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Natrum carbonicum

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Psyche and consciousness
  3. Head, face, and ears
  4. Gastrointestinal tract
  5. Urogenital system
  6. Chest organs
  7. Limbs and spine
  8. Common symptoms
  9. Sleep
  10. Fever
  11. Skin
  12. Modalities
  13. Analogs by action
  14. Included in the composition
  15. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Materia Medica - Adolf zur Lippe
Natrum carbonicum

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Psyche and consciousness

 Mind and Disposition.
 Restlessness, with attacks of anxiety, especially during a thunder-storm.
 Aversion to man and society.
 Hypochondriacal mood, tired of life.
 Mind much agitated, every event (music) causes trembling.
 [5] Out of humor, peevish, irritable, angry.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo from drinking wine and from mental exertion.
 Inability to think and to perform any mental labor ; the head feels stupefied if he tries to exert himself.
 Difficulty in comprehending what one hears or reads and in connecting ideas.
 Dulness of the head, when at rest or when in the sun.
 [10] Headache from the sun or when turning the head rapidly.
 Tension and obstruction in the head, as if the forehead would burst.
 Stupefying, pressing headache in the forehead, with nausea, eructations and dimness of sight, in the evening ; worse in the room.
 Stitches in the head and out of the eyes.
 Pulsating headache in the vertex every morning.
 [15] сongestion of blood to the head, with heat in it.
 Tearing pain in the forehead, returning at certain hours of the day.
 Heaviness of the upper eyelids.
 Stitches in the eyes from within outwards.
 Inflammatory swelling of the eyelids (right upper lid).
 [20] Aversion to light.
 Ulcers on the cornea.
 Cannot read small print.
 Black spots (before the eyes when writing) or dazzling flashes before the eyes.
 Sensation as of feathers before the eyes.
 [25] Dim eyes ; has to wipe them constantly.
 Otalgia, with sharp-piercing stitches in the ears.
 Hard bearing, as if the ears were closed up.
 Over-sensitiveness of bearing, sensitiveness to noise.
 Red nose with white pimples on it.
 [30] Peeling off of the dorsum and tip of the nose ; painful when touched.
 Ulcerated nostrils, high up in the nose.
 Coryza with cough, from the least current of air, only going off by sweat.
 Obstruction of the nose ; hard, fetid clots come out of one nostril.
 Thick, yellow or green discharge from the nose.
 [35] сoryza on alternate days.
 Bloated face.
 Burning heat and redness of the face.
 Swelling of the cheeks, with redness.
 Pale face with blue rings around the eyes, swollen eyelids.
 [40] Freckles in the face.
 Yellow blotches on the forehead and upper lip.
 Humid, herpetic eruptions and ulcers on the nose, around the mouth, on the lips.
 Swelling of the upper lip.
 Burning rhagades in the lower lip.
 Mouth and Throat.
 [45] Flat ulcers and blisters inside of the mouth, burning and painful when touched.
 Digging, boring toothache, especially during or after eating sweatmeats or fruit.
 Great sensitiveness of the lower teeth.
 Nightly pressing toothache, with swelling of the lower lips and of the gums.
 Stuttering on account of heaviness of the tongue.
 [50] вurning about the tip of the tongue, as if it were cracked.
 Throat and oesophagus feel rough, scraped and dry.
 Accumulation of mucus in the throat.
 Much nasal mucus passes through the posterior nares.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Stomach and Abdomen.
 Incessant thirst : great desire for cold water a few hours after dinner.
 [55] Increased and ravenous hunger in the forenoon, from sensation of emptiness in the stomach.
 Empty eructations (after eating).
 Aversion to milk, and diarrhoea from it.
 Very weak digestion ; after eating, hypochondriacal humor.
 The food tastes bitter.
 [60] After every meal pressure in the stomach.
 Sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach to the touch, and when talking.
 Continuous qualmishness and nausea.
 Colic, with constriction around the stomach.
 Stitches in the left hypochondrium ; also after drinking very cold water.
 [65] Stitches in the region of the liver and spleen (chronic inflammation of the liver).
 Hard, bloated, swollen abdomen.
 Tumors on the abdomen, as if the intestines were distended by wind here and there.
 Colic, with contraction of the navel and hardness of the integuments of the abdomen.
 Accumulation of flatulence, incarcerated flatulence, and loud rumbling of the flatulence.
 [70] Passes much flatus, smelling sour or fetid.
 Stool and Anus.
 Frequent ineffectual urging to stool, or too scanty, inefficient evacuations.
 Soft or watery discharges, with violent sudden pressure tenesmus.
 Diarrhoea ; stools yellow, or with colic, after taking cold.
 The stool is watery and is discharged in a gush.
 [75] Stools bloody.
 Burning and cutting in the anus and rectum during and after stool.
 Itching and creeping at the anus.
 With the stools discharge of tape-worm.

Urogenital system

 Urinary Organs.
 Frequent strong desire to urinate, with profuse discharge.
 [80] Involuntary micturition at night (wetting the bed).
 Urine dark-yellow, smelling fetid or sour, depositing a mucous sediment.
 Burning in the urethra during and after micturition.
 Sexual Organs.
 Men. Increased sexual desire. Priapism).
 Continuous painful erections.
 [85] Inflammation, swelling, and easy excoriation of the prepuce and glans penis.
 Heaviness and drawing in the testicles.
 The testicles feel bruised.
 Discharge of prostatic fluid after micturition and after a difficult stool.

Chest organs

 Respiratory Organs.
 Dyspnoea and shortness of breathing, occasioned by tension of the chest.
 [90] When breathing, tension in the chest.
 Stitches in the chest.
 Hoarseness, with roughness of the chest, coryza, chilliness, and scraping painful cough.
 Violent dry cough, when entering a warm room, while coming from the cold air.
 Cough, with expectoration of salty, purulent, greenish pus.
 [95] Short cough, with rattling in the chest.
 Chilliness in one (left) side of the thorax.
 Violent, anxious palpitation of the heart, when ascending, and at night when lying on the left side.
 Painful cracking in the region of the heart.

Limbs and spine

 Stitches in the small of the back, when sitting.
 [100] Tingling (formication) in the back.
 Stiffness of the neck.
 Cracking in the cervical vertebra when moving the head.
 Swelling of the glands of the neck.
 Goitre ; pain, pressing.
 [105] Upper. Rheumatic pain of the shoulder, arms and elbows, with weakness of the arms.
 Twitches and twitching sensation in the arms and fingers on taking hold of any thing.
 Cutting pain in the hands.
 Trembling of the hands (morning).
 Burning-itching and burning blisters on the fingers.
 [110] сontraction of the fingers.
 The skin of the hands is dry cracked and chapped.
 Warts or herpes on the hands.
 Swelling of the hands (in the afternoon).
 Lower. Heaviness of the legs and feet, with tension in them when sitting or walking.
 [115] Tension in the bend of the knee ; the muscles are shortened.
 Cramps and tension in the calves, as if too short.
 Blotches (as in lepra) on the legs.
 The lower legs are swollen, inflamed, red and covered with ulcers.
 Cutting pain and cramps in the feet.
 [120] Swelling of the feet and soles of the feet, with stinging in them when walking or stepping on them.
 Easy dislocation and spraining of the ankle ; the ankle is so weak that it gives way ; the foot bends under when stepping on it.
 Cold feet.
 Black, ulcerated pustule on the heel.
 Ulcer on the heel, arising from spreading blisters.
 [125] Smarting and soreness between the toes.
 Swelling, tearing and soreness in the (big) toes, preventing sleep.
 Blisters on the points of the toes, as if scalded.
 Boring, drawing and stinging in the corns.

Common symptoms

 Involuntary twitching in the muscles and limbs.
 [130] Tingling, stinging in the muscles.
 Contractions of the muscles (hands, bend of the knee, neck).
 The whole body is relaxed and limber.
 Great emaciation, with pale face, dilated pupils and dark urine.
 Great liability to take cold ; aversion to the open air.
 [135] Great debility ; a short walk fatigues much ; playing on the piano causes trembling.


 Irresistible sleepiness during the day ; difficulty of going to sleep late in the night and difficulty of waking in the morning.
 Unrefreshing sleep, disturbed by vivid, voluptuous, disconnected dreams, violent erections and seminal emissions.
 During the night, great restlessness, ebullitions, palpitation of the heart and nightmare.
 During sleep, starts and twitches.


 [140] Pulse accelerated mostly at night, with ebullitions.
 Coldness and chilliness the whole day, more so in the forenoon, with cold hands and feet with hot head, or the reverse, hot hands and feet with cold cheeks.
 Heat with great debility and sleep.
 Heat with perspiration over the whole body.
 Violent, anxious perspiration from every slight exertion.
 [145] вurning hot perspiration on the forehead when the bat presses him.
 Night-sweats, with alternate dryness of the skin.
 Perspiration while eating.
 Cold, anxious perspiration, with trembling from the pains.


 Swelling and induration of the glands.
 [150] Herpes, in yellow rings, or suppurating.
 Ulcers, with swelling and inflammatory redness of the affected parts.
 Formication under the skin.
 Skin, dry, rough and chapped.
 Red, hard blotches.
 [155] Warts painful to the touch.
 Cutting pain, burning and stinging in wounded parts.


 Most symptoms appear while sitting, and go off on motion, pressing and rubbing.
 Aggravation ; in the forenoon ; during a thunder-storm ; after the slightest exertion ; in the rays of the sun (headache) ; before eating ; from talking.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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