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aur, Aurum metallicum, золото металлическое гомеопатия.Источник описания
Materia Medica Pura – Samuel HahnemannФармакологическая группа
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(From vol. iv, 2nd edit., 1825.
Just as superstition, impure observations, and credulous assumptions have been the source of innumerable falsely ascribed remedial virtues of medicines in the Materia medica; in like manner physicians by their failure to resort to the test of the experimentand by their futile theorizing, have quite as unreasonably, denied the possesion of any medicinal power whatever to many substances that are very powerful, and consequently of great curative virtue, and by so doing they have deprived us of these remedies.
In this place I will speak only of gold, and not of this metal altered by the ordinary chemical processes, consequently not of it dissolved by the action of acids nor percipitated from its solution (fulminating gold), both of which have been declared to be, if not useless, then absolutely noxious, apparently because they cannot be taken without dangerous consequences when given in what is called a justa dosis, or, in other words, in excessive quantity.
No. I speak of pure gold not altered by chemical manipulations.
Modern physicians have pronounced this to be quite inactive; they have at length expunged it out of all their Materia Medicas, and thereby deprived us of all its mighty curative virtues.
It is incapable of solution in our gastric juices, hence it must be quite powerless and useless. This was their theorical conclusion, in the medical art, as is well known, such theoretical dicta have always availed more than convincing proof. вecause they did not question experience, the only possible guide in the medical art which is found on experience alone; because it was easier to make mere assertions, therefore they usually preferred bold dicta, theoretical empty assumptions and arbitrary maximsn to solid truth.
It is no excuse for them that the older physicians have also deemed gold to be quite useless and powerless, that, for example, FABRICIUS (in Obs. Medorrhinum) says:- What effect can the low temperatureof our stomach have no gold-leaf, seeing that it is unalteredby the most intense heat. Or NICHOLAS MONDARDES (De Ferro, pp. 32, 33) :- Patients may take my word for it, and spare themselves the expense of employing glod as a medicine - they can never obtain any medicinal virtue from it for their maladies. Or ALSTON (Mat. Medorrhinum i, p. 69):- Seeing that gold in its metallic state cannot be dissolved or altered by the vital power, it can consequently have no medicinal action, but what it exerts on the intestines by virtue of its weight, hardness, and mechanical form. Or, lastly, J,, F. GMELIN (Appar. Medorrhinum Min., i. p. 445):- As gold is not destructible, not resolvable into vapour, and is hence incapable of union with juices of the animal body, therefore it cannot possess curative virtues. It was very stupid to attempt to decide theoritically the question whether gold can possess remedial properties - the only proper thing to do was to convince oneself by trial and experience whether it had remedial powers or not. If it has curative virtues then all the theroretical denials are rediculous.
Nor are they excused when they adduce a number of other older physicians as deniers of the medical properties of gold, and refer to such names as ANT. MUSA вRASSAVOLUS, FEL. PLATERUS, HIER. сARDANUS, JO. вRAVUS PETRAFIT, FRANC, PIC. MIRANDOLA, MERINUS, MERCENIUS, DURETUS, сAMERARIUS, сORDOSUS, сONRINGIUS, LEMERY, ANGELUS SALA, or JOH. SCHRODER, who on other matters is so extremely credulous.
They were all wrong, and so are all the modern physicians.
Gold was great, peculiar medicinal powers.
At first I allowed myself to be deterred by these deniers from hoping for medicinal properties in pure gold; but as I could not persuade myself to consider any metal whatsoever as destitute of curative powers, I employed it at first in solution. Hence the few symptoms from the solution of gold recorded below. I then gave, in cases where the symptoms guided me to the homoeopathic employment, the quintillionth or sextillionth of a grain of gold in solution for a dose, and observed curative effects somewhat similar to those I afterwards experienced from pure gold.
But because, as a rule, I do not like, when I can avoid it, to give the metals dissolved in acids (when I can not avoid doing so, I prefer their solution in vegetable acids), and least of all in mineral acids, as that detracts from their noble simplicity, for they must assuredly undergo some alteration in their properties when acted on by these acids - as we must perceive on a comparison of the curative effects of corrosive sublimate with those of the black oxide of mercury - I was delighted to find a number of Arabian physicians unanimously testifying to the medicinal powers of gold in a finely pulverized form, particularly in some serious morbid conditions, in some of which the solution of gold had already been of great use to me. This circumstance inspired me with great confidence in the assertions of the Arabians.
The first trace of this we meet with in the eighth century, when GEBER (De Alcimia traditio, Argent. ap. Zetzner, 1698, lib. ii, p. iii, cap. 32) vaunts gold as a materia laetificans et en juventute corpus consevans.
Towards the end of the tenth century SERAPION the younger (De Simplicibus сomment., Venet. fol. Ap. Junt., 1550, cap. 415, p. 192), recommends it in these words:- Powdered gold is useful in melancholy and weakness of the heart.
Then at the commencement of the eleventh century AVICENNA (Canon., lib. ii, cap. 79) says:- Powdered gold is one of the medicines against melancholy, removes foetor of the breath, is, even when given internally, a remedy for falling out of the hair, strengthens the eyes, is useful in pain of the heart and palpitation, and is uncommonly serviceable in dyspnoea. The Arabic word for this last two meanings; according to the accentuation of the word it means either taking to himself, or dyspnoea. Experience of the curative power of gold shows the last to be the true meaning.
ABULKASEM (ABULCASIS), at the commencement of the twelvth century, is the first who describes (in Libro Servitoris de proep. Medorrhinum, p. 242) the preparation of this gold powder in these words:- The gold is rubbed on a rough linen cloth in a basin filled with water, and the fine powder that falls to the bottom of the water is to be employed for administration. JOHANN VON ST. AMAND (in the thirteenth century) describes the same method of its preparation (in the Appendix to MESUE, Opera, Venet., 1561, p. 245, 4 E.
This mode of preparation was imitated by ZACUTUS, the Portuguese, and he records (Histor. Medic., lib. I, obs. 333) the history of the case of a nobleman who had long been troubled by melancholy ideas, whom he cured in a month by the sole use of a fine powder obtained by rubbing gold on a grind stone.
I may refer here to the laudations of gold powder and of gold by JO. PLATEARIUS (quoest. Therap. RODERICUS A сASTRO (De Meteor. Microcosm., cap. 3), ABRAHAM A PORTA LEONIS (Dialog. De Auro), ZACCHARIAS A PUTEO, JOH. DAN. MYLIUS (Anatomia Auri), HORN (Ephem. Nat. сur., Dec. ii, ann. 3, obs. 159), FR. вACO (Historia Vitoe et Mortis), FR. JOSEPH вURRHI (Epist. 4 ad. Thom. вarthol. De Oculis), JO. JACOB WALDSCHMIEDT (Diss. De Auro, Marb., 1685), сHPH, HELWIG (Diss. De Auro ejusque in Medic. Viribus, Gryphisv.,1703), LEMNIUS, PET. FORSETUS, OL. вORRICHIUS, ROLFLINCK, ANDR. LAGNER, ETTMULLER, TACKIUS, HELCHER (Diss. De Auro, Jen., 1730), POTERIUS, J. D. HORSTIUS, HOLLERIUS, HOEFER, and ZWELFER (Pharm. August). вut leaving these authorities out of the question, I thought I might attach more value to the testimony of the Arabians as to the curative powers of finely powdered gold than to the theoretical unfounded doubts of the moderns, so I triturated the finest gold-leaf (its fineness is 23 carats, 6 grains) with 100 parts of milk-suger for a full hour, for internal medical use.
I will not attempt to determine if in this fine powder the gold is only triturated smaller, or if by this energetic trituration it has become to some degree oxydated. Enough, that in proving it on some healthy adults, 100 grainsof this powder (containing one grain of gold), and on others, 200 grains (containing two grains of gold), dissolved in water, sufficed to excite very great alterations in the health and morbid symptoms, which are recorded below.
From these it will be perceived that the assertions of the Arabians are not without foundations, as even small doses of this metal given in the form mentioned caused even in healthy adults morbid states very similar to those cured (in conscious homoeopathic manner) by those Orientals, who deserve credit for their discovery of remedies.
Since then I have cured quickly and permanently of melancholia resembling that produced by gold many persons who had serious thoughts of commiting suicide, by small doses, which for the whole treatment contained altogether from the 3/100th of the 9/100th of a grain of gold; and in like manner I have cured several other severe affections, resembling the symptoms caused by gold. I do not doubt that much higher attenuations of the powder and much smaller doses of gold would amply suffice for the same purpose.
Some time after writing above I had an opportunity of convincing myself that a hundred-fold higher attenueation of the above preparation ( made by triturating gold with a hundred parts of milk-sugar), consequently 1/10000th part of a grain of gold for a dose, showed itself not less powerful in a curative point of view, especially in caries of the palatal and nasal bones, caused by the abuse of mercury preparedwith mineral acids. This remedial power of the internal employment of gold in the evil effects of mercury was observed by ANT, сHALMETEUS (in Enechiridien сhirurg., p. 402. In the subjoined schema the symptoms of gold homoeopathic to these affections will be readily observed.
By further triturations and dilution the power of gold is still more developed and spiritualized, so that I now employ for all curative purposes only a very small portion of a grain of the quadrillion-fold dilution for a dose.
Would our physicians, by their customary method of fabricating the virtues of medicines out of airy hypothesis, and constructing a materia medica of such fanciful materials, ever have discovered this remarkable power of a metal which their learned speculations had consigned to the category of utterly powerless subsyances. And which other of the favourite methods of our materia-medica-manufacturers would have taught us these remedial properties of gold. These have been clearly and certainly taught to the homoeopathic physician by the symptoms it produces, which resemble the morbid states it is capable of curing.
Poor, fabulous materia medica of the ordinary stamp, how far dost thou lag behind the revalation which medicines in hteir action on the healthy human body clearly make by the production of morbid symptoms, which the homoeopathic physician can employ with infallible certainty for the cure if natural disease.
The duration of the action of gold is not extremely small doses is at least twenty-one days.
Just as superstition, impure observations, and credulous assumptions have been the source of innumerable falsely ascribed remedial virtues of medicines in the Materia medica; in like manner physicians by their failure to resort to the test of the experimentand by their futile theorizing, have quite as unreasonably, denied the possesion of any medicinal power whatever to many substances that are very powerful, and consequently of great curative virtue, and by so doing they have deprived us of these remedies.
In this place I will speak only of gold, and not of this metal altered by the ordinary chemical processes, consequently not of it dissolved by the action of acids nor percipitated from its solution (fulminating gold), both of which have been declared to be, if not useless, then absolutely noxious, apparently because they cannot be taken without dangerous consequences when given in what is called a justa dosis, or, in other words, in excessive quantity.
No. I speak of pure gold not altered by chemical manipulations.
Modern physicians have pronounced this to be quite inactive; they have at length expunged it out of all their Materia Medicas, and thereby deprived us of all its mighty curative virtues.
It is incapable of solution in our gastric juices, hence it must be quite powerless and useless. This was their theorical conclusion, in the medical art, as is well known, such theoretical dicta have always availed more than convincing proof. вecause they did not question experience, the only possible guide in the medical art which is found on experience alone; because it was easier to make mere assertions, therefore they usually preferred bold dicta, theoretical empty assumptions and arbitrary maximsn to solid truth.
It is no excuse for them that the older physicians have also deemed gold to be quite useless and powerless, that, for example, FABRICIUS (in Obs. Medorrhinum) says:- What effect can the low temperatureof our stomach have no gold-leaf, seeing that it is unalteredby the most intense heat. Or NICHOLAS MONDARDES (De Ferro, pp. 32, 33) :- Patients may take my word for it, and spare themselves the expense of employing glod as a medicine - they can never obtain any medicinal virtue from it for their maladies. Or ALSTON (Mat. Medorrhinum i, p. 69):- Seeing that gold in its metallic state cannot be dissolved or altered by the vital power, it can consequently have no medicinal action, but what it exerts on the intestines by virtue of its weight, hardness, and mechanical form. Or, lastly, J,, F. GMELIN (Appar. Medorrhinum Min., i. p. 445):- As gold is not destructible, not resolvable into vapour, and is hence incapable of union with juices of the animal body, therefore it cannot possess curative virtues. It was very stupid to attempt to decide theoritically the question whether gold can possess remedial properties - the only proper thing to do was to convince oneself by trial and experience whether it had remedial powers or not. If it has curative virtues then all the theroretical denials are rediculous.
Nor are they excused when they adduce a number of other older physicians as deniers of the medical properties of gold, and refer to such names as ANT. MUSA вRASSAVOLUS, FEL. PLATERUS, HIER. сARDANUS, JO. вRAVUS PETRAFIT, FRANC, PIC. MIRANDOLA, MERINUS, MERCENIUS, DURETUS, сAMERARIUS, сORDOSUS, сONRINGIUS, LEMERY, ANGELUS SALA, or JOH. SCHRODER, who on other matters is so extremely credulous.
They were all wrong, and so are all the modern physicians.
Gold was great, peculiar medicinal powers.
At first I allowed myself to be deterred by these deniers from hoping for medicinal properties in pure gold; but as I could not persuade myself to consider any metal whatsoever as destitute of curative powers, I employed it at first in solution. Hence the few symptoms from the solution of gold recorded below. I then gave, in cases where the symptoms guided me to the homoeopathic employment, the quintillionth or sextillionth of a grain of gold in solution for a dose, and observed curative effects somewhat similar to those I afterwards experienced from pure gold.
But because, as a rule, I do not like, when I can avoid it, to give the metals dissolved in acids (when I can not avoid doing so, I prefer their solution in vegetable acids), and least of all in mineral acids, as that detracts from their noble simplicity, for they must assuredly undergo some alteration in their properties when acted on by these acids - as we must perceive on a comparison of the curative effects of corrosive sublimate with those of the black oxide of mercury - I was delighted to find a number of Arabian physicians unanimously testifying to the medicinal powers of gold in a finely pulverized form, particularly in some serious morbid conditions, in some of which the solution of gold had already been of great use to me. This circumstance inspired me with great confidence in the assertions of the Arabians.
The first trace of this we meet with in the eighth century, when GEBER (De Alcimia traditio, Argent. ap. Zetzner, 1698, lib. ii, p. iii, cap. 32) vaunts gold as a materia laetificans et en juventute corpus consevans.
Towards the end of the tenth century SERAPION the younger (De Simplicibus сomment., Venet. fol. Ap. Junt., 1550, cap. 415, p. 192), recommends it in these words:- Powdered gold is useful in melancholy and weakness of the heart.
Then at the commencement of the eleventh century AVICENNA (Canon., lib. ii, cap. 79) says:- Powdered gold is one of the medicines against melancholy, removes foetor of the breath, is, even when given internally, a remedy for falling out of the hair, strengthens the eyes, is useful in pain of the heart and palpitation, and is uncommonly serviceable in dyspnoea. The Arabic word for this last two meanings; according to the accentuation of the word it means either taking to himself, or dyspnoea. Experience of the curative power of gold shows the last to be the true meaning.
ABULKASEM (ABULCASIS), at the commencement of the twelvth century, is the first who describes (in Libro Servitoris de proep. Medorrhinum, p. 242) the preparation of this gold powder in these words:- The gold is rubbed on a rough linen cloth in a basin filled with water, and the fine powder that falls to the bottom of the water is to be employed for administration. JOHANN VON ST. AMAND (in the thirteenth century) describes the same method of its preparation (in the Appendix to MESUE, Opera, Venet., 1561, p. 245, 4 E.
This mode of preparation was imitated by ZACUTUS, the Portuguese, and he records (Histor. Medic., lib. I, obs. 333) the history of the case of a nobleman who had long been troubled by melancholy ideas, whom he cured in a month by the sole use of a fine powder obtained by rubbing gold on a grind stone.
I may refer here to the laudations of gold powder and of gold by JO. PLATEARIUS (quoest. Therap. RODERICUS A сASTRO (De Meteor. Microcosm., cap. 3), ABRAHAM A PORTA LEONIS (Dialog. De Auro), ZACCHARIAS A PUTEO, JOH. DAN. MYLIUS (Anatomia Auri), HORN (Ephem. Nat. сur., Dec. ii, ann. 3, obs. 159), FR. вACO (Historia Vitoe et Mortis), FR. JOSEPH вURRHI (Epist. 4 ad. Thom. вarthol. De Oculis), JO. JACOB WALDSCHMIEDT (Diss. De Auro, Marb., 1685), сHPH, HELWIG (Diss. De Auro ejusque in Medic. Viribus, Gryphisv.,1703), LEMNIUS, PET. FORSETUS, OL. вORRICHIUS, ROLFLINCK, ANDR. LAGNER, ETTMULLER, TACKIUS, HELCHER (Diss. De Auro, Jen., 1730), POTERIUS, J. D. HORSTIUS, HOLLERIUS, HOEFER, and ZWELFER (Pharm. August). вut leaving these authorities out of the question, I thought I might attach more value to the testimony of the Arabians as to the curative powers of finely powdered gold than to the theoretical unfounded doubts of the moderns, so I triturated the finest gold-leaf (its fineness is 23 carats, 6 grains) with 100 parts of milk-suger for a full hour, for internal medical use.
I will not attempt to determine if in this fine powder the gold is only triturated smaller, or if by this energetic trituration it has become to some degree oxydated. Enough, that in proving it on some healthy adults, 100 grainsof this powder (containing one grain of gold), and on others, 200 grains (containing two grains of gold), dissolved in water, sufficed to excite very great alterations in the health and morbid symptoms, which are recorded below.
From these it will be perceived that the assertions of the Arabians are not without foundations, as even small doses of this metal given in the form mentioned caused even in healthy adults morbid states very similar to those cured (in conscious homoeopathic manner) by those Orientals, who deserve credit for their discovery of remedies.
Since then I have cured quickly and permanently of melancholia resembling that produced by gold many persons who had serious thoughts of commiting suicide, by small doses, which for the whole treatment contained altogether from the 3/100th of the 9/100th of a grain of gold; and in like manner I have cured several other severe affections, resembling the symptoms caused by gold. I do not doubt that much higher attenuations of the powder and much smaller doses of gold would amply suffice for the same purpose.
Some time after writing above I had an opportunity of convincing myself that a hundred-fold higher attenueation of the above preparation ( made by triturating gold with a hundred parts of milk-sugar), consequently 1/10000th part of a grain of gold for a dose, showed itself not less powerful in a curative point of view, especially in caries of the palatal and nasal bones, caused by the abuse of mercury preparedwith mineral acids. This remedial power of the internal employment of gold in the evil effects of mercury was observed by ANT, сHALMETEUS (in Enechiridien сhirurg., p. 402. In the subjoined schema the symptoms of gold homoeopathic to these affections will be readily observed.
By further triturations and dilution the power of gold is still more developed and spiritualized, so that I now employ for all curative purposes only a very small portion of a grain of the quadrillion-fold dilution for a dose.
Would our physicians, by their customary method of fabricating the virtues of medicines out of airy hypothesis, and constructing a materia medica of such fanciful materials, ever have discovered this remarkable power of a metal which their learned speculations had consigned to the category of utterly powerless subsyances. And which other of the favourite methods of our materia-medica-manufacturers would have taught us these remedial properties of gold. These have been clearly and certainly taught to the homoeopathic physician by the symptoms it produces, which resemble the morbid states it is capable of curing.
Poor, fabulous materia medica of the ordinary stamp, how far dost thou lag behind the revalation which medicines in hteir action on the healthy human body clearly make by the production of morbid symptoms, which the homoeopathic physician can employ with infallible certainty for the cure if natural disease.
The duration of the action of gold is not extremely small doses is at least twenty-one days.
Список литературы
The only old-school authorities referred to for symptoms are-.
Misc. Nat. сur., Dec. ii, ann. 6.
Ephem. Nat. сar., сent. 10.
HOFFMANN. FR., Medorrhinum Rat. Syst., ii.
LUDOVICI, Pharmac. Medorrhinum Secale appl., Gotha, 1685.
Pharmac. Wirtemb., ii.
SCHULZE, J. H., Proelectiones in Phar.
The 1st Edit, has 313 symptoms, this 2nd Edit. 379. In the сhr. Kr. there are 461.
The only old-school authorities referred to for symptoms are-.
Misc. Nat. сur., Dec. ii, ann. 6.
Ephem. Nat. сar., сent. 10.
HOFFMANN. FR., Medorrhinum Rat. Syst., ii.
LUDOVICI, Pharmac. Medorrhinum Secale appl., Gotha, 1685.
Pharmac. Wirtemb., ii.
SCHULZE, J. H., Proelectiones in Phar.
The 1st Edit, has 313 symptoms, this 2nd Edit. 379. In the сhr. Kr. there are 461.
(This is called Aurum muiaticum in the сhr. Kr. It will be noticed that the usual order of the schema is departed from here, the nose coming before the ear. In the сhr. Kr. the usual arrangement is adopted and the signs of parenthesis omitted.
Drawing pain in the forehead (after 2 h.
A tickling itching on the forehead (after 1 h.
Tearing pain in the left eye.
Redness and itching inflammation on the nose, which afterwards desquamates.
5. Red swelling of the left side of the nose; the cavity of the nose is ulcerated deep in, with a dry, yellowish scab, with sensation of internal stoppage of the nose, although the air passes readily through it.
Red swelling on and under the right nostril; in the nostril itself there is a painless ulcer-scab; it feels to him stopped up, although the air passes through it. [Mch.
Externally in the upper part of the nose a burning (and somewhat itching) pain.
A crawling in the interior of th nose, as if something were running about in it.
Discharge of a greenish-yellow matter from the nose, without bad smell, for 7 days (after 10 d.
10. Ringing in the ears) after 6 h.
(After the ringing in the ears a kind of dulness of hearing, as if the ears internally were wide and hollow, owing to which nothing was heard distinctly.
Twitching toothache sometimes on one side sometimes in the upper incisors.
Twitching toothache also in the anterior upper row of teeth. [Mch.
Distension of the abdomen.
15. His breathing is very short, and as if the larynx were stopped up, for some days.
(A couple of stitches just above the heart.
(Swelling in the wrist, without pain per se, only a tension on bending back the hand; on grasping, however, he has stitches in it.
Tearing pain in the middle finger (after dinner).
More acute thinking faculty, and more accurate memory. Curative action).
Intellectual labours affected him much; he felt exhausted.
On stooping, vertigo, as if all turned round in a circle; on assuming an erect position it went off each time (after 40 h. [Lr.
On walking in the open air there occurred a vertigo as if he would always fall to the left side and was intoxicated, which obliged him to go to bed, and for some time whilst lying in bed it returned on the slightest movement (after 43 h. [Lr.
5. In the morning, on rising, confusion of the head; great weight in the occiput. [Ws.
Confusion of the head. [Hrr.
When standing he is suddenly seized with vertigo, which compels him to sit down (after 28 h. [Hrr.
Headache as from commencing catarrh.
Headache (increasing from morning onwards), as if the brain were bruised, which by merely thinking and reading, but especially by continued talking and writing, is increased to the extremest violence, so that the ideas become confused, and it is only by the greatest effort that anything connected can be spoken or written; but when he ceases to speak, reflect and write, the headache always departs; at 7 it spontaneously ceases entirely (after 6 h.
10. Headache, which is felt partly like bruised pain, partly in one portion of the brain, sometimes like painful pressure, sometimes like a tearing, increases from morning onwards aand goes off about 3 (after 24 h.
(One sided headache like digging, boring, pecking, in the morning immediately after waking, increased by coughing and bending the head backwards.
One-sided sharp beating, hacking headache.
Tearing pressure in the head, here and there, especially in the forehead, with giddy feeling. [Hrr.
A prickling sensation in the sinciput.
15. Headache, anteriorly in the forehead and temples, deep in the brain, a very severe tearing, which is allayed in the open air. [Gss.
Aching stupefying headache, as if excited by a strong wind (after 11 h. [Lr.
Pressure in the left side of the forehead (aft. 1.1/4 h. [Hrr.
Aching tearing from the right side of the occiput to the right side of the forehead (after 3 h. [Hrr.
Tearing pressure in the left side of the crown, worse on movement. [Hrr.
20. Tearing in the left temple. [Fz.
Fine tearing in the right side of the crown (aft. 3 h. [Hrr.
Tearing pain in the left side of the crown (aft. ½ h. [Hrr.
Tearing pain in the left side of the forehead, worse on movement. [Hrr.
Fine tearing in the forehead. [Hrr.
Tearing cutting pain in the right side of the crown (after 17 d. [Hrr.
Fine tearing from the right side of the occiput through the brain to the forehead, worse on movement (after 1 h. [Hrr.
Tearing pressure in the right side of the occi. [Hrr.
A roaring and rushing in the head, as if he were seated beside rushing water (after 15 d.
Rush of blood to the head.
30. Rush of blood to the brain (after ¾ h.
Violent rush of blood in the head, on stooping, which goes off again on rising up (after 8 d. [Hrr.
Shooting on the frontal bone, like a slow drawing (after 6 h. [Fz.
A sharp stitch on the centre of the forehead, where the hair begins.
Needle-pricks on the forehead externally (after 24 h. [Hrr.
35. A small osseous tumour on th right side of the vertex, with boring pains per se, but worse when touched.
A small osseous tumour on the left side of the forehead superiorly.
Pressure on and in the left side of the forehead externally and internally (after 10 h. [Hrr.
Painful pressure in the temples.
Pressure on the left temple (after 32 h. [Hrr.
40. Aching externally on the left temple, worse when touched 9after ¼ h. [Hrr.
On lying down the cranial bones are painful as if broken to pieces, so that it took away all his vital energy.
(His head is shaken sideways and up and down.
Feeling of weakness and aching in the eyes.
Pressure from without inwards on the left eye. (after 8 d. [Hrr.
45. Pressive pain from above downwards on the right eyeball. [Hrr.
Pressive pain from without inwards on the right eyeball, worse when touched(aft. 6 h. [Hrr.
Aching in the eyes as if a foreign body had got into it.
On looking, a sensation in the eyes as when one has been much heated, as if the blood pressed strongly on the optic nerves.
(A kind of burning in the eyes.
50. An obtuse stitch outwards on the lower part of the left orbit.
Extreme pressure in the left orbit almost like a spasm, on its internal aspect posteriorly. [Gss.
Fine tearing in the right orbit in the vicinity of the external canthus (aft 5 h. [Hrr.
Sensation of pressing out of the left eyeball in its inner and upper angle. [Fz.
Tension in the eyes which interferes with vision (aft. 1 h. [Hrr.
55. Extreme tension in the eyes with diminution of the visual power; he cannot distinguish distinctly, because he sees everythingdouble and one object seems to run into another; the tensive pain is worse when he fixes the eyes on something, and less severe when he closes them (after 9 d. [Hrr.
Several single stitches in the inner canthus of the left eye and in the eyelid itself (after 36 h. [Hrr.
Contraction of the pupils (aft. 2, 3.3/4 h. [Lr.
Dilatation of the pupils (after 3.1/2 h. [Lr.
It seems as if the upper half of the right eye were covered by a black body, so that he can only see with the lower half objects below him, but those above remain invisible. [Hrr.
60. It seems as if a black veil were drawn over the eyes, whereby distinct vision is impaired (after 6 d. [Hrr.
Sparks of fire appear suddenly before the eyes. Sparks of fire in the eyes are usual prodromata of partial paralysis of the optic nerve, or obscuration of the sight by black spots always hovering before the eyes. I cured one such case by means of gold.
A smarting pain on the left upper eyelid.
A painless smoth pimple on the right lower tarsal edge.
Swelling of the lower eyelids. [Fr. H-n.
65. Bluish internal canthus.
The face swollen and shining, as from perspiration; the eyes as if distented and protruding.
On the right side of the face itching needle-pricks.
Drawing tearing on the left side of the face (after 2 h. [Ws.
In the face, on the neck, and on the chest an eruption of small pimples with purulent apices, for some hours.
70. Excessive tearing in the frontal process of the malar bone. [Gss.
A tearing in the right zygomatic arch. [Gss.
Aching tearing in the left external meatus auditorius (after ¾ h. [Hrr.
Humming before the left ear.
Creptitation in the left ear.
75. In the morning in bed roaring in the ears.
A tickling formication internally in the alae nasi, as during coryza (after 2 h. [Lr.
A tickling formication internally in the alae nasi, compelling him to scratch (aft. 2.1/2 and 21 h. [Lr.
Sensation of stoppage of the nose as in stuffed coryza, and yet he could draw air through it very well (after 2.1/2 h. [Lr.
The nasal bone of the right side and the neighbouring part of the upper jaw are painful to the touch, expecially to the touch, especially where the facial nerve comes out.
80. After walking in the open air the nose swells in the room.
Twitching on the septum of the nose from above downwards. [Ws.
He cannot get air through the nose; the nostrils are ulcerated and agglutinated and painful.
The nostril appears to him to be stopped up, and yet he can get air through it. [Fr. H-n.
A transient smell of brandy in the nose, with oppression of the chest.
85. On blowing the nose he percievies a foetid smell in the nose.
Extremely sensitive smell; everything smells too strong. (after 48 h.
Drawing pain in the forehead (after 2 h.
A tickling itching on the forehead (after 1 h.
Tearing pain in the left eye.
Redness and itching inflammation on the nose, which afterwards desquamates.
5. Red swelling of the left side of the nose; the cavity of the nose is ulcerated deep in, with a dry, yellowish scab, with sensation of internal stoppage of the nose, although the air passes readily through it.
Red swelling on and under the right nostril; in the nostril itself there is a painless ulcer-scab; it feels to him stopped up, although the air passes through it. [Mch.
Externally in the upper part of the nose a burning (and somewhat itching) pain.
A crawling in the interior of th nose, as if something were running about in it.
Discharge of a greenish-yellow matter from the nose, without bad smell, for 7 days (after 10 d.
10. Ringing in the ears) after 6 h.
(After the ringing in the ears a kind of dulness of hearing, as if the ears internally were wide and hollow, owing to which nothing was heard distinctly.
Twitching toothache sometimes on one side sometimes in the upper incisors.
Twitching toothache also in the anterior upper row of teeth. [Mch.
Distension of the abdomen.
15. His breathing is very short, and as if the larynx were stopped up, for some days.
(A couple of stitches just above the heart.
(Swelling in the wrist, without pain per se, only a tension on bending back the hand; on grasping, however, he has stitches in it.
Tearing pain in the middle finger (after dinner).
More acute thinking faculty, and more accurate memory. Curative action).
Intellectual labours affected him much; he felt exhausted.
On stooping, vertigo, as if all turned round in a circle; on assuming an erect position it went off each time (after 40 h. [Lr.
On walking in the open air there occurred a vertigo as if he would always fall to the left side and was intoxicated, which obliged him to go to bed, and for some time whilst lying in bed it returned on the slightest movement (after 43 h. [Lr.
5. In the morning, on rising, confusion of the head; great weight in the occiput. [Ws.
Confusion of the head. [Hrr.
When standing he is suddenly seized with vertigo, which compels him to sit down (after 28 h. [Hrr.
Headache as from commencing catarrh.
Headache (increasing from morning onwards), as if the brain were bruised, which by merely thinking and reading, but especially by continued talking and writing, is increased to the extremest violence, so that the ideas become confused, and it is only by the greatest effort that anything connected can be spoken or written; but when he ceases to speak, reflect and write, the headache always departs; at 7 it spontaneously ceases entirely (after 6 h.
10. Headache, which is felt partly like bruised pain, partly in one portion of the brain, sometimes like painful pressure, sometimes like a tearing, increases from morning onwards aand goes off about 3 (after 24 h.
(One sided headache like digging, boring, pecking, in the morning immediately after waking, increased by coughing and bending the head backwards.
One-sided sharp beating, hacking headache.
Tearing pressure in the head, here and there, especially in the forehead, with giddy feeling. [Hrr.
A prickling sensation in the sinciput.
15. Headache, anteriorly in the forehead and temples, deep in the brain, a very severe tearing, which is allayed in the open air. [Gss.
Aching stupefying headache, as if excited by a strong wind (after 11 h. [Lr.
Pressure in the left side of the forehead (aft. 1.1/4 h. [Hrr.
Aching tearing from the right side of the occiput to the right side of the forehead (after 3 h. [Hrr.
Tearing pressure in the left side of the crown, worse on movement. [Hrr.
20. Tearing in the left temple. [Fz.
Fine tearing in the right side of the crown (aft. 3 h. [Hrr.
Tearing pain in the left side of the crown (aft. ½ h. [Hrr.
Tearing pain in the left side of the forehead, worse on movement. [Hrr.
Fine tearing in the forehead. [Hrr.
Tearing cutting pain in the right side of the crown (after 17 d. [Hrr.
Fine tearing from the right side of the occiput through the brain to the forehead, worse on movement (after 1 h. [Hrr.
Tearing pressure in the right side of the occi. [Hrr.
A roaring and rushing in the head, as if he were seated beside rushing water (after 15 d.
Rush of blood to the head.
30. Rush of blood to the brain (after ¾ h.
Violent rush of blood in the head, on stooping, which goes off again on rising up (after 8 d. [Hrr.
Shooting on the frontal bone, like a slow drawing (after 6 h. [Fz.
A sharp stitch on the centre of the forehead, where the hair begins.
Needle-pricks on the forehead externally (after 24 h. [Hrr.
35. A small osseous tumour on th right side of the vertex, with boring pains per se, but worse when touched.
A small osseous tumour on the left side of the forehead superiorly.
Pressure on and in the left side of the forehead externally and internally (after 10 h. [Hrr.
Painful pressure in the temples.
Pressure on the left temple (after 32 h. [Hrr.
40. Aching externally on the left temple, worse when touched 9after ¼ h. [Hrr.
On lying down the cranial bones are painful as if broken to pieces, so that it took away all his vital energy.
(His head is shaken sideways and up and down.
Feeling of weakness and aching in the eyes.
Pressure from without inwards on the left eye. (after 8 d. [Hrr.
45. Pressive pain from above downwards on the right eyeball. [Hrr.
Pressive pain from without inwards on the right eyeball, worse when touched(aft. 6 h. [Hrr.
Aching in the eyes as if a foreign body had got into it.
On looking, a sensation in the eyes as when one has been much heated, as if the blood pressed strongly on the optic nerves.
(A kind of burning in the eyes.
50. An obtuse stitch outwards on the lower part of the left orbit.
Extreme pressure in the left orbit almost like a spasm, on its internal aspect posteriorly. [Gss.
Fine tearing in the right orbit in the vicinity of the external canthus (aft 5 h. [Hrr.
Sensation of pressing out of the left eyeball in its inner and upper angle. [Fz.
Tension in the eyes which interferes with vision (aft. 1 h. [Hrr.
55. Extreme tension in the eyes with diminution of the visual power; he cannot distinguish distinctly, because he sees everythingdouble and one object seems to run into another; the tensive pain is worse when he fixes the eyes on something, and less severe when he closes them (after 9 d. [Hrr.
Several single stitches in the inner canthus of the left eye and in the eyelid itself (after 36 h. [Hrr.
Contraction of the pupils (aft. 2, 3.3/4 h. [Lr.
Dilatation of the pupils (after 3.1/2 h. [Lr.
It seems as if the upper half of the right eye were covered by a black body, so that he can only see with the lower half objects below him, but those above remain invisible. [Hrr.
60. It seems as if a black veil were drawn over the eyes, whereby distinct vision is impaired (after 6 d. [Hrr.
Sparks of fire appear suddenly before the eyes. Sparks of fire in the eyes are usual prodromata of partial paralysis of the optic nerve, or obscuration of the sight by black spots always hovering before the eyes. I cured one such case by means of gold.
A smarting pain on the left upper eyelid.
A painless smoth pimple on the right lower tarsal edge.
Swelling of the lower eyelids. [Fr. H-n.
65. Bluish internal canthus.
The face swollen and shining, as from perspiration; the eyes as if distented and protruding.
On the right side of the face itching needle-pricks.
Drawing tearing on the left side of the face (after 2 h. [Ws.
In the face, on the neck, and on the chest an eruption of small pimples with purulent apices, for some hours.
70. Excessive tearing in the frontal process of the malar bone. [Gss.
A tearing in the right zygomatic arch. [Gss.
Aching tearing in the left external meatus auditorius (after ¾ h. [Hrr.
Humming before the left ear.
Creptitation in the left ear.
75. In the morning in bed roaring in the ears.
A tickling formication internally in the alae nasi, as during coryza (after 2 h. [Lr.
A tickling formication internally in the alae nasi, compelling him to scratch (aft. 2.1/2 and 21 h. [Lr.
Sensation of stoppage of the nose as in stuffed coryza, and yet he could draw air through it very well (after 2.1/2 h. [Lr.
The nasal bone of the right side and the neighbouring part of the upper jaw are painful to the touch, expecially to the touch, especially where the facial nerve comes out.
80. After walking in the open air the nose swells in the room.
Twitching on the septum of the nose from above downwards. [Ws.
He cannot get air through the nose; the nostrils are ulcerated and agglutinated and painful.
The nostril appears to him to be stopped up, and yet he can get air through it. [Fr. H-n.
A transient smell of brandy in the nose, with oppression of the chest.
85. On blowing the nose he percievies a foetid smell in the nose.
Extremely sensitive smell; everything smells too strong. (after 48 h.
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