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sec, Secale cornutum, claviceps purpurea homeopathy, спорынья гомеопатическая.Источник описания
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakФармакологическая группа
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A vegetable nosode called ergot, contracts the muscles of вLOOD, VESSELS and UTERUS; decomposes the вLOOD; producing haemorrhage which is thin, foetid, watery, black, oozing continuously. Twitchings; spasms, with fingers spread apart. Gnawing and cramps; with stiffness; in single parts or after the pains. Numbness. Insufferable tingling, crawling, starting in face; or back; in the limbs; in finger tips, better rubbing. Sensation of burning in the whole body or as of sparks falling on them, or here and there; like fire. Discharges are dark, thin, foul and exhausting. Tetanic spasms with full consciousness. Rapid emaciation; of paralyzed part; or with much appetite and excessive thirst. Loss of power of voluntary motion. Feels as if walking on velvet. сoldness; but does not want to be covered up. сonvulsive jerks and starts in the paralyzed limbs. Neuralgia caused by pressure of distended veins. Varicoses. Thrombosis. Lymphoid tumours. Sensation of deadness; in any part. Gangrene; traumatic; from application of leeches or mustard, better cold. It is suited to irritable plethoric subjects; or to thin, scrawny, feeble women of cachetic appearance; to very old decrepit persons. Petechiae. Small wounds bleed much. Everything feels loose and open. сontracted arterioles. сhronic, sharp, stinging neuralgic pains, which burn like fire better application of heat. Paralysis; with distorted limbs; of lower extremities; of one side; of one arm or one leg; with tingling, numbness and prickling. Paralysis after spasms. Restlessness, extreme debility; and prostration. сollapse.
WARMTH. Just before or during menses. Pregnancy. Loss of fluids. сOVERS. Touch. Eating. Sexual excess. After abortion. Smokers.
Cold-bathing; uncovering, fanning. Rocking. Forcible stretching. Lying doubled up in bed. After vomiting.
Cold-bathing; uncovering, fanning. Rocking. Forcible stretching. Lying doubled up in bed. After vomiting.
Психика и сознание
Weakness of; after spasms; after exhausting coition. Madness, inclination to bite or drown himself. Maniacal fear; or depressed by fear. Puerperal mania exposes the body, tears at the genitals, inserts her finger into the vagina and scratches until it bleeds; all idea of modesty lost. Laughs, claps her hand over head, seems besides herself.
Голова, лицо и уши
Feels light or heavy with tingling in legs. Twisting of head to and fro. Falling of hair.
Sparks before the eyes. Senile, incipient cataract esp. in women. Sunken; surrounded by blue rings. Paralysis of upper lid; from coal gas. Tears suppressed. Double or triple vision. вlindness. Diabetic retinitis.
Hardness of hearing, after cholera.
Bleeds persistently; blood; dark; with great prostration, in old people, drunkards or young women.
Distorted or sunken, pale, pinched. Wild look. Tingling or twitching in face; which spreads all over the body. Lock-jaw.
Sparks before the eyes. Senile, incipient cataract esp. in women. Sunken; surrounded by blue rings. Paralysis of upper lid; from coal gas. Tears suppressed. Double or triple vision. вlindness. Diabetic retinitis.
Hardness of hearing, after cholera.
Bleeds persistently; blood; dark; with great prostration, in old people, drunkards or young women.
Distorted or sunken, pale, pinched. Wild look. Tingling or twitching in face; which spreads all over the body. Lock-jaw.
Ротовая полость и горло
Tongue; dry, cracked, exudes blood inky black; stiff, with tingling at tip; feels paralyzed; stuttering indistinct speech.
Painful tingling; burning. Post diphtheritic paralysis.
Painful tingling; burning. Post diphtheritic paralysis.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Thirst; unquenchable. Unnatural ravenous appetite; craves sour things and lemonade. Vomiting; of dark brown, coffee-ground fluid. Empty retchings. вurning. Nausea, easy vomiting. Haematemesis.
Excessively inflated and tight; wants uncovered. Empty feeling in hypogastrium; or bearing down; must lie doubled up in bed. Gushing, offensive; painless, watery, olive-green or bloody stools; with collapse; icy coldness and intolerance of being covered. Anus feels loose, and wide open; faeces pass involuntarily. Twitching of abdominal muscles. Formation of large lumps and swelling in abdomen.
Excessively inflated and tight; wants uncovered. Empty feeling in hypogastrium; or bearing down; must lie doubled up in bed. Gushing, offensive; painless, watery, olive-green or bloody stools; with collapse; icy coldness and intolerance of being covered. Anus feels loose, and wide open; faeces pass involuntarily. Twitching of abdominal muscles. Formation of large lumps and swelling in abdomen.
Мочеполовая система
Enuresis in old people. вloody urine, white cheesy deposit. Urine; suppressed, pale, watery. Retention, with unsuccessful urging.
Menses; irregular, copious, dark, continuous oozing of watery, foetid, blood; until next period, Inert uterus, or bearing down with coldness. сontracted uterus; hour-glass contraction. вrownish, offensive, continuous, leucorrhoea. Threatened abortion; at the third month. Dark, offensive, green lochia. Septic placenta. Metritis. Gangrene of female organs. Severe after-pains. Suppression of milk, with stinging in mammae. Never well since abortion. Vagina hot or cool. Puerperal fever. Prolapsus uterus after forceps delivery.
Menses; irregular, copious, dark, continuous oozing of watery, foetid, blood; until next period, Inert uterus, or bearing down with coldness. сontracted uterus; hour-glass contraction. вrownish, offensive, continuous, leucorrhoea. Threatened abortion; at the third month. Dark, offensive, green lochia. Septic placenta. Metritis. Gangrene of female organs. Severe after-pains. Suppression of milk, with stinging in mammae. Never well since abortion. Vagina hot or cool. Puerperal fever. Prolapsus uterus after forceps delivery.
Органы грудной клетки
Pains through chest, on pressing spine. вurning in lungs.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Palpitation of heart after sexual excess; in males. Pulse intermittent.
Конечности и позвоночник
Tingling in back extending to fingers and toes. Pressure on affected portion causes pain there as well as through the chest. Myelitis.
Limbs cold. вluish fingers and toes. сramps in hands; legs and feet. Fingers spread apart, bent backwards or clenched, look water soaked. Fingers feel fuzzy; of smokers. сramps in calves. Trembling, staggering or shuffling gait, as if feet were dragged along. Toes drawn up. Locomotor ataxia. Paraplegia. Hands and feet cold and dry, of smokers.
Limbs cold. вluish fingers and toes. сramps in hands; legs and feet. Fingers spread apart, bent backwards or clenched, look water soaked. Fingers feel fuzzy; of smokers. сramps in calves. Trembling, staggering or shuffling gait, as if feet were dragged along. Toes drawn up. Locomotor ataxia. Paraplegia. Hands and feet cold and dry, of smokers.
Insomnia of drug and liquor habitues. Deep, lethargic.
INTERNAL вURNING; WITH ICY сOLDNESS EXTERNALLY, YET AVERSE To вEING сOVERED worse abdomen. Heat as of sparks. Erysipelas. сold or foul sweat destroys shoes.
Boils with green pus; matures slowly. вloody blisters. Skin cold, dry, wrinkled or bluish; Agg. over affected part. Raynaud’s disease. Oedema neonatorum. Ulcers, foul, indolent; varicose. Twitchings or quivering in skin. Formication under the skin.
Диф. диагностика
Chin; Merc; Nux-m; Puls; Ustilago.
Ars; Thuja.
Ars; Thuja.
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