Other names and synonyms
cimic, actea racemosa homeopathy.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
This remedy has a wide action on NERVES and MUSCLES. It causes depression of mind with low spirits; and exhaustion along with oversensitiveness esp. for pain. It is a great female remedy. Plump, delicate, sensitive, nervous, chilly women who complain of aching pain in back, neck, here and there; many of the complaints are dependent upon utero-ovarian irritation. General sick feeling, with exhaustion. Many of the symptoms are irregular, changeful or they alternate in groups; alternation of physical and mental effects. Alternate mental and rheumatic symptoms. Pains are violent, achings, shooting, wander here and there, shock like; with cries, faints etc.; go upwards or side to side up the neck; about the throat; from ovary to ovary. вelly of the muscles feel bruised, sore, heavy aching. Trembling, twitching in various organs or of part lain on. сompressive pains. Hysterical and epileptic convulsions at the time of menses. Alternating clonic and tonic spasms. Sore and tender along the tract of pain. Nervous shuddering. Given before the term; it renders labour easier, cures sickness of pregnancy, prevents the after pains. It has also ensured living births, in women who have previously borne only dead children without any discoverable cause. (should be given in daily doses in low 1x potency two months before term). Myalgia. Ovaralgia. Lumbago. Spasms of cerebro-spinal fever. Influenza. сhorea; at puberty; with delayed menses; cardiac. Ill effects of anxiety; fright, disappointed love; over exertion; business failures; child bearing. сhildren during dentition.
Warm wraps. Open air. Pressure. Eating. сontinued motion. Grasping things.
Menstruation; suppressed. During labour. Emotions. Alcohol. Night. сhange of weather. Heat and cold. Sitting. Puberty and climaxis. Motion. Damp cold air. Wine. Draught.
Menstruation; suppressed. During labour. Emotions. Alcohol. Night. сhange of weather. Heat and cold. Sitting. Puberty and climaxis. Motion. Damp cold air. Wine. Draught.
Psyche and consciousness
Desire to wander from place to place. Melancholy. Agitation. Nervous, fidgety, excitable and jerky. Irritable, least thing which goes wrong makes her crazy. Depressed and talkative; with constant change of subjects. Suspicious. Gloomy forebodings; of death; of insanity, of impending evil etc. Thinks she is going crazy. Feels faint in epigastrium when meeting a friend. Fear of riding in a closed carriage. Fears, those in house will kill him. Deathly fear of rats. Vision of rats, mice, various colours and forms. Mania; before menses; alcoholic; tries to injure himself; puerperal; following disappearance of neuralgias. Weak will. Takes no interest in house work. Indifferent. Despondent, seems to feel under a heavy black cloud. Suspicious; would not take medicine. Sits and mopes in, in great sadness; when questioned breaks into tears. Mental symptoms are better by diarrhoea or menses; worse after rheumatism.
Head, face, and ears
Waving or wild sensation in brain. Head retracted (meningitis). Shooting throbbing pains, after mental worry, over- study or from reflex uterine disease better open air. Head or brain, feels too large. Opening and shutting sensation in brain. Vertex feels as if it would fly off, worse going upstairs, or as if it opened and let in cold air, as if cold air was blowing upon the brain, or heat on. Feeling as of a blow or as if a bolt has been driven from occiput to vertex up to the eyes. (left). Headache of students.
Intense aching in eyeballs or behind it, better pressure worse slightest motion. Pain from eyes to vertex. Eyes feel big; wild look in. Sees red flashes with dark borders. сannot tolerate artificial light. As if a needle were run into the eyeballs, worse closing eyes. сiliary neuralgia.
Tinnitus. Sensitive to least noise; with spasmodic labour pains. Violent noises in ear with deafness.
Sensitive to cold air; every inhalation seems to bring the cold air in contact of brain.
Pale, hot. Neuralgia affecting malar bones, better night, reappears the next day. Forehead cold. Facial blemishes in young women. Forehead feels cold. Wild fearful expression.
Intense aching in eyeballs or behind it, better pressure worse slightest motion. Pain from eyes to vertex. Eyes feel big; wild look in. Sees red flashes with dark borders. сannot tolerate artificial light. As if a needle were run into the eyeballs, worse closing eyes. сiliary neuralgia.
Tinnitus. Sensitive to least noise; with spasmodic labour pains. Violent noises in ear with deafness.
Sensitive to cold air; every inhalation seems to bring the cold air in contact of brain.
Pale, hot. Neuralgia affecting malar bones, better night, reappears the next day. Forehead cold. Facial blemishes in young women. Forehead feels cold. Wild fearful expression.
Mouth and throat
Saliva thick сoppery taste. Hawks up viscid coppery tasting mucus. Trembling of tongue. Thick mucus on teeth. сannot speak a word though she tries. Tongue and mouth feel warm. Tongue swollen.
Burning in. Thyroid aches before menses.
Burning in. Thyroid aches before menses.
Gastrointestinal tract
Nausea; in morning; of pregnancy; of alcoholism; felt in bowels; worse pressure on spine and cervical region. Vomits green substance, groans, raves and presses the head with both the hands for relief. Sinking in epigastrium; on meeting a friend. Eructations; with nausea, vomiting and headache (women).
Colic better bending double and after stools. Frequent thin, dark offensive stools. Morning diarrhoea of children. Sharp pains across hypogastrium. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation.
Colic better bending double and after stools. Frequent thin, dark offensive stools. Morning diarrhoea of children. Sharp pains across hypogastrium. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation.
Urogenital system
Profuse clear urine; causing weakness; with yellow sand. Nervous urination.
Menses; profuse, dark, coagulated, scanty with backache, nervousness; irregular in time and amount; more flow, more pain. Great debility between menses. Ovarian neuralgia; pain across pelvis, from ovary to ovary, or goes upwards or downwards along the thighs. Menses suppressed; from emotions, from cold. Hysteric or epileptic spasms at the time of menses. Uterine atony. Presses mammae as though in pain. Mania. вurning in mammae. Slow labour pains with nervous shivers. Intolerable after pains worse in groins. Leucorrhoea; with a sensation of weight in the uterus. сardiac neuralgia in parturition. Inframammary pains worse left side. Lochia suppressed by cold or emotions. Nervous, when coughing and urinating. Shudders.
Menses; profuse, dark, coagulated, scanty with backache, nervousness; irregular in time and amount; more flow, more pain. Great debility between menses. Ovarian neuralgia; pain across pelvis, from ovary to ovary, or goes upwards or downwards along the thighs. Menses suppressed; from emotions, from cold. Hysteric or epileptic spasms at the time of menses. Uterine atony. Presses mammae as though in pain. Mania. вurning in mammae. Slow labour pains with nervous shivers. Intolerable after pains worse in groins. Leucorrhoea; with a sensation of weight in the uterus. сardiac neuralgia in parturition. Inframammary pains worse left side. Lochia suppressed by cold or emotions. Nervous, when coughing and urinating. Shudders.
Chest organs
Tickling, short, dry, constant cough worse at night, speaking. Sharp stitches in left chest, motion extorting cries. Pleurodynia. Nervous cough.
Cardiovascular system
Sore; swelled; or enlarged as if. Needle like pains at heart. Angina Pectoris-pain spreads all over the chest to the back, and down the left arm which feels numb and as if bound to the side. Heart action ceases suddenly impending suffocation. Pulse weak, irregular, trembling; drops every 3rd, or 4th beat.
Limbs and spine
Neckache, throws the head back. Stiff neck, pain worse moving the hands. Neck retracted. Spine, cervical and upper dorsal very sensitive worse pressure, which causes nausea and retching. Soreness of all the muscles. Stiff contracted neck and back. Pain in the angle of left scapula. Heavy pulsating lumbar pain, through hips and down the thighs.
Uneasy and restless feeling in the limbs. Left arm feels as if bound to the side; constant irregular motion of left arm (Chorea). Hands tremble while writing. сramps in limbs; in calves. Tendo-achillis stiff and contracted. Soles itching. сold sweat on hands and feet. Alternation of rheumatic and mental symptoms. Trembling of legs, can scarcely walk. Numbness of limbs.
Uneasy and restless feeling in the limbs. Left arm feels as if bound to the side; constant irregular motion of left arm (Chorea). Hands tremble while writing. сramps in limbs; in calves. Tendo-achillis stiff and contracted. Soles itching. сold sweat on hands and feet. Alternation of rheumatic and mental symptoms. Trembling of legs, can scarcely walk. Numbness of limbs.
Comatose; as if drunk. Sleeplessness. Sleeps; with arms overhead or yawning.
Dif. diagnostics
Baptisia; сaulophyllum; Gel. Ign;, Pulsatilla.
Included in the composition
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