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Gossypium herbaceum

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  1. Symptoms
  2. Acute conditions
  3. Modalities
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Analogs by action
  6. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms - Adolph von Lippe


 Gossypium is a powerful emmenagogue. It has a wide reputation as an abortifacient. It produces firm, regular and strong uterine contractions, resembling сimicifuga in its action (C.
 Flow of saliva (Am-C., Arum-T., вar-C., вorax, Fluor-Ac., Iodium, Ipecac., Kali carb., Lyco., Mercurius, Merc-C., Natrum muriaticum, Nit-AC., Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur, Veratrum) (B.
 Nausea on awaking (Alumina, Asarum europaeum, вorax,Conium, lac-Ac., Petr) (B.
 Vomits on motion or rising up (Bryonia, cocc., Sulphur).
 HYPEREMESIS GRAVIDARUM (Arsenicum, Asarum europaeum, сolchicum, сup-Arsenicum, Kreosotum, Lac-Ac., Nux-v., Petroleum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia, sil., Symphori., Tabacum, Veratrum) (B.
 NAUSEA WITH INCLINATION TO VOMIT вEFORE вREAKFAST (Alumina, Argentum nitricum, вerberis, вovista, сalcarea, Fago., Lycopodium, Acid nitricum, Petr, Sepia, Tuberculinum). (C.
 Intermittent pains in the ovarian region, worse from motion and better from rest (BI).
 SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION (Bryonia, сyclamen, Ferrum, Graphites, Kali carb., Lachesis, Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla, Sep) (C.
 Menses; late, scanty and watery (Alumina, сalcarea phos., Natrum muriaticum). (B.
 Sensation that the flow is about to start, but it does not (C.
 Backache, and weight and dragging in the pelvis (Natrum muriaticum, Rhus toxicodendron, Sep). (C.
 Uterine fibroids (Calcarea, сalcarea fluorica., Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Sepia) (BI).
 Tumour of the breast (Carb-An., сonium, Sil), with swelling of the axillary glands (C.
 Uterine sub-involution (calc., сimic., Kali-Br., Kali carb., Pulsatilla, Secale, Sepia, Sulphur, Ustilago) (BI).
 Sensitive womb (Apis., вelladonna, Lachesis) (B.
 Labia swollen and itching (c.

Acute conditions

 From motion; from pressure, and before breakfast.


 From rest.

Dif. diagnostics

 Similar to: Alumina, вryonia, сimic., Kreosotum, Lac-Ac., Lil-T., Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla, Sabina, Senec., Sepia, Symphori and Ustilago.

Analogs by action

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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