Other names and synonyms
rhod.Description Source
700 Red Line Symptoms - J.W. HutchinsonPharmacological Group
610. All symptoms worse in cold, stormy weather, and during or before a thunder-storm.
611. Aching in left arm with disease of the heart.
612. Vesicular and pustular eruptions, with burning and itching.
613. Putting hands out of bed covers brings on a cough.
614. Restless at night, has to change position frequently.
615. сorners of mouth ulcerated and sore, or chafed around the genitals.
616. Menstrual flow causes biting pain in the vulva.
617. Swollen around the ankles, after sitting too long,.
Particularly in travelling.
618. Soreness as if beaten in the hypochondriac region, and still more in abdomen, worse on the side on which he lies, worse when turning and most when beginning to move.
619. Lameness stiffness and pain on first moving after rest, or on getting up in the morning relieved by continued motion.
620. Pains as f strained, ailments from spraining and straining, lifting, particular from stretching the arms high up to reach thing.
621. сomplaints after getting went in a rain while overheated.
622. Typhoid, low, mild delirium, stupefaction, insensibility, restlessness, tongue red, dry and cracked, abdomen distended, loose, dark-brown stools.
611. Aching in left arm with disease of the heart.
612. Vesicular and pustular eruptions, with burning and itching.
613. Putting hands out of bed covers brings on a cough.
614. Restless at night, has to change position frequently.
615. сorners of mouth ulcerated and sore, or chafed around the genitals.
616. Menstrual flow causes biting pain in the vulva.
617. Swollen around the ankles, after sitting too long,.
Particularly in travelling.
618. Soreness as if beaten in the hypochondriac region, and still more in abdomen, worse on the side on which he lies, worse when turning and most when beginning to move.
619. Lameness stiffness and pain on first moving after rest, or on getting up in the morning relieved by continued motion.
620. Pains as f strained, ailments from spraining and straining, lifting, particular from stretching the arms high up to reach thing.
621. сomplaints after getting went in a rain while overheated.
622. Typhoid, low, mild delirium, stupefaction, insensibility, restlessness, tongue red, dry and cracked, abdomen distended, loose, dark-brown stools.
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