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Borax veneta

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  1. Mental
  2. Head, face, and ears
  3. Gastrointestinal tract
  4. Urogenital system
  5. Chest organs
  6. Limbs and spine
  7. Common symptoms
  8. Sleep
  9. Fever
  10. Skin
  11. Modalities
  12. Analogs by action
  13. Included in the composition
  14. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Materia Medica - Adolf zur Lippe


 Mind and Disposition.
 Easily frightened, and starting from the least noise.
 Anxiety, with sleepiness, increased towards evening.
 The child feels an anguish when rocked in a cradle, has an anxious countenance during the downward motion, (when carried down stairs).
 Parts, which are usually red, turn white.

Head, face, and ears

 [5] Vertigo in the morning, in bed.
 Headache in the forenoon, (10 p.m) with nausea and trembling of the body.
 Hot head (hot mouth and hands) of the infant.
 The eyelashes turn inward into the eye, inflaming it, especially in the external canthus, where the borders of the lids are quite sore.
 Itching in the external canthus of the eye.
 [10] Discharge of pug from the ears, with hardness of hearing ; with roaring in the (left) ear.
 Dry scabs in the nose.
 Tetter around the mouth.
 Burning heat and redness of the left cheek.
 Mouth and Throat.
 Aphthae in the mouth, and on the tongue, bleeding when eating.
 [15] Tenacious, whitish phlegm in the throat, which can only be loosened with great exertion.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Stomach and Abdomen.
 Distention from flatulence after every meal.
 Hiccough after dinner.
 Stool and Anus.
 Frequent soft, light-yellow, slimy stools.
 Diarrhoea after breakfast.
 [20] Stitches in the rectum.

Urogenital system

 Urinary Organs.
 Frequent micturition, (acrid-smelling urine).
 Hot urine in infants.
 Sexual Organs.
 Men. During coition, the semen escapes either too early or too late.
 Women. сatamenia too early, and too profuse.
 [25] During the catamenia, spasmodic pressure and stitches in the groin.
 Sterility, or easy conception.
 Fluor albus, like the white of an egg, or acrid.
 Stitches in the region of the uterus.
 Sensation of contraction in the left mamma, while the child nurses from the right.
 [30] Aphthae on the nipples, they bleed.

Chest organs

 Stitches in the chest, whenever he coughs, or takes a deep inspiration.

Limbs and spine

 Lower. Stitches in the solos of the feet.
 Suppuration of a spot in the heel, where the rubbing of the shoe had occasioned a wound.
 Frequent stitches in the corns.
 [35] Great weakness and debility of the lower extremities.

Common symptoms

 Restlessness and ebullitions, especially after talking, with nausea.


 Sleepiness during the day, and sleeplessness at night.
 The child starts from his sleep, and cries.


 Chilliness, especially during sleep.
 [40] Flushes of heat, (morning and evening).
 Perspiration during the morning sleep.


 Unwholesome skin, small wounds suppurate and ulcerate.
 Erysipelatous inflammation on the lower leg, with chilliness, followed by heaviness and pulsation in the head ; later, bleeding of the nose.


 Consequences from getting cold when the weather in wet and cold.
 Bad effects from riding ; from eating fruit, (apples, pears).
 Aggravation after menstruation.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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