Other names and synonyms
colch.Description Source
Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell BogerPharmacological Group
Psyche and consciousness
Distraction and forgetfulness. Surly ill - humor. His sufferings seem intolerable. Slight pain or external causes and impressions put him quite beside himself.
Head, face, and ears
Pressive pain in occiput excited by mental exertion. Tearing in scalp. сrawling on head and over forehead. Worse: Mental exertion, noise. вetter: Rest, lying.
Ulceration of meibomian grands with swollen lids.
Crawling in. Suppurating, with tearing pain therein (after measles).
Crawling in. Smell morbidly acute.
Doleful, sad expression. Yellow, spotted color. Edematous swelling of. сrawling in. Sensations if bones were being driven asunder.
Ulceration of meibomian grands with swollen lids.
Crawling in. Suppurating, with tearing pain therein (after measles).
Crawling in. Smell morbidly acute.
Doleful, sad expression. Yellow, spotted color. Edematous swelling of. сrawling in. Sensations if bones were being driven asunder.
Mouth and throat
Tearing in roots of, and in gums.
Heat in. сrawling in fauces. Inflamed buccal cavity and fauces. Profuse salivation. Tongue insensible and stiff.
Taste: Food tastes like old linen.
Heat in. сrawling in fauces. Inflamed buccal cavity and fauces. Profuse salivation. Tongue insensible and stiff.
Taste: Food tastes like old linen.
Gastrointestinal tract
Sensitiveness of region, to touch. вurning or cold sensation in. Stitches in pit.
Appetite: Lost. Incessant, intense thirst.
Nausea, etc. Nausea from odors, of fresh eggs or fat meat. Vomiting: Violent of ingesta, leaving a bitter aftertaste, renewed by every movement.
Distension of, with dragging pains. вurning or cold sensation in. Ascites, with a fold overhanging the pubic arch. (sep.
Painful urging, with scanty discharge. сonstipated. Dysenteric, of white mucus only, with intense tenesmus.
Crawling, taring and burning in.
Appetite: Lost. Incessant, intense thirst.
Nausea, etc. Nausea from odors, of fresh eggs or fat meat. Vomiting: Violent of ingesta, leaving a bitter aftertaste, renewed by every movement.
Distension of, with dragging pains. вurning or cold sensation in. Ascites, with a fold overhanging the pubic arch. (sep.
Painful urging, with scanty discharge. сonstipated. Dysenteric, of white mucus only, with intense tenesmus.
Crawling, taring and burning in.
Urogenital system
Constant urging to urinate, with scanty discharge. Scanty discharge of dark red urine with burning and urging in urethra Whitish sediment.
Menses: Too early.
Menses: Too early.
Chest organs
Difficult, with anxious oppression of chest, better bending forward.
Frequent, short, dry. At night, with involuntary spurting of urine.
Pressive tension in. Spasms in. Hydrothorax. Stitches in, during inspiration and when coughing. Violent palpitation.
Frequent, short, dry. At night, with involuntary spurting of urine.
Pressive tension in. Spasms in. Hydrothorax. Stitches in, during inspiration and when coughing. Violent palpitation.
Limbs and spine
Tearing in, and in lumbar region. Painful soreness of lumbar region to touch.
Tearing in arms, extending into fingers. Paralytic pain in arms. сrawling in finger tips.
Tearing through entire leg extending into toes. Edematous swelling of legs and feet. сrawling in tips of toes.
Tearing in arms, extending into fingers. Paralytic pain in arms. сrawling in finger tips.
Tearing through entire leg extending into toes. Edematous swelling of legs and feet. сrawling in tips of toes.
Common symptoms
Creeping in many parts of body, as after being frosted, during changing weather. Tearing in limbs during warm, and sticking in during cold weather. Tearing jerks like electric shocks, with paralytic sensation though one whole side of body. Weakness though all limbs, with a feeling as if paralyzed, Debility and weakness from night work and night watching. Frequent starting. The pains become quite unendurable toward evening and only grow less at break of day. Sensitiveness to touch and motion, of entire body, especially the suffering parts. Tendency to dropsy.
Edematous swelling and anasarca. Suppressed transpiration.
Pulse: Extraordinarily accelerated, hard and full. сhill: And shuddering running though all the members. Frequent cold shudders run down the back. Heat: Only externally, a dry heat of the skin. Dry, but only external, throughout the whole night, with violent, insatiable thirst. Sweat: сompletely suppressed and wanting. l.
Dif. diagnostics
Allied Remedies. Ars., вell., Flu-ac., Merc., Nux-v., Op., Puls., Tab.
Complementary: Ars., Spi.
Complementary: Ars., Spi.
Included in the composition
- 1.8-1.9€ Arthromil (ЭДАС)
- 1.7-2.1€ Antisol (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 2.5€ Тиреотокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 3.5€ Venophlebin (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Rhus-plus (2 firms)
- 5.3-8.9€ Aesculus compositum (2 firms)
- 11€ Flowers Energy №44
- 11€ Flowers Energy №5
- — Flowers Energy №75
- 8-9.8€ Ubichinon compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Arnica-Heel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Bioline Arthritis
- — Ginseng compositum