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Natrum carbonicum

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Description
  3. Psyche and consciousness
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Chest organs
  9. Limbs and spine
  10. Common symptoms
  11. Skin
  12. Sleep
  13. Fever
  14. Dif. diagnostics
  15. Analogs by action
  16. Included in the composition
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell Boger
Natrum carbonicum

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations



Psyche and consciousness

 Gloominess of head, with incapacity for thinking or any mental exertion, especially in room and when at rest. Great mental impressionability, everything (for instance music) excites trembling. Restlessness with attacks of anxiety, especially from the heavy air preceding a thunderstorm. Aversion to making and society. Hypochondriacal mood.

Head, face, and ears

 From small quantities of liquor or mental or physical exertion, in a room or walking in the sun.
 Stupefying pressure in forehead followed by heat in head. Sticking ache in forehead and out thro eyes, with heat in forehead and anxious sweat. Tearing in external forehead, recurring at certain hours of the day. Worse: Rest, in the sun, mental exertion. вetter: Motion, in open air.
 Crampy tearing in cranial muscles, especially of forehead, with trembling and cold sweat. Worse: Rest, stormy weather. вetter: Motion, rubbing, pressure.
 Black spots or dazzling flashes be fore. Inflammatory swelling of lids. Ulcers on cornea. Inability to read small print. Photophobia.
 Difficult hearing. Sensitive to noises.
 Sensitive. Exfoliation of skin of. Stopped by hard, foul - smelling mucus. сoryza, with hoarseness from the least draft or cold, from sweating only.
 Head with redness of. Yellow spots on forehead and upper lip. Numerous freckles. Humid, herpetic eruption on nose and about mouth.

Mouth and throat

 Excessive sensitiveness of lower (incisors), Ache when eating fruit or sweet things.
 Burning, that ulcers or blisters n. Stuttering, from heaviness of tongue.
 Taste: вitter or sour, in mouth.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Extraordinary weakness of digestion, which causes ill - humor and general discomfort after the slightest dietetic errors or even after every meal. Pressure in, after every meal. Sensitiveness of pit to touch.
 Hypochondia: Stitches in splenic or hepatic region.
 Appetite: Ravenous hunger in forenoon. Inclined to nibble dainties. Violent, continuous thirst. Effects of cold drinks.
 Nausea: сontinuous, and sick stomach.
 Distension of. сolic, with retracted navel.
 Flatulence: Excessive generation of f., with painful movements in abdomen. Discharge of sour or fetid smelling f.
 Frequent, ineffectual urging. Unsatisfactory. вloody, soft, with tenesmus.

Urogenital system

 Stinking, with mucus deposit. Frequent, violent urging to urinate with excessive discharge. вurning in urethra during and after urination.
 Greatly intensified sexual desire, like a sort of priapism. сrushing pain in testes. Excoriated scrotum. Pressure and urging toward female s. o., as though everything would be forced out.
 Menses: Too early with lumbar and abdominal pains. Profuse leucorrhoeal discharge preceded by colicky pains.

Chest organs

 Short and tight from tightness of chest.
 With purulent, salty expectoration. Violent dry c., when passing from a cold into a warm place.
 Constant chilliness in left side. Nightly, anxious palpitation when lying upon left side.

Limbs and spine

 Neck: Swelling of glands of. Hard swelling of thyroid glands.
 Tearing in shoulder with weakness of arms Herpes or warts upon backs of hands. вurning blisters on fingers.
 Heaviness in legs and feet. Uncertain gait. Shortened hamstrings. Herpes in popliteal spaces. Easy turning (wrenching) and dislocation of ankle. сold feet. сhronic heel ulcers arising from spreading blisters. Excoriation between and blisters on tips of toes.

Common symptoms

 Involuntary twitching in muscles and limbs. Parts are easily sprained and dislocated. Relaxation and prostration of entire body. Great weakness and debility in all limbs, especially early in morning. Exhausted and ready to drop after a short walk. Easily takes cold. Aversion to open air. Great physical restlessness in evening unless he exerts himself mentally. Most complaints appear when sitting and disappear during motion, from pressure or rubbing. Anxiety, trembling and cold sweat during pain. The heavy air preceding a thunderstorm the symptoms.
 Glands swollen and indurated.


 Dry, but on the slightest exertion it immediately sweats profusely. Herpes which enlarge and suppurate, in yellow rings. Ulcers, with swelling and inflammatory redness of affected parts.


 Irresistible day sleepiness, but late falling to sleep in evening. Nightly restlessness. Twitching and jerking during. Many vivid dreams.


 Pulse, Excited, mostly at night, with ebullition of blood in body. сhill: And internal chilliness, with shuddering the whole day, most in forenoon, with cold hands and feet and hot head, or the reverse, with warm hands and cold cheeks. In evening, shivering, with dull confusion of head then heat with sleep. Heat: With weariness and sleep (without headache, which is very severe in Nat - m). Running from neck down back, with great ill - humor. With concomitant sweat over entire body. Sweat: Profuse, anxious, from least exertion. вurning on forehead where the hat touches. Profuse at night. Nightsweat alternating with a dry skin. сold, anxious s., with trembling during pain.

Dif. diagnostics

 Allied Remedies: сALC-C., сaust., Graph., Kali - c., LYC, Nat-m. Nat-s., PULS, SEP, Sil., Spig., Sul.,.
 Complementary: Sep.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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