Другие названия и синонимы
bism, Bismuthum subnitricum, висмута нитрат основной гомеопатия.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Formula, вi2O3N2O5(2OH2) (Magisterium bismuthi. Preparation, Triturations.
Голова, лицо и уши
Head somewhat confused on rising. Vertigo. Vertigo (after two hours). Vertigo on violent motion (after one hour). Slight, transient headache. Headache, especially in the frontal region. Headache and vertigo (after first dose). Headache and vertigo (after one and a half hours). Heat and confusion of the head (after one hour). Pressure in the frontal region. Pressive pain in the frontal region (after one hour).
Eyes red, sight somewhat dim. сonjunctiva red. Redness of the conjunctiva.
Ears and Nose.
Dry nose. Roaring in the ears.
Mouth and Throat.
Tongue coated. Tongue furred. Tongue coated white. Offensive taste in the mouth. Taste bitter. The fauces and uvula were inflamed, with burning in the throat, difficult swallowing, and thirst.
Eyes red, sight somewhat dim. сonjunctiva red. Redness of the conjunctiva.
Ears and Nose.
Dry nose. Roaring in the ears.
Mouth and Throat.
Tongue coated. Tongue furred. Tongue coated white. Offensive taste in the mouth. Taste bitter. The fauces and uvula were inflamed, with burning in the throat, difficult swallowing, and thirst.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Appetite completely lost. Thirst increased. Much thirst and no appetite. Eructations of wind after drinking a glass of water. Frequent empty eructations and feeling of discomfort in the stomach, son followed by a liquid stool, but not bilious (after three hours). Violent eructations, gripings in the bowels, and sudden slight bilious vomiting (after one and a half hours). Nausea and slight bilious vomiting. Nausea, with pressure in the stomach (after one and a half hours). Vomiting and diarrhoea, with retching and burning in the throat (immediately). Passage of much flatus from the stomach (after four hours). Passage of odorless flatus from the stomach. Uncomfortable feeling in the stomach (after half an hour). The pressure in the stomach changes to a burning (after one hour). Pressure in the region of the stomach (after half an hour). Pressure in the stomach (after one hour). Distressing pressure and burning in the region of the stomach (after three and a half hours). Some pressure in the region of the stomach, and empty eructations.
Rumbling in the intestines, and eructations (after one hour). Passage of much flatus, followed by a thin bilious evacuation. сolicky pains in the bowels. Gripings in the abdomen, followed by two liquid bilious evacuations (second day).
Stool and Urinary Organs.
A liquid bilious stool (after three hours). Two loose movements in the bowels, with gripings, at 6 (second day). Two liquid stools, with gripings, at 4 (third day). During the poisoning he passed no urine, and the region of the bladder was not distended.
Respiratory Apparatus and Pulse.
Difficult breathing. Pulse spasmodic. Pulse tense, spasmodic. Pulse small. Pulse small, tense, and spasmodic. Pulse accelerated, contracted. Pulse somewhat accelerated, small and tense. Pulse rapid, hard, small, 97. Pulse, at midnight, 95 and spasmodic.
Extremities and Sleep.
Cramps in the hands and feet. Night very restless.
Rumbling in the intestines, and eructations (after one hour). Passage of much flatus, followed by a thin bilious evacuation. сolicky pains in the bowels. Gripings in the abdomen, followed by two liquid bilious evacuations (second day).
Stool and Urinary Organs.
A liquid bilious stool (after three hours). Two loose movements in the bowels, with gripings, at 6 (second day). Two liquid stools, with gripings, at 4 (third day). During the poisoning he passed no urine, and the region of the bladder was not distended.
Respiratory Apparatus and Pulse.
Difficult breathing. Pulse spasmodic. Pulse tense, spasmodic. Pulse small. Pulse small, tense, and spasmodic. Pulse accelerated, contracted. Pulse somewhat accelerated, small and tense. Pulse rapid, hard, small, 97. Pulse, at midnight, 95 and spasmodic.
Extremities and Sleep.
Cramps in the hands and feet. Night very restless.
Extremities cold. Temperature somewhat increased. Heat over the whole body. Heat in the whole body (after two hours). A feeling of heat over the whole body.
(After drinking water), Eructations. On violent motion), Vertigo. On rising), Head confused.
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