Arctii radices - analogs
Components: Arctii radices |
Prices in pharmacies: 0.7€ Instructions Arctii radices | |||||||||
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Similar | Complete analog ⓘ✘Analogues of the drug with completely identical active ingredients |
Prices in pharmacies |
Prices in
pharmaciesAnalogs by action ⓘ✘Analogues of the drug according to its degree of similarity with other drugs that are not direct analogues
- 46% 0.4€ Streptocide alba [Sulfanilamide]
- 46% 1.2-2.1€ Ранавексим [Sulfanilamide]
- 46% — Sulfanilamide [Sulfanilamide]
- 46% 1.6€ Streptocide-LekT [Sulfanilamide]
- 46% 0.5-1€ Streptocide ointment [Sulfanilamide]
- 41% 1.4-2€ Vitamin F99 [Diethyl ether]
- 41% 0.6-1.2€ Juniperi fructus [Juniperi fructus]
- 40% 4.2€ Tisolum
- 38% 5.2-5.5€ Naphtaderm [Petroleum Naphtalan]
- 37% 8.4-8.7€ Abisyl [Abies sibiricus terpens]
- 37% 0.5-0.7€ Kalanchoes succus [Kalanchoes cormus succus and more 1Kalanchoe product]
- 37% 1.4€ Biopin
- 36% 0.2-1€ Ichthyol [Ichthammol]
- 35% 0.3-1€ Calendulae tinctura [Calendulae officinalis flores and more 1Calendulae officinalis floridis tinctura]
- 35% — Bistortae rhizoma [Bistortae rhizomata]
- 35% 0.2-1.2€ Streptocide [Mesulfamide and more 1Sulfanilamide]
- 34% 12.5-76.2€ Androcur [Cyproterone]
- 34% 19.6€ Androcur Depot [Cyproterone]
- 33% — Kontratex [Benzalkonium chloride]
- 33% — Ихтиол Реневал [Ichthammol]
- 32% — Ichthyol suppositorims [Ichthammol]
- 32% 0.3-1.4€ Ichthyol ointment [Ichthammol]
- 32% 3.3-6.8€ Артишок [Cynarae scomuli foliae extract]
- 32% 4.2-10€ ХОФИЦИН ЭВАЛАР [Cynarae scomuli foliae extract]
- 32% 1.5-4.8€ Extract of Artishoks [Cynarae scomuli foliae extract]
- 32% 3.8-11.7€ Chophytol [Cynarae scomuli foliae extract]
- 32% — Адвосилон [Methylprednisolone aceponate]
- 32% — Heliomycin ointment [Heliomycin]
- 32% — Бацидерм [Bacitracin+Neomycin and more 2Neomycin, Bacitracin]
- 32% — Ichthyol solution in glycerine [Ichthammol]
- 32% — Необацитрин [Bacitracin+Neomycin and more 2Neomycin, Bacitracin]
- 32% — Heliomycin [Heliomycin]
- 32% — Бацинецин [Bacitracin+Neomycin and more 2Neomycin, Bacitracin]
- 31% 2.9-5.5€ Baneocin [Bacitracin+Neomycin and more 2Neomycin, Bacitracin]
- 31% — Hymecromone [Hymecromone]
- 31% 3.1-3.8€ Panthenol-Teva [Dexpanthenol]
- 31% — ДексТенол [Dexpanthenol]
- 31% — Бепадерил [Dexpanthenol]
- 31% — Пантенол Аэро [Dexpanthenol]
- 31% 2.1€ Декспантенол-Акрихин [Dexpanthenol]
- 31% 2-3€ Panthenol Pharmstandart [Dexpanthenol]
- 31% — Пантомеколь [Dexpanthenol]
- 31% 4.7€ Одестон Форте [Hymecromone]
- 30% 0.7€ Diureticae species №2 [Glycyrrhizae radix and more 1Juniperi fructus]
- 30% 1.2€ Tormentillae rhizoma [Tormentillae erectae rhizomata]
- 30% 4.6-8.9€ Холикрон [Hymecromone]
- 30% 2-7€ Odeston [Hymecromone]
- 30% 4.8€ Гимекромон-СЗ [Hymecromone]
- 30% 5.7-7.3€ Supirocin [Mupirocin]
- 30% 4.1€ D-Pantenol Novatenol [Dexpanthenol]
Learn more about the selection of analogues
- The drug has «Arctii radices» 9 full analogs, the cheapest - Лекра-Сэт Корни лопуха (0.5€); 51 analog by action, the most similar - Streptocide alba (0.4€).
- Medical online service has selected the best substitutes for Arctii radices based on its instructions, components, pharmaceutical groups and practical application.
- The table shows the prices of analogues Arctii radices to choose the cheapest pills.
- If you have introduced other drugs for registration, substitutes are selected taking into account the assessment of interactions and safety.
- Sometimes, due to the presence of dangerous interactions, it is necessary to use drugs that are similar in effect, sometimes even from different pharmacological groups.