Другие названия и синонимы
podo, Podophyllum peltatum, подофилл щитовидный гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Podophyllum peltatum. May Apple. Mandrake (American). N. O. вerberidaceae (by some placed in the Ranunculaceae and closely related to both). Tincture of root gathered after fruit has ripened; of whole fresh plant; of ripe fruit. Solution of resinous extract, Podophyllin.
Acidity. Amenorrhoea. Anus, Prolapse of. Asthma, bronchial. вilious attack. вronchitis. сataract. сholera infantum. сornea, ulcer of. Dentition. Diarrhoea; camp. Duodenum, catarrh of. Dysentery. Dysmenia. Dyspepsia; from calomel. Fevers. Flatulence. Gagging. Gall-stones. Gastric catarrh. goitre. Haemorrhoids. Headache, sick; bilious. Heart, pains in. Hydrocephaloid. Intermittents. Jaundice. Leucoma. Liver, affections of. Ophthalmia. Ovaries, pains in; numbness in; tumour of. Palpitation. Pneumonia. Proctitis. Prostatitis. Pustules. Sciatica. Stomatitis. Strabismus. Taste, lost, perverted; illusions of. Tenesmus. Tongue, burning in. Urticaria. Uterus, prolapse of. Whooping-cough. Worms.
Характерные особенности
Pod. grows throughout the United States in damp, shady places in woods, has leaves five to nine-lobed, large white nodding flowers, yellowish fruits, egg-shaped, not unlike a small lemon, hence the plant is sometimes called Wild Lemon. It flowers in May and June, and the fruit ripens in October. Indian tribes use the root to expel worms, and drop the juice of the root into the ear to cure deafness. All the tribes are fond of the fruit, says Rafinesque, quoted by Hale, who gives a full account of the medicine. The botanic and eclectic practitioners adopted the remedy and used it as the vegetable mercury. The first homoeopathic proving was made by Williamson. An unintentional proving recorded by E. V. Rose (H. W., xxv. 246) brings out the chief characteristics of Pod., and shows that its reputation as a vegetable mercury is not undeserved: Mr. J., 26, took at 11 p.m gr. x of Pod. 1x to stir up his liver. At 6 was taken with an indescribable sick feeling all over, and a persistent dry, rough feeling in pharynx and oesophagus, extending along right Eustachian tube, with dull, aching pain in right ear; feeling as though a ball or lump in upper oesophagus. At 8 dull and stupefying headache, chiefly frontal,.
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