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Allium cepa

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Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 Editor’s note: Allium cepa is prepared from the juice of red onion. It belongs to the family Amaryllidaceae and genus Allium.
 It is commonly used homeopathic medicine for coryza, cold, hay fever and laryngeal cough. Allium cepa is also sometimes used for neuralgic pains. This homeopathy remedy is safe to take by age groups and has no reported side effects in homeopathic doses.
 Red Onion.
 Allium cepa affects the mucous membranes of NOSE, EYES, larynx and bowels, causing increased secretion. вurning and stitches; in the eyes, nose, mouth, throat, bladder, skin are marked.
 Nasal secretion is acrid; secretion from eye is bland.
 Neuralgic pains are shooting, as fine as a thread, following injuries to the nerves or amputation or other surgical operations. Traumatic chronic neuritis.
 Symptoms go from left to right. Singer’s coryza. Neuroma. Senile gangrene. Sensation of glowing heat in different parts of the body.
 Allium cepa is worse in WARM ROOM. Wet feet Singing. Damp weather. Spring. Evening. Eating spoiled fish; cucumber; salads.
 Cool open air. вathing. Motion.
 Fear that pain will become unbearable. Melancholy.
 Aching in forehead, extending to eyes and face better free coryza or menses; returns when flow ceases. Electric shock passes through head. Skull bones numb.
 Much burning, smarting; profuse bland lachrymation worse coughing, wants to rub them. Near objects seem distant, while yawning.
 Aching extending to throat.
 Allium cepa has FREQUENT, VIOLENT SNEEZING; сORYZA; with ACRID FLUENT discharge, with burning and smarting in the nose.
 Nose drips. Sensitive to odours; of flowers and the skin of peaches. Acrid discharge, when singing.
 Paralysis; left side, also of limbs of the same side.
 Rawness of the throat. Pain extending to the ear. Dripping from uvula. As of a lump in throat or one has swallowed a large lump.
 Allium cepa Stomach.
 Craving for raw onions, which agree. Pain in the region of pylorus. Prickling perspiration on bald vertex worse after each meal. Voracious appetite with thirst. Nausea. Eructations.
 Rumbling offensive flatus. Flatulent colic, worse sitting, motion. Glowing heat in rectum.
 Copious urine; with coryza. Strangury after wet feet. Dribbling of urine in old people.
 Pain in bladder and prostate gland after coition.
 Phlegmasia alba dolens; after instrumental delivery.
 Allium cepa Respiratory organs.
 Hoarseness, incessant, hacking tickling cough, worse inspiring cold air; with a sensation as if larynx is split and torn; must grasp it; сough is so troublesome that he wants to hold it back.
 Larynx is painful when talking. вronchitis in old people.
 Joints feel lame; Ulcers or skin is rubbed off by the shoes especially on the heels. Limbs, especially arms feel sore and tired. Sore feet from long walking.
 Yawning; in deep sleep, or with headache and drowsiness, and cramp in stomach.
 Red streaks running up; felon; of lying-in women.
 Euphrasia; Gelsemium; Kali-iod.
 Allium cepa is сomplementary to.
 Phosphorus; Pulsatilla; Theridion.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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