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Силика терра

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ⓘ Подробнее о цифровых аудио препаратах
  1. Фармакологическая группа
  2. Психика и сознание
  3. Голова, лицо и уши
  4. Желудочно-кишечный тракт
  5. Мочеполовая система
  6. Органы грудной клетки
  7. Конечности и позвоночник
  8. Общие симптомы
  9. Сон
  10. Лихорадка
  11. Кожа
  12. Модальности
  13. Аналоги по действию
  14. Входит в состав
  15. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

sil, Silica terra, кремнезем гомеопатия, силицея гомеопатия, acidum silicicum, silicea homeopathy, кремниевая кислота гомеопатия.

Источник описания

Materia Medica - Adolf zur Lippe
Силика терра

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты

Психика и сознание

 Mind and Disposition.
 Desponding, melancholy, tired of life.
 Yielding, anxious mood.
 Compunction of conscience about trifles.
 The child becomes obstinate and headstrong ; cries when kindly spoken to.

Голова, лицо и уши

 [5] Vertigo, as if one would fall forward ; when stooping, riding, raising the eyes upwards ; ascending from the neck to the head, with nausea.
 Burning in the head, with pulsation and perspiration of the head ; worse at night, from mental exertion and talking, relieved by wrapping the head up warm.
 Pressing headache, as if the head would burst, ascending from the neck to the forehead.
 Pulsating and beating, most violent in the forehead and vertex, with chilliness.
 Tearing headache, frequently only on one side of the head, with stitches through the eyes and in the cheek-bones ; heat in the forehead and great restlessness ; worse from a draught of air and motion.
 [10] Heaviness in the head, pressing out in the forehead ; worse from evening till night, from stepping up hard, from uncovering the head, or if the head becomes cold in the open air.
 Stitches in the forehead and in the temples principally the right, from within to without ; worse at night, from moving the eyes, from talking and writing.
 Most all the headaches are aggravated from mental exertion, stooping, talking and cold air, and are relieved in the warm room, and from wrapping the head up warmly.
 Eruption on the back part of the head and behind the ears dry, offensive smelling, scabby, burning-itching ; when scratching it, burning feeling, more sore, and discharging pus.
 Itching pustules and bulbous swellings on the hairy scalp and on the neck ; very sensitive to pressure, touch, and when lying on it ; better when wrapping it up warm.
 [15] Sensitiveness of the scalp to pressure (of the hat) and to contact ; worse in the evening and when lying on the painful side ; burning after scratching.
 Open fontanelles ; the head is too large and the rest of the body emaciated, with pale wax color of the face ; hot, swollen abdomen, and fetid stools.
 Burning and itching, mostly on the back part of the head ; worse from scratching, which causes burning and soreness ; worse when undressing in the evening and on getting warm in bed.
 Tearing pain in the scalp worse at night, and from pressure.
 Profuse, sour-smelling perspiration, on the head only (in the evening), with great sensitiveness of the scalp, with pale face and emaciation.
 [20] Tendency to take cold in the head, which cannot possibly be uncovered.
 Lachrymation in the open air.
 Agglutination of the eyes.
 Swelling of the tear-gland.
 Ulcers (and fungus haematodes) on the cornea.
 [25] Redness of the eyes with biting pains in the corner of the eye.
 Spots and cicatrices on the cornea.
 When reading the letters run together, look pale.
 Obscuration of sight, as from a gray cover.
 Black spots and fiery sparks before the eyes.
 [30] Aversion to light ; day-light dazzles the eyes.
 Otalgia, with stitches out of the ears.
 Itching in the ears.
 Stoppage of the ears, which open at times with a loud report.
 Difficult hearing, especially of the human voice and during the full moon.
 [35] Over-sensitiveness of the hearing, to noise.
 Swelling of the external ear, with discharge of pus from the ear.
 Scabs behind the ear.
 Increased secretion of very thin cerumen.
 Hard swelling of the parotid gland.
 [40] Painful dryness of the nose.
 Gnawing pain and ulcers high up in the nose with great sensitiveness of the place to contact.
 Acrid, corroding discharge from the nose and stoppage of the nose.
 Loss of smell.
 Scabs and ulcers in the nose.
 [45] вleeding of the nose.
 Frequent violent sneezing.
 Long-continued stoppage of the nose from hardened mucus.
 Pale, earth-colored face.
 White or burning red spots in the face, especially on the cheeks.
 [50] The skin of the face cracks.
 Blood boils on the cheek.
 Ulcerated corners of the mouth.
 Scabby eruptions on the hips, which smart.
 Ulcers in the vermilion border of the lower lip.
 [55] Herpes on the chin.
 Swelling and caries of the lower jaw.
 Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands.
 Scirrhous indurations of the face and upper lip.
 The articulation of the jaw is spasmodically closed (lock-jaw).
 Mouth and Throat.
 [60] Toothache from warm food and from drawing cold air in the mouth.
 Tearing in the teeth ; worse at night, or only when eating.
 Stinging in the teeth, preventing sleep.
 Painful inflammation, swelling, soreness, and easily bleeding gums.
 Dryness of the mouth.
 [65] Accumulation of mucus in the mouth.
 Sensation as if a hair were lying on the forepart of the tongue.
 Soreness of the tongue.
 One-sided swelling of the tongue.
 Tongue coated with brown mucus.
 [70] Sore throat with much mucus in the throat.
 When swallowing, soreness and stitches in the throat (Quinsy).
 Swelling of the palate.
 Difficult deglutition, as if the throat were paralyzed.
 When swallowing, the food easily gets into the posterior nares.

Желудочно-кишечный тракт

 Stomach and Abdomen.
 [75] Ravenous hunger, with want of appetite.
 Want of appetite and excessive thirst.
 Aversion to warm, cooked food ; he desires only cold things.
 Loss of taste.
 Bitter taste in the morning.
 [80] Aversion of the child to the mother s milk ; refuses to nurse, and if it does it vomits.
 After eating, sour eructations, fulness and pressure in the stomach ; water-brash and vomiting.
 Eructations tasting of the food eaten, or sour.
 Water-brash, with chilliness.
 Continuous nausea and vomiting ; worse in the morning.
 [85] Vomiting whenever he drinks.
 Sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach to pressure.
 Abdomen bloated and hard (especially in children).
 Pain in the abdomen ; colic in children from worms.
 Cutting pain in the abdomen (colic), with constipation.
 [90] сolic, with yellow hands and blue nails.
 The region of the liver swollen and hard. Inflammation an induration of the liver).
 Beating soreness in the liver ; worse on motion and when walking, or when lying on the right side, or when breathing.
 Pressure in the abdomen, especially after eating.
 Painful inguinal hernia.
 [95] Incarcerated flatulency ; difficult discharge of flatulence very offensive flatulence.
 Much rumbling of flatulence in the abdomen.
 Stool and Anus.
 Constipation ; difficult, hard stool ; the feces are large, and if partly expelled slip back again, as if there were not power enough to expel them ; even the soft stool is expelled with much difficult.
 Frequent papescent fetid-smelling stools.
 Itching in the anus and rectum ; also during stool.

Мочеполовая система

 Urinary organs.
 [100] Strangury.
 Continuous urging to urinate, with scanty discharge ; also at night.
 Involuntary micturition at night.
 Sediment of red sand or deposit of yellow sand.
 Sexual Organs.
 Men. Red spots and itching on the corona glandis.
 [105] Itching, humid spots on the genitals, especially on the scrotum.
 Prepuce red and itching ; swollen and itching humid pimples on it.
 Increased sexual desire ; frequent violent erections.
 Discharge of prostatic fluid when urinating and passing stool.
 [110] After coition soreness in the limbs, and sensation in one side of the head as if paralyzed.
 Women. Menstruation too early and too scanty (or too profuse).
 Suppressed menstruation.
 Discharge of menstrual fluid while nursing.
 Itching on the genitals.
 [115] Abortion.
 Leucorrhoea, during micturition, acrid, corroding.
 Inflammation of the nipples.
 Suppuration of the mammae.

Органы грудной клетки

 Respiratory Organs.
 Hoarseness, with roughness and soreness of the larynx.
 [120] Deep sighing-breathing.
 Shortness of breath and panting, from walking fast or from manual labor.
 Dyspnoea when at rest ; when lying on the back.
 Stitches in the chest and sides of the chest, through to the back.
 Pulsation in the sternum.
 [125] Phthisis pulmonalis.
 Cough, with copious expectoration.
 Suffocative cough at night.
 Hollow, spasmodic, suffocative cough from tickling in the throat, especially the throat-pit, with expectoration only during the tough, the day of profuse, yellowish-green pus, or of milky, acrid mucus at times of pale, frothy blood, generally tasting greasy and offensive smelling.

Конечности и позвоночник

 Back and Neck.
 Spasmodic pain in the small of the back, which does not allow one to rise.
 [130] Swelling and curvature of the vertebrae.
 Inflammatory abscess on the psoas muscle.
 Sensation of soreness between the shoulder-blades.
 Glandular swellings on the neck and arm-pits, with suppuration.
 Upper. The arms go to sleep when lying on them, or when laying them on the table.
 [135] Heaviness and paralytic weakness of the (fore) arms, with trembling from the least exertion.
 Blood-boils and warts on the arms.
 Stitches in the wrist at night, extending to the arm.
 Paralysis of the hands.
 Burning in the tips of the fingers.
 [140] Panaritium.
 Yellow, crippled, brittle finger-nails.
 Lower. вlood-boils on the thighs and calves.
 Swelling of the knee.
 Red, smarting spot on the tibia.
 [145] Ulcers on the lower leg, on the tibia.
 Caries of the tibia.
 Cramps in the calves, in the soles of the feet.
 Numbness of the calves.
 Coldness of the feet (after suppressed foot-sweat).
 [150] Sweat of the feet offensive, causing soreness between the toes.
 Voluptuous tickling in the soles of the feet, driving to despair.
 Ulceration of the big toe, with stinging pain.

Общие симптомы

 Twitching of the limbs day and night.
 Epileptic attacks (at night, during new moon).
 [155] The limbs go to sleep easily.
 Great restlessness in the body when sitting long.
 Soreness and lameness in the limbs, in the evening.
 Stinging in the limbs at night.
 Takes cold easily, especially when uncovering the head and feet.
 [160] Sensation of great debility and sleepiness during a thunderstorm.
 Ebullitions and thirst from drinking small quantities of wine.
 Great nervous debility ; emaciation ; fainting when lying on the side.
 The child learns to walk.


 Sleeplessness with sleepiness.
 [165] Sleeplessness from ebullitions of the blood ; restlessness and heat in the head.
 Frequent starting jerks, and twitches during sleep.
 Night walking ; gets up while asleep, walks about, and lies down again.
 Sleep disturbed by many unpleasant, anxious, fantastic dreams.
 Awakens with erections and urging to urinate.
 [170] Snoring when asleep ; nightmare.


 Pulse small, hard and rapid ; frequently irregular and then slow.
 The circulation is easily agitated.
 Violent chill in the evening in bed, aggravated from uncovering oneself.
 Great chilliness from every movement.
 [175] сontinuous internal chilliness, with want of animal heat.
 Chill in the evening, with sensation as if cold air were blowing around the waist ; not relieved by wrapping up ; followed by severe fever and perspiration.
 Heat predominates.
 Frequently during the day short flushes of heat, principally in the face.
 Violent general heat, with violent thirst in the afternoon, evening and all night.
 [180] Periodically returning heat during the day, without any and previous chill and followed by slight perspiration.
 Debilitating perspiration at night, or only during the morning hours.
 Perspiration from slight exercise ; most profuse on the head and face.
 Perspiration only on the head.
 Night-sweat sour or offensive smelling.
 [185] The perspiration comes periodically ; is worse 11 , 6 p.m, or 3 to 5.
 Intermittent fever, heat predominating.


 Painless swelling of the glands ; they only cause very unpleasant itching.
 Suppuration of the glands.
 Lymphatic swellings, with suppuration.
 [190] вones swollen, inflamed.
 Skin painful and sensitive.
 Itching over the whole body.
 Rose-colored blotches.
 [195] Suppurations ; ulcers with good and bad pus, especially in membranous parts.
 The skin heals badly ; a small injury suppurates much.
 Ulcers of all kinds ; also after the abuse of mercury.
 Ulcers smell very offensive.
 Ulcers with proud flesh and putrid acrid ichor.
 [200] Ulcers with stinging, burning, pressing, itching, and smarting.
 Painful, hard, high, and spongy edgers of the ulcers.
 Panaritium ; blood-boils ; carbuncles ; warts.
 Cancerous ulcers ; fistulous ulcers.


 Aggravation ; in the night ; in the open air ; from cold, upon single parts getting cold ; from getting wet ; after eating ; from uncovering the head or feet ; when lying on the painful side ; from drinking wine ; from external pressure ; during sleep ; during the new (and full) moon, and from change in the weather.
 [205] Amelioration ; from wrapping the head up ; in the room ; from warmth ; from wrapping oneself up warmly.
 Especially suitable for scrofulous children, who have also worm diseases, and for children during dentition.
 It is an antidote to Mercury when it has produced bad effects in large doses, but it does not follow well after Mercury, nor does Mercury follow well after Silicea.
 Fluoric acid follows well after Silicea, and antidotes the bad results from too frequent repetition of Silicea.

Аналоги по действию

Входит в состав

Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата

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