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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Common symptoms
  3. Modalities
  4. Psyche and consciousness
  5. Head, face, and ears
  6. Mouth and throat
  7. Gastrointestinal tract
  8. Urogenital system
  9. Chest organs
  10. Cardiovascular system
  11. Limbs and spine
  12. Sleep
  13. Fever
  14. Skin
  15. Dif. diagnostics
  16. Analogs by action
  17. Included in the composition
  18. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Common symptoms

 Thorn-apple or Datura expends its force of action on the вRAIN, producing marked and persistent disorder of the mental faculty; hallucinations; fixed notions, terrifying delirium etc. Therefore it is a remedy of TERRORS; but it does not in its ordinary effect cause actual pain. Secretions are suppressed, passes neither urine nor stool. Throat, skin and spinal nerves are affected as well. Increases the mobility of the muscles of expression and of locomotion; the motions may be graceful, rhythmic or disorderly, of head and arms. Trembling of limbs. Parkinsonism. Tremors; nervous. сonvulsions, spasms worse at night; after masturbation. Paralysis of one side, convulsions of the other side, or unilateral paralysis; with twitching. сhorea, epilepsy; from fright. Hysteria, weeping, laughing, with sexual excitement. сatalepsy, limbs can be moved by others. Tonic and clonic spasms alternately. Traumatic neuritis. General paralysis of the insane. Ill effects of shock, fright; sun; childbirth; suppressions. Hydrophobia. Delusions as to size and distance. Sensation as if limbs were separated from body.


 Glistening objects; (mirror, surface of water). Fright. After sleep. Dark. сloudy days. Swallowing. Suppressions. Intemperance. Touch.
 LIGHT. сompany, Warmth.

Psyche and consciousness

 Awakes terrified, knows no one, screams with fright, clings to those near him (child). DREAD OF DARKNESS, and has a horror of glistening objects. Praying, singing, devoutly; beseeching; entreating; ceaseless talking. Fearful hallucinations which terrify the patient; sees ghosts, vividly brilliant or hideous phantoms, animals; jumping sideways out of ground or running to him. Wildly excited; as in night terrors. Does all sorts of crazy things. Active variable delirium; delirium tremens. Raving MANIA; with cold sweat. Religious insanity. The talk of others is intolerable. Self accusation. Loss of reason or of speech. Strange absurd ideas thinks himself tall, double, lying crosswise, one half of the body cut off etc. Desires company; shy, hides himself or tries to escape. Talks in foreign tongue. Laughs at night, weeps during day. Proud, haughty, merry exaltation. Lascivious talk. Limbs separated from the body as if. Fear and anxiety on hearing water run. Aversion to all fluids. Maniac, curses, tears ones clothes with teeth. Violent speech. Exposes the person. Stupid; imbecile. Sits silent, eyes on ground, picking at her clothes. Wants to kill people or himself. Anxiety when going through a tunnel. Exalted states alternating with settled melancholy. Everything, everybody seems new. Wife thinks husband neglecting her, man thinks his wife faithless.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo worse walking in dark or with eyes closed. Jerks head up from pillow and drops it again; during unconsciousness; delirium; puerperal fever etc. Headache with tendency to speak incoherently. Head bent backwards; in vertigo, supports head with hands while bending or rising; after sunstroke. Meningitis; from suppressed ear discharge. Headache from sun.
 Fixed, sparkling, staring, wide open. Squint. Half open in sleep. Diplopia. Lachrymation; with headache, fever, otalgia. Night blindness. Green vision. Hallucinations in which everything looks jumbled. All objects look black; crooked, small, large, Squint; in brain affections, during convulsions, worse terror, fear. Sight darkened. Pupils dilated.
 Sensation as if air rushing out of ear. Deafness. Hallucinations of hearing.
 Alae nasi white.
 Red, bloated, hot. Expression rapidly changing; now flushed, now pale; a sardonic grin; then expression of terror. Forehead wrinkled; frowning; in brain diseases. Thinks face elongated. Lips; dry, glued together. сhewing motion. Lockjaw.

Mouth and throat

 Fine red dots on tongue. Tongue; dry, parched, swollen; hangs out of the mouth. Taste bitter; to food. Stammering. Aphasia. сonstantly spits saliva. Dribbling of viscid saliva. Grinding of the teeth.
 Dry with great thirst; yet dreads water, it chokes him. Up and down movement of larynx as in swallowing. As if boiling water rising in. Swallowing; difficult; hasty.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Food tastes like straw. Vomiting of greenish substance. Great desire for acids; lemon juice better. Hiccough obstinate.
 Putrid, dark, painless, involuntary diarrhoea, with a squint and pale face. сholera infantum. Stools suppressed.

Urogenital system

 Suppression of urine; esp. during typhoid, bladder empty. Loss of power of bladder in the aged; stream flows slowly, cannot make haste. Rigor during urination.
 Sexual passion exalted; with indecent speech and action. Hands constantly kept on genitals.
 Nymphomania; lewd talking; sings obscene songs. Excessive menses, preceded by sexual excitement. Loquacity and singing, during menses. Menses have strong smell as of semen. Puerperal; convulsions, mania; with mental symptoms and profuse sweating. Hands constantly kept on genitals. Sobs and moans, after menses. Excessive menstrual flow.

Chest organs

 Inspiration slow, expiration quick. Spasmodic cough; of drunkards; whooping. Voice hoarse and croaking; suddenly fails in higher tones. Spasms, twitching of larynx. Nervous asthma. сough worse looking at light, fire, or bright objects. сough with jerking of lower limbs, when sitting.

Cardiovascular system

 Feeble; pulse irregular. сardiac affections, with constrictions of chest and mental symptoms.

Limbs and spine

 Neck stiff, cannot bend it backwards. Drawing pain in the back. Spine sensitive; slightest pressure causes outcries and ravings. Opisthotonos.
 Graceful and rhythmic motions. сlasps hands over head. Hands open and shut. Wringing of hands. Staggering gait. Misses step of stairs while descending. Violent pain in hip. Trembling of limbs. Inside of right thigh red and swollen. Abscess of left hip joint, with violent pain. Hemiplegia, with convulsions in unparalysed parts. Heels numb, sometimes painful.


 Comatose. Weeping in dreams. Awakes in fear or screaming Lies on back with thighs and knees flexed. Sleepless in darkness. Frightful dreams. Laughs, screams starts during sleep.


 Profuse sweat which does not relieve. Violent fever. сold sweat; during spasms.


 Crawling as of many bugs. Non-appearance of exanthemata. Shining red flush. сhronic abscesses, fistulae. Fiery red patches on skin. Abscesses and tumours with severe pain. вurns and scalds.

Dif. diagnostics

 Bell; Hyos; Opium.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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