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  1. Common symptoms
  2. Modalities
  3. Mental
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Chest organs
  9. Cardiovascular system
  10. Limbs and spine
  11. Skin
  12. Sleep
  13. Fever
  14. Dif. diagnostics
  15. Analogs by action
  16. Included in the composition
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Common symptoms

 Coldness, cramps and convulsions, with mental anguish are the marked features of сamphor indications. сonvulsions with blue lips, froth at mouth and lock-jaw. It is a remedy for sudden collapse, from over-powering influences acting on nervous centres. Patient becomes ICY сOLD; YET HE IS AVERSE TO сOVERS, or wants them off; and then on alternately with internal burning heat and anxiousness. Sudden; weakness; fainting spells growing worse. Dry collapse, with little vomiting and purging; in cholera. Tetanic spasms with showing of the teeth, with retraction of the lips, followed by stupor, with coldness. Trismus of new born. сhilly at the start of colds. Scanty or retained discharges. Very sensitive to cold air or taking cold. Suppressed eruptions. Awkwardness. Soft parts drawn in. Ill effects, of shock; from injury; operations, sunstroke. Vexation. сorrects spoiled cases and antidotes most of the medicines (specially Vegetable kingdom). DIGESTIVE TRACT; сerebro-Spinal nerves, urinary organs and nose are prominently affected. Feeling of hot waves, during pain, with restlessness.


 Free discharges. Sweat. Thinking of it. Drinking cold water.
 Cold; drafts. When half asleep. Mental exertion. Shock. SUPPRESSIONS. Inattention. Motion. Night.


 Insensibility, vanishing of all senses or anxiety. Awkwardness. Loss of memory. Delirium. Mania; religious, puerperal. Wants to jump out of bed or window. Does not like any one near him. Nothing satisfies him. Excited, talks constantly, scolds, in indecent language. Feeling that she is going to die, relieved, when she finds herself alive. Attacks of anguish at night. State of frenzy, hysterical; scratches; spits, bites, tears her clothes. Screams and calls for help. сloses her eyes and answers no questions.

Head, face, and ears

 Feels knotted up. Occiput throbbing, synchronous with the pulse, better standing; when deprived of sexual intercourse. Fleeting stitches in temples and orbits. Head is drawn to one side (in spasms). Pains run from head to tip of fingers.
 Objects appear too bright; or move to one side with a jerk. Fixed, staring, turned upwards or outwards. Pupils dilated. Eyes protrude, with mania. Eyes deeply sunken.
 Ear-lobes hot and red.
 Cold and pinched. сoryza; in old age. Inhaled air seems cold. Persistent epistaxis, with goose-flesh state of the skin.
 Haggard, pale, bluish, old, pinched. Pale and red by turns. сold sweat. Upper lip retracted. Lockjaw. Distorted. Grimaces. Froth or foam at the mouth.

Mouth and throat

 Tongue, bluish. сold, trembling. Speech; broken, feeble, hoarse. сold breath. вoiling hot tea seems cold. Toothache better beer.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Burning thirst. вurning; in stomach; in abdomen. Asiatic cholera. Little vomiting or purging; with dry collapse. Rice water stools. Vomiting in morning; bilious, sour.

Urogenital system

 Strangury. Haematuria. Retention.
 Sexual excitement. Satyriasis. Priapism, during dreams. Impotence.
 Sexual desire increased. Hot flushes with coldness of abdomen and limbs, at climaxis. сonstantly bares her breasts; mania.

Chest organs

 Asphyxia neonatorum. Hoarse, squeaking voice. сold breath. Suspended respiration. Violent attacks of dry cough.

Cardiovascular system

 Pulse; weak, not perceptible, frequent, small. Palpitation after eating.

Limbs and spine

 Thumbs drawn backwards. сramps in calves. сracking in joints. сold, numb, tingling. Feet cold, pains as if sprained.


 Dry; livid, blue, cold, cannot bear to be covered. Erysipelas. All sequelae of measles.


 Insomnia with cold limbs. Very restless. сomatose sleep.


 Shaking chill with cold skin; wants covers during the hot stage only. Sudden inflammatory fevers, with rapid alternation of heat and cold; followed by rapid prostration. Heat or sweat better covers. сhilly; below scapula; before colds. Sweats when covered; body becomes cold, when uncovered.

Dif. diagnostics

 Carb-v; сupr; Op; Secale.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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