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bell, Belladonna, красавка обыкновенная гомеопатия, красуха гомеопатия, сонная одурь гомеопатия, бешеная ягода гомеопатия, вишня бешеная гомеопатия.Источник описания
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. Hering
Фармакологическая группа
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Deadly Nightshade. Solanacea.
One of the first of all medicines Hahnemann experimented with, and the one which led him in 1800 to the discovery, greater than any other ever made in the domain of science, that the life-altering of drugs and poisons is not like the chemical or physical, depending on the masses, but solely on the surface. This has now been mathematically proved, and we have a full right to laugh at the stupid stubborn who doubt it. In 1805, Fragm. de vir. med. posit, Hahnemann published of his own observations 103 numbers, of others 312 ; in 1811 Reine Arzneimittellehre, vol. i, as the first ; of his own observations 176, of others 474 ; in 1829 R. Aml., vol. i, second edition, his own 380, of others and his disciples, Hornburg, E. Kummer, Herrmann, E. Stapf, W. Gross, F. Hartmann, с. F. Langhammer, Rückert, J. E. A. вaehr, H. Lehmann, A. F. Möchel, 1042 symptoms-in all, 1422 numbers ; in 1830 the third and last edition, Hahnemann had three more provers, and in all 1440 numbers, many had been contracted and several numbers united into one ; in 1875 Allen has included, besides the 85 authorities of Hahnemann, in all 241, and gives, without any concentration, 2544 symptoms without a cured one. вy the aid of at least 1455 cured symptoms we have been enabled to shorten the whole catalogue to somewhat less than 4000. The next following theme will be the separation of the symptoms obtained from berries, leaves and root, as far as it can be done.
One of the first of all medicines Hahnemann experimented with, and the one which led him in 1800 to the discovery, greater than any other ever made in the domain of science, that the life-altering of drugs and poisons is not like the chemical or physical, depending on the masses, but solely on the surface. This has now been mathematically proved, and we have a full right to laugh at the stupid stubborn who doubt it. In 1805, Fragm. de vir. med. posit, Hahnemann published of his own observations 103 numbers, of others 312 ; in 1811 Reine Arzneimittellehre, vol. i, as the first ; of his own observations 176, of others 474 ; in 1829 R. Aml., vol. i, second edition, his own 380, of others and his disciples, Hornburg, E. Kummer, Herrmann, E. Stapf, W. Gross, F. Hartmann, с. F. Langhammer, Rückert, J. E. A. вaehr, H. Lehmann, A. F. Möchel, 1042 symptoms-in all, 1422 numbers ; in 1830 the third and last edition, Hahnemann had three more provers, and in all 1440 numbers, many had been contracted and several numbers united into one ; in 1875 Allen has included, besides the 85 authorities of Hahnemann, in all 241, and gives, without any concentration, 2544 symptoms without a cured one. вy the aid of at least 1455 cured symptoms we have been enabled to shorten the whole catalogue to somewhat less than 4000. The next following theme will be the separation of the symptoms obtained from berries, leaves and root, as far as it can be done.
Психика и сознание
The patient is conscious but tormented by terrible anxiety.
Loss of consciousness.
Stupefaction, with congestion to head, pupils enlarged ; delirium.
Memory lively ; remembers things long gone by.
Memory impaired ; forgets in a moment what he was about to do.
Absent-minded and forgetful.
Likes to brood in silence, supreme indifference, nothing makes an impression.
Paroxysm of cerebral exaltation with abundance of ideas and images, generally fantastic and incoherent.
Mental confusion.
Confusion of head, aggravated by movement.
Her mind was disordered so that speech did not correspond to thought, nor thought to sense, nor sense to objects present.
Merry craziness ; while laughing or singing she constantly touches things around her.
Timorous insanity ; he is afraid of an imaginary black dog ; of the gallows, etc.
Insanity ; they stripped themselves and clad only in their shirts ran out into streets in broad daylight, gesticulating, dancing, laughing and utterring and doing many absurd things.
^^ вecame crazy ; got one leg over the window to kill himself, had to be tied down ; died next day ; within ten hours, two doses. θ сonsumption.
Fantastic illusions (when closing eyes).
When closing eyes, though not asleep, patient sees fierce, wicked looking large animals with horns and bushy heads ; room seemed to be full of strange men passing in and out, who would snatch at her as they passed, which frightened her very much, she thought the men wanted to take her away from home ; she then saw children sitting on low benches in rows as in a school-room.
Hallucinations, and illusions of senses.
Imagines he sees ghosts, hideous faces and various insects.
Fear of imaginary things, wants to run away from them.
Frightful visions ; she wishes to hide herself.
He is afraid of an extraordinary black dog, the gallows, etc. ; he sees ghosts and insects ; gets vexed easily, and then weeps ; he tears things around him, bites and strikes, and when restrained, spits at those around him, strikes himself, curses and uses horrible words. These symptoms of rage much resemble those of Stramon. and Hyosc.
Fixed ideas, thinks he is riding on an ox, uses a stick for a gun, growling and barking like a dog.
Lethargy and delirium, with pain in head. θ On disappearance of tumor.
Delirious moaning, flushed face, hot head.
Delirium and heat.
Rambling delirium.
Delirium : with frightful figures and images before eyes ; is afraid of imaginary things ; sees monsters ; talks of dogs as if they swarmed about him ; furious.
Violent delirium ; broke into fits of laughter, then gnashed teeth ; disposed to bite and strike those around.
Delirium ; the boy jumped out of bed, talked a great deal, was lively and often laughed ; consciousness was entirely gone ; he did not recognize his parents.
In evening he was seized with such violent delirium that it required three men to confine him ; his face was livid ; his eyes injected and protruding, pupils strongly dilated ; carotid arteries pulsating most violently ; a full, hard pulse, with loss of power to swallow.
Delirium, either continuous or recurring in paroxysms, mirthful at first, but subsequently changing to frenzy.
Excited and delirious, with violent motions of arms and legs, increasing to a raging delirium.
Furious delirium all night with pleasant hallucinations, followed by great prostration, and mental confusion.
Bites at his attendants and himself, screams furiously. θ A boy, at. 3.
Mania, with desire to bite, strike and run away.
Highest degree of mania, complete restlessness ; he jumps on chairs, tables and stove.
The paroxysms of madness were occasionally interrupted by loud laughing and grinding of teeth ; head was hot, face red, look wild and staring ; pulse small and very frequent ; pupils dilated ; arteries of head and neck visibly palpitating, pulse hard and frequent.
Mania, at one time merry, again would spit and bite at those around.
Epilepsy and mania furibunda.
Rage, madness, disposition to bite, to spit, to strike and to tear things.
Fury, with grinding of teeth and convulsions.
Fury ; they pulled at the hair of bystanders.
Such fury (with burning heat of body, and open, staring and immovable eyes) that she had to be held constantly, lest she should attack some one ; and when thus held so that she could not move, she spat continuously at those around her.
Desire to escape or hide herself.
Jumping out of bed with fear, trying to run away and hide.
She rather desires death than fears it.
She sought continually to spring out of bed.
Inclination to bite those around him and to tear everything about him in pieces.
She wishes to strike, bite and quarrel.
Weary of life, with desire to drown herself.
Desires light, but shuns company.
Speech rapid and hasty ; they often utter inarticulate, confused sounds.
Great loquacity, foolish talk, laughs without any cause.
Talkative, then again mute.
Delirious, obscene talking.
Garrulity ; he constantly uses foolish and absurd language, at which he often laughs aloud ; when addressed he turns towards speaker, but does not answer correspondingly.
She talks like a maniac, with staring, protruded eyes.
Loud laughter, wild abandon, singing, whistling, lascivious conversation.
Changes from quiet to gay and merry mood, in which trills and sings ditties ; great thirst, violent motion of arms.
Much moaning, distress, a sudden crying out. θ Retention of urine.
Weeping and screaming, made worse by gentle comforting.
She was violently delirious, screamed and wept aloud, and was unmanageable, suffered greatest anxiety and despaired of recovery.
The child cries out suddenly, and after awhile it ceases crying as suddenly as it began, and appears as if nothing had been the matter.
Crying and howling of children, as from rage.
Instead of eating, bit wooden spoon in two, gnawed plate, and growled and barked like a dog.
The boy was quite beside himself, struck at his mother, bit her, made terrible grimaces and contortions of limbs, did not remain a moment in one place.
She attempted to bite and strike her attendants, broke into fits of laughter, and gnashed her teeth ; head hot, face red, looks wild and fierce.
She tears her night dress and bedclothes.
Picking at bedclothes as if looking for something lost, with confused muttering.
In his delirium he picked at bedclothes, and threw them off, and sought continually to spring out of bed.
Foolish, ludicrous antics and gestures ; they touch everything within their reach ; foolish laughing, excessive sensibility.
Became wantonly merry, ran from house, and exposed their nakedness.
They behaved like drunken people.
Both children played with each other at hide and seek, calling each other in their sleep.
The boy ran around room laughing immoderately, desired neither food nor drink ; a piece of bread, which he took to be a stone, he threw far from him ; his delirium was always merry, he became totally unconscious ; pulse very slow, full ; pupils widely dilated, not sensitive to light abdomen somewhat distended.
Dancing, running and creeping about in shirt.
The child became flushed, wanted to escape, struck at people, became delirious and restless.
She turns about in her bed in a perfect rage.
In his delirium he threw himself down from a height.
Nearly all symptoms lead to violence of action ; patient must do everything violently ; she wishes those around her to kill her.
Sensation of floating or gliding along, as if in a boat ; as if the body, or a part of it was greatly enlarged.
Aversion to noise and company.
Aversion to all mental occupation ; indolence.
Hands constantly in motion, try to catch things in air.
She will sit and break pins into pieces, half a day at a time.
She feels of those around her ; at times she seats herself ; at times she acts as if she was washing, or as if she counted money, or as if she was drinking ; she mutters as if asleep ; she talks like a.
Maniac, with staring, protruded eyes ; talks about dogs that swarm around her ; converses with a late sister in a churchyard ; beautiful images present themselves to her as if by a charm.
Disinclination to talk, or very fast talking.
Very mirthful mood, singing and whistling ; frequent laughter.
Depression, or too great hilarity.
Sadness and dejection ; patients are indifferent to everything, seek solitude, and desire rest.
Melancholy ; hypochondriasis ; hopelessness.
She is very despondent.
Tremulous despondency.
Great distress, with inquietude.
Hysteria, with melancholic mood.
Became fearful when persons approached him in street, and when they had passed, he insisted on it that he had stabbed them.
Starts in affright at approach of others.
Cardiac anxiety, with anguish and restlessness.
Anxiety and fear of imaginary objects and hallucinations, ghosts, soldiers which come to take them away, black animals, rats, dogs, wolves, etc.
Anxiety, restlessness, nausea and pain in back, with wind colic.
Anxiety, anguish, trembling, constant restlessness.
By day great anxiety ; she has no peace anywhere ; it seemed to her as if she must fly away.
Anxious and confused, fears she is about to die.
Tremulous, anxious, nervous.
Anxious and timorous.
Nervous anxiety, restlessness, desire to escape.
Anxiety, followed by sweat.
Intolerable anguish during time she is free from rage, with desire to die.
Loss of courage.
Very sensitive, irritable mood.
Very excitable mood, easily brought to tears.
Weeping, irritable mood.
Fretfulness ; nothing seemed right to him ; was vexed with himself.
Weeping and vexation about trifles, with headache and pressure in forehead, and great dryness of mouth.
Morose and serious.
Anger, proceeding even to paroxysms of convulsive rage.
Quarrelsome, during exuberant mirth.
Quarrelsomeness, cannot be quieted, with disposition to violent rage.
Great inquietude, goes from place to place.
Great restlessness and indescribable anxiety, cannot sit or lie long in any position ; they seek to fly.
Mania. With intense craving for snuff ; voracious appetite, they swallow everything in their reach ; generally constipated ; wild, unsteady look, eyes brilliant, face flushed, breathing anxious, irregular ; sexual excitement, inclined to masturbate ; sleepless and restless.
Stupefying headache.
All senses more acute.
Great irritability and impressionableness of senses ; he tastes and smells everything more acutely ; sense of taste, of sight and of hearing is keener, and the mind is more easily moved, and thoughts more active.
Excessive nervous excitability, with exalted sensibility of all organs ; least noise, least light is annoying.
His senses deceive him.
Cloudiness or dulness as if drunken.
Feeling of drunkenness, with reeling.
Bewildered feeling in head.
Painful dulness of head.
Dulness and dazed feeling, worse by moving head, still more by walking.
The whole head is muddled.
Weariness of head.
Heaviness of head, seems about to fall asleep.
Blood mounts to head, which becomes heavy as if giddy.
Weight in head as if he would fall.
Dizziness, with sensation as if a board was before her forehead, falling to left or backward.
Vertigo, it appears to him as if objects around him swayed to and fro.
Vertigo, as if she was being rocked.
When in act of lying down, it seems as if bed was bouncing patient up and down.
Vertigo, as if everything turned around in a circle.
Vertigo increased on every movement of body.
Vertigo when stooping, or when rising after stooping.
Vertigo, mostly at night on turning over in bed, or when getting up in morning, also when walking, and on every change of position.
Giddiness, with falling and loss of consciousness.
Throbbing in head, buzzing in ears, dimness of vision, flushed face, anxiety and nausea, even vomiting.
Vertigo with rush of blood to head, roaring in ears, and slight mistiness of vision.
Vertigo with dimness of vision, vanishing of sight or flickering before eyes.
Vertigo with perceptible pulsations in head, dilated pupils, with nausea.
Vertigo with tired feeling before and after attack.
Vertigo, then headache, then falling.
Hysteria. Headache predominates ; with spasmodic symptoms in chest, abdomen and limbs ; predominating symptoms of genital organs.
Great restlessness, body is thrown to one side then to other ; sometimes chest, at other times abdomen is elevated.
Great restlessness with sudden startings.
Great irritability and sleeplessness.
Bodily inquietude ; he was constantly obliged to move whole body to and fro, and especially hands and feet ; he cannot stay long in any position, now he lies, now he sits, now he stands, so that he is always changing his posture in one way or another.
He walked round and round in a circle.
Twitching of extremities.
Twitchings more in arms and face ; difficult articulation ; throws head back, rolling head. θ сhorea.
Subsultus tendinum.
Easily startled ; sudden starting.
Starting on falling asleep ; the feet are jerked upward and the head forward.
He starts as if in affright, and wakes when he is just falling asleep.
She started as in affright in otherwise quiet sleep, feeling as if she was falling deep down, which caused her to shudder violently.
On closing eyes a sudden inward shock passing upward and preventing sleep. θ Sunstroke, from exposure of nape of neck.
Spasmodic motion of body, generally backward. θ сhorea.
Throws body forward and backward, while lying, like constant change from emprosthotonos to opisthotonos. θ сhorea.
Fear of apparitions, with convulsive motion of limbs, or twitching of single muscles.
Muscles of face, jaws and limbs, agitated by convulsive twitchings.
Spasmodic diseases.
Eclampsia with children ; convulsions.
Convulsions commence in arm. θ Epilepsy.
Convulsive momentary extension of limbs on awaking.
Convulsions come suddenly.
Repeated convulsions and horrible spasms, especially of flexor muscles.
Violent convulsions ; distortion of limbs and eyes.
Convulsions followed by sound sleep.
Renewal of fits at every pain ; more or less tossing between spasms, or deep sleep, with grimaces or starts and cries, with fearful visions.
Spasms, startings and convulsions of limbs ; after a fit of chagrin ; renewed by least contact ; with screams and loss of consciousness ; with delirium ; with extension of limbs, or violent distortion of muscles.
She has the appearance of being stunned ; a semi-consciousness and loss of speech ; convulsive movements in limbs and muscles of face ; paralysis of right side of tongue ; difficult deglutition ; dilated pupils ; red or livid countenance.
Attacks similar to epilepsy.
Epileptic convulsions.
Epilepsy, with violent congestion to head, with attacks or at other times.
Epileptic convulsions, followed by an apoplectic condition.
Epilepsy : patient clutches wildly at throat ; eyes roll back in their sockets, he froths at the mouth ; brought on by fright.
Clonic and tonic spasms.
From her 3d to her 9th year, every three months a spasmodic attack ; face red, with snapping jerks of lower jaw and biting her tongue ; lying on her back.
Clenched teeth with such force that they could not be opened.
Tetanus and trismus.
Became unconscious while working in hot sun ; jaws fixed ; head hot ; feet cold. θ Tetanus.
Contortions of extremities, with great prostration.
Paroxysms of stiffness, and immobility of all limbs, or of single limbs only.
Stiffness of whole body.
Great prostration.
After prostration by sunstroke. θ Epilepsy.
Great general debility.
All her strength goes in an instant.
Limbs relaxed ; red swollen face ; dilated pupils ; paralysis and puffiness of upper lids ; stertorous breathing ; weak but rapid heartbeat ; difficult swallowing.
Trembling in all the limbs.
General tremor with anxiety.
Weakness and tottering gait.
Paralytic weakness of all the muscles, especially of feet.
Spasm of one and paralysis of other side.
Fainting fits, sometimes resembling lethargy.
Loss of consciousness.
Stupefaction, with congestion to head, pupils enlarged ; delirium.
Memory lively ; remembers things long gone by.
Memory impaired ; forgets in a moment what he was about to do.
Absent-minded and forgetful.
Likes to brood in silence, supreme indifference, nothing makes an impression.
Paroxysm of cerebral exaltation with abundance of ideas and images, generally fantastic and incoherent.
Mental confusion.
Confusion of head, aggravated by movement.
Her mind was disordered so that speech did not correspond to thought, nor thought to sense, nor sense to objects present.
Merry craziness ; while laughing or singing she constantly touches things around her.
Timorous insanity ; he is afraid of an imaginary black dog ; of the gallows, etc.
Insanity ; they stripped themselves and clad only in their shirts ran out into streets in broad daylight, gesticulating, dancing, laughing and utterring and doing many absurd things.
^^ вecame crazy ; got one leg over the window to kill himself, had to be tied down ; died next day ; within ten hours, two doses. θ сonsumption.
Fantastic illusions (when closing eyes).
When closing eyes, though not asleep, patient sees fierce, wicked looking large animals with horns and bushy heads ; room seemed to be full of strange men passing in and out, who would snatch at her as they passed, which frightened her very much, she thought the men wanted to take her away from home ; she then saw children sitting on low benches in rows as in a school-room.
Hallucinations, and illusions of senses.
Imagines he sees ghosts, hideous faces and various insects.
Fear of imaginary things, wants to run away from them.
Frightful visions ; she wishes to hide herself.
He is afraid of an extraordinary black dog, the gallows, etc. ; he sees ghosts and insects ; gets vexed easily, and then weeps ; he tears things around him, bites and strikes, and when restrained, spits at those around him, strikes himself, curses and uses horrible words. These symptoms of rage much resemble those of Stramon. and Hyosc.
Fixed ideas, thinks he is riding on an ox, uses a stick for a gun, growling and barking like a dog.
Lethargy and delirium, with pain in head. θ On disappearance of tumor.
Delirious moaning, flushed face, hot head.
Delirium and heat.
Rambling delirium.
Delirium : with frightful figures and images before eyes ; is afraid of imaginary things ; sees monsters ; talks of dogs as if they swarmed about him ; furious.
Violent delirium ; broke into fits of laughter, then gnashed teeth ; disposed to bite and strike those around.
Delirium ; the boy jumped out of bed, talked a great deal, was lively and often laughed ; consciousness was entirely gone ; he did not recognize his parents.
In evening he was seized with such violent delirium that it required three men to confine him ; his face was livid ; his eyes injected and protruding, pupils strongly dilated ; carotid arteries pulsating most violently ; a full, hard pulse, with loss of power to swallow.
Delirium, either continuous or recurring in paroxysms, mirthful at first, but subsequently changing to frenzy.
Excited and delirious, with violent motions of arms and legs, increasing to a raging delirium.
Furious delirium all night with pleasant hallucinations, followed by great prostration, and mental confusion.
Bites at his attendants and himself, screams furiously. θ A boy, at. 3.
Mania, with desire to bite, strike and run away.
Highest degree of mania, complete restlessness ; he jumps on chairs, tables and stove.
The paroxysms of madness were occasionally interrupted by loud laughing and grinding of teeth ; head was hot, face red, look wild and staring ; pulse small and very frequent ; pupils dilated ; arteries of head and neck visibly palpitating, pulse hard and frequent.
Mania, at one time merry, again would spit and bite at those around.
Epilepsy and mania furibunda.
Rage, madness, disposition to bite, to spit, to strike and to tear things.
Fury, with grinding of teeth and convulsions.
Fury ; they pulled at the hair of bystanders.
Such fury (with burning heat of body, and open, staring and immovable eyes) that she had to be held constantly, lest she should attack some one ; and when thus held so that she could not move, she spat continuously at those around her.
Desire to escape or hide herself.
Jumping out of bed with fear, trying to run away and hide.
She rather desires death than fears it.
She sought continually to spring out of bed.
Inclination to bite those around him and to tear everything about him in pieces.
She wishes to strike, bite and quarrel.
Weary of life, with desire to drown herself.
Desires light, but shuns company.
Speech rapid and hasty ; they often utter inarticulate, confused sounds.
Great loquacity, foolish talk, laughs without any cause.
Talkative, then again mute.
Delirious, obscene talking.
Garrulity ; he constantly uses foolish and absurd language, at which he often laughs aloud ; when addressed he turns towards speaker, but does not answer correspondingly.
She talks like a maniac, with staring, protruded eyes.
Loud laughter, wild abandon, singing, whistling, lascivious conversation.
Changes from quiet to gay and merry mood, in which trills and sings ditties ; great thirst, violent motion of arms.
Much moaning, distress, a sudden crying out. θ Retention of urine.
Weeping and screaming, made worse by gentle comforting.
She was violently delirious, screamed and wept aloud, and was unmanageable, suffered greatest anxiety and despaired of recovery.
The child cries out suddenly, and after awhile it ceases crying as suddenly as it began, and appears as if nothing had been the matter.
Crying and howling of children, as from rage.
Instead of eating, bit wooden spoon in two, gnawed plate, and growled and barked like a dog.
The boy was quite beside himself, struck at his mother, bit her, made terrible grimaces and contortions of limbs, did not remain a moment in one place.
She attempted to bite and strike her attendants, broke into fits of laughter, and gnashed her teeth ; head hot, face red, looks wild and fierce.
She tears her night dress and bedclothes.
Picking at bedclothes as if looking for something lost, with confused muttering.
In his delirium he picked at bedclothes, and threw them off, and sought continually to spring out of bed.
Foolish, ludicrous antics and gestures ; they touch everything within their reach ; foolish laughing, excessive sensibility.
Became wantonly merry, ran from house, and exposed their nakedness.
They behaved like drunken people.
Both children played with each other at hide and seek, calling each other in their sleep.
The boy ran around room laughing immoderately, desired neither food nor drink ; a piece of bread, which he took to be a stone, he threw far from him ; his delirium was always merry, he became totally unconscious ; pulse very slow, full ; pupils widely dilated, not sensitive to light abdomen somewhat distended.
Dancing, running and creeping about in shirt.
The child became flushed, wanted to escape, struck at people, became delirious and restless.
She turns about in her bed in a perfect rage.
In his delirium he threw himself down from a height.
Nearly all symptoms lead to violence of action ; patient must do everything violently ; she wishes those around her to kill her.
Sensation of floating or gliding along, as if in a boat ; as if the body, or a part of it was greatly enlarged.
Aversion to noise and company.
Aversion to all mental occupation ; indolence.
Hands constantly in motion, try to catch things in air.
She will sit and break pins into pieces, half a day at a time.
She feels of those around her ; at times she seats herself ; at times she acts as if she was washing, or as if she counted money, or as if she was drinking ; she mutters as if asleep ; she talks like a.
Maniac, with staring, protruded eyes ; talks about dogs that swarm around her ; converses with a late sister in a churchyard ; beautiful images present themselves to her as if by a charm.
Disinclination to talk, or very fast talking.
Very mirthful mood, singing and whistling ; frequent laughter.
Depression, or too great hilarity.
Sadness and dejection ; patients are indifferent to everything, seek solitude, and desire rest.
Melancholy ; hypochondriasis ; hopelessness.
She is very despondent.
Tremulous despondency.
Great distress, with inquietude.
Hysteria, with melancholic mood.
Became fearful when persons approached him in street, and when they had passed, he insisted on it that he had stabbed them.
Starts in affright at approach of others.
Cardiac anxiety, with anguish and restlessness.
Anxiety and fear of imaginary objects and hallucinations, ghosts, soldiers which come to take them away, black animals, rats, dogs, wolves, etc.
Anxiety, restlessness, nausea and pain in back, with wind colic.
Anxiety, anguish, trembling, constant restlessness.
By day great anxiety ; she has no peace anywhere ; it seemed to her as if she must fly away.
Anxious and confused, fears she is about to die.
Tremulous, anxious, nervous.
Anxious and timorous.
Nervous anxiety, restlessness, desire to escape.
Anxiety, followed by sweat.
Intolerable anguish during time she is free from rage, with desire to die.
Loss of courage.
Very sensitive, irritable mood.
Very excitable mood, easily brought to tears.
Weeping, irritable mood.
Fretfulness ; nothing seemed right to him ; was vexed with himself.
Weeping and vexation about trifles, with headache and pressure in forehead, and great dryness of mouth.
Morose and serious.
Anger, proceeding even to paroxysms of convulsive rage.
Quarrelsome, during exuberant mirth.
Quarrelsomeness, cannot be quieted, with disposition to violent rage.
Great inquietude, goes from place to place.
Great restlessness and indescribable anxiety, cannot sit or lie long in any position ; they seek to fly.
Mania. With intense craving for snuff ; voracious appetite, they swallow everything in their reach ; generally constipated ; wild, unsteady look, eyes brilliant, face flushed, breathing anxious, irregular ; sexual excitement, inclined to masturbate ; sleepless and restless.
Stupefying headache.
All senses more acute.
Great irritability and impressionableness of senses ; he tastes and smells everything more acutely ; sense of taste, of sight and of hearing is keener, and the mind is more easily moved, and thoughts more active.
Excessive nervous excitability, with exalted sensibility of all organs ; least noise, least light is annoying.
His senses deceive him.
Cloudiness or dulness as if drunken.
Feeling of drunkenness, with reeling.
Bewildered feeling in head.
Painful dulness of head.
Dulness and dazed feeling, worse by moving head, still more by walking.
The whole head is muddled.
Weariness of head.
Heaviness of head, seems about to fall asleep.
Blood mounts to head, which becomes heavy as if giddy.
Weight in head as if he would fall.
Dizziness, with sensation as if a board was before her forehead, falling to left or backward.
Vertigo, it appears to him as if objects around him swayed to and fro.
Vertigo, as if she was being rocked.
When in act of lying down, it seems as if bed was bouncing patient up and down.
Vertigo, as if everything turned around in a circle.
Vertigo increased on every movement of body.
Vertigo when stooping, or when rising after stooping.
Vertigo, mostly at night on turning over in bed, or when getting up in morning, also when walking, and on every change of position.
Giddiness, with falling and loss of consciousness.
Throbbing in head, buzzing in ears, dimness of vision, flushed face, anxiety and nausea, even vomiting.
Vertigo with rush of blood to head, roaring in ears, and slight mistiness of vision.
Vertigo with dimness of vision, vanishing of sight or flickering before eyes.
Vertigo with perceptible pulsations in head, dilated pupils, with nausea.
Vertigo with tired feeling before and after attack.
Vertigo, then headache, then falling.
Hysteria. Headache predominates ; with spasmodic symptoms in chest, abdomen and limbs ; predominating symptoms of genital organs.
Great restlessness, body is thrown to one side then to other ; sometimes chest, at other times abdomen is elevated.
Great restlessness with sudden startings.
Great irritability and sleeplessness.
Bodily inquietude ; he was constantly obliged to move whole body to and fro, and especially hands and feet ; he cannot stay long in any position, now he lies, now he sits, now he stands, so that he is always changing his posture in one way or another.
He walked round and round in a circle.
Twitching of extremities.
Twitchings more in arms and face ; difficult articulation ; throws head back, rolling head. θ сhorea.
Subsultus tendinum.
Easily startled ; sudden starting.
Starting on falling asleep ; the feet are jerked upward and the head forward.
He starts as if in affright, and wakes when he is just falling asleep.
She started as in affright in otherwise quiet sleep, feeling as if she was falling deep down, which caused her to shudder violently.
On closing eyes a sudden inward shock passing upward and preventing sleep. θ Sunstroke, from exposure of nape of neck.
Spasmodic motion of body, generally backward. θ сhorea.
Throws body forward and backward, while lying, like constant change from emprosthotonos to opisthotonos. θ сhorea.
Fear of apparitions, with convulsive motion of limbs, or twitching of single muscles.
Muscles of face, jaws and limbs, agitated by convulsive twitchings.
Spasmodic diseases.
Eclampsia with children ; convulsions.
Convulsions commence in arm. θ Epilepsy.
Convulsive momentary extension of limbs on awaking.
Convulsions come suddenly.
Repeated convulsions and horrible spasms, especially of flexor muscles.
Violent convulsions ; distortion of limbs and eyes.
Convulsions followed by sound sleep.
Renewal of fits at every pain ; more or less tossing between spasms, or deep sleep, with grimaces or starts and cries, with fearful visions.
Spasms, startings and convulsions of limbs ; after a fit of chagrin ; renewed by least contact ; with screams and loss of consciousness ; with delirium ; with extension of limbs, or violent distortion of muscles.
She has the appearance of being stunned ; a semi-consciousness and loss of speech ; convulsive movements in limbs and muscles of face ; paralysis of right side of tongue ; difficult deglutition ; dilated pupils ; red or livid countenance.
Attacks similar to epilepsy.
Epileptic convulsions.
Epilepsy, with violent congestion to head, with attacks or at other times.
Epileptic convulsions, followed by an apoplectic condition.
Epilepsy : patient clutches wildly at throat ; eyes roll back in their sockets, he froths at the mouth ; brought on by fright.
Clonic and tonic spasms.
From her 3d to her 9th year, every three months a spasmodic attack ; face red, with snapping jerks of lower jaw and biting her tongue ; lying on her back.
Clenched teeth with such force that they could not be opened.
Tetanus and trismus.
Became unconscious while working in hot sun ; jaws fixed ; head hot ; feet cold. θ Tetanus.
Contortions of extremities, with great prostration.
Paroxysms of stiffness, and immobility of all limbs, or of single limbs only.
Stiffness of whole body.
Great prostration.
After prostration by sunstroke. θ Epilepsy.
Great general debility.
All her strength goes in an instant.
Limbs relaxed ; red swollen face ; dilated pupils ; paralysis and puffiness of upper lids ; stertorous breathing ; weak but rapid heartbeat ; difficult swallowing.
Trembling in all the limbs.
General tremor with anxiety.
Weakness and tottering gait.
Paralytic weakness of all the muscles, especially of feet.
Spasm of one and paralysis of other side.
Fainting fits, sometimes resembling lethargy.
Голова, лицо и уши
Frontal headache.
Pressive headache, especially in forehead.
Headache as if a stone was pressing forehead, better by laying head down, and stooping, with dilated pupils and whining ill humor after trifles.
Painful pressure in head, especially in lower part of forehead, directly above nose, intolerable on stooping or reading.
Sensation as if brain was pressed to forehead, which disappeared directly on bending head backward.
Pain in stooping forward, as if everything would issue at forehead.
Headache as if brain would be pressed out, in forehead, just above orbits, which prevents eyes being opened, and obliges him to lie down.
Tensive pressure in right side of forehead.
Pressive frontal headache so severe, when walking, that eyes were drawn shut ; better when sitting, ceases when lying down, worse rising again or going into open air.
Severe shooting in right frontal eminence, worse from bending forward, better by pressure.
Pain ameliorated by strong pressure on forehead.
Boring pain under right frontal eminence, early in morning soon after waking.
Aching in forehead, during motion it increases so much as to cause eyes to be closed.
Violent frontal headache, with heat and redness of face and throbbing carotids ; occasionally nausea.
Soreness in sinciput, stiffness in occiput.
Headache above orbits, as if brain was compressed, so that he was obliged to close his eyes.
She is very much troubled with throbbing headache, particularly over eyes.
One-sided pressure, or tensive pain moving from temple or forehead to orbit, spreading from there to entire half of brain, worse by motion of head and eyes from rays of light and from slightest noise.
Pain in head and eyeballs, eyes felt as if starting from their sockets.
Violent headache, chiefly in orbital region, with redness of eyes and face.
Headache worse by moving eyes, by looking down and reading.
A drawing down in temples and in right orbit.
Half-sided headache extending into orbits and bones of nose, with a pressing, bursting, wavelike sensation.
Fulness and pressure at temples and forehead, with pain, making him restless and uneasy.
Violent shooting pain in right temple.
The pains are tearing, drawing, begin in right temple, spread over orbit to right cheek, and are worse by slightest motion.
Pressive pain in right temporal region, which on supporting head with hand increases to a sense of bursting and extends into right frontal eminence.
Dull shooting in left temple, from in out.
Stabbing, as with a knife, from one temple to the other.
Sharp cutting pain in right side of head, from frontal to occipital region, becoming general, and last settling in left parietal bone.
Boring, tearing, cutting, shooting pains in various parts of head, generally worse on right side and in forehead, less in occiput.
Dull pressive pain on one or other side of head.
Violent throbbing in brain, from behind forward and towards both sides ; throbbing ends on surface in painful shootings.
Tensive pressure in left vertex and in forehead.
Tearing pain in right vertex.
Three violent stabs through head from forehead to occiput, whereupon all previous headache suddenly disappears.
Sensation of heaviness in head, with pressure in occiput, or pressing sensation in brain towards temples, with dimness of vision and dulness of hearing.
Incessant, dull, pressive pain on one or other side of head.
Pressure in head, now here, now there, which occupies each time larger areas.
Violent pressing in whole head, from within outward, as if it would burst.
Continuous and forcible distension of whole brain ; headache close above orbits, as though brain was pressed out ; eyes remain forcibly closed, on account of pain, pupils being contracted to highest degree, and voice scarcely audible.
Headache, as if sutures of skull were being torn open, and as if a lever was being applied, whereby head was forced asunder.
Incessant drawing and expansive pain in head, as if something in it rocked and swayed in a jerking manner.
Headache, in vertex, a kind of twisting, sometimes also digging, sometimes tearing, becomes much more violent on external pressure ; skull seemed to be quite thin, as if it could be pressed through.
Stitches and tearing in head.
Stabbing through head, as if with a double-edged knife, in evening.
Stabbings in right side of head, as if with a two-edged knife, which next are felt in front of head, then in vertex, then in occiput, so that she cannot lie on either side.
Swashing in head as if full of water.
Sensation as if brain was shaken in skull.
Feeling in brain like swashing of water.
Gouty headache, most half-sided ; flying stitches, felt very deep, sometimes commencing like a blow on a part of head, passing over into a long and very painful stitch, drawing through whole half of head and lasting some minutes, often with loss of consciousness.
Pains come on suddenly, last indefinitely, but cease suddenly.
Hysterical headache.
Hemicrania ; migraine.
Very intense headache.
Headache makes him first blind, then unconscious.
Headache increases at night, makes him crazy, he has to run up and down, and often falls.
Attacks of headache, accompanied by pain in small of back ; cold feet ; difficulty in swallowing ; nausea and vomiting ; frequent urination ; oppression of chest ; stiff neck ; irritable mood, and tired feeling in limbs.
Headache with desire for lemonade.
Headache with sleepiness, but cannot sleep.
Pains in head worse by noise, light, motion, when moving eyes, by shocks, contact, least jar, from least exertion, and in open air.
Headache from heat of sun.
Headache better during menses, from pressure, tight bandaging and wrapping up, but worse from warmth.
In open air sensation of bursting in head is very violent, and he is afraid to cough on account of increase of pain.
Pressure deep in brain over whole head, during and after walking in open air.
Jerking headache, extremely violent on walking quickly, or ascending stairs rapidly ; at every step a jolt as if a weight was in occiput.
He was frequently obliged to stand still in walking, from violence of pain in forehead ; at every step it recurred, as though brain rose and fell in forehead ; pain better by pressing strongly on part.
Head better from looking up and bending head back.
Pain decreased by strongly pressing parts.
Headache worse when leaning forward, better when bending backward.
Headache with dizziness, aggravated by stooping.
Pressure deep in brain, over whole head, after stooping.
After waking, throbbing in head.
Headache generally comes in morning after a restless night.
Headache from abuse of coffee, from overheating and from cold.
Congestion to brain.
Fulness and heaviness of head.
There is a general tendency of blood to head, with redness of eyes and face, which is still more developed in spasmodic attacks.
Rush of blood to head ; pulsation of cerebral arteries and a throbbing in interior of head.
The feeling in head was that of violent congestion, a full, tense and throbbing state of cerebral vessels, incidentally same sensation as would be produced by a ligature thrown round neck and impeding return of venous circulation.
Congestion to head ; dry heat ; red face ; sleeplessness, or soporous condition, with starting, or crying out.
Congestion to head, with delirium. θ Typhus.
Strong rush of blood to head, with beating in temples and burning in eyes.
Congestion of blood to head, with danger of apoplexy.
Cold sensation in brain at middle of forehead.
Much heat in head.
Annoying pulsation of arteries of brain when lying.
Strong pulsation of bloodvessels of forehead, and pain as if bones were lifted up.
Pulsating headache, with pressure at vertex.
Inflammation of base of brain and medulla from exposure to sun after having hair cut.
Meningitis and encephalitis, first stage ; throbbing carotids ; hot head ; flushed face ; glistening eyes ; nausea ; thirst ; scanty urine ; no stool ; sudden starting ; dry heat ; frequent full pulse ; drowsiness ; boring head into pillow, etc.
Encephalemia ; hyperemia from active congestion.
Hydrocephalus acutus, with boring head into pillows.
Apoplexy ; flushed, hot, bloated face ; dilated pupils ; a fixed, threatening look ;
Nausea ; staggering ; drowsiness ; stertorous breathing during sleep ; grinding teeth ; on waking throbbing in head ; prodroma are tired feeling in limbs, lethargy and aversion to occupation, weak memory, stiffness of tongue, etc.
Suitable for plethoric individuals disposed to phlegmonous inflammations ; or for lymphatic, scrofulous persons, liable to glandular swellings.
Gnawing at frontal eminences.
Sensation as if skull was as thin as paper.
As if skull was transparent.
Drawing pains in frontal bone and in nape of neck, both when at rest and during motion.
Headache with not only visible but audible pulsation.
Heat hot ; feet cold ; rolls head. θ сholera infantum.
Hot head, sensitive to touch.
Convulsive shaking and bending backward of head.
Boring of head into pillow.
Numbness in temples.
Contractive pain in scalp.
Painful swelling and redness of head.
Crampy pain in frontal eminence, extending to zygoma and lower jaw.
Great swelling of head with redness over whole body.
Head swollen to double its size.
Sensation externally, as if muscles of forehead and eyes were contracted.
Takes cold in every draught of air, especially when uncovering head ; complaints from cutting hair.
Head externally so sensitive, that least contact, even pressure of hair, gives pain.
Inclination to lean head against something cold and hard.
Headache better if hair hangs loosely, worse if it is put up.
The hair, which had been electric, ceased to be so.
Children tear their hair.
Flightiness as soon as eyes are closed.
Visions on closing eyes.
On closing eyes for sleep a sudden shock runs through body from below up.
Looking at shining or glistening objects aggravates.
Pressive pain deep in ball when she closes eyes ; feeling as if eyes protruded.
Oversensitiveness of sight.
Sensitiveness of eyes, she cannot bear light.
Intolerance of light.
Convulsive movements of eyeball in light, with terrible pressive pain extending through whole head ; better in a dark room.
Inclined to remain in a dark room.
Photophobia ; worse from artificial light.
Desire for light.
Halo around light, particolored, red predominating ; at times light seems broken into days.
Everything he looks at seems red.
Flickering before eyes ; sparks, or dimness of vision.
Bright sparks before eyes.
Flashes of light before eyes.
Every object in room, both real and spectral, had a double or at least a dim outline, owing to extreme dilatation of pupils.
The page appears covered with letters in great confusion.
Objects appear. Double, and seem to revolve and run backward ; upside down or crooked.
Triplopia ; sees a second dim representation of object on each side of it ; from candle proceed rays of same color as flame, and outside rays there is a variegated halo, inner circle being green, middle red, and outer white ; when Walking he also sees a round black ball hovering, a little larger than a pea ; all this he sees before his left eye.
When reading lines appear crooked.
She sees things wrong side up (Stramon. produces an oblique appearance of all objects).
Cannot look upward.
Weakness of sight from doing fine work.
Vanishing of sight on sitting up in bed.
Partial blindness, cannot read anything printed.
Vision obscured as from a white vapor.
Dimness of vision, or actual blindness.
Amblyopia caused by stoppage of menses ; veil before sight ; diplopia ; chromopsia ; dilated pupils and stitching in right eye.
Irides insensible to light.
Blindness following severe congestive headaches after scarlet fever.
Recognizes his friends through sense of hearing, not by sight.
While window-shutters are open he says they are closed, for he cannot see with open eyes. θ Hepatitis.
Complete amaurosis caused by a severe nervous fever, or from large amount of quinine given at that time ; pupils widely dilated.
Amaurosis from a cold, with much vertigo ; pressing pain and feeling of fulness in eyeballs ; black spots before eyes ; increased pain by candlelight, and much congestion of vessels.
Amaurosis of four years’ duration, occurring after suppression of rash in scarlatina ; only a perception of light remained ; pupils dilated.
Apoplexy of retina, with suppression of menstruation, occurring in a girl, at. 18 ; she was subject to cerebral congestions, sudden heat of head, vertigo, burning and throbbing frontal pain, noises in ears and illusions of vision, while rest of body was cold ; headaches increased ; pulsation of parotids became more severe ; photopsia and then sudden blindness.
She has a wild look, a stunned appearance.
Restless, unsteady look, vacant gaze, at times eyes sparkle ; face is flushed ; anxious, irregular breathing.
The eyes are dim, faint, without lustre.
Had a staring, threatening, wild, wandering look.
Staring, glassy eyes.
Half-opened, protruded, staring eyes.
The lids wide open ; eyes shining and protruding.
Eyes red, protruding, staring and brilliant.
Eyes very animated, with fully dilated pupils.
Pain over eyes.
Pressive pain over right eye.
Deep-seated, dull pain in back of eye.
Pain in head and eyeballs, which felt as if starting from their sockets.
Pain begins in orbit, alternately spreads to forehead and skin of face.
Pain in orbits ; often feels as if eyes had been torn out, sometimes as if pressed into head.
Orbital neuralgias, especially of infraorbital nerve, with red face, hot hands.
Ciliary neuralgia appearing and disappearing suddenly ; photophobia ; congestion.
Violent pain deep in eyes aggravated by movement, but particularly by light.
Transient, fine, stinging pain in eyes.
Shooting in eyes, from within outward.
Violent aching pains in eyes, from without inward.
Pain and burning in eyes.
Feeling of heat in eyes ; seems as if surrounded by a hot vapor.
Burning, itching and smarting in eyes.
Severe pains of glaucoma ; (glaucomatous eyes are exceedingly sensitive to action of вellad.
Mydriasis, resulting from nervous headache.
Pupils dilated.
Pupils dilated and immovable ; sclerotica bluish ; livid, lead-colored spots on eyelids ; deathly pallor of face.
Protruded eyes with dilated pupils.
Contracted pupils.
Choroiditis, especially the disseminate form.
In chronic keratitis, when suddenly eye becomes intensely congested, with heat, pains, photophobia ; pains often sharp, shooting through ball to back of head.
Ulcers or macula on cornea ; thickening of cornea.
Particularly useful in diseases of fundus ; hyperesthesia of retina.
Optic disc greatly deepened in tint, and retinal arteries and veins much enlarged, veins most markedly.
Optic neuritis, veins large, flashes of light before eye and pains in head.
In hyperemia of optic nerve and retina, especially indicated, if dependent upon cerebral congestion and accompanied by aching pain in eye, aggravated by any light.
Inflammation of optic nerve and retina.
Retinitis in a young lady (subject to congestive headaches, always worse in afternoon) ; retina very hazy and oedematous, appearing as if covered with a bluish-grey film, outlines of disk ill-defined, vessels large and tortuous.
Rheumatic iritis in early stages.
Eyes are congested, look very red ; cannot bear light ; opening only when in a dark place.
Catarrhal ophthalmia.
Ophthalmia suddenly appearing ; worse right eye ; intense photophobia.
Scrofulous ophthalmia : cannot bear artificial light ; abundant flow of hot tears.
Inflammation of eyes ; with redness and swelling of lids, also of newborn infants ; of gouty or scrofulous persons after catching cold.
Given in cases of chronic ophthalmia caused eyes to burn, and a feeling in cheek bones as if scalded.
Conjunctivitis (especially catarrhal, in early stages) with dryness of eyes, thickened red lips, and burning pains in eye.
Conjunctiva covered with red vessels ; shooting pains ; eyes water.
In chronic forms of hyperemia, if a red conjunctival line is very marked along line of fissure of lids.
Tunica conjunctiva highly injected ; whole eye prominent and preternaturally brilliant.
Strabismus, due to spasmodic action of muscles, or when resulting from brain affections.
Spasmodic motion of eyes.
Spasms of eyes distorting them.
Eyes are in constant motion, pupils extremely dilated.
The eyeballs turn convulsively in a circle.
The eyes became distorted, with redness and swelling of face.
Swelling and suppurative inflammation of left caruncula lachrymalis.
Dryness of eyes.
Feeling of burning dryness in both eyes.
Feeling of sand in eyes.
Eye dry, motion attended with a sense of dryness and stiffness ; surface of ball became quite dry, causing a very disagreeable sensation, not relieved by winking or continued closing of eyes.
Burning dryness of eyes ; water flowing from eyes is hot, or smarting ; double vision.
Lachrymation, with great photophobia.
Burning tears.
Lachrymation on side affected by headache.
Yellowness of sclerotica.
Dull, heavy, aching pain in lids.
Heaviness of lids.
Eyes wide open.
Nictation of eyelids.
Trembling and quivering of right upper eyelid.
Itching and burning of lids.
Bleeding from lids.
Lids swollen, red, like erysipelas.
Lids puffy, red and congested.
Lids feel sore, red, congested and swollen.
In blepharitis, if lids are painful and swollen like erysipelas.
Itching stitches in inner canthus only temporarily relieved by scratching.
Inflammatory swelling of lower lid near inner canthus, with throbbing pains.
In morning lids are completely agglutinated.
Scrofulous inflammation of lids.
Everted lids.
Acute aggravations of various chronic.
Diseases, as in granular lids, when, after taking cold, eyes become sensitive to air and light, with dryness and a gritty feeling.
Extreme sensibility of hearing.
Very sensitive to noises ; easily startled.
Earache worse from least noise.
Cannot bear noise or bright light.
Roaring, ringing, or noises in ears.
Roaring, tingling, humming and murmuring in ears.
Roaring in ears ; vertigo and dull colic.
Fancied noise awakens ; slight delirium on waking.
Deafness as if a skin were drawn over ears.
Hardness of hearing, owing to having taken cold.
They lose their hearing. θ Typhus.
Tearing in internal and external ear, in a downward direction.
Stitches in ears.
Shooting in internal ear, with hardness of hearing on same side.
Pinching in ears, first right, then left.
Earache, with boring and screwing in ears.
Acute thrusts in internal ear, with pinching like earache.
Soreness extending from throat to ears.
Lacerating from above downward in external and internal ear.
Tearing in right external ear and whole right side of face, downward.
The violent, tearing pain spreads from external ear both backward and forward to whole side of face.
Sharp pains in and about ears, sometimes excited by chewing.
Acute inflammation of ears.
Otitis interna ; child screams in sleep ; delirium ; rolling of head ; threatens extension to meninges.
Inflammatory swelling of ears, and also of parotids.
Swelling of right parotid gland, with erysipelatous bright redness and violent shooting pains.
Inflammatory swelling of parotid gland.
Violent shootings in right parotid, extending into external ear, where it becomes cramplike and then disappears ; it returns again following day, also at same hour.
Inflammation of glands about ears, with tearing and stitches.
Oversensitiveness to smell.
Extreme sensibility of smell ; odor of tobacco and of soot is intolerable.
Smell now acute, at another time dull. θ сoryza.
Loss of smell.
Smell in nose as from herring brine or sour beer. θ сoryza.
Putrid smell from nose.
Cramp at root of nose.
Nosebleed. With congestion to head ; in children at night.
Very frequent epistaxis, with pulsative pains in head, especially at night when in bed and on waking in morning.
Bleeding of nose ; distended abdomen ; throat frequently becomes sore ; eyes are often inflamed ; bloated face ; no good sleep, hears all that is going on at night.
Discharge of mucus, mixed with blood, from nose.
Frequent sneezing.
Frequent dry sneezing, with tickling, especially in left nostril.
Spasmodic sneezing, with cough of children.
Sensation of dryness of Schneiderian membrane.
Dryness of nose, with dull frontal headache.
Coryza ; one side of nose stopped up.
Dryness of nose and lips, the latter very red.
Nasal voice ; from stoppage.
Coryza, with offensive smell in nose, as of herring pickle, especially when blowing nose.
Suppressed catarrh, maddening headache.
Inflammatory swelling and redness of internal and external nose.
Pain as if bruised, when touching nose.
Sudden redness of tip of nose, with burning sensation.
Tip of nose red, swollen and shining.
Tip of nose red and hot, particularly in warm weather.
Nostrils and corners of lips ulcerated, without pain or itching.
Pustules break out on cheek and nose, which rapidly fill with pus, become covered with a crust.
Cutting, tearing pain, mostly right side, shooting from side of face up to temple, into ear, and down to nape of neck ; worse from touch and motion ; hard pressure sometimes relieves.
Neuralgic pains commencing under left orbit and running back to ear.
Violent shooting in right maxillary joint, extending to ear ; when chewing.
Prosopalgia ; tic douloureux ; Fothergill’s faceache.
Extraordinary mobility of facial muscles, especially on left side.
Twitching of facial muscles.
Convulsive movement of facial muscles, with distortion of mouth.
Spasm of facial muscles ; risus sardonicus ; continual winking and trembling of eyelids, alternating with cramps of hands and feet.
The muscles of his face, jaws and limbs were agitated by convulsive twitchings.
Convulsive play of facial muscles, with grinding of teeth.
Numbness of face.
Paleness and coldness of face, with shivering ; fixed or convulsive eyes ; foam at mouth ; involuntary escape of feces and urine.
Great paleness of face ; much moaning and grinding of teeth.
An extreme paleness of face is instantaneously changed to redness, with cold cheeks and hot forehead ; sweat only in face.
Paleness of face, sometimes suddenly alternating with red.
Face pale and sunken ; features express restlessness and anxiety, are often deeply furrowed by grief, or pale and dull.
Sensation of burning heat in whole face, without redness of cheeks ; or marked thirst ; body warm ; feet cold.
Red face.
Face animated and flushed.
The face was very red, with a staring, anxious look.
Hot head ; flushed face ; wild staring look ; frequent pulse ; Mucous membrane of mouth dry ; tardy stool ; suppressed urination.
Pains that cause redness of face and eyes ; throbbing of carotids and in head.
Glowing redness of face, with violent, inexpressible headache.
Violent neuralgia ; sometimes originating in right temple and spreading over orbit to right cheek ; worse from slightest motion ; sometimes pain radiates from orbit to forehead, and over skin of face ; sometimes affecting ears and teeth. θ Prosopalgia.
Dark red face.
Scarlet spots in face.
Mottled redness of face.
Bluish-red, bloated face.
Red face, with burning heat.
Very red face, with general warmth and great restlessness.
Flushed face and injected eyeballs.
Very red and hot face, with dilated pupils and hot head ; with throbbing of carotids and injection of sclerotica.
Great thirst, without sweat.
Face red and hot, and face, neck and chest much swollen.
Tumefaction and redness of face and lips.
Swelling of cheeks with burning pains ; also of one side of face.
Erysipelas of face, parts being red, hot and hard.
Scraping itching of forehead.
Tearing pain in jaws.
Stitching and tightness in maxillary articulations.
Sensation as if lower jaw was drawn backward.
Shooting and tension of lower jaw, in direction of ears.
Shootings from superior maxilla into internal ear.
Pressing below right zygoma.
Tearing and drawing behind right zygoma.
Inflammation and swelling of submaxillary and cervical glands.
External throat below angle of lower jaw very painful to touch.
She clenched her teeth together so that great force could not open them, with startings in all limbs, and chilliness.
The lower jaw is pressed convulsively against upper with a red face and a peculiar staring look.
Convulsive closing of jaws, and contraction of muscles of face and extremities ; next day increase of convulsive movements, with redness of face and profuse perspiration ; great rigidity down spine.
The jaws are closed convulsively, and very difficult to open. θ Trismus.
The mouth is half open or spasmodically closed in consequence of lockjaw.
Trembling of upper lip.
Thick, swollen upper lip. θ Scrofula.
Pustules, or abscess on upper lip.
Lips : especially upper one, crack in middle ; dry and parched.
Lips dark red.
Swelling of lips.
Pustules at borders of lips, with smarting pains.
Dry, burning, swollen and hardened lips.
Raw feeling at corners of mouth.
Eruptions at corners of mouth painful when touched.
Pressive headache, especially in forehead.
Headache as if a stone was pressing forehead, better by laying head down, and stooping, with dilated pupils and whining ill humor after trifles.
Painful pressure in head, especially in lower part of forehead, directly above nose, intolerable on stooping or reading.
Sensation as if brain was pressed to forehead, which disappeared directly on bending head backward.
Pain in stooping forward, as if everything would issue at forehead.
Headache as if brain would be pressed out, in forehead, just above orbits, which prevents eyes being opened, and obliges him to lie down.
Tensive pressure in right side of forehead.
Pressive frontal headache so severe, when walking, that eyes were drawn shut ; better when sitting, ceases when lying down, worse rising again or going into open air.
Severe shooting in right frontal eminence, worse from bending forward, better by pressure.
Pain ameliorated by strong pressure on forehead.
Boring pain under right frontal eminence, early in morning soon after waking.
Aching in forehead, during motion it increases so much as to cause eyes to be closed.
Violent frontal headache, with heat and redness of face and throbbing carotids ; occasionally nausea.
Soreness in sinciput, stiffness in occiput.
Headache above orbits, as if brain was compressed, so that he was obliged to close his eyes.
She is very much troubled with throbbing headache, particularly over eyes.
One-sided pressure, or tensive pain moving from temple or forehead to orbit, spreading from there to entire half of brain, worse by motion of head and eyes from rays of light and from slightest noise.
Pain in head and eyeballs, eyes felt as if starting from their sockets.
Violent headache, chiefly in orbital region, with redness of eyes and face.
Headache worse by moving eyes, by looking down and reading.
A drawing down in temples and in right orbit.
Half-sided headache extending into orbits and bones of nose, with a pressing, bursting, wavelike sensation.
Fulness and pressure at temples and forehead, with pain, making him restless and uneasy.
Violent shooting pain in right temple.
The pains are tearing, drawing, begin in right temple, spread over orbit to right cheek, and are worse by slightest motion.
Pressive pain in right temporal region, which on supporting head with hand increases to a sense of bursting and extends into right frontal eminence.
Dull shooting in left temple, from in out.
Stabbing, as with a knife, from one temple to the other.
Sharp cutting pain in right side of head, from frontal to occipital region, becoming general, and last settling in left parietal bone.
Boring, tearing, cutting, shooting pains in various parts of head, generally worse on right side and in forehead, less in occiput.
Dull pressive pain on one or other side of head.
Violent throbbing in brain, from behind forward and towards both sides ; throbbing ends on surface in painful shootings.
Tensive pressure in left vertex and in forehead.
Tearing pain in right vertex.
Three violent stabs through head from forehead to occiput, whereupon all previous headache suddenly disappears.
Sensation of heaviness in head, with pressure in occiput, or pressing sensation in brain towards temples, with dimness of vision and dulness of hearing.
Incessant, dull, pressive pain on one or other side of head.
Pressure in head, now here, now there, which occupies each time larger areas.
Violent pressing in whole head, from within outward, as if it would burst.
Continuous and forcible distension of whole brain ; headache close above orbits, as though brain was pressed out ; eyes remain forcibly closed, on account of pain, pupils being contracted to highest degree, and voice scarcely audible.
Headache, as if sutures of skull were being torn open, and as if a lever was being applied, whereby head was forced asunder.
Incessant drawing and expansive pain in head, as if something in it rocked and swayed in a jerking manner.
Headache, in vertex, a kind of twisting, sometimes also digging, sometimes tearing, becomes much more violent on external pressure ; skull seemed to be quite thin, as if it could be pressed through.
Stitches and tearing in head.
Stabbing through head, as if with a double-edged knife, in evening.
Stabbings in right side of head, as if with a two-edged knife, which next are felt in front of head, then in vertex, then in occiput, so that she cannot lie on either side.
Swashing in head as if full of water.
Sensation as if brain was shaken in skull.
Feeling in brain like swashing of water.
Gouty headache, most half-sided ; flying stitches, felt very deep, sometimes commencing like a blow on a part of head, passing over into a long and very painful stitch, drawing through whole half of head and lasting some minutes, often with loss of consciousness.
Pains come on suddenly, last indefinitely, but cease suddenly.
Hysterical headache.
Hemicrania ; migraine.
Very intense headache.
Headache makes him first blind, then unconscious.
Headache increases at night, makes him crazy, he has to run up and down, and often falls.
Attacks of headache, accompanied by pain in small of back ; cold feet ; difficulty in swallowing ; nausea and vomiting ; frequent urination ; oppression of chest ; stiff neck ; irritable mood, and tired feeling in limbs.
Headache with desire for lemonade.
Headache with sleepiness, but cannot sleep.
Pains in head worse by noise, light, motion, when moving eyes, by shocks, contact, least jar, from least exertion, and in open air.
Headache from heat of sun.
Headache better during menses, from pressure, tight bandaging and wrapping up, but worse from warmth.
In open air sensation of bursting in head is very violent, and he is afraid to cough on account of increase of pain.
Pressure deep in brain over whole head, during and after walking in open air.
Jerking headache, extremely violent on walking quickly, or ascending stairs rapidly ; at every step a jolt as if a weight was in occiput.
He was frequently obliged to stand still in walking, from violence of pain in forehead ; at every step it recurred, as though brain rose and fell in forehead ; pain better by pressing strongly on part.
Head better from looking up and bending head back.
Pain decreased by strongly pressing parts.
Headache worse when leaning forward, better when bending backward.
Headache with dizziness, aggravated by stooping.
Pressure deep in brain, over whole head, after stooping.
After waking, throbbing in head.
Headache generally comes in morning after a restless night.
Headache from abuse of coffee, from overheating and from cold.
Congestion to brain.
Fulness and heaviness of head.
There is a general tendency of blood to head, with redness of eyes and face, which is still more developed in spasmodic attacks.
Rush of blood to head ; pulsation of cerebral arteries and a throbbing in interior of head.
The feeling in head was that of violent congestion, a full, tense and throbbing state of cerebral vessels, incidentally same sensation as would be produced by a ligature thrown round neck and impeding return of venous circulation.
Congestion to head ; dry heat ; red face ; sleeplessness, or soporous condition, with starting, or crying out.
Congestion to head, with delirium. θ Typhus.
Strong rush of blood to head, with beating in temples and burning in eyes.
Congestion of blood to head, with danger of apoplexy.
Cold sensation in brain at middle of forehead.
Much heat in head.
Annoying pulsation of arteries of brain when lying.
Strong pulsation of bloodvessels of forehead, and pain as if bones were lifted up.
Pulsating headache, with pressure at vertex.
Inflammation of base of brain and medulla from exposure to sun after having hair cut.
Meningitis and encephalitis, first stage ; throbbing carotids ; hot head ; flushed face ; glistening eyes ; nausea ; thirst ; scanty urine ; no stool ; sudden starting ; dry heat ; frequent full pulse ; drowsiness ; boring head into pillow, etc.
Encephalemia ; hyperemia from active congestion.
Hydrocephalus acutus, with boring head into pillows.
Apoplexy ; flushed, hot, bloated face ; dilated pupils ; a fixed, threatening look ;
Nausea ; staggering ; drowsiness ; stertorous breathing during sleep ; grinding teeth ; on waking throbbing in head ; prodroma are tired feeling in limbs, lethargy and aversion to occupation, weak memory, stiffness of tongue, etc.
Suitable for plethoric individuals disposed to phlegmonous inflammations ; or for lymphatic, scrofulous persons, liable to glandular swellings.
Gnawing at frontal eminences.
Sensation as if skull was as thin as paper.
As if skull was transparent.
Drawing pains in frontal bone and in nape of neck, both when at rest and during motion.
Headache with not only visible but audible pulsation.
Heat hot ; feet cold ; rolls head. θ сholera infantum.
Hot head, sensitive to touch.
Convulsive shaking and bending backward of head.
Boring of head into pillow.
Numbness in temples.
Contractive pain in scalp.
Painful swelling and redness of head.
Crampy pain in frontal eminence, extending to zygoma and lower jaw.
Great swelling of head with redness over whole body.
Head swollen to double its size.
Sensation externally, as if muscles of forehead and eyes were contracted.
Takes cold in every draught of air, especially when uncovering head ; complaints from cutting hair.
Head externally so sensitive, that least contact, even pressure of hair, gives pain.
Inclination to lean head against something cold and hard.
Headache better if hair hangs loosely, worse if it is put up.
The hair, which had been electric, ceased to be so.
Children tear their hair.
Flightiness as soon as eyes are closed.
Visions on closing eyes.
On closing eyes for sleep a sudden shock runs through body from below up.
Looking at shining or glistening objects aggravates.
Pressive pain deep in ball when she closes eyes ; feeling as if eyes protruded.
Oversensitiveness of sight.
Sensitiveness of eyes, she cannot bear light.
Intolerance of light.
Convulsive movements of eyeball in light, with terrible pressive pain extending through whole head ; better in a dark room.
Inclined to remain in a dark room.
Photophobia ; worse from artificial light.
Desire for light.
Halo around light, particolored, red predominating ; at times light seems broken into days.
Everything he looks at seems red.
Flickering before eyes ; sparks, or dimness of vision.
Bright sparks before eyes.
Flashes of light before eyes.
Every object in room, both real and spectral, had a double or at least a dim outline, owing to extreme dilatation of pupils.
The page appears covered with letters in great confusion.
Objects appear. Double, and seem to revolve and run backward ; upside down or crooked.
Triplopia ; sees a second dim representation of object on each side of it ; from candle proceed rays of same color as flame, and outside rays there is a variegated halo, inner circle being green, middle red, and outer white ; when Walking he also sees a round black ball hovering, a little larger than a pea ; all this he sees before his left eye.
When reading lines appear crooked.
She sees things wrong side up (Stramon. produces an oblique appearance of all objects).
Cannot look upward.
Weakness of sight from doing fine work.
Vanishing of sight on sitting up in bed.
Partial blindness, cannot read anything printed.
Vision obscured as from a white vapor.
Dimness of vision, or actual blindness.
Amblyopia caused by stoppage of menses ; veil before sight ; diplopia ; chromopsia ; dilated pupils and stitching in right eye.
Irides insensible to light.
Blindness following severe congestive headaches after scarlet fever.
Recognizes his friends through sense of hearing, not by sight.
While window-shutters are open he says they are closed, for he cannot see with open eyes. θ Hepatitis.
Complete amaurosis caused by a severe nervous fever, or from large amount of quinine given at that time ; pupils widely dilated.
Amaurosis from a cold, with much vertigo ; pressing pain and feeling of fulness in eyeballs ; black spots before eyes ; increased pain by candlelight, and much congestion of vessels.
Amaurosis of four years’ duration, occurring after suppression of rash in scarlatina ; only a perception of light remained ; pupils dilated.
Apoplexy of retina, with suppression of menstruation, occurring in a girl, at. 18 ; she was subject to cerebral congestions, sudden heat of head, vertigo, burning and throbbing frontal pain, noises in ears and illusions of vision, while rest of body was cold ; headaches increased ; pulsation of parotids became more severe ; photopsia and then sudden blindness.
She has a wild look, a stunned appearance.
Restless, unsteady look, vacant gaze, at times eyes sparkle ; face is flushed ; anxious, irregular breathing.
The eyes are dim, faint, without lustre.
Had a staring, threatening, wild, wandering look.
Staring, glassy eyes.
Half-opened, protruded, staring eyes.
The lids wide open ; eyes shining and protruding.
Eyes red, protruding, staring and brilliant.
Eyes very animated, with fully dilated pupils.
Pain over eyes.
Pressive pain over right eye.
Deep-seated, dull pain in back of eye.
Pain in head and eyeballs, which felt as if starting from their sockets.
Pain begins in orbit, alternately spreads to forehead and skin of face.
Pain in orbits ; often feels as if eyes had been torn out, sometimes as if pressed into head.
Orbital neuralgias, especially of infraorbital nerve, with red face, hot hands.
Ciliary neuralgia appearing and disappearing suddenly ; photophobia ; congestion.
Violent pain deep in eyes aggravated by movement, but particularly by light.
Transient, fine, stinging pain in eyes.
Shooting in eyes, from within outward.
Violent aching pains in eyes, from without inward.
Pain and burning in eyes.
Feeling of heat in eyes ; seems as if surrounded by a hot vapor.
Burning, itching and smarting in eyes.
Severe pains of glaucoma ; (glaucomatous eyes are exceedingly sensitive to action of вellad.
Mydriasis, resulting from nervous headache.
Pupils dilated.
Pupils dilated and immovable ; sclerotica bluish ; livid, lead-colored spots on eyelids ; deathly pallor of face.
Protruded eyes with dilated pupils.
Contracted pupils.
Choroiditis, especially the disseminate form.
In chronic keratitis, when suddenly eye becomes intensely congested, with heat, pains, photophobia ; pains often sharp, shooting through ball to back of head.
Ulcers or macula on cornea ; thickening of cornea.
Particularly useful in diseases of fundus ; hyperesthesia of retina.
Optic disc greatly deepened in tint, and retinal arteries and veins much enlarged, veins most markedly.
Optic neuritis, veins large, flashes of light before eye and pains in head.
In hyperemia of optic nerve and retina, especially indicated, if dependent upon cerebral congestion and accompanied by aching pain in eye, aggravated by any light.
Inflammation of optic nerve and retina.
Retinitis in a young lady (subject to congestive headaches, always worse in afternoon) ; retina very hazy and oedematous, appearing as if covered with a bluish-grey film, outlines of disk ill-defined, vessels large and tortuous.
Rheumatic iritis in early stages.
Eyes are congested, look very red ; cannot bear light ; opening only when in a dark place.
Catarrhal ophthalmia.
Ophthalmia suddenly appearing ; worse right eye ; intense photophobia.
Scrofulous ophthalmia : cannot bear artificial light ; abundant flow of hot tears.
Inflammation of eyes ; with redness and swelling of lids, also of newborn infants ; of gouty or scrofulous persons after catching cold.
Given in cases of chronic ophthalmia caused eyes to burn, and a feeling in cheek bones as if scalded.
Conjunctivitis (especially catarrhal, in early stages) with dryness of eyes, thickened red lips, and burning pains in eye.
Conjunctiva covered with red vessels ; shooting pains ; eyes water.
In chronic forms of hyperemia, if a red conjunctival line is very marked along line of fissure of lids.
Tunica conjunctiva highly injected ; whole eye prominent and preternaturally brilliant.
Strabismus, due to spasmodic action of muscles, or when resulting from brain affections.
Spasmodic motion of eyes.
Spasms of eyes distorting them.
Eyes are in constant motion, pupils extremely dilated.
The eyeballs turn convulsively in a circle.
The eyes became distorted, with redness and swelling of face.
Swelling and suppurative inflammation of left caruncula lachrymalis.
Dryness of eyes.
Feeling of burning dryness in both eyes.
Feeling of sand in eyes.
Eye dry, motion attended with a sense of dryness and stiffness ; surface of ball became quite dry, causing a very disagreeable sensation, not relieved by winking or continued closing of eyes.
Burning dryness of eyes ; water flowing from eyes is hot, or smarting ; double vision.
Lachrymation, with great photophobia.
Burning tears.
Lachrymation on side affected by headache.
Yellowness of sclerotica.
Dull, heavy, aching pain in lids.
Heaviness of lids.
Eyes wide open.
Nictation of eyelids.
Trembling and quivering of right upper eyelid.
Itching and burning of lids.
Bleeding from lids.
Lids swollen, red, like erysipelas.
Lids puffy, red and congested.
Lids feel sore, red, congested and swollen.
In blepharitis, if lids are painful and swollen like erysipelas.
Itching stitches in inner canthus only temporarily relieved by scratching.
Inflammatory swelling of lower lid near inner canthus, with throbbing pains.
In morning lids are completely agglutinated.
Scrofulous inflammation of lids.
Everted lids.
Acute aggravations of various chronic.
Diseases, as in granular lids, when, after taking cold, eyes become sensitive to air and light, with dryness and a gritty feeling.
Extreme sensibility of hearing.
Very sensitive to noises ; easily startled.
Earache worse from least noise.
Cannot bear noise or bright light.
Roaring, ringing, or noises in ears.
Roaring, tingling, humming and murmuring in ears.
Roaring in ears ; vertigo and dull colic.
Fancied noise awakens ; slight delirium on waking.
Deafness as if a skin were drawn over ears.
Hardness of hearing, owing to having taken cold.
They lose their hearing. θ Typhus.
Tearing in internal and external ear, in a downward direction.
Stitches in ears.
Shooting in internal ear, with hardness of hearing on same side.
Pinching in ears, first right, then left.
Earache, with boring and screwing in ears.
Acute thrusts in internal ear, with pinching like earache.
Soreness extending from throat to ears.
Lacerating from above downward in external and internal ear.
Tearing in right external ear and whole right side of face, downward.
The violent, tearing pain spreads from external ear both backward and forward to whole side of face.
Sharp pains in and about ears, sometimes excited by chewing.
Acute inflammation of ears.
Otitis interna ; child screams in sleep ; delirium ; rolling of head ; threatens extension to meninges.
Inflammatory swelling of ears, and also of parotids.
Swelling of right parotid gland, with erysipelatous bright redness and violent shooting pains.
Inflammatory swelling of parotid gland.
Violent shootings in right parotid, extending into external ear, where it becomes cramplike and then disappears ; it returns again following day, also at same hour.
Inflammation of glands about ears, with tearing and stitches.
Oversensitiveness to smell.
Extreme sensibility of smell ; odor of tobacco and of soot is intolerable.
Smell now acute, at another time dull. θ сoryza.
Loss of smell.
Smell in nose as from herring brine or sour beer. θ сoryza.
Putrid smell from nose.
Cramp at root of nose.
Nosebleed. With congestion to head ; in children at night.
Very frequent epistaxis, with pulsative pains in head, especially at night when in bed and on waking in morning.
Bleeding of nose ; distended abdomen ; throat frequently becomes sore ; eyes are often inflamed ; bloated face ; no good sleep, hears all that is going on at night.
Discharge of mucus, mixed with blood, from nose.
Frequent sneezing.
Frequent dry sneezing, with tickling, especially in left nostril.
Spasmodic sneezing, with cough of children.
Sensation of dryness of Schneiderian membrane.
Dryness of nose, with dull frontal headache.
Coryza ; one side of nose stopped up.
Dryness of nose and lips, the latter very red.
Nasal voice ; from stoppage.
Coryza, with offensive smell in nose, as of herring pickle, especially when blowing nose.
Suppressed catarrh, maddening headache.
Inflammatory swelling and redness of internal and external nose.
Pain as if bruised, when touching nose.
Sudden redness of tip of nose, with burning sensation.
Tip of nose red, swollen and shining.
Tip of nose red and hot, particularly in warm weather.
Nostrils and corners of lips ulcerated, without pain or itching.
Pustules break out on cheek and nose, which rapidly fill with pus, become covered with a crust.
Cutting, tearing pain, mostly right side, shooting from side of face up to temple, into ear, and down to nape of neck ; worse from touch and motion ; hard pressure sometimes relieves.
Neuralgic pains commencing under left orbit and running back to ear.
Violent shooting in right maxillary joint, extending to ear ; when chewing.
Prosopalgia ; tic douloureux ; Fothergill’s faceache.
Extraordinary mobility of facial muscles, especially on left side.
Twitching of facial muscles.
Convulsive movement of facial muscles, with distortion of mouth.
Spasm of facial muscles ; risus sardonicus ; continual winking and trembling of eyelids, alternating with cramps of hands and feet.
The muscles of his face, jaws and limbs were agitated by convulsive twitchings.
Convulsive play of facial muscles, with grinding of teeth.
Numbness of face.
Paleness and coldness of face, with shivering ; fixed or convulsive eyes ; foam at mouth ; involuntary escape of feces and urine.
Great paleness of face ; much moaning and grinding of teeth.
An extreme paleness of face is instantaneously changed to redness, with cold cheeks and hot forehead ; sweat only in face.
Paleness of face, sometimes suddenly alternating with red.
Face pale and sunken ; features express restlessness and anxiety, are often deeply furrowed by grief, or pale and dull.
Sensation of burning heat in whole face, without redness of cheeks ; or marked thirst ; body warm ; feet cold.
Red face.
Face animated and flushed.
The face was very red, with a staring, anxious look.
Hot head ; flushed face ; wild staring look ; frequent pulse ; Mucous membrane of mouth dry ; tardy stool ; suppressed urination.
Pains that cause redness of face and eyes ; throbbing of carotids and in head.
Glowing redness of face, with violent, inexpressible headache.
Violent neuralgia ; sometimes originating in right temple and spreading over orbit to right cheek ; worse from slightest motion ; sometimes pain radiates from orbit to forehead, and over skin of face ; sometimes affecting ears and teeth. θ Prosopalgia.
Dark red face.
Scarlet spots in face.
Mottled redness of face.
Bluish-red, bloated face.
Red face, with burning heat.
Very red face, with general warmth and great restlessness.
Flushed face and injected eyeballs.
Very red and hot face, with dilated pupils and hot head ; with throbbing of carotids and injection of sclerotica.
Great thirst, without sweat.
Face red and hot, and face, neck and chest much swollen.
Tumefaction and redness of face and lips.
Swelling of cheeks with burning pains ; also of one side of face.
Erysipelas of face, parts being red, hot and hard.
Scraping itching of forehead.
Tearing pain in jaws.
Stitching and tightness in maxillary articulations.
Sensation as if lower jaw was drawn backward.
Shooting and tension of lower jaw, in direction of ears.
Shootings from superior maxilla into internal ear.
Pressing below right zygoma.
Tearing and drawing behind right zygoma.
Inflammation and swelling of submaxillary and cervical glands.
External throat below angle of lower jaw very painful to touch.
She clenched her teeth together so that great force could not open them, with startings in all limbs, and chilliness.
The lower jaw is pressed convulsively against upper with a red face and a peculiar staring look.
Convulsive closing of jaws, and contraction of muscles of face and extremities ; next day increase of convulsive movements, with redness of face and profuse perspiration ; great rigidity down spine.
The jaws are closed convulsively, and very difficult to open. θ Trismus.
The mouth is half open or spasmodically closed in consequence of lockjaw.
Trembling of upper lip.
Thick, swollen upper lip. θ Scrofula.
Pustules, or abscess on upper lip.
Lips : especially upper one, crack in middle ; dry and parched.
Lips dark red.
Swelling of lips.
Pustules at borders of lips, with smarting pains.
Dry, burning, swollen and hardened lips.
Raw feeling at corners of mouth.
Eruptions at corners of mouth painful when touched.
Ротовая полость и горло
Sensation as if her teeth would be forced out of her head.
The teeth feel elongated.
Digging toothache.
Teeth feel on edge.
Lacerating toothache ; worse in evening.
Dull drawing in upper row, right side, all night.
Painful jerkings in nerves of fangs of one or more teeth.
Sore pain in teeth from admission of open air.
Toothache some minutes after eating, not during ; increases gradually to high degree and as gradually diminishes.
Toothache : tearing, drawing and stinging in spells ; worse evening till night ; sometimes renewed in morning on awaking ; worse from touching teeth, chewing, and from cold air ; better from pressure and pricking gums until blood comes.
Toothache, with red, hot face and throbbing in head.
Toothache with otalgia.
Rheumatic toothache, particularly in females, especially when pregnant.
Throbbing in teeth. θ Pregnancy.
The pain seems to start from teeth and returns to them.
Barking and growling, with gnashing of teeth.
Grinding of teeth.
Grinding of teeth, with moaning ; great dryness of mouth relieved for a short time by rinsing with cold water.
Grinding of teeth, with foam at mouth.
Extremely troublesome itching of gums, with pain in throat.
Vesicle in gum below one of front teeth, with pain as if burnt.
Gums pain as if ulcerated.
Extremely painful swelling of gums on right side.
Bleeding of gums.
Tongue : inflamed and much swollen ; papilla of deep red color ; tip and edges light red.
The papilla on tongue are of a deep red color, inflamed and much swollen (Tart. emet. produces red tongue with raised papilla).
The tongue hung dry out of child’s mouth, and was swollen thick ; it was scarcely possible to get some drops of milk into mouth.
The tongue is painful, especially to touch ; it is red, hot and dry, with red edges and white in middle.
Red streak in middle of tongue, wide and broader towards point.
Tongue : white centre with red edges ; or two white stripes ; covered with white, clammy fur, which can be pulled off in strings ; dry and furred ; covered with much tenacious, yellowish-white mucus.
Feeling in tip of tongue as if a vesicle was on it, with burning pain when touched.
Cracked tongue, coated white, with salivation.
Foul odor from mouth.
Peculiar odor from mouth, with but slightly coated tongue.
Mouth feels hot.
Burning in mouth.
Dry, burning mouth, with great thirst.
Paralytic weakness of internal parts of mouth.
Hemorrhage from mouth and nose.
The lips, mucous membrane of mouth, fauces and nose, very hot and dry.
Dry mouth and lips.
Dryness of mouth, with thirst.
Mouth feels scalded.
Dryness of whole inner lining of cheek, tongue, which looks as if burnt, roof of mouth and pharynx.
Red, inflammatory swelling of inner mouth and soft palate.
Lips, tongue and throat dry, with constricted feeling in mouth.
A good deal of tenacious mucus in mouth.
Slimy mouth in morning, when awaking, with pressing headache.
Thick, white mucus collects in mouth and throat, with constant inclination to hawk and swallow.
Saliva thickened, tenacious, brownish, white, clings to tongue like glue.
Salivation ; worse when lying down.
Salivation succeeding dryness of mouth.
Increased flow of saliva.
Dryness of roof of mouth, fauces and throat.
Troublesome continued dryness of mouth, lips and throat with a violent longing for drink, but not satisfied by it.
Great dryness of mouth and throat ; desires drink but cannot swallow.
Desire to swallow saliva, which is painful.
About fauces sensation of dryness most distressing ; it induced a constant attempt at deglutition, and finally excited suffocative spasms of fauces and glottis ; renewed at every attempt to swallow.
Dryness of fauces, causing excessive difficulty of swallowing ; and alteration of voice.
Sensation of heat and dryness in mouth and pharynx, extending to stomach ; epigastric region painful and swollen, with constant thirst.
Dryness, burning and scraping in mouth and throat.
Catarrhal inflammation of palate.
Rawness and soreness of palate.
Painful narrowing and contraction of gullet.
Dryness of mouth and pharynx, with sense of constriction of throat.
Tongue and palate dark red ; she complains of dryness of throat and of difficult swallowing.
Inflammation of throat and fauces.
Redness and swelling of uvula and soft palate.
Burning sensation in fauces.
Mucous membrane, from posterior third of palate, as far down as could be seen, was of a deep crimson color, and tonsils were much enlarged.
Angina faucium, catarrhalis, erysipelatosa, tonsillaris, etc.
Inflammation ; also swelling and suppuration of tonsils.
Tonsillitis ; worse right side ; parts bright red ; worse swallowing liquids.
The fauces, uvula and tonsils are scarlet and shiny.
Fine tearing on inner surface of angle of left lower jaw, in and behind left tonsil, unaffected by contact ; worse when swallowing.
Sensation of foreign body in oesophagus.
Sensation as of a lump, which cannot be removed.
Fine tearing on inner surface of corner of left lower jaw ; in left tonsil, and behind latter ; unaffected by contact ; tearing is more violent during deglutition.
Sensation of heat, burning and dryness in throat.
Violent burning in throat (the mouth at the same time being moist), which is not at all relieved by drinking, but is by a little sugar, though only for a moment.
Constant pressing and burning in throat. θ Quinsy.
Felt great soreness in throat, which looked very red about tonsils and palate ; soreness extended to ears.
Throat : feels raw and sore ; looks very red and shining.
Inflammation of throat and back part of mouth.
Sensation as if a large tumor was growing in throat and stopped it up.
Sore throat : fauces and pharynx deep red ; soft palate and tonsils swollen ; swallowing painful, particularly fluids ; speech thick ; feels like a lump in throat, which induces hawking ; throat swollen outside and sensitive to touch.
Lump in throat.
Violent, lancinating pain in throat when swallowing or breathing.
Sore throat ; shooting in pharynx, and pain as from an internal swelling, only felt during deglutition, and upon turning head around ; likewise when feeling side of neck, but not when at rest or in speaking.
Sore throat, which increases every hour ; heat ; scraping ; narrowing, and feeling of soreness.
As soon as throat began to feel sore, there was great expectoration of light mucus.
Painful contraction and narrowing of upper part of throat.
Constriction of throat, with choking sensation.
Contraction of oesophagus, lasting a short time, but frequently recurring ; more during deglutition than between, and followed each time by a scraping sensation in region of epiglottis, as if latter was raw and sore.
Spasmodic constriction of throat.
Spasms in oesophagus. θ Typhus.
Only with difficulty and by constantly taking liquids is he able to swallow solid food.
Constant urging and desire to swallow ; seemed as if he would choke if he did not swallow.
During deglutition, feeling in throat as if it was too narrow, or drawn together, as if nothing would pass properly.
Difficulty in swallowing ; severe coughing spells, causing much redness of face ; moaning and drowsiness.
When swallowing, experiences a sensation in throat as though the parts were too narrow, contracted, as if nothing would go down.
On attempting to pour down liquid, tetanic closure of mouth, and regurgitation of liquid.
Impeded deglutition, or entire inability to swallow even liquids, which return by nose.
He swallows water with greatest difficulty, and can only get smallest quantity of it down.
Chokes easily ; things go down wrong way.
Aversion to all fluids, so that she behaves frightfully at sight of them ; forcible administration of fluid medicine makes her furious.
Constant desire for empty swallowing, which causes pain in larynx.
When swallowing, a pressing, urging pain. θ Angina.
Swallowing saliva, or empty, is most painful. θ Angina.
Has to swallow, which is very painful ; he has to bend head forward and lift up knee. θ Angina.
A violent shooting pain in throat on swallowing or breathing.
Rapidly forming aphthous ulcers on tonsils ; intense congestion ; throbbing of carotids.
Throat is painful to touch on right side, especially towards ear, where it stings. θ Angina.
Right hand clutches at throat. θ Epilepsy.
Pressive pain externally when bending head backward and when touching parts.
Cervical glands inflame suddenly.
Hoarse outcries.
Hoarseness which is especially violent when crying.
Hoarse, rough voice, with dryness in throat, seat of which she accurately located in larynx ; she had to cough frequently and swallow often ; when swallowing she complained of a pain in larynx.
Voice hoarse and weak.
The voice is altered, hoarse, rough, weak and wheezing.
Sudden attacks of hoarseness ; feeble voice ; dry cough, often with spells of suffocation. θ сhronic laryngitis.
Speaking is very difficult to him ; speaks in a piping tone.
Cannot speak but with great exertion, very gentle and low. θ Angina.
Now and then while speaking, the voice, which had been weak, becomes suddenly loud and clear.
Voice weakened even to complete aphonia.
Aphonia, or confused sounds uttered with pain.
The dryness extends into larynx, rendering voice husky, and often inducing dry cough.
Painful dryness in larynx, yet with an unconquerable aversion to all drinks.
Great sensitiveness to slightest pressure in lower portion of larynx.
Sensation as if some one constricted his larynx.
Sensation as if larynx was inflamed and swollen, with snoring breathing and danger of suffocation.
Pain in larynx when talking.
Great painfulness of upper part of windpipe, with danger of suffocation when touching or turning throat ; when coughing, talking, or taking breath.
Crouplike spasms in larynx, in attacks ; fauces red.
Spasms of glottis.
All the symptoms of membranous croup, but the usual remedies are of no avail, and the case is characterized by single attacks ; hollow cough, with strangulation and putting hands to larynx, evidently a spasmodic constriction.
Acute catarrhal laryngitis.
Chronic laryngitis, with spasmodic dry cough.
Noise and rattling in bronchial tubes.
The teeth feel elongated.
Digging toothache.
Teeth feel on edge.
Lacerating toothache ; worse in evening.
Dull drawing in upper row, right side, all night.
Painful jerkings in nerves of fangs of one or more teeth.
Sore pain in teeth from admission of open air.
Toothache some minutes after eating, not during ; increases gradually to high degree and as gradually diminishes.
Toothache : tearing, drawing and stinging in spells ; worse evening till night ; sometimes renewed in morning on awaking ; worse from touching teeth, chewing, and from cold air ; better from pressure and pricking gums until blood comes.
Toothache, with red, hot face and throbbing in head.
Toothache with otalgia.
Rheumatic toothache, particularly in females, especially when pregnant.
Throbbing in teeth. θ Pregnancy.
The pain seems to start from teeth and returns to them.
Barking and growling, with gnashing of teeth.
Grinding of teeth.
Grinding of teeth, with moaning ; great dryness of mouth relieved for a short time by rinsing with cold water.
Grinding of teeth, with foam at mouth.
Extremely troublesome itching of gums, with pain in throat.
Vesicle in gum below one of front teeth, with pain as if burnt.
Gums pain as if ulcerated.
Extremely painful swelling of gums on right side.
Bleeding of gums.
Tongue : inflamed and much swollen ; papilla of deep red color ; tip and edges light red.
The papilla on tongue are of a deep red color, inflamed and much swollen (Tart. emet. produces red tongue with raised papilla).
The tongue hung dry out of child’s mouth, and was swollen thick ; it was scarcely possible to get some drops of milk into mouth.
The tongue is painful, especially to touch ; it is red, hot and dry, with red edges and white in middle.
Red streak in middle of tongue, wide and broader towards point.
Tongue : white centre with red edges ; or two white stripes ; covered with white, clammy fur, which can be pulled off in strings ; dry and furred ; covered with much tenacious, yellowish-white mucus.
Feeling in tip of tongue as if a vesicle was on it, with burning pain when touched.
Cracked tongue, coated white, with salivation.
Foul odor from mouth.
Peculiar odor from mouth, with but slightly coated tongue.
Mouth feels hot.
Burning in mouth.
Dry, burning mouth, with great thirst.
Paralytic weakness of internal parts of mouth.
Hemorrhage from mouth and nose.
The lips, mucous membrane of mouth, fauces and nose, very hot and dry.
Dry mouth and lips.
Dryness of mouth, with thirst.
Mouth feels scalded.
Dryness of whole inner lining of cheek, tongue, which looks as if burnt, roof of mouth and pharynx.
Red, inflammatory swelling of inner mouth and soft palate.
Lips, tongue and throat dry, with constricted feeling in mouth.
A good deal of tenacious mucus in mouth.
Slimy mouth in morning, when awaking, with pressing headache.
Thick, white mucus collects in mouth and throat, with constant inclination to hawk and swallow.
Saliva thickened, tenacious, brownish, white, clings to tongue like glue.
Salivation ; worse when lying down.
Salivation succeeding dryness of mouth.
Increased flow of saliva.
Dryness of roof of mouth, fauces and throat.
Troublesome continued dryness of mouth, lips and throat with a violent longing for drink, but not satisfied by it.
Great dryness of mouth and throat ; desires drink but cannot swallow.
Desire to swallow saliva, which is painful.
About fauces sensation of dryness most distressing ; it induced a constant attempt at deglutition, and finally excited suffocative spasms of fauces and glottis ; renewed at every attempt to swallow.
Dryness of fauces, causing excessive difficulty of swallowing ; and alteration of voice.
Sensation of heat and dryness in mouth and pharynx, extending to stomach ; epigastric region painful and swollen, with constant thirst.
Dryness, burning and scraping in mouth and throat.
Catarrhal inflammation of palate.
Rawness and soreness of palate.
Painful narrowing and contraction of gullet.
Dryness of mouth and pharynx, with sense of constriction of throat.
Tongue and palate dark red ; she complains of dryness of throat and of difficult swallowing.
Inflammation of throat and fauces.
Redness and swelling of uvula and soft palate.
Burning sensation in fauces.
Mucous membrane, from posterior third of palate, as far down as could be seen, was of a deep crimson color, and tonsils were much enlarged.
Angina faucium, catarrhalis, erysipelatosa, tonsillaris, etc.
Inflammation ; also swelling and suppuration of tonsils.
Tonsillitis ; worse right side ; parts bright red ; worse swallowing liquids.
The fauces, uvula and tonsils are scarlet and shiny.
Fine tearing on inner surface of angle of left lower jaw, in and behind left tonsil, unaffected by contact ; worse when swallowing.
Sensation of foreign body in oesophagus.
Sensation as of a lump, which cannot be removed.
Fine tearing on inner surface of corner of left lower jaw ; in left tonsil, and behind latter ; unaffected by contact ; tearing is more violent during deglutition.
Sensation of heat, burning and dryness in throat.
Violent burning in throat (the mouth at the same time being moist), which is not at all relieved by drinking, but is by a little sugar, though only for a moment.
Constant pressing and burning in throat. θ Quinsy.
Felt great soreness in throat, which looked very red about tonsils and palate ; soreness extended to ears.
Throat : feels raw and sore ; looks very red and shining.
Inflammation of throat and back part of mouth.
Sensation as if a large tumor was growing in throat and stopped it up.
Sore throat : fauces and pharynx deep red ; soft palate and tonsils swollen ; swallowing painful, particularly fluids ; speech thick ; feels like a lump in throat, which induces hawking ; throat swollen outside and sensitive to touch.
Lump in throat.
Violent, lancinating pain in throat when swallowing or breathing.
Sore throat ; shooting in pharynx, and pain as from an internal swelling, only felt during deglutition, and upon turning head around ; likewise when feeling side of neck, but not when at rest or in speaking.
Sore throat, which increases every hour ; heat ; scraping ; narrowing, and feeling of soreness.
As soon as throat began to feel sore, there was great expectoration of light mucus.
Painful contraction and narrowing of upper part of throat.
Constriction of throat, with choking sensation.
Contraction of oesophagus, lasting a short time, but frequently recurring ; more during deglutition than between, and followed each time by a scraping sensation in region of epiglottis, as if latter was raw and sore.
Spasmodic constriction of throat.
Spasms in oesophagus. θ Typhus.
Only with difficulty and by constantly taking liquids is he able to swallow solid food.
Constant urging and desire to swallow ; seemed as if he would choke if he did not swallow.
During deglutition, feeling in throat as if it was too narrow, or drawn together, as if nothing would pass properly.
Difficulty in swallowing ; severe coughing spells, causing much redness of face ; moaning and drowsiness.
When swallowing, experiences a sensation in throat as though the parts were too narrow, contracted, as if nothing would go down.
On attempting to pour down liquid, tetanic closure of mouth, and regurgitation of liquid.
Impeded deglutition, or entire inability to swallow even liquids, which return by nose.
He swallows water with greatest difficulty, and can only get smallest quantity of it down.
Chokes easily ; things go down wrong way.
Aversion to all fluids, so that she behaves frightfully at sight of them ; forcible administration of fluid medicine makes her furious.
Constant desire for empty swallowing, which causes pain in larynx.
When swallowing, a pressing, urging pain. θ Angina.
Swallowing saliva, or empty, is most painful. θ Angina.
Has to swallow, which is very painful ; he has to bend head forward and lift up knee. θ Angina.
A violent shooting pain in throat on swallowing or breathing.
Rapidly forming aphthous ulcers on tonsils ; intense congestion ; throbbing of carotids.
Throat is painful to touch on right side, especially towards ear, where it stings. θ Angina.
Right hand clutches at throat. θ Epilepsy.
Pressive pain externally when bending head backward and when touching parts.
Cervical glands inflame suddenly.
Hoarse outcries.
Hoarseness which is especially violent when crying.
Hoarse, rough voice, with dryness in throat, seat of which she accurately located in larynx ; she had to cough frequently and swallow often ; when swallowing she complained of a pain in larynx.
Voice hoarse and weak.
The voice is altered, hoarse, rough, weak and wheezing.
Sudden attacks of hoarseness ; feeble voice ; dry cough, often with spells of suffocation. θ сhronic laryngitis.
Speaking is very difficult to him ; speaks in a piping tone.
Cannot speak but with great exertion, very gentle and low. θ Angina.
Now and then while speaking, the voice, which had been weak, becomes suddenly loud and clear.
Voice weakened even to complete aphonia.
Aphonia, or confused sounds uttered with pain.
The dryness extends into larynx, rendering voice husky, and often inducing dry cough.
Painful dryness in larynx, yet with an unconquerable aversion to all drinks.
Great sensitiveness to slightest pressure in lower portion of larynx.
Sensation as if some one constricted his larynx.
Sensation as if larynx was inflamed and swollen, with snoring breathing and danger of suffocation.
Pain in larynx when talking.
Great painfulness of upper part of windpipe, with danger of suffocation when touching or turning throat ; when coughing, talking, or taking breath.
Crouplike spasms in larynx, in attacks ; fauces red.
Spasms of glottis.
All the symptoms of membranous croup, but the usual remedies are of no avail, and the case is characterized by single attacks ; hollow cough, with strangulation and putting hands to larynx, evidently a spasmodic constriction.
Acute catarrhal laryngitis.
Chronic laryngitis, with spasmodic dry cough.
Noise and rattling in bronchial tubes.
Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
Taste : salty ; sour ; bitter ; pappy ; offensive ; putrid when eating or drinking.
Bread tastes sour.
Putrid taste rising out of throat ; also when eating or drinking, although food and drink have proper taste.
Putrid, disagreeable taste in mouth, with a clean tongue.
Insipid taste ; or loss of taste.
Hasty speech ; often inarticulate, confused sounds.
Stammering speech.
Inarticulate speech from hindered mobility of tongue.
Tongue dry and dislike to talk.
Loss of speech. θ Typhus.
Paralytic weakness of organs of speech.
Smacking with tongue.
Trembling of tongue when protruded.
Feeling of coldness and dryness of forepart of tongue.
Dryness of tongue and throat becoming so great as to interfere with speech.
Hot tongue.
Tongue dry, cracked and difficult to move.
Tongue parched ; rattling in mouth like a chip.
Inflammatory swelling of tongue.
If children in hydrocephaloid cry until they get something to eat, вellad. is well indicated.
Complete loss of appetite.
Aversion to food, particularly meat.
Anxious seeking for drink.
Great thirst.
Violent thirst at noon.
Excessive thirst for cold water. θ Angina.
Desire for lemons and lemonade, which prove beneficial.
Desire for warm drinks.
Great thirst in evening, with watery taste ; all drinks are loathsome.
Absence of thirst.
Aversion to every kind of liquid ; she demeans herself like a fury when seeing it.
Violent burning, suffocative, unquenchable thirst, with inability to swallow least drop, or with great aversion to drinks.
Thirst for water changed into thirst for beer.
Repugnance to beer, acids, coffee, camphor.
Desire for tobacco and indigestible things ; swallows food greedily.
Hasty drinking, with trembling.
After eating : putrid taste in mouth.
Pressure in stomach after eating.
Taking drink or nourishment excites vomiting.
At first he pushed away a glass of sugared water, when on being coaxed he attempted to drink it, only a few drops passed down, the rest was forced out of mouth by spasmodic contraction of muscles of deglutition.
After drinking beer, internal heat.
Wine aggravates dyspnoea.
Vomiting after eating or drinking.
Bread tastes sour.
Putrid taste rising out of throat ; also when eating or drinking, although food and drink have proper taste.
Putrid, disagreeable taste in mouth, with a clean tongue.
Insipid taste ; or loss of taste.
Hasty speech ; often inarticulate, confused sounds.
Stammering speech.
Inarticulate speech from hindered mobility of tongue.
Tongue dry and dislike to talk.
Loss of speech. θ Typhus.
Paralytic weakness of organs of speech.
Smacking with tongue.
Trembling of tongue when protruded.
Feeling of coldness and dryness of forepart of tongue.
Dryness of tongue and throat becoming so great as to interfere with speech.
Hot tongue.
Tongue dry, cracked and difficult to move.
Tongue parched ; rattling in mouth like a chip.
Inflammatory swelling of tongue.
If children in hydrocephaloid cry until they get something to eat, вellad. is well indicated.
Complete loss of appetite.
Aversion to food, particularly meat.
Anxious seeking for drink.
Great thirst.
Violent thirst at noon.
Excessive thirst for cold water. θ Angina.
Desire for lemons and lemonade, which prove beneficial.
Desire for warm drinks.
Great thirst in evening, with watery taste ; all drinks are loathsome.
Absence of thirst.
Aversion to every kind of liquid ; she demeans herself like a fury when seeing it.
Violent burning, suffocative, unquenchable thirst, with inability to swallow least drop, or with great aversion to drinks.
Thirst for water changed into thirst for beer.
Repugnance to beer, acids, coffee, camphor.
Desire for tobacco and indigestible things ; swallows food greedily.
Hasty drinking, with trembling.
After eating : putrid taste in mouth.
Pressure in stomach after eating.
Taking drink or nourishment excites vomiting.
At first he pushed away a glass of sugared water, when on being coaxed he attempted to drink it, only a few drops passed down, the rest was forced out of mouth by spasmodic contraction of muscles of deglutition.
After drinking beer, internal heat.
Wine aggravates dyspnoea.
Vomiting after eating or drinking.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Attacks of violent hiccough. θ Hepatitis.
Crying on account of pain from hiccough.
Hiccoughing eructations ; spasm composed partly of eructation, partly of hiccough.
Half suppressed, incomplete eructations.
Bitter, frequent eructations, with want of appetite and giddiness.
Gulping of food, with pressing in stomach.
Nausea, with loathing of food.
Nausea in throat and stomach.
Nausea and bitter eructations.
Ineffectual efforts to vomit about midnight, with cold sweat.
Nausea, retching and vomiting.
Unsuccessful inclination to vomit ; empty retching.
Sick and fainty ; vomits everything.
Can’t keep any food on stomach ; can’t hold his head up ; makes water freely ; exceedingly cross, ill-tempered ; drowsy, but can’t get sound sleep ; bowels constipated very much ; stools dark and hard ; tongue coated white ; uneasy, restless ; rouses up and screams ; starts and screams as if frightened.
Can keep nothing down ; pale ; weak.
Frequent nausea ; spasmodic vomiting.
Vomiting : of mucus ; of bile and mucus, or undigested food ; watery, sour, bloody mucus.
Vomits bloody phlegm and improves. θ Angina.
Vomit watery, slimy, bilious fluid. θ Hepatic affections.
Painless throbbing and beating at pit of stomach.
Tensive pressing pain in pit of stomach, particularly after eating.
Painful pressure in pit of stomach only when walking ; compels him to walk slowly.
Violent shooting, cutting pain in pit of stomach, forcing one to bend body backward and to hold one’s breath.
At night periodical pains at pit of stomach, with tremor.
Burning in stomach.
Excruciating pains about pit of stomach.
Feeling of emptiness in stomach.
Spasm in stomach like cramp.
Chronic spasm of stomach, always occurring during a meal ; colic, as if a spot in abdomen were seized with nails ; a gripping, clutching, seizing with talons (see Ipecac.
Fulness and oppression in stomach ; cannot lie still. θ Hepatitis.
Cardialgia ; gastralgia.
Hard pressure in stomach after eating ; violent stomachache, lasting a short time.
Pain in stomach extending through to spine, between shoulders.
Pains in stomach and abdomen worse when walking, and from a jar ; in stomach or abdomen as if clutched by a hand.
Gnawing, pressing, crampy, drawing and wrenching pain in stomach, compels patient to bend backward ; worse after drinking.
Shooting pains in stomach.
Cutting pain in stomach ; worse from motion or pressure.
Region of stomach sensitive to touch.
Hematemesis ; ringing in ears ; red cheeks ; feeling of fulness and warmth in stomach.
Distension of epigastrium, with tensive pain in stomach.
Pain in liver.
Acute and chronic hepatitis.
Region of liver painful and sore to touch. θ сongestion of liver.
Acute pain in region of liver ; worse lying on right side ; pains go the shoulder and neck ; can tolerate no pressure or jar ; pit of stomach bloated.
Severe pressure in right hypochonder on a small spot near and above umbilicus ; worse from motion, and very sensitive to touch. θ Hepatitis.
Pain in hepatic region gets rapidly worse ; spreads to back and kidneys ; causes retching and vomiting of bile ; has to bend double. θ Hepatitis.
Colic from gall-stones ; liver hard. θ Jaundice.
Pain as if hypochondria was being pressed out, when pressing on epigastrium.
During pain transverse colon protrudes like a pad, all the way across abdomen.
Colic ; spasmodic tension from chest to deep in abdomen.
Colic, as if a spot in abdomen was seized with nails ; a griping, clutching, clawing.
Sudden violent, stinging, cutting or pinching pain, proceeding from one place in abdomen and spreading over larger portion of it.
Loud rumbling and pinching in belly ; wind-colic.
Violent cutting pressure in hypogastrium, now here, now there.
Pinching colic ; flatulent colic better by stooping forward and by pressing on part.
Clawing around navel ; better from pressure.
Infantile colic ; patient bends backward, and pains appear and leave suddenly.
Pains in abdomen cause violent screaming. θ сhildren with dysentery.
Pains, particularly in abdomen and pelvis, come on suddenly, continue violently a longer or shorter time, and disappear as suddenly as they came.
Children relieve their bellyache by lying flat on their bellies across a chair.
Constriction of abdomen around navel, as if a ball or lump would form.
Contractive dragging in region of navel, especially about noon and in afternoon.
Constricting, pinching pains under navel, coming suddenly, patient has to bend double.
In hypogastrium, immediately below umbilicus, a feeling as though intestines pressed outward, chiefly in standing.
Along with sensation of distension of abdomen, constrictive pain below umbilicus, which comes in jerks and forces one to lean forward bent double.
Cramplike, constrictive pain in lower intestines.
Pressure in abdomen as from a stone (in evening), with pains in loins.
In morning, immediately after getting out of bed, a violent, tensive, pressing pain in whole of hypogastrium, but especially in region of os pubis ; it appears as if hypogastrium (rarely epigastrium) was spasmodically constricted, sometimes as if it was distended (although not really so) ; pains which gradually increase and gradually decrease.
Squeezing, constrictive pain in lowermost intestines, alternately with dull shoots or jerks in direction of perineum.
Burning, pressive and pinching pain in abdomen, obliging him to bend double.
Feeling of heat in abdomen, as from a hot iron.
Heat in belly (with anxiety), in chest, and in face, with obstruction of nose.
Pain in abdomen, as if raw and sore.
Long-lasting painfulness of whole abdomen, as if it was all sore and raw.
Tumefaction of abdomen, which was very tender to touch.
Painfulness of abdomen to contact.
Tenderness even to slight pressure, especially over ovarian region.
Sensitiveness of abdomen to slightest touch.
Tenderness of abdomen aggravated by least jar, even of bed or chair upon which she sits ; she is obliged, in walking, to step with great care, for fear of a jar.
Great pain in right ileo-cecal region, cannot bear slightest touch, not even bedcover.
Abdomen tympanitic and extremely sensitive.
Abdomen contracted.
Distended, but neither hard nor painful abdomen.
Abdomen distended, hot. θ сholera infantum.
Much bearing down pain ; worse in morning.
Feeling as if a hard body pressed from within outward, at right inguinal ring ; part not feeling hard to touch ; while sitting with body bent forward.
Fine shooting in left groin.
Violent twitching of abdominal muscles.
Incarcerated hernia.
Itching on abdomen.
Contractive pain in rectum.
Straining and colic.
Frequent urging to stool without result, or with a very scanty and hard evacuation.
Urging to stool, which is thinner than usual, but passes in proper quantity.
From 10 P. M. till 2 A. M. violent tenesmus, with passage of blood and slime, the rest of the time thin but formed stools.
Frequent urging to stool, sometimes ineffectual and with tenesmus.
Straining to stool ; the evacuation is undoubtedly diarrheic, but very little is voided, and immediately after follows much straining.
Urging to stool, which is more fluid than usual, but passed in proper quantity.
Frequent thin stools, with tenesmus.
Slimy and bloody diarrheic stools.
Papescent stool mixed with mucus.
Diarrhoea, with bearing down pain in uterus.
Diarrhoea worse from motion (compare Rheum and сrot. tigl.
Asiatic cholera.
Involuntary evacuations ; temporary paralysis of sphincter.
Involuntary discharge of feces and urine ; violent startings ; flushed face.
Escape of feces when passing wind.
Stools : thin, green mucus ; frequent, thin ; bloody mucus with tenesmus ; containing lumps like chalk ; clay colored ; chalky-white, with granular, slimy mucus ; smell sour ; with shuddering.
Retarded stool.
Digestion torpid ; stools scanty.
Sense of constipation.
Obstinate constipation.
Constipation with weak pulse.
Before stool : constriction in rectum ; sore aching in upper part of abdomen ; perspiration ; heat in abdomen ; colic.
During stool : shuddering ; nausea and pressing pain in stomach ; pressure on genitals.
Diarrhoea, with pressure on bladder.
With stool passage of urine.
The diarrheic stool is followed by frequent urging, no more stool being passed.
After stool : tenesmus.
A sort of tenesmus, a constant pressing and urging towards anus and genitals, alternating with painful contractions of anus.
Pressing in rectum towards anus.
Spasmodic constriction of sphincter ani. θ Dysentery.
Bleeding piles ; back pains as if breaking.
Mucous membrane of anus seems swollen and pressed out.
Prolapsus ani.
Voluptuous tickling in lower parts of rectum and anus.
Violent itching, at same time constrictive sensation in anus.
Crying on account of pain from hiccough.
Hiccoughing eructations ; spasm composed partly of eructation, partly of hiccough.
Half suppressed, incomplete eructations.
Bitter, frequent eructations, with want of appetite and giddiness.
Gulping of food, with pressing in stomach.
Nausea, with loathing of food.
Nausea in throat and stomach.
Nausea and bitter eructations.
Ineffectual efforts to vomit about midnight, with cold sweat.
Nausea, retching and vomiting.
Unsuccessful inclination to vomit ; empty retching.
Sick and fainty ; vomits everything.
Can’t keep any food on stomach ; can’t hold his head up ; makes water freely ; exceedingly cross, ill-tempered ; drowsy, but can’t get sound sleep ; bowels constipated very much ; stools dark and hard ; tongue coated white ; uneasy, restless ; rouses up and screams ; starts and screams as if frightened.
Can keep nothing down ; pale ; weak.
Frequent nausea ; spasmodic vomiting.
Vomiting : of mucus ; of bile and mucus, or undigested food ; watery, sour, bloody mucus.
Vomits bloody phlegm and improves. θ Angina.
Vomit watery, slimy, bilious fluid. θ Hepatic affections.
Painless throbbing and beating at pit of stomach.
Tensive pressing pain in pit of stomach, particularly after eating.
Painful pressure in pit of stomach only when walking ; compels him to walk slowly.
Violent shooting, cutting pain in pit of stomach, forcing one to bend body backward and to hold one’s breath.
At night periodical pains at pit of stomach, with tremor.
Burning in stomach.
Excruciating pains about pit of stomach.
Feeling of emptiness in stomach.
Spasm in stomach like cramp.
Chronic spasm of stomach, always occurring during a meal ; colic, as if a spot in abdomen were seized with nails ; a gripping, clutching, seizing with talons (see Ipecac.
Fulness and oppression in stomach ; cannot lie still. θ Hepatitis.
Cardialgia ; gastralgia.
Hard pressure in stomach after eating ; violent stomachache, lasting a short time.
Pain in stomach extending through to spine, between shoulders.
Pains in stomach and abdomen worse when walking, and from a jar ; in stomach or abdomen as if clutched by a hand.
Gnawing, pressing, crampy, drawing and wrenching pain in stomach, compels patient to bend backward ; worse after drinking.
Shooting pains in stomach.
Cutting pain in stomach ; worse from motion or pressure.
Region of stomach sensitive to touch.
Hematemesis ; ringing in ears ; red cheeks ; feeling of fulness and warmth in stomach.
Distension of epigastrium, with tensive pain in stomach.
Pain in liver.
Acute and chronic hepatitis.
Region of liver painful and sore to touch. θ сongestion of liver.
Acute pain in region of liver ; worse lying on right side ; pains go the shoulder and neck ; can tolerate no pressure or jar ; pit of stomach bloated.
Severe pressure in right hypochonder on a small spot near and above umbilicus ; worse from motion, and very sensitive to touch. θ Hepatitis.
Pain in hepatic region gets rapidly worse ; spreads to back and kidneys ; causes retching and vomiting of bile ; has to bend double. θ Hepatitis.
Colic from gall-stones ; liver hard. θ Jaundice.
Pain as if hypochondria was being pressed out, when pressing on epigastrium.
During pain transverse colon protrudes like a pad, all the way across abdomen.
Colic ; spasmodic tension from chest to deep in abdomen.
Colic, as if a spot in abdomen was seized with nails ; a griping, clutching, clawing.
Sudden violent, stinging, cutting or pinching pain, proceeding from one place in abdomen and spreading over larger portion of it.
Loud rumbling and pinching in belly ; wind-colic.
Violent cutting pressure in hypogastrium, now here, now there.
Pinching colic ; flatulent colic better by stooping forward and by pressing on part.
Clawing around navel ; better from pressure.
Infantile colic ; patient bends backward, and pains appear and leave suddenly.
Pains in abdomen cause violent screaming. θ сhildren with dysentery.
Pains, particularly in abdomen and pelvis, come on suddenly, continue violently a longer or shorter time, and disappear as suddenly as they came.
Children relieve their bellyache by lying flat on their bellies across a chair.
Constriction of abdomen around navel, as if a ball or lump would form.
Contractive dragging in region of navel, especially about noon and in afternoon.
Constricting, pinching pains under navel, coming suddenly, patient has to bend double.
In hypogastrium, immediately below umbilicus, a feeling as though intestines pressed outward, chiefly in standing.
Along with sensation of distension of abdomen, constrictive pain below umbilicus, which comes in jerks and forces one to lean forward bent double.
Cramplike, constrictive pain in lower intestines.
Pressure in abdomen as from a stone (in evening), with pains in loins.
In morning, immediately after getting out of bed, a violent, tensive, pressing pain in whole of hypogastrium, but especially in region of os pubis ; it appears as if hypogastrium (rarely epigastrium) was spasmodically constricted, sometimes as if it was distended (although not really so) ; pains which gradually increase and gradually decrease.
Squeezing, constrictive pain in lowermost intestines, alternately with dull shoots or jerks in direction of perineum.
Burning, pressive and pinching pain in abdomen, obliging him to bend double.
Feeling of heat in abdomen, as from a hot iron.
Heat in belly (with anxiety), in chest, and in face, with obstruction of nose.
Pain in abdomen, as if raw and sore.
Long-lasting painfulness of whole abdomen, as if it was all sore and raw.
Tumefaction of abdomen, which was very tender to touch.
Painfulness of abdomen to contact.
Tenderness even to slight pressure, especially over ovarian region.
Sensitiveness of abdomen to slightest touch.
Tenderness of abdomen aggravated by least jar, even of bed or chair upon which she sits ; she is obliged, in walking, to step with great care, for fear of a jar.
Great pain in right ileo-cecal region, cannot bear slightest touch, not even bedcover.
Abdomen tympanitic and extremely sensitive.
Abdomen contracted.
Distended, but neither hard nor painful abdomen.
Abdomen distended, hot. θ сholera infantum.
Much bearing down pain ; worse in morning.
Feeling as if a hard body pressed from within outward, at right inguinal ring ; part not feeling hard to touch ; while sitting with body bent forward.
Fine shooting in left groin.
Violent twitching of abdominal muscles.
Incarcerated hernia.
Itching on abdomen.
Contractive pain in rectum.
Straining and colic.
Frequent urging to stool without result, or with a very scanty and hard evacuation.
Urging to stool, which is thinner than usual, but passes in proper quantity.
From 10 P. M. till 2 A. M. violent tenesmus, with passage of blood and slime, the rest of the time thin but formed stools.
Frequent urging to stool, sometimes ineffectual and with tenesmus.
Straining to stool ; the evacuation is undoubtedly diarrheic, but very little is voided, and immediately after follows much straining.
Urging to stool, which is more fluid than usual, but passed in proper quantity.
Frequent thin stools, with tenesmus.
Slimy and bloody diarrheic stools.
Papescent stool mixed with mucus.
Diarrhoea, with bearing down pain in uterus.
Diarrhoea worse from motion (compare Rheum and сrot. tigl.
Asiatic cholera.
Involuntary evacuations ; temporary paralysis of sphincter.
Involuntary discharge of feces and urine ; violent startings ; flushed face.
Escape of feces when passing wind.
Stools : thin, green mucus ; frequent, thin ; bloody mucus with tenesmus ; containing lumps like chalk ; clay colored ; chalky-white, with granular, slimy mucus ; smell sour ; with shuddering.
Retarded stool.
Digestion torpid ; stools scanty.
Sense of constipation.
Obstinate constipation.
Constipation with weak pulse.
Before stool : constriction in rectum ; sore aching in upper part of abdomen ; perspiration ; heat in abdomen ; colic.
During stool : shuddering ; nausea and pressing pain in stomach ; pressure on genitals.
Diarrhoea, with pressure on bladder.
With stool passage of urine.
The diarrheic stool is followed by frequent urging, no more stool being passed.
After stool : tenesmus.
A sort of tenesmus, a constant pressing and urging towards anus and genitals, alternating with painful contractions of anus.
Pressing in rectum towards anus.
Spasmodic constriction of sphincter ani. θ Dysentery.
Bleeding piles ; back pains as if breaking.
Mucous membrane of anus seems swollen and pressed out.
Prolapsus ani.
Voluptuous tickling in lower parts of rectum and anus.
Violent itching, at same time constrictive sensation in anus.
Мочеполовая система
Stinging, burning pain, from region of kidneys down into bladder.
Spasmodic, crampy straining along ureter, during passage of calculus. θ Nephritic colic.
Sensation of turning and twisting in bladder, as from a large worm, without desire to micturate.
Tenesmus of bladder, without inflammation.
Dull pressing in vesical region during night.
Vesical region very sensitive to pressure or jar.
It is indicated in irritation (not inflammation) of bladder, with strangury and white epithelium in urine.
Shooting in bladder when moving.
Tenesmus of bladder.
Very frequent desire to urinate, even if only a few drops had accumulated.
Frequent desire to urinate, but urine voided in remarkably small quantities, although of a natural color.
Diminished urine.
When passing water feces escape (compare Rhus).
Frequent copious emission of urine.
Urine : either suppressed or profuse, light and clear ; bright yellow and clear ; frequent, copious, pale and watery ; first clear, becomes turbid on standing ; blood-red, dark and scanty, sometimes as yellow as gold ; red and scanty ; dark, even bloody ; scanty, and passed with difficulty ; deep red, with light sediment ; dark and increased ; turbid, like yeast, with a reddish sediment ; scanty, brownish-red and cloudy ; yellow, turbid.
When urine is heated, almost invariably deposits a cloud of phosphates.
Urine looks as if mixed with black dust, or streaks ; strongly acid. θ After scarlatina.
Suppression of stool and urine.
Retention of urine, which only passes drop by drop.
Much difficulty in passing a small quantity of urine, it flows in a very feeble stream or in drops.
Post-partum retention of urine.
Involuntary emission of urine when standing.
Constant dribbling of urine, clear as water and odorless.
Urine escaped from him during a deep sleep in daytime.
Enuresis nocturna of children.
Enuresis, with profuse perspiration.
Wets bed ; restless, starts in sleep. θ Scrofulous children. θ сhorea.
Between acts of urination, dull shooting in urethra, behind glans, especially during movement.
During urination : burning ; drawing in spermatic cord ; pain in left groin.
After urination : itching ; smarting pain in outer edge of prepuce worse.
Increased sexual desire, with great inclination to masturbation.
Sexual desire decreased.
Nocturnal emission of semen, during relaxation of penis.
Inflammation of prostate gland.
Inflammation of testicles.
Drawing pain in one of testicles and spermatic cord, as if testicle was drawing up into abdomen.
Violent stitches in testicles, which are drawn up.
Tearing upward in left spermatic cord, evening in bed.
Soft, painless tumor on glans.
Violent pressing and urging towards genitals, as if everything would fall out there ; worse sitting bent, and in walking ; better standing, and sitting erect.
Weakness and relaxation of genitals.
Sweating of genital organs.
Ovarian neuralgia.
Lancinating pain in ovary.
Right ovary. Much enlarged ; stitching, throbbing pains in region of hard swollen ovary ; pains come and go suddenly.
Burning in ovarian region.
Affections of right ovary.
Pain in ovaries with appearance of menses.
Pains in pelvic region, which come on suddenly and cease as suddenly. θ Uterine displacement.
Drawing pains in pelvic region.
Uterine congestion.
Congestion of womb, and sensation as if it would fall out.
Acute metritis.
Burning, pressure, uneasiness and weight in uterine region.
Clutching or clawing pains, or transient stitches in uterine region ; parts sensitive, cannot bear least jar.
Enlargement of uterus, and periodically spasmodic bearing down, coliclike pains in uterus, discharging black, pitchlike ichor.
Fulness and bearing down in parts, cannot stand without complaining ; sacrum very painfully affected at irregular times ; a discharge of bloody ichor. θ вeginning of uterine cancer.
Spasmodic contractions of neck of uterus, which is hot, dry and tender.
Prolapsus. With bearing down pains, as if everything would issue from vulva ; relieved by standing ; especially felt in morning ; with indurations ; in climacteric years ; parts congested ; burning, stinging, tension, fulness and bearing down ; in loins and sacrum, drawing, cutting, pressing, cramplike pains ; with nervous, irritable women.
Menses : too early and too profuse ; of thick, decomposed, dark red blood ; retarded and too pale ; bright red, or black and clotted ; hot ; offensive.
Before menses : colic ; cramp of stomach ; loss of appetite, tiredness ; clouded vision.
During menses : bearing down towards genitals ; pain in back and limbs ; heat of head, anxiety ; disturbance of mind ; chills, thirst ; perspiration of chest at night.
After menses : cramps of stomach.
Dysmenorrhoea : with rush of blood to head ; with spasmodic contraction of uterus and terrible bearing down pains ; worse in morning ; with pains in limbs and back ; in women of full habit.
Amenorrhoea, with congestion to head.
Flow of blood between periods.
Hemorrhage from womb, with contracting pain in lower part of abdomen ; worse from every motion.
Profuse discharge of hot, bright red blood ; sometimes dark, clotted, and of bad smell.
More or less discharge of blood from vulva, sometimes feeling very hot.
Profuse discharge of bright red, hot blood, with pressing or forcing, as if all would escape vulva, or pain in back as if it would break ; sometimes there is congestion to head, with throbbing of carotids.
Fluor albus of white mucus, with or without colic.
Leucorrhoea with colic ; pains come suddenly and finally cease as suddenly as they came.
Bearing down pains with leucorrhoea.
Induration of uterus : with crampy pains and bearing down ; with clawing and cutting pains.
Pressure downward, as if all contents of abdomen would issue through vulva : worse mornings.
At every step violent shootings in genital region, as if in internal sexual organs.
In morning a pressing, as if everything would be forced out, with distension of abdomen ; after pressing, abdomen contracted, and that was followed by a discharge of white mucus from vagina.
Pressing and urging towards genitals, worse by sitting bent and walking ; better by standing and sitting erect.
Sense of heaviness, fulness, and bearing down in parts.
Throbbing about parts, and sense of weight.
Stitches in vagina with sensation of great heat and dryness.
Female parts are sensitive, can bear neither touch nor least jar.
The parts have a scarlet red appearance.
Inflammation of external genitals.
Spasmodic, crampy straining along ureter, during passage of calculus. θ Nephritic colic.
Sensation of turning and twisting in bladder, as from a large worm, without desire to micturate.
Tenesmus of bladder, without inflammation.
Dull pressing in vesical region during night.
Vesical region very sensitive to pressure or jar.
It is indicated in irritation (not inflammation) of bladder, with strangury and white epithelium in urine.
Shooting in bladder when moving.
Tenesmus of bladder.
Very frequent desire to urinate, even if only a few drops had accumulated.
Frequent desire to urinate, but urine voided in remarkably small quantities, although of a natural color.
Diminished urine.
When passing water feces escape (compare Rhus).
Frequent copious emission of urine.
Urine : either suppressed or profuse, light and clear ; bright yellow and clear ; frequent, copious, pale and watery ; first clear, becomes turbid on standing ; blood-red, dark and scanty, sometimes as yellow as gold ; red and scanty ; dark, even bloody ; scanty, and passed with difficulty ; deep red, with light sediment ; dark and increased ; turbid, like yeast, with a reddish sediment ; scanty, brownish-red and cloudy ; yellow, turbid.
When urine is heated, almost invariably deposits a cloud of phosphates.
Urine looks as if mixed with black dust, or streaks ; strongly acid. θ After scarlatina.
Suppression of stool and urine.
Retention of urine, which only passes drop by drop.
Much difficulty in passing a small quantity of urine, it flows in a very feeble stream or in drops.
Post-partum retention of urine.
Involuntary emission of urine when standing.
Constant dribbling of urine, clear as water and odorless.
Urine escaped from him during a deep sleep in daytime.
Enuresis nocturna of children.
Enuresis, with profuse perspiration.
Wets bed ; restless, starts in sleep. θ Scrofulous children. θ сhorea.
Between acts of urination, dull shooting in urethra, behind glans, especially during movement.
During urination : burning ; drawing in spermatic cord ; pain in left groin.
After urination : itching ; smarting pain in outer edge of prepuce worse.
Increased sexual desire, with great inclination to masturbation.
Sexual desire decreased.
Nocturnal emission of semen, during relaxation of penis.
Inflammation of prostate gland.
Inflammation of testicles.
Drawing pain in one of testicles and spermatic cord, as if testicle was drawing up into abdomen.
Violent stitches in testicles, which are drawn up.
Tearing upward in left spermatic cord, evening in bed.
Soft, painless tumor on glans.
Violent pressing and urging towards genitals, as if everything would fall out there ; worse sitting bent, and in walking ; better standing, and sitting erect.
Weakness and relaxation of genitals.
Sweating of genital organs.
Ovarian neuralgia.
Lancinating pain in ovary.
Right ovary. Much enlarged ; stitching, throbbing pains in region of hard swollen ovary ; pains come and go suddenly.
Burning in ovarian region.
Affections of right ovary.
Pain in ovaries with appearance of menses.
Pains in pelvic region, which come on suddenly and cease as suddenly. θ Uterine displacement.
Drawing pains in pelvic region.
Uterine congestion.
Congestion of womb, and sensation as if it would fall out.
Acute metritis.
Burning, pressure, uneasiness and weight in uterine region.
Clutching or clawing pains, or transient stitches in uterine region ; parts sensitive, cannot bear least jar.
Enlargement of uterus, and periodically spasmodic bearing down, coliclike pains in uterus, discharging black, pitchlike ichor.
Fulness and bearing down in parts, cannot stand without complaining ; sacrum very painfully affected at irregular times ; a discharge of bloody ichor. θ вeginning of uterine cancer.
Spasmodic contractions of neck of uterus, which is hot, dry and tender.
Prolapsus. With bearing down pains, as if everything would issue from vulva ; relieved by standing ; especially felt in morning ; with indurations ; in climacteric years ; parts congested ; burning, stinging, tension, fulness and bearing down ; in loins and sacrum, drawing, cutting, pressing, cramplike pains ; with nervous, irritable women.
Menses : too early and too profuse ; of thick, decomposed, dark red blood ; retarded and too pale ; bright red, or black and clotted ; hot ; offensive.
Before menses : colic ; cramp of stomach ; loss of appetite, tiredness ; clouded vision.
During menses : bearing down towards genitals ; pain in back and limbs ; heat of head, anxiety ; disturbance of mind ; chills, thirst ; perspiration of chest at night.
After menses : cramps of stomach.
Dysmenorrhoea : with rush of blood to head ; with spasmodic contraction of uterus and terrible bearing down pains ; worse in morning ; with pains in limbs and back ; in women of full habit.
Amenorrhoea, with congestion to head.
Flow of blood between periods.
Hemorrhage from womb, with contracting pain in lower part of abdomen ; worse from every motion.
Profuse discharge of hot, bright red blood ; sometimes dark, clotted, and of bad smell.
More or less discharge of blood from vulva, sometimes feeling very hot.
Profuse discharge of bright red, hot blood, with pressing or forcing, as if all would escape vulva, or pain in back as if it would break ; sometimes there is congestion to head, with throbbing of carotids.
Fluor albus of white mucus, with or without colic.
Leucorrhoea with colic ; pains come suddenly and finally cease as suddenly as they came.
Bearing down pains with leucorrhoea.
Induration of uterus : with crampy pains and bearing down ; with clawing and cutting pains.
Pressure downward, as if all contents of abdomen would issue through vulva : worse mornings.
At every step violent shootings in genital region, as if in internal sexual organs.
In morning a pressing, as if everything would be forced out, with distension of abdomen ; after pressing, abdomen contracted, and that was followed by a discharge of white mucus from vagina.
Pressing and urging towards genitals, worse by sitting bent and walking ; better by standing and sitting erect.
Sense of heaviness, fulness, and bearing down in parts.
Throbbing about parts, and sense of weight.
Stitches in vagina with sensation of great heat and dryness.
Female parts are sensitive, can bear neither touch nor least jar.
The parts have a scarlet red appearance.
Inflammation of external genitals.
Характеристика растения
Suitable for women, particularly during pregnancy.
During pregnancy : mental derangement ; toothache ; spasms and convulsions ; spasmodic hacking cough ; fainting.
Labor-like pains deep in pelvis, radiating to back and loins.
Promotes expulsion of moles, etc.
Labor pains : deficient ; cease, have only periodical slight pressure on sacrum ; amniotic fluid gone, yet os still spasmodically contracted ; false spasmodic ; labor slow and tedious.
Old maids married late, in first delivery muscles rigid.
The woman, in labor, lies quiet, without pains ; has only an occasional pain in occiput.
The parturient woman makes wry faces, on account of a periodical pressure in sacrum.
Drawing pains from small of back to thighs.
If during powerful labor the os tinca is not widened correspondingly, or seems to be spasmodically contracted.
Constriction of lower part of uterus.
After body was born, but head spasmodically held inside of uterus (five drops of tincture loosened the constriction in 20 minutes, and head was expelled ; followed by a violent bleeding, cured by Secale).
Appears as if stunned ; semiconscious with loss of speech ; convulsive movements in limbs and muscles of face ; paralysis of right side of tongue, foam at mouth ; renewal of fits at every pain. θ Puerperal convulsions.
Cramps in legs during labor, necessitating instrumental delivery in nine confinements ; she became enraged, wanted to tear everything within her reach, tried to escape ; вellad. [4c] quieted her and produced natural delivery.
After a mole birth : occasional chill ; constant thirst ; moaning ; blowing respiration ; wild look ; rage ; wild laughter ; feels as if a rope was tied around hypochondria ; sides painful to pressure ; short stomach cough causing retching and raising of sour slime ; pressure in forehead.
Lying-in women : milk fever ; deficiency of milk, or too great a flow ; puerperal fever, particularly after a violent emotion, or after suppression of milk.
Mania puerperalis.
Retained placenta, with profuse flow of hot blood, which speedily coagulates ; placenta may be spasmodically retained.
Hemorrhage after confinement, or after miscarriage.
Puerperal peritonitis (at the onset), a hot steam seems to issue from body of patient.
Great sensitiveness of abdomen after delivery.
Very acute after-pains.
Prolapsus after parturition.
Lochia : too weak and insufficient ; suppressed ; offensive, feeling hot to parts.
Consequences of taking cold during confinement.
Phlegmasia alba dolens.
The breasts become filled with milk (in a female who is not pregnant), the milk running out.
Too copious flow of milk.
Inflammation of breasts, in streaks or rays, diverging from centre to circumference. θ Moles, tubercles, wheals, warts, etc., with a like characteristic.
Swelling and induration of breasts.
Swollen, painful mamma.
Nodular swelling of breasts ; skin of breast hot and inflamed, pain stinging and throbbing.
Rose-colored, radiating inflammation and swelling of breasts, with stinging, tearing pains.
Erysipelatous swelling of breasts.
Erysipelatous inflammation of breasts, particularly from weaning.
Ophthalmia ; spasms ; sleeplessness and crying of newborn infants ; troubles from teething.
Heat and redness of gums during dentition.
Difficult dentition ; convulsions, etc.
Complaints during dentition and puberty.
During pregnancy : mental derangement ; toothache ; spasms and convulsions ; spasmodic hacking cough ; fainting.
Labor-like pains deep in pelvis, radiating to back and loins.
Promotes expulsion of moles, etc.
Labor pains : deficient ; cease, have only periodical slight pressure on sacrum ; amniotic fluid gone, yet os still spasmodically contracted ; false spasmodic ; labor slow and tedious.
Old maids married late, in first delivery muscles rigid.
The woman, in labor, lies quiet, without pains ; has only an occasional pain in occiput.
The parturient woman makes wry faces, on account of a periodical pressure in sacrum.
Drawing pains from small of back to thighs.
If during powerful labor the os tinca is not widened correspondingly, or seems to be spasmodically contracted.
Constriction of lower part of uterus.
After body was born, but head spasmodically held inside of uterus (five drops of tincture loosened the constriction in 20 minutes, and head was expelled ; followed by a violent bleeding, cured by Secale).
Appears as if stunned ; semiconscious with loss of speech ; convulsive movements in limbs and muscles of face ; paralysis of right side of tongue, foam at mouth ; renewal of fits at every pain. θ Puerperal convulsions.
Cramps in legs during labor, necessitating instrumental delivery in nine confinements ; she became enraged, wanted to tear everything within her reach, tried to escape ; вellad. [4c] quieted her and produced natural delivery.
After a mole birth : occasional chill ; constant thirst ; moaning ; blowing respiration ; wild look ; rage ; wild laughter ; feels as if a rope was tied around hypochondria ; sides painful to pressure ; short stomach cough causing retching and raising of sour slime ; pressure in forehead.
Lying-in women : milk fever ; deficiency of milk, or too great a flow ; puerperal fever, particularly after a violent emotion, or after suppression of milk.
Mania puerperalis.
Retained placenta, with profuse flow of hot blood, which speedily coagulates ; placenta may be spasmodically retained.
Hemorrhage after confinement, or after miscarriage.
Puerperal peritonitis (at the onset), a hot steam seems to issue from body of patient.
Great sensitiveness of abdomen after delivery.
Very acute after-pains.
Prolapsus after parturition.
Lochia : too weak and insufficient ; suppressed ; offensive, feeling hot to parts.
Consequences of taking cold during confinement.
Phlegmasia alba dolens.
The breasts become filled with milk (in a female who is not pregnant), the milk running out.
Too copious flow of milk.
Inflammation of breasts, in streaks or rays, diverging from centre to circumference. θ Moles, tubercles, wheals, warts, etc., with a like characteristic.
Swelling and induration of breasts.
Swollen, painful mamma.
Nodular swelling of breasts ; skin of breast hot and inflamed, pain stinging and throbbing.
Rose-colored, radiating inflammation and swelling of breasts, with stinging, tearing pains.
Erysipelatous swelling of breasts.
Erysipelatous inflammation of breasts, particularly from weaning.
Ophthalmia ; spasms ; sleeplessness and crying of newborn infants ; troubles from teething.
Heat and redness of gums during dentition.
Difficult dentition ; convulsions, etc.
Complaints during dentition and puberty.
Органы грудной клетки
Short breath.
Shortness of breath after drinking coffee in afternoon.
Respiration rapid and somewhat oppressed.
Short, hurried, anxious breathing.
Breathing heavy and stertorous.
Rattling breathing with cough.
Quick, short, irregular breathing, alternates with slow, gentle, at times almost imperceptible breathing ; in a child.
Breath hot ; respiration difficult.
Asthmatic paroxysm in afternoon and evening, with sensation of dust in lungs.
Asthmatic complaints, with suffocative spells.
Attacks of dyspnoea at night.
Asthma in hot, damp weather ; worse after sleep.
Oppression of chest.
Dyspnoea after rising in morning ; better in open air.
Danger of suffocation when swallowing ; or when turning, or touching neck.
Dry cough : from dryness of larynx ; from tickling itching in back part of top of larynx, evening after lying down in bed ; from sensation of a foreign body in larynx.
Dry cough day and night, with tickling in throat, or with headache and redness of face.
Very dry, tearing cough at night.
Cough accompanied by a red, injected throat.
Dry and short cough.
Violent scraping in larynx exciting a dry cough.
Violent dry cough, as if a foreign body had got inside throat.
Sensation as if something was in pit of stomach, which excites cough.
Dry spasmodic cough. With retching, especially after midnight ; with dull pain in head.
Dry throat, whereby throat is scraped.
Tickling and burning in larynx, with violent paroxysms of cough.
The cough is spasmodic, rough, hollow, hacking, caused by a sensation of constriction of larynx ; worse from motion and talking, or when child cries ; when awaking from sleep ; concomitants ; congestion to head ; aversion to light ; rattling in chest ; skin dry ; generally irritable in beginning.
Barking cough waking suddenly 11 P. M. ; face fiery red ; crying with cough. θ сroup.
Short dry cough ; spasmodic, or else hollow and hoarse cough.
Whooping cough : with sneezing ; with injected capillaries ; cough comes in short paroxysms ; worse evening and night, most violent just after midnight ; worse from every movement or touch, especially at larynx and throat ; worse from talking or crying ; worse from a deep inspiration, and when awaking ; suitable at beginning, or when cerebral inflammation intervenes.
Cough produces such congestion as to cause sclerotic to appear as one gore of blood. θ Whooping cough.
Cough, with bloody mucous expectoration in morning ; bloody taste in mouth.
Frequent attacks of cough about 11 P. M.
Night cough ; wakes from sleep.
The slightest movement in bed at night renews cough.
Nocturnal cough, mostly dry, with tearing in chest, or with cold in head and stitches in breast bone.
Violent cough about noon, with expectoration of much tenacious mucus.
Attacks of cough worse in afternoon and evening until midnight.
Cough commences in evening (about 10 o’clock), and occurs every quarter of an hour or oftener, in three or four fits at a time.
Attack of coughing, as if one had inhaled dust ; wakens at night ; mucous expectoration.
Cough caused by fine dust in air.
Catarrhal cough, with rattling in chest.
The mucous rales are large and crepitous ; hoarse cough ; much moaning ; moaning at every breath.
Child begins to cry immediately before cough comes on (Compare Hepar and вryon.
Cough causing congestion of face and great redness of eyes.
Attacks of cough ending with sneezing.
Violent cough during sleep, with grinding of teeth.
Cough, with a bloody taste in mouth.
Cough causes scraping in throat, or pain in stomach and inclination to vomit.
Cough causes pain in pit of stomach, seems to strike there.
Pain in sternum from coughing.
Expectoration of bloody mucus.
Pain in nape of neck when coughing.
During cough : pain in sternum ; constriction of throat ; stitches in chest or uterine region ; pains in head, abdomen, hips or legs ; reversed action of stomach ; vomiting of mucus ; bloody taste in mouth ; bleeding from ear or nose ; heat of face ; redness or blueness of face ; pressure in epigastrium ; stiffening of body ; convulsions.
Catarrh or cough, with coryza.
Coughing fit, with subsequent heat ; with asthma ; from rush of blood to chest.
Tightness, oppression, or constriction of chest.
Constriction across chest, as if pressed inward from both sides.
Exceeding weight and oppression of whole chest.
Painful pressure in chest extending into back.
Pressive pain in chest, with shortness of breath, and at same time between shoulders, when walking or sitting.
Pressure in right chest, causes anxiety.
Pressure in chest affecting heart.
Rush of blood to chest.
Stitches in apex of right lung. Compare Arsen.
Burning in right chest.
Stitches in chest ; with desire to cough, or particularly when coughing or yawning.
In pneumonia. Young persons, full habit ; temperature and fever high ; face flushed ; eyes congested ; great nervousness ; sleeplessness ; delirium, or threatened convulsions, with tickling, dry cough.
Heat in sternum.
Corroding, gnawing pain beneath cartilages of last ribs, right side.
Heat, swelling and hardness of mamma. θ Mastitis.
The eruption begins on throat and chest. θ Scarlatina.
Shortness of breath after drinking coffee in afternoon.
Respiration rapid and somewhat oppressed.
Short, hurried, anxious breathing.
Breathing heavy and stertorous.
Rattling breathing with cough.
Quick, short, irregular breathing, alternates with slow, gentle, at times almost imperceptible breathing ; in a child.
Breath hot ; respiration difficult.
Asthmatic paroxysm in afternoon and evening, with sensation of dust in lungs.
Asthmatic complaints, with suffocative spells.
Attacks of dyspnoea at night.
Asthma in hot, damp weather ; worse after sleep.
Oppression of chest.
Dyspnoea after rising in morning ; better in open air.
Danger of suffocation when swallowing ; or when turning, or touching neck.
Dry cough : from dryness of larynx ; from tickling itching in back part of top of larynx, evening after lying down in bed ; from sensation of a foreign body in larynx.
Dry cough day and night, with tickling in throat, or with headache and redness of face.
Very dry, tearing cough at night.
Cough accompanied by a red, injected throat.
Dry and short cough.
Violent scraping in larynx exciting a dry cough.
Violent dry cough, as if a foreign body had got inside throat.
Sensation as if something was in pit of stomach, which excites cough.
Dry spasmodic cough. With retching, especially after midnight ; with dull pain in head.
Dry throat, whereby throat is scraped.
Tickling and burning in larynx, with violent paroxysms of cough.
The cough is spasmodic, rough, hollow, hacking, caused by a sensation of constriction of larynx ; worse from motion and talking, or when child cries ; when awaking from sleep ; concomitants ; congestion to head ; aversion to light ; rattling in chest ; skin dry ; generally irritable in beginning.
Barking cough waking suddenly 11 P. M. ; face fiery red ; crying with cough. θ сroup.
Short dry cough ; spasmodic, or else hollow and hoarse cough.
Whooping cough : with sneezing ; with injected capillaries ; cough comes in short paroxysms ; worse evening and night, most violent just after midnight ; worse from every movement or touch, especially at larynx and throat ; worse from talking or crying ; worse from a deep inspiration, and when awaking ; suitable at beginning, or when cerebral inflammation intervenes.
Cough produces such congestion as to cause sclerotic to appear as one gore of blood. θ Whooping cough.
Cough, with bloody mucous expectoration in morning ; bloody taste in mouth.
Frequent attacks of cough about 11 P. M.
Night cough ; wakes from sleep.
The slightest movement in bed at night renews cough.
Nocturnal cough, mostly dry, with tearing in chest, or with cold in head and stitches in breast bone.
Violent cough about noon, with expectoration of much tenacious mucus.
Attacks of cough worse in afternoon and evening until midnight.
Cough commences in evening (about 10 o’clock), and occurs every quarter of an hour or oftener, in three or four fits at a time.
Attack of coughing, as if one had inhaled dust ; wakens at night ; mucous expectoration.
Cough caused by fine dust in air.
Catarrhal cough, with rattling in chest.
The mucous rales are large and crepitous ; hoarse cough ; much moaning ; moaning at every breath.
Child begins to cry immediately before cough comes on (Compare Hepar and вryon.
Cough causing congestion of face and great redness of eyes.
Attacks of cough ending with sneezing.
Violent cough during sleep, with grinding of teeth.
Cough, with a bloody taste in mouth.
Cough causes scraping in throat, or pain in stomach and inclination to vomit.
Cough causes pain in pit of stomach, seems to strike there.
Pain in sternum from coughing.
Expectoration of bloody mucus.
Pain in nape of neck when coughing.
During cough : pain in sternum ; constriction of throat ; stitches in chest or uterine region ; pains in head, abdomen, hips or legs ; reversed action of stomach ; vomiting of mucus ; bloody taste in mouth ; bleeding from ear or nose ; heat of face ; redness or blueness of face ; pressure in epigastrium ; stiffening of body ; convulsions.
Catarrh or cough, with coryza.
Coughing fit, with subsequent heat ; with asthma ; from rush of blood to chest.
Tightness, oppression, or constriction of chest.
Constriction across chest, as if pressed inward from both sides.
Exceeding weight and oppression of whole chest.
Painful pressure in chest extending into back.
Pressive pain in chest, with shortness of breath, and at same time between shoulders, when walking or sitting.
Pressure in right chest, causes anxiety.
Pressure in chest affecting heart.
Rush of blood to chest.
Stitches in apex of right lung. Compare Arsen.
Burning in right chest.
Stitches in chest ; with desire to cough, or particularly when coughing or yawning.
In pneumonia. Young persons, full habit ; temperature and fever high ; face flushed ; eyes congested ; great nervousness ; sleeplessness ; delirium, or threatened convulsions, with tickling, dry cough.
Heat in sternum.
Corroding, gnawing pain beneath cartilages of last ribs, right side.
Heat, swelling and hardness of mamma. θ Mastitis.
The eruption begins on throat and chest. θ Scarlatina.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Violent palpitation, reverberating in head.
Tremor of heart, with anguish and an aching pain.
Gurgling at heart, a kind of palpitation when going up-stairs.
Pressure in cardiac region, which arrests breathing and causes a sense of anxiety.
Throbbing in carotid arteries.
A beating of arteries of head and all parts of body, in morning on waking.
Congestion of blood to various parts, to head, chest, uterus.
Vascular excitement : throbbing of carotids ; flushed face ; red eyes ; and full, bounding pulse.
Plethora ; hemorrhages.
Pulse : much increased in force and frequency ; full, frequent ; accelerated, frequently full, hard and tense ; large, full and slow ; at times small and soft ; slow, thready, irregular.
Tremor of heart, with anguish and an aching pain.
Gurgling at heart, a kind of palpitation when going up-stairs.
Pressure in cardiac region, which arrests breathing and causes a sense of anxiety.
Throbbing in carotid arteries.
A beating of arteries of head and all parts of body, in morning on waking.
Congestion of blood to various parts, to head, chest, uterus.
Vascular excitement : throbbing of carotids ; flushed face ; red eyes ; and full, bounding pulse.
Plethora ; hemorrhages.
Pulse : much increased in force and frequency ; full, frequent ; accelerated, frequently full, hard and tense ; large, full and slow ; at times small and soft ; slow, thready, irregular.
Конечности и позвоночник
Painful swelling and stiffness of neck and nape of neck.
Swelling of glands in nape of neck, with cloudiness of head.
Inflammation and swelling of glands of neck and of back part of throat.
In coughing, a violent pressing pain in nape of neck, as if it would break.
Pressive pain externally in neck, when bending head backward, and when touching part.
Distension and perceptible throbbing of vessels of neck.
Sour-smelling sweat only on neck.
Drawing pressure between right scapula and spinal column.
Pressive pain under left scapula, more towards outer side.
Shooting and gnawing pain in spinal column.
Gnawing in spine, with cough.
Stabbing, as if with a knife, from without inward, in vertebra.
Drawing, burning and throbbing pain in spine.
Rheumatic pain in back.
Backache, as if back would break.
Feeling in back as if it would break, hindering motion.
Soreness of last dorsal and first lumbar vertebra.
Cramplike sensation in left lumbar region.
Curvature of lumbar vertebra.
Bearing down on to sacrum.
Swelling of axillary glands.
Shooting, or stitching pressure on top of left shoulder.
Lacerating, with pressure in shoulder, darting suddenly along arm ; particularly painful at night.
Twitching of arms.
Paralytic drawing pressure, with weakness in right upper arm and forearm.
Paralytic tearing pressure in anterior surface of left upper arm.
A sense of stretching and twisting in upper extremities.
Drawing pain on inner side of left upper arm.
Laming, drawing pressure, tearing in arms, with weakness.
Paralytic pressure in left upper arm, with paralytic feeling and weakness of whole left arm.
Heaviness and paralytic feeling in upper limbs.
Violent stabbing, as with a blunt knife, below head of humerus, from within out.
Tearing pain in humerus.
Bruised pain in upper arm.
Sharp shooting externally in left elbow joint.
Cutting pain in interior of left elbow joint when walking.
Cutting tearing in lower muscles of both forearms.
Painful jerking ; spasms and convulsions of arms and hands.
Swelling, also scarlet redness of arms and hands.
Peculiar cutting pains commencing in wrist, shooting to elbow and above, always from periphery to centre.
Not able to turn hand easily and freely on its axis (as when dropping from a glass), turns only by jerks, as from want of synovial fluid in wrist joint ; painless.
Spasmodic closing of fingers.
Numbness and prickling in hands.
Hands swollen and dry, drops things.
Paralytic tearing in middle joint of right index finger.
Painful drawing in posterior joint of left middle finger, as if in periosteum.
Hip gout, with burning stinging, most violent at night and by contact.
Hip-joint disease, first stage ; sharp pains, worse at night ; screams out in sleep.
Stiffness of hip joint.
Cramp pain in gluteal muscles, with tension on bending body forward.
Cutting stitches in outer muscles of right thigh, just above knee, only when sitting.
Pain in thighs and legs, as if beaten and as if carious ; fine shooting and gnawing along bones, with violent tearing in joints ; pain rises gradually from ankle to hips, necessitates, while sitting, constant motion and shifting of feet ; is milder when walking.
Cramp pain in both knee joints, particularly about patella ; she could not walk up-stairs.
Cramplike pain in right knee near patella, towards outer side, when sitting.
Burning stinging in knee joint ; worse at night.
Sensation in joints of lower limbs, particularly knees, as if they would give way, especially when walking, and more marked when going down hill.
Dull tearing in legs.
Heaviness and lameness of legs and feet.
Tearing pressure in middle of inside of leg, uninfluenced by motion or contact.
Tremulous heaviness of legs.
Lower extremities cold and semirigid.
Paralysis of lower extremities, together with neck of bladder and sphincter ani.
Large bloodboil on thigh, discharging yellow, thick, bloody pus.
Pain as if bruised in heel, when treading thereon.
Pain in metatarsal bones, as if dislocated.
Tension in right tarsal joint while walking in open air.
Cold feet.
Boring, digging, or shooting pains in soles.
Tension in sole of right foot near heel, changing into a tensive pressure ; pressing upon parts better for some time.
He slowly moves extremities upward, trembling, then with greater force he throws them downward.
Twitchings of limbs.
Convulsive movements of limbs.
Convulsive twitching, twisting and turning of extremities.
Pressure, burning, stinging or tingling in limbs.
Heaviness of hands and feet.
Heaviness and tired feeling in limbs.
Hands and feet become very cold.
Lassitude of limbs.
Loss of coordination of muscles of both upper and lower limbs, very like heaviness and helplessness of movement observed in first stage of progressive paralysis of the insane.
Rest : drawing pains in head and neck.
Disinclination and aversion to work or motion.
Restlessness ; he was obliged constantly to move body to and fro, especially hands and feet.
Cannot stay long in any position, at one time lies, at another sits, again stands, in all of which he constantly changes his position.
Lying down : headache , or ceases ; salivation.
Lying on right side : pain in liver.
Must lie down : with supraorbital headache.
Bending head back : pressure of brain forward ; headache .
Sitting erect : pressing towards genitals ; pain in chest.
Sitting : headache ; cutting stitches in muscles of thigh.
Sitting bent forward : feeling as if a hard body pressed from right inguinal ring ; pressing towards genitals as if everything would fall out ; cramp in right knee.
Stooping forward : flatulent colic .
Bending forward : pain in gluteal muscles.
Bending backward : colic of infants.
Bending head backward : superficial pain in neck.
Lying flat on belly across chair : colic of children .
Standing : intestines seem to press outward below umbilicus ; pressing towards genitals .
Sitting up : can only sleep.
Slides down in bed : in typhoid.
Could only lie on painful side. θ Angina.
Every jar, turning or movement of body increases pain, patient therefore lies immovably on his back.
Motion : confusion of head.
Act of lying down : bed seems to rock.
When rising from a seat he staggers, cannot use the cars ; in leaving he would fall against the wheels ; headache.
Walking : uncertain, hasty, precipitate ; dulness and confusion of head.
Stooping : vertigo.
Cannot bear stooping.
Ascending stairs : palpitation.
Turning in bed : vertigo.
Must bend double : from pain in hepatic region.
Anxiety prevents remaining long in one position.
Tenderness of abdomen aggravated by least jar, even of bed or chair upon which she sits ; she is obliged in walking to step with great care, for fear of a jar.
Pressure : headache ; shooting pains in forehead ; vertex headache ; toothache better ; wants to lean head against something hard and cold ; pressure on epigastrium causes pain as if hypochondria were being pressed out ; flatulent colic ; clawing around navel ; ovarian region tender ; vesical region sensitive ; lower part of larynx sensitive ; tension in sole of right foot better.
Touch : outer head sensitive ; nose feels bruised ; pain right side of face.
Spasm renewed by least contact (especially in hydrophobia).
Painful sensitiveness of skin to all contact.
Swelling of glands in nape of neck, with cloudiness of head.
Inflammation and swelling of glands of neck and of back part of throat.
In coughing, a violent pressing pain in nape of neck, as if it would break.
Pressive pain externally in neck, when bending head backward, and when touching part.
Distension and perceptible throbbing of vessels of neck.
Sour-smelling sweat only on neck.
Drawing pressure between right scapula and spinal column.
Pressive pain under left scapula, more towards outer side.
Shooting and gnawing pain in spinal column.
Gnawing in spine, with cough.
Stabbing, as if with a knife, from without inward, in vertebra.
Drawing, burning and throbbing pain in spine.
Rheumatic pain in back.
Backache, as if back would break.
Feeling in back as if it would break, hindering motion.
Soreness of last dorsal and first lumbar vertebra.
Cramplike sensation in left lumbar region.
Curvature of lumbar vertebra.
Bearing down on to sacrum.
Swelling of axillary glands.
Shooting, or stitching pressure on top of left shoulder.
Lacerating, with pressure in shoulder, darting suddenly along arm ; particularly painful at night.
Twitching of arms.
Paralytic drawing pressure, with weakness in right upper arm and forearm.
Paralytic tearing pressure in anterior surface of left upper arm.
A sense of stretching and twisting in upper extremities.
Drawing pain on inner side of left upper arm.
Laming, drawing pressure, tearing in arms, with weakness.
Paralytic pressure in left upper arm, with paralytic feeling and weakness of whole left arm.
Heaviness and paralytic feeling in upper limbs.
Violent stabbing, as with a blunt knife, below head of humerus, from within out.
Tearing pain in humerus.
Bruised pain in upper arm.
Sharp shooting externally in left elbow joint.
Cutting pain in interior of left elbow joint when walking.
Cutting tearing in lower muscles of both forearms.
Painful jerking ; spasms and convulsions of arms and hands.
Swelling, also scarlet redness of arms and hands.
Peculiar cutting pains commencing in wrist, shooting to elbow and above, always from periphery to centre.
Not able to turn hand easily and freely on its axis (as when dropping from a glass), turns only by jerks, as from want of synovial fluid in wrist joint ; painless.
Spasmodic closing of fingers.
Numbness and prickling in hands.
Hands swollen and dry, drops things.
Paralytic tearing in middle joint of right index finger.
Painful drawing in posterior joint of left middle finger, as if in periosteum.
Hip gout, with burning stinging, most violent at night and by contact.
Hip-joint disease, first stage ; sharp pains, worse at night ; screams out in sleep.
Stiffness of hip joint.
Cramp pain in gluteal muscles, with tension on bending body forward.
Cutting stitches in outer muscles of right thigh, just above knee, only when sitting.
Pain in thighs and legs, as if beaten and as if carious ; fine shooting and gnawing along bones, with violent tearing in joints ; pain rises gradually from ankle to hips, necessitates, while sitting, constant motion and shifting of feet ; is milder when walking.
Cramp pain in both knee joints, particularly about patella ; she could not walk up-stairs.
Cramplike pain in right knee near patella, towards outer side, when sitting.
Burning stinging in knee joint ; worse at night.
Sensation in joints of lower limbs, particularly knees, as if they would give way, especially when walking, and more marked when going down hill.
Dull tearing in legs.
Heaviness and lameness of legs and feet.
Tearing pressure in middle of inside of leg, uninfluenced by motion or contact.
Tremulous heaviness of legs.
Lower extremities cold and semirigid.
Paralysis of lower extremities, together with neck of bladder and sphincter ani.
Large bloodboil on thigh, discharging yellow, thick, bloody pus.
Pain as if bruised in heel, when treading thereon.
Pain in metatarsal bones, as if dislocated.
Tension in right tarsal joint while walking in open air.
Cold feet.
Boring, digging, or shooting pains in soles.
Tension in sole of right foot near heel, changing into a tensive pressure ; pressing upon parts better for some time.
He slowly moves extremities upward, trembling, then with greater force he throws them downward.
Twitchings of limbs.
Convulsive movements of limbs.
Convulsive twitching, twisting and turning of extremities.
Pressure, burning, stinging or tingling in limbs.
Heaviness of hands and feet.
Heaviness and tired feeling in limbs.
Hands and feet become very cold.
Lassitude of limbs.
Loss of coordination of muscles of both upper and lower limbs, very like heaviness and helplessness of movement observed in first stage of progressive paralysis of the insane.
Rest : drawing pains in head and neck.
Disinclination and aversion to work or motion.
Restlessness ; he was obliged constantly to move body to and fro, especially hands and feet.
Cannot stay long in any position, at one time lies, at another sits, again stands, in all of which he constantly changes his position.
Lying down : headache , or ceases ; salivation.
Lying on right side : pain in liver.
Must lie down : with supraorbital headache.
Bending head back : pressure of brain forward ; headache .
Sitting erect : pressing towards genitals ; pain in chest.
Sitting : headache ; cutting stitches in muscles of thigh.
Sitting bent forward : feeling as if a hard body pressed from right inguinal ring ; pressing towards genitals as if everything would fall out ; cramp in right knee.
Stooping forward : flatulent colic .
Bending forward : pain in gluteal muscles.
Bending backward : colic of infants.
Bending head backward : superficial pain in neck.
Lying flat on belly across chair : colic of children .
Standing : intestines seem to press outward below umbilicus ; pressing towards genitals .
Sitting up : can only sleep.
Slides down in bed : in typhoid.
Could only lie on painful side. θ Angina.
Every jar, turning or movement of body increases pain, patient therefore lies immovably on his back.
Motion : confusion of head.
Act of lying down : bed seems to rock.
When rising from a seat he staggers, cannot use the cars ; in leaving he would fall against the wheels ; headache.
Walking : uncertain, hasty, precipitate ; dulness and confusion of head.
Stooping : vertigo.
Cannot bear stooping.
Ascending stairs : palpitation.
Turning in bed : vertigo.
Must bend double : from pain in hepatic region.
Anxiety prevents remaining long in one position.
Tenderness of abdomen aggravated by least jar, even of bed or chair upon which she sits ; she is obliged in walking to step with great care, for fear of a jar.
Pressure : headache ; shooting pains in forehead ; vertex headache ; toothache better ; wants to lean head against something hard and cold ; pressure on epigastrium causes pain as if hypochondria were being pressed out ; flatulent colic ; clawing around navel ; ovarian region tender ; vesical region sensitive ; lower part of larynx sensitive ; tension in sole of right foot better.
Touch : outer head sensitive ; nose feels bruised ; pain right side of face.
Spasm renewed by least contact (especially in hydrophobia).
Painful sensitiveness of skin to all contact.
Нервная система
Spasms : from laughing or crying.
Frequent yawning.
When yawning he has to cough. θ Hepatitis.
Towards evening drowsiness, with yawning.
Great drowsiness and somnolency.
The child is very drowsy, half sleeping and half waking.
Sleep prevented by anxiety.
He can only sleep sitting up.
Great inclination to sleep.
Sleepy, yet cannot sleep.
Quite profound somnolency, with subsultus tendinum ; pale, cold hands, and hard, small, rapid pulse.
Soporous after the spasms.
Somnolence : stupor ; lethargy ; deep sleep with snoring.
Comatose condition, with rattling in throat ; very red face.
She does not sleep well ; she lies half sleeping and half waking.
Frequent waking in night, with great restlessness, anxiety and tossing about in bed.
Anxiety and apparitions prevent sleep ; burning heat, thirst, with difficult deglutition ; restless tossing about, even twitching.
Went to bed after 11 o’clock ; sleepless from 2 to 5 ; laughed, and said she saw laughing masks.
During sleep : singing and loud talking ; moaning ; tossing about ; screaming ; starts.
Uneasy sleep before midnight ; the child tosses about, kicks and quarrels in its sleep.
She wakes in night full of fright and fear ; it appeared to her as if there was something under bed which made a noise ; she felt dry heat on awaking.
At night boys became restless, spoke irrationally, and could with difficulty be kept in bed.
Great restlessness, boy wished to escape, and had to be kept on his couch by force, at same time he developed a vigor and strength beyond his age.
Moaning and starting in sleep ; head hot.
Awakes from sleep and looks frightened, with staring eyes.
Children sleep with half-open eyes.
He does not sleep well, and hears all that is going on.
Restlessness at night ; grinding of teeth, now and then convulsions.
Deep, sound sleep, full of dreams.
Vivid dreams, but could not remember them.
Sleep is broken by disagreeable dreams.
Restless sleep, with anxious and frightful dreams.
He is frequently awakened out of sleep by fearful dreams and convulsions.
Anxious dreams : about murder ; street robbers ; of danger from fire ; of swimming.
Sleep restless, disturbed dreams ; irrational talking.
Sleep much disturbed by frightful dreams ; complains of intense pains in head, and says that it feels enormously large ; great intolerance of light and noise ; at noon very delirious, and would insist that there were horrid monsters all over room staring at her.
Very restless sleep.
Restless tossing about in bed.
Starts as in affright, during and from sleep.
As soon as he closes his eyes for sleep, shocks run from below and startle him ; it torments him with each beat of pulse ; great longing for sleep. θ Sunstroke from exposing nape of neck.
Stertorous breathing.
Feet icy cold ; can scarcely be warmed.
When awaking from sleep exceedingly irritable and inclined to weep.
In morning feels as if had not slept enough.
Sleeps much, yet not refreshed.
At 2 to 5 A. M. : sleeplessness.
Morning : boring pain in right frontal eminence ; eyelids agglutinated ; nosebleed ; toothache renewed ; mouth slimy ; pain in hypogastrium.
At 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. : violent tenesmus ; dysenteric stools.
Noon : violent thirst ; contractive dragging in region of navel ; violent cough ; delirium ; coldness ; weakness ; heat ; sweat.
Day : dry cough ; several attacks of fever ; frequent chilliness ; sweat during sleep.
Afternoon : contractive dragging in region of navel ; shortness of breath after drinking coffee ; asthma ; attacks of cough.
Usually worse after 3 in afternoon, and again after midnight.
Towards evening : drowsiness, with yawning.
Evening : stabbing through head ; toothache.
At 10 P. M. : cough commenced.
At 11 P. M. : barking cough awakens suddenly.
Night : headache.
Before midnight : uneasy sleep.
Midnight : ineffectual efforts to vomit, with cold sweat.
After midnight : dry cough, with retching ; whooping cough most violent.
When yawning he has to cough. θ Hepatitis.
Towards evening drowsiness, with yawning.
Great drowsiness and somnolency.
The child is very drowsy, half sleeping and half waking.
Sleep prevented by anxiety.
He can only sleep sitting up.
Great inclination to sleep.
Sleepy, yet cannot sleep.
Quite profound somnolency, with subsultus tendinum ; pale, cold hands, and hard, small, rapid pulse.
Soporous after the spasms.
Somnolence : stupor ; lethargy ; deep sleep with snoring.
Comatose condition, with rattling in throat ; very red face.
She does not sleep well ; she lies half sleeping and half waking.
Frequent waking in night, with great restlessness, anxiety and tossing about in bed.
Anxiety and apparitions prevent sleep ; burning heat, thirst, with difficult deglutition ; restless tossing about, even twitching.
Went to bed after 11 o’clock ; sleepless from 2 to 5 ; laughed, and said she saw laughing masks.
During sleep : singing and loud talking ; moaning ; tossing about ; screaming ; starts.
Uneasy sleep before midnight ; the child tosses about, kicks and quarrels in its sleep.
She wakes in night full of fright and fear ; it appeared to her as if there was something under bed which made a noise ; she felt dry heat on awaking.
At night boys became restless, spoke irrationally, and could with difficulty be kept in bed.
Great restlessness, boy wished to escape, and had to be kept on his couch by force, at same time he developed a vigor and strength beyond his age.
Moaning and starting in sleep ; head hot.
Awakes from sleep and looks frightened, with staring eyes.
Children sleep with half-open eyes.
He does not sleep well, and hears all that is going on.
Restlessness at night ; grinding of teeth, now and then convulsions.
Deep, sound sleep, full of dreams.
Vivid dreams, but could not remember them.
Sleep is broken by disagreeable dreams.
Restless sleep, with anxious and frightful dreams.
He is frequently awakened out of sleep by fearful dreams and convulsions.
Anxious dreams : about murder ; street robbers ; of danger from fire ; of swimming.
Sleep restless, disturbed dreams ; irrational talking.
Sleep much disturbed by frightful dreams ; complains of intense pains in head, and says that it feels enormously large ; great intolerance of light and noise ; at noon very delirious, and would insist that there were horrid monsters all over room staring at her.
Very restless sleep.
Restless tossing about in bed.
Starts as in affright, during and from sleep.
As soon as he closes his eyes for sleep, shocks run from below and startle him ; it torments him with each beat of pulse ; great longing for sleep. θ Sunstroke from exposing nape of neck.
Stertorous breathing.
Feet icy cold ; can scarcely be warmed.
When awaking from sleep exceedingly irritable and inclined to weep.
In morning feels as if had not slept enough.
Sleeps much, yet not refreshed.
At 2 to 5 A. M. : sleeplessness.
Morning : boring pain in right frontal eminence ; eyelids agglutinated ; nosebleed ; toothache renewed ; mouth slimy ; pain in hypogastrium.
At 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. : violent tenesmus ; dysenteric stools.
Noon : violent thirst ; contractive dragging in region of navel ; violent cough ; delirium ; coldness ; weakness ; heat ; sweat.
Day : dry cough ; several attacks of fever ; frequent chilliness ; sweat during sleep.
Afternoon : contractive dragging in region of navel ; shortness of breath after drinking coffee ; asthma ; attacks of cough.
Usually worse after 3 in afternoon, and again after midnight.
Towards evening : drowsiness, with yawning.
Evening : stabbing through head ; toothache.
At 10 P. M. : cough commenced.
At 11 P. M. : barking cough awakens suddenly.
Night : headache.
Before midnight : uneasy sleep.
Midnight : ineffectual efforts to vomit, with cold sweat.
After midnight : dry cough, with retching ; whooping cough most violent.
Общие симптомы
Takes cold from having hair cut.
Worse in sudden changes, from warm to cold.
Better wrapped up warmly in room.
Spring : boils, etc.
Liability to take cold, with great sensitiveness to draughts of air, especially when uncovering head.
After riding in a cold wind swelling of tonsils, preventing deglutition.
Open air : frontal headache ; tension in tarsal joint.
Cold air : toothache worse.
Draught : takes cold easily.
Sun : headache ; inflammation at base of brain, after hair cut ; unconsciousness from working in hot sun.
Hot, damp weather : asthma worse.
Warm weather : nose red and hot.
Sweat : on covered parts ; with or immediately after heat, mostly in face ; staining clothing and of empyreumatic smell ; during sleep, day or night ; ascending from feet to head ; copious ; staining brownish-yellow.
Entire want of sweat.
General sweat suddenly occurring and quickly disappearing.
Cold sweat on extremities.
General sweat, excepting on head.
Pains come on suddenly, and, after a shorter or longer duration, cease suddenly.
Sudden attacks of violent cramplike pain in one side of chest, or of abdomen, or loin, or one elbow, especially during sleep, causing one to bend painful part.
Most all pains in short attacks.
Periodical nervous headache.
Right : pressure in forehead ; shooting in frontal eminence and temple ; drawing pain in temple and orbit ; stabbing side of head ; quivering of upper eyelid ; tearing in ear and side of face ; swelling of parotid ; shooting in maxillary joint ; pressing below zygoma ; toothache upper row ; painful swelling of gums of side ; tonsillitis ; hand clutches throat in epilepsy ; pain in liver, worse lying on side ; pain in hypochondrium ; pain in ileo-cecal region ; feeling as if a hard body pressed from inguinal ring ; ovary enlarged ; paralysis side of tongue ; stitches in apex of lung ; burning in chest ; drawing pressure between scapula and spine ; paralytic weakness of arm and forearm ; paralytic tearing in index finger ; tension in tarsal joint ; tension in sole of foot ; cutting stitches in thigh when sitting ; cramp in knee.
Right to left : cutting from right occipital bone to left parietal bone ; pinching in ears.
Side to side : stabbing in head.
Left : shooting in temple ; triplopia ; tickling in nostril ; pains under orbit ; mobility of facial muscles of side ; tearing in tonsil ; fine shooting in groin ; tearing in spermatic cord in evening in bed ; pressive pain under scapula ; cramp in lumbar region ; shooting or stitching top of shoulder ; paralytic weakness of arm ; pain inner side of upper arm ; sharp shooting in elbow joint ; painful drawing in middle finger.
Above downward : tearing in ear and right side of face ; tension in chest ; pressing towards genitals as if everything would fall out.
Below upward : shock through body on closing eyes ; tearing in left spermatic cord ; pains in ankles.
Without inward : stabbing as with a knife in vertebra.
Within outward : shooting in left temple ; pressure in head ; shooting in eyes ; feeling as if a hard body pressed from right inguinal ring ; stabbing below head of humerus.
As if a board was before forehead ; as if head was full of water ; as if brain was shaken in skull ; as if bones of forehead were lifted up ; as if a skin was drawn over ears ; as if lower jaw was drawn backward ; as if objects around him swayed ; as if she was being rocked ; as if bed was bouncing patient up and down ; as if everything turned in a circle ; as if brain was pressed to forehead ; as if everything would issue at forehead when stooping ; as if brain rose and fell in forehead at every step ; as if brain was compressed ; headache above orbits ; as if brain was shaken ; as if eyes were starting from their sockets ; as if sutures of skull were being torn open ; as if a lever was being applied to force head asunder ; as if something rocked and swayed in a jerking manner in head ; as if skull was thin and could be pressed through ; at every step a jolt, as if a weight was in occiput ; as if skull was as thin as paper, as if it was transparent ; as if muscles of forehead and eyes were contracted ; a sudden shock running through body from below up ; as if eyes had been torn out or pressed into head ; as if eyes were surrounded by a hot vapor ; feeling of sand in eyes ; as if teeth would be forced out of head ; teeth feel elongated and on edge ; as of a vesicle on tip of tongue ; as of a foreign body in oesophagus ; as if a tumor stopped up throat ; as if something was in pit of stomach, exciting cough ; as if a spot in abdomen was seized with nails, griping, clutching ; as if hypochondria were being pressed out ; as if a ball or lump would form in abdomen ; as though intestines pressed outward, below umbilicus ; as if a hard body pressed from within outward at right inguinal ring ; as if mucous membrane of anus was swollen and pressed out ; as from a large worm twisting in bladder ; as if testicle was drawing up into abdomen ; as if a rope was tied around hypochondria ; as if womb would fall out ; as if back would break ; as if knees would give way ; as of a foreign body in larynx ; as if a mouse was creeping about in muscles.
Excruciating pains : about pit of stomach.
Lancinating : in throat ; in ovary.
Thrusts : in internal ear.
Cutting : in right side of head, from frontal to occipital region ; in parietal bone ; in various parts of head ; in side of face to temple, ear and neck ; in pit of stomach ; in stomach ; in abdomen ; in uterus ; in loins and sacrum ; in left elbow joint ; tearing in lower muscles of both forearms ; from wrist to elbow ; stitches in outer muscles of right thigh.
Stabbing : from temple to temple ; from forehead to occiput ; through head, as with a double-edged knife ; in forehead, vertex and occiput ; left lower jaw ; in vertebra ; below head of humerus.
Stitches : in head ; flying through head ; itching stitches in inner canthus ; in ears ; in maxillary articulations ; in testicles ; in ovary ; in uterine region ; in chest ; in vagina ; stitching pressure on top of left shoulder ; in apex of right lung.
Shooting : in right frontal eminence ; in right temple ; dull in left temple ; in various parts of head ; in eyes ; in internal ear ; in right parotid ; from side of face to temple, ear and neck ; in right maxillary joint ; in lower jaw ; from sup. maxilla into internal ear ; in pharynx ; in throat ; in pit of stomach ; in stomach ; in left groin ; in bladder ; in urethra ; behind glans ; in genital region ; in spinal column ; externally in left elbow joint ; in soles ; along bones.
Stinging : in eyes ; toothache ; in abdomen ; from kidneys to bladder ; in uterine region ; in nodules in breast ; in hip ; in knee joint.
Prickling : in hands.
Lacerating : in external and internal ears ; toothache ; in shoulder.
Tearing : from right temple over orbit to right cheek ; in various parts of head ; in right vertex ; in vertex ; in head ; in internal and external ears ; in right side of face ; from side of face to temple, ear and neck ; in jaws ; behind right zygoma ; toothache ; inner surface of angle ; in left spermatic cord ; in inflamed breasts ; in arms ; in humerus ; in joints ; in legs ; pressure in inside of middle of leg ; cough at night.
Paralytic tearing : in middle joint of right index finger.
Jerking : headache ; in teeth ; in abdomen ; in direction of perineum from lower intestines ; of arms and hands.
Beating : in temples.
Boring : under right frontal eminence ; in various parts of head ; in ears ; in soles.
Pinching : in ears ; in abdomen ; under navel.
Gnawing : at frontal eminences ; in stomach ; beneath cartilages of last ribs ; in spinal column ; along bones.
Clawing : around navel ; in uterine region.
Screwing : in ears.
Stretching : in upper extremities.
Twisting : in vertex ; in upper extremities.
Turning and twisting : in bladder.
Digging : in vertex ; toothache ; in soles.
Drawing : down in temples and right orbit ; from right temple over orbit to right cheek ; incessant, in head ; in frontal bone ; in nape of neck ; behind right zygoma ; in upper teeth ; toothache ; in spermatic cord ; in one of testicles and spermatic cord ; in pelvic region ; in loins and sacrum ; pressure between right scapula and spinal column ; in spine ; from small of back to thighs ; inner left upper arm ; in joint of left middle finger.
Burning : in eyes ; of eyelids ; in tip of nose ; heat, in face ; in swollen cheek ; of lips ; in mouth ; in fauces ; in stomach ; in abdomen ; in larynx ; in right chest ; from kidneys into bladder ; in spermatic cord ; in ovarian region ; in uterine region ; in spine ; in hip ; in knee joint.
Smarting : in eyes ; in pustules on upper lip ; in prepuce.
Corroding : beneath cartilages of last right ribs.
Scalded feeling : in cheek bones ; in mouth.
Burnt feeling : in vesicle on gum.
Pressure : in forehead ; as if a stone was pressing forehead ; in lower part of forehead ; above nose ; hemicrania ; in right temporal region ; in occiput ; in brain towards temples, occupying large areas in head ; at vertex ; in eyeball ; over right eye ; below right zygoma ; in throat ; in chest ; in stomach ; painless ; in right hypochonder ; in abdomen ; in hypogastrium ; in region of os pubis ; towards anus and genitals ; in vesical region ; in uterine region ; through vulva ; in sacrum ; in loins and groins ; in cardiac region ; in nape of neck ; under left scapula ; in shoulder ; in left upper arm.
Bearing down : in abdomen ; in uterus ; on to sacrum ; with leucorrhoea.
Labor-like pains : deep in pelvis, to back and loins.
Tensive pressure : in right side of forehead ; from temple to orbit ; hemicrania ; in left vertex and forehead ; in pit of stomach.
Aching : in forehead ; in eyes ; in lids ; in upper part of abdomen.
Soreness about heart ; in sinciput ; of eyelids ; from throat to ears ; in teeth ; of palate ; in throat ; in abdomen ; of last dorsal and first lumbar vertebra.
Raw feeling : of corners of mouth ; of palate ; in throat ; in abdomen.
Scraping : in throat ; in region of epiglottis ; in larynx.
Scraping itching : of forehead.
Bruised pain : in nose ; in upper arm ; in heel.
Beaten feeling : in thighs and legs.
Squeezing ; in lowermost intestines.
Wavelike sensation : hemicrania.
Distension : of whole brain ; of abdomen.
Bursting : hemicrania ; in right temporal region.
Expansive pain : in head.
Dislocated feeling : in metatarsal bones.
Constricted feeling : in mouth ; of gullet ; of throat ; of abdomen, around navel ; under navel ; in lower intestines ; in rectum ; in larynx ; in chest.
Contractive pain : in scalp ; in lower abdomen ; in rectum ; of anus.
Contractive dragging : in region of navel.
Crampy pain : in frontal eminence to zygoma and lower jaw ; in right external ear ; at root of nose ; in stomach ; in abdomen and lower intestines ; in uterus ; in loins and groins ; in left lumbar region ; in gluteal muscles ; in knee joints ; in right knee.
Cramps : of hands and feet ; in stomach along ureter ; in legs, during labor.
Twitching : of facial muscles ; of arms ; of abdominal muscles.
Quivering : of right upper eyelid.
Trembling : of right upper eyelid ; of upper lip ; of tongue.
Swashing : in head.
Feeling : in eyelids.
Tension : in lower jaw ; spasmodic, from chest into abdomen ; in uterine region ; in right tarsal joint ; in sole of r. foot ; in gluteal muscles.
Tightness : in maxillary articulations.
Throbbing : in head ; in forehead ; violent in brain ; in teeth ; at pit of stomach ; in ovary ; in carotids ; in spine ; in nodules in breast.
Pulsating : pain in head.
Fulness : at temples and forehead ; in stomach ; in uterine region.
Empty feeling : in stomach.
Rheumatic : toothache ; pain in back.
Neuralgic pain : in infraorbital nerve ; beneath left orbit to ear.
Ulcerated feeling : in gums.
Dull pain : in back of eye.
Lameness : of legs and feet.
Paralytic feeling : in upper arms.
Tired feeling : before and after vertigo.
Undefined pain : over eyes ; in orbits ; in stomach through to spine ; in liver ; in right ileo-cecal region ; in sternum ; in nape.
Weight : in head.
Heaviness : in head ; in uterine region ; in upper limbs ; of legs and feet ; of lids ; of hands.
Stiffness : in occiput ; of neck ; of hip joint ; of body.
Weakness : of left upper arm.
Numbness : in temples ; of face ; in hands.
Tickling : in left nostril ; voluptuous in lower parts of rectum and anus ; in throat.
Itching : in eyes ; of eyelids ; itching stitches in inner canthus ; of gums ; on abdomen ; in back part of top of larynx.
Heat : in head ; in face ; in throat ; in abdomen ; in chest ; in sternum ; of mamma ; in vagina ; of body.
Coldness : in brain, at middle of forehead ; of face ; of forepart of tongue ; in nose, finger tips and feet.
Dryness : burning in both eyes ; of lids ; of Schneiderian membrane ; of tongue ; in mouth ; about fauces ; in pharynx ; in throat ; in larynx ; in vagina.
Suits persons with largely developed brains.
Acts on circular fibres of bloodvessels ; on sphincters, as in spasm of os uteri, etc.
Inflammation of serous and mucous membranes.
Pains along periosteum.
Red shining swelling of joints.
Phlegmonous inflammation.
Engorgement of glands ; acute swelling.
Inflammation of lymphatic vessels and glands in children.
Glandular swellings, painful or suppurating.
Swelling of salivary and cervical glands.
Inflammation of internal organs, with disposition to suppurate.
The inflammation is of an erysipelatous kind, it runs in radii as it extends to adjacent parts.
Induration after inflammation.
Scirrhous indurations.
Scrofulous and rickety complaints.
Rheumatic and gouty complaints, with inflammation and swelling.
Atrophy and wasting of scrofulous subjects. θ Marasmus of children.
Rachitis, mostly when abdomen is puffed up tense and hard ; child shakes and withers ; pale all over, with flushes ; pupils not very sensitive.
Worse in sudden changes, from warm to cold.
Better wrapped up warmly in room.
Spring : boils, etc.
Liability to take cold, with great sensitiveness to draughts of air, especially when uncovering head.
After riding in a cold wind swelling of tonsils, preventing deglutition.
Open air : frontal headache ; tension in tarsal joint.
Cold air : toothache worse.
Draught : takes cold easily.
Sun : headache ; inflammation at base of brain, after hair cut ; unconsciousness from working in hot sun.
Hot, damp weather : asthma worse.
Warm weather : nose red and hot.
Sweat : on covered parts ; with or immediately after heat, mostly in face ; staining clothing and of empyreumatic smell ; during sleep, day or night ; ascending from feet to head ; copious ; staining brownish-yellow.
Entire want of sweat.
General sweat suddenly occurring and quickly disappearing.
Cold sweat on extremities.
General sweat, excepting on head.
Pains come on suddenly, and, after a shorter or longer duration, cease suddenly.
Sudden attacks of violent cramplike pain in one side of chest, or of abdomen, or loin, or one elbow, especially during sleep, causing one to bend painful part.
Most all pains in short attacks.
Periodical nervous headache.
Right : pressure in forehead ; shooting in frontal eminence and temple ; drawing pain in temple and orbit ; stabbing side of head ; quivering of upper eyelid ; tearing in ear and side of face ; swelling of parotid ; shooting in maxillary joint ; pressing below zygoma ; toothache upper row ; painful swelling of gums of side ; tonsillitis ; hand clutches throat in epilepsy ; pain in liver, worse lying on side ; pain in hypochondrium ; pain in ileo-cecal region ; feeling as if a hard body pressed from inguinal ring ; ovary enlarged ; paralysis side of tongue ; stitches in apex of lung ; burning in chest ; drawing pressure between scapula and spine ; paralytic weakness of arm and forearm ; paralytic tearing in index finger ; tension in tarsal joint ; tension in sole of foot ; cutting stitches in thigh when sitting ; cramp in knee.
Right to left : cutting from right occipital bone to left parietal bone ; pinching in ears.
Side to side : stabbing in head.
Left : shooting in temple ; triplopia ; tickling in nostril ; pains under orbit ; mobility of facial muscles of side ; tearing in tonsil ; fine shooting in groin ; tearing in spermatic cord in evening in bed ; pressive pain under scapula ; cramp in lumbar region ; shooting or stitching top of shoulder ; paralytic weakness of arm ; pain inner side of upper arm ; sharp shooting in elbow joint ; painful drawing in middle finger.
Above downward : tearing in ear and right side of face ; tension in chest ; pressing towards genitals as if everything would fall out.
Below upward : shock through body on closing eyes ; tearing in left spermatic cord ; pains in ankles.
Without inward : stabbing as with a knife in vertebra.
Within outward : shooting in left temple ; pressure in head ; shooting in eyes ; feeling as if a hard body pressed from right inguinal ring ; stabbing below head of humerus.
As if a board was before forehead ; as if head was full of water ; as if brain was shaken in skull ; as if bones of forehead were lifted up ; as if a skin was drawn over ears ; as if lower jaw was drawn backward ; as if objects around him swayed ; as if she was being rocked ; as if bed was bouncing patient up and down ; as if everything turned in a circle ; as if brain was pressed to forehead ; as if everything would issue at forehead when stooping ; as if brain rose and fell in forehead at every step ; as if brain was compressed ; headache above orbits ; as if brain was shaken ; as if eyes were starting from their sockets ; as if sutures of skull were being torn open ; as if a lever was being applied to force head asunder ; as if something rocked and swayed in a jerking manner in head ; as if skull was thin and could be pressed through ; at every step a jolt, as if a weight was in occiput ; as if skull was as thin as paper, as if it was transparent ; as if muscles of forehead and eyes were contracted ; a sudden shock running through body from below up ; as if eyes had been torn out or pressed into head ; as if eyes were surrounded by a hot vapor ; feeling of sand in eyes ; as if teeth would be forced out of head ; teeth feel elongated and on edge ; as of a vesicle on tip of tongue ; as of a foreign body in oesophagus ; as if a tumor stopped up throat ; as if something was in pit of stomach, exciting cough ; as if a spot in abdomen was seized with nails, griping, clutching ; as if hypochondria were being pressed out ; as if a ball or lump would form in abdomen ; as though intestines pressed outward, below umbilicus ; as if a hard body pressed from within outward at right inguinal ring ; as if mucous membrane of anus was swollen and pressed out ; as from a large worm twisting in bladder ; as if testicle was drawing up into abdomen ; as if a rope was tied around hypochondria ; as if womb would fall out ; as if back would break ; as if knees would give way ; as of a foreign body in larynx ; as if a mouse was creeping about in muscles.
Excruciating pains : about pit of stomach.
Lancinating : in throat ; in ovary.
Thrusts : in internal ear.
Cutting : in right side of head, from frontal to occipital region ; in parietal bone ; in various parts of head ; in side of face to temple, ear and neck ; in pit of stomach ; in stomach ; in abdomen ; in uterus ; in loins and sacrum ; in left elbow joint ; tearing in lower muscles of both forearms ; from wrist to elbow ; stitches in outer muscles of right thigh.
Stabbing : from temple to temple ; from forehead to occiput ; through head, as with a double-edged knife ; in forehead, vertex and occiput ; left lower jaw ; in vertebra ; below head of humerus.
Stitches : in head ; flying through head ; itching stitches in inner canthus ; in ears ; in maxillary articulations ; in testicles ; in ovary ; in uterine region ; in chest ; in vagina ; stitching pressure on top of left shoulder ; in apex of right lung.
Shooting : in right frontal eminence ; in right temple ; dull in left temple ; in various parts of head ; in eyes ; in internal ear ; in right parotid ; from side of face to temple, ear and neck ; in right maxillary joint ; in lower jaw ; from sup. maxilla into internal ear ; in pharynx ; in throat ; in pit of stomach ; in stomach ; in left groin ; in bladder ; in urethra ; behind glans ; in genital region ; in spinal column ; externally in left elbow joint ; in soles ; along bones.
Stinging : in eyes ; toothache ; in abdomen ; from kidneys to bladder ; in uterine region ; in nodules in breast ; in hip ; in knee joint.
Prickling : in hands.
Lacerating : in external and internal ears ; toothache ; in shoulder.
Tearing : from right temple over orbit to right cheek ; in various parts of head ; in right vertex ; in vertex ; in head ; in internal and external ears ; in right side of face ; from side of face to temple, ear and neck ; in jaws ; behind right zygoma ; toothache ; inner surface of angle ; in left spermatic cord ; in inflamed breasts ; in arms ; in humerus ; in joints ; in legs ; pressure in inside of middle of leg ; cough at night.
Paralytic tearing : in middle joint of right index finger.
Jerking : headache ; in teeth ; in abdomen ; in direction of perineum from lower intestines ; of arms and hands.
Beating : in temples.
Boring : under right frontal eminence ; in various parts of head ; in ears ; in soles.
Pinching : in ears ; in abdomen ; under navel.
Gnawing : at frontal eminences ; in stomach ; beneath cartilages of last ribs ; in spinal column ; along bones.
Clawing : around navel ; in uterine region.
Screwing : in ears.
Stretching : in upper extremities.
Twisting : in vertex ; in upper extremities.
Turning and twisting : in bladder.
Digging : in vertex ; toothache ; in soles.
Drawing : down in temples and right orbit ; from right temple over orbit to right cheek ; incessant, in head ; in frontal bone ; in nape of neck ; behind right zygoma ; in upper teeth ; toothache ; in spermatic cord ; in one of testicles and spermatic cord ; in pelvic region ; in loins and sacrum ; pressure between right scapula and spinal column ; in spine ; from small of back to thighs ; inner left upper arm ; in joint of left middle finger.
Burning : in eyes ; of eyelids ; in tip of nose ; heat, in face ; in swollen cheek ; of lips ; in mouth ; in fauces ; in stomach ; in abdomen ; in larynx ; in right chest ; from kidneys into bladder ; in spermatic cord ; in ovarian region ; in uterine region ; in spine ; in hip ; in knee joint.
Smarting : in eyes ; in pustules on upper lip ; in prepuce.
Corroding : beneath cartilages of last right ribs.
Scalded feeling : in cheek bones ; in mouth.
Burnt feeling : in vesicle on gum.
Pressure : in forehead ; as if a stone was pressing forehead ; in lower part of forehead ; above nose ; hemicrania ; in right temporal region ; in occiput ; in brain towards temples, occupying large areas in head ; at vertex ; in eyeball ; over right eye ; below right zygoma ; in throat ; in chest ; in stomach ; painless ; in right hypochonder ; in abdomen ; in hypogastrium ; in region of os pubis ; towards anus and genitals ; in vesical region ; in uterine region ; through vulva ; in sacrum ; in loins and groins ; in cardiac region ; in nape of neck ; under left scapula ; in shoulder ; in left upper arm.
Bearing down : in abdomen ; in uterus ; on to sacrum ; with leucorrhoea.
Labor-like pains : deep in pelvis, to back and loins.
Tensive pressure : in right side of forehead ; from temple to orbit ; hemicrania ; in left vertex and forehead ; in pit of stomach.
Aching : in forehead ; in eyes ; in lids ; in upper part of abdomen.
Soreness about heart ; in sinciput ; of eyelids ; from throat to ears ; in teeth ; of palate ; in throat ; in abdomen ; of last dorsal and first lumbar vertebra.
Raw feeling : of corners of mouth ; of palate ; in throat ; in abdomen.
Scraping : in throat ; in region of epiglottis ; in larynx.
Scraping itching : of forehead.
Bruised pain : in nose ; in upper arm ; in heel.
Beaten feeling : in thighs and legs.
Squeezing ; in lowermost intestines.
Wavelike sensation : hemicrania.
Distension : of whole brain ; of abdomen.
Bursting : hemicrania ; in right temporal region.
Expansive pain : in head.
Dislocated feeling : in metatarsal bones.
Constricted feeling : in mouth ; of gullet ; of throat ; of abdomen, around navel ; under navel ; in lower intestines ; in rectum ; in larynx ; in chest.
Contractive pain : in scalp ; in lower abdomen ; in rectum ; of anus.
Contractive dragging : in region of navel.
Crampy pain : in frontal eminence to zygoma and lower jaw ; in right external ear ; at root of nose ; in stomach ; in abdomen and lower intestines ; in uterus ; in loins and groins ; in left lumbar region ; in gluteal muscles ; in knee joints ; in right knee.
Cramps : of hands and feet ; in stomach along ureter ; in legs, during labor.
Twitching : of facial muscles ; of arms ; of abdominal muscles.
Quivering : of right upper eyelid.
Trembling : of right upper eyelid ; of upper lip ; of tongue.
Swashing : in head.
Feeling : in eyelids.
Tension : in lower jaw ; spasmodic, from chest into abdomen ; in uterine region ; in right tarsal joint ; in sole of r. foot ; in gluteal muscles.
Tightness : in maxillary articulations.
Throbbing : in head ; in forehead ; violent in brain ; in teeth ; at pit of stomach ; in ovary ; in carotids ; in spine ; in nodules in breast.
Pulsating : pain in head.
Fulness : at temples and forehead ; in stomach ; in uterine region.
Empty feeling : in stomach.
Rheumatic : toothache ; pain in back.
Neuralgic pain : in infraorbital nerve ; beneath left orbit to ear.
Ulcerated feeling : in gums.
Dull pain : in back of eye.
Lameness : of legs and feet.
Paralytic feeling : in upper arms.
Tired feeling : before and after vertigo.
Undefined pain : over eyes ; in orbits ; in stomach through to spine ; in liver ; in right ileo-cecal region ; in sternum ; in nape.
Weight : in head.
Heaviness : in head ; in uterine region ; in upper limbs ; of legs and feet ; of lids ; of hands.
Stiffness : in occiput ; of neck ; of hip joint ; of body.
Weakness : of left upper arm.
Numbness : in temples ; of face ; in hands.
Tickling : in left nostril ; voluptuous in lower parts of rectum and anus ; in throat.
Itching : in eyes ; of eyelids ; itching stitches in inner canthus ; of gums ; on abdomen ; in back part of top of larynx.
Heat : in head ; in face ; in throat ; in abdomen ; in chest ; in sternum ; of mamma ; in vagina ; of body.
Coldness : in brain, at middle of forehead ; of face ; of forepart of tongue ; in nose, finger tips and feet.
Dryness : burning in both eyes ; of lids ; of Schneiderian membrane ; of tongue ; in mouth ; about fauces ; in pharynx ; in throat ; in larynx ; in vagina.
Suits persons with largely developed brains.
Acts on circular fibres of bloodvessels ; on sphincters, as in spasm of os uteri, etc.
Inflammation of serous and mucous membranes.
Pains along periosteum.
Red shining swelling of joints.
Phlegmonous inflammation.
Engorgement of glands ; acute swelling.
Inflammation of lymphatic vessels and glands in children.
Glandular swellings, painful or suppurating.
Swelling of salivary and cervical glands.
Inflammation of internal organs, with disposition to suppurate.
The inflammation is of an erysipelatous kind, it runs in radii as it extends to adjacent parts.
Induration after inflammation.
Scirrhous indurations.
Scrofulous and rickety complaints.
Rheumatic and gouty complaints, with inflammation and swelling.
Atrophy and wasting of scrofulous subjects. θ Marasmus of children.
Rachitis, mostly when abdomen is puffed up tense and hard ; child shakes and withers ; pale all over, with flushes ; pupils not very sensitive.
She is occasionally chilly.
Shivering running down back.
Feels very chilly, wants warmth of a stove. θ Angina.
Cool hands forehead, with much thirst, but no fever.
Shuddering, or violent chill in back, epigastrium, or arms.
Chill and heat alternating.
At noon. сoldness, with marbled skin and blue lips ; so weak that he falls ; afterwards heat with glowing red face and burning ears ; soon afterwards sweat on head in drops.
Chill in evening, mostly on arms, with heat of head.
Internal chill, with external burning heat.
Several attacks of fever in one day, during which hot stage followed cold within a few minutes to half an hour after, always without thirst in either stage, and mostly with confusion of head.
Heat of forehead, with cold cheeks.
Frequent chilliness during day, though well protected and even feverish ; sight is dim from intensity of fever ; surface of body imparts a burning sensation to hand of physician ; pulse has a full double beat.
Milk fever, with coldness of nose, finger tips and feet ; at night fever, restlessness, vomiting and frequent stools.
Violent chills ; thirst ; bitter vomiting ; throbbing in forehead ; weeping ; stiff neck ; pain in epigastrium ; heat, thirst and sweat.
Coldness of limbs, with heat of head.
Temperature of head very much increased, of rest of body diminished.
Internal heat, with anxiety and restlessness.
Heat of head, with redness of face and delirium.
During hot stage : delirium ; redness and puffiness of face, great thirst.
Heat : violent burning, internal or external ; dry, principally of head and face.
Head hot ; face red ; eyes protruding, staring, pupils dilated.
Skin hot, dry, scarlet, especially intense on face and ears.
Child cries, refuses to eat, vomits at night ; fever in morning, with thirst ; red face ; little blisters on inner lips ; forehead burning hot and painful ; pulse rapid and soft ; when taking a deep inspiration or when retching, feels pain in middle of sternum ; frequent clenching of fingers. θ A child disposed to convulsions.
Excessive heat : distended veins ; insatiable thirst, with anxiety and trembling.
Flying heat.
Great heat ; distension of superficial veins of body and insatiable thirst.
Typhoid fever : nights are always worse ; at first he lies quiet, but moans often ; trembling, twitching of lips, of head and limbs ; slides down in bed ; gets restless now and then, or screams and says he cannot bear it ; sometimes he complains, sometimes he refuses to answer ; pulse very small, thready and irregular ; a strong throbbing pulse in head ; in attacks, heat in head, with thirst ; ears cold and white ; face pale ; throat so dry that it hurts when he drinks ; he has hands always on sexual parts ; complains either of pain in urinating or that the urine passed too slowly.
Colic, with distension of abdomen ; vomits breakfast, has not the least appetite, but great thirst ; tongue whitish, furred ; aversion to sweets ; no stool ; burning heat of body, with a very frequent pulse ; face either very pale or very red ; pupils dilated ; prostrated and ill-humored. θ Worm fever.
Dry heat and throbbing.
Violent heat.
Temperature of skin increased ; face red ; pulse accelerated, senseless talking, and tottering almost as if drunk.
Inflammatory, catarrhal, rheumatic, milk, puerperal and typhoid fevers, with furious delirium and loss of consciousness.
Bellyache, with vomiting of all food and some large worms ; violent thirst ; skin hot and dry ; pulse quick ; violent burning headache ; restless and talking in night ; great prostration ; a boy. θ Worm fever.
Heat predominating ; averse to uncovering.
Burning heat within and without ; body burning hot like fire.
Burning heat over whole body ; skin universally red ; pulse full, quick, and extremely frequent.
Burning heat of body, with extreme distention of superficial bloodvessels, and furious delirium.
Fever in afternoon and night.
Temperature of skin very much raised ; skin scarlet.
Child has fever, with transient perspiration ; thirst ; nausea ; desire for this and that, things which it refuses when offered ; says everything is bitter ; complains of sore throat ; has ineffectual urging to stool ; is very sensitive, and cries at least provocation.
Continuous dry burning heat, with sweat only on head.
Pains in liver with violent vomiting ; fever heat ; sleep followed by thirst and sweat. θ Hepatitis.
In afternoon, heat without thirst ; in evening, sweat ; cough worse during fever ; hungry, but cannot eat ; talks in sleep and grinds teeth. θ вloodboil on thigh.
Sensation of heat with actual heat in whole body, but particularly in face, which was red and covered with sweat, with confusion of head.
Fever heat, now and then sweat, they often ask for drink, but do not take much ; pulse full and frequent. θ After abuse of Sulphur in itch.
Shivering running down back.
Feels very chilly, wants warmth of a stove. θ Angina.
Cool hands forehead, with much thirst, but no fever.
Shuddering, or violent chill in back, epigastrium, or arms.
Chill and heat alternating.
At noon. сoldness, with marbled skin and blue lips ; so weak that he falls ; afterwards heat with glowing red face and burning ears ; soon afterwards sweat on head in drops.
Chill in evening, mostly on arms, with heat of head.
Internal chill, with external burning heat.
Several attacks of fever in one day, during which hot stage followed cold within a few minutes to half an hour after, always without thirst in either stage, and mostly with confusion of head.
Heat of forehead, with cold cheeks.
Frequent chilliness during day, though well protected and even feverish ; sight is dim from intensity of fever ; surface of body imparts a burning sensation to hand of physician ; pulse has a full double beat.
Milk fever, with coldness of nose, finger tips and feet ; at night fever, restlessness, vomiting and frequent stools.
Violent chills ; thirst ; bitter vomiting ; throbbing in forehead ; weeping ; stiff neck ; pain in epigastrium ; heat, thirst and sweat.
Coldness of limbs, with heat of head.
Temperature of head very much increased, of rest of body diminished.
Internal heat, with anxiety and restlessness.
Heat of head, with redness of face and delirium.
During hot stage : delirium ; redness and puffiness of face, great thirst.
Heat : violent burning, internal or external ; dry, principally of head and face.
Head hot ; face red ; eyes protruding, staring, pupils dilated.
Skin hot, dry, scarlet, especially intense on face and ears.
Child cries, refuses to eat, vomits at night ; fever in morning, with thirst ; red face ; little blisters on inner lips ; forehead burning hot and painful ; pulse rapid and soft ; when taking a deep inspiration or when retching, feels pain in middle of sternum ; frequent clenching of fingers. θ A child disposed to convulsions.
Excessive heat : distended veins ; insatiable thirst, with anxiety and trembling.
Flying heat.
Great heat ; distension of superficial veins of body and insatiable thirst.
Typhoid fever : nights are always worse ; at first he lies quiet, but moans often ; trembling, twitching of lips, of head and limbs ; slides down in bed ; gets restless now and then, or screams and says he cannot bear it ; sometimes he complains, sometimes he refuses to answer ; pulse very small, thready and irregular ; a strong throbbing pulse in head ; in attacks, heat in head, with thirst ; ears cold and white ; face pale ; throat so dry that it hurts when he drinks ; he has hands always on sexual parts ; complains either of pain in urinating or that the urine passed too slowly.
Colic, with distension of abdomen ; vomits breakfast, has not the least appetite, but great thirst ; tongue whitish, furred ; aversion to sweets ; no stool ; burning heat of body, with a very frequent pulse ; face either very pale or very red ; pupils dilated ; prostrated and ill-humored. θ Worm fever.
Dry heat and throbbing.
Violent heat.
Temperature of skin increased ; face red ; pulse accelerated, senseless talking, and tottering almost as if drunk.
Inflammatory, catarrhal, rheumatic, milk, puerperal and typhoid fevers, with furious delirium and loss of consciousness.
Bellyache, with vomiting of all food and some large worms ; violent thirst ; skin hot and dry ; pulse quick ; violent burning headache ; restless and talking in night ; great prostration ; a boy. θ Worm fever.
Heat predominating ; averse to uncovering.
Burning heat within and without ; body burning hot like fire.
Burning heat over whole body ; skin universally red ; pulse full, quick, and extremely frequent.
Burning heat of body, with extreme distention of superficial bloodvessels, and furious delirium.
Fever in afternoon and night.
Temperature of skin very much raised ; skin scarlet.
Child has fever, with transient perspiration ; thirst ; nausea ; desire for this and that, things which it refuses when offered ; says everything is bitter ; complains of sore throat ; has ineffectual urging to stool ; is very sensitive, and cries at least provocation.
Continuous dry burning heat, with sweat only on head.
Pains in liver with violent vomiting ; fever heat ; sleep followed by thirst and sweat. θ Hepatitis.
In afternoon, heat without thirst ; in evening, sweat ; cough worse during fever ; hungry, but cannot eat ; talks in sleep and grinds teeth. θ вloodboil on thigh.
Sensation of heat with actual heat in whole body, but particularly in face, which was red and covered with sweat, with confusion of head.
Fever heat, now and then sweat, they often ask for drink, but do not take much ; pulse full and frequent. θ After abuse of Sulphur in itch.
Painful sensitiveness of skin to contact.
Heat over whole body, with bluish redness of whole surface.
Skin imparts a burning sensation to examining hand.
Heat, redness and dryness of skin.
Red, hot swelling of affected parts.
Tense skin.
Skin alternately red and pale.
Great redness of parts, redness extending in radii.
Universal redness of skin, with or without rash.
Skin scarlet, smooth and shining.
Red, scaly eruption on lower part of body, as far as abdomen.
Inflamed red patches of skin, and irregularly shaped scarlet spots over body.
Redness of whole body, with quick pulse.
Erythema of skin.
Urticaria : during profuse menstruation ; over whole body, most on inner side of limbs, none on face ; sometimes resembling mosquito-bites ; itches most mornings and evenings ; scratching feels pleasant ; at times glowing heat, with sweat, then again dulness and shivering over back ; worse after drinking cold water ; sensation as if brain was shaken ; when yawning, coughing or sneezing, pain runs from nose upward and inward, as if head would be torn off.
Erysipelatous inflammation with swelling.
Phlegmonous erysipelas ; bright red and radiating.
Vesicular erysipelas (when fever is violent).
Intense erysipelatous fever, accompanied by inflamed swellings, passing even into gangrene.
Eruptions like roseola and scarlet fever, with fever, sore throat, cough, headache, etc.
Eruption resembling measles ; scarlet spots, and scarlet redness on various parts, sometimes with hot swelling of parts.
Red spots with small vesicles becoming confluent, showing darker and redder spots, getting white from pressure with finger ; fever heat with thirst ; frequent, small pulse ; quick, short breathing ; sensation of weakness in chest, and a pain which does not permit lying down ; bodily restlessness ; trembling ; sleeplessness ; much saliva ; crampy, shooting pain below pit of stomach ; pit is very sensitive to touch ; several days no stool.
The face, upper extremities and trunk, exhibited a diffuse scarlet efflorescence, studded with innumerable papilla, very closely resembling rash of scarlet fever ; eruption terminated abruptly at wrists and flexors of thighs, rest of body retaining natural color ; skin hot and dry.
Uniform, smooth, shining, scarlet redness of skin, with dryness, heat, itching, burning, and bloatedness of parts, especially face, neck, chest, abdomen and hands.
A scarlet redness suddenly spread over body, especially face and limbs, with which appeared heat and exaltation of all faculties, without thirst.
Scarlet redness of skin, especially face, with great cerebral action ; red, swollen face, with staring eyes ; erysipelas of face (with Graphit., Laches. and Rhus tox.
Scarlet redness of skin of face and neck, followed second day by peeling off of cuticle.
Redness, like scarlatina, of entire surface of body, with a white circle around mouth and nose, and great dryness in throat.
Scarlet rash over whole body ; eruption resembling measles ; purple rash.
Smallpox when brain is affected.
In true Sydenham scarlet fever, where eruption is perfectly smooth and truly scarlet.
Blood-boils on various places.
An infant, after suppressed itch, nightly fever without thirst ; pale lips and face ; offensive smelling stools ; restlessness.
Ulcer on left cheek, with bloody ichor and a discolored fundus and raised edges.
Ulcers if suppuration is interrupted and pains follow.
Scrofulous and mercurial ulcers, also cancerous.
Blood-boils after abuse of Sulphur, with fever.
Red streaks, like radii, extend from scirrhous induration or ulcer.
Pustules on nape of neck, arms and back.
Jaundice after abuse of Peruvian bark or mercury ; in complication with stones in gall-bladder.
Vesicular eruptions with scurf, whitish border and swelling.
Crawling itching over whole body, fugitive, now here, now there.
Snake-bite, when given at once, before difficult breathing sets in.
Heat over whole body, with bluish redness of whole surface.
Skin imparts a burning sensation to examining hand.
Heat, redness and dryness of skin.
Red, hot swelling of affected parts.
Tense skin.
Skin alternately red and pale.
Great redness of parts, redness extending in radii.
Universal redness of skin, with or without rash.
Skin scarlet, smooth and shining.
Red, scaly eruption on lower part of body, as far as abdomen.
Inflamed red patches of skin, and irregularly shaped scarlet spots over body.
Redness of whole body, with quick pulse.
Erythema of skin.
Urticaria : during profuse menstruation ; over whole body, most on inner side of limbs, none on face ; sometimes resembling mosquito-bites ; itches most mornings and evenings ; scratching feels pleasant ; at times glowing heat, with sweat, then again dulness and shivering over back ; worse after drinking cold water ; sensation as if brain was shaken ; when yawning, coughing or sneezing, pain runs from nose upward and inward, as if head would be torn off.
Erysipelatous inflammation with swelling.
Phlegmonous erysipelas ; bright red and radiating.
Vesicular erysipelas (when fever is violent).
Intense erysipelatous fever, accompanied by inflamed swellings, passing even into gangrene.
Eruptions like roseola and scarlet fever, with fever, sore throat, cough, headache, etc.
Eruption resembling measles ; scarlet spots, and scarlet redness on various parts, sometimes with hot swelling of parts.
Red spots with small vesicles becoming confluent, showing darker and redder spots, getting white from pressure with finger ; fever heat with thirst ; frequent, small pulse ; quick, short breathing ; sensation of weakness in chest, and a pain which does not permit lying down ; bodily restlessness ; trembling ; sleeplessness ; much saliva ; crampy, shooting pain below pit of stomach ; pit is very sensitive to touch ; several days no stool.
The face, upper extremities and trunk, exhibited a diffuse scarlet efflorescence, studded with innumerable papilla, very closely resembling rash of scarlet fever ; eruption terminated abruptly at wrists and flexors of thighs, rest of body retaining natural color ; skin hot and dry.
Uniform, smooth, shining, scarlet redness of skin, with dryness, heat, itching, burning, and bloatedness of parts, especially face, neck, chest, abdomen and hands.
A scarlet redness suddenly spread over body, especially face and limbs, with which appeared heat and exaltation of all faculties, without thirst.
Scarlet redness of skin, especially face, with great cerebral action ; red, swollen face, with staring eyes ; erysipelas of face (with Graphit., Laches. and Rhus tox.
Scarlet redness of skin of face and neck, followed second day by peeling off of cuticle.
Redness, like scarlatina, of entire surface of body, with a white circle around mouth and nose, and great dryness in throat.
Scarlet rash over whole body ; eruption resembling measles ; purple rash.
Smallpox when brain is affected.
In true Sydenham scarlet fever, where eruption is perfectly smooth and truly scarlet.
Blood-boils on various places.
An infant, after suppressed itch, nightly fever without thirst ; pale lips and face ; offensive smelling stools ; restlessness.
Ulcer on left cheek, with bloody ichor and a discolored fundus and raised edges.
Ulcers if suppuration is interrupted and pains follow.
Scrofulous and mercurial ulcers, also cancerous.
Blood-boils after abuse of Sulphur, with fever.
Red streaks, like radii, extend from scirrhous induration or ulcer.
Pustules on nape of neck, arms and back.
Jaundice after abuse of Peruvian bark or mercury ; in complication with stones in gall-bladder.
Vesicular eruptions with scurf, whitish border and swelling.
Crawling itching over whole body, fugitive, now here, now there.
Snake-bite, when given at once, before difficult breathing sets in.
Тип пациента и конституция
Bilious, lymphatic temperament.
Girl, at. 10, light hair and complexion, blue eyes. θ Epileptic convulsions.
A man, at. 27, healthy, never had vertigo ; after cutting hair and exposing nape of neck to a tropical sun, sunstroke.
Girl, at. 10, light hair and complexion, blue eyes. θ Epileptic convulsions.
A man, at. 27, healthy, never had vertigo ; after cutting hair and exposing nape of neck to a tropical sun, sunstroke.
Диф. диагностика
Antidotes to вellad. : effects of large doses by vegetable acids ; infusion of galls, or green tea ; Opium (?), сoffea, Hyosc. ; effects of small doses by сamphor, сoffea, Hepar, Hyosc., Opium, Pulsat., Sabad. (salivation), vinum.
Bellad. antidotes : Aconite, Arum triph., Atrop., сinchon., сuprum, Ferrum, Hyosc., Jaborand., Mercur., Opium, Platin., Plumbum ; sausage poisoning ; oil of turpentine.
Frequently useful after : Arsen., сhamom., Hepar, Laches., Mercur., Phosphor., Nitr. ac.
Bellad. cured spasms of chest after сuprum.
After вellad. : сinchon., сhamom., сonium, Dulcam., Hepar, Hyosc., Laches., Rhus, Seneg., Stramon., Valer., Veratr., are frequently indicated.
Has cured constipation after failure of Opium, Nux vomica, вryon. and Alumina.
After вellad., if there is a strong craving for lemon juice, it may be allowed to hasten convalescence.
Similar to : Aconite, Alcohol (merry craziness) ; Arsen. (pains of cancer, etc. ; вryon., сalcarea ostr., сhamom., сicut., сoffea, сuprum, Eupat. purp. (diuresis and vesical irritation, but Eupat. has more hyperemia and vesical inflammation) ; Gelsem., Hepar, Hyosc., Laches., Mercur., Nux vomica, Opium, Pulsat., Rhus tox., Stramon. (rage), Terebintha, Veratr.
Complementary : сalcarea ost.
Incompatible : vinegar (headache), Dulcam.
Bellad. antidotes : Aconite, Arum triph., Atrop., сinchon., сuprum, Ferrum, Hyosc., Jaborand., Mercur., Opium, Platin., Plumbum ; sausage poisoning ; oil of turpentine.
Frequently useful after : Arsen., сhamom., Hepar, Laches., Mercur., Phosphor., Nitr. ac.
Bellad. cured spasms of chest after сuprum.
After вellad. : сinchon., сhamom., сonium, Dulcam., Hepar, Hyosc., Laches., Rhus, Seneg., Stramon., Valer., Veratr., are frequently indicated.
Has cured constipation after failure of Opium, Nux vomica, вryon. and Alumina.
After вellad., if there is a strong craving for lemon juice, it may be allowed to hasten convalescence.
Similar to : Aconite, Alcohol (merry craziness) ; Arsen. (pains of cancer, etc. ; вryon., сalcarea ostr., сhamom., сicut., сoffea, сuprum, Eupat. purp. (diuresis and vesical irritation, but Eupat. has more hyperemia and vesical inflammation) ; Gelsem., Hepar, Hyosc., Laches., Mercur., Nux vomica, Opium, Pulsat., Rhus tox., Stramon. (rage), Terebintha, Veratr.
Complementary : сalcarea ost.
Incompatible : vinegar (headache), Dulcam.
Входит в состав
- 96-116₽ Сандра
- 120-190₽ Лобелия (ЭДАС)
- 93-159₽ Агри детский (Материа Медика Холдинг НПФ ООО [Челябинск, ул. Днепровская] )
- 113-139₽ Фарингомед
- 145-192₽ Менолет (ЭДАС)
- 165₽ Ангинит-ГФ
- 165₽ Сагриппин гомеопатический (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 165₽ Цистоит-ГФ (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 180₽ Арнес (ЭДАС)
- 180-240₽ Санодерм (ЭДАС)
- 199₽ Бриорус (ЭДАС)
- 175-235₽ Урситаб (ЭДАС)
- 225-272₽ Бриапис (ЭДАС)
- 233₽ Фитангин (ЭДАС)
- 209-290₽ Силицея комп (Лекарственные средства ВАЛА-Р )
- 270₽ Неоклимсал (2 фирмы)
- 290₽ Лахезис комп
- 250₽ Вуменорм (Фитасинтекс)
- 210-250₽ Гипносон (Фитасинтекс)
- 210-250₽ Гриппакс (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Климафам (Фитасинтекс)
- 210-250₽ Ларинготокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 230-250₽ Ринильтикс (Фитасинтекс)
- 300-315₽ Сабаль-простата (2 фирмы)
- 250₽ Сульфоскин (Фитасинтекс)
- 300₽ Тонзилар (2 фирмы)
- 210-250₽ Тонзилик (Фитасинтекс)
- 230-250₽ Энтерикс (Фитасинтекс)
- 210-250₽ Эпиплексин (Фитасинтекс)
- 190₽ Отикап (Вербена)
- 190₽ Тонзиллон (Вербена)
- — Белладонна-плюс (Доктор Н)
- 315₽ Иммукор (2 фирмы)
- 397-474₽ Коризалия (2 фирмы)
- 452-575₽ Бронхалис-хель (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 338-704₽ Гомеострес (БУАРОН )
- 450-565₽ Ангин-хель сд (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 457-599₽ Спигелон (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 492-576₽ Вибуркол (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 510-11682₽ Траумель с (2 фирмы)
- 483-775₽ Гомеовокс (БУАРОН )
- 838-858₽ Тартефедрель н (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 858₽ Хелидониум-гомаккорд н (2 фирмы)
- 797-1157₽ Дентокинд (2 фирмы)
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №10
- — Flowers Energy №11
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №27
- — Flowers Energy №3
- — Flowers Energy №31
- — Flowers Energy №32
- — Flowers Energy №37
- — Flowers Energy №40
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №61
- — Flowers Energy №8
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №90
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №93
- 1350₽ Мукоза композитум (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Акнесан (Камелия НПП )
- — Аконит-плюс (Доктор Н)
- — Алкобел (Алкой-Фарм)
- — Аллергосан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Атропа белладонна (Белладонна) (ФармВИЛАР НПО )
- — Вернисон
- — Вокара
- — Гомеофлю
- — Густель
- — Иммуностабил (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Карбо композитум
- — Л-Флю
- — Л52 Ленинг (Laboratoires Lehning )
- — Мигренисан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Раувольфиа композитум
- — Тонзан-акут
- — Фарингосан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Фитолакка-плюс (Доктор Н)
- — Цефальгин (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Цистосан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата