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Другие названия и синонимы

sulph, Sulphur, Сера гомеопатическая.

Источник описания

Materia Medica Pura – Samuel Hahnemann

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты

Дополнительные факты

 (From vol. iv, 2nd edit., 1825.
 (Flowers of sulphur, Flores sulphuris, sublimed in fine acicular form into the receiver of a retort, washed by being shaken up with alcohol, in order to remove any acid that may be adhering to them.
 Though sulphur has been employed for many centuries, by medical and non-medical persons, in the itch of workers in wool, yet none of them ever observed that the benificial effects they saw from its use in the eruption of itch was effected by sulphur by similarity of action and homoeopathy.
 In the note to symptom 673 I have pointed out the exact distinctive signs of the phenomena of itch.
 Physicians cured, also, some haemorrhoidal affections with sulphur clumsily administered, without suspecting that they had (unconsciously) effected homoeopathic cures; whilst they aggravated other affections of the rectum and anus with it, because the symptoms by means of which sulphur (see 347, 348, 350 to 353, 366, 488 to 492) and hepar sulphuris (see 112, 113 - 129, 130, 181, 183, 184, 185, 187) can cure only similar natural diseases homoepathically, were unknown to them; and also because they administered too large doses 0 5, 10, 20, 30 grains at a time whereas they should have given hardly 1/10000th part of a grain.
 Even though the idea had not occurred to SCHMITJAN to prescribe sulphur in an autumnal dysentery, yet the symptoms of sulphur and hepar sulphuris would suggest to every true physician to employ them in order to combat the troublesome tenesmus occurring especially at night in such cases, for these substances themselves produce a similar affection. For this object a dose of less than 1/10000th of a grain is required (one grain of flowers of sulphur triturated for one hour with 100 grains of milk sugar, and one grain of this mixture again triturated for an hour with 100 grains of milk sugar).
 The homoeopathic physician (who alone acts in conformity with natural laws) will meet with many important morbid states for which he will discover and mat expect much assistance in the symptoms of sulphur and hepar sulphuris.
 Sulphur seems to act in the smallest doses for from 16 to 20 days and finds its antidote in camphor.
 Citations are made from the following old-school sources.
 ARDOYNUS, De Venen, Lib.ii.
 Hufeland’s Journ. d. pr. A. iii.
 LANGE, Domest. вrunsv.
 MORGAGNI, De Sedib. Et caus. Morb., Iv.
 WALTHER. AIG. FR., Progr. De Sulph. et Marte., Lips. 1743.
 The 1st edit. Has 161 symptoms this 2nd edit. 814, (In the original 815 symptoms are reckoned, but this is a mistake on the part of the transcriber, who has counted S. 189 as 190. (not reckonin appended symptoms from the fumes of burning sulphur ); in the сhr. ed., there are 1969.


 Vertigo in the morning with slight epistaxis.
 In the morning much vertigo with slight epistaxis. [Fr.H-n.
 Vertigo when stooping.
 When walking in the open air (after supper) vertigo; she durst not look down nor stoop in the slightest degree; she must take hold of something to avoid falling.
 5. When walking up hill in the open air vertigo, lasting eight minutes; he could not tread with certainty, the senses were clouded (after 4 d.
 When standing vertigo (in the evening), with rush of blood towards the heart.
 Vertigo when she lies at night on the back.
 In the evening, after he had lain in bed a quarter of an hour, whirling vertigo, as though he would fall into a faint, as if all went round in his head; for two successive evenings.
 (Vertigo when sitting; staggering on rising up.
 10. Giddiness in the head.
 Confusion in the head, as though he had not slept enough.
 In the morning the head us confused and pressed in the forehead until noon.
 In the evening confusion of the head.
 After walking in the open air confusion of the head.
 15. When walking in the open air weakness in the head, like stupefaction, with gloomy disagreeable ideas, for several minutes, sometimes slighter, sometimes severer.
 So forgetful that even what had happened but a short time previously is either not at all only dimly remembered.
 Such stupefaction of the head that she imagined she had lost her reason. MORGAGNI, (Observations. Pertubatio in the head is all that is mentioned.
 Great stupidity and dulness.
 20. Dizziness and shooting in the head.
 Heaviness in the head, felt not only when moving and stooping, but even when sitting and lying.
 Every morning headache above the eyes as from stuffed coryza; he must sneeze constantly.
 (Headache as from displaced flatulence.
 Headache with nausea.
 25. Pressure in the front of the head, as after a nocturnal debauch, which after some days changes into glowing tearing in the right side of the head and teeth (aggravated by the application of cold water).
 Aching pain above the left eye (in the afternoon for half an hour.
 Aching pain in the forehead aggravated by movement.
 Pain in the forehead as if it would press out there. [Fr.H-n.
 Frequent headache for a minute: a pinching together of the brain from one temple to the other.
 30. Immediately after supper semilateral, sharp pressive pain under the left parietal bone.
 In the whole head pain as if the head were pressed from without e.g. by a tight hat.
 On wearing a tight covering on the head in the room, pressive pain in the head, which goes off on uncovering the head.
 Tension in the forehead.
 Headache especially late in the evening and at night in bed; an occassional painful pressing inwards from the top of the head to deep into the brain, which compels him to wrinkle the forehead and close the eyes.
 35. Headache, during which the eyes are as it were shut up.
 Headache, especially in the forenoon, as if the head were drawn downwards and forwards.
 Tearing (?) in the head, more in the afternoon than the forenoon, with exhaustion and heat, without thirst; he must lay his head down on the table to obtain relief.
 Nocturnal headache as though the skull would be torn out.
 Tearing in the forehead.
 40. After waking from the midday siesta, on opening the eyes, a quickly occurring severe, chiefly semilateral headache, as if the brain were lacerated or sore (after 36 h.
 Tearing in the head with a saw.
 Twitching pain in the head.
 Twitching pains above the right eye.
 Burning pain above and below the eyebrows, always in the afternoon. [Fr.H-n.
 45. A single stitch in the head.
 Stitches in the head and out at the eyes.
 Headache in the temples, like a twirling and creeping.
 Severe headache in the crown of the head for twelve hours (after 1.1/2 h.), of a febrile character, on several mornings.
 Pain on the crown when chewing, coughing, and blowing the nose.
 50. When chewing, drawing pain in the occiput near the cervical joint, so severe that he must leave off eating. [Fr.H-n.
 Severe pain in the middle of the head when coughing and sneezing.
 Much headache especially when stooping.
 Ringing noise through the head which seems to go out at the ears.
 Throbbing in the head, in the morning.
 55. Throbbing in the head (temple), neck, and about the heart; he had beating and trembling all through him.
 Hammering headache during animated conversation.
 Rush of blood to the head; there was pressive in it, as if out at the eyes; she seemed to be deaf.
 In the morning heat in the head.
 In the morning on awaking, great dry heat in the head; the face glowing.
 60. In the evening heat in the head with cold feet.
 Pulsating throbbing on the head, perceptible externally.
 A pressure externally on the vertex towards the forehead.
 Pressure externally on the vertex towards the forehead; a place in the left side of the head is also painful to touch.
 Boring pain under the vertex: the part is also painful externally when touched.
 65. There is sometimes a burning pain on a small spot of the head down at the nape when lying on it, especially when he has scratched there.
 Itching on the occiput.
 Great falling out of the hair of the head.
 Falling out of the hair.
 Itching pimples on the forehead, on rubbing there is pricking in them.
 70. Shooting in the forehead, as if on the bone.
 Much itching in theyebrows and on the tip of the nose.
 Daily quivering of the lower eyelid.
 Twitching in the eyelids.
 Twitching in the eyelids, chiefly in the afternoon. [Fr.H-n.
 75. Trembling of the eyes.
 Itching on the eyelids as though they would inflame.
 Stye on the upper eyelid as though they would inflame.
 Stye on the upper eyelid in the inner canthus.
 The upper eyelid swollen, and on the border dry matter among the eyelashes.
 Sore dry pain in the borders of the eyelids.
 80. Sore excoriation pain on the inside of the eyelids, after mid-night; followed by feeling of rubbing dryness on their inner surfaces.
 Pain in the eyeballs, as from dryness and as if they rubbed against the eyelids.
 In the morning flow of tears from the eyes, thereafter dryness of the eyes.
 Both eyes excrete greasy-feeling tears. [Fr.H-n.
 The eyes are full of muco-pus (eyegum) (after 3 d.
 85. Burning in the eyelids, which are inflamed and red, and stiff on movement.
 Swelling and redness of the eyes, with papules on the eyelids.
 Burning externally on the eyelids.
 From sulphur-fumes immediately a sensation as of many burning little sparks on the eyelids, which immediately cause them to close.
 A burning jerk in the right eyelid.
 90. Burning in the eyes.
 Sensation like heat in the eye.
 Stabs in the right eye as with knives.
 The eye pains as if bruised on shutting it and on touching it.
 Every evening aching in the eyes, a if for sleep, and yet no sleepiness.
 95. Aching in both eyeballs when walking in the open air.
 Aching in the eyes, especially when he works in the sunshine. [Fr.H-n.
 Heaviness in the eyes.
 In the white of the eye close to the cornea a white vesicle.
 Intolerance of sunlight.
 100. Flickering before the eyes (after 48 h.
 When looking into the air a white spot before the eyes.
 Dark points and spots floating before the sight.
 (Like a vail before the eyes, and dim vision for near and distant objects.
 Deep-lying eyes and blue borders round them.
 105. вlue borders round the eyes.
 Hear and dark redness of the face, especially when walking in the open air.
 In the forenoon and afternoon transient heat in the left cheek for an hour.
 Burning sensation and heat in the face with several particularly red spots between eye and ear.
 Burning painful heat of face and heat and redness of it; the burning was particularly severe round about the mouth.
 Burning in the face and on the neck, without redness.
 Sometimes a quivering on the cheek at the zygoma, sometimes at the chin.
 Drawing pain on the left side of the face as if in the skin, above the left eye, on the left temple, and on the zygomatic process, extending into the lobe of the ear (worst in the morning).
 Tearing in the right half of the face.
 115. Tearing in the left ear.
 (Earache in the left ear.
 In the evening in bed roaring before the ears and rush of the blood to the head.
 Ringing in the ears and like the howling of the wind, especially after lying down.
 Much tinnitus aurium in both ears when sitting.
 120. Humming in the ears for several days.
 Splashing in the ear, as if water were in it, with over sensitiveness of hearing (at the cracking of a whip).
 (Very transient) deafness in both ears (after 9 d.
 Boring above the root of the nose.
 Inflammation in the nose (after 9 d.
 125. вlack sweat-holes on the nose, upper lip, and chin (after 9 d.
 Epistaxis (after 14 d.) for seven days.
 Occasional epistaxis for several days. [Fr.H-n.
 Epistaxis, in the afternoon (about three o’clock), for two successive afternoons; afterwards the nose was painful to the touch.
 In the morning when blowing the nose great epistaxis.
 130. вlowing of blood from the nose.
 On blowing the nose some blood comes from the nose. [Fr.H-n.
 Every time the nose is blown some pieces of clotted blood com away.
 Smell in the nose, as from burnt horn.
 Smell in the nose, as from old foetid coryza.
 135. Swelling of the upper lip.
 At the edge of the vermilion of the lower lip a scabby ulcer with burning pain.
 Eruption of a blister on the middle of the lower lip.
 Trembling of the lips.
 Twitchings in the lower jaw when going to sleep.
 140. Spasmodic drawing in the jaws.
 In the lower jaw shooting out at the ear.
 Submaxillary glands swollen.
 Swelling of the gums at old stumps of teeth.
 The gums bleed on spitting.
 145. Looseness of the teeth and bleeding of the gums for three weeks.
 Teeth on edge.
 The teeth are greatly on edge, but are only painful when biting on them; he could not chew black bread on account of the pain (after 5 d.
 Toothache in the open air.
 The tooth is simply painful per se, even without touching or biting on it, and it is higher.
 150. Toothache, like boring with a hot iron.
 Drawing pain in the teeth.
 A drawing pain the molars, aggravated by drawing air into the mouth.
 Toothache, fine throbbing and drawing.
 Toothache in fits of one to two hours, followed by digging; she can bear cold things better than warm.
 15. Toothache, like jerks and some stitches, periodically, also after midnight and in the morning, whether he eats or no; drawing in the open air it darts into the gums, which are painful per se, and as if they were loose and detached.
 The teeth are as if paralysed when eating, and as if rather loose when biting on them.
 Toothache: shooting in all the teeth day and night; aggravated by biting when eating.
 Toothache: day and night shooting in all the teeth.
 Toothache: shooting throbbing, and burning, going also into the orbits and ear.
 160. A smarting on the tongue, as if there were vesicles in it.
 Tongue red, studded with very white dots, in appearance like aphthae.
 White tongue.
 Tongue in the morning very white, in the afternoon red and clean.
 Tongue furred.
 165. In the morning very dry tongue.
 In the morning very slimy mouth.
 Every morning a salt slime which adheres to the tongue.
 In the morning very dry in the throat, and thereafter a very salt taste in the mouth (which goes off after eating.
 At night dryness in the throat, and on awaking much slime on the tongue.
 170. Dryness in the throat: the tongue adheres to the palate and it is moist but covered with frothy slime (after 6 d.
 After eating very dry in the mouth.
 A dryness in the mouth and a scraping in the throat, as if the food would not go down.
 Aridity in the throat.
 A great dryness in the palate, with thirst; she must drink a great deal.
 175. Dryness in the oesophagus.
 In the evening a burning in the mouth, without thirst.
 At night much heat in the mouth, and much thirst.
 The uvula fallen down.
 180. Sore throat, as from elongation of the uvula, with feeling when swallowing as though she swallowed a piece of flesh.
 Sore throat: during empty deglutition as though she swallowed down a piece of flesh.
 In the throat sensation as if inwardly swollen, and shooting in it when she eats; also outwardly at the angles of the lower jaw she feels as swelling of the neck.
 Painful swelling of the front of the neck. [Fr.H-n.
 In the middle of the oesophagus sensation of spasmodic contraction; the food meets with an obstacle when swallowed.
 185. Pressive pain in the throat when swallowing, as from swelling of the palate.
 Pressive pain in the throat when swallowing, as from swelling of the palate.
 Pressive pain in the throat, as from a plug, when swallowing and when not.
 By fits a pressure in the oesophagus posteriorly (just as though it were in the nape). Felt even when breathing, all through the night until towards morning.
 A burning up the oesophagus, with sour eructation. [Wth.
 Blood in the saliva.
 190. Expectoration of mucus without cough.
 Accumulation if water in the mouth (sour and bitter).
 In the morning on waking great sweetness in the mouth with much mucus.
 In the morning pappy taste in the mouth.
 Insipidity in the mouth.
 195. Insipidity in the mouth with anorexia (after 2 h.
 Bad smell from the mouth after a meal.
 In the morning on rising bad smell form the mouth.
 Contractive sensation in the mouth.
 Bitter taste in the mouth on awaking in the morning.
 Bitter taste in the morning, which goes off by eating. [Fr.H-n.
 The taste in the mouth is bit, though food is relished.
 (Soon after eating she has a bitter taste.
 All food, e.g. bread, tastes bitter.
 205. Tongue very furred; everything tastes bitter.
 Taste of all food too salt.
 What he eats has no taste, like rotten wood.
 Food has no taste: everything tastes like straw. [Fr.H-n.
 Food smelt to him like lime, but tasted well.
 210. The food at dinner smells putrid, but tastes well.
 Complete anorexia he has an inclination for sour things only.
 Complete anorexia; inclination for sour things only. [Fr.H-n.
 Complete anorexia as though quite constricted in the scrobiculus cordis.
 Aversion to butcher’s meat; she becomes inclined to vomit after eating it.
 215. He has some appetite but as soon as he sees food his appetite goes away, and he feels as if full in the abdomen: on commencing to eat he feels repugnance.
 Inordinate hunger. [Fr.H-n.
 Inordinate appetite. [Fr.H-n.
 From eating but little, immediately full in the belly as if overloaded, and the breathing becomes tight.
 After eating he feels as if the top of the oesophagus were tightly closed.
 220. After eating pressure in the stomach.
 After eating, loud, painless grumbling in the abdomen.
 Especially after eating, troublesome stuffed coryza, making the head dull.
 After eating burning in the hands.
 After eating shivering and cold feeling.
 225. After a meal (and in the morning) chilliness.
 After eating chilliness in the abdomen.
 Constant intense thirst for beer, worst an hour after eating.
 Great thirst, without heat; what he drinks tastes well, but does not allay the thirst, seems also to oppress the stomach (after 2 h.
 Thirst (immediately) for several hours. [Wth.
 230. Uncommon thirst for beer. [Fr.H-n.
 Very great thirst by day. [Fr.H-n.
 Complete loss of appetite, but constant thirst.
 A small quantity of beer easily causes him ebullition of blood.
 From drinking milk, immediately sour taste like vinegar in the mouth.
 235. Milk does not agree, causes violent eructation and vomiting of mucus.
 Drinking milk makes bitter scraping eructation.
 Food is eructated bitter and scraping in the throat.
 Scraping eructation after drinking small beer.
 Eructation like rotten eggs, with nausea.
 240. Sour eructation several times in the day and pressure in the scrobiculus cordis.
 Sour eructation, several times a day. [Fr.H-n.
 In the morning sweetish erucation.
 Eructation with the taste of food.
 Every morning empty eructation.
 245. вulked eructation on going to sleep.
 Belching up of a portion of the food that had been eaten (breakfast) (after 3.1/2 h.
 Undigested food is belched up again from the stomach into the mouth.
 All day long heartburn.
 In the morning feeling of heartburn in the front of the chest; burning and crawling.
 250. In the evening water accumulated in the mouth; he must let much water run out of the mouth (waterbrash), and then he could not speak; then vomiting of the food eaten seven hours previously.
 Waterbrash twice a day; twisting in the scrobiculus cordis, she gets sick and retches, and much water runs out of her mouth that comes from below upwards.
 Two hours after eating he has eructation, water runs out of his mouth; he must vomit his food, with great nausea, during which he shivers.
 At night a nausea and twisting in the scrobiculus cordis (as if going to have water brash).
 Nausea in the mouth with collection of saliva, after breakfast.
 255. Every morning nausea.
 He became sick and at first he eructates mucus, afterwards bitter scraping eructation.
 In the afternoon nausea and bitter vomiting.
 Transient but frequent inclination to vomit during the day.
 In the morning inclination to vomit, retching, vomiting of mucus.
 260. He vomits his breakfast with trembling of hands and feet.
 He vomits acid.
 Vomiting. [AUG. FR. WALTHER, (not accessible), Progr. De Sulph. et Marte, Lips., 1743, p. 5.
 Vomiting with profuse perspiration (after 24 h. [Fr.H-n.
 At noon, before eating, a cramp-like contraction in the scorbiculus cordis, which takes away the breath.
 265. In the evening a tension in the chest and stomach to the back; he felt as if he had eaten too much; in the scrobiculus cordis there was pain on touching and pressing on it.
 On taking a full breath shooting in the scrobiculus cordis.
 When standing (in the morning) shooting in the scrobiculus cordis.
 (Intolerable pressure in the scrobiculus cordis and upper part of the abdomen, in fits, chiefly in the morning, somewhat relieved by, the pressure of the hand, for several days)(after 6 d.
 Pressure under the stomach, very severe when lying.
 270. Pressure under the scrobiculus cordis. [Fr..H-n.
 A pressive pain in the stomach with some anxiety (after 3 h. [Wth.

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