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Румекс криспус

Звуковые формы: Требуется PRO аккаунт или доступ к аудиопрепаратам Требуется PRO аккаунт или доступ к аудиопрепаратам Требуется PRO аккаунт или доступ к аудиопрепаратам
ⓘ Подробнее о цифровых аудио препаратах
  1. Фармакологическая группа
  2. Дополнительные факты
  3. Психика и сознание
  4. Голова, лицо и уши
  5. Органы грудной клетки
  6. Ротовая полость и горло
  7. Желудочно-кишечный тракт
  8. Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
  9. Аналоги по действию
  10. Входит в состав
  11. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

rumx, Rumex crispus, щавель курчавый гомеопатия, щавель кудрявый гомеопатия.

Источник описания

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты

Дополнительные факты

 Rumex crispus, Linn. Natural order: Polygonacae. Preparation: Tincture of the root.

Психика и сознание

 Irritability of temper (ninth day). Temper more irritable than usual (second day); great irritability of temper (after three hours, fourth day). Irritability and restlessness (fifteenth day). Depression, as if some evil was impending (eight day).
 Indifference to surrounding persons and things (third day).
 Stagnation of ideas, with great lassitude and uneasiness, in the evening (third day).

Голова, лицо и уши

 Vertigo (with in half an hour). Vertigo with the nausea (tenth day). Dizziness several times (first day)10. Rose in the morning with slight feeling of oppression in head (third day).
 A heavy feeling in head, during the evening (first day). Fullness in the head, with the feeling of languor (second day). Feeling of languor and universal heaviness, with fullness in the head and chest (half an hour after second dose, second day). Dull heavy headache, accompanied with deep seated soreness of eyes, during the day, worse in the forenoon (fourteenth and fifteenth days).
 Dull heavy headache, from 10 p.m until night; not so severe after 2 ; disappeared at night (second day); dull heavy headache during the day (third day). A dull heavy headache, with deep seated soreness of the eyes most of the day (second day).
 Dull headache during the forenoon (seventh, eighteenth, and twenty-fifth days). A great deal of dull heavy headache during the day (tenth day). Dull heavy headache through the day (fourteenth day); during the forenoon (fifteenth day). Dull headache followed the sharp pain and rumbling in the abdomen, in the evening (twenty-fourth). Some headache accompanied the pain in the lungs. The headache mentioned in Rumex crispus is increased by motion. Headache all the forenoon (tenth day).
 Slight headache after retiring late at night (seventh day).
 Slight headache; (third, thirteenth, and twenty-third days); (fourth day). Pain in the head on movement (tenth day). Headache, with coryza. Slight pain in head before breakfast (second day).
 The head began to ache, and ached severely until going to sleep, towards midnight (after three hours); the headache returned on waking, and continued until noon, next day; it was dull (third day); very severe (fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth days); continued the whole forenoon (tenth day); affects most frequently the temples; is felt in the occiput (sixth and eighth days); over the right eye (sixth and seventh day); in the forehead (twelfth day). Awoke with a bruised sensation in the brain, increased by moving, stooping, and by any sudden movement of the head. This bruised sensation continued until noon, and suddenly disappeared after dinner (seventh day).
 Forehead. Dull bruised feeling in the forehead, most severe in the right side of the forehead, worse when moving the head, when it feels as if the brain were loose for a few minutes (first day); continued until morning, when it was worse than last evening (second morning). Dull headache and slight bruised feeling in the forehead, nearly all day (fourth day). Dull headache in the forehead, with heat and redness of the face, after singing, in the evening (fifth day); entirely relieved, after sixth dose. Dull aching pain through the whole forepart of the head, at 11 p.m (fourth day). Dull aching in the forehead attended the toothache (after three hours, second day). Slight dull pain in the frontal region, with indisposition to thought (after one hour, fourth day). Frontal headache, with the feverish symptoms (tenth morning). Fullness and aching through the front part of the head and temples (three hours after second dose, second day). Headache in forehead, increased soon after fourth dose, connected with a pungent tingling sensation in the occiput, where phrenologists locate philoprogenitive. Pain over right eyebrow, with sensation of stoppage in left ear (after one hour and a quarter). Sensation across the forehead, as if the brain were loose, when moving the head, and as if it were bruised; this continued until after breakfast, next morning (after two minutes). Pain over right eyebrow (after one hour); (sixth day). Pain on the right side of the forehead in the region of causality (after one hour and fifty minutes, seventeenth day). Slight frontal headache, with shooting pains, at 7.30 (tenth day); slight frontal headache (twelfth day). Slight frontal headache, increased by (second day). A sharp pain in the forepart of the head, in the open air (sixth day). Temples. Pain in right temple, then in the left (fifth day). Pain in the right temple (seventh day); in the morning (eighth day). Severe pain for an hour in right temple (twelfth day). Dull aching pain in the left temple (one hour after second dose, second day). Pain in left temple (after one hour); in the afternoon. Vertex and Parietals. Aching and pressure in the top of the head (one hour after second dose, second day). Sharp pain, piercing, in the left side of the head, for a short time (after three hours, second day). A darting pain in left side of head, for about half an hour, at 11 p.m and 8 (third day). Occiput. Dull aching pain low in the occiput (one hour after second dose, second day). A dull aching pain in the occiput, which comes and goes, in the afternoon (eleventh day). Pungent drawing pain in the left side of the occiput, with a similar pain in the left nostril, and a feeling as if coryza would ensue (eighteen hours after second dose).
 Pains in both eyes, more severe in the right (after three hours). Pains in both eyes, heavy and dull (second day). Pains over the left and in both eyes, with soreness to the touch over left (fourth day). Pains in or over either or both eyes (fifth and sixth days). Pains in either eye (seventh day). Pains in the right eye, and in both (ninth and tenth days). Pains in the right eyes all the forenoon (tenth day). Pains in the right eye, deep seated (third day). Pains in the right eye (eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh days). Pains dull and steady in the right eye (after three hours). Pains sharp, shooting, in the left eye, running to the right jaw and arm (after three hours). Pain over the left eye, with soreness to touch (fifth day). For several nights eyes have felt somewhat sore, as if the eyelids were inflamed and dry, particularly in evening, though no external signs of inflammation present themselves (fifteenth day).
 Lachrymation (sixth day).
 Pain in both ears (seventh day). Pain in right ear (third and sixth days); repeatedly (seventh day). Pain in the right ear, in the morning (eighth, ninth, and eleventh days). Pain in the left ear and running to the shoulder (fourth day). Pain in left ear (fifth day). Pain in the left ear, in the afternoon (eighth day). вoring pain just behind the base of the left ear (two hours after second dose, second day). Heavy throbbing in the ears, synchronous with the pulsations of the heart, attended the stinging, almost itching, pain in the left side of the chest (after one hour, fourth day). Sensation of stoppage in left ear, with pain over right eyebrow (after one hour and a quarter). Sensation as if the ears were obstructed, especially the left one; the prover’s own voice (as well as the voices of others) sounds strangely to him, producing a kind of titillation in the ear, and having a peculiar ringing confusing sound, and yet the sense of hearing is as acute as ever; continued eighteen hours (after six hours, sixth day); still continues, but not to so great a degree; attended by slight ringing in the ears, at 10 (eighth day). сonstant roaring in the left ear, as if a conch-shell were held before it, the whole day, attended by a feeling as if a fine thread were tied tightly around the neck just below the ears; the roaring is not relieved by pressing the finger into the ear; this continued for a week, and then gradually disappeared (after nine days).
 Ringing in the ears.
 Great paleness of face while standing (tenth day). Pain in the side of the face, including the right temple and ear; also left side of the upper lip (first day). Pain in left side of the face (third day). Pain in right jaw, in the morning (eighth day). Pain in the right jaw and molar teeth (first day). After retiring late at night had lancinating pains in law jaw, at root of left canine tooth (seventh day).

Органы грудной клетки

 Sneezing. Epistaxis from the slightest picking of the nose (tenth day). Epistaxis from picking the nose was quite frequent during the proving. Epistaxis (thirteenth day). сoryza, with yellow expectoration from posterior nares (seventh day).
 Coryza with headache. Some coryza, and obstruction of voice (fifth day); a slight coryza (sixth day). Slight coryza (seventh day). Great desire to pick the nose, was quite frequent during the proving. Sensation of great dryness in the nose, the whole day and night (fifth day). Dull pain in the nose (fifth day).
 Pungent drawing pain in the left nostril, with a similar pain in th left side of the occiput, and a feeling as if coryza would ensure (eighteen hours after second dose). Suddenly seized with a sharp tingling sensation in the Schneiderian membrane, followed by violent and rapid sneezing, five or six times in succession, with a watery discharge from the nostrils (after half an hour, third day).

Ротовая полость и горло

 Teeth. Pain in the teeth of both sides, in the morning; in the front teeth in the afternoon (ninth day). Dull aching pain in the right molars, both upper and lower, which is entirely relieved after eating dinner (third day). Severe dull aching in the right molars; relieved by rinsing the mouth with cold water (tenth day). Grumbling-stinging toothache in the right superior molars, while riding in a cold wind, attended with a dull aching in the forehead (after three hours, second day). Dull transient pain in teeth (fourth day). Pain in the under jaw and teeth, in the front teeth, also on the left side, half an hour (eleventh day). Pain in the teeth, in the morning, (eighth day). Pain in the teeth of lower jaw of left side (seventh day). Running pains in teeth; in all the upper teeth (twelfth day). Sharp pain in the teeth (second day). Tongue. Tongue coated white, with the feverish symptoms (tenth morning). Tongue coated yellow (tenth and seventeenth days). Tongue heavily coated (second and fifth days). Feeling of dryness of the anterior part of the tongue, with a feeling in the stomach of repletion, and as if one had eaten spice (seventh day). The anterior part of the tongue felt dry and hot (after forty minutes). Soreness of the right edge of the tongue (after one hour and fifty minutes). Sensation of excoriation at edges of the tongue, which is sore when touched by the teeth, with a feeling as if the anterior part of the tongue had been scalded (twelfth day). Sensation as if the tongue, at night (fourth day). Saliva and Taste. Flow of saliva (within half an hour). Rose in the morning with bad taste in the mouth (third day). Woke with a bitter taste in the mouth (second day). Nasty taste in the mouth (second day). Flat taste in the mouth, on rising, in the morning, was quite frequent during the proving.
 Thick yellow secretion from posterior nares (tenth day). Feeling of dryness in the posterior nares (fifth day). The throat is dry, and deglutition difficult (eighth day); same dryness of throat (ninth day). Sensation as if a lump or ball were sticking fast in the throat, which is not relieved by hawking or swallowing (after half an hour, fifth day). Aching sensation in the throat, as if a lump were sticking in the gullet (twenty hours after fourth dose). Sore throat on the left side on swallowing (sixteenth day). Throat sore, with feeling of lumps in it when swallowing (tenth day). All the morning had feeling of rawness in upper part of throat, with secretion of phlegm (tenth day). Scraping in the throat, with symptoms of slight cold, in the evening (eighth day). Tickling in the throat, soon after taking the drug, then throat a little sore (fifth day). Fauces and Pharynx. Much tough mucus in the fauces, which is very difficult to eject (seventh day). Aching in the pharynx, and collection of tough mucus in the fauces, with a slight inclination to cough, in the evening (fifth day).
 Eructations. вelching of wind accompanied the pain in the lungs.
 Eructation, empty. Eructation (within half an hour). Eructation and sensation of distension in the stomach; the feeling of distension subsides with motion of wind in the bowels. Eructation of wind (after ten minutes). Frequent forcible eructation of tasteless flatus, in the evening (fifth day). Eructation of much tasteless flatus, with a sensation of distension in the scrobiculus cordis (a quarter of an hour after second dose, second day). Hiccough. Hiccough (after one hour). Pyrosis after dinner (sixth day). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea and loss of appetite (sixth day). In the evening nausea, relieved by eructations, with sensation of fullness in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea was forming (fifth day). Nausea; fullness of the stomach, with eructations with the taste of what had been eaten on going to bed (ninth day). In the morning, on awaking, felt nauseated, with moving in the intestines as from a cathartic (second day). Slight nausea (eighth day). Slight nausea while dressing, in the morning, and vertigo, compelling to lie down again (tenth day). Stomach. Awoke with an acid stomach and eructations of acid flatus (fifth morning). Weight in the stomach, like that which is produced by the pressure of undigested food, with a pressing sensation as far upwards as the throat put; this sensation continued for one hour until falling asleep (after ten minutes, first day). Weight in the epigastrium like that of the previous night, but not so great, though no food had been taken (after ten minutes, second day). For two hours after first dose experienced a sensation as of a hard substance in pit of stomach (third day).
 For several days an unusual sensation of heaviness in the epigastrium; it occurs immediately after eating, and disappears in the course of half an hour. Feeling in the stomach of repletion and as if one had eaten spice, with the feeling of dryness of the tongue (seventh day). Fasted all day until evening, feeling empty and sunken, but without appetite (tenth day). Previous sensation of undigested food returned (after three hours, first day); same pressure in stomach continued through afternoon, but disappeared in the night (first day).
 Sensation of undigested food in the stomach, with upward pressure to the throat-pit; every empty swallowing carried it downward towards the stomach, but it immediately returned (after fifteen minutes, second day). Sensation as of a hard body, somewhat increased after food, and continued for four hours (second day); same sensation as of a hard body in the stomach, ascending upwards to the throat-pit; the sensation at the throat-pit descended towards the stomach upon every empty swallowing, but immediately returned; continued for two hours, but gradually abated; returned after dinner and continued for two hours or more (after eight minutes, fifth day). Severe pain in the digestive organs on waking, in the morning, and frequent (fifth day). Pains severe in the gastric region (third day). Pain dull and heavy toward the cardiac orifice (fourth day). Pains severe in the stomach (eighth day). Pain in stomach on waking (eleventh day). Two hours after breakfast felt as though his food had not digested (second and third days). Pain in the stomach accompanied the pain in the lungs. Dull pains in stomach (seventh day). A burning pain in the pit of the stomach, for a short time (soon after first dose). During the day a burning pain in the stomach and abdomen (fourth day). A cutting pain in pit of stomach, for a short time (soon after first dose). During the day a burning pain in the stomach and abdomen (fourth day). A cutting pain in pit of stomach, for five minutes, while riding in the open air (half an hour after first dose). Acute momentary pain in the pit of the stomach (fourth day).

Желудочно-кишечный тракт

 Pain above umbilicus (within half an hour). Sensation of distension in the scrobiculus cordis, with eructation of much tasteless flatus (a quarter of an hour after second dose, second day). Dull pain and sensation of fullness, as if from flatus, in the left side of the abdomen, about midway between the umbilicus and crest of the ilium, while riding; continued two hours (after three hours and a half, second day). Frequent passages of small quantities of fetid flatus (seventh night). Much flatus moving about in the abdomen, during the night (twenty-second day). вorborygmus (within half an hour).
 After meals flatulency (sixth day). Flatulency in the morning on waking, with emission of flatus, and sensation as if the tongue and mouth were burnt. Rumbling in the bowels and colic pains above the hypogastrium (fifth day). Rumbling in the bowels and eructation of wind. Rumbling in the bowels, with yawning (after one hour and ten minutes). A relaxed sensation, with rumbling, continued for some hours, as if another evacuation would follow, nevertheless it passed off without another stool (fourth morning). Moving in the intestines, with nauseous feeling, in the;morning on awaking (second day). Sensation of fullness of abdomen on going to bed (ninth day). Sensation of fullness of in the abdomen, as if diarrhoea was forming, with the nausea (fifth day). Towards evening an aching pain commencing in the right side of the umbilicus (tenth day). Dull pain in abdomen, in the evening (seventeenth day). A dull pain in the abdomen before rising; it continued a short time after rising, and was followed by a diarrhoeic stool (third day). Awoke the next morning with pain in the bowels; relieved by emission of flatus. Pain in the abdomen, about the seventh rib, on the right side; a gone feeling and a weakness on each side of the umbilicus; the pains about 5 Griping pain in the bowels, below the umbilicus, which is partially relieved by discharge of very offensive flatus, after breakfast (fifth day).
 Movement of bowels, as if an evacuation would occur (after one hour and one-third). In the night woke with a pain all over the abdomen; it was excessively painful (tenth day). Pain wandering over the belly (tenth day). Sensation in the bowels as if diarrhoea would ensue, with aching pain in the rectum (one hour after second dose). Sensation in the bowels and rectum as if diarrhoea would ensue; continued two or three hours (twenty-two hours after fifth dose). Sensation in the bowels as if diarrhoea would ensue, with aching in the rectum (fourth day). During the day a burning pain in the abdomen and stomach (fourth day). A cutting pain in the abdomen, in the evening, followed by a diarrhoeic stool (seventh day). Sharp pain in the abdomen followed the symptoms of fever, and was increased by deep inspiration, but entirely subsided on rising (second morning).
 Sharp pain and rumbling in the abdomen, in the evening, followed by dull headache (twenty-fourth day). Sharp pain in the lower part of the abdomen, in the morning before rising, followed by two diarrhoeic stools, and a dull pain in the abdomen, which lasted two or three hours (sixth day).
 On retiring at night, first became aware of the protrusion of a small hemorrhoidal tumor (eleventh day); troubled much all day, in all postures, by hemorrhoids; sensation of heat and irritation about the anus, with sensation as of a foreign body there (twelfth day); hemorrhoidal tumor still exists, but is slight; itching of anus (fourteenth day); great itching of anus (seventeenth day). Aching in the rectum, with the sensation as if diarrhoea would ensue (fourth day). A feeling in the rectum as if a rough stick was forced up, painful on walking, Itching in the anus.
 Diarrhoea. сopious diarrhoeic stool, with colic pains just above the hypogastrium, and a very disagreeable rumbling in the bowels, together with nausea and loss of appetite. These sensations continued nearly throughout the day, with some four or five evacuations, which poured away in a stream, as if a large quantity would be discharged; nevertheless, each discharge was suddenly arrested, and the inclination passed away entirely for a short time; but on rising the urgency returned, and on returning to the cabinet a new stream of liquid faeces poured forth as before. At short intervals there occurred, throughout the day, inclination to go to stool, with much rumbling of the bowels, but the urgency to stool was not so pressing that it could not be well resisted (fifth day). In the morning looseness of bowels, with colic some time before their movement; stool of brown color (third day). At the usual hour a very loose diarrhoeic discharge from the bowels occurred (fourth morning). Movement of the bowels, in the morning, watery and brown (tenth day). At 4 bad a slight liquid motion from bowels, the desire therefore being very urgent, and waking him from sleep (fifteenth day). Motion of the intestines, with emission of wind. Faeces black (eleventh day); normally yellow (twelfth day). Scanty faeces (thirteenth day). Dry and hard stool (thirteenth day). сonstipation. Previous to the taking of this medicine the bowels were regular, but during the proving of it they were more or less constipated. сonstipation (eighth day); third day of constipation (eleventh day). сostiveness for three days (sixth day). сonstipation for three days, followed by a natural stool (ninth day). сonstipation for three days, followed by a small dry and hard stool (sixteenth day). сonstipation for three days, followed by a dry and hard stool (twenty-fourth day).

Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия

 Appetite and Thirst. Appetite much increased; feels hungry even after a full meal (fifteenth day). Less appetite than usual (seventh day). Anorexia (eighth and twelfth days). Loss of appetite and nausea. At 7.30 was very thirty, though this is unusual to him (fourth day). Thirty during evening (eighth day).

Аналоги по действию

Входит в состав

Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Доступно только при использовании PRO аккаунта
Модератор контента: Васин А.С.

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