Другие названия и синонимы
sang, Sanguinaria canadensis, сангвинария канадская гомеопатия.Источник описания
Materia Medica - Adolf zur LippeФармакологическая группа
Психика и сознание
Mind and Disposition.
Angry irritability ; moroseness.
Anxiety preceding the vomiting.
Angry irritability ; moroseness.
Anxiety preceding the vomiting.
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo, when moving the head rapidly and looking upward, with nausea ; ringing in the ears.
Congestion of blood to the head, with ringing in the ears ; flushes of heat accumulation of water in the mouth.
[5] Headache, with rheumatic pains and stiffness of the limbs and neck.
Sick headache, with vomiting (of bile), beginning in the morning, increasing during the day ; worse from motion, stooping, noise, and light ; only endurable when lying and relieved by sleep or after vomiting ; especially severe over the right eye, -the headache returns periodically.
Pains in the head, in spots.
Pulsations in the head, with bitter vomiting, worse from motion.
The headache rises up from the neck.
[10] Feeling as if the head were drawn forward.
Distention of the veins on the head, especially on the temples, perceptible to the touch.
Burning and watering of the right eye, which is painful to the touch, followed by coryza.
Dim eyes, with the sensation as if hairs were in them.
Frequent obscuration of vision.
[15] вurning of the ears, with redness of the cheeks.
Heat in the nose ; coryza, rawness in the throat, pain in the breast, cough, and finally diarrhoea.
Loss of smell.
Dislike to the odor of syrup.
Nasal polypus.
Face, Mouth and Throat.
Stiffness of the articulation of the jaws.
[20] Pain in hollow teeth, especially when touched by food.
Toothache from picking the teeth.
Pain in the carious teeth after cold drinking.
Looseness of the teeth (with salivation).
Feeling of dryness of the lips.
[25] Pricking on the point of the tongue.
Tongue feels as if burned, or as if sore ; is coated white.
Ulcerated sore throat.
Feeling of swelling in the throat on swallowing.
Feeling of dryness in the throat, not relieved by drinking.
[30] Heat in the throat alleviated by the inspiration of cold air.
Loss of smell and taste.
Vertigo, when moving the head rapidly and looking upward, with nausea ; ringing in the ears.
Congestion of blood to the head, with ringing in the ears ; flushes of heat accumulation of water in the mouth.
[5] Headache, with rheumatic pains and stiffness of the limbs and neck.
Sick headache, with vomiting (of bile), beginning in the morning, increasing during the day ; worse from motion, stooping, noise, and light ; only endurable when lying and relieved by sleep or after vomiting ; especially severe over the right eye, -the headache returns periodically.
Pains in the head, in spots.
Pulsations in the head, with bitter vomiting, worse from motion.
The headache rises up from the neck.
[10] Feeling as if the head were drawn forward.
Distention of the veins on the head, especially on the temples, perceptible to the touch.
Burning and watering of the right eye, which is painful to the touch, followed by coryza.
Dim eyes, with the sensation as if hairs were in them.
Frequent obscuration of vision.
[15] вurning of the ears, with redness of the cheeks.
Heat in the nose ; coryza, rawness in the throat, pain in the breast, cough, and finally diarrhoea.
Loss of smell.
Dislike to the odor of syrup.
Nasal polypus.
Face, Mouth and Throat.
Stiffness of the articulation of the jaws.
[20] Pain in hollow teeth, especially when touched by food.
Toothache from picking the teeth.
Pain in the carious teeth after cold drinking.
Looseness of the teeth (with salivation).
Feeling of dryness of the lips.
[25] Pricking on the point of the tongue.
Tongue feels as if burned, or as if sore ; is coated white.
Ulcerated sore throat.
Feeling of swelling in the throat on swallowing.
Feeling of dryness in the throat, not relieved by drinking.
[30] Heat in the throat alleviated by the inspiration of cold air.
Loss of smell and taste.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Stomach and Abdomen.
Craving for he knows not what, with loss of appetite ; craving for piquant food.
Burning in the stomach with headache.
Sensation of emptiness in the stomach soon after, eating.
[35] Inflammation of the stomach.
Nausea, which is not diminished by vomiting.
Extreme nausea, with great salivation and constant spitting.
Nausea, with headache, and with chill and heat.
Spasmodic eructation of flatus.
[40] Hiccough (while smoking tobacco).
Vomiting preceded by anxiety.
Vomiting of bitter water ; of worms ; with craving to cat, in order to quiet the nausea.
Vomiting and diarrhoea.
Pain in the left hypochondrium ; worse by coughing, better by pressure and lying on the left side.
[45] Hot streaming from the breast towards the liver.
Beating in the abdomen.
Sensation as if hot water poured itself from the breast into the abdomen, followed by diarrhoea.
Flatulent distention of the abdomen, in the evening, with the escape of flatus from the vagina (the os uteri being dilated).
Indurations in the abdomen.
[50] сolic, with torpor of the liver.
Stool and Anus.
Ineffectual urging to stool, then vomiting.
Urging to stool (in the afternoon), but only discharges of flatus.
Frequent discharges of very offensive flatus.
Diarrhoeic stools, with much flatulence.
Colic, followed by diarrhoea.
[55] Diarrhoea and termination of the coryza, catarrh, or pains in the chest.
Stools undigested.
Craving for he knows not what, with loss of appetite ; craving for piquant food.
Burning in the stomach with headache.
Sensation of emptiness in the stomach soon after, eating.
[35] Inflammation of the stomach.
Nausea, which is not diminished by vomiting.
Extreme nausea, with great salivation and constant spitting.
Nausea, with headache, and with chill and heat.
Spasmodic eructation of flatus.
[40] Hiccough (while smoking tobacco).
Vomiting preceded by anxiety.
Vomiting of bitter water ; of worms ; with craving to cat, in order to quiet the nausea.
Vomiting and diarrhoea.
Pain in the left hypochondrium ; worse by coughing, better by pressure and lying on the left side.
[45] Hot streaming from the breast towards the liver.
Beating in the abdomen.
Sensation as if hot water poured itself from the breast into the abdomen, followed by diarrhoea.
Flatulent distention of the abdomen, in the evening, with the escape of flatus from the vagina (the os uteri being dilated).
Indurations in the abdomen.
[50] сolic, with torpor of the liver.
Stool and Anus.
Ineffectual urging to stool, then vomiting.
Urging to stool (in the afternoon), but only discharges of flatus.
Frequent discharges of very offensive flatus.
Diarrhoeic stools, with much flatulence.
Colic, followed by diarrhoea.
[55] Diarrhoea and termination of the coryza, catarrh, or pains in the chest.
Stools undigested.
Мочеполовая система
Urinary Organs.
Frequent and copious nocturnal urination, urine as clear as water.
Sexual Organs.
[60] Women. Menstruation too early, with a discharge of black blood.
Amenorrhoea ; uterine haemorrhage.
Stitches in the mamma.
The nipples are sore and painful.
Frequent and copious nocturnal urination, urine as clear as water.
Sexual Organs.
[60] Women. Menstruation too early, with a discharge of black blood.
Amenorrhoea ; uterine haemorrhage.
Stitches in the mamma.
The nipples are sore and painful.
Органы грудной клетки
Respiratory Organs.
Dryness in the throat, and sensation of swelling in the larynx ; with expectoration of thick mucus.
[65] Tickling in the throat in the evening, with cough and headache.
Dry cough, awakens him from sleep, which did not cease until he sat upright in bed, and flatus was discharged both upwards and downwards.
Cough, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks, with pain in the chest ; with coryza, then diarrhoea.
Pulmonary consumption ; expectoration and breath exceedingly offensive.
[70] Typhoid pneumonia, with very difficult respiration, checks and hands livid, pulse full, soft, vibrating, and easily compressed.
Burning and pressing in the chest, followed by heat through the abdomen and diarrhoea.
Palpitation of the heart.
Dryness in the throat, and sensation of swelling in the larynx ; with expectoration of thick mucus.
[65] Tickling in the throat in the evening, with cough and headache.
Dry cough, awakens him from sleep, which did not cease until he sat upright in bed, and flatus was discharged both upwards and downwards.
Cough, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks, with pain in the chest ; with coryza, then diarrhoea.
Pulmonary consumption ; expectoration and breath exceedingly offensive.
[70] Typhoid pneumonia, with very difficult respiration, checks and hands livid, pulse full, soft, vibrating, and easily compressed.
Burning and pressing in the chest, followed by heat through the abdomen and diarrhoea.
Palpitation of the heart.
Конечности и позвоночник
Back and Neck.
Pain in the sacrum, from lifting ; the pain in the sacrum is alleviated on bending forward.
Soreness of the nape of the neck on being touched.
[75] Rheumatic pains in the nape of the neck, shoulder, and arms.
Upper. Rheumatic pain in the right arm and should worse at night in bed ; cannot raise the arm ; motion (turning in bed) makes it much worse.
Burning of the palms of the hands.
Stiffness of the finger-joints.
Ulceration at the roots of the nails on all the fingers of hands.
[80] Lower. Rheumatic pain in the left hip.
Rheumatic pain inside of the right thigh.
Bruise-like pain in the thigh, alternating with burning and pressing in the chest.
Stiffness of the knees.
Burning of the soles of the feet and palms of the hands (at night).
[85] Rheumatic pains in the limbs ; pain in those places where the bones are least covered with flesh, but not in the joints ; on touching the painful part, the pain immediately vanished and appeared in some other part.
Pain in the sacrum, from lifting ; the pain in the sacrum is alleviated on bending forward.
Soreness of the nape of the neck on being touched.
[75] Rheumatic pains in the nape of the neck, shoulder, and arms.
Upper. Rheumatic pain in the right arm and should worse at night in bed ; cannot raise the arm ; motion (turning in bed) makes it much worse.
Burning of the palms of the hands.
Stiffness of the finger-joints.
Ulceration at the roots of the nails on all the fingers of hands.
[80] Lower. Rheumatic pain in the left hip.
Rheumatic pain inside of the right thigh.
Bruise-like pain in the thigh, alternating with burning and pressing in the chest.
Stiffness of the knees.
Burning of the soles of the feet and palms of the hands (at night).
[85] Rheumatic pains in the limbs ; pain in those places where the bones are least covered with flesh, but not in the joints ; on touching the painful part, the pain immediately vanished and appeared in some other part.
Общие симптомы
Great debility and weakness in the limbs, whilst walking in the open air.
Weakness and palpitation of the heart ; fainting weakness.
Convulsive rigidity of the limbs.
Great debility and weakness in the limbs, whilst walking in the open air.
Weakness and palpitation of the heart ; fainting weakness.
Convulsive rigidity of the limbs.
Sleeplessness at night ; awakens in a fright as if he would fall.
Sleeplessness at night ; awakens in a fright as if he would fall.
[90] Pulse too frequent and full.
Chill and shivering in the back in the evening in bed.
Shaking chill.
Chill with nausea, headache.
Heat flying from the head to the stomach.
[95] Fever heat and delirium.
Burning heat, rapidly alternating with chill and shivering.
Intermittent fevers ; marsh fevers ; nervous fever.
[90] Pulse too frequent and full.
Chill and shivering in the back in the evening in bed.
Shaking chill.
Chill with nausea, headache.
Heat flying from the head to the stomach.
[95] Fever heat and delirium.
Burning heat, rapidly alternating with chill and shivering.
Intermittent fevers ; marsh fevers ; nervous fever.
Heat and dryness of the skin.
Itching and nettle-rash before the nausea.
[100] Old indolent ulcers, with callous borders, and ichorous discharge.
Nasal polypi ; fungus excrescences.
Heat and dryness of the skin.
Itching and nettle-rash before the nausea.
[100] Old indolent ulcers, with callous borders, and ichorous discharge.
Nasal polypi ; fungus excrescences.
Constant change of symptoms, when a new one arises the earlier cease.
Aggravation morning and evening ; from light, noise, and motion.
[105] Amelioration when lying still, in the dark room after vomiting.
Constant change of symptoms, when a new one arises the earlier cease.
Aggravation morning and evening ; from light, noise, and motion.
[105] Amelioration when lying still, in the dark room after vomiting.
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