieves swelling of feet.
Motion : vertigo ; headache.
Exertion : beating of heart.
From overexertion during confinement. θ Palpitation.
Wants to jump out of window : during labor.
^^ Exercise, even fatigue, aids the action.
Has to seize and grasp left arm tightly during attack of palpitation.
Touch : aggravates boring pains in skull, pains in eyes, pains in swollen parotids, soreness of nasal bones and upper jaw, soreness of gums, pains in testicles, soreness in inguinal region.
Rubbing : causes blotches on leg to feel like thick nodosities.
Pressure : aggravates eye symptoms.
Riding : produces palpitation.
Lifting : causes prolapse of uterus.
After a fall. Swelling in groin.
Swollen cervical glands. θ Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Tension in neck, as if muscles were too short, even at rest ; mostly when stooping.
Spine disease, with gressus gallinaceus.
Pain in small of back as from fatigue.
Tendons of muscles so painfully stiff that thigh cannot be raised ; thigh feels paralyzed.
Stinging pains in small of back. θ Jaundice.
Pain at lower part of spine.
Arms start. θ Hysteria.
Boring in left shoulder.
Inflammatory swelling of axillary glands.
Difficult movement of arms ; they feel fatigued ; forearms feel heavy.
Severe bone pains in right elbow.
Boring in right forearm.
Cramplike tearing in bones of both arms.
Palms itch.
Herpes of palms.
Boring in finger joints.
Bones of hands swelled ; almost immovable, and tender. θ Endocarditis.
Large bursa-like swelling on wrist for a long time. θ Hemiopia.
Flesh of hands puffy. θ Endocarditis.
Finger nails turning blue.
Retraction of lower limbs. θ Typhus.
All the blood appeared to rush from her head into her lower limbs ; they feel paralyzed ; she has to sit down.
Tottering of knees ; stiffness, paralytic feeling ; they pain as if firmly bandaged, when sitting.
Right knee becomes weak from walking ; drawing when walking or setting foot on floor.
Weakness in limbs, most in hollow of knees. θ Neuralgia.
Small blotches on leg and below knee, when slightly rubbed they are changed to thick nodosities under skin.
Nodes on legs. θ Syphilis with mercurialization.
Caries in bones of lower extremities.
Boring in tibia, ankles and dorsa of feet.
Swelling of legs and feet, when getting up in morning ; better after walking.
Toes red.
Itching on soles.
Slight dropsy of feet. θ Endocarditis.
Swollen feet. θ Valvular disease of heart.
Weary pains in right tarsal bones, shooting up towards knee, early morning in bed.
Limbs go to sleep ; numb, insensible on awaking ; more while lying than when moving.
Paralytic drawing in limbs in morning, when awaking ;
Has to seize hold of left arm during attacks of palpitation.
Swelling of periosteum of forearm and thigh bones.
Pain as from bruises in head and limbs, early in bed ; mostly at rest ; passes off after rising.
Sensations in joints and muscles like after unwonted exercise.
Limbs swelled and painful, joints almost as firmly locked as if anchylosed, cannot move hand nor foot for pain, from this swelled and inflamed state of joints. θ Endocarditis.
Inclined to be active.
Lying down : bones of skull painful ; limbs feel numb.
Must lie down : vertigo.
In dyspnoea no position relieves.
Sitting : knees pain as if firmly bandaged.
Must sit down : paralytic symptoms.
Must sit erect : heart disease.
Rising : vertigo goes off ; raises only a little phlegm ; pain in head and limbs goes off.
Stooping : vertigo, as if turning in a circle ; tension in neck.
Walking : vertigo, as if drunk ; headache ; palpitation so bad must stop ; right knee weak ; relieves swelling of feet.
Motion : vertigo ; headache.
Exertion : beating of heart.
From overexertion during confinement. θ Palpitation.
Wants to jump out of window : during labor.
^^ Exercise, even fatigue, aids the action.
Has to seize and grasp left arm tightly during attack of palpitation.
Touch : aggravates boring pains in skull, pains in eyes, pains in swollen parotids, soreness of nasal bones and upper jaw, soreness of gums, pains in testicles, soreness in inguinal region.
Rubbing : causes blotches on leg to feel like thick nodosities.
Pressure : aggravates eye symptoms.
Riding : produces palpitation.
Lifting : causes prolapse of uterus.
After a fall. Swelling in groin.
Nervous system
Increased bodily and mental activity, followed by prostration and melancholy.
Hysterical symptoms, cold hands and feet. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Increased bodily irritability.
Hypochondriasis and hysteria.
In morning completely exhausted, as if he had not slept.
Tremulous agitation, as in joyous hope.
Hysterical spasms ; alternate laughter and crying.
When thinking of a motion, he makes small motions without knowing it ; when speaking he smiles involuntarily.
Sensation of internal emptiness and weakness of whole body.
Great nervous weakness.
Great debility. θ Heart affection in old age.
Convulsive movements of face and limbs. θ Typhus.
Alternate convulsions and stupor. θ Typhus.
Wavering, uncertain walk. θ Melancholy.
Hysterical symptoms, cold hands and feet. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Increased bodily irritability.
Hypochondriasis and hysteria.
In morning completely exhausted, as if he had not slept.
Tremulous agitation, as in joyous hope.
Hysterical spasms ; alternate laughter and crying.
When thinking of a motion, he makes small motions without knowing it ; when speaking he smiles involuntarily.
Sensation of internal emptiness and weakness of whole body.
Great nervous weakness.
Great debility. θ Heart affection in old age.
Convulsive movements of face and limbs. θ Typhus.
Alternate convulsions and stupor. θ Typhus.
Wavering, uncertain walk. θ Melancholy.
Feels fagged in evening, yet not able to sleep.
Looks and feels ill, and although weary, no inclination for either rest or sleep.
Very wakeful, well up to work ; great mental activity.
Continuing sleeplessness ; if he falls asleep erotic dreams, erection and emission. θ Melancholy.
Frightful dreams.
Narcosis with uramia.
Sobs aloud during sleep ; frightful dreams about thieves, with loud screams.
Awake all night, no pain ; no lassitude or sleepiness in morning.
Sleep disturbed by sexual excitement. θ Hysteria.
Sleeplessness. θ Headache.
Sleepless after midnight.
Awakened by bone pains, suffering so great he despairs, does not want to live.
Bruised feeling ; mornings in bed.
Sleep does not refresh.
Two successive nights dreamed a great deal of death.
Early in morning in bed weary pains in right tarsal bones.
Bad nights, dreaming of dead and of corpses.
Dreams towards morning.
Sleep restless and full of anxious dreams. θ Hemiopia.
Night : boring, aching in left eye bone pains ; colic and passing wind.
Nocturnal bone pains.
After 3 A. M. : delirious talk.
Morning : headache ; confusion of head early, on rising ; eyes.
Noon : pressure in epigastrium.
Remission during day and evening, until 12 P. M.
Evening : expectoration ; satiety of life at 6 P. M. ; testicle swells ; chill.
Evening till midnight : violent itching.
Evening and morning : expectoration.
Always worse as day progresses, and better in morning. θ Hemiopia.
Sunset to sunrise : cough.
In bed : shivering ; legs cold.
Warm air : asthma.
Air : aggravates toothache.
Desire for open air. θ Adiposis.
Open air : vertigo, as if drunk ; swelling of nose ; aggravates asthma, and stinging and burning pains ; better headache.
Averse to uncover.
Getting cold : paralytic drawing in limbs.
Cold water : ameliorates pain in eyes.
Wet weather : aggravates asthma.
Very sensitive to cold : over whole body.
Generally better growing warm. θ Headache.
Many symptoms disappear after washing.
Looks and feels ill, and although weary, no inclination for either rest or sleep.
Very wakeful, well up to work ; great mental activity.
Continuing sleeplessness ; if he falls asleep erotic dreams, erection and emission. θ Melancholy.
Frightful dreams.
Narcosis with uramia.
Sobs aloud during sleep ; frightful dreams about thieves, with loud screams.
Awake all night, no pain ; no lassitude or sleepiness in morning.
Sleep disturbed by sexual excitement. θ Hysteria.
Sleeplessness. θ Headache.
Sleepless after midnight.
Awakened by bone pains, suffering so great he despairs, does not want to live.
Bruised feeling ; mornings in bed.
Sleep does not refresh.
Two successive nights dreamed a great deal of death.
Early in morning in bed weary pains in right tarsal bones.
Bad nights, dreaming of dead and of corpses.
Dreams towards morning.
Sleep restless and full of anxious dreams. θ Hemiopia.
Night : boring, aching in left eye bone pains ; colic and passing wind.
Nocturnal bone pains.
After 3 A. M. : delirious talk.
Morning : headache ; confusion of head early, on rising ; eyes.
Noon : pressure in epigastrium.
Remission during day and evening, until 12 P. M.
Evening : expectoration ; satiety of life at 6 P. M. ; testicle swells ; chill.
Evening till midnight : violent itching.
Evening and morning : expectoration.
Always worse as day progresses, and better in morning. θ Hemiopia.
Sunset to sunrise : cough.
In bed : shivering ; legs cold.
Warm air : asthma.
Air : aggravates toothache.
Desire for open air. θ Adiposis.
Open air : vertigo, as if drunk ; swelling of nose ; aggravates asthma, and stinging and burning pains ; better headache.
Averse to uncover.
Getting cold : paralytic drawing in limbs.
Cold water : ameliorates pain in eyes.
Wet weather : aggravates asthma.
Very sensitive to cold : over whole body.
Generally better growing warm. θ Headache.
Many symptoms disappear after washing.
Common symptoms
In room : swelling of nose ; stinging, burning pains .
Oversensitive to all pain.
Pains drive to despair, does not want to live.
Susceptible to all sorts of pains ; on thinking of them, he imagines he already feels them.
As if a current of air was rushing through head ; skull bones as if broken ; as if a knife was drawn across testicle ; as if blood was boiling ; as if heart stood still ; teeth feel too long ; as if heart was turning round ; as of a bladder hanging in left chest ; knees as if firmly bandaged.
Violent pain in left forehead and eye.
Boring : hemicrania ; behind left ear ; in nasal bones ; in bones of face ; in hard palate ; in left shoulder ; in right forearm ; in finger joints ; in tibia ; ankles and dorsa of feet.
Cutting : through eyes neuralgia in face and head ; in right hypochonder ; through swollen testicle ; in perineum.
Stitching : megrim ; in nose ; below left ribs.
Stitches : in chest ; inner canthus.
Shooting : in uterus ; through chest ; towards knee from tarsal bones ; through back.
Pricking : in forehead ; in eyelids ; in mastoid process.
Stinging : in eyelids ; neuralgia in face and head ; in throat ; in swelling of epigastrium ; in perineum ; in small of back.
Smarting : in nose ; of vulva.
Soreness : in nose ; in throat.
Burning : megrim ; in eyelids ; in mastoid process ; in nose ; at stomach ; in right hypochonder ; in rectum ; on vertex ; of vulva.
Drawing : around the eyes ; inner canthus ; in jaws ; in uterus ; at pubes ; in right knee ; in limbs.
Tearing : from side of head through brain ; deep in brain ; in forehead, temples and vertex ; in teeth and ears ; in jaws ; neuralgia in face and head ; toothache.
Cramplike tearing : in bones of wrists.
Pressure : in left temple ; in eyeballs ; in submaxillary glands ; in region of stomach ; to left of scrobiculum ; in the hypochondria ; in bladder ; in right testicle.
Aching : dull, heavy, in eyeball.
Bruised pain : in head ; in right testicle ; in uterus ; in limbs.
Weary pains : in right tarsal bones.
Undefined pain : in bones of head ; in nasal bones ; in liver and pit of stomach ; in heart.
Undefined : at lower part of spine ; in right elbow ; in lower part of back.
Beating : in forehead.
Uncomfortable feeling : in forehead.
Tension : in eyes ; in lower jaw ; in right testicle ; in neck.
Constriction : of chest.
Spasmodic sensation : about heart.
Twitching : in upper lid.
Jumping feeling : of the heart.
Paralytic feeling : in lower limbs ; in knees.
Heaviness : in abdomen ; in forearm.
Numbness : of limbs.
Dryness : in ears and nose ; in mouth.
Heat : in eyes ; in chest ; of head.
Itching : in eyelids ; in mastoid process ; of inner canthus ; in nose ; in right groin ; of the scrotum ; of palms ; of soles.
Rheumatism appears on back, sacrum, hands and feet, after the heat is relieved.
Boring pains, mostly in the bones.
Crampy tearing pain in phalangeal bones and joints.
Arthritic deposits.
Bone pains at night.
Osteitis ; caries.
Ulcers after abuse of mercury, which attack bones.
Erethism or vascular fulness characterizes nearly all complaints ; thus ruddy with scrofula, vascular leukoma, congestive asthma, ebullitions, erections, congested kidneys and liver-all from hypertrophied heart.
Violent orgasm ; plethora.
Cancerous ulcers.
External parts become black.
Dropsy ; ascites ; albuminuria and heart affections (urine is clear and gold-colored).
Exostoses of skull and other bones.
Boring in bones ; caries especially after mercury ; pains drive to despair.
Corpulency ; fat about heart ; especially if nervous irritability is present.
Glands painfully swollen ; scrofula, ruddy complexion.
Emaciation ; secondary syphilis ; also in melancholia.
Rheumatism, erratic ; attacking the heart.
Arthrocace scrofulosis.
Oversensitive to all pain.
Pains drive to despair, does not want to live.
Susceptible to all sorts of pains ; on thinking of them, he imagines he already feels them.
As if a current of air was rushing through head ; skull bones as if broken ; as if a knife was drawn across testicle ; as if blood was boiling ; as if heart stood still ; teeth feel too long ; as if heart was turning round ; as of a bladder hanging in left chest ; knees as if firmly bandaged.
Violent pain in left forehead and eye.
Boring : hemicrania ; behind left ear ; in nasal bones ; in bones of face ; in hard palate ; in left shoulder ; in right forearm ; in finger joints ; in tibia ; ankles and dorsa of feet.
Cutting : through eyes neuralgia in face and head ; in right hypochonder ; through swollen testicle ; in perineum.
Stitching : megrim ; in nose ; below left ribs.
Stitches : in chest ; inner canthus.
Shooting : in uterus ; through chest ; towards knee from tarsal bones ; through back.
Pricking : in forehead ; in eyelids ; in mastoid process.
Stinging : in eyelids ; neuralgia in face and head ; in throat ; in swelling of epigastrium ; in perineum ; in small of back.
Smarting : in nose ; of vulva.
Soreness : in nose ; in throat.
Burning : megrim ; in eyelids ; in mastoid process ; in nose ; at stomach ; in right hypochonder ; in rectum ; on vertex ; of vulva.
Drawing : around the eyes ; inner canthus ; in jaws ; in uterus ; at pubes ; in right knee ; in limbs.
Tearing : from side of head through brain ; deep in brain ; in forehead, temples and vertex ; in teeth and ears ; in jaws ; neuralgia in face and head ; toothache.
Cramplike tearing : in bones of wrists.
Pressure : in left temple ; in eyeballs ; in submaxillary glands ; in region of stomach ; to left of scrobiculum ; in the hypochondria ; in bladder ; in right testicle.
Aching : dull, heavy, in eyeball.
Bruised pain : in head ; in right testicle ; in uterus ; in limbs.
Weary pains : in right tarsal bones.
Undefined pain : in bones of head ; in nasal bones ; in liver and pit of stomach ; in heart.
Undefined : at lower part of spine ; in right elbow ; in lower part of back.
Beating : in forehead.
Uncomfortable feeling : in forehead.
Tension : in eyes ; in lower jaw ; in right testicle ; in neck.
Constriction : of chest.
Spasmodic sensation : about heart.
Twitching : in upper lid.
Jumping feeling : of the heart.
Paralytic feeling : in lower limbs ; in knees.
Heaviness : in abdomen ; in forearm.
Numbness : of limbs.
Dryness : in ears and nose ; in mouth.
Heat : in eyes ; in chest ; of head.
Itching : in eyelids ; in mastoid process ; of inner canthus ; in nose ; in right groin ; of the scrotum ; of palms ; of soles.
Rheumatism appears on back, sacrum, hands and feet, after the heat is relieved.
Boring pains, mostly in the bones.
Crampy tearing pain in phalangeal bones and joints.
Arthritic deposits.
Bone pains at night.
Osteitis ; caries.
Ulcers after abuse of mercury, which attack bones.
Erethism or vascular fulness characterizes nearly all complaints ; thus ruddy with scrofula, vascular leukoma, congestive asthma, ebullitions, erections, congested kidneys and liver-all from hypertrophied heart.
Violent orgasm ; plethora.
Cancerous ulcers.
External parts become black.
Dropsy ; ascites ; albuminuria and heart affections (urine is clear and gold-colored).
Exostoses of skull and other bones.
Boring in bones ; caries especially after mercury ; pains drive to despair.
Corpulency ; fat about heart ; especially if nervous irritability is present.
Glands painfully swollen ; scrofula, ruddy complexion.
Emaciation ; secondary syphilis ; also in melancholia.
Rheumatism, erratic ; attacking the heart.
Arthrocace scrofulosis.
Chill predominating.
Chill and coldness of hands and feet, also in bed, often lasting all night.
General shivering, evenings in bed.
Coldness of whole body with blue nails and nausea.
Cold hands and feet ; sometimes lasting all night ; want of thirst.
Chill lessened after getting out of bed ; shivering in bed, legs cold as far as knees.
The severer the pains, the colder she becomes.
Heat only in face ; aversion to uncovering ; cold hands and feet.
Heat most in face, alternating with chill.
Sweat early in morning ; mostly on and around genitals. θ Melancholy.
Profuse perspiration. θ Endocarditis.
Every day several paroxysms. θ Palpitation of heart.
Paroxysm of palpitation every 2, 3 weeks, coming on when sleeping, walking or riding, lasting half hour.
Pains come and go : neuralgia of head.
Every night from sunset to sunrise : dry, nervous cough.
Right : pain in side of occiput ; caries of nasal bones ; upper jaw painful ; boring in zygoma ; cutting and heat in hypochondrium ; testicle swollen ; inguinal region sore ; boring in forearm : bone pains in elbow.
Left : tearing in head, teeth and ears ; boring in tumor on eye ; hemiopia ; boring behind ear ; boring in nasal bone ; neuralgia of head ; pressure in scrobiculum ; gas accumulates under ribs ; sensation of a bladder hanging in chest ; boring in shoulder ; seizes arm during palpitation.
Without inward : pains in eyes.
Pains wander from joint to joint.
Rending pain upward.
Pain pressing inward.
Pain from within outward, in eye diseases.
Left side worse, with nasal catarrh.
Chill and coldness of hands and feet, also in bed, often lasting all night.
General shivering, evenings in bed.
Coldness of whole body with blue nails and nausea.
Cold hands and feet ; sometimes lasting all night ; want of thirst.
Chill lessened after getting out of bed ; shivering in bed, legs cold as far as knees.
The severer the pains, the colder she becomes.
Heat only in face ; aversion to uncovering ; cold hands and feet.
Heat most in face, alternating with chill.
Sweat early in morning ; mostly on and around genitals. θ Melancholy.
Profuse perspiration. θ Endocarditis.
Every day several paroxysms. θ Palpitation of heart.
Paroxysm of palpitation every 2, 3 weeks, coming on when sleeping, walking or riding, lasting half hour.
Pains come and go : neuralgia of head.
Every night from sunset to sunrise : dry, nervous cough.
Right : pain in side of occiput ; caries of nasal bones ; upper jaw painful ; boring in zygoma ; cutting and heat in hypochondrium ; testicle swollen ; inguinal region sore ; boring in forearm : bone pains in elbow.
Left : tearing in head, teeth and ears ; boring in tumor on eye ; hemiopia ; boring behind ear ; boring in nasal bone ; neuralgia of head ; pressure in scrobiculum ; gas accumulates under ribs ; sensation of a bladder hanging in chest ; boring in shoulder ; seizes arm during palpitation.
Without inward : pains in eyes.
Pains wander from joint to joint.
Rending pain upward.
Pain pressing inward.
Pain from within outward, in eye diseases.
Left side worse, with nasal catarrh.
Jaundice with greenish-brown urine and costiveness for twelve days.
Skin dark yellow. θ Jaundice.
Patches of a brown hue and some like albugo. θ Old age.
^^ Violent itching, first in soles of feet and then over whole body, from evening till midnight.
Fine papular eruption on face.
Deep ulcers, affecting bones ; after abuse of mercury.
Small and large blotches, stinging burning, feeling like hard knots, of a dirty yellow color ; less in-doors than in open air.
Indurations under skin on leg, over heel and behind knee, itching violently.
Warts, scrofulous, syphilitic, mercurial.
Skin dark yellow. θ Jaundice.
Patches of a brown hue and some like albugo. θ Old age.
^^ Violent itching, first in soles of feet and then over whole body, from evening till midnight.
Fine papular eruption on face.
Deep ulcers, affecting bones ; after abuse of mercury.
Small and large blotches, stinging burning, feeling like hard knots, of a dirty yellow color ; less in-doors than in open air.
Indurations under skin on leg, over heel and behind knee, itching violently.
Warts, scrofulous, syphilitic, mercurial.
Patient type and constitution
Sanguine people, with black hair and dark eyes, lively, restless, anxious disposition ; disposed to feel anxious about the future.
Headache of people with black hair, dark, olive brown complexion ; disposed to constipation ; sad, gloomy, taciturn.
Constitutions broken down by combined influence of syphilis and mercury.
Had syphilis ten years ago. θ Hemiopia.
Low-spirited, lifeless pining boys, their memories bad, lacking altogether in boyish go.
Carbo-nitrogenoid constitution.
Females. Nervous cough ; hysteria.
Girls at puberty.
Often indicated with old people ; weak vision ; corpulency, etc.
Scrofula ; light-haired ; sanguine temperament ; ruddy complexion.
Syphilitic and mercurial patients.
Man, at. 34, troubled with headache and hemorrhoidal complaints, now tired of life.
Man, at. 35, sanguine, nervous, strong ; after gonorrhoea. θ Melancholy.
Woman, at. 55, after third week of rheumatic fever. θ Endocarditis.
Woman, at. 70, oppression of heart.
Man, at. 85, oppression of heart.
Man, at. 63, florid complexion, sanguine temperament. θ Melanosis of eye.
Man, at. 52, whisky drinker. θ Decrease of vision.
In spite of daily use of whisky, and not abstaining from its use, got well. θ Hemiopia.
Headache of people with black hair, dark, olive brown complexion ; disposed to constipation ; sad, gloomy, taciturn.
Constitutions broken down by combined influence of syphilis and mercury.
Had syphilis ten years ago. θ Hemiopia.
Low-spirited, lifeless pining boys, their memories bad, lacking altogether in boyish go.
Carbo-nitrogenoid constitution.
Females. Nervous cough ; hysteria.
Girls at puberty.
Often indicated with old people ; weak vision ; corpulency, etc.
Scrofula ; light-haired ; sanguine temperament ; ruddy complexion.
Syphilitic and mercurial patients.
Man, at. 34, troubled with headache and hemorrhoidal complaints, now tired of life.
Man, at. 35, sanguine, nervous, strong ; after gonorrhoea. θ Melancholy.
Woman, at. 55, after third week of rheumatic fever. θ Endocarditis.
Woman, at. 70, oppression of heart.
Man, at. 85, oppression of heart.
Man, at. 63, florid complexion, sanguine temperament. θ Melanosis of eye.
Man, at. 52, whisky drinker. θ Decrease of vision.
In spite of daily use of whisky, and not abstaining from its use, got well. θ Hemiopia.
Dif. diagnostics
Similar to : Ammonium carb. (chest, heart) ; Argentum met., Argentum nitr., Arsen., Asaf. (pains about eyes ; but Asafoetida has relief from pressure ; caries from mercury) ; вellad., сapsic. (caries of mastoid ; corpulency) ; сalcarea ostr. (leucophlegmatic, corpulent ; gold has more oversensitiveness and erethism) ; сalcarea phosph., сoccul. (empty feeling) ; сinchon., сoffea (hyper-excitation) ; сuprum (asthma) ; Digit. (heart ; inclined to activity) ; Ferrum (hyperemia) ; Glonoine (hyperemia of lung from heart) ; Hepar, Iodum, Kali bichr. (deep ulcers, scrofulous ophthalmia, ozana, secondary syphilis) ; Kali carb., Kali hydr. (secondary syphilis ; mercurial affections of bones and periosteum) ; Kali brom. (anguish at heart and desire to move about) ; Laches., Lycop., Mercur., Nitr. ac., Nux vom. (hernia, prolapsed uterus) ; Pallad. (uterine symptoms) ; Platina (uterine symptoms) ; Pulsat., Spigel., Sol. nigr., Silicea, Sepia, Sulphur, Tarantul. (heart as if turned around ; hysteria) ; Thuya (condylomata) ; Verbascum vir. (heart).
After Kali bichr. had been given in vain, Aurum fol. cured ozana, and caries of nasal bones.
Antidotes to Aurum : вellad., сinchon., сoccul., сoffea, сuprum, Mercur., Pulsat., Spigel., Sol. nigr.
Aurum antidotes : Mercur., Spigel.
Aurum met., 2d trituration, from July 16th to 21st, twice a day, subsequently, once in four days for sixteen days, cured melanosis of eye, after Thuya, сarb. an., сonium, вellad. and Arsen. had failed.
Antidote to ill effects of mercury.
After having taken large quantities of iodide of potash. θ Hemiopia.
After Kali bichr. had been given in vain, Aurum fol. cured ozana, and caries of nasal bones.
Antidotes to Aurum : вellad., сinchon., сoccul., сoffea, сuprum, Mercur., Pulsat., Spigel., Sol. nigr.
Aurum antidotes : Mercur., Spigel.
Aurum met., 2d trituration, from July 16th to 21st, twice a day, subsequently, once in four days for sixteen days, cured melanosis of eye, after Thuya, сarb. an., сonium, вellad. and Arsen. had failed.
Antidote to ill effects of mercury.
After having taken large quantities of iodide of potash. θ Hemiopia.
Included in the composition
- 2.9€ Cartillago compositum
- 2.5€ Иммунокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Иохимбе (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.1-2.5€ Ларинготокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.1-2.5€ Энерджик (Фитасинтекс)
- 1.9€ Бронзовый всадник (Вербена)
- — Sepia-plus (Доктор Н)
- 5€ Иммуниум (Фитасинтекс)
- 7.6-9.8€ Galium-heel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy №19
- — Flowers Energy №49
- 11€ Flowers Energy №92
- — Aurum comp (ТАЛИОН-А )
- — Cardiac tone (ТАЛИОН-А )
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug






