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ⓘ Подробнее о цифровых аудио препаратах
  1. Фармакологическая группа
  2. Дополнительные факты
  3. Нозологии
  4. Психика и сознание
  5. Голова, лицо и уши
  6. Ротовая полость и горло
  7. Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
  8. Желудочно-кишечный тракт
  9. Мочеполовая система
  10. Характеристика растения
  11. Органы грудной клетки
  12. Сердечно-сосудистая система
  13. Конечности и позвоночник
  14. Нервная система
  15. Сон
  16. Общие симптомы
  17. Лихорадка
  18. Кожа
  19. Тип пациента и конституция
  20. Диф. диагностика
  21. Аналоги по действию
  22. Входит в состав
  23. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

dulc, Dulcamara, паслен сладко-горький гомеопатия, соланум дулькамара гомеопатия.

Источник описания

Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. Hering

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты

Дополнительные факты

 Bittersweet. Solanacea.
 A сlimbing shrub, from six to eight feet high, flowering in clusters, berries oval, bright scarlet ; grows in moist places through Europe and North America.
 The tincture is prepared from the fresh stems and leaves, gathered before flowering.
 Introduced by Hahnemann, and extensively proved by him and others, among whom were Gross, Nenning, Rückert, and Stapf, later by Rockwith (tincture), вerridge and Robinson (high potencies).
 See Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 4, p. 178.


 - Gaspary, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 176 ; сhronic headache, Small, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 258 ; Ophthalmia neonatorum, (2 cases), Wesselhoeft, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 252 ; Allen & Norton’s Oph. Therap., p. 59 ; вlepharophthalmia and adenitis, сaspari, Dunham’s Lectures on Mat. Medorrhinum, vol. 2, p. 292 ; Hay fever, вoyce, Hom. сlinics, vol. 1, p. 112 ; Facial neuralgia, O. W. Smith, Organon, vol. 1, p. 481 ; Swelling of tonsils (2 cases), Hofrichter, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 238 ; сatarrhal angina, Zeller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 238 ; Diarrhoea, Small, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 119 ; Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 831 ; Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 832 ; (7 cases) Gross, Sonnenberg, Schindler, Seidel, Tietze, Schreter, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 832-3 ; Diarrhoea and catarrh ofstomach, Kafka, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 414 ; вloody diarrhoea, Sonnenberg, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 832 ; Dysentery, Gouwerky, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 5, p. 444 ; сholerine with urticaria, вillig, Allg. Hom. Ztg., v. 101, p. 109 ; Incontinence of urine, Gouwerky, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 43 ; Urinary difficulty, Rückert, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 2, p. 16 ; Herpes preputialis, Gilchrist’s Surgery, p. 532 ; Influenza, Payne, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 182 ; сough, Hrg., Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 3, p. 11, 78 ; Whooping-cough, Schrön, Kreuss, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 3, p. 78 ; сatarrhal affections of chest, вattmann Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 5, p. 739 ; Myelitis, Hirsch ; Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 5, p. 869 ; Spinal meningitis following poorly developed eruption, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 3, p. 468 ; Warts on hands, Stapf, Dunham’s Lectures on Mat. Medorrhinum, v. 2, p. 306 ; Pains in shin-bones, Shephard, Organon, v. 3, p. 361 ; Rheumatism (3 cases), Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 5, p. 897 ; Rheumatic pains (4 cases), Gaspary, Rummel, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 3, p. 516 ; Pain in limbs, Goullon, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 3, p. 17 ; Scarlet fever, Hartmann, вuchner, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 4, p. 49 ; Typhoid fever, вärtl., Dunham’s Lectures on Mat. Medorrhinum, v. 2, p. 306 ; Glandular enlargements, Wood, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 4, p. 369 ; Adenitis, Hartmann, Dunham’s Lectures on Mat. Medorrhinum, v. 2, p. 294 ; Anasarca, Mschk., Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 4, p. 345 ; Urticaria, Knorre, Sonnenberg, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 4, p. 198 ; Sonnenberg, Dunham’s Lectures on Mat. Medorrhinum, v. 2, p. 305 ; Herpes, Trinks, Knorre, Romig, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 4, p. 239 ; сrusta lactea, Romig, see Dunham’s Lectures on Mat. Medorrhinum, v. 2, p. 306 ; Mehlflechte (lichen) on knee, Gross, Dunham’s Lectures on Mat. Medorrhinum, v. 2, p. 306 ; Eruption of itching pustules, Nottingham, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 293 ; Pemphigus, вethmann, Dunham’s Lectures on Mat. Medorrhinum, v. 2, p. 305, Rück. Kl. Erf., v. 4, p. 165.

Психика и сознание

 Cannot find the right word.
 Mental confusion, cannot concentrate his thoughts.
 Delirium at night with the pain, and during fever-heat.
 Imbecility more frequent than insanity.
 Asks for one thing or another, rejecting it when proffered.
 Depressed ; solicitude concerning the future.
 Quarrelsome, irritable mood ; easily angered.
 Great restlessness and impatience.
 Inclination to scold, without being angry.
 Momentary vertigo ; vertigo when walking, with darkness before eyes.
 On awaking in morning, dizzy, dark before eyes.
 Dulness of senses.
 Dulness and painful stupefaction of head.
 Heaviness of head.

Голова, лицо и уши

 Sensation as of a board pressing against the forehead.
 Boring, burning in forehead, with digging in brain ; worse from motion, even talking ; head heavy ; increased flow of saliva, with dryness of tongue and thirst ; pulse hard and tense ; great weakness and prostration in limbs.
 Boring headache from within to without, in the temples and forehead ; worse before midnight and when lying quiet.
 Pressing, stupefying pain in forehead, with obstruction of nose.
 Bursting pains extending from forehead to bridge of nose.
 Stupefying ache in occiput, ascending from nape of neck.
 Chilliness in cerebellum and over back, returning every evening ; cerebellum as if enlarged ; worse in cold, damp weather ; worse until 2 P. M. ; better better lying down.
 Congestion to head, buzzing in ears, dull hearing ; worse from getting feet wet.
 Feeling as if head was enlarged.
 Continual dull pain in head, chest, and stomach, with great uneasiness, depression of spirits, labored respiration, mental confusion, and inability to concentrate thoughts. θ сhronic.
 Catarrhal and rheumatic headaches, worse in damp, cold weather.
 Sensation of chilliness in cerebellum and over back ; feeling as if hair stood on end ; recurs every evening.
 Ringworm of scalp ; glands about throat swollen.
 Thick crusts on scalp, causing hair to fall out.
 Scald-head, thick, brown crusts with reddish borders on forehead, temples, and chin, bleeding when scratched.
 Tinea capitis, crusta lactea and dandruff, worse by change of weather.
 Aching in eyes when reading ; sight dim ; scintillations ; worse at rest.
 Threatened amaurosis in scrofulous children.
 Dim sight, sees as through a gauze.
 Sparks before eyes.
 Sensation as if fire were darting out of eyes, when walking in sun or in room.
 Pupils greatly dilated.
 Idiopathic iritis after exposure in damp weather ; worse at night, also in cold air ; better during motion and from warmth.
 Ophthalmia ; scrofulous, from every exposure to cold.
 Ophthalmia neonatorum (often accompanied by constipation), with chemosis of conjunctiva.
 Scrofulous blepharophthalmia and adenitis ; crusty eruption on margin of eyelids and swelling and induration of cervical glands.
 Twitching of eyelids in cold air.
 Paralysis of upper lids.
 Eruption of yellow vesicles under eyes ; bluish-red cheeks.
 Buzzing in the ears.
 Dull pains, humming in ears, obtuse hearing.
 Earache ; nausea ; buzzing ; worse at night and when still.
 Earache the whole night, preventing sleep.
 Stitches in auditory meatus and parotid gland.
 Swelling of parotids ; also after measles.
 Nosebleed, hot, clear blood ; pressure above nose ; worse after getting wet.
 Coryza, dry ; better during motion ; worse during rest ; renewed by slightest exposure, and worse in cold air.
 Severe coryza, skin hot, dry ; limbs cold, stiff, numb and painful ; general offensive sweat ; coryza with children.
 Nostrils entirely filled up, preventing breathing through nose, constant sneezing, profuse discharge of water from nose and eyes, worse in open air, better in closed room, worse on awaking in morning, in evening, eyes sometimes swelled and full, at one time nose most affected, then again.
 Eyes, cannot be near cut grass or newly mown hay, better at sea-side. θ Hay fever.
 Stoppage of nose ; discharge suppressed from least contact with cold air.
 Nasal catarrh dry, in a dry atmosphere.
 Complexion pale, watery or milky.
 Face pale, with circumscribed red cheeks.
 Face bloated ; dropsy.
 Facial neuralgia on left side, involving temple, ear, orbit and jaws ; usually seemed to start from malar bone ; paroxysms preceded by the parts becoming very cold, and attended by canine hunger ; worse or excited by slightest exposure to cold ; better by external.
 Faceache and asthma, after disappearance of tetters in face.
 Humid eruptions on cheeks.
 Pimples and little ulcers around mouth, with tearing pains when moving the parts.
 Thick brown-yellow crusts on face, forehead, temples and chin ; crusta lactea.
 Thick brown herpetic crusts on face, with reddish borders, bleeding when scratched.
 Impetigo faciei.
 Warts and eruptions on face.
 Convulsions beginning in face.
 Twitchings of lips when in the cold air.
 Toothache with salivation.
 Teeth feel blunt.
 Mouth distorted ; drawn to one side.

Ротовая полость и горло

 Toothache from cold, especially with diarrhoea ; confusion in head ; profuse salivation ; teeth feel blunt, or as if asleep.
 Scurvy from cold.
 Receding, spongy gums ; ptyalism.
 Bitter taste.
 Itching, crawling on tip of tongue.
 Mouth and tongue dry ; dry, swollen tongue.
 Dryness and roughness of tongue, with much thirst and increased flow of saliva.
 Swelling of tongue, hindering speech and impeding breathing.
 Inarticulate speech from a swollen tongue, but talks incessantly.
 Tongue and jaws become lame, if cold air or water chills him.
 Tongue paralyzed from cold.
 Saliva tenacious, soap-like ; gums spongy.
 Increased flow of saliva ; rheumatic.
 Mouth dry, without thirst.
 Stomacace, rheumatic, also after abuse of mercury, with ptyalism and swollen cervical glands.
 Mucous membrane of mouth greatly swollen and very red ; throughout its whole extent here and there raw, excoriated and very painful spots denuded of epithelium ; talking, chewing, and swallowing greatly impeded ; teeth thickly coated with tenacious, foul mucus, deeply.
 Imprinting cheeks and edges on tongue ; constant flow of saliva, which as well as the breath, has a fetid, putrefactive odor ; attack preceded by paleness of face, heaviness of eyes, and lassitude of limbs. θ.
 Ulceration trivial, but swelling extreme, with spongy, loose gums and swollen tongue ; holds cold water constantly in mouth, as pain and heat is better thereby. θ сancrum oris.
 Much mucus in fauces.
 Continual hawking up of very tough saliva, with much rawness in fauces.
 Tonsillitis from every cold change.
 Pressure, as if uvula were too long.
 Catarrhal angina after catching cold ; hyperemia of soft palate and uvula ; swelling of tonsils ; difficult deglutition.
 Rough, hoarse voice. θ сatarrh after measles.
 Constant titillation in larynx, with desire to cough.
 Trachea full of mucus, tough, greenish expectoration with moderate cough. θ Laryngo tracheitis.
 Bronchitis of children, caused by cold, damp air, with offensive smelling night-sweats.

Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия

 Hunger, without appetite. θ Pemphigus.
 Hunger, after the fever.
 Great thirst for cold drinks.
 Unquenchable thirst.
 Aversion to food ; shuddering as though he would vomit.

Желудочно-кишечный тракт

 Empty eructations, with shuddering as from disgust.
 Frequent eructations while eating.
 Nausea, loss of appetite. θ сholerine.
 Nausea, vomiting, disgust for coffee, great thirst.
 Nausea accompanies the desire for stool ; general prostration. θ Diarrhoea from cool change of weather.
 Great chilliness during vomiting.
 Vomiting, early in morning, of tenacious mucus.
 Vomiting : of greenish, yellow, slimy substances, together with the liquid drank ; after cold drinks.
 Retraction and burning in epigastric region.
 Sensation of inflation in pit of stomach, with disagreeable sensation of emptiness in abdomen.
 Diaphragmitis, with simultaneous rheumatic affections of spinal cord.
 Indigestion with chilliness, worse every cool change of weather.
 Cutting pain about navel.
 Violent pinching in abdomen, as if worms were crawling up and down in it and were gnawing and pinching the parts.
 Colic, as if diarrhoea would occur, with rumbling in bowels and pain in small of back.
 Colic after a cold ; griping, nausea, followed by diarrhoea.
 Colic, such as is usually caused by cold and wet weather.
 Dropsy of the abdomen.
 Swelling of inguinal glands from a cold.
 Vomiting and diarrhoea, with great inclination to chilliness during vomiting ; copious mucous, or watery yellowish evacuations, expelled with much force ; faintness when at stool. θ.
 Desire for stool, in evening, with griping in whole lower abdomen, followed by a large, moist, at last very thin, sour smelling stool, after which relief, but feeling of weakness.
 Nightly stools with colic, especially in umbilical region ; loss of appetite, thirst, nausea, vomiting, pale face, languor, restlessness.
 Severe cutting in abdomen, worse about umbilicus, followed by nausea, cold sweat, watery diarrhoea and occasional vomiting ; at night, stools follow each other in rapid succession, nausea is constant, with eructations and violent thirst ; biting in rectum as from salt ;
 Evacuations often green, bilious. θ After exposure.
 Alternately watery, or slimy, or dark-brown fecal diarrhoea, preceded by cutting in abdomen and followed by burning in anus ; tongue coated, no appetite ; abdomen bloated. θ Diarrhoea.
 And catarrh of stomach.
 Bloody diarrhoea of fifteen months duration, brought on by exposure to cold and dampness ; violent cutting around navel, worse at night ; unceasing, unquenchable thirst ; pain and diarrhoea allow no sleep at night ; rectum protrudes ; biting at anus, as from.
 Diarrhoea with great prostration or colicky pains around umbilicus ; worse after every change of cold weather.
 Drawing and tearing in limbs, stiffness of limbs ; painful stiffness of nape of neck ; pain in small of back ; diarrhoea without much pain ; little urging ; slimy, bloody discharges. θ.
 Profuse diarrhoea with severe cutting in abdomen ; evacuations mucous and bloody with tenesmus and pain in back ; chilliness alternating with heat, great thirst.
 Patient lies in a constant drowsy condition, cheeks slightly flushed, soft and painless bloating of abdomen, great emaciation of body, aversion to all food ; painless, thin, yellowish, greenish, watery stools, sometimes passing involuntarily, and containing flakes of mucus ;
 Urine turbid with white sediment ; neither speaks nor eats ; at night, moaning and restless tossing about.
 Patient pale, weak, emaciated and without least desire for food ; after eating, morning, and frequently in evening, and particularly in damp weather, watery, slimy, lienteric stool, preceded by pains in abdomen and followed by tenesmus. θ.
 Chronic diarrhoea.
 Thin stools, several afternoons in succession, with flatulence.
 Yellow watery diarrhoea twice a day, with tearing cutting colic before each evacuation, as after taking cold.
 Slimy diarrhoea with faintness.
 Slimy, alternate yellow and greenish diarrhoea.
 Slimy, brown, liquid stools. θ Pemphigus.
 Intestinal catarrh with mucous stools and tenesmus.
 Chronic, bloody diarrhoea, with biting at anus, or with vomiting, eructations and thirst.
 Stools. Frequent ; scanty ; corrosive ; whitish, watery ; with flocculi ; slimy, mucous, watery, yellow-green ; changeable, white, yellow or green ; watery ; sour smelling ; nausea, with desire to evacuate ; worse at night and.
 In wet weather.
 Diarrhoea. From cold, or change from warm to cold, especially cold, damp weather ; in morning, profuse thin stools ; of rheumatic origin ; during dentition ; with colic, particularly in summer ; with prolapsus recti.
 Dysentery, from cold, damp weather ; increased flow of saliva ; burning, itching of rectum ; heat of skin ; thirst.
 Cholera infantum, relapse from an unusually cold night or caused thereby.
 Constipation and painful strangury.

Мочеполовая система

 Dropsy, with pain in region of kidneys, and albumen in urine.
 Bright’s disease from exposure to cold and dampness.
 Constant desire to urinate, felt deep in abdomen. θ сystitis.
 Constant desire to urinate, with an unpleasant sensation of bearing down towards the vesical region and urethra.
 Retention of urine ; strangury from cold, or cold drinks.
 Urine passed involuntarily. θ Paralysis of bladder.
 Catarrh with strangury, followed after six weeks by incontinence of urine ; very impatient, scolding and irritable mood.
 Painful pressing about bladder and urethra, discharge of a few drops of urine, with mucous sediment.
 Burning in meatus urinarius while urinating.
 Urine : scanty, fetid, turbid ; on standing, oily ; containing a tough, jelly-like, white or red mucus mixed with blood ; milky ; fetid or muco-purulent ; reddish, burning.
 Emission of urine, drop by drop ; slimy sediment.
 Urine offensive, turbid when passed, and excoriating the skin. θ Pemphigus.
 Catarrh of the bladder from taking cold in damp weather.
 Impotence ; herpes on genitals.
 Herpes : preputialis, bleeding ; brown, dry, humid or furfuraceous ; painful ; red, pale-red, or with a red areola ; round, scaly and small ; suppurating, yellow.
 Heat and itching in genitals, with desire for an embrace, worse by a cold change in the weather.
 Menses too late and too short ; blood watery, thin ; suppressed by cold.
 Dysmenorrhoea in those taking cold easily ; has blotches all over, especially in cold, damp weather ; liable to take cold in head.
 Rash before menses.
 As a forerunner of catamenia, a rash appearing on skin, with extraordinary sexual excitement during rash and catamenia.
 Herpetic eruptions on vulva, worse by every cold change of weather, or by exposure in cold, damp situations.
 Catarrhal ailments in damp, cold weather.
 Mamma engorged, hard, sore and painful, with leucorrhoea or amenorrhoea.

Характеристика растения

 Threatened miscarriage induced by exposure in a damp, cold place, as in a spring-house or cellar.
 Lochia suppressed by cold or damp.
 Mamma swollen, inactive, painless, itching, in consequence of a cold which seems to have settled in them.
 Suppression of milk or lochia, from taking cold.
 Herpes on mamma ; nursing women.
 After weaning, mother has eruptions on the skin ; sore nipples.

Органы грудной клетки

 Labored respiration.
 Asthma, with faceache, after disappearance of tetters in face.
 Asthma humidum, dyspnoea, loose rattling cough, copious sputa ; worse during wet weather.
 Oppression of chest, from mucus.
 Cough dry, hoarse, and rough, or, loose, with copious expectoration of mucus, and dull hearing. θ сatarrhal fever.
 Cough from damp, cold atmosphere, or from getting wet ; must cough a long time to expel phlegm, especially infants and old people ; threatened paralysis of vagi.
 Spasmodic cough, with profuse secretion of mucus in larynx and trachea.
 Barking cough after a deep breath.
 Panting cough, like whooping cough, worse from each deep inspiration.
 Whooping cough ; attacks excited by excessive secretion of mucus in larynx and trachea ; during each attack easy expectoration of tasteless mucus, often streaked with blood.
 Chronic mucous cough after measles.
 Cough. Worse lying down, from warmth of room, or deep inspiration ; better in open air.
 During cough : stitches in sides ; hoarseness.
 Tough, greenish expectoration, with moderate cough ; diarrhoea ; great disposition to catch cold. θ Phthisis.
 Easy expectoration of tasteless mucus, often streaked with blood.
 Expectoration of bright blood.
 Mucus on chest, must cough long before raising it ; suffocative catarrh.
 Bronchitis ; offensive smelling night-sweats.
 Catarrhal affections of chest, with or without mucous rales ; cough with either easy or difficult expectoration ; pulse excited.
 Tuberculosis in scrofulous subjects ; worse in changes from warm to cold ; sputa tough, green ; cough moderate ; stitches here and there in chest ; diarrhoea.
 Phthisis mucosa.
 Rheumatic pleuritis and pleuro-pneumonia, with tough, difficult, discolored sputa.
 Continuous irritable states from rheumatic pleuritis and pleuro-pneumonia, with tough, difficult, discolored expectoration ; simultaneously hyperemia of cord.
 Pneumonia notha, when the morbid condition has lasted some time, and has almost developed into a chronic affection, a preponderance of inflammatory symptoms being present.
 Hydrothorax, worse in wet weather.
 Hamoptysis, bright red ; tickling in larynx ; worse at rest ; caused by a cold or protracted loose cough.
 Deep cutting pain in left side of chest, close below clavicle, better by pressing on part.
 Dull stitch in chest below right clavicle from within outward.
 Pain in left chest, as if lung moved in waves.
 Dull stitching pain in right side of chest, in region of third rib, especially when pressing on part, when the pain went to small of back and extended between the shoulders ; with stitches in border of left scapula, during inspiration.
 Pain in left side of chest in region of fifth and sixth ribs, as if a blunt knife were thrust in.
 Lancinating pain from middle of sternum to the dorsal spine, when sitting, goes off when rising.
 Stitching pains here and there in chest.
 Small pimples on chest and abdomen.

Сердечно-сосудистая система

 Palpitation at night.
 Pulse : small, hard and tense, especially at night ; soft, full, slow, bounding ; slower than beat of heart ; frequent at night, slow during day, collapsed.
 Pulse full, hard, somewhat accelerated. θ Diarrhoea.

Конечности и позвоночник

 Neck stiff, back painful, loins lame, after taking cold.
 Pain in nape, as if head had been lying in an uncomfortable position.
 Swelling of glands on neck.
 Adenitis, glands swollen, often very painful and sensitive ; cervical and submaxillary lymphatic glands (with a sub-inflammatory condition), painful every turn of head.
 Chilliness with dull pain in region of lower cervical and upper dorsal vertebra ; difficulty in raising head or turning about in bed ; at night, fever, sleeplessness ; in morning motion of arms greatly impaired, as if they were of wood, numbness and formication in right.
 Hand, cannot close the hand ; pulse 100, hard ; temperature of skin elevated ; tongue dry ; loss of appetite ; urine scanty, dark, offensive, ammoniacal ; stool absent ; spine not sensitive to pressure ; cervical portion of spinal column stiff, any.
 Motion thereof causing disagreeable tension and dull pain deep in, which extends toward both shoulders. θ Myelitis.
 Lassitude, pains like those brought on by a cold ; dryness, heat and burning of skin ; restlessness ; delirium at night ; nausea and vomiting of mucus ; sensation of inflation at pit of stomach ; white mucous diarrhoea ; diarrhoea with faintness ;
 Oppression or tightness of chest ; pinching or deep cutting pain in chest ; constrictive pain as if in muscles of back ; drawing in muscles of thigh ; bloatedness and swelling of leg ; burning in feet ; worse at night, from cold, while lying down and from.
 Washing. θ Myelitis.
 Spinal meningitis during scarlatina or measles, eruption does not develop.
 Myelitis after taking cold during menstruation.
 Hyperemia of the spinal cord.
 Rheumatic affections of spinal cord.
 Dull stitches in both loins, with sensation as of squeezing from within outward, at every inspiration, while sitting bent (after a short walk).
 Deeply cutting pain in right loin, transiently disappearing upon pressure.
 Drawing pain from small of back down thighs, during rest ; stitches when moving, better by pressure.
 Pain in small of back, as after stooping a long time.
 Severe rheumatic stitching pressing pains in arms and back, after catching cold while sweating ; pains worse at night and while resting ; better from motion ; slight fever, much thirst.
 Burning in head, with stupefying headache, red face, dry tongue, burning heat in gums, unquenchable thirst for extremely cold drinks ; anorexia ; urine very red, with painful burning on urination ; sleepless ; skin dry and hot, burning sensation in skin ; severe.
 Rheumatic stitching, drawing in small of back, shoulders, and arms ; after getting wet whilst warm.
 Lameness in the small of the back, from a cold.
 Cold chilly feeling in small of back.
 Sacrum feels cold.
 Paralysis of arms ; they are icy cold, especially during rest.
 Paralytic, bruised pain in left arm.
 Herpes on arms and hands.
 Exostosis on the arm, from suppressed itch.
 Warts on hands, on backs of fingers.
 Sweat in palms of hands.
 Drawing-tearing pain, or constant pain, at one time sticking, at another pinching, in both thighs, disappearing on walking, then changing to weariness, and immediately returning while sitting.
 Drawing from small of back through thighs, during rest, with stitches in parts during motion, which are better by pressure.
 Herpetic eruption on knee.
 Exostosis on upper part of right tibia, with bluish-red spots ; suppurating lumps.
 Intolerable (non-syphilitic) pains in shin-bones, worse at night, from rest, obliging him to walk the floor, and in damp weather.
 Swelling of calf of leg ; scrofula.
 Gout in big toe ; first left, then right.
 Tingling and burning in feet.
 Erysipelas of feet ; skin peels off ; itching.
 Cold limbs.
 Rheumatism after acute eruptions, or when chronic forms alternate with attacks of diarrhoea.
 After getting wet, tearing in limbs, particularly in feet ; restless sleep, profuse sweat.
 Stitching-drawing and tearing pains in limbs after an acute eruption or after catching cold ; worse at night, or during evening, when there is an exacerbation of fever.
 Rheumatism after exposure to wet ; parts as if beaten ; severe pains when remaining in one position, subside only when he moves about.
 Pains in the joints on exposure to cold.
 Sharp shooting pains in left toes and thumb.
 Sudden swelling of body and puffiness of limbs, at times painful, or accompanied by a sensation as if going to sleep.
 White blotches with red areola on arms and thighs.
 Worse lying on back better on side.
 Worse when stooping, better when erect.
 Worse bending diseased part backwards.
 Worse dancing.
 At rest : scintillations.
 Lying quiet : headache ; cough.
 Sitting : pain from sternum to spine ; dull stitches in both loins ; drawing tearing pain in thighs.
 Rising : pain from sternum to spine .
 Walking : vertigo ; sensation as if fire were darting out of eyes ; after short walk dull stitches in both loins ; drawing tearing pain in thighs disappears ; pain in shin bones forces him to walk ; must get up and walk at night.
 Motion : headache ; dry coryza ; pimples and ulcers around mouth painful ; cervical and submaxillary lymphatic glands painful ; stitches in back ; pain in back ; stitches in thighs ; drawing in small of back ; rheumatism .
 Touch : eruption sensitive.
 Pressure : pain on left side of chest ; dull stitching in right side of chest ; stitches in back ; drawing in small of back ; stitches in thighs and small of back .
 Small furuncles on places hurt by concussion.

Нервная система

 Great general uneasiness, restlessness.
 Weariness, prostration, languor.
 Trembling, particularly of right arm. θ Urinary difficulty.
 One-sided spasms ; speechlessness.
 Paralysis. Of different, single parts ; from suppressed eruptions ; from cold ; of upper and lower limbs and tongue ; the paralyzed arm feels icy cold.


 On falling asleep in evening, starts as in affright.
 During sleep, mouth open, snoring.
 Uneasy sleep, confused dreams, frequent sweat ; tosses from side to side.
 Sleep restless after 12 A. M. ; worst after 3 A. M.
 Uneasy sleep after 4 A. M., no matter how he lay.
 Fearfully confused dreams ; she has to get up at night and walk about the room ; a sinking sensation all over ; she fancied she would sink through the bed.
 On awaking in morning giddy and dizzy ; dark before eyes, trembling and weakness.
 Morning : on awaking dizzy, dark before eyes ; hay fever.
 Day : pulse slow ; sweat on back ; sweat in axilla ; sweat on palms.
 Until 2 P. M. : cerebellum as if enlarged.
 Evening : hay fever.
 Up back.
 Night : delirium ; idiopathic iritis.
 About ; palpitation ; pulse small, hard and tense ; pulse frequent ; fever ; sleeplessness ; myelitis.
 Sleeplessness ; offensive sweat.
 Before midnight : headache.
 After midnight : sleep restless.
 After 3 A. M. : sleep very restless.

Общие симптомы

 Warmth : idiopathic iritis ; facial neuralgia ; cough ; nettle rash.
 Cannot get warm near hot stove.
 Closed room : nostrils stopped up ; constant sneezing.
 Dry air : nasal catarrh dry.
 Open air : nostrils stopped up ; constant sneezing ; profuse discharge of water from nose and eyes ; cough ; chilliness.
 Cold : ophthalmia from exposure ; twitching of eyelids ; dry coryza.
 From contact ; tongue paralyzed by ; ulceration in mouth better by holding cold water in it ; tonsillitis from cold change of weather ; great thirst for cold drinks ; diarrhoea from cool change of weather ; vomiting after cold drinks ; dysentery.
 Strangury from cold drinks ; pains in joints ; paralysis of different parts from cold ; exposure causes urticaria ; nettle rash ; herpetic eruptions worse by applications of cold water.
 Damp weather : watery, slimy stools, preceded by pain in abdomen and followed by tenesmus ; asthma.
 Change of weather ; tinea capitis, crusta lactea, and dandruff.
 Change, tuberculosis.
 Getting wet feet : dull hearing.
 Cold, damp weather : cerebellum as if enlarged ; catarrhal and rheumatic headache.
 Eruptions on vulva.
 Pains in many parts, as if from cold ; bruised feeling.
 Sensation as of a board pressing against forehead ; as if head were enlarged ; as if hair stool on end ; as if fire were darting out of eyes ; teeth as if asleep ; pressure as if uvula were too large ; shuddering as though he would vomit ;
 Sensation of inflation in pit of stomach ; sensation of emptiness in abdomen ; as if worms were crawling up and down in abdomen ; as if diarrhoea would occur ; biting in rectum as from salt ; as if lung moved in waves ; as if a blunt knife were thrust into.
 Chest ; as if head were lying in an uncomfortable position ; as if arms were of wood ; sensation in loins as of squeezing from within outward ; pain in back as after stooping a long time ; limbs as if beaten ; limbs as if going to sleep ; heat in back as if.
 He were sitting by hot stove ; as of needles over whole body ; burning itching like crawling of insects.
 Pain : in limbs ; in spots in mouth ; in small of back ; in back ; in abdomen ; in region of kidneys ; in chest ; in l. side of chest ; in nape of neck ; in cervical glands ; in shin-bones ; in joints.
 Lancinating pain : from middle of sternum to dorsal spine.
 Tearing pains : around mouth ; in limbs ; in abdomen ; in thighs.
 Cutting pain : about navel ; in abdomen ; in chest ; in right loin.
 Shooting pains : in left toes and thumb.
 Stitching pain : in right side of chest ; here and there in chest ; in arms and back ; in thighs.
 Stitching sensation : over whole body.
 Stitches : in auditory meatus ; in sides ; in chest ; in one border of left scapula ; in both loins ; in thighs.
 Constrictive pain : in muscles of back.
 Pinching : violent, in abdomen ; in chest ; in thighs.
 Colic : in umbilical region.
 Griping : in abdomen.
 Bursting pains : from forehead to bridge of nose.
 Drawing pain : from small of back down thighs.
 Boring : in forehead ; in temples.
 Neuralgia : of face ; temple ; ear ; jaws.
 Tensive pain : in cervical and inguinal glands.
 Bruised pain : in left arm.
 Rooting digging pains : in brain ; in abdomen.
 Burning : in forehead ; in epigastric region ; in anus ; in rectum ; in meatus urinarius ; in feet ; in gums ; in back ; in skin of back.
 Tingling : in feet.
 Pressing pain : in forehead ; about bladder and urethra ; in arms ; in back.
 Aching : in eyes ; in ears ; in teeth.
 Dull pain : in head ; in chest ; in stomach ; in ears ; in region of liver ; deep in spinal column.
 Rheumatic affection : of spinal cord.
 Stupefying ache : in occiput from nape of neck.
 Stupefaction : painful, of head.
 Pressure : above nose.
 Bearing down : towards vesical region and urethra.
 Rawness : in fauces.
 Dryness : of tongue.
 Roughness : of tongue.
 Drawing : in limbs ; in muscles of thigh.
 Heaviness : of head ; of eyes.
 Dulness : of senses ; of head.
 Heat : dry and burning all over ; in genitals.
 Biting : in rectum, as from salt ; in anus.
 Sinking sensation ; all through body.
 Prostration : of limbs.
 Lassitude : of limbs.
 Blunt feeling : in teeth.
 Stiffness : in limbs ; of nape of neck ; in cervical portion of spinal column.
 Lameness : of loins ; in small of back.
 Numbness : in limbs ; in right hand.
 Oppression : of chest.
 Buzzing : in ears.
 Formication : of right hand.
 Crawling : on tip of tongue.
 Titillation : in larynx.
 Tickling : in larynx.
 Itching : on tip of tongue ; of rectum ; in genitals ; in mamma ; over skin of body.
 Chilly feeling : in cerebellum.
 Hemorrhages ; blood watery, or bright red.
 Skin inactive ; mucous surfaces overactive, especially from suppression of eruptions by cold.
 Catarrhal troubles, caused by exposure to damp, cold weather.
 Acts especially on mucous membranes and muscular tissues, giving rise to catarrhal inflammations, the symptoms like those which result from exposure to damp, rainy weather ; it also acts upon lymphatics and skin, producing glandular enlargements, cellular effusions and.
 Chronic rheumatism, worse from a little exposure to cold, or any change of temperature from warm to cold ; rheumatic pains after acute cutaneous eruptions, or when chronic form alternates with attacks of intestinal catarrh.
 Cold swelling of glands, also inflammation and induration of cervical and inguinal glands ; tensive pain.
 Induration of cellular tissue.
 Dropsical affections after suppression of sweat by damp, cold air, and from taking cold ; the neck stiff, the back painful, the loins lame.
 Paralysis of tongue, internal organs, and of limbs.
 Anasarca after fever and ague, scarlatina, or rheumatic fever.
 Scrofula ; exostoses ; emaciation.


 Chilliness of back, without thirst, in open air, but especially in a draft.
 Chilliness, mostly towards evening, over back, nape of neck, occiput, with sensation as if hair stood on end.
 Shaking, with a feeling of coldness, or actual coldness over whole body, cannot get warm near hot stove, with shuddering from time to time.
 Chill commencing in or spreading from back, not better by warmth ; mostly towards evening.
 Chill : with pains ; with violent thirst ; without thirst.
 Chilliness alternating with fever, mind dull, face red, skin dry and hot ; nausea with anxiety ; sleeplessness at night ; pulse feels hard, somewhat accelerated ; general prostration. θ.
 General dry burning heat all over.
 Heat : burning in back ; with delirium ; without thirst.
 Burning in skin of whole back as if he were sitting by a hot stove, with sweat in face and moderate heat.
 Double tertian fever.
 Scarlet fever, particularly in scrofulous subjects, pain in limbs, cold shuddering up back in evening, vomiting followed in many cases by sopor ; dry burning heat of skin ; frequently, suppression of urine. As the case progresses, the pains become.
 Particularly severe in head and feet ; eruption assumes a miliary character, although light-red spots can also be detected ; redness of gums and throat, with difficult deglutition ; great swelling of the glands of neck and of those about ears ; at times the inflammation.
 Extends to larynx, causing a croupous cough ; high fever with delirium and thirst ; urine turbid and offensive. сases where the eruption is scanty and does not develop properly, looking very much like a nettlerash, with slight anginose symptoms, but severe pains in limbs, which.
 Often cause crying and are frequently followed by oedematous swelling of whole body ; extremely tardy desquamation.
 Typhoid fever, when patient distinctly remembers having taken cold ; tongue clean, stools yellow, liquid, with rumbling, cutting, digging and griping pain in umbilical region or whole abdomen.
 Fevers caused by exposure ; living in damp rooms, sleeping in a damp bed ; during cold, rainy, changeable weather.
 Fetid sweat, with skin diseases ; copious limpid urine.
 Offensive sweat, night and morning, over whole body ; during day, more over back, in axilla and palms.
 Sweat suppressed and entirely wanting.
 Conditions arising from sudden cooling of body whilst sweating.
 Frequent : sweat ; suppression of urine.
 Attacks : of whooping cough.
 Twice a day : yellow watery diarrhoea.
 From time to time : shuddering.
 Every evening : chilliness in cerebellum ; feeling as if hair stood on end.
 Several afternoons in succession : thin stools, with flatulency.
 Six weeks : incontinence of urine.
 Fifteen months : bloody diarrhoea.
 Left : facial neuralgia on side ; deep cutting pain in side of chest ; pain in chest as if lung moved in waves ; stitches in border of scapula ; pain in chest as if knife were thrust in ; bruised pain in arm ; sharp shooting pains in toes and.
 Right : dull stitch in chest below clavicle ; dull stitching pain in chest ; numbness and formication in hand ; deeply cutting pain in loin ; exostosis on upper part of tibia ; trembling of arm.
 From left to right : gout in big toe.
 From within to without : headache ; dull stitch in chest below right clavicle ; dull stitches in loins with sensation of squeezing from within outward.
 Rending pains upward. θ Rheumatism.


 Skin hot and dry.
 Sticking itching in various parts of body.
 Sticking sensation as of needles, over whole surface of body. θ Urticaria.
 Burning itching, like the rapid crawling of insects.
 Skin delicate and sensitive to cold ; has urticaria or some other eruption every time she takes cold, or is long exposed to cold.
 Vesicular eruption, large as a pea, containing yellow, translucent fluid, and on a red, inflamed base, covering whole body, except face. θ Pemphigus.
 Vesicular eruption on face and extremities, oozing a watery fluid.
 Tetter, oozing a watery fluid, bleeds after scratching.
 Eruption of itching pustules, ceasing to itch after scabbing over ; sensitive to touch ; worse from washing.
 Bright red acuminated pimples, filling with pus.
 Small furuncles on places formerly injured by concussion.
 Red spots, as from flea-bites.
 Nettle-rash over whole body, without fever.
 Nettle-rash ; with much itching ; after scratching in burns ; worse in warmth, better in cold ; with gastric fever.
 Eczema scrofulosum ; tettery crusts over whole body ; glandular enlargements ; exudating vesicles on face and extremities ; eruption of itching vesicles, which pass into suppuration, and become covered with a crust, especially on lower limbs and posterior.
 Surface of body.
 Impetiginous eczema of scrofulous children.
 Thick brown herpes, red border ; glands swollen.
 Thick crusts all over body.
 Round, scaly and small herpes ; suppurating yellow herpes.
 Herpetic eruptions associated with fetid perspiration ; skin affection worse by application of cold water.
 Herpes preputialis, easily bleeding, brown, dry, humid or furfuraceous, red, pale-red or with a red areola.
 Lichen (mehlflechte) on knee, old, obstinate, size of a dollar.
 Retrocession of eruptions, from exposure to damp, cold air.
 Suppressed itch.
 Skin callous.
 Warts, fleshy, or large, smooth ; on dorsa of hands and on face.
 Insensible, painless ulcers, hard, sensitive ; worse at night, from wet or cold and when weather changes.
 Painful ulcers ; discharge scanty.
 Swelling and induration of glands.

Тип пациента и конституция

 Phlegmatic, torpid, scrofulous patients, who are restless and irritable ; take cold in cold damp changes.
 Dark hair : skin delicate, sensitive to cold ; liable to eruptions from being exposed to cold.
 Child, at. 13 mos., no teeth, old-looking face, great emaciation ; pemphigus.
 Boy, at. 13 mos., delicate, weak ; pemphigus.
 Girl, at. 5 ; diarrhoea and catarrh of stomach.
 Boy, at. 12 ; weak, pale, ill-nourished, poorly developed, with constant tendency to diarrhoea ; severe diarrhoea.
 Girl, at. 16, not yet menstruated ; strangury followed by incontinence of urine.
 Wm. вaker, at. about 18 ; hay fever.
 Girl, at. 20, choleric temperament, sparely built, but strong ; diarrhoea after cold.
 Man, at. 24 ; urticaria.
 Man, at. 27, headache for two years.
 Woman, frail constitution ; diarrhoea.
 Woman, cook, slender build, after exposure of heated body to cold ; cholerine with urticaria.
 Shepherd, who had been in habit of watching flocks by night ; bloody diarrhoea.
 Man, at. 30, choleric temperament, energetic, strong ; diarrhoea for 3 1/2 years.
 Woman, at. 35 ; another, at. 63 ; muscular rheumatism.
 Unmarried woman, at. 36 ; for six days, severe diarrhoea.
 Healthy woman, at. 40, during a damp, rainy day, sudden loss of consciousness, from which she recovered with a severe headache ; headache.
 Woman, at. 40, choleric temperament, strong, after catching cold from washing during a cold day ; diarrhoea.
 Man, at. 60, after catching cold ; urinary difficulties.
 Man, at. 72, gouty, with tendency to marasmus after catching cold ; myelitis.

Диф. диагностика

 It antidotes : сuprum, Mercur.
 Antidoted by : сamphor. сuprum, Ipecac., Kali carb., Mercur.
 Compatible after : вryon, сalcarea ostr., Lycop., Rhus tox., Sepia, Veratr.
 Incompatible : вellad., Laches.
 Complementary : вaryta carb.
 Compare : Aconite, Act rac., Arsen., вellad., вryon., сalcarea ostr., сhamomilla, сuprum, Helleb., Ipecac., Kali carb., Lycop., Mercur., Nitr. ac., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Sepia, Staphis., Stannum, Sulphur and Veratr.

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