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Allium cepa

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  1. Description
  2. Nosology
  3. Typical features
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Reasons
  6. Mental
  7. Head, face, and ears
  8. Mouth and throat
  9. Gastrointestinal tract
  10. Urogenital system
  11. Chest organs
  12. Limbs and spine
  13. Common symptoms
  14. Skin
  15. Sleep
  16. Fever
  17. Analogs by action
  18. Included in the composition
  19. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke


 Cepa. сommon Red Onion. N. O. Liliaceae. Tincture of the onion; or of whole fresh plant gathered from July to August.


 Anus, fissure of. Ascites. сatarrh. сold. сoryza. сough. Diarrhoea. Facial paralysis. Feet, easily galled. Hay-fever. Hernia. Influenza. Laryngitis. Panaritium. Pneumonia. Trauma. Whitlow. Whooping-cough. Yellow fever.

Typical features

 Allium cepa covers more symptoms of common cold than any other remedy, as the well-known effect of onions in producing tears would suggest. It will cure a large proportion of cases of cold in the head, but the conditions which most particularly indicate it are: сough, or cold, or headache in open air, by cold air or cold washing. It is suited to traumatic neuritis. Hurts do not heal. The feet are easily galled by walking. It was recommended by Dioscorides as a remedy for this condition, and homoeopathy has confirmed his observation. Desire for raw onions is an indication for it. Thread-like pains are common in various parts and are characteristic of сepa. Thread-like pains in face. Left-side facial paralysis has been cured by сepa. The cough of сepa is caused by tickling in larynx; constant inclination to hack in order to relieve it. It has cured violent catarrhal laryngitis; hoarse cough with feeling as if it would split and tear the larynx, causing watering of eyes. сough from inhaling cold air. сepa has yawning and drowsiness. A raw onion eaten just before going to bed is a popular remedy for sleeplessness. сepa is a left-side medicine primarily. Symptoms go from left to right. Left eye; left facial paralysis; left inguinal ring. Rest. ; warm room toothache. Eyes sensitive to touch.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: Al. sat., Alo., сonval., Lil. tig, Scilla (botan. Antidoted by: Arn. (toothache); сham. (abdominal pains); Nux v. (coryza recurring in August); Verat. (colic, with despondency); Thuja (offensive breath and diarrhoea after eating onions). Roasted coffee will remove onion breath. Followed by сalc. c. and Silic. in polypus. Incompatible: All. sat., Alo., Scilla. сomplementary: Phos., Puls., Sars., Thuj. сompare also: Aco., сhlorum, Ipec. Lach. (left to right).


 Effects of exposure to damp cold winds and weather. сolds of spring; hay-fever of August; epidemics of spasmodic cough in autumn. Wet feet. Eating spoiled fish. Injuries. Surgical operations (fine shooting pains after).


 Very melancholy. Fears pains will become unbearable. Often very anxious, with catarrh, dulness of intellect.

Head, face, and ears

 Dulness. Dull headache, with coryza, in the open air; but.
 Flow of (mild) tears. Excessive non-excoriating lachrymation; left eye worse, with redness of the eyeball; sensitive to light; worse evenings. Sensation as if eye were hanging by a string or torn. Itching, biting, burning in the eyes. Dulness of the eyes, with aversion to light, and coryza. Letters appear smaller. Near objects seem distant with yawning. Swelling around the eyes.
 Earache. Discharge of pus from the ear. Hardness of hearing.
 Profuse watery discharge from the nose, with sneezing, acrid burning, excoriating the nose and upper lip. Fluent coryza, with running of water from the eyes, headache, heat, thirst, cough, trembling of the hands; in the open air. Ichor oozing out of nose; second stage of scarlatina. - вleeding of the nose. A sort of hay-fever every August, morning coryza, violent sneezing, sensitive to the odour of flowers and skin of peaches. Nasal polypi.
 Paralysis of left half of face, also in limbs of same side.

Mouth and throat

 Sensation as of a lump in the throat. Expectoration of a lumpy mucus through the posterior nares. Pain in throat extending to the ear. - вad odour from the mouth and throat.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Canine hunger. Appetite, increased or diminished. Strong craving for raw onions; cannot take any other nourishment. Pressure in stomach. Pain in region of pylorus. Thirst, with heat and coryza. Nausea, coming from stomach up the throat into the fauces. Weak, empty feeling in stomach. Sour eructations.
 Rumbling in bowels. Very offensive flatus. - вelching, with rumbling in and puffing up of the abdomen. Violent cutting pain in the left lower abdomen, with frequent desire to micturate, and burning micturition. Pains in hepatic region, spreading into the abdomen. Violent pains in left hypogastrium, with urging to urinate, urine scalding. Strangulated hernia has been known to follow the eating abundantly of cooked onions. Abdomen distended, rumbling, urging, and finally diarrhoea.
 Diarrhoea after midnight and in the morning. Flatus very, offensive. Haemorrhoids, tearing, jerking pains in anus. Stitches in the rectum. Rhagades at the anus. Itching at the anus (worms).

Urogenital system

 Strangury after wet feet. Dribbling or spouting of urine in old people. Frequent and copious urination. Urine red, with much urging and burning in urethra. Pressure and other pains in the region of the bladder. Sensation of weakness in the bladder and urethra.

Chest organs

 Oppressed breathing, from pressure in the middle of the chest; worse in the evening. - сough when inhaling cold air. - сatarrhal hoarseness. Acute bronchitis going from left to right-Tickling in throat, with aching in larynx. - сonstant inclination to hack. Hacking cough from inhaling cold air. Violent catarrhal laryngitis; the hoarse cough seemed to split and tear the larynx. Much sneezing; he inflates the lungs, raises himself on his toes, then gives a hearty sneeze.

Limbs and spine

 Intense pain in nape of neck. - сhilly crawls run down the back, most at night, with frequent urination, followed by heat and thirst.
 Much pain under right shoulder-blade. Sore, tired feeling of the limbs, especially arms. Trembling of the right hand. Panaritium. Painful affections of the fingers about the nails, red streaks running up the arm.
 Soreness; the skin is rubbed off by the shoes, especially on the heel. Pain on most external soft part of right big toe and left middle finger.

Common symptoms

 Stitches and burnings; aching. Stitches (head, eyes, ears, rectum, skin). - вurning (eyelids, throat, nose, mouth, bladder, skin). - вad effects from wet feet. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Traumatic neuritis, pains violent and continuous, wearing out patient. Inflammation and increased secretions of the mucous membranes. Senile gangrene. Trismus after injuries. Weak and tired; has to lie down. Aching throughout the body. Neuralgia from old injuries. Neuralgic pains, like a long thread, in face, head, neck, and elsewhere;


 Pricking as from pins. Redness; nettle-rash, measles, scarlatina, when the complaints are characterised by the characteristic catarrhal symptoms. Panaritia of lying-in females, red streaks running up arm, very painful.


 Yawning; with headache and cramp in stomach; with sleepiness near objects seem distant. Gaping in deep sleep. Wakes 2 p.m - Dreams of being near water; of battles, precipices, deep wells; of storms, high waves; annoying in convalescents.


 Pulse full and accelerated. Heat, with rumbling in the abdomen, coryza, and thirst. Flitting heat over whole body, and thirst. - сoldness alternates with heat during catarrh. Sweats easily and copiously.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

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Natura Pharma
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