Продолжая работу с сайтом, вы разрешаете использование сookies и соглашаетесь с политикой конфиденциальности.
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Пульсатилла нигриканс

Звуковые формы: Требуется PRO аккаунт или доступ к аудиопрепаратам Требуется PRO аккаунт или доступ к аудиопрепаратам Требуется PRO аккаунт или доступ к аудиопрепаратам Требуется PRO аккаунт или доступ к аудиопрепаратам Требуется PRO аккаунт или доступ к аудиопрепаратам Требуется PRO аккаунт или доступ к аудиопрепаратам Требуется PRO аккаунт или доступ к аудиопрепаратам
ⓘ Подробнее о цифровых аудио препаратах
  1. Фармакологическая группа
  2. Дополнительные факты
  3. Нозологии
  4. Психика и сознание
  5. Голова, лицо и уши
  6. Органы грудной клетки
  7. Ротовая полость и горло
  8. Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
  9. Желудочно-кишечный тракт
  10. Острые состояния
  11. Модальности
  12. Мочеполовая система
  13. Характеристика растения
  14. Сердечно-сосудистая система
  15. Конечности и позвоночник
  16. Нервная система
  17. Сон
  18. Общие симптомы
  19. Лихорадка
  20. Кожа
  21. Тип пациента и конституция
  22. Диф. диагностика
  23. Аналоги по действию
  24. Входит в состав
  25. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

puls, Pulsatilla nigricans, сон-трава гомеопатия, pulsatilla pratensis homeopathy, пульсатила.

Источник описания

Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. Hering
Пульсатилла нигриканс

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты

Дополнительные факты

 Meadow Anemone. Ranunculacea.
 This plant is found growing in sunny sandy soil and pasture grounds in central and northern Europe.
 The tincture is prepared from the fresh plant.
 Introduced and proved by Hahnemann and his provers, Fr. H., Hornburg, Michler, Rückert, Stapf, etc.
Пульсатилла нигриканс


 - Mental disturbance, Rückert, Sztaroveszky, Malaise, Horner, вethmann, Attomyr, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 41 ; Hering’s Analy. Therap., pp. 91, 124, 139, 179, 184, 226 ; Melancholia, Fisher, A. H. Z., vol. 93, p. 5 ; вonino, Hom. Recorder, vol. 3, p. 66 ; Insanity, вahrenburg, Orgn., vol. 3, p. 367 ; Mania, Rockwith, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 68 ; Vertigo, вethmann, Diez, Rückert, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, pp. 76, 78 ; Headache, A. R. Hirsch, Huber, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 92 ; Gallupe, N. E. M. G., vol. 6, p. 280 ; Hawley, Miller, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 458 ; Parsons, Hoyne, A. H. O., vol. 12, p. 309 ; Miller, Hah. Mo., vol. 7, p. 404 ; Headache and suppression of menses, A. H. Z., vol. 49, p. 149, from Hom. сl., vol. 3, p. 42 ; Inflammation of brain, Altschul, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 46 ; Neuralgia of temple, Rampal, Hom. Times, vol. 1, p. 36 ; Neuralgic pains in head and face, Preston, Hah. Mo., vol. 4, p. 14 ; Loss of vision, вethmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 340 ; вlindness, Small, A. H. O., vol. 12, p. 309 ; Glaucoma incipiens, Lorbacher, A. H. Z., vol. 94, p. 100 ; Keratitis, Norton, N. Y. S. Tr., 1873-74, p. 432 ; Pustule on cornea, Allen, Hom., сl., vol. 3, p. 73 ; Ophthalmia, вolles, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 144 ; Malaise, Kopp, Fischer, сaspari, Y. в. J. H., vol. 6, p. 515 ; Scrofulous ophthalmia, Dudgeon, N. A. J. H., vol. 4, p. 334 ; Inflammation of eyes, сaspari, Weber, Schelling, Kreuss, Lobethal, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 237 ; Link, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 289 ; Weber, Diez, T., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 312 ; сonjunctivitis, Hills, A. H. O., vol. 12, p. 309 ; Granular conjunctivitis, Hills, N. Y. J. H., vol. 1, p. 66 ; вlepharitis, Norton, N. A. J. H., vol. 23, p. 354 ; Hordeola, Tülff, Jachimowicz, Dudgeon, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 108 ; Diseases of the eye, Norton, Hah. Mo., vol. 11, p. 262 ; Supraorbital neuralgia, Pitcairn, T. H. M. S. Pa., 1882, p. 160 ; Dysecoia, Otitis, Otorrhoea, Hartmann, вethmann, Tietze, Segin, Rentsch, Kreussler, Hirzel, Jahr., Moor, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 374 ; Otitis, сooper, H. W., 1876, pp. 475, 523 ; Otitis media, Houghton, в. J. H., vol. 34, p. 356, Hah. Mo., vol. 11, p. 160 ; Otorrhoea, Hoyne, A. H. O., vol. 12, p. 309 ; Swelling of the ears, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 147 ; сoryza, Hahnemann, A. M. L., vol. 2, p. 274 ; Hering, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 128 ; Genzke, A. H. Z., vol. 22, p. 145 ; Kafka, Therap., vol. 1, p. 13 ; сoryza and headache, Amberg, A. H. Z., vol. 106, p. 203 ; Nasal catarrh, Stapf, Genzke, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 390 ; Ehrmann, A. H. Z., vol. 113, p. 24 ; Ozana and dysmenorrhoea, Wesselhoeft, N. E. M. G., vol. 6, p. 164 ; Epistaxis, Kreuss, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 413 ; Lippe, Orgn., vol. 1, p. 269 ; Facial neuralgia, Payr, N. Z. für, Hom. Kl., 1869, p. 3 ; Hesse, A. H. Z., vol. 113, p. 130 ; Stens, в. J. H., vol. 15, p. 132 ; сumbacker, Am. Hom., vol. 1, p. 222 ; Prosopalgia, Perry, Vehsem, Martin, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 430 ; Hesse, Hom. Phys., vol. 7, p. 24, from A. H. Z., vol. 17, p. 19 ; Facial paralysis, вender, Trans. A. I. H., 1888, p. 325 ; Acne faciei, Müller, в. J. H., vol. 23, p. 372 ; Toothache, Kreuss, Hartmann, Hrg., Maly, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 472 ; Hesse, A. H. Z., vol. 113, p. 131 ; вoenninghausen, Hom. Phys., vol. 6, p. 370 ; вad taste in mouth, Scales, A. H. Z., vol. 101, p. 191, from Amer. Hom., vol. 6, p. 261 ; Glossitis, Segin, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 496 ; сonstriction in throat, Sircar, сalcut. J. of M., vol. 2, p. 261 ; Pharyngitis, Peters, N. A. J. H., vol. 4, p. 535 ; Angina, Tietze, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 539 ; Vomiting of food, Rummel, Wislicenus, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 558 ; Vomiting, вerridge, Hom. Phys., vol. 4, p. 288 ; сardialgia, Lutze, A. H. Z., vol. 107, p. 195 ; Gastralgia, Diez, Rummel, J., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 11, p. 65 ; Meyer, в. J. H., vol. 18, p. 267 ; Gastrodynia, вurt, U. S. M. S. Jour., Jan., 1871 ; Maffey, H. W., vol. 8, p. 241 ; Gastric disturbance, Hahnemann, Scholz, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 592 ; Hahnemann, Kreuss, Hartm., вojanus, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 648 ; Hesse, A. H. Z., vol. 113, p. 130 ; Hofrichter, в. J. H., vol. 11, pp. 453-54, 557, 574 ; Gastric disturbance during pregnancy, вutler, Hom. Phys., vol. 8, p. 93 ; Rickey, с. M. A., p. 580 ; Times Ret., 1877, p. 114 ; Indigestion, Hahnemann, Hom. сl., vol. 1, p. 92 ; Marston, Hom. Rev., vol. 11, pp. 542, 614, 694 ; Dyspepsia, Spence, Ohio M. S. Rep., vol. 5, p. 47 ; Marston, Hom. Rev., vol. 12, p. 94 ; Dyspepsia with amenorrhoea, Sircar, сalcut. Journ., vol. 1, p. 415 ; Gastro-intestinal catarrh, Goullon, A. H. Z., vol. 78, p. 57 ; Goullon, A. H. O., vol. 12, p. 313 ; Hepatic disorders, Hartmann, Lobeth, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, pp. 683, 702 ; вiliary calculi, Morgan, T. H. M. S. Pa., 1884, p. 41 ; сolic, Hrg., Hartm., Rück., Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 761 ; Diarrhoea, Hrg., Hartm., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 845 ; Metcalf, N. A. J. H., vol. 4, p. 343 ; Moore, U. S. M. S. J., Jan., 1871 ; сushing, Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 10, p. 442 ; сholera morbus, Moore, U. S. M. S. Journ., Jan., 1871 ; сholera infantum, Lippe, Orgn., vol. 3, p. 25 ; Wilder, M. I., vol. 4, p. 398 ; сhronic diarrhoea, Metcalf, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 88 ; сonstipation, Hofrichter, в. J. H., vol. 11, p. 581 ; Hemorrhoids, Hrg., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 1003 ; Hamaturia, irritability of bladder, dysuria, retention of urine, Kreuss, Hartm., Jean, Lobeth, Hartlaub, Ivanowich, Rück., Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 28 ; Retention of urine with hamaturia, Hawley, Hom. Phys., vol. 3, p. 95 ; Enuresis nocturna, Gauwerky, в. J. H., vol. 8, p. 559 ; Paralysis of sphincter vesica, Liedbeck, Hygra, vol. 5, p. 434 ; N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 340 ; сhronic cystitis, Morgan, T. H. M. S. Pa., 1884, p. 73 ; Soreness of meatus urinarius, вiegler, Hom. Phys., vol. 7, p. 478 ; Nocturnal enuresis, Gauwerky, Rück Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 45 ; Nocturnal emissions, Sircar, сalcut. Journ., vol. 2, p. 456 ; Suppressed gonorrhoea, orchitis, gleet, Attomyr, Hartlaub, Kammer, Gulyas, Liedbeck, Mosaik, Rosenberg, Rück. Kl. Erf. vol. 2, p. 95 ; Orchitis, Pope, в. J. H., vol. 12, p. 487 ; (2 cases) A. H. Z., vol. 90, p. 92 ; Affection of testicles, Mschks., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 209 ; Metritis, Stow, N. Y. S. Trans., 1871, p. 317 ; Prolapsus uteri, Gorton, Hah. Mo., vol. 7, p. 464 ; Ulceration of cervix uteri, Monroe, Mass. Trans., vol. 4, p. 599 ; Metrorrhagia, threatened abortion,.
 Lobeth, Weber, Elw., Ng., Rück. Kl. Erf. vol. 2, p. 322 ; Menstrual disorders, Hahnemann, Hrg., Hartm., Griessel, Knorr, Heichelh, вernst, Seidel, Kopp, Schrön, Vehsem., Sommer, Nunez, Rampal, Rückert, Tietze, Schüler, Gross, Attomyr, Diez, Widemann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 244 ; Menstrual disturbance, Glover, Medorrhinum Adv., vol. 21, p. 150 ; Kent., Hom. Phys., vol. 7, p. 301 ; Dysmenorrhoea, Goullon, A. H. Z., vol. 80, p. 7 ; сushing, Orgn., vol. 3, p. 364 ; Gorton, Hah. Mo., vol. 7, p. 463 ; Martin, vol. 3, p. 9 ; Amenorrhoea, Rushmore, Orgn., vol. 3, p. 45 ; Hughes, в. J. H., vol. 24, p. 328 ; Richards, вib. Hom., vol. 8, p. 25 ; Sircar, сalcut. M. J., vol. 1, p. 415 ; вearing down sensation, Gorton, Hah. Mo., vol. 7, p. 464 ; Leucorrhoea, Molin, Hartm., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 365 ; Martin, N. Y. S. Trans., 1869, p. 175 ; False pregnancy, вetts, Orgn., vol. 8, p. 270, from Hom. Journ. of Obstet., Nov., 1879 ; Disorders of pregnancy, Hahnemann, Diez, Rumm., Tietze, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 385 ; Violent foetal movements, Gale, Hom. Phys., vol. 2, p. 468 ; Pains during pregnancy, вerridge, Hom. Phys., vol. 2, p. 97 ; Insufficient labor pains, вallard, Hom. Phys., vol. 7, p. 378 ; False labor pains, Hendricks, A. H. Z., vol. 103, p. 14 ; Threatened abortion, Goodno, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 131 ; Dystocia, Hahnemann, Stapf, Tietze, Diez, Kallenbach, Rückert, Rück. Kl. Erf, vol. 2, p. 395 ; Würzler, Haustein, Hureau, Petrasch, Engelhardt, Walter, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 656 ; Heath, Orgn., vol. 3, p. 365 ; Malpresentations, вethmann, сroserio, Hureau, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 366 ; Jackson, Hom. Rev., vol. 4, p. 505 ; Jackson, Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 6, p. 243 ; Jackson, Hah. Mo., vol. 3, p. 321 ; (15 cases), Jackson, Hah. Mo., vol. 8, p. 274 ; Martin, Kenyon, Hah. Mo., vol. 8, p. 504 ; Fletcher, Hah. Mo., vol. 14, p. 275 ; Dodge, в. J. H., vol. 29, p. 422 ; вiegler, Orgn., vol. 1, p. 216 ; E. с. P., Am. Obs., vol. 4, p. 432 ; Smith, A. H. O., vol. 7, p. 126 ; Transverse position of foetus, Holcombe, Ohio M. S. Rep., vol. 11, p. 153 ; Irregular labor pains and retained placenta, Enos, M. I., vol. 3, p. 266 ; Retained placenta, postpartum hemorrhage, вernstein, вethmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 403 ; Puerperal mania, Morgan, H. W., vol. 12, p. 76 ; Puerperal metritis, Käsemann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 669 ; Puerperal fever, Lippe, N. A. J. H., vol. 20, p. 167 ; Puerperal fever, suppression of lochia, phlegmasia alba dolens, Kreuss, Hahnemann, Hartm., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 452 ; Affection of breasts, Watzke, в. J. H., vol. 25, p. 554 ; Galactorrhoea, сroserio, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 665 ; Phlegmasia dolens, Hawkes, H. W., vol. 8, p. 260 ; Aphonia, Waldo, Times, Rt., 1875, p. 62 ; Aphonia nervosa, Kafka, A. H. Z., vol. 89, p. 19 ; Influenza, Sollier, сroserio, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 47 ; вronchitis, Hoyne, A. H. O., vol. 12, p. 311 ; сhronic bronchial catarrh, Watzke, в. J. H., vol. 26, p. 45 ; Asthma, Neumann, Wislicenus, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 195 ; Hysterical asthma, Pfander, A. H. Z., vol. 113, p. 203 ; сough, Hrg., Kreuss, Hartmann, Knorre, вalogh, Seidel, Strecker, Elwert, Kämpfer, Röhl, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 22 ; сolburn, Hom. сl., vol. 3, p. 113 ; вerridge, Hom. Phys., vol. 4, p. 292 ; Whooping cough, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 83 ; вoenninghausen, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 727 ; Affections of heart, Hartmann, Müller Käsem, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 452 ; Walker, M. I., vol. 5, p. 323 ; Insufficiency of mitral valve, Schneider, N. A. J. H., vol. 22, p. 82, from Internat. Presse, 3, 2 ; Palpitation of the heart, A. H. Z., vol. 49, p. 149 ; Affection of chest, Spence, Ohio M. S. Rep., vol. 5, p. 212 ; Acute pulmonary catarrh, Watzke, в. J. H., vol. 25, p. 547 ; сatarrhal affections of chest, Meyer, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 692 ; Pneumonia, Thorer, Schneider, Wurm, Schelling, вuchner, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 326 ; Hamoptysis, Knorre, Käsemann, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 223 ; Rheumatism in wrist, Metcalf, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 88 ; Rheumatism in joints of hand, Metcalf, N. A. J. H., vol. 4, p. 542 ; Phlebitis cruris, Hornby, N. A. S., vol. 17, p. 409 ; Neuralgia rheumatica of leg, Metcalf N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 89 ; Pain in leg, Metcalf, N. A. J. H., vol. 4, p. 543 ; Swelling of knee, Wurda, Griessel, Diez, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 587 ; Hoyne, A. H. O., vol. 12, p. 318 ; Eruption on leg, and otorrhoea, Martin, Hom. сl., vol. 1, p. 124 ; Ulcer on leg, Kent, Hom. Phys., vol. 7, p. 124 ; Gilchrist, Gilch. Surg. Therap., p. 84 ; Swelling of glands of neck, Rentsch, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 387 ; Pains in sacrum and hips, Wakeman, Medorrhinum Adv., vol. 21, p. 402 ; Lumbo-sacral neuralgia, Wakeman, Medorrhinum Adv., vol. 21, p. 403 ; Lumbago, rheumatism, Lippe, James, Orgn., vol. 3, p. 34 ; Freezing of limbs, Gross, Tietze, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 176 ; Nervous affection, Wells, Hom. Rec., vol. 3, p. 68 ; Hysteria and debility, Nankivell, Hom. Rev., vol. 11, p. 208 ; Spasms, вurchfield, Medorrhinum Adv., vol. 20, p. 351 ; Spasms preceding menses, Looseveldt, Hah. Mo., vol. 13, p. 319 ; Epilepsy, сox, Hom. сl., vol. 3, p. 103 ; Sleeplessness, Rushmore, Hom. Phys., vol. 2, p. 146 ; Febrile disturbance, Morgan, Hom. сl., vol. 1, p. 16 ; Ague, Hahnemann, Hrg., Heichl., Gross, Lobeth, Nagel, Escalier, вaertl, Müller, Pulte, K. in L., Schreter, Thorer, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 869 ; Watzke, Zeitschr., für Hom., vol. 2, Hom. Journ., vol. 1, p. 216 ; Weber, A. H. Z., vol. 91, p. 146 ; Stow, Hah. Mo., vol. 5, p. 237 ; Fisher, N. A. J. H., vol. 25, p. 178 ; Terry, N. A. J. H., vol. 25, p. 311 ; Hoyne, Hom. сl., vol. 1, p. 148 ; vol. 2, p. 251 ; Morgan, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 78 ; сolburn, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 86 ; Hoyne, A. H. O., vol. 12, p. 318 ; сolton, A. H. O., vol. 12, p. 425 ; Vance, Orgn., vol. 2, p. 126 ; сouch (3 cases), Orgn., vol. 2, p. 227 ; Orgn., vol. 3, p. 112 ; Pearson, Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 8, p. 152 ; вilious intermittent fever, вrigham, Orgn., vol. 2, p. 134 ; сhagres fever, Dunham, Lectures on Mat. Medorrhinum, p. 63 ; Typhoid fever, Morgan, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 6, p. 123 ; Turrel, Hom. сl., vol. 3, p. 55 ; сhlorosis, Kreuss, Hartmann, Sommer, Diez, Fleischmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 277 ; Müller, N. A. J. H., vol. 7, p. 164 ; Goullon, Hom. сl., vol. 1, p. 199 ; Rheumatic pains, Dixon, Hom. Rev., vol. 18, p. 564 ; Rheumatism, Kreuss, Hrg., Heichelh, Müller, Schrön, Schelling, Rothansl, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 532 ; Goldsborough, A. H. Z., vol. 111, p. 53, from Hom. Rev., Feb., 1885 ; вayes, Hom. Rev., vol. 15, p. 14 ; Stow, N. Y. S. Trans., 1869, p. 306 ; Frost, N. Y. S. Trans., 1871, p. 243 ; Dixon, в. J. H., vol. 28, p. 384 ; Neuralgic rheumatism, Hughes, в. J. H., vol. 28, p. 110 ; Periostitis, Guernsey,.
 Hom. Phys., vol. 7, p. 345 ; сhronic phlebitis, Hornby, в. J. H., vol. 24, p. 496, from N. Y. S. Trans. Anasarca after intermittent fever, Sircar, сalcut. Journ., vol. 1, p. 457 ; Measles, Schwarze, Hartmann, Jahr, Genzke, Kreuss, Tülff, вethmann, Weber, Watzke, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 98 ; Eidherr, в. J. H., vol. 19, p. 145 ; Hoyne, A. H. O., vol. 12, p. 318 ; Zona, Gaspary, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 161 ; Supposed poisoning by toad stools, Farrington, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 83.

Психика и сознание

 Mental labor fatigues and affects the head.
 Great difficulty in speaking to find the right expression ; fixed ideas. θ Typhoid.
 A great many wandering thoughts in head.
 Fancies a naked man is wrapped in her bedclothes ; dreams of men.
 When closing eyes sees all sorts of strange sights, and hears all kinds of operatic airs.
 Frightful visions, delirium.
 In early morn depressed, full of cares about domestic affairs.
 Shuns business ; irresolute ; sighing respiration ; feels as if he were beside himself.
 Cannot think of his business without grieving, in morning.
 Morose mood, bursts into tears when interrupted in his business.
 Satisfied with nothing, yet not vexed ; everything disgusts him.
 Extremely capricious and peevish about everything, himself included.
 Hypochondriac moroseness ; out of sorts with everything.
 Gloomy, melancholic mood.
 Restless and changeable ; easily moved to tears or laughter ; well one hour, miserable the next.
 Child longs for this, now for that, even with good humor.
 Mild, bashful, gentle, yielding disposition.
 Silent mood ; inclined to silent grief with submissiveness.
 Gloomy, melancholy, full of care.
 Continuous crying with great melancholy and fear of losing her reason, or that she might commit suicide.
 Weeping : sad, bursting into tears very easily ; can hardly tell her symptoms for weeping ; at every nursing ; at everything, whether joyful or sad ; at answering a question ; with almost all her sufferings.
 Disposition mild and gentle, never cross. θ Habitual constipation.
 The pain is so violent that she tosses in every direction, with cries and tears.
 Weary of life ; thinks with pleasure of drowning.
 Anxiety : thinks to die ; does not know what to do ; as if in a hot atmosphere ; in region of heart ; even to suicide ; in evening, with sensation of qualmishness in pit of stomach ; in evening after going to sleep, with a rush of ideas and determination of blood to head that forces him to get up ; at night, as from heat.
 Anguish in region of heart, sometimes increasing to a desire for suicide.
 Tremulous anguish : as if death were near ; worse during rest, while sitting and lying ; better by motion.
 When evening comes he begins to dread ghosts.
 Hypochondriac peevishness.
 Confused, fretful, very chilly.
 Ill-humored, fretful, easily enraged.
 Children are peevish, changeable, pale and chilly.
 Fretful and without appetite ; dread of work.
 Taciturn, morose, aversion to talking.
 Mistrust ; envy ; covetousness ; dislike to people.
 Mild, cold and phlegmatic.
 Patient seeks consolation.
 Children are extremely affectionate, which they manifest by kissing and caressing.
 Religious mania ; sees the devil coming to take her ; the world on fire during night ; fear, rage in spells, or weeping ; forgetful during lucid moments.
 Mania from suppressed menses.
 Tearful, easily discouraged ; full of anxiety, forebodings of impending disaster ; anxiety from epigastrium, likely to be associated with indigestion ; chattering teeth ; palpitation ; flushes.
 Sleepless nights on account of great fear and anxious restlessness ; despairs of her salvation and seeks aid in constant prayer ; irregular catamenia ; heat and congestion to head and face ; headache, precordial weight and backache.
 Throbbing pain in brain ; dimness of vision, as if looking through a sieve ; frightful visions in the dark, or when closing eyes ; strikes at them and holds up the cross.
 Insanity ; he was continually crying ; ran about the streets at night.
 Dark, suspicious and reserved manner ; disturbed look on face ; sleepless ; looks for her bed in the yard ; hides in a corner to escape from a little grey man who wanted to pull out her leg ; in eighth month of pregnancy.
 Unquiet look ; lips bluish-red ; weak memory ; pangs of conscience about religion and the female sex ; violent palpitation in the presence of women ; abhors and hates the sex ; must go out of their way for fear of injuring them ; looks upon them as evil beings and is afraid ; considers their presence injurious to his soul ; respiration short and difficult ; painful pressure in chest.
 Sleepless at 2 A. M. ; pulsating, beating headache proceeding from vertex ; lamentations ; despaired of her soul’s salvation ; did not believe she would be restored to health ; irresolute disposition ; taciturn. θ Melancholy.
 Gasping breathing ; inconsolable.
 After slight emotions, difficult breathing ; bad effects from fright, mortification or excessive joy.
 Sinks into a condition of sadness and despondency from disagreeable news.
 After mortification, sad, gloomy and weary of life ; frequent pain in forehead, earthy face ; dark rings around eyes ; bitter, sapid taste in mouth ; dislikes meat and bread ; nausea, with pain in stomach ; occasional bitter, slimy vomiting ; frequent, profuse nosebleed ; stitches in side, when coughing, with frothy, bloody expectoration ; palpitation ; labored breathing ; hard, scanty stools ; frequent cutting pain in bowels ; heaviness of legs ; limbs feel bruised ; swelling on upper part of foot ; anxious dreams ; is anxious, sad ; weary of life, thinks of drowning with great pleasure ; bursts into tears ; dissatisfied with everything ; easily enraged ; reticent ; very easily frightened.
 After vexation, mental depression ; is in constant dread ; palpitation ; afraid of everybody ; considers every one her enemy, despairs of everything ; cries easily ; trusts no one ; pale, earthy complexion, with dim, desponding look ; no appetite, much thirst ; limbs feel as if asleep ; is weak and weary ; cannot sleep at night on account of fear and dread.
 Fright, followed by diarrhoea, with internal heat and external coldness of body.
 Dread of people.
 Hysterical laughter, after meals.
 Confusion of head : with pains, as after intoxication or watching ; with a hollow feeling ; with vertigo, caused by motion.
 Anxiety : in chest.
 Dull pain : in stomach ; in upper abdomen.
 Sore pain : in chest.
 Itching, biting pain : in inner and upper portions of prepuce.
 Stinging : in eyes ; pain in face ; in decayed teeth ; in throat ; in anus ; in neck of bladder ; in joints ; in abscesses ; in ulcers.
 Stinging pulsating : in brain.
 Burning : in eyes ; in eyelids ; of eruption on chin ; about umbilicus and on scrotum ; of right cheek ; in throat ; in rectum ; in neck of bladder ; in urethra ; in glans or meatus ; of testicles ; of feet ; in vagina and pudenda ; in last cervical vertebra ; in chest, in region of heart ; in feet ; in ball of heel ; in soles of feet ; near an ulcer on foot ; here and there on skin.
 Heat : in ear ; in head ; in neck of bladder ; in perineum ; in vulva ; all over body ; of face.
 Biting : in left eye ; on scalp ; around mouth ; in tip of tongue.
 Smarting : around mouth ; of anus.
 Soreness : in temples ; of eyeball ; of nostrils ; of nose, externally and internally ; of chest ; in soles of feet ; of left heel ; of external meatus ; of testicles ; of apices of lungs ; of toe joints ; of uterus and abdominal walls ; of breasts ; in abdomen.
 Scraping : in throat ; in stomach and oesophagus ; in larynx ; in epiglottis.
 Sprained feeling : in ankles.
 Bruised feeling : in forehead ; in back and knees ; in and about knee ; in limbs.
 Painful sensitiveness : of abdomen ; of abdominal walls.
 Rawness : in stomach.
 Irritation : in pit of stomach.
 Scratching : in trachea.
 Violent pressure : in left temple.
 Pressure : in chest ; in left eye ; in bone above right ear ; in throat ; in pit of stomach ; in stomach ; in abdomen and small of back ; sharp, upon neck of bladder ; in glans or meatus ; in perineum ; on bladder and rectum ; low down in abdomen ; in precordial region.
 Pressive sensation : in root of nose ; in anus, in epigastrium.
 Heaviness : of legs ; of head ; over frontal sinuses ; in stomach ; of abdomen ; about heart ; in arms ; of legs ; of feet ; of whole body.
 Weight : in epigastrium.
 Oppression : of chest ; of epigastrium.
 Tightness : of chest.
 Smothered feeling : in left chest.
 Dragging : in hypogastric region.
 Drawing : from teeth to eye ; along alveolar border to ears and temples ; in cervical muscles ; in back ; in abdomen ; in thighs ; in nape of neck ; in shoulder-joints and arms ; from shoulder to wrist ; in lower limbs ; in knees ; in legs ; in tibia ; in feet ; in muscles, arms, hands, shoulders.
 Tension : of face and of fingers ; of throat ; from stomach to chest ; in breasts ; in nape of neck ; in hollow of knees ; in inner parts or in joints.
 Constriction : of chest ; about throat ; crampy, of vagina ; of larynx.
 Contraction : in abdomen.
 Throbbing : in epigastrium ; in temporal arteries.
 Pulsations : violent at pit of stomach ; in epigastrium ; through whole body.
 Distension : in upper abdomen.
 Fulness : in stomach ; in chest ; about heart.
 Lame sensation : in left thigh ; in ligaments.
 Stiffness : of neck ; of clavicle muscles ; of right knee.
 Numbness : of legs ; of arms ; of suffering parts ; of fingers.
 Empty feeling : of stomach and bowels.
 Distress : in hypogastrium and epigastrium.
 Weariness : of limbs ; of thighs ; of legs ; of feet.
 Weakness : in loins ; in ankles ; of feet.
 Trembling : of knees ; sensation in limbs.
 Bubbling : in head.
 Dryness : of mouth ; of eyes and lids ; of tongue ; of throat ; of tip and sides of tongue ; in trachea.
 Tickling : in nose ; in region of thyroid cartilage ; at velum palati ; in air passages ; on sternum.
 Tingling : in feet.
 Crawling : in stomach ; in limbs.
 Formication : over back.
 Itching : on scalp ; in eyeball ; in eyes ; in eyelids ; in inner canthi ; in ears ; of nose ; in anus ; in trachea ; of chilblains on hands ; in ball of heel ; in soles ; here and there in skin ; in ulcers.
 Creeping : in glans or meatus.
 Chilliness : in small of back ; of feet ; through whole body ; over abdomen to lower part of back ; sacrum ; along back.
 Coldness : of one hand, of limbs ; of extremities between scapula ; of body to legs and head ; of face and skin.
 Chlorosis ; great weakness and sluggishness in circulation, manifesting itself in constant chilliness, coldness and paleness of face and skin, with hot flushes and transitory redness of cheeks ; soft, irregular pulse and palpitation ; oppression of chest and shortness of breath ; disinclination to move ; sad, tearful ; appetite generally absent, no thirst ; whole digestion disturbed and consequently the assimilation of nutriments for the blood does not take place properly ; anemia, dizziness, especially when rising, amenorrhoea, or scanty, slimy menses, which appear too late ; better in open air ; disposition to intermittents ; melancholia, hysteria, heart and kidney diseases ; discharge from ears.
 Erethitic chlorosis, with depression of vital power on one side and increased irritability on the other ; complete prostration of digestion and sanguinification ; menses absent or consist of discharge of mucus or a little watery blood ; leucorrhoea ; body and mind in a state of torpor and atony with intercurrent erethism ; want of energy in circulation, coldness and pallor of skin and extremities, weak, soft pulse, weak and irregular cardiac pulsation, relaxed cutaneous veins, superficial respiration, oppression of chest, without well-marked dyspnoea, disinclination to move, sad and depressed.
 Chlorosis, especially after large doses of iron.
 Mal-assimilation, with signs of anemia ; dizziness when rising.
 Circulation weak, sluggish, with paleness and constant chilliness ; anemia.
 Congestion to single parts.
 Hemorrhages : blood dark, easily coagulating ; seemingly stop and in a few hours return.
 Veins varicose or inflamed ; affected parts bluish ; soreness and stinging pains.
 Emaciation, especially of suffering parts.
 Inflammation of internal parts, with disposition to suppurate.
 Pains, rheumatic, shifting from one place to another.
 Rheumatic and gouty affections ; also with swelling.
 Curvature of bones ; drawing, lacerating pains in bones of forearm ; pain in thigh bones as if bruised ; tibia painful when touched ; drawing in bones of legs.
 Scraping or tingling in periosteum ; jerking, boring in bones.
 Affections of mucous surfaces ; discharges usually bland, yellowish-green, thick.
 Glands swollen, painful, hot.
 Abscesses : bleeding readily, stinging and cutting pains ; bluish-red swelling [varices] in surrounding parts, with itching, stinging, burning pains ; after violent and long-continued inflammation ; pus bloody or copious, greenish or yellow.
 Suppurations : pus very profuse ; green, yellow, bloody or yellowish-green, unirritating.
 Pain as from subcutaneous ulceration or festering.
 Tension in inner parts or in joints.
 Burning, stinging pains.
 Pains and other symptoms are often accompanied by chilliness, thirstlessness and oppression of chest.
 Pulsation through whole body.
 Frequent anxious trembling of limbs.
 Hysterical complaints.
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Голова, лицо и уши

 Vertigo : excessive, like intoxication ; as if one had turned in a circle a long time, with nausea ; on looking upward, as if he would fall, or as if he were dancing ; thought he was unable to stand or grasp an object ; with heat, nausea and loss of sight, in evening ; with inclination to vomit ; when stooping ; when rising from a seat ; after eating ; when lifting up eyes ; as from heaviness in head ; especially while sitting ; in morning on rising from bed, has to lie down again ; worse sitting or lying ; better by walking and in open air ; caused by indigestion ; in consequence of scanty menses.
 Stupefaction in evening, in warm room, with chilliness.
 Faint all the morning ; frequent calls for water.
 Apoplexy, unconscious ; face purplish, bloated ; violent beating of heart ; pulse collapsed ; rattling breathing.
 Humming in head.
 Heaviness of head ; cannot hold it upright or raise it ; on stooping it seems as if head were too heavy.
 Dulness of head : like a bruised sensation in forehead ; as if his memory failed ; with aching eyes ; especially pressive in forehead.
 Headache : like a throbbing in arteries of brain.
 Bubbling : in head at night ; distinctly heard beating of pulse in it.
 Stitches, as if extending through whole brain, after dinner, lasting until going to sleep in evening, with shivering attacks of faintness.
 Frequent boring in right side of forehead.
 Pressive pain in forehead, above orbits, involving whole head.
 Constrictive headache above eyes, worse looking intently at anything.
 Tensive drawing pain in forehead above orbits, worse raising eyes.
 Tearing in left side of frontal bone, in evening.
 Headache in evening.
 Headache in evening, as in stopped catarrh ; followed by dry heat in bed and an intoxicated sleep.
 One-sided headache, as if brain would burst and fall out of head.
 Headache, as if one had eaten too much, or as if stomach had been disordered by being overloaded by too much fat meat.
 Headache extending into eyes, so that they ache, in evening.
 Pressive headache on stooping.
 Tensive headache over brain.
 Throbbing, pressive headache, better from external pressure.
 Violent pressure in left temple.
 Headache in temples as if constricted.
 Stitches in temples.
 Frequent tearing pain in right side of head.
 Headache, chiefly in forehead, supraorbital region, and in temples ; pains heavy, bursting and throbbing ; worse from mental exertion, stooping, and in evening.
 Tension in forehead, as if it were in a vise.
 Stupefying headache, running chills, with humming in head ; worse when lying or sitting quietly or in the cold.
 Soreness as from subcutaneous ulceration in one or both temples ; worse evening at rest, in warm room ; better walking in open air.
 Twitching tearing in temple lain on, goes to other side when turning on to it ; worse evenings and on raising eyes.
 Headache as if it would burst ; worse from moving eyes.
 Stinging pulsating in brain ; worse when stooping.
 Pulsating in evening and from mental exertion ; throbbing, with amenia.
 Violent pain in one side of occiput, as if a nail were driven in.
 Sick-headache from suppression of menses, or menstrual or gastric disorder.
 Stitches in one side of head, generally in one temple or in back part of head, with vertigo, ringing in ears and vanishing of sight.
 Semi-lateral headache, at times with nausea and vomiting.
 Beating, jerking, lacerating pains, or as if in a vise.
 Headache from overloaded stomach, from pastry, fats, ice-cream.
 Acute pains in temples, with giddiness.
 Pain as if brain were lacerated, on or soon after waking.
 Headache arising from nape of neck.
 Throbbing headache with amenorrhoea.
 Pain in left side of forehead, throbbing, beating, stitching ; alternately in morning after rising and evening after lying down ; better from pressure and in open air ; worse in room, lying, moving eyes ; attacks last several hours, increase to an intolerable degree of severity, so that she tosses and rolls about ; after attack severe pain in stomach, and sour, bilious vomit, then pinching, constricting, griping pains in abdomen ; sometimes these three pains appear in alternation, sometimes one day after another.
 Headache throughout day ; worse in evening, but better at night, yet she cannot sleep ; pain seems to rise from nape of neck and becomes fixed in parietal bones, is very severe, must lie down ; nape of neck as if constricted ; roaring in ears ; vertigo when walking ; darkness before eyes ; pain boring, stitching, tearing, at times extends to scapula ; twitching in left eyelid ; biting and pressure in left eye, with lachrymation ; constipation ; stitches in limbs with chilliness.
 Pains in head as if between screws, with vertigo, heaviness of head on raising it from pillow ; worse from thinking and talking ; lassitude ; trembling and unsteadiness of limbs ; alternate redness and paleness of face ; nausea ; gnawing in epigastrium ; dryness of mouth without thirst ; aversion to food ; constriction of chest ; transient shudderings ; weak, scarcely perceptible pulse ; oversensitiveness ; crying ; menses irregular.
 After catching cold, two months ago, headache ; stitching, boring pains, becoming intolerably severe evening and at night, affecting left side of head from temple to occiput and extending into sides of neck and auditory meatus ; head as if numb ; mind as if paralyzed, so that he is fit for nothing.
 Extremely severe tearing in temples, with bitter vomiting ; vertigo and constant nausea compel her to remain perfectly quiet in recumbent posture, with closed eyes ; pain as if head would burst on opening eyes or on least motion of eyes ; pulse rapid, full ; skin hot, but not entirely without moisture ; after catching cold eight days after labor.
 Stitching pain in forehead, or in temples ; chilliness, tongue coated white ; thirstlessness, bitter taste ; severe stitching pains in epigastrium ; pain in stomach as from hunger, causing faintness ; urination more frequent during attack ; anxious palpitation of heart when lying on left side ; legs very heavy and tired ; cannot sleep on account of heat, flushes and restlessness ; acrid, excoriating leucorrhoea.
 Tearing pain from left temple over whole left side of head, at times extending to left ear and left lower jaw ; worse at night, in sudden changes of weather or storms, from external warmth, warmth of bed ; better in cool, open air ; face pale ; eyes dull, surrounded by blue rings ; heat in head ; ringing in ears during attack ; profuse, milky leucorrhoea ; palpitation of heart on exertion ; pain in small of back ; dulness, lassitude ; chilliness ; restless, sleepless nights.
 Stitching, gnawing headache, especially in forehead, from slightest cold or mental disturbance, worse from touch, with hot, red face ; rheumatism in knee.
 Severe pains in right side of head ; stitches in forehead, temples and right ear, extending into teeth ; also throbbing, pulsating pain in head ; pain lasts all day and is worse at night lying in bed ; thirst ; constipation ; chilliness ; loss of strength.
 Neuralgia of right temple, extending to back of head and side of neck and into ear ; pain lancinating, boring, as from a gimlet piercing skull ; worse at night ; during paroxysm, numbness of rest of head.
 A lady, blue-eyed, light hair, fair ; severe pain in left causality, continuing all day, since waking in A. M. ; worse from heat of stove and from passing a hot stove ; bad breath.
 Neuralgic pains commencing in right temporal region and rapidly extending over whole right side of head and face ; pains so intense as to distract the mind, causing her to resort to all sorts of applications without slightest relief ; lachrymation of affected eye with scalding tears ; paroxysms at 7 A. M., continuing to increase until 11 A. M., then gradually subsiding until 5 P. M.
 Pains in forehead passing through whole head, increasing for ten or fifteen minutes, until they become agonizing ; heat and rush of blood to the part, with redness and suffusion of eyes ; walks room in agony, holding his head with both hands, crying out with anguish ; after ten or fifteen minutes pain begins to diminish, in fifteen minutes more he becomes quiet ; restless feeling for ten or fifteen minutes, with a desire frequently to change position, sitting, standing, or walking room ; pains about small of back or loins go through with nearly same paroxysm, followed by same remission ; a third series commences in groins and thighs, and a fourth in ankles and feet, passing through with same course, but with rather more severity ; after this an intermission of an hour or so, and he either sleeps or sits quietly, but with a feeling of languor and exhaustion, before another attack in head begins ; pains better by quick, hard rubbing with dry hand ; warm applications intolerable.
 Catamenia at times too early and profuse, at others too late and scanty ; had an attack of pleurisy for which she was bled ; two weeks later, most violent, tearing, boring headache, every evening ; constant sensation as if brain were to be pressed through skull ; violent jerking and tearing at tongue, as if it were to be torn out ; head very hot ; face dark red ; at first pains commenced at 10 P. M., each time after lying down ; later at 7 P. M. ; in beginning they lasted until 3, later until 5 A. M. ; they were most severe after lying down until.
 An hour after midnight ; remission during day ; very despondent, longed for death.
 Headache with wakefulness at night ; patient cried from pain ; had a Nux temperament.
 Headache, pain recurring in paroxysms increases to an intense point of severity, then decreases to a complete cessation.
 Attacks of headache, lasting two to three days, ending with vomiting and sleep ; pains most severe in sides of head and in eyes, as if pushing them out ; pain almost unbearable, especially on going into a warm room ; external chilliness during attacks.
 Periodical spells of sick-headache two or three days before menses, with vomiting, diarrhoea and chilliness ; menses scanty.
 Headache at appearance and cessation of menses ; pressing, boring, throbbing in vertex almost driving her crazy ; cannot tolerate anything upon head ; feels to her like a boil, yet presses hand involuntarily upon painful place ; stool not hard, but expulsion difficult ; sleep full of dreams ; chilly ; thirstless.
 Headaches from excessive study, suppressed sexual excitement, indigestion, abuse of coffee or spirits, or rich fat food ; from abuse of Quinine, Iron, Sulphur, Mercury, сhamomile tea ; from long watching, or a cold.
 Headache, attended with nausea from presence of bile in stomach ; beating headache, with vomiting of bile and mucus.
 Headache worse in evening after lying down ; is worse by lifting eyes, by meditation in warm room ; better from compression and when walking slowly in open air.
 Irritation of brain after sudden suppression of otorrhoea ; head hot ; cannot be kept erect ; skin dry ; urine scanty ; somnolence, with starting at slightest noise, alternating with sopor and photophobia ; fever ; vomiting of sour bitter fluid ; grasping at head.
 Congestion of brain, face looks yellowish and yet feels hot, with constant chilliness.
 Congestion of blood to head, with stinging pulsation in brain, especially when stooping.
 High fever, vertigo, roaring in head, stitches and tearing in forehead, temples and vertex ; burning in eyes ; chilliness and heat ; so weak he could scarcely raise himself in bed ; sleepless at night ; face bloated, at one time pale, at another dark red ; mouth dry, without thirst ; pulse rapid, small ; eyes dull, distorted, expressionless ; dry cough ; delirium at night, sees ghosts ; during day, somnolence, with eyes distorted and rolled upward ; epistaxis. θ Inflammation of brain.
 Inflammation of brain after sudden suppression of leucorrhoea by cold ; severe chill followed by high fever, headache, nausea and vomiting of sour, bitter fluids ; next morning, head hot, cannot hold it erect ; skin dry ; urine scanty ; drowsiness with startings ; confusion of head ; photophobia ; dilatation of pupils ; moderate fever ; grasping at genitals ; vaginal mucous membrane swollen, congested, excoriated in places, dry.
 Hydrocephalus or hydrocephaloid ; slimy vomiting ; varying stools ; diarrhoea at night.
 Biting itching of scalp.
 Rheumatic headache, worse on one side, and from 5 to 10 P. M. ; crazing pains into face and teeth.
 Tingling, biting, itching on scalp, mostly on temples and behind ears, followed by swelling and eruptions ; sore pain ; worse in evening and when undressing, also from getting warm in bed.
 Tumors on scalp, suppurating and affecting skull, worse lying on well side.
 Fetid, often cold sweat on one side of head and face ; great anxiety ; stupor ; worse at night and towards morning ; better after waking and rising.
 Disposition to take cold in head, worse when it gets wet ; head sweaty.
 Cannot hold head upright, cannot raise it ; it seems too heavy.
 Sweat on hairy scalp.
 Oversensitiveness to light.
 Flashing of fire, as if slapped in face.
 Fiery circles before eyes.
 Flame of light seems surrounded by a starry halo.
 Like a veil before eyes, better rubbing or wiping them.
 Dryness of eyes and lids, with sensation as if darkened by mucus, which ought to be wiped away.
 Dimness of sight : with lachrymation in open air ; like a fog or mist ; especially on getting warm from exercise ; with inclination to vomit and paleness of face.
 Dizzy obscuration of vision after sitting, on rising and beginning to walk about.
 Transient obscuration of vision.
 Sensation as of a veil before eyes, especially in a bright light.
 It seems dark before eyes in morning, on rising from bed.
 During menses it became black before eyes and she felt worse on going into a warm room.
 Loss of vision at night, as if eyes were tightly bound by a cloth, with menstrual disturbances.
 During an attack of inflammatory rheumatism eyes became affected, causing blindness.
 Amblyopia. From suppression of any bloody discharge ; from metastasis of gout or rheumatism ; from gastric derangement with heart disease ; with diminished hearing.
 Amaurosis ; paralysis of optic nerve.
 Photophobia, with stitches in eyes, when light impinges upon retina.
 Great tension and hardness of bulbus ; appearance of bright streaks and rainbow colors before field of vision, and dimness of vision in outer portions of visual field ; slight feeling of pressure in eye.
 Subacute cases of choroiditis in persons subject to arthritis vaga, venous hyperemia of capillaries, pressing, tearing and throbbing pain in head, with heaviness and vertigo, dull sight, photophobia and fiery circles before eyes.
 Asthenopia accommodativa, with much aching sensation in eyes after using ; darting pains in eyes after sewing ; asthenopia from general prostration.
 Hemeralopia with amenorrhoea.
 Conical cornea in a colored girl, at. 23 ; occasional shooting pain through right eye ; fingers could only be counted at four feet with right eye, and ten feet with left eye ; two months afterwards, under Pulsatilla 30, was able to count fingers at seven feet with right eye, and twenty feet with left eye.
 Hyperemia and inflammation of optic nerve and retina.
 Episcleritis circumscribed, between superior and external recti muscles ; highly myopic ; sclera slightly bulged, some itching, sticking pain in ball, with dimness of vision ; eyes better in open air.
 Iritis with dry burning heat in and about eye ; oedema of lid, secretion of mucus.
 Hyperemia of retina, after suppression of acne ; she sees as through a veil and mostly double ; reading is difficult ; worse by candlelight ; after exerting eyes, pain in right side of head, and ringing in right ear ; menses often omit, are too scanty, of too short duration, with excruciating colicky pains and bearing down ; constipated ; hyperemia of retina ; injection of central vessels and varicosity of veins.
 Hyperemia of choroid consequent upon hyperopia ; could not look long at any object ; was subject to severe neuralgic headaches extending into eyes ; head felt full and congested ; is a great tea drinker.
 Trachoma, usually uncomplicated with pannus ; granulations fine, eye dry, or accompanied by excessive secretion of bland mucus ; soreness of ball to touch and itching or pain in eye, worse in evening and better in cool air or by cold applications.
 Pannus dependent upon trichiasis.
 Incipient cataract.
 Pustule forming on lower border of cornea, stye on lower lid ; subject to eye troubles with every cold.
 Conjunctivitis pustulosa. In a child fifteen months old ; teething, but not cross, a stye preceded attack ; after whooping cough, agglutination in mornings, feels best in open air and by cold applications, no thirst ; with profuse whitish discharge.
 Two pustules on conjunctiva near border of cornea of right eye, lids inflamed, subject to styes ; eruption on hands.
 Pustule on cornea which feels worse in evening, lachrymation.
 Pustule on centre of cornea and another on its lower margin ; excessive photophobia and constant pain in eyes and ears, wants to be in open air and is restless at night.
 Pustule with a constant feeling of sand in eye.
 Pustule on edge of cornea, much lachrymation, edges of lids red, herpes circinatus on each cheek.
 Pustules on conjunctiva, with sharp stinging pains, great lachrymation and redness.
 Pustules on edge of cornea, with profuse whitish-yellow discharge, lids somewhat swollen and inflamed.
 Pustules on cornea and conjunctiva ; not much photophobia ; some redness and a profuse bland white or yellow discharge.
 Keratitis pustulosa with much lachrymation and photophobia ; itching in eyes.
 Ulcers of cornea superficial, resulting from phlyctenules.
 Small ulcers occurring near centre of cornea, with no vascular supply, especially in strumous subjects, with phlyctenules on cornea or conjunctiva ; considerable photophobia and pain.
 Macula cornea.
 Ulcers of cornea ; thick, white or yellow, bland discharge, better in open air.
 Pustular keratitis, with profuse lachrymation.
 Obscuration of cornea.
 Dryness of eyes, with sensation in morning as if a foreign body were pressing in eye.
 Pressure as from sand in eye when reading.
 Pressive pain in eyes, as if there were heat in them.
 Pressive pain in left eye.
 Pressing, tearing and stinging in eyes.
 Pressive-burning pain in eye, as if a hair were in it.
 Burning, itching in eyes, provokes rubbing and scratching.
 Tearing and shooting in eyes.
 Stitches, especially from light and in sunshine.
 Itching of ball, in external canthus, evenings, and agglutination mornings.
 Itching of eyes.
 Child frequently rubs its eyes.
 Sensation of dryness and burning heat in eyes, worse in evening ; edges of lids red and swollen ; muco-purulent matter in canthi, gluing up lids in morning ; conjunctiva lax, flaccid and unequally red, as if spotted. θ сatarrhal ophthalmia.
 Ophthalmia, with great lachrymation and mucous secretion from Meibomian glands ; agglutination of lids in morning.
 Inner surface of lids congested and swollen ; bundles of injected vessels on conjunctiva, converging towards cornea ; intense redness of sclerotica ; phlyctenula upon cornea ; lachrymation and discharge of mucus ; great photophobia ; stitching pains in eyes, forehead and temples, worse evening to midnight ; menses scanty.
 Inflammation of eyes ; severe pain around eye ; sclerotic injected ; bright red ring around cornea ; iris affected ; but slight inflammation of conjunctiva ; oedema of upper lid ; profuse mucous discharge.
 Lachrymation in open air, when carrying anything upon back ; agglutination of lids in morning ; severe pressure in eyes, as of sand.
 Conjunctivitis palpebrarum et oculi ; profuse lachrymation during day ; dimness of vision by candlelight, necessitating constant wiping of eyes and accompanied by profuse discharge, which agglutinated lids at night and had to be rubbed off in morning like sand ; burning and itching and sensation as if a grain of sand were between eye and lid.
 Granular conjunctivitis ; want of thirst ; granulations generally very fine, sometimes dry and at others accompanied by excessive secretion of bland mucus and not much photophobia ; heat of sun not agreeable ; wind frequently increases lachrymation ; better from cold applications.
 Stinging, tearing pains, worse in evening. θ Rheumatic ophthalmia.
 Scrofulous inflammation of conjunctiva, with abscesses similar to styes on one lid of each eye ; photophobia ; lachrymation.
 Inflammation of eyes after suppressed gonorrhoea.
 Traumatic inflammation of eye.
 Pustular conjunctivitis, lachrymation more in open air or wind ; discharge thick, yellow, bland, profuse.
 Ophthalmia with amenorrhoea.
 Severe ophthalmia ; pain relieved from cold applications.
 Blennorrhoea of conjunctiva from gonorrhoeal contagion.
 Ophthalmia neonatorum ; profuse yellow purulent discharge, gluing lids.
 Catarrhal conjunctivitis ; especially acute form, either resulting from a cold, from bathing, or an attack of measles ; with gastric bilious symptoms.
 Early stages of acute phlegmonous dacryocystitis.
 Of lachrymal sac, in children.
 Fistula lachrymalis, discharging pus when pressed.
 Weeping eyes ; bleared eyes.
 Pupils dilated or contracted.
 Twitching of eyelids with dazzling of sight.
 Violent sticking in eyelids and canthi in evening.
 Itching (biting) burning in lids in evening.
 Itching in inner canthi, like the healing of an ulcer, in evening after sundown ; pressive, fine, sticking pain after rubbing.
 Margin of lower lid inflamed and swollen, with lachrymation in morning.
 Stye on lid, with inflammation of white of eye, now in one, then in the other canthus, with drawing tensive pains in eyes on moving muscles of face, and with ulcerated nostrils.
 Inner canthus seems agglutinated with matter in morning.
 Great itching and burning of lids, worse in evening, in a warm room, from a cold draft of air ; better in cold open air.
 Styes, especially on upper lid.
 Swelling and redness of eyelids.
 Recurrent blepharitis, conjunctiva somewhat congested, lids thick and red on margins.
 Ciliary blepharitis, with styes.
 Lids swollen, itch, burn, not excoriated ; better from rubbing ; subject to styes, especially on upper lid.
 Granular lids, dry or with excessive bland secretion ; better in open air, but not in wind.
 Blepharitis resulting from indulgence in high living or fat food, accompanied by acne of face.
 Tarsal tumors, especially of recent origin, subject to inflammation or when accompanied by catarrhal condition of eye.
 Spasmodic action of lids, with lachrymation and photophobia.
 Stye on left side.
 Troubles of lids in negroes.
 Sensation as if ear were stopped, with roaring in it like a loud, distant noise.
 Noises in ear : humming, tinkling, on moving head or body ; ringing ; sounds of wind or rushing water, after 4 P. M. ; roaring, better out-doors.
 Deafness : as if ears were stopped up ; after suppressed measles ; with otorrhoea ; from cold after cutting hair ; from catarrh of Eustachian tube ; with hard, black cerumen ; chronic ; can hear better on the cars.
 Hearing in left ear completely lost ; roaring ; severe pains in forehead extending to root of nose, with rotary vertigo ; worse in evening.
 For several years hearing in right ear impaired ; after catching cold complete deafness in it, and but slight hearing in left.
 Hardness of hearing, better in a warm room and worse in cold, damp weather.
 Jerking in outer ear, followed by heat in ear.
 Otalgia. Pain violent as from something forcing outward ; jerking ; tearing ; darting ; tearing, shooting ; pulsating at night.
 Stitches in ears ; itching, sticking, deep in.
 Itching in ears, is almost frantic, rolls eyes, red spots on cheeks, palpitation with anxiety, in evening.
 Phlyctenula on drum (to prevent ulceration).
 Sudden severe pain in left ear, she nearly lost consciousness ; stitching, tearing pain as if a thick body were being forcibly driven into ear, extending to larynx and hindering swallowing ; lachrymation from left eye ; twitching of lids ; flow of acrid-tasting saliva.
 Severe pain in ear, continuing through night, with paroxysms of increasing severity, but causing little concern during day ; bland, nearly inoffensive discharge of mucus and pus.
 Sharp pain increasing gradually to great intensity, then ceasing suddenly, but soon increasing again ; external meatus red and swollen ; profuse discharge, or dryness of auditory canal ; threatened ulceration and perforation ; swelling of cervical glands. θ Otitis media.
 Severe tearing pains deep in ears, with roaring and humming ; pains often intolerable, affecting whole head ; burning heat in head and confusion of head ; eyes inflamed, protruding ; sensation as if ears would burst on sneezing ; meatus swollen ; discharge of blood and pus from ear ; deafness ; fever.
 After suppressed eruption of measles, tearing pain in head, particularly in and behind right ear, from which there is a watery, yellowish discharge ; region behind ear inflamed and swollen ; hardness of hearing ; fever, thirst, pulse 110.
 Otitis after erysipelas ; erysipelatous swelling of external ear and of meatus so that latter is closed and hearing prevented ; severe, tearing, stitching pains, occurring in shocks, every minute or so, extending from ears to temples and followed by a dulness of head as if all life had been taken out of head ; no sleep on account of restlessness and anxiety ; sensation as if all the blood would go to heart ; starting in sleep, delirium ; fever, with tossing about, dryness of mouth and throat, with frequent desire for small quantities of water ; urine red ; stool hard, dry ; fear of death.
 Otitis media. Profuse, thick, yellowish or yellowish-green discharge ; in children ; severe pain in ear, especially as evening sets in, continuing through night, with paroxysms of increasing severity, but causing little concern during day ; later a bland discharge, not especially offensive, consisting of mucus and pus.
 Catarrhal otitis ; deafness with feeling as if ears were stopped up, with rushing noises in ears, isochronous with pulse.
 Otitis externa : pains very severe ; external ear and meatus red and swollen ; pains worse at night ; sensation as if something were crawling out of ear.
 Otitis with delirium, horrid pain, swelling of internal meatus, ear and adjoining parts.
 Otorrhoea : after a old, or as sequel to scarlet fever, measles, etc. ; tearing, stitch-like pain ; redness and swelling of meatus ; inflammation of Eustachian tubes ; purulent discharge ; flow of mucus or thick pus ; chronic.
 Sudden swelling of lobes of ears so that they were twice the natural size ; swelling bright red, with burning, perceptible even to finger ; miliary burning-stitching eruption on chin, about umbilicus and on scrotum.
 Scabs on tragus.
 Pressure in bone above right ear.
 Imaginary smells.
 Loss of smell with catarrh.
 Smell as of old catarrh ; objective stench from nose.
 Pressive sensation in root of nose.
 Pain in bones on both sides of nose, as if nose would be forced asunder.
 Tickling in nose : constant ; as from fine snuff, followed by violent sneezing.
 Coryza. With loss of smell and taste ; dry and fluent alternately, or stopped up in evening, with loss of smell and taste and appetite ; obstruction of nose in evening ; yellow or yellow-green in morning ; nostrils sore ; wings of nose externally ulcerated ; oozing of watery fluid ; conjunctiva bulbi inflamed, with sensation as if eyes were covered with mucus which could be wiped away ; chilliness intermingled with heat, with headache ; fluent in open air ; stopped up in house ; frontal headache ; photophobia ; rough voice ; tearing pains in sinus maxillaris, extending into ear ; dry cough at night, ceasing on sitting up, coming back on lying down again ; after inflammatory stage when there is a profuse secretion of phlegm ; patient feels well in open air, but is attacked with violent catarrh as soon as he enters a room and in evening.
 After catching cold, pain in one side of head and face, lasting day and night ; profuse discharge of mucus from nose, at times bloody.
 Frequent alternation of fluent and dry coryza, with nosebleed ; loss of appetite and smell, and thick yellow or green and fetid discharge. θ сoryza.
 Stoppage of nose as from catarrh, in evening on going to bed, and in morning a thick, yellow, opaque mucus as in old catarrh, is blown from nose.
 Nasal mucus offensive, as in old catarrh.
 Green, offensive discharge from nose.
 Purulent discharge from right nostril.
 Colds of newborn children ; nose obstructed by purulent, thick, crusty mucus.
 Nose swollen and itching in evening.
 Nose feels sore internally and externally.
 Abscess at root of nose, near inner canthus, as if a lachrymal fistula would form.
 Bleeding of nose : blood coagulated ; with dry coryza ; frequent, profuse ; with suppressed menses ; in anemia ; of anemic children, with blue eyes and blonde hair.
 Blowing of blood from nose, in morning.
 For two weeks profuse discharge of blood from nose ; hemorrhages increased in spite of styptics ; discharge partly pale, partly clotted blood, intermitting in intensity ; attack brought on by going from cold air into warm room ; on lying down would pour from nose and it stopped on raising himself up ; dull, heavy feeling over frontal sinuses ; very despondent, especially after last hemorrhage, which filled a pint measure.
 Sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face.
 Face : pale with vertigo ; livid ; cold, clammy and pale ; earthy, with dark rings around eyes ; yellowish, yet feels hot, with chilliness (hyperemia of brain) ; red, every evening ; alternately red and pale ; one cheek red, the other pale ; pale or yellowish, with sunken eyes ; puffed, blue, red ; cheeks and nose puffed ; flushes.
 Burning of right cheek.
 Tension of face and of fingers, as if parts would become swollen.
 Pressing, constricting, dull throbbing pains in right supraorbital region extending over whole right side of face, particularly severe in zygomatic region and hairy portion of head where parts feel as if seized by pincers ; attack ends with profuse lachrymation from right eye ; coryza and stoppage of right nostril ; pinching pressive sensation at root of nose ; ears feel as if stopped up ; sense of smell impaired, often entirely lost ; thick, yellow discharge from right nostril on blowing nose ; oppression of chest during attack ; migraine and digestive disturbances ; pain worse from least occupation. θ Facial neuralgia.
 Neuralgia right side of face and head, worse at night ; throbbing pain, causing intense suffering ; face flushed, particularly right side ; external soreness and pulsation in head, all worse in evening and when stooping ; says she always had these spells when nursing her children, and that now menses have been absent seven or eight months.
 Pain in left side of face extending from supraorbital region to teeth, zygoma, ear and nape of neck, worse in a warm room, warmth of bed, lying with head low, rest, before midnight, and from warm food ; chilliness with the pain ; aversion to fat ; thirst at night ; constipation.
 Every morning at 11 o’clock, severe pain along course of left infraorbital nerve, with discharge of thick, white offensive-smelling mucus from left nostril ; pain and discharge cease at 4 P. M. ; pain better in open air.
 Facial neuralgia left side, commencing in foramen mentale and extending up into ear ; drawing, tearing, jerking, with sensation of heat and dulness of head ; ringing in ears, and great nervous excitation ; comes in regular intervals ; worse from talking, chewing and lying upon affected side, from taking warm or cold things in mouth ; more through day than through night ; she cannot bear any cold application, is subject to vagrant rheumarthritis, and has been treated for ten days with quinine, and morphine injections.
 Peripheral facial paralysis ; on trying to move facial muscles but one side responded, leaving the other expressionless ; levator of eye and of nose refused to act ; no numbness of muscles ; metallic taste ; could not restrain his tears ; chilly in-doors, better in open air ; reflex movements intact.
 Violent faceache of a jerking, tearing character ; paroxysms every evening at six, which increased in intensity till midnight ; pain worse lying down and from heat ; better rising up and from cold.
 Prosopalgia, worse in a warm room, in bed and from hot food ; in evening till midnight, lying with head low, on left side or on side not affected ; disgust for fat.
 Facial neuralgia ; lower lip is swollen with a deep crack in middle ; pain is often attended with a sensation as if part were being drawn tighter and tighter and then suddenly let loose, as if cutting a tight string.
 Puffiness of cheeks and nose.
 Sweat on (one side of) face and on hairy scalp.
 Facial erysipelas, with stinging, pricking pain, skin peels off.
 Skin of face painfully sensitive.
 Acne faciei of young growing girls.
 Red nodosities on cheek bones.
 Mumps, particularly when inflammation is transferred to mammary gland or testicle.
 Biting, smarting sensation about mouth.
 Lower lip swollen and cracked in middle.

Органы грудной клетки

 Sneezing : in evening, in sleep ; in morning in bed.
 Breathing, groaning or rattling.
 Oppression of chest on walking fast, ascending an eminence or exercising.
 Oppression of breathing accompanying symptoms in parts not involved in the act of breathing.
 Shortness of breath, immediately after dinner.
 Want of breath on attempting to breathe through nose.
 Difficulty in breathing : after slight emotions ; when walking ; anxious, as if throat were constricted, mostly in evening and at night when lying down.
 Spasmodic, contractive tightness in chest, especially when drawing breath.
 Sensation of dyspnoea in lower portion of chest as if it were too full and tight in morning.
 Dyspnoea : in evening ; as from spasmodic tension in lower part of chest, below false ribs ; when lying on back, at night, with giddiness and weakness in head ; as if fumes of sulphur had been inhaled.
 Suffocative paroxysms at night.
 The child has more difficulty in breathing when it lies on its side.
 Tension and constriction in chest with dyspnoea and asthmatic symptoms.
 Asthma : of children after suppression of rash ; in hysteria, or with suppressed menses ; in evening especially after a meal ; at night as from vapors of sulphur ; from deranged menstruation or suppressed urticaria.
 Every night at 12 o’clock dyspnoea awakes him ; cough with expectoration of white tenacious mucus, caused by tickling at velum palati ; cough so continuous and rapid that he can hardly get breath and must vomit ; yawning causes cough, awakes after 12 with too slight coughs, with constriction of throat and difficult expiration ; attack lasts several moments, during which he anxiously moves about from side to side on knees, after which a forcible expiration and attack is over ; must swallow several times as if to remove something in throat, followed by belching and urging to urinate ; sensation as if a coat of mucus extended from velum palati to tongue causing the suffocative attacks. θ Asthma.
 Relieves the rattle in the throat of a dying person.
 Cough : caused by inspiration ; from irritation in pit of stomach ; on coming into a warm room ; shattering, spasmodic, often in paroxysms of two coughs each ; dry, with scraping and rawness in larynx ; excited by itching, scratching and dry feeling, as from vapor of sulphur in trachea and chest ; caused by constrictive sensation in larynx, especially after eating ; dry at night, going off when sitting up in bed ; loose by day ; dry, after every sleep ; evenings, after lying down, when warm in bed ; with retching and desire to vomit ; loose, vomits mucus ; with diarrhoea ; worse at night ; with yellow mucous sputa, bitter or greenish ; with purulent expectoration ; with expectoration of pieces of dark, coagulated blood, menses suppressed ; short, and dry, as soon as he gets warm ; after dancing.
 During cough : dryness, sensation of being swollen, constriction and feeling like that caused by sulphurous vapors in throat ; hoarseness ; catching of breath ; palpitation ; stitches in side ; shocks and bruised painfulness in abdomen ; concussions of body ; turning of stomach, retching and vomiting of mucus, bile or food ; cutting in region of spleen ; pains in head, back, lumbar region ; shoulders and arms ; epistaxis ; perspiration ; gaping ; dyspnoea and asthmatic oppression, palpitation especially when lying on left side and sensation like that of an ulcer in middle of thorax ; in women, involuntary escape of urine ; anxious expression on face.
 Spasmodic cough especially in evening and at night ; constant coughing from tickling in air passages ; dryness of air passages ; pain, oppression and anxiety in chest ; palpitation ; catarrhal cough, long-lasting and tedious and threatening to run into consumption ; expectoration of large quantities of yellow, thick, lumpy mucus, particularly in morning, with hoarseness, dryness and soreness in throat, burning, splitting pain and constriction in chest ; prostration, emaciation, fever, constant burning heat with thirst, followed by sweat.
 Expectoration. Of copious yellow mucus ; bitter ; greenish ; of blood ; pieces of dark, coagulated blood ; during suppression of menses ; after rising in morning ; salty ; blood-streaked ; copious, muco-purulent ; salty, offensive, tasting like discharge in chronic catarrh ; easy, thick, yellow.
 Chronic cough after whooping cough ; worse at night, talking and walking, sounds loose, but there is little expectoration despite rattling and crackling in chest, at times retching ; sore pain in chest ; expectoration yellow and thick or white and thin ; restless sleep with groaning ; sweat on face in morning ; left eye inflamed ; nose dry, stopped up ; epistaxis ; deafness in one ear ; lips swollen, cracked ; gums swollen ; teeth black ; swollen glands under chin.
 Chronic loose cough after measles.
 Whooping cough : blonde hair ; mild, yielding disposition ; after Drosera ; dry cough with vomiting of mucus and food, better sitting up, worse at night.
 Spitting of dark, coagulated blood ; pain in lower part of chest ; anguish, shuddering ; qualmishness.
 Hamoptysis : with soreness or passive congestion of chest ; dependent upon suppressed menstruation.
 Oppression of chest : with cough, with or without expectoration, in morning after rising ; on lying upon left side, with anxiety and palpitation.
 Every evening sensation of great fulness of chest, sleep at night is often interrupted by a beating through chest.
 Pressure upon chest and soreness.
 Constriction across chest.
 Constant spasmodic tension in lower portion of chest.
 Tension in chest, especially on drawing a long breath.
 Anxious and spasmodic tightness of chest, as if it were too full and larynx constricted, especially in evening and at night.
 Cramplike sensation through chest.
 Scraping in chest (trachea) causing cough.
 Pain as from an internal ulcer in middle of chest, in sternum, with headache in forehead, before midnight.
 Soreness in chest ; under clavicles.
 Pain in chest as from subcutaneous ulceration.
 Small spot in region of sternum painful.
 Sensation of dryness, rawness, painfulness and illusory sensation as if air passages were internally constricted by an excessive amount of tenacious and firm mucus that could not be loosened.
 Feeling of soreness referred to either subclavicular region or apex of one or other lung ; soreness which is felt when patient lies on that side or presses against left chest ; seems to involve muscular structures about shoulder and even down arm of affected side ; cough and expectoration. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
 Tearing, cutting, stitching in chest.
 Stitches in side only when lying, particularly at night.
 Sticking in chest, worse from deep breath or coughing.
 Paroxysms of burning in chest.
 Tickling on sternum.
 Pains inside chest at both nipples.
 Has had several hemorrhages ; smothered feeling in left chest with sensation of fluid dropping or gurgling ; menses every three weeks, clotted and dark ; flushed face and fulness of head at periods ; hacking cough and soreness of lung, worse at periods ; milk bloats her and causes fulness of head ; cold feet and hands, feeling as of damp stockings ; better in morning and open air ; worse in a warm room ; craves acids.
 Dry spasmodic cough, more protracted and violent at night, accompanied by painful stitches in chest, disturbing sleep ; occasional chill ; no appetite or thirst ; constipation ; menses regular, but scanty, pale and painful ; day before appearance of menses, vertigo with darkness before eyes. θ Acute pulmonary catarrh.
 Bronchitis following measles, accompanied by chilliness, thirstlessness and greenish expectoration.
 Obstinate bronchial catarrh.
 Congestion to chest and heart at night ; with anxious dreams.
 Hamoptysis : blood dark, coagulated ; cough worse mornings ; oppression of chest ; after suppression of menses.
 Rapid, short respiration ; dry, short cough, after a few days scanty expectoration ; cough with painful expression of face ; quick, small pulse ; burning heat of skin with profuse sweats ; subsultus tendinum and twitching of muscles of face ; startled and frightened in sleep, followed by crying ; great thirst ; tongue coated, moist ; thin stools, or constipation ; tossing about ; mild delirium ; anxiety and despondency ; scanty, red urine. θ Pneumonia.
 After severe catarrh, chill, great lassitude, dry, painful cough, short oppressed respiration, pressure on chest as from a stone, dry mouth, nausea, coated tongue, stitching, tearing pains in limbs, in swollen finger joints, shoulders and arms. θ Pneumonia.
 Lies on back, cannot lie on sides ; semilateral perspiration (l. side of chest) ; can scarcely speak above a whisper ; respirations 50 per minute. θ Pneumonia.
 Pneumonia biliosa or morbillosa.
 Broncho-pneumonia in chlorotic and anemic women.
 Pneumonia after sudden disappearance of menses or after a catarrh which has lasted a long time and was accompanied by thick mucous expectoration.
 Chronic or tedious cases of pneumonia ; dull, pressive, raw, sore pains in chest, and sensation of dryness and roughness as if chest were oppressed by tough tenacious mucus.
 Phthisis florida, suppurative stage ; chlorotic girls.
 Acute suppuration of lungs.
 Chest pains as if bruised.
 Left-sided inframammary pain.

Ротовая полость и горло

 Looseness of painful teeth.
 Drawing jerking, as if a nerve were put on stretch, and then let loose ; shooting in gums.
 Left side of face sensitive ; stinging in decayed teeth.
 Throbbing, digging in hollow teeth, with drawing extending to eye ; also, with otalgia.
 Toothache : always on eating ; painful on chewing and biting ; as if teeth would be forced out ; on taking anything hot into mouth ; jerking, especially in morning, better when cold water taken into mouth becomes warm ; caused by picking teeth ; tearing pain ; fine sticking, gnawing in gum, especially towards evening, worse from warmth of bed, better by uncovering and by a draft of cold air ; rheumatic tearing in side of face sometimes extending to head and neck ; stinging, in decayed teeth, with heat in head and chilly over whole body ; jerking and tearing as if tooth would start from jaw ; caused by drinking chamomile tea or from abuse of quinine ; with much swelling.
 Drawing, tearing, stitching pains along alveolar border, extending up to ears and temples, worse in evening on entering warm room, better in open air.
 Tearing in right upper and lower teeth, worse towards evening, lying with head low, lying on sound side, from warm food or drink ; cannot keep quiet during pain, walks constantly about shaking her head ; pain prevents sleeping before midnight ; is sensitive to wind and draft of air ; during fifth month of pregnancy.
 Toothache ceases out of doors, returns on coming into room.
 Toothache worse. In Spring ; at night ; from picking teeth ; in warm room ; in warmth of bed ; when eating, but not from chewing ; when sitting ; from cold water, or from anything warm in mouth ; during pregnancy.
 Toothache better : walking about ; in open air ; when cold water taken into mouth becomes warm.
 Gums painful as if sore.
 Tongue : white or yellow and coated with tenacious mucus ; parched, dry, no thirst ; feels too broad, too large.
 Tongue greatly swollen, dorsum bright red and covered with a network of dilated and congested veins ; varicose swelling on left side of tongue ; use of tongue greatly hindered ; tensive burning pains ; no fever ; mental and physical depression ; hemorrhoids ; gout.
 Putrid smell from mouth, especially in morning.
 In morning, mouth and pharynx dry and covered with tasteless, insipid mucus, with an offensive odor from mouth not perceptible to himself.
 Great dryness of mouth in morning, without thirst.
 Painless sensation as if roof of palate were covered with tenacious mucus or were swollen.
 Accumulation of saliva and much mucus in mouth.
 Mouth covered with offensive mucus, in morning on waking.
 Discharge of watery saliva like waterbrash.
 Flow of sweetish or tenacious saliva.
 Constant spitting of frothy, cotton-like mucus.
 Parotitis ; metastasis to testicles or to mamma.
 Sensation as from sulphur vapor in throat while coughing.
 Scraping and dryness in throat, causing paroxysms of two or three coughs.
 Rawness, scraping and scratching in throat, with dryness of mouth.
 Constricted feeling about throat.
 Throat posteriorly painful, as if raw, with drawing pain in cervical muscles.
 Feeling in oesophagus as if food were lying there.
 Sensation as of a worm creeping up into throat.
 When swallowing : stinging with pressure and tension ; cutting burning ; stitches between acts of swallowing ; as if swollen, or a lump in throat ; worse swallowing saliva and after food.
 Veins distended, throat inflamed, bluish-red.
 Throat dry, worse mornings ; tough mucus, especially night and morning.
 Sore throat, with sense of dysphagia ; she feels as if she would be choked.
 Globus hystericus.
 Stitching pains in throat, difficult deglutition with fever, worse in evening ; dark redness of throat, tensive tearing pains, particularly in nape of neck and occiput.
 Throat and pharynx swollen ; throat pains as if sore, particularly on swallowing, when there is a sensation as if he had to swallow over a lump ; velum and pharynx congested, bluish-red, roof of mouth being rather white ; severe sore pain ; diarrhoea ; chilliness, often followed by heat.
 Catarrh of throat ; marked redness of tonsils ; varicose condition of bloodvessels ; fauces dark-red or purplish ; stinging pains in throat, worse swallowing saliva or after food.
 Catarrhal-rheumatic pharyngitis ; for several days severe pains in back and limbs, headache, sore throat.
 Dilated or varicose veins in throat.
 A girl, at. 15, while dining felt a constriction in throat, could not eat, wept, lost all power of speech ; oppression and tightness of chest ; crampy pain in stomach ; disturbed sleep at night ; head rather heavy ; since first menstruation courses irregular, rather scanty, not of natural color.
 Eructations. Loud ; of gas ; tasting and smelling of food ; bitter, bilious ; rancid ; sour ; like bile, in evening ; tasting of cold, rancid tallow, after eating cakes ; as of bad meat, after dinner ; taste remains in mouth, with qualmish nausea ; of sour liquid after drinking coffee.
 Uprisings into throat, preceded by rumbling in abdomen and colic.
 Incomplete inclination to eructate ; eructations are ineffectual and do not actually occur.
 Heartburn, waterbrash.
 Qualmishness with chilliness.
 Hoarseness and roughness of throat ; cannot speak loud.
 Loss of voice since six years ; talks in a whisper, if long continued it causes a dry straining cough, with a feeling of compression of chest ; constant dryness in throat and burning in last cervical vertebra, which is sore to touch ; mucous membrane of fauces dry and red ; menses scanty, sleep disturbed by frightful dreams, with crying and moaning, tearful disposition, easily irritated. θ Aphonia nervosa.
 Constriction in throat, feels something there preventing speech ; cannot eat, weeps.
 Violent tickling and scraping in larynx, bringing tears to eyes and causing dry cough.
 Scraping sensation in epiglottis, as in hoarseness.
 Tickling in region of thyroid cartilage, causing a short cough.
 Influenza ; loose cough, worse at night, with frequent expectoration of tenacious mucus ; or at beginning of coryza with redness of eyes and lachrymation ; pains in forehead or maxillary sinuses, with copious thick expectoration, chilliness, vomiting, loss of appetite, loose stools, sleeplessness and restlessness.
 Cough first dry, afterwards loose, with expectoration of much salt, bitter, yellowish or whitish matter, or else of sanguinolent mucus ; hoarseness with almost complete extinction of voice ; lancinating pains in throat and palate ; coryza, with oozing of yellowish, greenish, fetid matter ; loose cough, with pain in chest ; cough worse when lying down, with sensation of suffocation ; soreness in abdomen ; painful shocks in arms, shoulder and back. θ Laryngo-tracheitis.
 Five months ago took a sudden chill while heated from dancing which caused cessation of menses ; loss of appetite, weariness of limbs, cough ; no trace of menses at next period ; gradually there came on a regular cough, worse morning and evening, with white frothy expectoration and pain in chest ; during forenoon rigor and formication over back, with heat of head and face ; loss of flesh and great weakness ; going up stairs, walking quickly, even loud talking causes attacks of coughing and palpitation ; always sleepy ; takes interest in nothing, weeps much and despairs of her recovery ; in place of menses, has often attacks of colic-like pains in abdomen. θ сhronic bronchial catarrh.
 Bronchitis ; cough is very loose ; with all the fever there is but little or no thirst ; difficulty of breathing when lying on side.
 Fifth and sixth dorsal vertebra are painful to pressure, palpitation therefrom.

Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия

 Taste : bad, especially early in morning ; nothing tastes well ; no taste at all ; of bad meat ; on hawking, especially in morning ; slimy ; pappy, sticky, without thirst ; disgusting, with white tongue, in morning ; foul, clammy, insipid ; clammy, wants to rinse mouth frequently ; filthy, tongue much coated, appetite gone ; nauseous, from smoking tobacco ; nauseous, as of fasting, as if one had risen too early, in morning ; burnt taste ; bitter, after drinking beer in evening, continuing even when smoking ; bitter, even of food ; bitter, bilious, especially after eating and smoking ; bitter, with desire for citric acid ; bitter, for quarter of an hour after eating, with good appetite ; sweetish ; beer tastes sweet.
 Greasy taste in mouth. θ сhronic nasal catarrh.
 Qualmish nausea, in morning.
 Diminished taste for all food.
 Loss of taste, with catarrh ;`nothing tastes well.
 Painful blister on side of tip of tongue.
 Tongue covered with tenacious mucus, as with a membrane.
 Dryness of tongue in morning.
 Sensation on middle of tongue, even when it is moistened, as if it had been burnt and were insensible, at night and in morning.
 Biting in tip of tongue.
 Edges of tongue feel sore as if scalded.
 Hunger : but does not know for what ; does not relish anything he eats ; eats greedily, followed by vomiting.
 Entire loss of appetite ; child refuses breast.
 Thirst : drinks often, but little at a time, it provokes inclination to vomit ; during heat ; for beer, chiefly in morning ; for alcoholic drinks.
 Thirstlessness, with moist or dry tongue.
 Desire for : sour, refreshing things ; herring ; lemonade.
 Aversion to : meat, butter, fat food, pork, bread, milk, smoking.
 Stomach disordered from cakes, pastry, rich food, particularly fat pork.
 Complaints from eating buckwheat.
 Bad effects from onions.
 Better from cold things, worse from warm.

Желудочно-кишечный тракт

 Hiccough while smoking ; after cold fruit ; after drinking ; at night.
 Nausea : frequent ; rises up into throat and mouth ; during menses, at night, water rose from stomach with retching like waterbrash ; felt in upper part of abdomen ; while eating, food is repulsive ; with heartburn ; with rumbling and gurgling in hypochondria ; qualmish, without vomiting ; with colic, ceasing after vomiting ; at night, with sticking, drawing pains in back, extending towards scapula ; of food, in evening, followed by bitterness in mouth, with teeth set on edge ; of food that had been eaten a long time before.
 Vomiting : of mucus, of blood, from a cold in stomach or suppressed menses ; of bilious matter ; sour, green ; chronic, after eating ; caused by fruit, fats, pastry, ices ; with pale face and chilliness.
 Vomiting of food after dinner ; if food is warm and hastily eaten it is vomited very soon after eating, if cold and eaten slowly it is retained for a longer period, if hot it is vomited immediately ; oppressive sensation in epigastrium when pressed upon ; oppression, tension and shortness of breath on walking fast ; appetite good ; tongue clean ; awakes at night from sensation of internal heat, sweat towards morning.
 Cannot retain food ; it comes up hours afterwards just as swallowed ; vomiting and purging at same time ; during retching, cold sweat ; constant shivering ; bitter taste, even saliva is bitter.
 Chronic vomiting of food, often several hours after eating, with paleness of face, colicky pains and irritability.
 Morning sickness ; nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
 Pain in pit of stomach, during an inspiration ; also on pressure.
 Pressure in pit of stomach, with difficult breathing ; after every meal, vomiting of food.
 Sensation as if food were lodged above pit of stomach undigested ; weight as from a stone, early morning on waking.
 Weight in epigastrium an hour after eating, better after eating again.
 Tension from stomach to chest.
 Throbbing in epigastrium ; perceptible pulsation.
 Griping pain in pit of stomach.
 Sensation in stomach as if one had eaten too much ; food rises up into mouth, as if one would vomit.
 Constant pressure in stomach, worse after fat food ; sour belching and vomiting ; diarrhoea alternating with constipation ; menses scanty.
 Feeling of fulness and heaviness in stomach after eating.
 Stitching pains worse when walking or making a misstep.
 Crampy pains before breakfast or after meals.
 Gnawing distress like ravenous hunger when stomach is empty ; pressure and pinching after eating.
 Painful crawling in stomach.
 Dull pain and sensation of fulness in stomach.
 Cardialgia during menses.
 Pain in stomach an hour after eating.
 Pinching-pressive or retching pain in stomach, takes away breath, in afternoon.
 Scraping sensation in stomach and oesophagus like a heartburn.
 Feeling of rawness in stomach as from ulceration.
 Pressure in stomach, tearing between shoulder blades, and during pain there is great flow of saliva ; pains sometimes begin in abdomen, vomiting of food with the pain. θ сardialgia.
 After eating, pain in epigastrium extending to back and abdomen, lasting about an hour and terminating in waterbrash ; bowels costive ; pain and vomiting most severe in evening ; for two years troublesome cough, with thick, while expectoration. θ Indigestion.
 Every morning, 2 or 3 o’clock, tensive, stitching pain in epigastric region, disturbing sleep, must rise and walk about, worse lying down ; pains cease 8 to 9 A. M. ; six months pregnant.
 Cramping pains begin in evening with shaking chill, last all night, often so severe that he rolls about floor as if mad, cease towards morning with retching of bitter, watery fluid ; vertigo, headache, dry mouth with thirstlessness ; poor appetite, can drink no water, constipation, sleep disturbed even during day.
 Gastrodynia, lasts from one to two weeks ; she sat in a rocking chair bent forward, constantly rocking, suffering so much that sweat was running from her face ; constant pain in stomach, but every few minutes she would cry out from severity of pain ; had been suffering about two hours, and in that time had vomited frequently, first food, but now only a slimy mucus of intense acid odor, setting teeth on edge ; bowels inclined to be costive.
 Pain in stomach, worse from food, after which there are violent pulsations at pit of stomach ; pyrosis ; pain in front and back of head after sickness ; impaired appetite. θ Indigestion.
 Region of stomach extremely sensitive to pressure, particularly on left side ; stitches in left side ; menses absent several months. θ сardialgia.
 Stomach bloated, hard ; flatulency.
 Lassitude, confusion of head, loss of appetite ; attacks of chilliness and heat, confining her to bed ; headache ; sensorial dulness ; sleepy, dreamy condition, with languid eyes ; offensive, bitter taste in mouth ; tongue dry at tip and sides ; nausea and several times voluntary vomiting ; pulse rapid, hard ; vomiting of bile ; bilious stools. θ Gastric fever.
 Want of appetite, especially at night ; tympanitis with rumbling commencing in evening and increasing at night ; three or four thin stools, sometimes containing ingesta, only at night ; weakness and anemia ; has been suffering since menses ceased. θ Dyspepsia with amenorrhoea.
 Pains in abdomen and chest and under shoulder ; flatulence ; food tastes a long time after it has been taken ; aching in forehead, sometimes coming up from back of head, better in morning, worse towards evening ; bowels regular. θ Indigestion.
 Aching in stomach worse after eating ; bitter taste in mouth in morning ; feels bloated two hours after eating ; cannot bear clothes tight on abdomen ; empty feeling of stomach and bowels ; no thirst ; light hurts her eyes and makes her nervous ; better in open air ; bearing down at anus not better by stool ; leucorrhoea.
 Swelling of scrobiculus cordis, with hardness extending more to right side (l. lobe of liver) ; appetite good, often hungry, eats and drinks a great deal ; is obliged to loosen all her clothes after eating ; cannot lie on left side ; stool firm ; passes but little urine during night, but often a large quantity after eating ; if she refrains from passing urine, has cutting pains in abdomen which extend even to tongue and limbs ; soreness of chest after speaking and motion ; throat seems swollen, frequent attempts to clear throat ; menses pale and scanty.
 Gastric catarrh from cold beverages, ice-cream, fruit and pastry ; pain as from subcutaneous ulceration.
 Darting, tensive pains in hepatic region.
 Sticking in region of liver, particularly when walking.
 Feeling of lassitude in hypochondria.
 Jaundice in consequence of chronic susceptibility to hepatitis and derangement of secretion of bile, with looseness of bowels ; duodenal catarrh ; disordered digestion ; feverishness and thirstlessness ; after quinine.
 Spleen enlarged. θ Ague.
 Catarrh of pancreatic duct, in girls.
 Abdomen and stomach distended ; she must unlace.
 Flatulent distension, always after eating.
 Rumbling and gurgling in abdomen.
 Flatus moves from one part of intestines to another, with loud rumbling and gurgling and a griping sensation, worse on walking just after supper, or in evening in bed.
 Emission of fetid flatus.
 Incarcerated flatus, with colic in evening.
 Colic and rumbling of wind especially in upper abdomen.
 Fulness after eating, and from time to time colic, with rumbling.
 Dull pain and sensation of tense distension in upper abdomen.
 Pressive pain in abdomen and small of back, pressing downward like a stone, during menses lower extremities inclined to fall asleep, while sitting ; ineffectual desire for stool.
 Pressure in abdomen and small of back, just before menses, as from a stone, with disposition of lower limbs to go to sleep, while sitting ; ineffectual desire for stool.
 Drawing and drawing tensive pains, extending from abdomen through spermatic cords into testicles, which hang low.
 Drawing-tensive pains in abdomen like labor pains.
 Constrictive and pinching sensation in upper abdominal and hypochondriac regions, as from incarcerated flatus, especially after eating ; changes to chest and takes away breath.
 Cutting pains in abdomen above umbilicus, as if diarrhoea would set in.
 Pressive constrictive pain like a stone in lower abdomen, extending to bladder.
 Violent cutting pain low down in abdomen ; a forcing down into pelvis, with sensation as if stool would occur, worse when drawing in walls of abdomen.
 Cutting and dragging in hypogastric region around to loins, making her feel faint.
 Stitches and cutting in abdomen in evening ; worse on sitting still.
 Griping pains in upper abdomen.
 Jerking or tearing in bowels.
 Pain in lower chest and abdomen, obliging her to bend forward.
 Colic : after drinking ; as if diarrhoea would ensue, but only a normal stool results ; after stool ; with nausea, ceasing after vomiting ; labor-like pains, in pregnant women ; with chilliness, while menstruation is suppressed ; from cold, with diarrhoea ; from ices, fruits, pastries ; from getting feet wet ; pains worse sitting or lying, better walking ; flatulent, after a meal, or very early in morning, while in bed ; before or after eating, in evening ; of hysteric women ; brought on by eating fat or greasy things.
 Painful sensitiveness of abdomen.
 Externally abdominal walls are tender to touch, when coughing or sitting, especially at stool.
 Sensitiveness and inflammation of abdominal walls.
 Abdominal spasms ; also of pregnant women.
 Lumps in both groins hard and painful.
 Small pustules in groins.
 Frequent urging, as if diarrhoea would occur.
 Diarrhoea : watery ; not exhausting ; with or without colic ; with cutting in abdomen ; nightly, with rumbling in abdomen ; after errors in diet, especially pork or fat food, fruit or ice-cream.
 Stools : watery, only or usually at night, sometimes unconsciously evacuated ; greenish-yellow, slimy, very changeable ; like bile, following rumbling in abdomen ; offensive, corrosive ; of white and bloody mucus ; purulent ; soft, mixed with mucus ; of green mucus ; at first green, then slimy ; as green as bile ; white, slimy ; bilious ; resembling stirred eggs ; perfectly white ; changeable, no two alike ; variable, better and.
 Discharge of blood and mucus ; face pallid ; fainting ; dysuria.
 Frequent desire for stool, with insufficient evacuation or no feces ; instead thereof, yellowish mucus, sometimes mixed with blood.
 After getting feet wet, attacks of mucous diarrhoea, more or less every week, discharges occur nearly every hour ; she passes sometimes a tumblerful of slime at once ; evacuations are accompanied by nausea, faintness, sometimes vomiting of mucus ; worse about bedtime. θ Diarrhoea mucosa.
 Before stool. Headache ; rumbling, cutting colic ; pains in small of back.
 During stool : burning and cutting in rectum ; pain in abdomen, back and head ; eructation, nausea ; attacks of faintness, shaking chills.
 After stool : colic as from flatulence ; chilliness in small of back ; smarting of anus ; pressing, stinging and cutting in rectum ; pressing in epigastrium ; stiffness of neck ; backache.

Острые состояния

 Aggravation : at night ; after measles, pork or fat food, ice-cream, fruit, tobacco or cold drinks ; from damp places ; from warmth or in a warm room.


 Amelioration : in open air, or in a cool place.
 Dysenteric stools of clear yellow, red or green slime ; pain in back ; straining.
 Dysentery during cholera time.
 Frequent stools of mucus only, after dysentery.
 Cholera morbus from drinking ice-water ; tongue white ; clammy taste ; restless and sleepless during night but gets an hour’s quiet sleep at about 6 A. M. ; no appetite ; bowels torpid, better in morning.
 Stools of deep-green mucus ; pain in abdomen ; no thirst. θ сholera infantum.
 Cholera infantum ; slight nightly attacks ; disturbed lacteal secretion of mother.
 Difficult soft stool with straining and backache.
 Costive stools : hard and large after suppressed intermittent fever by quinine ; hard, scanty ; bloody.
 Obstinate constipation, nauseous bad taste in the morning, must wash out mouth.
 Constipation with headache, at intervals of one, two or three days.
 Chronic constipation ; menstrual function irregular.
 Alternation of hard and soft stools.
 Pressure in rectum after stool.
 Persistent dull stitches in rectum, as from incarcerated flatus.
 Hemorrhoids : painful, protruding, blind ; with itching and stitches in anus ; preceded by pains in small of back, in morning ; with great soreness ; itching, in evening ; discharge of blood and mucus with stool, accompanied by painful pressure ; pale face, tendency to faint.
 Profuse bleeding from anus during stool.
 Worms : vomits mucus ; bad smell from mouth ; slimy passages ; belching watery fluid.

Мочеполовая система

 Pains in kidneys, also on urinating ; discharge of blood and mucus, purulent sediment in urine ; emaciation.
 Tenesmus of bladder ; stinging in neck of bladder.
 Region of bladder painful to external touch.
 Sharp, almost cutting pressure upon neck of bladder, while walking in open air, as from flatulence, though without desire to urinate.
 Ischuria, with redness and heat over region of bladder.
 Frequent desire to urinate ; great urgency, it seems impossible to delay ; when going to urinate there is a sensation as if it would gush away, can scarcely wait.
 Frequent desire to urinate with drawing in abdomen, particularly in pregnant women.
 Frequent almost ineffectual urging to urinate, with cutting pains.
 Urging to urinate ; severe burning stitching pains in neck of bladder ; mucous sediment in urine adhering firmly to vessel ; must urinate every hour ; pain on urinating lasting several minutes.
 Retention of urine with heat in region of bladder and uneasy pain in abdomen, accompanied by urinary tenesmus.
 After exposure to rain and sitting in a cold room next morning could not void urine, which, when drawn by catheter, was quite bloody ; retention of urine with constant urgency ; no thirst ; slight fever ; flatulent condition of stomach and bowels.
 For twenty-four hours no discharge of urine ; every half hour a paroxysm, during which child presses anxiously upon abdomen, groans, cries out, arches body, gets red and distorts face ; region of bladder red and hot to touch.
 Difficult urination, urine discharged drop by drop.
 Spasm of bladder in hysterical woman ; constrictive pain in region of bladder, with urinary tenesmus and involuntary emissions of a little urine.
 Tenesmus vesical.
 Cystitis or catarrh of bladder ; frequent urging to urinate from pressure on bladder ; as if bladder were too full ; pain in urethra ; urine turbid from admixture of mucus.
 Vesical catarrh : incontinence of urine ; enuresis nocturna ; frequent desire to urinate, with a drawing sensation in abdomen ; spasmodic pain in neck of bladder after micturition, extending to pelvis and thighs ; involuntary discharge of urine when coughing ; urine is discharged in drops when sitting or walking ; burning in urethra while urinating ; hamaturia ; scanty red-brown urine, with brick-colored sediment ; bloody or mucous deposit.
 Irritability and catarrhal inflammation of bladder.
 Urinary difficulties increased by taking cold.
 Cystic symptoms accompanying pregnancy ; retention of urine after childbirth.
 Irritability of bladder ; frequent desire to urinate ; painful sensation on turning over in bed, as if bladder would fall towards side on which he is lying ; pain in region of bladder on walking, better from pressure of hand.
 Involuntary micturition : urine dribbles while sitting or walking ; while coughing or passing wind ; at night in bed, especially in little girls.
 Incontinence of urine since birth of eighth child, a year ago ; urging to urinate, with scanty secretion ; discharge of urine while lying down, with sensation as if movement of bowels would follow ; pain in external parts when walking ; leucorrhoea. θ Paralysis of sphincter vesical.
 Enuresis nocturna for two years, in a girl at. 5 1/2, of mild disposition, fair complexion, frequently changing color, delicate frame ; the complaint has been preceded by an acute exanthema, probably measles.
 Nocturnal enuresis. After measles ; worse in Autumn ; particularly little girls.
 After micturition spasmodic pains in neck of bladder, extending to pelvis and thighs.
 At end of urination, dropping of blood ; hamaturia.
 Hamaturia ; burning pain at orifice of urethra ; constricting, cutting pain about navel, extending to small of back, where it is particularly severe and of longest duration ; penis and scrotum spasmodically drawn up ; cramping pain in right leg, from knee up to inguinal region.
 Urine. Profuse, watery, colorless, in hysterical complaints ; brown ; scanty, no thirst ; sediment reddish, bloody or mucous, jelly-like, sticking to vessel ; loaded with large quantities of urate of ammonia, showing a wasting, hectic condition.
 Constitutional disturbances in children, associated with copious excretion of urate of ammonia.
 Burning in urethra : in orifice of urethra, during and after urination.
 Soreness of external meatus and burning sensation when urinating, better bathing in cold water.
 Before urinating. вurning in urethra ; pressing in bladder ; colicky pains.
 During urination : burning, cutting, stinging ; discharge of acrid, mucous stools, with sensation of weakness in loins.
 After urination : burning ; pressing, creeping in glans or meatus ; spasmodic pain of neck of bladder extending into thighs ; dropping of blood.
 Sexual desire too strong ; almost priapism.
 Long-lasting morning erections.
 Nightly emissions : two in one night, with amorous dreams ; with mental depression ; eyes felt as if they would push back into orbit, head light and empty, as if it were off shoulders ; after onanism.
 Sexual excesses resulting in headache ; backache ; limbs heavy.
 Burning and aching of testicles, with or without swelling ; orchitis.
 Gonorrhoea : with thick yellow or yellow green discharge ; in blonde men of mild temperament ; in women.
 Suppressed gonorrhoea : with swelling of testicles, contraction of urethra and discharge of dark-colored blood, with tendency to inflammation of eyes ; prostatitis ; rheumatism, pains wander quickly from one part to another ; strictures of urethra ; chordee.
 Venous congestion of penis.
 Prostatitis, with great heat and pressure in perineum, frequent and almost ineffectual urging to urinate ; frequent erections with loss of prostatic fluid ; constrictive pain, extending to bladder, with pressure as from a stone.
 After urinating, severe pinching pressing pain in perineum, in region of neck of bladder, somewhat to left side and extending throughout whole lower pelvis and down into thighs ; pain so severe that patient cannot move for several moments and limps for some time afterwards ; urine escapes in gushes so that the pain is felt ten to twelve times during an evacuation ; region of neck of bladder swollen and very painful when sitting and standing ; lame sensation and restless feeling in left thigh when standing. θ Inflammation of prostate.
 Prostate gland enlarged ; feces flat, small in size.
 Spermatic cord inflamed by a badly fitting truss.
 Drawing, tensive pains, from abdomen through cords into testicles.
 Testicles hang down a long way.
 Right testicle drawn up and swollen, spermatic cord swollen, with tensive pain, while left testicle hangs down low.
 Soreness of testicles, so that pants seem too tight ; unpleasant when sitting.
 Tearing, lacerating pain in testicles.
 After suppressed gonorrhoeal discharge, swelling of left testicle and epididymis ; two months later, after catching cold, swelling of right testicle and spermatic cord ; chilliness, lassitude, nausea, diarrhoea, griping, pressing, cutting pains in abdomen extending up to loins and region of kidneys, loss of appetite, thirst ; severe pain when genitals are allowed to hang down without support ; after Pulsat. a yellowish-green discharge appeared from urethra.
 After suppression of gonorrhoea, orchitis, left side, with hot, hard swelling and severe pressing pain in testicle and spermatic cord ; worse standing ; thirst ; evening fever ; irritable pulse.
 Severe pain across sacrum, from a strain while lifting a heavy weight ; acute deeply seated pain in groins, extending along cords to testicles, the right swollen and very tender to touch, can hardly walk. θ Orchitis.
 Injury to testicle by a fall, followed by trismus, which yielded to вellad. ; two days afterwards right testicle greatly swollen, with pressure and annoying pain extending up into abdomen, with nausea and occasional vomiting ; at times aggravation of pain with chilliness ; scrotum red, hot ; urine saturated ; pain better in rest.
 Sarcocele, not syphilitic ; varicocele ; hydrocele ; swelling of a bluish color.
 Itching-biting pain in inner and upper portion of prepuce.
 Ovaritis after getting feet wet ; suppression of menses, with nausea, coldness of body, chilliness and trembling of feet ; pressure on bladder and rectum.
 Drawing-pressive pain extending towards uterus, with qualmishness, towards morning.
 Contractive pain in left side of uterus, like labor pains, obliging her to bend double.
 Tensive, cutting pain in uterus, which is very sensitive to touch and during coitus.
 Pains in uterus, with amenorrhoea.
 Uterine colic, resembling labor pains.
 Threatened metritis day after labor in consequence of catching cold ; two days later pains in right thigh, and particularly severe pain in right side of abdomen ; sleeplessness ; suppressed lochia ; pain worse from least motion ; some sweat ; palpitation ; rapid, strong pulse ; intense thirst ; urine dark, like brown beer ; anxiety and fear ; milk scanty ; hypogastric region sensitive to pressure ; abdomen hot ; loss of appetite ; thick white coating on tongue ; bad taste in mouth.
 Metritis after getting feet wet, or from suppression of lochial discharge, with a deficiency of milk, chilliness and thirstlessness.
 Prolapsus uteri, with pressure in abdomen and small of back, as from a stone, limbs tend to go to sleep ; ineffectual urging to stool.
 To promote the expulsion of moles, or a dead fetus.
 She can hardly find an easy position through night, owing to pain in pelvic articulation.
 Pains in loins from passive congestion of uterus.
 Metrorrhagia : blood dark and coagulated, emitted in paroxysms, worse in evening with labor-like-pains ; menses usually scanty ; habitual looseness of bowels ; especially during climaxis ; blood changeable, stops and flows ; profuse at times, at others scanty, mixed with clots ; in chlorosis ; after abuse of quinine and iron.
 Ten days after labor severe chill followed by heat, intermingled with chilliness, particularly when turning in bed ; oppression of chest ; asthma, with pain in chest and palpitation ; sleeplessness ; thirst ; sweats ; bitter-tasting expectoration ; marked decrease of milk ; labor-like pains, with discharge of blood in gushes ; frequent fainting spells ; darkness before eyes.
 Menstrual colic. With great restlessness, tossing in every possible direction ; paleness of face ; pain violent and causing her to cry out and toss about ; flow by fits and starts, thick and dark, or pale and watery ; chilliness ; stretching and yawning ; thirstlessness ; disposition to vicarious blood losses ; pale, mild, light-haired, blue-eyed and tearful ; loud grief ; feels better in open air.
 Menstruation painful from puberty ; cramps, vomiting and even spasms attending first appearance, which, light-colored at outset, soon becomes dark and clotty ; during menses nervous and excitable ; at night restless and sleepless ; constipated. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
 Heaviness in abdomen, as from a stone ; heavy pressure low down, also in small of back ; drawing in thighs ; thighs go to sleep while sitting ; painful pressure in rectum as if to stool, with pain in back. θ Menstrual colic.
 Dysmenorrhoea ; from twenty-four to forty-eight hours would suffer horrid pains, vomited till her strength was gone, flesh cold, could sit up but little for a week, appetite poor.
 Tension and contraction in abdomen as if menses would come on, nausea and mucous vomiting.
 Dysenteric diarrhoea at the periods, especially if coming on at night.
 Dark purple, liquid, hot blood ; when discharge is most profuse there is most pain ; most discharge when lying down ; pain causes nausea and headache ; cutting pain in hypogastric region and in region of left ovary ; bland, yellow leucorrhoea before and after menses. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
 Spasms preceding menses ; face alternately pale and red ; eyes wildly staring, swollen, injected, brilliant and sometimes bathed in tears ; features agitated by convulsive movements, mouth distorted ; trunk and limbs convulsed, sometimes tonic, sometimes clonic spasms, and limbs often strongly extended ; throat constricted, chest oppressed, respiration slow and spasmodic ; greatest anxiety, crying that she would suffocate ; occasionally a few moments of relaxation of muscles, depression, yawnings, somnolence and menaces of syncope ; constrictive pains in region of right ovary ; desire for stool ; sweetish taste in mouth and throat ; sinapisms to thighs relieved the oppression, but induced such frightful nervous symptoms that they had to be removed immediately.
 Menses : too late and scanty, or suppressed, particularly by getting feet wet ; profuse, of a dark or blackish color, with sexual excitement ; too early ; too long ; too short ; flow only in daytime and mostly on walking ; changeable in appearance ; intermittent ; delayed, with coldness of body, chilliness and trembling of feet ; flow thick, black, clotted, or thin and watery ; too late, scanty, slimy.
 First menses delayed, soreness of apices of lungs.
 Menses delayed three weeks ; at times nausea ; fears she is pregnant, cries, and begs physician to produce abortion ; distress in hypogastrium and epigastrium ; flying neuralgic pains ; dyspnoea from warm room ; at times slight attacks of indigestion.
 In girls of mild disposition when puberty is unduly delayed or menstrual function is defectively or irregularly performed ; they are pale and languid and complain of headache, chilliness and lassitude.
 Suppression of menses. After getting feet wet ; from a cold ; with nausea and disposition to vomit ; with convulsions ; with paroxysms of hemicrania and sticking pains in face and teeth ; in chlorosis ; from nervous debility ; with throbbing headache ; pressure in stomach ; pain in uterus ; dysuria ; ophthalmia ; morning nausea ; bad taste in mouth ; nosebleed relieves vicariously.
 Pain in left side, from under false ribs, around to back ; yellow leucorrhoea, not very thick, constant, most at menstrual period ; back always feels weak ; occasional sharp, shooting pains through head, sometimes in occipital, sometimes in frontal region ; feels very tired in morning ; in daytime feels better after a short sleep than after a long one ; palpitation ; exercise is exhausting ; perspires easily ; sleeps at night with her arms over her head, and feels stiff on rising.
 Pain in heels like pricking of tacks or nails ; hot flushes followed by chilliness ; menstrual flow black and clotted ; puts feet out of bed to cool them, they burn so ; she must put her shoes on before she can walk, heels ache so ; vertigo mostly before menses ; deaf since childhood, from scarlet fever ; constipation ; craves open air, warm room is oppressive, suffocates and must go out ; watery discharge from eyes and nose ; purplish appearance of skin of heel ; sprained feeling in ankles, weak ankles ; rattling cough ; loses urine when coughing ; menses every two weeks, profuse, dark, offensive ; urine offensive, strong ; sharp pains in rectum ; toe joints very sore ; hot flushes ; limbs tire easily when walking ; heat in vulva, was compelled to apply a cold cloth ; no appetite ; sleepless ; burning heat all over body ; throws off all bedclothes ; feels no two days alike ; fidgety.
 Uterine irregularities occurring in the anemic or in those of venous constitution.
 Before menses : leucorrhoea ; desire to urinate ; gastralgia ; running of water from mouth ; vomiting ; pain in abdomen, liver or back ; asthma ; abdomen swells ; stitches in sides ; vertigo and eructation ; chills, gaping and stretching ; convulsions.
 During menses. Labor-like pains in abdomen and back ; ineffectual straining at stool ; nausea and vomiting running of water from mouth at night ; stitches in chest ; sick-headache, obscure vision ; toothache chills and paleness of face ; sadness and weeping ; convulsions ; numbness in legs.
 In the beginning and at end of menses : headache or toothache.
 After menses : leucorrhoea ; difficult respiration.
 Crampy constriction of vagina ; indurations ; fistula ; polypus ; serous cysts.
 Burning in.
 Vagina and pudenda ; thin, acrid, biting discharge.
 Leucorrhoea. Painless ; with thickish mucus, color of milk, especially noticed on lying down ; painless, creamy ; with swelling of pudenda ; acrid, thin ; with burning ; with pruritus near change of life ; occasioned by fright, in young girls before menstruation is fairly established ; thick, white, mucous ; with backache ; servant girls from the country become chlorotic in the city ; after masturbation ; with hysterical symptoms ; in young girls, discharge worse in morning.
 Gonorrhoea ; painless discharge of thick, milky mucus, with burning, stinging pain, swelling of labia and cutting pains at mouth of uterus.
 Lumps occurring in breasts of young girls ; painful and affecting arm of corresponding side.
 A thin, acrid, milk-like fluid runs from breasts before puberty.

Характеристика растения

 Nearly a year before, enlargement of abdomen ; soon afterwards felt very distinct movements as from a fetus ; for next month or two had morning sickness just as in previous pregnancies, also same longing and craving for unnatural articles of food ; abdomen kept on gradually enlarging ; breasts became fuller, and finally contained milk ; all symptoms of former pregnancies present except that she had a regular monthly flow lasting three or four days, somewhat scanty, painless and too pale ; when seated very decided movements as from a fetus could be seen through dress. θ False pregnancy.
 Vomiting of ingesta after each meal ; frequent eructations of sour, hot, rancid food ; foul taste.
 Severe nausea and occasional vomiting, only late in afternoon and evening ; appetite good when not nauseated ; no thirst ; tendency to be chilly all the time ; during fourth month of pregnancy.
 Morning sickness and vomiting. Throbbing in epigastric region ; vomiting of sour mucus.
 Varicose veins ; pains from varicose veins and the general symptoms worse towards evening ; varices present a bluish appearance.
 Lame pelvis ; cannot walk so well towards evening ; feels worse when warm in bed ; can hardly find an easy position through night, owing to pain in pelvic articulations.
 Pain, sharp and sore, in sacrum and each hip ; came on as soon as she went to bed, rendering a change of position frequently necessary ; pains which come on while lying on back are better by turning to either side, and those which came on when lying on either side are much better by turning on back, to effect which change she was compelled to rise up in bed and then lie down, as she could not turn herself in bed ; sufferings worse as night advanced, much better by sitting up in bed, and wholly relieved by getting up and walking about room.
 During pregnancy. Fluor albus ; false labor pains ; rheumatic pains in uterus shortly before parturition, worse evening and night, disturbing sleep ; constant urging and pressure to urinate, with tension in abdomen ; soreness of uterus and abdominal walls ; vague troublesome pains in ninth month ; says child turns over and does not lie right, so that it pains her.
 Every two hours sudden severe stitching pains in abdomen compelling her to cry out ; frequent urging to urinate with scanty discharge and burning in urethra ; fifth month of pregnancy.
 Tearing tensive pain in a small spot in lower abdomen during latter half of pregnancy, corresponding to seat of placenta, worse at night when lying on affected side, and sore to touch as if ulcerated.
 During seventh month of pregnancy ; abdomen flattened in front and bulging out in each lumbar region, movements of fetus very violent in right lumbar region.
 Pain as from an ulcer, over seat of placenta, when lying on right side and on pressure.
 False labor pains. сannot sit long at a time, must walk about to relieve pain ; close room is very oppressive, feels as if she must be in open air, which is extremely grateful to her.
 At 4 P. M. sudden severe pain in sacral region with discharge of clear mucus from vagina ; on examination no uterine contractions and os high and closed ; patient greatly excited and fearful concerning oncoming labor, fear of death. θ False labor pains.
 After night watching and mental disturbance during pregnancy, constant chilliness, small pulse, face alternately pale and red, eyes dim, sunken, tongue white, no appetite, constipation, stitches in chest ; labor-like pains in uterine region and discharge of blood from vagina ; pain worse from motion, better in rest ; nausea after eating.
 In fourth month of pregnancy, after a fright, was obliged to walk a mile through deep snow ; in a few hours labor pains ; two days later violent labor pains confined almost entirely to left side which cause her to cry out and weep, occur every fifteen minutes ; flow of dark blood between pains, with large clots ; violent chills between pains, shakes so violently she jars the bed, wants much covering ; chilliness during pains ; no thirst ; slimy taste ; os considerably dilated. θ Threatened abortion.
 One month before proper time was seized with labor pains ; os uteri dilated to about size of silver quarter, pains nearly an hour apart ; although finger could be passed a considerable distance into uterus, head could not be felt, but by palpation was detected near fundus ; after Pulsat. pains ceased ; next month head presented.
 Regular, hard, downward-pressing pains at beginning of fifth month of pregnancy ; every pain is accompanied by loss of breath.
 Hemorrhage with labor-like pains ; blood dark, now fluid, now coagulated ; vagina constricted, dry, examination painful. θ Threatened abortion.
 Threatened abortion ; flow ceases and then returns with double force, ceases again, and so on.
 Shivering and chattering of teeth between pains without chilliness ; started each time from anterior portion of right thigh, where there is also a sensation of shivering ; disposition to weep with every pain.
 Labor pains : extend from sacrum up into region of stomach causing severe pain in stomach and vomiting ; alternating with hemorrhage and restlessness ; grow worse towards evening ; irregular ; cause palpitation, fainting and suffocation ; must have doors and windows wide open, and plenty of air ; spasmodic and ineffectual, uterus inactive ; in sacrum, where there is a constant severe pressure, causing tensive pains in thighs ; deficient ; sluggish ; too weak or ceasing, with somnolence.
 Want of expulsive power ; inertia of uterus.
 The child’s head is in the opening of pelvis and the action of womb is insufficient for expulsion.
 Weeps because she is not delivered.
 Mal-positions of fetus.
 During first stage of labor child was lying transversely (first position, shoulder presentation), in thirty minutes vertex presented.
 Post-partum secondary hemorrhages from retained placenta or coagula.
 Profuse hemorrhage ; lies motionless with pale face, bathed in cold sweat ; could scarcely talk ; roaring in head and darkness before eyes ; uterine contractions entirely absent ; placenta high up in fundus of uterus and could not be removed by gentle traction ; blood escaped in streams ; distortion of eyes and twitching of muscles of face ; uterus feels flabby and soft.
 Convulsions following sluggish or irregular labor pains ; unconscious ; cold, clammy, pale face ; stertorous breathing and full-pulse.
 Retained placenta, want of action or spasmodic contraction.
 After-pains too long and too violent ; worse towards evening.
 Lochia scanty, becoming milky ; feverish, but no thirst.
 Suppression of lochial discharges.
 Puerperal mania after sudden suppression of lochia ; looks about shyly and hides under bedclothes at sight of any one ; sometimes jumps out of bed with the clothes hanging over her head ; answers confusedly ; eyes shine and stare ; uterus tender, she winces under pressure of hand.
 Hands and feet cold ; head hot ; skin moist ; on closing eyes sees strange sights ; was compelled to keep eyes open and look into light ; pulse small, hard and frequent, 140 ; great thirst for cold water ; worse after вellad. ; did not sleep, felt as if she was longer herself ; could not see anything right ; said doctor was making faces at her, that he looked black ; could not discern any one’s features, in fact knew no one ; head was pulsating, felt too full, as if skull was lifted up ; on closing eyes saw pictures and all sorts of strange sights ; heard all kinds of operatic airs ; could not lie on sides, must continually lie on back ; desires no food ; some pain in right groin, where the lymphatics were swollen ; during night urinary secretion suppressed but since morning normal ; cold perspiration over whole body ; felt cold and required and extraordinary amount of covering ; lochial discharge ceased ; eyes sunken ; hands and wrists cool ; tongue clean and moist ; stares at her husband ; says her baby looks odious ; everybody looks fearfully ugly, making faces at her ; labor pains compelling her to press downward ; trembles all over and says she is dying ; after Pulsat. says something snapped in abdomen, after which a large quantity of retained spurious liquor amnii was discharged, with relief of all symptoms. θ Puerperal fever.
 Phlegmasia dolens ; limb pale white, swollen, veins hard, knotty, intensely painful to.
 Touch and motion impossible.
 Weeps every time child is put to breast ; pain extends into chest up into neck, down back, changes from place to place.
 Mild, tearful women who have but little milk.
 Milk thin and watery, the true milk globule almost entirely absent.
 Painful sticking and discharge of thin, acrid milk.
 Suppression of or very scanty supply of milk.
 Milk suddenly suppressed, lochia become milky-white.
 Galactorrhoea, particularly in women who are not nursing their children.
 Swelling of breasts.
 After weaning : breasts swell, feel stretched, tense, intensely sore ; milk continues to be secreted.
 Mamma : lumps in breasts of girls before puberty ; or, escape of thin, milk-white fluid.
 Breast swollen ; rheumatic pains extend to muscles of chest, also to shoulders, neck, axilla and down arms, change from place to place ; during nursing.
 Swelling of breasts, with pressing tension as if milk would appear in them.

Сердечно-сосудистая система

 Catching pain in cardiac region, better for a time from pressure of hand.
 Dull stitches and constant pressure in precordial region, with anxiety that impedes respiration ; better walking.
 Burning in region of heart.
 Heaviness, pressure or sensation of fulness about heart every evening.
 Rheumatic irritation of heart, pains shifting rapidly from one portion of body to another.
 Palpitation : in violent paroxysms, often with anguish and obscuration of sight ; trembling of limbs ; from chagrin, fright or joy ; with amenia, chlorosis ; strong, with suppressed pulse ; after dinner ; from talking ; with soft and irregular pulse ; nightly, so strong as to raise bedcover.
 Palpitation, with anguish ; asthmatic difficulties, with moderate bronchial catarrh ; clear systolic murmurs at apex of left ventricle ; cough ; some difficulty in moving about. θ Insufficiency of mitral valve.
 Nervous palpitation in young girls during puberty, or from amenorrhoea.
 Early stages of anemic palpitation.
 Beat of pulse is felt in pit of stomach.
 Beating through chest interrupts sleep ; old maids.
 Pulse : accelerated, small, weak ; frequent evenings, with distended bloodvessels, slower in mornings ; often scarcely perceptible.
 Murmur in jugular veins.
 Heart symptoms reflex from indigestion.

Конечности и позвоночник

 Stiffness and pressive pain in left side of cervical muscles.
 In nape of neck : rheumatic, drawing, tensive pain ; drawing, fine sticking also between scapula and in back ; pain as if he had lain in an uncomfortable position.
 Swelling of cervical glands.
 Interscapular pain, worse by inspiration.
 Curvature of upper part of spine ; interstitial distension of upper dorsal vertebra.
 Back painfully stiff, like a board.
 Sticking pain in back and across chest.
 Sensation like cold water poured down back.
 Pains in back and chilliness from suppressed menstruation.
 Fine sticking pain in back ; stitches in small of back.
 Pain in small of back : as if sprained, on motion ; after sitting, can scarcely rise ; like labor pain ; as if a band passed through small of back and everything were constricted, taking away her breath, especially in morning ; after sitting, or from long stooping ; as if weary.
 Back and knees feel bruised while lying still in bed, better rising and walking about.
 Drawing, tensive pains in loins.
 Pressive pain as from fatigue, in sacrum, in evening.
 Chilliness and pain in sacral region during menstruation.
 Spinal irritation due to sexual excesses or masturbation ; weariness and stiffness of back, seminal emissions, excited sexual desire.
 Spinal irritation ; neck and, in fact, whole body feel as stiff as a board ; small of back feels as if tightly bandaged ; pains in sacral region, worse sitting or bending backward ; joints feel weak, as if they would become readily dislocated ; better after rest and sleep.
 Lumbago ; must move, yet motion gives no relief.
 Pains in back and sides, low down ; came on while in bed, usually in after-part of night, and deprived him of rest ; pains which are excited or worse by lying on side are better by lying on back ; come on early, wake him from sleep, pass off on getting up, after gentle exercise for two or three hours, to return again following night. θ Lumbago-sacral neuralgia.
 Curvature of spine, with open fontanelles, in children.
 Severe pains in both shoulder joints.
 Hard, painful, throbbing glandular swelling in right axilla.
 Heaviness in arms from shoulders to fingers, numb feeling.
 Numbness and heaviness in arm on raising or using it.
 Arms feel as if broken and dislocated ; worse on pressure and from movement.
 Drawing, jerking and tearing pains in shoulder joints and arms.
 Drawing pains, extending from shoulder to wrist, in transient recurrent attacks.
 Constant tearing pain in shoulder joint, obliges him to move arm.
 Arm painful even while at rest, as if humerus were beaten in middle ; pain extended down into thumb so that she could not use it.
 Tensive pain in tendons in bends of elbows on moving arms.
 Elbow swollen after a contusion.
 Veins in forearms and hands swollen.
 Small swelling under skin above yellow joints.
 Region of wrist slightly swollen and reddened ; pain came on about 3 P. M., continued to increase in violence and was accompanied by swelling and redness until about midnight, entirely preventing sleep ; it then diminished and he felt but little inconvenience from it except pain and stiffness on moving, until next afternoon about the same hour. θ Rheumatism.
 Rheumatism in joints of hand, with redness and swelling.
 Itching chilblains on hands.
 Pain as from festering, in muscles of buttocks, legs and soles.
 Jerking pain in hip joint, extending to knee. θ сoxalgia.
 Hip joint painful as if dislocated.
 Sciatica : pain worse towards evening and at night, with inclination to constantly change position ; worse in warm room ; better in open air ; left-sided, cannot rest although motion aggravates, the worse the pain the more severe the chills.
 Unable to move affected thigh and leg at night, she was obliged to let it lie wherever it happened to be on account of a bruised pain in and below knee.
 Excessive weariness of thighs with trembling of knees.
 Acute drawing in lower extremities as far as knees, in evening, with more chilliness than during day without subsequent heat.
 Crampy pain in right leg, from knee to groin.
 Pain as if bruised, in thighs, not in flesh but in bones ; when pressing upon part it seemed to be felt in bone ; she was unable to bend knee and could not kneel ; it seemed as if bone would break.
 Drawing and tension in thighs and legs in evening.
 Left thigh and leg swollen to twice natural size ; thigh looked flushed ; leg from knee to ankle of a crimson color, deepening to a livid hue as it neared the toes, which were just discernible under swollen and overlapping instep ; veins varicosed ; from knee to instep several ulcers, two of largest about one and a half inches in diameter, the lesser ones about one inch, and the smaller and smallest from half an inch to size of pea, giving out a sanious discharge and very tender to touch ; limb difficult to move, from its size and weight, and occupied with a dull aching pain, keeping her in constant misery, depicted in her countenance ; general health much impaired, appetite poor, sleep restless, strength reduced. θ сhronic phlebitis.
 Painless swelling of knee.
 Cracking in knees.
 Painful stiffness in right knee while walking, whenever thigh is stretched out straight.
 Weariness of knees.
 Tension in hollow of knees.
 Tearing, jerking and drawing pain in knees.
 Phlebitis cruris.
 Sudden severe pain in left knee joint, so violent as to cause him to groan aloud ; could scarcely walk ; knee very much swollen, but not discolored ; sensitiveness so great that slightest touch or movement caused him to groan ; inability to let limb hang down, must have it supported in a chair ; pain most violent on first beginning to move, yet every movement was attended with suffering ; felt as if he must move, yet motion gave no relief.
 Hot inflammatory swelling of knee.
 Knees inflamed, swollen, with shooting pains.
 Soft white, shining swelling of knees.
 Heaviness of legs during day.
 Legs seem asleep when rising after sitting.
 Drawing pain in legs in evening.
 Cramp in leg in evening, after lying down, with chilliness.
 Tensive pain in calves.
 Drawing, heaviness and weariness of legs.
 Drawing pain in tibia.
 Jerking, lacerating pain through left leg and foot which soon became oedematous and numb ; extremely sensitive to jars, touch or pressure ; could not bear to have anybody come near her ; sat on edge of chair, with leg flexed upon thigh ; weeps easily ; extremely sensitive to touch ; left side gets chilly, and then the greater pains ; worse at night and before midnight ; better by shifting position and warmth. θ Rheumatism.
 Aching in calves, which are swollen.
 Pain in calf of right leg, following upon a moderate attack of influenza ; pain aching, drawing, came on in evening, much worse by heat of bed ; better from application of cloths dipped in cold water ; nearly sleepless from pain for two nights ; better during day. θ Neuralgia rheumatica.
 Eruption on inner side of right leg, more in popliteal space ; blisters form and discharge a yellow thick matter which forms a scab, and after scab comes off there is left a purple spot ; these sores come in successive crops and are very sensitive to touch ; thick, dark, offensive discharge from ears ; stupid, dull and sleepy in afternoon ; cannot keep awake until tea-time.
 Varices on legs.
 Bleeding of varicose veins on legs.
 Feet red, inflamed, swollen, also soles ; swelling of top of foot.
 Red and hot swelling of feet, with tensive burning pains, on standing change to a sticking.
 Swelling of feet ; varicose veins swell up.
 Great inclination to stretch feet, while sitting.
 Heaviness and drawing in feet.
 Weakness or weariness of feet.
 Tingling and grumbling in feet, while standing, better while walking.
 Tearing pain extending across back of foot to heel.
 Burning pain on back of foot.
 Boring, sticking pain in heel.
 Boring pain in heels, towards evening.
 Burning, sticking pain with itching, like that in frostbitten limbs, in ball of heel.
 Soles of feet painful, as if beaten.
 Burning pains in soles of feet.
 Sensation of soreness in soles of feet.
 Burning as from glowing coals, near or above an ulcer on foot, just before dressing it, morning and evening.
 Soreness of left heel, soon becoming very tender on walking ; soreness so great as to compel her to use crutches, least pressure upon it being intensely painful ; for last two years, could not move even about house without crutches ; has taken much quinine. θ Periostitis.
 Red, elevated spot on dorsum of foot.
 Tearing, stitching pains in feet ; ankles swollen and red, particularly left ; papilla of skin on legs red and elevated ; painful, brown, burning spot over ankle ; heat and burning pain in whole foot ; on attempting to stand on foot severe stitching pains causing her to cry out ; vertigo ; headache ; nausea ; slimy taste ; coated tongue ; loss of appetite ; palpitation of heart ; sleepy by day, sleepless at night. θ Rheumatism.
 Nervousness felt especially about ankles.
 Offensive toe sweat.
 Chilblains ; swelling bluish, hot, with throbbing pains and intense itching, especially in soles, after getting warm in bed.
 Frostbitten toes, severe burning pain, bluish red swelling, hot to touch, with want of sensation in affected parts.
 Complaints worse when allowing feet to hang down.
 She cannot walk so well towards evening.
 Anxious tremulous sensation in limbs ; weakness, weariness and heaviness.
 Drawing, tearing in limbs, with chilliness and coldness.
 Drawing, fine sticking pains in limbs, especially in joints, which are painful to touch as if beaten.
 Limbs feel beaten.
 Limbs upon which he lies while asleep seem asleep, with crawling on waking.
 Wandering pains, shift rapidly from one part to another, also with swelling and redness of joints.
 Tension which increases until very acute, and then lets up with a snap ; worse evenings before midnight.
 Jerking, tearing, drawing in muscles, shifting rapidly from place to place ; worse at night, from warmth ; better from uncovering.
 After catching cold, fever, headache, racking pains in upper and lower limbs ; suppression of menses ; was crippled hand and foot ; nothing seemed to better her and she fancied the remedies employed made her θ Neuralgic rheumatism.
 Tensive, stitching, tearing pains in nape of neck, shoulders, and in arms down to finger tips ; tensive pains from small of back over hips and thighs, to feet ; fever, chilliness and shuddering intermingled with heat ; headache, confusion of head ; offensive taste ; slimy mouth ; loss of appetite ; great sleepiness during day, restless at night. θ Rheumatism.
 Drawing tearing pains, first in one knee, then in other, then in arms and hands, shoulders, nape of neck or feet ; pains so severe as to hinder motion of affected part ; after the pains have lasted several hours affected part becomes swollen, pain grows less severe, and another part is attacked ; constant chilliness over whole body, except affected part, which is hot ; pulse hard, small contracted ; tongue coated white ; impaired appetite ; no sleep before midnight on account of evening exacerbation, remission about 3 or 4 A. M. and sleep ; pale face. θ Rheumatism.
 Acute twitching pains and constant numbness in affected joints ; pain on touch and when attempting to move ; worse at night preventing sleep, better towards morning ; tension in legs as if tendons were too short ; after getting wet. θ Rheumatism.
 Chronic rheumatism brought on by working in hot rooms and cold vaults ; rheumatic fever, worse in evening and forepart of night ; worse every other night ; very severe pains in ankles and feet and in upper limbs from elbows to fingers ; dull, aching pains, sometimes stinging ; better by drinking cold water.
 Rheumatism caused by getting wet, especially feet ; from protracted wet weather.
 Redness and swelling of joints, with stinging pains.
 Frostbitten limbs ; dark, red bluish swelling.
 Rest : tremulous anguish ; weakness of joints ; arm painful.
 Cannot rest although motion worse : sciatica.
 Must keep in recumbent position : from nausea and vertigo.
 Must lie down : from weariness ; and sleep for hours.
 The longer he lies in morning the longer he wishes to lie.
 Lying : tremulous anguish ; cough.
 Lying on back : pains which come on are better by turning to either side, and vice versa ; must sit up and turn ; only position possible ; dyspnoea ; pains .
 Lies in bed on back with feet drawn up.
 Lying with head low : tearing in teeth.
 Lying on sound side : tearing in teeth.
 Lying on side : difficulty of breathing ; soreness of chest ; pains.
 Lying on left side : palpitation ; dreams.
 Sitting : tremulous anguish.
 Sitting up in bed : cough goes off ; whooping-cough ; after, can scarcely rise ; pain in back ; pain in sacral region.
 Child sits up in bed to cough.
 Cannot sit long, must walk about : false labor pains.
 Cannot sit up in bed : pain across loins.
 Sleeps with her arms over head and feels stiff on rising.
 Cannot hold head erect, heaviness.
 Bending backward : pain in sacral region.
 Must bend forward : pain in chest and abdomen.
 Stooping : vertigo ; head feels too heavy ; pressive headache ; pulsating in brain.
 Standing : bladder painful ; lame and restless feeling in thigh ; pressing pain in testicles.
 On attempting to stand : severe pain in foot.
 When feet hang down : complaints.
 Inclination to change position : sciatica.
 Desire to change position : neuralgia ; pain in leg.
 Can hardly find an easy position through night, owing to pain in pelvis.
 Motion : tremulous anguish ; causes vertigo ; of eyes causes pain in them ; of head or body, noises in ear ; soreness of chest ; pain in abdomen.
 Beginning to move : ulcers.
 After moving : ulcers.
 Disinclination to move.
 Moves about anxiously from side to side on knees : difficulty of breathing.
 Tosses about : colic.
 Turning over in bed : as if bladder would fall towards side on which he is lying, chilliness.
 Raising eyes : tearing in temple.
 Chewing : does not worse toothache.
 Rising : head sweat ; faceache .
 Rising from a seat : vertigo.
 Raising arm or using it : numbness and heaviness.
 Must move arm : tearing pain in it.
 Cannot bend knee or kneel : pain in leg.
 Cannot move affected thigh and leg : sciatica.
 Making a misstep : stitching pains in stomach.
 Walking : vertigo ; dizzy obscuration of vision ; toothache better ; oppression, tension, shortness of breath ; stitching pain in stomach ; cutting pressure upon neck of bladder ; urine is discharged in drops ; pain in region of bladder on walking ; urine dribbles ; pain in external urinary organs ; menses flow mostly ; tires limbs easily ; wholly relieves suffering ; causes cough ; fast, oppression of chest ; stitches in precordial region ; bruised pain in back and knees ; stiffness of knee ; tingling in feet ; soreness of heel.
 Going up-stairs : causes cough.
 Ascending an eminence : oppression of chest.
 Exercising : oppression of chest ; gently, relieves pains in back and sides.
 Exercise : is exhausting.
 Exertion : palpitation.
 Touch : stitching headache.
 Quick hard rubbing with dry hand : better pains.
 Wishes to throw off her clothes.
 Part lain on : tearing in temple.
 Clothes tight : cannot bear them on abdomen.
 Pressure : throbbing headache ; oppressive sensation in epigastrium ; region of stomach very sensitive ; better pain in region of bladder ; hypogastric region sensitive ; pain over seat of placenta ; fifth and sixth dorsal vertebra painful ; against left chest, soreness of chest ; of hand better pain in cardiac region ; of arm pain.
 Scratching : worse itching of skin ; ulcers.
 Rubbing : better veiled feeling in eyes ; pain in canthi ; better itching of lids ; ulcers.
 Contusion : elbow swollen.
 Jars : left leg sensitive.
 Badly fitting truss : causes inflammation of spermatic cord.
 Wound in ankle : ulcer one year after.
 Fall : injury to testicle followed by trismus.
 From lifting heavy weight : pain in sacrum.

Нервная система

 Heaviness of whole body ; inclination to stretch.
 Everything about body seems tight ; wishes to throw off her clothes.
 Sensation in whole body as if he had been awake all night, with confusion in head, as after intoxication.
 Feeling of discomfort over whole body, in morning after rising, better moving about.
 Excessive weariness from a short walk.
 Weakness of whole body ; he is obliged to lie down.
 Tremulous weakness.
 The longer he lies in morning the weaker he becomes and the more he wishes to lie and fall asleep again.
 Languor, prostration and desire to yawn.
 Indolent, constantly wishes to lie or sit.
 Tired worn-out feeling.
 Nervous debility, with amenorrhoea.
 Excessive debility and bruised feeling in limbs ; lameness in ligaments ; troublesome beating of arteries of whole body, most perceptible when touching parts.
 Neuralgia : from bad diet, late hours, fat pastries, gravies ; erratic pains, which fly from one part of body or limbs to another, short and sharp, and attended by bruised sore sensation.
 Numbness of suffering parts.
 Restless mood, as if he had not done his duty.
 Cannot sit long at a time ; must walk about to relieve pain.
 Anxious feeling of trembling, or violent trembling all over, sometimes with cold perspiration.
 Child becomes very rigid, from fretfulness.
 Lies in bed on back, with feet drawn up.
 Oversensitiveness to pain.
 Hysteria ; symptoms ever changing.
 Fainting fits, great paleness of face ; shivering, coldness.
 Chorea caused by amenorrhoea or dysmenorrhoea.
 Epileptic convulsions : violent tossing of limbs, followed by relaxation, disposition to vomit, eructations ; from suppressed menses.


 Yawning ; drowsy by day, and during dinner ; can scarcely keep awake in evening, yet without weariness.
 While sleeping lies upon back, with hands over head, or with arms crossed on abdomen and feet drawn up.
 Feverish somnolence.
 Sleep dull, stupid, restless, tosses about ; intolerable sensation of heat, throws off covers ; moves to and fro.
 Talking, whining or screaming during sleep ; starts, talks, weeps, cries out ; stertorous inspirations.
 Dreams : confused, frightful ; anxious, vivid ; of fright and disgust ; sad, with weeping ; anxious, when lying on left side ; of black beasts ; that he is falling.
 Wakes very frequently during night.
 Unable to fall asleep, in evening.
 Sleep before midnight prevented by a fixed idea ; for example, a melody constantly recurred to his mind, yet sleepiness prevented activity of memory and fantasies.
 Sleeplessness : on account of orgasm of blood ; with extreme restlessness ; on account of an anxious sensation of heat ; until 2 A. M. ; till after midnight, with weeping because she could not sleep, girl at. 8 ; after late supper, or eating too much ; from ideas crowding on mind ; first part of night, sleeps late in morning.
 Wide awake in evening, does not want to go to bed ; first sleep restless ; sound sleep when it is time to get up ; wakes languid and not refreshed ; indigestion.
 Aggravation in evening ; in twilight.
 Morning : depressed ; thinks of business with grieving ; vertigo on rising, faint ; towards, fetid sweat on head and face ; it seems dark before eyes ; agglutination as if foreign body were pressing in eye ; lachrymation ; sneezing ; yellow or yellow green coryza ; blowing of blood from nose ; jerking in teeth ; bad taste on hawking ; qualmish nausea ; dryness of tongue ; as if tongue had been burnt ; putrid smell from mouth ; mouth and pharynx dry and covered with mucus ; thirst for beer ; weight in stomach ; aching in forehead ; cholera ; bad taste ; hemorrhoids with pain in back ; towards, pain in uterus with qualmishness ; nausea, feels very tired ; leucorrhoea.
 At 2 A. M. : sleepless.
 From 3 to 4 A. M. : remission of pain.
 At 6 A. M. : gets an hour’s sleep after restless night.
 At 7 A. M. : neuralgia of head.
 At 10 A. M. : chill.
 At 11 A. M. : chill commences in hands.
 Forenoon : rigor over back.
 Day : headache throughout ; pain in left causality ; somnolence ; lachrymation, facial neuralgia ; sleepy, shivering up back ; looked cold and blue ; two or three diarrheic stools ; bleeding tumors.
 Day and night : pain in one side of head and face.
 Afternoon : pain in stomach takes away breath ; nausea and vomiting ; dull and sleepy ; ulcers.
 At 3 P. M. : pain in wrist came on, increased till midnight, diminished till next afternoon ; attacks with coldness extending from body to legs.
 At 4 P. M. : sounds in ears ; pains in face cease ; as if limbs would fall asleep ; chill ; sudden severe pain in sacral region.
 At 5 P. M. : chill.
 At 6 P. M. : bilious intermittent paroxysm.
 Evening : anxiety ; dreads ghosts ; vertigo with nausea, heat and loss of sight ; stupefaction ; until going to sleep stitches in brain ; tearing in frontal bone ; headache ; eyes ache, tearing in temples ; pulsating in head, headache ; hemorrhoids with itching ; fever ; metrorrhagia.
 Night : anxiety as from heat ; sees the world on fire ; bubbling in head ; headache ; tearing in head ; neuralgia in head.
 Before midnight : pain in face.
 Midnight : fever sets in.

Общие симптомы

 Worse before a thunderstorm.
 Heat : faceache .
 Sun : symptoms.
 Heat of stove : pain in left causality.
 Hot rooms and cold vaults : cause rheumatism.
 Hot food : vomited immediately.
 In summer : chilliness.
 Warm weather : ulcers .
 Warmth : of bed tearing in head.
 When warm in bed : cough ; cough becomes dry.
 Covering warmly : better chilly feeling.
 Warm room : stupefaction ; soreness of temples ; attack of violent catarrh ; from cold air into, attack of profuse discharge of blood from nose ; pain in face.
 Warm food : pain in face.
 Warm applications : intolerable during neuralgia.
 In house : coryza stopped ; chilly.
 Close room : very oppressive.
 Open air : vertigo ; soreness in temples ; pain in head ; tearing in head ; walking slowly, headache better ; eyes ; wants to be in ; lachrymation ; itching of lids ; roaring better out-doors ; fluent coryza ; patient feels well ; pain in face ; tearing in alveolar border better ; toothache ceases ; painful pressure upon neck of bladder ; walking, menstrual colic ; craves ; must have, during labor pains ; sciatica ; ulcers .
 Cool air : eyes ; stools .
 Draft of cold open air : toothache .
 Puts feet out of bed to cool them.
 Uncovering : toothache ; pain in muscles .
 Cold : stupefying headache ; food ; colic ; room, cannot void urine ; ulcers .
 Cold food : retained longer than warm.
 Cold drinks : gastric catarrh ; abdominal symptoms.
 Cold applications : eyes ; facial neuralgia .
 Taking cold : swelling of right testicle ; threatened metritis ; suppression of menses.
 Cold, damp weather : hardness of hearing.
 Damp places : abdominal symptoms.
 Getting wet : colic ; attacks of mucous diarrhoea ; cannot void urine ; ovaritis ; metritis ; suppressed menses ; rheumatism.
 Wetting affected parts : better ulcers.
 Washing : better heat.
 Bathing : catarrhal conjunctivitis.
 Cold water : in mouth becomes warm, toothache ; toothache.
 Ice water : cholera.
 Changes of weather or storms : tearing in head.
 Wind : does not better itching of lids ; teeth sensitive ; ulcers.
 Sweat : profuse, in morning ; only on one side of body ; on face and scalp ; sour, musty, at times cold ; sweetish acid odor to sweat ; at night with stupid slumber ; like musk ; during sleep, disappears on waking.
 Chilliness, commencing every morning 10 A. M., and lasting one hour, followed by fever, lasting about two hours, then sweat, disappearing in a short time ; thirst before chill, also with fever and sweat, absent during chill ; pain in right side of head ; dulness of hearing ; constant sticking pain in chest on drawing a deep breath ; cough, principally in morning, at which time she expectorated a bloody-yellowish matter which occasionally became mixed with green mucus ; bitter taste in mouth ; constant nausea ; restlessness, with sleeplessness after midnight ; watery diarrhoea after eating anything unusual, especially apples ; has not menstruated for several months. θ Ague.
 Chill 10 A. M., beginning in feet, legs and neck ; shaking, lasting two hours ; thirst ; wants to be covered ; heat, with frontal headache ; pale face ; thirst for much water and often and for hot lemonade ; wants to be uncovered ; sweats sleeping, more on neck and chest ; thirst and headache, when awake ; wakes weeping ; during night and morning previous, thirst. θ Ague.
 Chill on alternate days at noon, first in feet, then in hands, then general ; lasts one hour, without thirst ; fever for about half an hour, with slight thirst ; aching in legs before chill and during fever ; headache, during chill especially, stitches in temples ; appetite poor. θ Ague.
 Chill alternate days, at noon, commencing in knees, with cold legs and feet, lasting twenty minutes ; no thirst ; fever lasts an hour and a half, no thirst, sleeps much ; after fever, hunger, with beating and throbbing in forehead ; no sweat ; daily epistaxis ; appetite poor. θ Ague.
 Chill generally begins about umbilical region, sometimes in tips of fingers ; sensation of coldness as from a piece of ice between scapula ; better by heat ; chill lasts two minutes, heat for half an hour, then chill again, no sweat ; a draft of air or dampness will at any time produce the chilly feeling which is better by covering warmly ; drinks little, water disagrees ; bad, flat taste, worse in morning ; menses scanty, feels often like crying ; symptoms worse from heat of stove or sun. θ Intermittent fever.
 Chill commences in hands at 11 A. M. with thirstlessness ; excessive bone pains ; fever lasts an hour, with slight thirst and sharp shooting pains in forehead ; slight sweat. θ Ague.
 Chill every day at noon ; aching of head, back, and extremities ; sore, bruised spots over body ; fever sets in at midnight without thirst. θ Ague.
 First attack 3 P. M., later ones at 1 A. M. ; during chill great coldness with shuddering, chills up and down back, with aching and drawing in bones and muscles of hips ; chilliness lasting three-quarters of an hour ; fever high with faintness and restlessness from want of air and heat of room ; considerable perspiration after fever, but easily chilled ; cannot remain in warm room ; pulse small and quite full ; tongue moist and dirty white ; no thirst.
 Chill followed by fever and sweat, nearly every day, coming on towards evening ; no thirst in any of the stages, aversion to fat or rich food and but very little appetite ; the little eaten distressed her, had to live quite abstemiously ; severe pain in left chest, with troublesome cough, worse lying down. θ Ague.
 Quotidian : chill from 3 P. M. until bedtime ; began on buttocks, descended legs and ascended to head, making hair stand on end, with feeling in head as if it would break ; if he coughed, head felt as if it cracked ; woke in morning with sweat ; with chill, painful stiffness of neck ; epigastrium somewhat swollen and allowing no pressure ; by day he looked cold, nose blue and pointed.
 Tertian ague : during apyrexia, great heaviness of whole body with chilliness and sleepiness during day ; great lassitude, can hardly walk across floor, must lie for hours and sleep, worse towards evening ; sleep at night restless, with talking and tossing about ; several watery stools at night.
 Attacks begin in evening with severe chill in back, followed by moderate heat mostly in head, with headache and delirium lasting until morning, followed by profuse sweat ; thirst present only before chill ; before and during chill, severe cough and pain in chest ; during apyrexia pains in lower limbs ; menses suppressed ; leucorrhoea ; postponing type. θ Quartan ague.
 Severe general chill, lasting half an hour, then great heat followed by profuse sweat lasting several hours ; moderate thirst during heat ; during paroxysm severe headache ; during apyrexia lassitude, loss of appetite, intolerable stitching pain in left hypochondrium, two or three diarrheic stools during day ; tongue moist, white ; slight murmur during systole ; murmur in jugular veins ; pulse 88, weak ; spleen greatly enlarged. θ Ague.
 Every evening at 6 severe chill lasting one hour, followed by great heat and headache, and then sweat lasting half the night ; during apyrexia, constant severe headache, pain in chest, severe cough with expectoration of bitter taste. θ Quotidian ague.
 Chill 4 P. M., with icy coldness and clamminess of hands and paleness of face and lips, lasting an hour, followed by heat of two hours duration, sweat absent ;
 During apyrexia, headache in right half of forehead, every day tearing pains in right eye ; severe pains like tic douloureux when region supplied by pes anserinum is touched ; has had nosebleed for several paroxysms ; tongue clean, moist ; offensive taste ; offensive smell before nose, three stools daily. θ Tertian ague.
 Attack preceded by numbness of fingers ; chill lasting one to two hours ; heat with thirst ; profuse cold sweat standing out upon body in drops ; congestion to head with throbbing in temporal arteries, better from hard pressure ; nausea and sensation as if head would burst on coughing ; heat and headache continue until next paroxysm on following day ; at beginning of paroxysm looseness of bowels and cough with mucous expectoration, especially during heat. θ Ague.
 Quotidian ague ; great prostration ; face greenish yellow.
 Attacks at 3 P. M. with coldness extending from body to legs, and going to head, with bristling of hair, so that cap was raised from head, with this a feeling of fulness in head as if it would burst ; if he coughed at this time, cracking in head ; cold stage lasted until bedtime ; some sweat next morning. θ Quotidian intermittent.
 By day patient looked cold, with a pointed, blue nose.
 Painful stiffness of muscles of neck during chill.
 Aversion to rye-bread. θ Intermittent fever.
 Chills after being suppressed for ten days by quinine, returned again every other night before midnight ; not amounting to a shake, but a chilly cold feeling, lasting from one to two hours, followed by high fever which lasted fully eighteen hours, ending in slight sweat ; little thirst at any time ; severe headache during fever ; nausea before chill. θ Ague.
 Paroxysms of increasing severity and ever changing symptoms ; no two attacks alike. θ Ague.
 Somnolence before fever. θ Quartan ague.
 Ague ; during febrile stage, pains threatening abortion in early months of pregnancy.
 Ague after abuse of quinine ; thirst 2 or 3 P. M., then chill without thirst and anxiety and oppression from venous congestion of chest ; sleepy, yet cannot sleep ; one hand hot, the other cold.
 Intermittent fevers, with gastric and bilious symptoms or consequent upon abuse of сinchona or quinine, with bitter taste of food and constipation.
 Vomiting of mucus when cold stage comes on ; absence of thirst during hot stage and during sweat.
 Severe bilious intermittent ; congestive collapse ; no pulse for hours ; complete paralysis of throat ; paralysis of optic and auditory nerves ; cold, blue nose ; cold hands, feet and limbs ; had taken much quinine ; paroxysm had set in about 6 P. M.
 During apyrexia : headache ; mucous diarrhoea, nausea and loss of appetite ; enlarged spleen.
 After suppression of ague : earache, toothache, headache, pains in limbs, etc.
 During convalescence from сhagres fever, slight chill every afternoon, followed by a flush of fever and a sweat at night ; no appetite ; depression of spirits ; little thirst ; irritability and peevishness ; perverted taste, so that all food tasted as if saturated with salt.
 Chill : at 5 P. M. beginning in sacrum and going downward ; constipation ; at 6 P. M. next day, chill, with heat and moisture half an hour after ; face hot, pale, sallow ; feels very nervous and prostrated ; abdomen tender, worse in right iliac region ; gurgling in right iliac region on pressure ; pulse rapid, compressible ; much dryness of mouth, back to throat, with thirst, but dared not drink much at a time, because it made her sick at stomach, drank frequently ; aching pain in whole left lower extremity on outer aspect, requiring her to move it frequently, with momentary ; sore breasts ; loss of milk.
 Typhoid fever. Early stage ; external heat intolerable, causing sense of heat with distress ; uncovering is followed by a chill ; heat only on one side with coldness of other, or sweat of one side ; drowsiness ; delirium ; frightful visions ; dry tongue, as if burnt, yet no thirst ; rumbling in bowels and diarrhoea, with pinching pain, worse at night ; pulsating in epigastrium.
 Since three days drowsiness ; fever ; continual delirium, especially at night ; throws himself about in bed, and wants to rise ; tongue red, and covered with a yellow coating ; skin dry, burning, and covered since two days with an eruption resembling flea-bites ; lies on back, legs turned on stomach ; drowsiness, from which he can be easily roused, though replying in an embarrassed manner ; tongue sticky and yellow ; cerebral congestion ; nostrils dry ; burning heat, and dryness of skin ; pulse 140 ; insensibility of stomach ; constipation since six days ; urine scanty, red, depositing, when standing, a greyish sediment ; repugnance to drink. θ Typhoid fever.
 Pains appear suddenly, leave gradually.
 Wandering pains shift rapidly from part to part.
 Symptoms ever changing.
 The symptoms are especially violent every alternate evening.
 When rising up, the red face turns deathly pale.
 Paroxysms increasing to an intense point of severity, then decreasing to complete cessation.
 Regular intervals : facial neuralgia.
 Recurrent attacks : pain from shoulder to wrist.
 Alternately : pain in forehead, in morning after rising, and evening after lying down ; pains in forehead, stomach or abdomen ; paleness and redness of face ; somnolence and sopor with photophobia ; dry and fluent coryza ; diarrhoea and constipation ; hard and soft stools ; face pale and red ; labor pains, and hemorrhage.
 Every minute or so : shocks of pain in ear.
 Quarter of an hour after eating : bitter taste.
 From 5 to 10 P. M. : rheumatic headache.
 Every hour : diarrheic discharge ; must urinate.
 One hour after eating : pain in stomach.
 Two hours after eating : feels bloated.
 Every two hours : severe stitching pains in abdomen.
 From 3 P. M. till bedtime : chill.
 Hours after eating : vomiting of food.
 Stop and return in a few hours : hemorrhages.
 For hours : no pulse.
 For twenty-four to forty-eight hours : suffers horrid pains, dysmenorrhoea.
 For twenty-four hours : no discharge of urine ; every half hour, paroxysm of pain.
 Every morning : at 11 o’clock, severe pain along course of left infraorbital nerve ; 2 or 3 o’clock, stitching pain in epigastric region ; chilliness, 10 A. M., for one hour followed by fever lasting two hours.
 Every day : for several hours, bad taste ; epistaxis ; at noon, chill ; chill, fever, and sweat ; tearing pains in right eye ; three stools.
 Every afternoon : slight chill.
 Every evening : tearing, boring headache, red face ; at 6 o’clock faceache ; great fulness of chest, fulness about heart, severe chill lasting one hour.
 Every night : at 12 o’clock, dyspnoea, palpitation ; pain in back and sides.
 Alternate days : chill at noon.
 Every other night : rheumatism.
 One day after another : pains in forehead, stomach and abdomen.
 At intervals of one, two or three days : constipation with headache.
 Two or three days : attacks lasting.
 Six days : constipation.
 Ten days after labor : severe chill followed by heat.
 From one to two weeks : gastrodynia.
 Every two weeks : menses.
 For three weeks : menses delayed.
 Periodical : sick-headaches two or three days before menses.
 For several months : menses absent.
 Spring : toothache.
 Autumn : nocturnal enuresis.
 For two years : troublesome cough ; cannot move about house without crutches on account of soreness of heel ; nocturnal enuresis.
 Since six years : loss of voice.
 Right : frequent boring in side of forehead ; tearing in side of head ; pain in ear ; neuralgia of temple ; shooting pain through eye ; in side of head ; ringing in ear ; two pustules on conjunctiva ; hearing impaired ; tearing pain behind ear ; pressure in bone above ear ; purulent discharge from nostril ; burning of cheek ; pain in supraorbital region over whole side of face, worse in zygomatic region and hairy portion of head ; profuse lachrymation ; neuralgia on side of face and head ; swelling of scrobiculus cordis, with hardness extending more to side (l. lobe of liver) ; cramping pain in leg ; testicle drawn up ; swelling of testicle ; testicle tender to touch ; pain in thigh ; severe pain on side of abdomen, constrictive pains in ovary ; movement of fetus very violent in lumbar region ; pain over seat of placenta when lying on side ; pain starts from anterior portion of thigh ; pain in groin ; swelling in axilla ; crampy pains in leg ; stiffness of knee ; pain in calf of leg ; eruption on inner side of leg ; heat of side ; pain in half of forehead.
 Left : tearing in frontal bone ; violent pressure in temple ; pain in side of forehead ; twitching in eyelid ; biting and pressure in eye with lachrymation ; lying on side, palpitation ; tearing pain from temple over side of head and to ear and jaw ; pain in causality ; pressive pain in eye ; stye ; hearing completely lost ; sudden severe pain in ear ; lachrymation, pain in side of face ; offensive mucus from nostril ; side of face sensitive ; varicose swelling on side of tongue ; side of region of stomach very sensitive to pressure, cannot lie on side, swelling of scrobiculus cordis ; side of neck of bladder pains ; lame and restless feeling in thigh ; testicle hangs low, swelling of testicle and epididymis ; orchitis ; pain in side of uterus ; cutting pain in ovary ; pain in side from under false ribs ; labor pains confined to side ; palpitation when lying on side ; eye inflamed ; pressure against chest, soreness ; smothered feeling in chest ; perspiration on side of chest ; systolic murmur at apex of ventricle ; inframammary pain ; pain in clavicle muscles, sciatica ; thigh and leg swollen to twice natural size ; sudden pain in knee joints ; pain through foot and leg ; soreness of heel ; ankle swollen ; stitching pains in hypochondrium ; aching in lower extremity.
 Feels as if he were beside himself ; as if in a hot atmosphere ; as if death were near ; as if looking through a sieve ; limbs as if bruised ; limbs as if asleep ; as if one had turned in a circle a long time, as if he would fall, as if he were dancing ; as if head were too heavy ; as if his memory failed ; as if brain would burst and eyes fall out of head ; as if one had eaten too much ; as if stomach had been disordered ; temple as if constricted ; as if forehead were in a vise ; as if head would burst ; as if a nail were driven into occiput ; as if brain were lacerated ; nape of neck as if constricted ; head as if between screws ; as of a gimlet piercing skull ; as if brain were to be pressed through skull ; as if tongue were to be torn out ; as of a veil before eyes ; as if eyes were tightly bound by a cloth ; as if a foreign body were pressing in eye ; as of sand in eye ; as if ear were stopped ; as if a thick body were being forcibly driven into ear ; as if ear would burst on sneezing ; as if all life had been taken out of head ; as if all the blood would go to heart ; as if something were crawling out of ear ; as if nose would be forced asunder ; as of fine snuff in nose ; as if eyes were covered with mucus which could be wiped away ; as if a lachrymal fistula would form ; as if parts would become swollen ; right zygomatic region as if seized with pincers ; as if face were being drawn tighter and tighter and then suddenly let loose as if a string were cut ; as if a nerve in tooth were put on stretch and then let loose ; as if teeth would be forced out ; as if tooth would start from jaw ; gums as if sore ; as if tongue had been burnt ; edges of tongue as if scalded ; as if roof of palate were covered with tenacious mucus or were swollen ; as of sulphur vapor in throat ; throat as if raw ; oesophagus as if food were lying in ; as of a worm creeping up into throat ; as if throat were swollen ; as if she would be choked ; as if he had to swallow over a lump ; as if food were lodged above pit of stomach undigested ; as of a stone in stomach ; as if one had eaten too much ; as if one would vomit ; as of a stone in abdomen ; as if diarrhoea would set in ; as if stool would occur ; as if urine would gush away ; as if bladder were too full ; as if bladder would fall towards side on which he is lying ; as if bowels would be moved ; eyes felt as if they would push back into orbit ; as if head were off shoulders ; as from a stone in bladder ; as of a stone in abdomen ; pressure in rectum, as if to stool ; as if menses would come on ; as if tacks pricked heels ; spot in abdomen sore as if ulcerated ; as if she must be in open air ; as if she were not herself ; as if skull were lifted up ; as if milk would appear in breasts ; as if throat were constricted ; as if chest were too full and tight ; as if fumes of sulphur had been inhaled ; as if trying to remove something from throat ; as if a coat of mucus extended from velum palati to tongue ; as of an ulcer in middle of thorax ; as if air passages were internally constricted by mucus ; as of fluid dropping and gurgling in chest ; as of damp stockings ; as of stone in chest ; as if chest were oppressed by mucus ; chest as if bruised ; as if he had lain in an uncomfortable position ; as of cold water poured down back ; small of back as if sprained ; as if a band passed through back, and as if everything were constricted ; back as if weary ; back as if tightly bandaged ; as if joints would easily become dislocated ; arms feel as if broken or dislocated ; as if humerus were beaten in middle ; as of festering in muscles of buttocks, legs and soles ; hip joints as if dislocated ; thighs as if bruised ; as if bone would break ; as if he must move, yet motion gave no relief ; soles of feet as if beaten ; joints as if beaten ; limbs as if beaten ; as if tendons of legs were too short ; as if he had been awake all night ; as if limbs would fall asleep ; chill as if drenched with cold water ; as if he were dashed with hot water ; as of piece of ice between scapula ; with chill, as if head would break ; with cough, head as if it cracked ; as if head would burst on coughing ; food as if saturated with salt ; tongue as if burnt ; as if thigh were bruised ; pain as from subcutaneous ulceration or as from inward festering ; itching as from fleas ; as of a hot coal above ulcer.
 Pain : in stomach ; in left side of forehead ; rising from nape of neck ; in small of back ; in whole head ; in loins ; in thighs and groins ; in ankles and feet ; in right side of head ; in bones of nose ; in one side of head and face ; in pit of stomach ; in epigastrium to back and abdomen ; in front and back of head ; abdomen, chest and under shoulder ; in lower chest and abdomen ; in kidneys ; in urethra ; in uterus ; in right thigh ; in pelvic articulations ; in loins ; in chest ; in left side from under false ribs around to back ; in heels ; in right groin ; in maxillary sinuses ; in sacral region ; in back and sides, low down ; in hip ; across loins.
 Anguish : in region of heart.
 Violent pain : in one side of occiput ; in ear.
 Severe pains : in right side of head ; in left causality ; in forehead ; in ear ; along course of left infraorbital nerve ; across sacrum ; in right side of abdomen ; in stomach ; in both shoulder joints ; in left knee joint ; in ankles and feet ; from elbows to fingers in bones ; in left chest.
 Acute pain : in temples ; in groins, along cord to testicles ; of heels.
 Sharp pain : in ear ; in rectum ; in sacrum and hips.
 Crazing pain : into face and teeth.
 Racking pains : in upper and lower extremities.
 Splitting pain : in chest.
 Stupefying headache.
 Tearing pain : in right side of head, in temples ; over left side of head ; at tongue ; in forehead and vertex ; in eyes ; in right eye ; in ears ; in sinus maxillaris ; in face ; in teeth ; along alveolar border to ears and temples ; between shoulder blades ; in bowels ; in testicles ; in chest ; in limbs ; in shoulder joints and arms ; in knees ; across back of foot to heel ; in feet ; in muscles ; in nape of neck, shoulders and arms.
 Lacerating pain : in testicles ; through left leg and foot ; in bones of forearm.
 Cutting pain : in bowels ; in throat ; in abdomen, even to tongue and limbs ; in hypogastric region ; in rectum ; about navel, to small of back ; in region of left ovary ; at mouth of uterus ; in region of spleen ; in chest ; in abscesses.
 Darting pain : in eyes ; in hepatic region.
 Shooting pain : through right eye ; in ears ; in gums through head ; in knee ; in forehead.
 Throbbing pain : in brain ; in head ; in forehead ; in teeth ; in soles.
 Pulsating pain : in head ; in brain ; in ear.
 Dull, throbbing pains : in right supraorbital region.
 Jerking : at tongue ; in outer ear ; pain in face ; in teeth ; in bowels ; in shoulder joints and arms ; in hip joints in knees ; through left leg, in muscles ; in bones.
 Beating : in head ; in forehead.
 Boring : in right side of forehead ; in left side of head from temple to occiput and into side of neck and auditory meatus ; in heels ; in bones.
 Stitches : in side ; in brain ; in temples ; in limbs ; forehead and vertex ; in eyes ; in ears ; in throat ; in left side ; in abdomen ; in rectum ; in chest ; in small of back.
 Stitching : in forehead ; gnawing, in head ; in eyes ; along alveolar border ; in stomach ; in epigastrium ; in neck of bladder ; in abdomen ; in chest ; in limbs ; in feet ; in nape of neck ; in left hypochondrium.
 Pinching pain : in abdomen ; at root of nose ; in stomach.
 Sticking pain : in eyeball ; in eyelids and canthi ; in ear ; in gum ; in back ; in region of liver ; in face and teeth ; in chest ; between scapula ; in back and across chest ; in ball of heel ; in limbs ; in joints.
 Pricking pain : in face.
 Contractive pain : in left side of uterus.
 Constrictive pain : above eyes ; in abdomen ; in right supraorbital region ; in upper abdominal and hypochondriac region ; in region of bladder ; in region of right ovary.
 Tensive pain : over brain ; in throat, nape of neck and occiput ; in hepatic region ; in a small spot in lower abdomen ; in thighs ; in tendons ; in bends of elbows ; in calves ; in feet ; in nape of neck ; from small of back over hips and thighs to feet.
 Tensive pain : in eyes ; from abdomen through spermatic cords into testicles ; in loins ; in thighs and legs.
 Tensive, drawing pain : in forehead above eyes.
 Drawing, pressive pain : towards uterus.
 Pressive pain : in forehead ; in eyes ; in right supraorbital region ; in upper abdomen and small of back ; in lower abdomen ; in testicles and spermatic cord ; in rectum ; in clavicle muscles ; in sacrum.
 Labor-like pains : in abdomen and back.
 Griping pain : in abdomen ; in pit of stomach ; in upper abdomen.
 Crampy pains : in stomach ; through chest ; in right leg from knee to groin ; in legs.
 Colic-like pains : in abdomen.
 Digging : in decayed teeth.
 Gnawing : in epigastrium ; in gum.
 Gnawing distress : in stomach.
 Catching pains : cardiac region.
 Spasmodic pain : in neck of bladder.
 Erratic pains : flying from one part of body to another.
 Painful shocks : in arms, shoulder and back ; in abdomen.
 Rheumatic pain : in head ; in uterus ; in nape of neck ; in joints of hand ; in feet.
 Neuralgia : of right temple, into back of head, neck and ear ; r. side of face and head.
 Aching : in eyes ; in forehead ; in stomach ; of testicles ; in calves ; in legs ; head, back and extremities ; in bones and muscles of hips ; of ears ; of teeth ; of head ; in left lower extremities.


 Chilliness : through whole body, especially in back, with cold hands ; with yawning and stretching before appearance of menses ; all over without shivering ; feels cold in evening ; whole evening, before bedtime, even while walking ; on going from a warm room into cold air ; with the pains ; in evening, after lying down ; without thirst ; without sensation of being cold ; internal, even in a warm room ; towards evening, even in summer, when warmly clad ; with trembling ; over upper part of abdomen and upper arms, after dinner ; over abdomen, extending around to lower portion of back ; in sacrum ; along back.
 One-sided coldness, with numbness.
 Flitting chilliness ; chills in spots, now here, now there ; worse in evening.
 Febrile chill, without thirst ; thirst during heat.
 Shivering in back, extending into hypochondria and especially into anterior portion of arms and thighs, with coldness of limbs and a feeling as if they would fall asleep, about 4 P. M.
 Cold creeps on back in evening and night.
 Shivering running up back all day, without thirst.
 Creeping shiverings over arms, with heat of cheeks ; air of room seems too hot.
 Cold hands and feet ; they seem dead.
 Thirst before chill or heat, seldom during hot stage.
 Chill 4 P. M., no thirst ; anxiety, dyspnoea ; vomiting of mucus when chill comes on.
 Coldness, paleness, with sweat over whole body.
 Chill as if drenched with cold water.
 Shivering before colic commences.
 Chill followed by heat, with anxiety and heat of face.
 Heat : dry, in evening, with distended veins and burning hands, that seek out cool places ; internal, with thirst ; attacks of flushes ; at night, without thirst ; external warmth is intolerable ; of hands and feet ; followed by shivering ; of whole body except hands, which are cool, with pressive headache above orbits and anxious lamentations ; anxious ; as if he were dashed with hot water, with cold forehead ; wishes to be covered, licks lips and does not drink, moans and groans ; intolerable burning at night in bed with uneasiness ; with red face, or one cheek pale and one red ; internal, dry, evening and night, without external heat ; of right side or on upper part of body, better by moving or washing ; of face or of one hand, with coldness of other, body hot, limbs cold ; of body with coldness of extremities ; during evening, veins are enlarged.


 Pale ; burning itching here and there.
 Burning itching over whole body, on becoming warm in bed, before midnight, worse from scratching ; is unable to sleep on account of it ; there is no appearance of an eruption.
 Itching, fine sticking sensation in skin, as from numerous fleas.
 Jaundiced appearance ; loss of appetite, vomiting of mucus, thirstless, worse towards evening.
 Urticaria : with diarrhoea ; itching worse at night ; from pastry or pork ; from delayed menses.
 Erysipelas : bluish, spreads rapidly ; especially about buttocks and thighs ; smooth skin ; neonatorum, infantile ; erraticum ; induration of cellular tissue.
 Pimples : from scalp to middle of back ; on side of neck ; on neck below chin ; on leg, discharging a watery fluid ; between fingers, containing water.
 Eruptions from eating much pork ; itching violently in bed.
 Moles or freckles on young girls.
 Measles : catarrhal symptoms prominent ; coryza and profuse lachrymation ; cough usually dry at night and loose by day ; child sits up in bed to cough ; earache ; not indicated in beginning when fever is high ; even with typhoid symptoms ; catarrh prominent ; eruption tardy ; earache ; ophthalmia ; short, dry cough, with pain in chest, or rattling loose cough which is prone to remain as a sequel ; repercussion.
 After scarlet fever : pain in ears, deafness.
 Varices, especially of pregnant women ; highly inflamed varices.
 Bleeding tumors ; changeable blood, worse while walking during day.
 Ulcers : bleed easily, burn, itch and sting in circumference, which is hard or red ; fistulous, inflamed, or putrid, with shining hardness, easily bleeding ; flat, putrid, carious ; itching, burning or excoriated feeling ; smarting and shooting pains ; surrounding parts discolored ; indurated and elevated edges ; surrounded by papilla ; pus copious, albuminous and yellow, bloody or green ; worse evening, afternoon and at night before midnight ; also on changing position while lying on sound side, after lying down, during menstruation, on beginning to move, after moving, from pressure on opposite limb, rubbing or scratching, sitting, in windy or wintry weather ; better in open air, cold in general, wetting affected parts, motion and walking.
 Burning as from a hot coal above ulcer.
 After being wounded in ankle in battle by fragment of a shell, one year later ulcer at seat of injury, wound never having closed, circular in form, as large as palm of hand ; regular outline ; flattened edges ; filled with firm, florid granulations, discharging profusely a thick, greenish-yellow pus ; red, shining areola ; much stinging and itching in ulcer and surrounding parts ; pain of varying character, worse evening and before midnight ; better in all respects in open air and from cold applications and in warm weather.
 Wounds suppurate ; pus thick, bland, too profuse.
 Chilblains, inflamed, with bluish-red swelling and rhagades.

Тип пациента и конституция

 Persons of indecisive, slow, phlegmatic temperament ; sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, easily moved to laughter or tears ; affectionate, mild, gentle, timid, yielding disposition.
 Especially suitable for slow, phlegmatic, good-natured, timid people ; for women, and especially during pregnancy.
 Sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, inclined to grief and submissiveness.
 Often indicated with women and children.
 Women inclined to be fleshy, with scanty menstruation.
 Child, at. 8 months ; retention of urine.
 Boy, at. 1 1/2 years ; cholera infantum.
 Boy, at. 4 1/2, after an attack of ague ; anasarca.
 Girl, at. 5, suffering from a leucorrhoea which was suddenly suppressed by cold ; meningitis.
 Girl, at. 5, two years ago had measles, since then suffering ; hardness of hearing.
 Boy, at. 5, suffering two years ; eruption on leg and otorrhoea.
 Girl, 5 1/2, mild, gentle disposition, delicate features, color of face readily changing, slender build, suffering since an attack of measles, two years ago ; nocturnal enuresis.
 Boy, at. 6, strong ; scrofulous, after sudden suppression of otorrhoea by cold ; irritation of brain.
 Boy, at. 6, lymphatic temperament ; typhoid fever.
 Boy, at. 7, scrofulous, patient, lachrymose disposition, two years ago had whooping-cough, since then suffering ; cough.
 Girl, at. 8, gentle, tearful disposition, suffering six months ; headache.
 Girl, at. 8 ; pustule on cornea.
 Girl, at. 8, complaining two weeks ; sleeplessness.
 Boy, at. 9 1/2, two and a half years previously had necrosis of right humerus, and one year previous an itching humor cured by red precipitate ointment ; headache.
 Boy, at. 10, during wet and cold weather ; swelling of ears.
 Girl, at. 12, after suppressed eruption of measles ; otitis.
 Girl, at. 12, delicate build, gentle, quiet disposition ; chronic nasal catarrh.
 Girl, at. 12, scrofulous, one year ago suffered from oppression of chest and eczema on knee ; measles and threatened tuberculosis.
 Girl, at. 12 ; measles.
 Boy, at. 13 ; inflammation of eye.
 Boy, at. 14 ; inflammation of brain.
 Girl, at. 15, weak, scrofulous, suffering 12 days ; inflammation of eyes.
 Girl, at. 15, suffering three months ; facial neuralgia.
 Girl, at. 15 ; constriction in throat.
 Girl, at. 15 ; amenorrhoea.
 Girl, at. 15 ; dyspepsia with amenorrhoea.
 Boy, at. 15 ; ague.
 Youth, at. 16, suffering ten days ; religious mania.
 Girl, at. 16, after having taken cold in feet ; diarrhoea.
 Girl, at. 16, mild-looking, intelligent blonde, three months ago had violent attack of cholera morbus, for which she took calomel, got her feet wet and has been suffering since ; chronic diarrhoea.
 Girl, at. 16, after catching cold while menstruating a year ago ; amenorrhoea.
 Girl, at. 17, menses not yet appeared ; chlorosis.
 Girl, at. 17, menses regular, suffering two weeks ; ague.
 Young man, at. 17, quiet, cheerful disposition ; freezing of toes.
 Young woman, at. 18, sanguine temperament, several years ago anemic, menses not yet appeared, but suffers every month from various complaints, after an illness ; mental disturbance.
 Girl, at. 18, sensitive, lachrymose disposition, fair hair, blue eyes ; ozana and dysmenorrhoea.
 Girl, at. 18, healthy ; swelling of knee.
 Young man, at. 18, suffering three days ; ague.
 Girl, at. 18, suffering several months ; ague.
 Young woman, at. 19, tall, strong, lively, cheerful, good-natured, during eighth month of first pregnancy ; mental disturbance.
 Young lady, at. 19, sanguine temperament, blonde, delicate skin, weak constitution, menstruation not yet established ; headache.
 Girl, at. 19, menses appeared at 14, periods lasting six days ; gastric disturbance.
 Mrs. H., at. 19, small and delicate, nursing first child, at. 6 months ; constant bearing down sensation.
 Girl, at. 19, five months ago was chilled after dancing, which caused suppression of menses, since then ill ; chronic bronchial catarrh.
 Girl, at. 19 ; chlorosis.
 Woman, at. 20, silent, gentle disposition, suffering since first labor several years ago ; mental disturbance.
 Man, at. 20, phlegmatic temperament, dark complexion, suffering two days ; angina.
 Miss R., at. 20, menses appeared late ; gastric disturbance.
 Miss -, at. 20, suffering since puberty ; dysmenorrhoea.
 Girl, at. 20, blue eyes, auburn hair, pale face, easily flushed ; menstrual disorder.
 Primipara, at. 20, robust ; retained placenta and hemorrhage.
 Girl, at. 20 ; hysterical asthma.
 Girl, at. 20, weak, delicate, suffering since four years, when menses appeared ; asthma.
 Young lady, at. 20, slender build, delicate white skin, eight years ago suffered from same disease ; ague.
 Man, at. 20, strong, muscular ; ague.
 Young lady, at. 21, suffering five weeks ; gastralgia and amenorrhoea.
 B., at. 21, ten weeks ago caught cold, since then suffering ; gastrodynia.
 Miss с., at. 21, phlegmatic temperament, stout, suffering two years ; epilepsy.
 Girl, at. 22, menstrual function deranged, had an attack of pleurisy for which she was bled ; headache ; previously had palpitation of heart, also cured by Pulsat.
 Man, at. 22, suffering from inflammatory rheumatism ; blindness.
 Woman, at. 22, single ; chlorosis.
 Man, at. 23, robust, strong, apparently healthy ; bad taste in mouth.
 Woman, at. 23, well built ; threatened abortion.
 Man, at. 23, very strong ; ague.
 Woman, at. 24, gentle disposition, tearful, pale appearance, after catching cold during lying-in period ; headache.
 Woman, at. 24, single, healthy, yielding disposition ; headache.
 Lady, at. 24, fair complexion, mild and gentle expression, pensive and retiring, suffering six months ; dyspepsia.
 Woman, at. 24, single, hereditary tendency to arthritic affections ; rheumatism.
 Girl, at. 25, in consequence of unrequited love, and after hearing of death of a friend ; melancholia.
 Man, at. 25, strong, well built, lymphatic temperament, sanguine, calm, quiet character, suffering two months ; neuralgia of temple.
 Man, at. 25, two months ago caught cold, since then suffering ; headache.
 Man, at. 25, German, blonde, suffering two weeks ; epistaxis.
 Woman, at. 25, slim, suffering nine months ; gastric disturbance.
 Mrs. в. H., at. 25 ; leucorrhoea.
 Mrs. L., at. 25, gentle, phlegmatic, blonde, after suddenly weaning child ; affection of breasts.
 Woman, at. 25, married, has borne two children ; hysteria and debility.
 Woman, at. 25, had a child eighteen months ago, has undergone successful operation for laceration of perineum ; nervous affection.
 Woman, at. 25, tailoress, suffering six months ; rheumatism.
 Woman, at. 26, yellow, cachectic appearance, suffering six months ; vertigo.
 Mrs. J., at. 26, one week after confinement ; phlegmasia dolens.
 Woman, at. 26, single, light brunette, phlegmatic, melancholic temperament, tendency to fatness, sister died of phthisis, suffering three months ; cough.
 Man, at. 27, weak constitution, after suppressed gonorrhoea ; orchitis.
 Miss E. в., at. 27, had ague in the South for one year, and used much quinine without being able to stop it entirely ; ague.
 Woman, at. 28, nursing an infant 6 months old, much exposed for five weeks while traveling, sleeping in a wagon at night ; ague.
 Woman, at. 28, weak ; inflammation of left eye.
 Woman, at. 28, married eight years, has had three children, now in third month of pregnancy ; gastric disturbance.
 Woman, at. 28, delicate, five months pregnant ; pains in abdomen.
 Mrs. F., at. 28, married three years, had several miscarriages, suffered from prolapsus uteri, and a chronic diarrhoea supposed to be caused by tuberculosis of intestines, had not been able to leave couch for more than a year ; Natr. sulph. сured diarrhoea, and Sulph and Natr. carb. cured prolapsus ; was subsequently delivered of two children ; puerperal fever.
 Woman, at. 29, single, sanguine temperament, pretty strong, menses regular, but scanty ; headache.
 Woman, at. 29, during fourth month of second pregnancy ; nausea and vomiting.
 Sophia T., at. 29, suffering three or four years ; rheumatism.
 Man, at. 30, strong, choleric, addicted to drink ; mental disturbance.
 Woman, at. 30, eight days after labor caught cold ; headache.
 Woman, at. 30, good constitution, suffering several years from cardialgia, accustomed to being bled, nursing a three months old child ; headache.
 Woman, at. 30, headstrong, irritable, fault-finding ; headache.
 Mrs. W., at. 30 ; headache.
 Man, at. 30, suffering a week ; catarrhal ophthalmia.
 Man, at. 30, suffering seven days ; inflammation of eyes.
 Woman, at. 30, single, suffering four years ; prosopalgia.
 Woman, at. 30, gave birth to child several months ago ; facial neuralgia.
 Man, at. 30, suffering a long time ; hamaturia.
 Woman, at. 30, suffering eight years from oppression of chest with expectoration of mucus, ten days after labor ; metrorrhagia.
 Woman, at. 30, brunette, gentle disposition,.
 Delicate constitution, after night-watching and mental disturbance ; threatened abortion.
 Woman, at. 30, four months pregnant, after a fright was obliged to walk home, being about a mile, through deep snow ; threatened abortion.
 Woman, at. 30, robust, healthy ; ague.
 Man, at. 31, lymphatic temperament, suffering several years ; dysecoia.
 Woman, at. 31, blonde, five months pregnant ; toothache.
 Woman, at. 31, six months pregnant ; gastralgia.
 Woman, at. 31, multipara ; puerperal metritis.
 Woman, at. 32, German, mother of five living children, husband a drunkard, anemic from nursing and want of food ; religious mania.
 Barber, at. 32, light complexion, nervous temperament, has not been well for some time, four weeks ago had a kidney trouble ; neuritis.
 Woman, at. 32, good physique, when eighteen had pneumonia, from which she made a slow recovery, six years after that her first child was born, labor being instrumental, and child was stillborn, from this she was ill a long time, second child born two years later, from which she was much debilitated and terribly despondent for a long time ; periostitis ; later, delayed menses.
 Woman, at. 32, corpulent, mother of three children, labors all difficult, carried fourth child with difficulty to full term ; false labor pains.
 Lady, at. 32, suffering six years ; aphonia nervosa.
 Woman, at. 33, phlegmatic temperament ; gastric fever.
 Mrs. Judge A., at. 33, mother of several children, nervous temperament, good constitution, of slender form and appearance, laboring under a slight attack of bilious fever, for which she had appropriate remedies which relieved her in two or three days, but found that she had been subject to semi-annual attacks of prosopalgia for several years, pain appeared during sixth month of pregnancy, and was still present one month after parturition ; pains in hips and sacrum.
 Woman, at. 33, single, robust, after getting wet ; rheumatism.
 Mrs. D., at. 34, nervous temperament, fretful, timid disposition, suffering three days ; headache.
 Woman, at. 34, menses suppressed after catching cold, since then suffering ; nasal catarrh.
 Woman, at. 34, single, strong, after catching cold ; swelling of knee.
 Lady, at. 35, large, lymphatic, has had the disease several times before, always treated allopathically ; gastrodynia.
 Woman, at. 35, seven months pregnant ; violent fetal movements.
 Woman, at. 35, mother of five children, dark complexion, enfeebled constitution, six years ago, after a confinement, arose from bed before usual time in order to attend to household work, then took cold and was confined many days to bed, and ended in symptoms of milk-leg ; chronic phlebitis.
 Man, at. 35, strong, vigorous, wounded at battle of Gettysburg, in ankle, by fragment of shell, since then suffering ; ulcer on leg.
 Man, at. 35, dark complexion, contracted disease while in army, in Savannah marshes, took much quinine and whisky ; ague.
 Woman, at. 35, single, mild character, blonde, year ago had rheumatic fever ; rheumatic pains.
 Woman, at. 36, healthy, suffering many years ; inflammation of eyes.
 Woman, at. 36, lost much blood during last labor, nine years ago, since then suffering ; gastralgia.
 Woman, at. 36, had five children and three miscarriages ; false pregnancy.
 Mrs. с., at. 37, large, plethoric, light hair, blue eyes, suffering for years ; headaches.
 Mrs. с., at. 37 ; dyspepsia.
 Man, at. 37, choleric temperament, from youth suffered from catarrhal affection of throat, after catching cold ; asthma.
 Miss, at. 37, out of health for years, has had several hemorrhages, has been treated allopathically, supposes herself incurable ; affection of chest.
 Woman, at. 37, lady’s maid, single, few weeks ago caught cold, since then suffering ; neuralgic rheumatism.
 Mrs. S., at. 38, swarthy, stout, sensitive, confined two months ago, since then weak ; ague.
 Man, at. 39, suffering three months ; indigestion.
 Woman, at. 40, sudden suppression of lochia on tenth day ; puerperal mania.
 Woman, at. 40, after sudden suppression of lochia ; puerperal mania.
 Woman, at. 40, weak, irritable ; otitis.
 Man, at. 40, of healthy appearance, suffering several years ; gastric disturbance.
 Woman, at. 40, fat, fair, florid ; biliary calculi.
 Locksmith, at. 40 ; constipation.
 Man, at. 40 ; orchitis.
 Woman, at. 40, weakly, poorly fed, living in very sorrowful circumstances, wife of an actor, attacked for years with catarrh ; acute pulmonary catarrh.
 Man, at. 40, suffering over a year ; lumbo-sacral neuralgia.
 Man, at. 40 ; swelling of knee.
 Man, at. 40, robust, has taken much quinine, suffering two years ; ague.
 Man, at. 40 ; ague.
 Woman, at. 40 ; rheumatism.
 Man, at. 40, sickly, suffering from scrofulous ulcerations and swelling of glands ; zona.
 Man, at. 42, weakly, pale, mild, soft, patient disposition, constantly kept by business at his desk ; indigestion.
 Man, at. 42, mild, gentle, patient disposition, weak, pale, occupied much at writing-desk ; gastric disturbance.
 Mrs. P., at. 42, suffering several years ; menstrual disturbance.
 Woman, at. 43, thin, pale, gentle disposition, after an inunction of mercury for angina ; headache.
 Lady, at. 43, subject to attacks of hysteria, proceeding from prolapse of uterus ; spasms preceding menses.
 Woman, at. 44, weak constitution, menses absent four months, since then suffering ; asthma.
 Woman, at. 44, single, suffering two years ; rheumatism.
 Woman, at. 45, after vexation ; mental disturbance.
 Man, at. 45, suffering twelve months ; indigestion.
 Man, at. 45, Italian ; chronic cystitis.
 Woman, at. 46 ; gastric disturbance.
 Woman, at. 46 ; indigestion.
 Woman, at. 49, mild disposition, predisposed to lung affections, after catching cold ; bronchitis.
 Man, at. 50, suffering three days ; neuralgic pains in head.
 Woman, at. 50, after erysipelas ; otitis.
 Man, at. 50, formerly addicted to brandy drinking, suffering ten years ; gastralgia.
 Man, at. 50, had gonorrhoea twice, cured without any sequela remaining ; dysuria.
 Man, at. 50, weak, suffering three weeks ; cough.
 Woman, at. 50 ; rheumatism.
 Man, at. 50, quiet disposition ; chronic rheumatism.
 Mrs. S., at. 51, had lateral spinal curvature, suffering over six years ; metritis.
 Woman, at. 54 ; indigestion.
 Man, at. 54, suffering nine days ; ague.
 Woman, at. 55, irresolute disposition, and as a girl very taciturn ; melancholia.
 Woman, at. 59, hearty, lively disposition, suffering three years ; vertigo.
 T., at. 60, robust health, good disposition ; ague.
 Man, at. 62, director of sugar manufactory, suffering six years ; insufficiency of mitral valve.
 Mrs. S. E., at. about 65, suffering several months through last Winter and Spring, and had called for no medical treatment ; ague.
 Woman, at. 66 ; headache.
 Man, at. 68 ; vertigo.
 Woman, at. 70, belonging to upper class of society, small, choleric temperament, suffering for years with hemorrhoids and gout ; glossitis.
 Lady, at. 72 ; soreness of meatus urinarius.
 Woman, at. 73 ; ulcer on leg.
 Lady, blue eyes, light hair and complexion ; headache.
 Lady, phlegmatic, lachrymose, suffering several weeks ; facial neuralgia.
 Young woman, strong and energetic, black hair, red cheeks, after catching cold ; coryza and headache.
 Miss M., slender young lady, of dark complexion, still at school, suffering two months ; amenorrhoea.
 Mrs. J. M., eight months pregnant, after catching cold ; cough.
 Man, stout, full-blooded, suffering ten days ; rheumatism in wrist.
 Man, plethoric habit, subject to attacks of rheumatic gout ; rheumatism in hand.
 Lady, exceedingly mild and gentle disposition, after an attack of influenza ; neuralgia rheumatica of leg.
 Mrs. S., married four years, blonde, in girlhood had a fright, followed by cholera, since her marriage has been in good health until last pregnancy, youngest child 3 months old ; spasms.
 Fleshy man, brewer, crippled for years ; rheumatism.
 Mrs. W., red hair, light skin, freckles easily ; ague.

Диф. диагностика

 Antidoted by : сhamom., сoffea, Ignat., Nux vom.
 It antidotes : сinchon. ; iron, quinine ; Sulphur, Sulphur ac. ; vapors of mercury and copper ; вellad., сhamom., сoffea, сolchic., Lycop., Platina, Stramon., Sabadilla, Antimonium tart. ; whisky ; poisoning by toad-stools.
 Compatible : Arsen., вryon., вellad., Ignat., Kali bich., Lycop., Nux vomica, Phosphor., Rhus, Sepia, Sulphur.
 Complementary : Lycop., Sulphur ac.
 Compare : Act rac., Antimonium crud., сaulophyllum, сonium, сyclamen, Hamamelis, Sabina.

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