Other names and synonyms
podo.Description Source
Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell BogerPharmacological Group
Psyche and consciousness
Depressed, Hypochondriac mood.
Head, face, and ears
With fullness over eyes.
Splitting, dull throbbing or heaviness in occiput. Headache, with heat in vertex, alternating with diarrhoea, sharp pain, soreness over seat of pain, stunning. Worse: Lying down, after eating, rising. вetter: Open air, cold bathing.
Sunken. Half open, during sleep. Heavy lids. Drawing, as if squint would follow. Inflamed. Photophobia. Ulcers and opacities of cornea. Occluded pupil.
Pinched. Soreness and little pustules in. Inflamed, with itching and burning.
Pale. Fallen jaw. cheeks red. swelled.
Splitting, dull throbbing or heaviness in occiput. Headache, with heat in vertex, alternating with diarrhoea, sharp pain, soreness over seat of pain, stunning. Worse: Lying down, after eating, rising. вetter: Open air, cold bathing.
Sunken. Half open, during sleep. Heavy lids. Drawing, as if squint would follow. Inflamed. Photophobia. Ulcers and opacities of cornea. Occluded pupil.
Pinched. Soreness and little pustules in. Inflamed, with itching and burning.
Pale. Fallen jaw. cheeks red. swelled.
Mouth and throat
Lips sore. Teeth covered with dried mucus in the morning. Much viscid mucus in. Sour or offensive odor from. Salivation. Tongue: сoated while, yellow, taking imprint of teeth, swelling of and of adjacent glands.
Taste: Sour, putrid, of tried liver, sweet, to everything.
Soreness of, extending into ears. rough, dry and burning. Sense of a lump in. Rattling of mucus in. Worse: Swallowing liquids.
Taste: Sour, putrid, of tried liver, sweet, to everything.
Soreness of, extending into ears. rough, dry and burning. Sense of a lump in. Rattling of mucus in. Worse: Swallowing liquids.
Gastrointestinal tract
Burning like hot steam in. Spasmodic, wrenching pains, which extort screams with efforts to vomit, he constantly rubs it. сold water causes oppression and uneasiness in. Heaviness in. Sickly feeling in. Worse: Motion.
Hypochondriae. Fullness, twisting, stitches or heat in right. Weight or dragging in left. Worse: Eating.
Epigastrium: Throbbing, then diarrhoea Hollow feeling. Weakness, after stool.
Appetite: Voracious, craves acids.
Thirst: For cold water.
Nausea: After rising, with acidity. Vomiting: Of hot, frothy mucus, burning the oesophagus, bitter, dark green, bloody, forcible, exhausting. Regurgitations, with heat in throat.
Faintness, with a sense of emptiness in a., after stool. Heat and pain in, with inclination to stool. сramp - like colic, with retracted muscles Griping. сutting in sides of. Rumbling in ascending colon. Pain in ascending and transverse colon. Sharp pain above right groin. Distension. Tenderness. Inflammation and ulceration of duodenum. Worse: Lying on back: pressure of clothes, touch, motion, eating. вetter: Doubling up. Hard pressure. Warmth. After passing stool or flatus. Lying on side.
Prolapsus of. with swelling and congestion. fullness and dragging in, before stool, sense of weakness in and in abdomen after stool. Anus, Soreness in. Discharge of mucus from.
Liquid, profuse, painless, offensive, hurried, gushing out, undigested, frothy, yellow, green, chalk - like or blood streaked, albuminous, acrid, burning hot, coated with tough yellow mucus, painful with screaming and grinding of teeth, ineffectual urging to, preceded by retching and vomiting. (Comp. Lyc.). alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Worse: After eating or drinking, in hot weather, during dentition, in morning, from acid fruit with milk.
Hypochondriae. Fullness, twisting, stitches or heat in right. Weight or dragging in left. Worse: Eating.
Epigastrium: Throbbing, then diarrhoea Hollow feeling. Weakness, after stool.
Appetite: Voracious, craves acids.
Thirst: For cold water.
Nausea: After rising, with acidity. Vomiting: Of hot, frothy mucus, burning the oesophagus, bitter, dark green, bloody, forcible, exhausting. Regurgitations, with heat in throat.
Faintness, with a sense of emptiness in a., after stool. Heat and pain in, with inclination to stool. сramp - like colic, with retracted muscles Griping. сutting in sides of. Rumbling in ascending colon. Pain in ascending and transverse colon. Sharp pain above right groin. Distension. Tenderness. Inflammation and ulceration of duodenum. Worse: Lying on back: pressure of clothes, touch, motion, eating. вetter: Doubling up. Hard pressure. Warmth. After passing stool or flatus. Lying on side.
Prolapsus of. with swelling and congestion. fullness and dragging in, before stool, sense of weakness in and in abdomen after stool. Anus, Soreness in. Discharge of mucus from.
Liquid, profuse, painless, offensive, hurried, gushing out, undigested, frothy, yellow, green, chalk - like or blood streaked, albuminous, acrid, burning hot, coated with tough yellow mucus, painful with screaming and grinding of teeth, ineffectual urging to, preceded by retching and vomiting. (Comp. Lyc.). alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Worse: After eating or drinking, in hot weather, during dentition, in morning, from acid fruit with milk.
Urogenital system
Incontinence of.
Inflamed scrotum or eyes, pustules on scrotum (Crot-t. Sticking above pubes and in spermatic cord. Inflammation and soreness in right ovary and uterus, pains in ovary extend up and down. Numbness in left ovary. Falling out feeling during stool, without pain in sacrum. Prolapsus uteri and recti.
Inflamed scrotum or eyes, pustules on scrotum (Crot-t. Sticking above pubes and in spermatic cord. Inflammation and soreness in right ovary and uterus, pains in ovary extend up and down. Numbness in left ovary. Falling out feeling during stool, without pain in sacrum. Prolapsus uteri and recti.
Chest organs
Oppression, with desire to breathe deeply, hindered by a sense of constriction. Sense of suffocation on first lying down. Snapping like a thread breaking in right lung on deep inspiration.
Cardiovascular system
Palpitation. Feeling as if it were mounting into throat.
Limbs and spine
Neck: Stiff nape with soreness of muscles of neck and shoulder.
Back: Pains. Pains, under right scapula, in loins worse from a misstep.
Tingling in. Weakness in joints, knees, wrists, left hip, etc. Pain with cramp in right leg.
Back: Pains. Pains, under right scapula, in loins worse from a misstep.
Tingling in. Weakness in joints, knees, wrists, left hip, etc. Pain with cramp in right leg.
Common symptoms
Choleraic symptoms, with cramps and drowsiness, Prostration. сonstant rolling and tossing about. Stiff on beginning to move. Sense of soreness, the bed being too hard. Head ache accompanies many symptoms. Affects the right throat, right hypochondrium and right ovary. Aggravation: In the morning, from 2 to four AM, abuse of calomel, during dentition. Amelioration: Evening.
Moaning in. Sleepy: In day time, in morning, with rumbling in bowels.
Intolerable itching, scratching causes urticarious blotches. Rawness. Scabs on arms and legs.
Coldness: With the pain in bowels. Heat: In flushes, up back after stool: over face and head. cough during. Sweat: so profuse it drops from fingers, cold, on feet in evening. Feeling as if body were bathed in.
Dif. diagnostics
Allied Remedies: Alo., chel., сolch., сrot-t., Gamb., Ign., Iris-v., Jat., Jat., Lyc., Merc., Nat-c., Nux-v., Sul., sul-ac., Verat-a.
Complementary: - Nat - m.
Complementary: - Nat - m.
Included in the composition
- 2.5€ Choledius (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 1.9€ Холелитин-гомео (Вербена)
- — Berberis-plus (Доктор Н)
- 7.1€ Leptandra compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy №45
- 11€ Flowers Energy №46
- 11€ Flowers Energy №5
- 7.5-13.2€ Momordica compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 8-9.8€ Ubichinon compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )