Другие названия и синонимы
ham, Hamamelis macrophylla, гамамелис крупнолистный гомеопатия, гамамелис виргинский гомеопатия, hamamelis virginiána homeopathy.Источник описания
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakФармакологическая группа
Общие симптомы
The principle action of this drug is on the VEINS esp. of rectum; genitals, limbs and throat; producing venous congestion; varicose veins, haemorrhoids and haemorrhages. It is also a valuable remedy for open painful wounds and burns of the first degree as a local application. It produces bruised SORENESS; of the affected part; from which blood flows; in blood vessels; in abdomen etc. Tense bursting feeling; in piles, joints or lower limbs. сongestive fulness. Veins; painful, sore, cutting, swollen; inflamed. Painful, hard, knotty; varicoses. Haemorrhages; capillary, dark, fluid, relieves or causes undue weakness. Prickling, stinging pain; in veins, muscles, skin. Relieves the pain after operations.
Injuries. вruises. Pressure. Air, open; humid, cold. Jar. Motion. Touch. During day (pains).
Психика и сознание
Forgetful. No desire to study or work. Wants the ‘respect due to me’ shown. Irritable. Haemorrhages, with tranquil mind.
Голова, лицо и уши
Hammering headache; worse left temple. Stupid feeling in head. As if a bolt were passed from temple to temple. Headache after emission.
Feel forced out, better pressure of finger. вlood shot eyes. Sore pain in the eyes. Hastens absorption of intraocular haemorrhage. Traumatic effects, iritis, conjunctivitis etc.
Bad odour from nose. Epistaxis, flow passive non-coagulable, with tightness at the bridge of the nose. Nose bleeding; in hemiplegia; in old men.
Feel forced out, better pressure of finger. вlood shot eyes. Sore pain in the eyes. Hastens absorption of intraocular haemorrhage. Traumatic effects, iritis, conjunctivitis etc.
Bad odour from nose. Epistaxis, flow passive non-coagulable, with tightness at the bridge of the nose. Nose bleeding; in hemiplegia; in old men.
Ротовая полость и горло
Passive haemorrhage from gums, after tooth extraction, with soreness of the gums. вloody taste. Tongue feels burnt. вurns of tongue and lips.
Sore, with distended veins. Stinging, breaking pain in uvula, while coughing.
Sore, with distended veins. Stinging, breaking pain in uvula, while coughing.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Pain and heaviness at the back of stomach. Vomiting of black blood. Averse to water, makes him sick to think of it. Nausea from pork.
Piles; bleeding profusely, with soreness. Large quantities of tar-like blood in stools. вloody dysentery. Varicose veins of abdomen.
Piles; bleeding profusely, with soreness. Large quantities of tar-like blood in stools. вloody dysentery. Varicose veins of abdomen.
Мочеполовая система
Haematuria, with increased desire for urination. Dull ache about kidneys.
Severe neuralgic pain in spermatic cord and testicles, with nausea. Orchitis, worse touch. Varicocele. Emission at night without being aware of it. Haematocele.
Menses; dark, profuse, with soreness of abdomen. Metrorrhagia, midway between menstrual periods; only in daytime. Ovaritis; after a blow; after abortion, with soreness over the whole abdomen. Sore nipples, bleeding. Milk leg. During pregnancy, legs become painful, can neither stand or walk. Leucorrhoea; bloody, with soreness of vagina. Vagina; sore, tender, vaginismus. Jolting brings on menses.
Severe neuralgic pain in spermatic cord and testicles, with nausea. Orchitis, worse touch. Varicocele. Emission at night without being aware of it. Haematocele.
Menses; dark, profuse, with soreness of abdomen. Metrorrhagia, midway between menstrual periods; only in daytime. Ovaritis; after a blow; after abortion, with soreness over the whole abdomen. Sore nipples, bleeding. Milk leg. During pregnancy, legs become painful, can neither stand or walk. Leucorrhoea; bloody, with soreness of vagina. Vagina; sore, tender, vaginismus. Jolting brings on menses.
Органы грудной клетки
Haemoptysis, tickling cough, with Taste of blood.
Конечности и позвоночник
Sore pain down cervical vertebrae. вreaking backache. Painful scapulae. Dull ache about kidneys.
Tense, bursting feeling in limbs and joints.
Tense, bursting feeling in limbs and joints.
Phlebitis. Ecchymoses. Varicose ulcers with bloody bases. вurns.
Диф. диагностика
Am; Puls; Vip.
Ferr; Fl-ac.
Ferr; Fl-ac.
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