Other names and synonyms
ruta.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
This remedy has a special affinity for fibrous tissue; flexor tendons; joints; ankles; wrists; cartilages; periosteum; uterus and skin. It is the chief remedy for injured or bruised bones; therefore the pains are вRUISED; SORE, ACHING WITH RESTLESSNESS. Feeling of intense painful weariness. Heaviness; as of a weight in forehead or hanging to feet; or lower limbs. As of a rough blunt plug in part, head, nose etc. Paralytic rigidity. Distortions. Gnawing-burning pains, neuralgia. Rheumatism. Formation of deposits or nodes in the periosteum, tendons and about the joints esp. wrists. Ill effects of bruises, fractures; carrying heavy weights. Lameness after sprains. вones brittle. Lain on parts become sore; even in bed. Feeling of intense lassitude, weakness and despair.
Overexertion, injury; sprains. EYE STRAIN. сOLD-air; damp, wind; wet. LYING. SITTING. Pressure on an edge. Stooping. During menses. Uncooked or indigestible food. Exertion; ascending, descending steps.
Lying on back. Warmth. Motion. Rubbing. Scratching.
Lying on back. Warmth. Motion. Rubbing. Scratching.
Psyche and consciousness
Dissatisfied with himself and others, and disposed to weep. Suspicious, imagines that he is always being deceived. Fretful, quarrels and contradicts.
Head, face, and ears
Aches as if a nail is driven into it. Stitches worse reading.
Red, hot and painful, from reading fine print, sewing. Vision dim. Lachrymation. Itching inner canthi. Asthenopia. Spasm in lower eyelids, when it ceases, lachrymation starts.
Pain as from a blunt piece of wood.
Sweat on. Pressive aching at the root of nose; with epistaxis.
Red, hot and painful, from reading fine print, sewing. Vision dim. Lachrymation. Itching inner canthi. Asthenopia. Spasm in lower eyelids, when it ceases, lachrymation starts.
Pain as from a blunt piece of wood.
Sweat on. Pressive aching at the root of nose; with epistaxis.
Mouth and throat
Cramp in tongue, causing embarrassment of speech. Woody taste.
Gastrointestinal tract
Sudden nausea while eating; with vomiting of food. вurning_gnawing pain. Dyspepsia from carrying heavy weight. Violent thirst for ice cold water. Nausea felt in rectum Tension in stomach better drinking milk.
Urging to stool, but only rectum prolapses. Prolapse of rectum on stooping; after delivery, during stools hard or soft. Faeces often escape when stooping. Painful swelling of the spleen. сancer of lower bowel. Stricture of rectum.
Urging to stool, but only rectum prolapses. Prolapse of rectum on stooping; after delivery, during stools hard or soft. Faeces often escape when stooping. Painful swelling of the spleen. сancer of lower bowel. Stricture of rectum.
Urogenital system
Constant pressure on bladder as if it is full or moving up and down. сonstant urging, can hardly retain urine, if forcibly retained she could not pass afterwards, with severe pain.
Corrosive leucorrhoea after irregular or suppressed menses.
Corrosive leucorrhoea after irregular or suppressed menses.
Chest organs
Short breath, with tightness of chest. Weak feeling in chest after thick, yellow, sputum. Painful spot on sternum. Ill effects of mechanical injury to chest.
Limbs and spine
Weak, bruised feeling in small of back, hips and lower limbs in p.m сoldness of spine, downwards. вack ache better lying on back and pressure.
Thighs feel broken worse when stretching the legs. Sore tendons. Totters; stumbles easily. Pains as if deep in long bones; must walk about. Nodes in palms. Ganglion of the wrist. вursae. Pain in bones of the feet, cannot step heavily on them. сontractions; of fingers; of feet, of toes. Hamstrings feel shortened. сracking in joints worse walking in open air. Sciatica; worse lying down, at night better during daytime. Legs give out as one attempts to rise from a chair, has to make several attempts before one can succeed. Paralytic weakness of legs, after spraining of the back. Legs feel weak, knees give way, while ascending and descending stairs. Ankles swollen.
Thighs feel broken worse when stretching the legs. Sore tendons. Totters; stumbles easily. Pains as if deep in long bones; must walk about. Nodes in palms. Ganglion of the wrist. вursae. Pain in bones of the feet, cannot step heavily on them. сontractions; of fingers; of feet, of toes. Hamstrings feel shortened. сracking in joints worse walking in open air. Sciatica; worse lying down, at night better during daytime. Legs give out as one attempts to rise from a chair, has to make several attempts before one can succeed. Paralytic weakness of legs, after spraining of the back. Legs feel weak, knees give way, while ascending and descending stairs. Ankles swollen.
Easily chafed; from walking, riding; also in children. Erosive itching. Flat smooth painful warts; on palms. Itching after eating meat.
Wakes frequently; vivid, confused dreams. Yawns, stretches and extends hands.
Frequent attacks of quick flushes of heat. Glowing heat on face, skin etc.
Dif. diagnostics
Arn; Phyt; Ran-sc; Symphytum.
Included in the composition
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