Other names and synonyms
agar.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Fly Fungus. Nat. order, Fungi.
One of the most poisonous fungi known as Agaricus muscarius, abused by Asiatic tribes of savages in the form of a real intoxicating drink, the effects of which have been reported by numerous travelers.
The usual name of Agaricus given by Linnee is too vague.
Persoon and Fries have split this Linnean genus into seven families, and the numerous species received forty-four different generic names, of which Amanita is one. вefore long we may have a few relations introduced on account of their essential difference in effect.
First proved by Schreter and E. Stapf, and published by the latter in 1828. Hahnemann and his students’ proving was published in the Archives, 1830, with some toxic symptoms.
In 1831 the best proving of all, that of Apelt, was published in connection with many reliable provings on the sick, and some valuable cured symptoms.
In the same year Hartlaub published in the third volume of his Materia Medica two provings by very trustworthy men, Drs. Woost and Seidel, with some of the observations by travelers in Asia.
In 1835 Hahnemann incorporated it in the second edition of his сhronic Diseases as one of the antipsorics, adopting only 715 symptoms.
In 1859 in сlotar Müller’s Quarterly, vol. x, p. 217 to 260, a so-called critical review was made ; it is enough to say that nearly every symptom there condemned to be stricken out has been confirmed by the Vienna provings published since ; in the list of toxic symptoms, given with great pretension, one of the main sources was overlooked, the report of Langsdorf (therefore not in Allen), and 15 symptoms of it belong to an entirely different Agaricus.
In 1869 Zlatarowich published the provings of the Vienna Society, undertaken with great zeal and courage. We may say Amanita has suffered an overproving similar to what our Thuya and Lycopodium had to undergo.
An addition has been made of Th. Rückert’s essay, comparing the symptoms of this remedy with the symptoms of incipient tuberculosis ; they are marked.
The carefully dried cap (pileus) is triturated in the regular way.
One of the most poisonous fungi known as Agaricus muscarius, abused by Asiatic tribes of savages in the form of a real intoxicating drink, the effects of which have been reported by numerous travelers.
The usual name of Agaricus given by Linnee is too vague.
Persoon and Fries have split this Linnean genus into seven families, and the numerous species received forty-four different generic names, of which Amanita is one. вefore long we may have a few relations introduced on account of their essential difference in effect.
First proved by Schreter and E. Stapf, and published by the latter in 1828. Hahnemann and his students’ proving was published in the Archives, 1830, with some toxic symptoms.
In 1831 the best proving of all, that of Apelt, was published in connection with many reliable provings on the sick, and some valuable cured symptoms.
In the same year Hartlaub published in the third volume of his Materia Medica two provings by very trustworthy men, Drs. Woost and Seidel, with some of the observations by travelers in Asia.
In 1835 Hahnemann incorporated it in the second edition of his сhronic Diseases as one of the antipsorics, adopting only 715 symptoms.
In 1859 in сlotar Müller’s Quarterly, vol. x, p. 217 to 260, a so-called critical review was made ; it is enough to say that nearly every symptom there condemned to be stricken out has been confirmed by the Vienna provings published since ; in the list of toxic symptoms, given with great pretension, one of the main sources was overlooked, the report of Langsdorf (therefore not in Allen), and 15 symptoms of it belong to an entirely different Agaricus.
In 1869 Zlatarowich published the provings of the Vienna Society, undertaken with great zeal and courage. We may say Amanita has suffered an overproving similar to what our Thuya and Lycopodium had to undergo.
An addition has been made of Th. Rückert’s essay, comparing the symptoms of this remedy with the symptoms of incipient tuberculosis ; they are marked.
The carefully dried cap (pileus) is triturated in the regular way.
Psyche and consciousness
Cannot find proper word, uses wrong words ; worse after exertion and sleepless nights.
Dulness almost amounting to idiocy. θ сhorea.
The whole psychological sphere as if paralyzed, hence a kind of idiocy.
Ecstasy, fancies excited ; makes verses ; prophesies.
Talks incoherently ; passes rapidly from subject to subject.
Falls into a delirium as with high fever ; becomes now gay, now melancholic.
Delirium. Tries to get out of bed ; constant raving without exacerbation ; constant, does not know his relations, and throws his wine and medicine at his nurse. θ Typhus.
Delirium tremens.
Fearless, menacing, mischievous frenzy ; frenzy causing him to assail and injure himself, great exertion of power.
Silly merriness.
Great loquacity, convulsive motions of facial and cervical muscles, mostly right side, drawing head down to shoulder ; merry, incoherent talk, followed by malaise.
Sings, talks, but does not answer questions ; strength augmented.
Laughs at his attempts to stand and walk.
Disinclined to answer questions.
Aversion to work. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Indisposed to perform any labor, especially mental.
She is indifferent, though naturally very solicitous.
Very much out of humor.
Takes offense easily.
** Mental solicitude about his condition. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Cross, self-willed, stubborn. θ сhronic spasms of eyes.
His mind much depressed. θ сhorea.
Great selfishness. θ Nymphomania.
Morose, self-willed, stubborn, slow in learning to walk and talk ; on trying to walk stumbled singularly often. θ Nystagmus.
Protracted mental application or exciting debates brought on vertigo.
Complaints after getting angry.
** Epilepsy after fright.
While meditating : vertigo.
When thinking of pain : undefined disagreeable sensation.
Dulness almost amounting to idiocy. θ сhorea.
The whole psychological sphere as if paralyzed, hence a kind of idiocy.
Ecstasy, fancies excited ; makes verses ; prophesies.
Talks incoherently ; passes rapidly from subject to subject.
Falls into a delirium as with high fever ; becomes now gay, now melancholic.
Delirium. Tries to get out of bed ; constant raving without exacerbation ; constant, does not know his relations, and throws his wine and medicine at his nurse. θ Typhus.
Delirium tremens.
Fearless, menacing, mischievous frenzy ; frenzy causing him to assail and injure himself, great exertion of power.
Silly merriness.
Great loquacity, convulsive motions of facial and cervical muscles, mostly right side, drawing head down to shoulder ; merry, incoherent talk, followed by malaise.
Sings, talks, but does not answer questions ; strength augmented.
Laughs at his attempts to stand and walk.
Disinclined to answer questions.
Aversion to work. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Indisposed to perform any labor, especially mental.
She is indifferent, though naturally very solicitous.
Very much out of humor.
Takes offense easily.
** Mental solicitude about his condition. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Cross, self-willed, stubborn. θ сhronic spasms of eyes.
His mind much depressed. θ сhorea.
Great selfishness. θ Nymphomania.
Morose, self-willed, stubborn, slow in learning to walk and talk ; on trying to walk stumbled singularly often. θ Nystagmus.
Protracted mental application or exciting debates brought on vertigo.
Complaints after getting angry.
** Epilepsy after fright.
While meditating : vertigo.
When thinking of pain : undefined disagreeable sensation.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo : when walking in open air, reeling as if drunk ; long-lasting, with great sensitiveness to cold air ; momentary ; from strong light of sun ; with stupefaction and burning in vertex ; combined with a tottering gait and indistinct sight, even of near objects ; better thinking of something else ; in attacks ; objects whirling ; tendency to fall forward ; brought on by protracted mental application or exciting debates.
When walking does not arrive at point he sets out for. θ сhorea.
Constant dizziness. θ From overwork at desk.
Lay almost always unconscious, though he could be raised for a minute when questioned. θ Typhoid.
Confusion of head.
Heaviness as after drunkenness.
As if drunken and always sleepy. θ Epilepsy.
Unconscious and speechless with convulsions , (toxic).
Fainting after moving head, hearing others talk, smelling aromatics or perfumeries, even smelling vinegar.
Nervous headache.
Great weight in head, A. M. θ сhorea.
Throbbing, beating cephalalgia, with a sensation of stiffness of muscles of face. θ сlimacteric years.
Beating pain, with despair bordering on rage.
Burning in head.
Pain as though sharp ice touched head or cold needles pierced it.
Dull pain, especially in forehead ; must move head constantly to and fro and close eyes as for sleep.
Violent oppressive pains, chiefly in forehead, with delirium.
Fulness and pain in temples. θ From overwork at desk.
In temples : burrowing pain ; drawing ; shooting cramplike pain.
Pressing in right side, as if a nail was thrust in ; worse sitting quietly ; better moving slowly about.
Tearing and pressure in left half of brain.
Heaviness or sense of bearing down ; weight in top of head, with a feeling of pressing together of brain.
In vertex : pressure ; burning ; throbbing.
Dull fulness after waking.
Heaviness, drawing and tension ; heaviness towards nape.
Dull, drawing headache in morning, extending into root of nose, with nosebleed or thick mucous discharge.
Headache from spine affection.
Headaches of those who are subject to chorea ; or who readily become delirious in fever or with pain ; twitchings or grimaces.
Various sensations in left half of occipital bone, when seated.
Sensation of coldness on right side of frontal bone, though warm to touch.
Icy coldness in region of coronal suture after itching and scratching.
Sensation of icy coldness on head.
Twitching in skin of forehead, above right eye.
Twitching of head and cervical muscles on right side ; drawing of head towards shoulder. θ Pregnancy.
Drawing or stitching pains in head, shifting from side to side. θ Neuralgia.
Such a violent shock of whole head, starting in first cervical articulation, he involuntarily bit his tongue.
Drawing from both sides in frontal bone as far as root of nose.
Chronic tenderness of scalp, like that with spinal irritation.
Chorea-like muscular motions of galea aponeurotica (scalp), temporal muscles in cheek and lower jaw.
Head constantly falling backward as if a weight were attached to occiput.
Head in constant motion. θ сhorea.
Sweat all over, even on scalp.
Biting itching on scalp and other parts of head ; like tetter on a small spot on border of forehead, left side.
Scalp sensitive as from subcutaneous ulceration.
Itching of scalp, especially early in morning, after rising.
Itching nettle-rash on scalp with stupefaction and vertigo. θ сlimacteric years.
Tinea capitis with crusts sometimes spreading to other parts of body.
Right half of head higher and thicker at birth of child.
Head appeared crooked and displaced ; both halves of head grew almost even. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Sensitive to light, even candlelight ; confusion, dizziness from it.
Feeling of weakness in eyes without having exerted them.
Dim sight. Focal distance changes while reading, first grows shorter then longer ; things look obscured as from turbid water ; musca volitantes ; vibrating spectra ; with vertigo.
Reads with difficulty, type seems to move.
Flickering before eyes while writing.
If she grasped at any object held before her, her hand did not generally come near it. θ Nystagmus.
Yellow, brown or black spot before left eye.
Brown musca volitantes.
Pupils dilated ; light glares.
Optical illusions in dark colors.
Diplopia ; sees things double. θ From overwork at desk.
Myopia, dependent upon spasm of ciliary muscle, especially if complicated with twitching of lids.
Muscular asthenopia, with weakness of internal recti, and consequent inability to keep eyes fixed on reading (vanishing of sight), with pain around eyes, soreness of balls, twitchings and jerkings of balls and lids.
Muscular asthenopia consequent upon uterine disorders and spinal anemia ; cannot fix eyes long even on distant objects, could not converge them ; lids heavy, as if stuck together, but are not.
Pupils dilated, eyes dull, tarsi reddened ; constant lachrymation ; balls and lids twitch. θ сhorea.
Pupils rather contracted. θ Typhus.
Exertion of eyes makes a pressure in balls ; flimmering and mistiness.
Black motes hover before eyes, everything surrounded by mist, as if covered by cobweb, eyes hurt ; dizzy ; disposed to shut eyes. θ Headache.
Viscid yellow humor gluing lids ; gum in canthi.
Heat in eyes.
Burning most in inner canthi ; they itch, burn and are red ; worse from touch ; stick together. θ Lachrymal fistula.
Frequent slight twitching in eyelids.
Spasmodic twitching in eyes and lids, clear water runs out of them.
Twitching in eyeballs ; while reading, frequent twitching and pressing in left eyeball.
Moving eyes hurts, burns and presses, and brows are sore to touch.
Jerks and pressing in left eyeball at all times of day, and under all conditions.
Jerks in eyeballs frequently following each other.
While reading, frequent jerking and pressing in eyeballs.
Trembling and jerking of eyelids.
Child usually stared blankly and without taking notice of things, also squinted. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
As soon as she opens her eyes in morning, both eyeballs, no matter whether they are fixed upon an object or not, begin to revolve towards right and left with a velocity of half a second, and this continues whole day, with but few intermissions. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Spasms, with aching in left eyeball.
Narrowing of space between eyelids.
Clonic spasms ; lids open and close in quick succession ; quivering of lids.
Eyes suffused. θ Typhus.
Swelling of tear-glands.
Little blisters on cornea ; ulcers of cornea ; eyes inflamed, with flow of tears, from smells, from coughing.
After listening to exciting debates, vertigo.
Every slight noise causes palpitation.
Hearing very acute , (toxic).
Feels worse from hearing people talk.
Dulness of hearing.
Increasing deafness, seventeenth day. θ Typhus.
Creaking in both ears, as from a wooden screw at each attempt to swallow.
Jumping of tensor tympani, sounding like a leathercovered metal valve.
Twitching, rattling, fluttering in tympanic cavity.
Tearing in right ear ; twitching stitches.
Painful stitches in left ear.
Itching in left external auditory tube, with a stitch in inner ear, as of an ice-cold needle.
Stitches in left mastoid process.
Stitches from fauces along eustachian tube, right side Excessive secretion of wax.
Redness, burning itching of ears, as if they had been frozen.
** Frost-bitten ears pain and itch.
Smell of vinegar unbearable.
Smell sensitive ; mucous membrane very sensitive.
Nosebleed of old people, with a relaxed state of bloodvessels.
Profuse fetid discharge from nose ; epistaxis. θ From overwork at desk.
Frequent dropping of clear water from nose, without coryza.
Dry and fluent coryza, with sneezing.
Frequent sneezing, even when there is no coryza, in morning in bed.
Copious discharge of thick tenacious mucus from nose.
Occasionally discharge dark and bloody. θ сhronic nasal catarrh.
Running coryza, with bad odor from nose and running of water from eyes.
Accumulation of dry mucus in nose, with sensation as if nose was entirely filled with it.
Stoppage of nose, especially when stooping.
Constant, copious and offensive discharge from nose, no one could inhale his breath without disgust. θ сhronic nasal catarrh.
Nose turns bluish.
Chronic inflammation of external nose.
** Frost-bitten nose with itching.
Little hard pimples on side of her nose and lips.
Headache extending into root of nose.
Drawing in nose (see 3), with nosebleed or much thick nasal mucus, followed by dropping of water from nose.
Face red and hot. θ Headache.
** Heat in face and upper part of body, in spells lasting from five to ten minutes. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Puffy, pale ; blue under eyes ; nose and lips bluish.
Face blue and puffed. θ Epilepsy.
Tearing in face and jaw bones.
Twitching in right cheek.
Pulsating and throbbing in cheeks.
Twitching of facial muscles. θ сhorea.
Lancinating, tearing and drawing pain in right cheek.
Faceache with toothache.
Itching in face, with redness and burning, as if frost-bitten.
Paralysis of muscles of face, so that one or both corners of mouth drop, allowing saliva to run out. θ Typhus.
Expression of face somewhat idiotic ; child had a senseless stare right before her and sometimes squinted. θ Nystagmus.
Expression of face wore appearance of idiocy. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Froth at mouth, face bluish and puffed. θ Epilepsy.
Jaws clenched.
Sensation as if splinters had been run into right lower jaw.
Trembling vibration in lips and muscles of lower jaw ; convulsive shaking.
Pricking in chin, as from needles.
On awaking, so violent a pain in left articulation of jaw, he could scarcely open his mouth.
Violent tearing in right side of lower jaw.
** сhaps and fissures of lips.
Herpetic eruption principally on upper lip.
Many little blisters on skin.
When walking does not arrive at point he sets out for. θ сhorea.
Constant dizziness. θ From overwork at desk.
Lay almost always unconscious, though he could be raised for a minute when questioned. θ Typhoid.
Confusion of head.
Heaviness as after drunkenness.
As if drunken and always sleepy. θ Epilepsy.
Unconscious and speechless with convulsions , (toxic).
Fainting after moving head, hearing others talk, smelling aromatics or perfumeries, even smelling vinegar.
Nervous headache.
Great weight in head, A. M. θ сhorea.
Throbbing, beating cephalalgia, with a sensation of stiffness of muscles of face. θ сlimacteric years.
Beating pain, with despair bordering on rage.
Burning in head.
Pain as though sharp ice touched head or cold needles pierced it.
Dull pain, especially in forehead ; must move head constantly to and fro and close eyes as for sleep.
Violent oppressive pains, chiefly in forehead, with delirium.
Fulness and pain in temples. θ From overwork at desk.
In temples : burrowing pain ; drawing ; shooting cramplike pain.
Pressing in right side, as if a nail was thrust in ; worse sitting quietly ; better moving slowly about.
Tearing and pressure in left half of brain.
Heaviness or sense of bearing down ; weight in top of head, with a feeling of pressing together of brain.
In vertex : pressure ; burning ; throbbing.
Dull fulness after waking.
Heaviness, drawing and tension ; heaviness towards nape.
Dull, drawing headache in morning, extending into root of nose, with nosebleed or thick mucous discharge.
Headache from spine affection.
Headaches of those who are subject to chorea ; or who readily become delirious in fever or with pain ; twitchings or grimaces.
Various sensations in left half of occipital bone, when seated.
Sensation of coldness on right side of frontal bone, though warm to touch.
Icy coldness in region of coronal suture after itching and scratching.
Sensation of icy coldness on head.
Twitching in skin of forehead, above right eye.
Twitching of head and cervical muscles on right side ; drawing of head towards shoulder. θ Pregnancy.
Drawing or stitching pains in head, shifting from side to side. θ Neuralgia.
Such a violent shock of whole head, starting in first cervical articulation, he involuntarily bit his tongue.
Drawing from both sides in frontal bone as far as root of nose.
Chronic tenderness of scalp, like that with spinal irritation.
Chorea-like muscular motions of galea aponeurotica (scalp), temporal muscles in cheek and lower jaw.
Head constantly falling backward as if a weight were attached to occiput.
Head in constant motion. θ сhorea.
Sweat all over, even on scalp.
Biting itching on scalp and other parts of head ; like tetter on a small spot on border of forehead, left side.
Scalp sensitive as from subcutaneous ulceration.
Itching of scalp, especially early in morning, after rising.
Itching nettle-rash on scalp with stupefaction and vertigo. θ сlimacteric years.
Tinea capitis with crusts sometimes spreading to other parts of body.
Right half of head higher and thicker at birth of child.
Head appeared crooked and displaced ; both halves of head grew almost even. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Sensitive to light, even candlelight ; confusion, dizziness from it.
Feeling of weakness in eyes without having exerted them.
Dim sight. Focal distance changes while reading, first grows shorter then longer ; things look obscured as from turbid water ; musca volitantes ; vibrating spectra ; with vertigo.
Reads with difficulty, type seems to move.
Flickering before eyes while writing.
If she grasped at any object held before her, her hand did not generally come near it. θ Nystagmus.
Yellow, brown or black spot before left eye.
Brown musca volitantes.
Pupils dilated ; light glares.
Optical illusions in dark colors.
Diplopia ; sees things double. θ From overwork at desk.
Myopia, dependent upon spasm of ciliary muscle, especially if complicated with twitching of lids.
Muscular asthenopia, with weakness of internal recti, and consequent inability to keep eyes fixed on reading (vanishing of sight), with pain around eyes, soreness of balls, twitchings and jerkings of balls and lids.
Muscular asthenopia consequent upon uterine disorders and spinal anemia ; cannot fix eyes long even on distant objects, could not converge them ; lids heavy, as if stuck together, but are not.
Pupils dilated, eyes dull, tarsi reddened ; constant lachrymation ; balls and lids twitch. θ сhorea.
Pupils rather contracted. θ Typhus.
Exertion of eyes makes a pressure in balls ; flimmering and mistiness.
Black motes hover before eyes, everything surrounded by mist, as if covered by cobweb, eyes hurt ; dizzy ; disposed to shut eyes. θ Headache.
Viscid yellow humor gluing lids ; gum in canthi.
Heat in eyes.
Burning most in inner canthi ; they itch, burn and are red ; worse from touch ; stick together. θ Lachrymal fistula.
Frequent slight twitching in eyelids.
Spasmodic twitching in eyes and lids, clear water runs out of them.
Twitching in eyeballs ; while reading, frequent twitching and pressing in left eyeball.
Moving eyes hurts, burns and presses, and brows are sore to touch.
Jerks and pressing in left eyeball at all times of day, and under all conditions.
Jerks in eyeballs frequently following each other.
While reading, frequent jerking and pressing in eyeballs.
Trembling and jerking of eyelids.
Child usually stared blankly and without taking notice of things, also squinted. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
As soon as she opens her eyes in morning, both eyeballs, no matter whether they are fixed upon an object or not, begin to revolve towards right and left with a velocity of half a second, and this continues whole day, with but few intermissions. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Spasms, with aching in left eyeball.
Narrowing of space between eyelids.
Clonic spasms ; lids open and close in quick succession ; quivering of lids.
Eyes suffused. θ Typhus.
Swelling of tear-glands.
Little blisters on cornea ; ulcers of cornea ; eyes inflamed, with flow of tears, from smells, from coughing.
After listening to exciting debates, vertigo.
Every slight noise causes palpitation.
Hearing very acute , (toxic).
Feels worse from hearing people talk.
Dulness of hearing.
Increasing deafness, seventeenth day. θ Typhus.
Creaking in both ears, as from a wooden screw at each attempt to swallow.
Jumping of tensor tympani, sounding like a leathercovered metal valve.
Twitching, rattling, fluttering in tympanic cavity.
Tearing in right ear ; twitching stitches.
Painful stitches in left ear.
Itching in left external auditory tube, with a stitch in inner ear, as of an ice-cold needle.
Stitches in left mastoid process.
Stitches from fauces along eustachian tube, right side Excessive secretion of wax.
Redness, burning itching of ears, as if they had been frozen.
** Frost-bitten ears pain and itch.
Smell of vinegar unbearable.
Smell sensitive ; mucous membrane very sensitive.
Nosebleed of old people, with a relaxed state of bloodvessels.
Profuse fetid discharge from nose ; epistaxis. θ From overwork at desk.
Frequent dropping of clear water from nose, without coryza.
Dry and fluent coryza, with sneezing.
Frequent sneezing, even when there is no coryza, in morning in bed.
Copious discharge of thick tenacious mucus from nose.
Occasionally discharge dark and bloody. θ сhronic nasal catarrh.
Running coryza, with bad odor from nose and running of water from eyes.
Accumulation of dry mucus in nose, with sensation as if nose was entirely filled with it.
Stoppage of nose, especially when stooping.
Constant, copious and offensive discharge from nose, no one could inhale his breath without disgust. θ сhronic nasal catarrh.
Nose turns bluish.
Chronic inflammation of external nose.
** Frost-bitten nose with itching.
Little hard pimples on side of her nose and lips.
Headache extending into root of nose.
Drawing in nose (see 3), with nosebleed or much thick nasal mucus, followed by dropping of water from nose.
Face red and hot. θ Headache.
** Heat in face and upper part of body, in spells lasting from five to ten minutes. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Puffy, pale ; blue under eyes ; nose and lips bluish.
Face blue and puffed. θ Epilepsy.
Tearing in face and jaw bones.
Twitching in right cheek.
Pulsating and throbbing in cheeks.
Twitching of facial muscles. θ сhorea.
Lancinating, tearing and drawing pain in right cheek.
Faceache with toothache.
Itching in face, with redness and burning, as if frost-bitten.
Paralysis of muscles of face, so that one or both corners of mouth drop, allowing saliva to run out. θ Typhus.
Expression of face somewhat idiotic ; child had a senseless stare right before her and sometimes squinted. θ Nystagmus.
Expression of face wore appearance of idiocy. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Froth at mouth, face bluish and puffed. θ Epilepsy.
Jaws clenched.
Sensation as if splinters had been run into right lower jaw.
Trembling vibration in lips and muscles of lower jaw ; convulsive shaking.
Pricking in chin, as from needles.
On awaking, so violent a pain in left articulation of jaw, he could scarcely open his mouth.
Violent tearing in right side of lower jaw.
** сhaps and fissures of lips.
Herpetic eruption principally on upper lip.
Many little blisters on skin.
Mouth and throat
Pains in superior maxillary bones and teeth.
Teeth feel too long.
Teeth sensitive to touch, pressure, or while chewing.
Painful jerk in teeth each time he drinks cold water.
Tearing in lower molars, worse from cold air.
Swelling and bleeding of gums, with pain.
Bleeding gums.
Shooting from right lower teeth up to right side of head.
** Inflammation of lining membrane of alveolar processes.
Tongue : coated white, mornings ; smarting, burning in tip, as from pepper ; coated with thick, tough mucus in morning.
Tongue very tremulous and quite dry and bluish. θ Typhus.
Tongue dry. θ Typhus.
Soreness of tongue.
** Tip of tongue studded with small dirty yellow aphtha. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Papilla enlarged, sensation of dryness and contraction like after an astringent, tongue covered with a tough viscid phlegm, especially in morning.
Phagadenic ulcers on ligament of tongue.
Offensive odor like that after eating horseradish.
Bad odor from mouth. θ Incipient tuberculosis. θ сatarrh.
Dryness of whole mouth and back of it.
Increased flow of acrid saliva.
Water accumulates in mouth, with pain in abdomen.
Mercurial aphtha on roof of mouth and tongue.
Sometimes in erecting head, saliva gets into windpipe, causing a violent ejecting cough.
Frequently suffering from aphtha, want of appetite, diarrhoea. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Feeling of dryness of fauces extending into pharynx, causing contraction, as when drinking an astringent.
Great difficulty in swallowing, with ravenous appetite. θ сhorea.
Throws up some flocculi or solid lumps of phlegm, almost without cough.
Pressure in fauces as though a foreign body stuck there, which could not be removed by swallowing.
Angina tonsillaris with great dryness in throat and general weakness. θ сured by Pulsat.
Induration of tonsils, thymus and other glands.
Feeling of tension externally in region of thyroid gland.
Neck distended ; cravat feels too tight.
A burning-cooling feeling along oesophagus to stomach, as after eating cress.
Scratching sensation in throat, renewed with every attempt to sing. θ A professional singer after an epidemic influenza.
Eructations. Empty ; taste of rotten eggs ; taste of apples.
Worse from singing.
During singing a scratching in throat ; after grippe .
Oppression and constriction of larynx ; he fears suffocation.
Tickling along windpipe, with a violent, raking dry cough.
Tickling in trachea. θ Laryngo-phthisis.
** Frequent tickling irritation in windpipe. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
At night breathing was impeded, owing to closure of nose by thick mucus. θ сhronic nasal catarrh.
Oppression of chest with pain in stomach.
During inhalation : stitches in left side and below short ribs ; increasing pressure on middle of sternum ; dull stitches in liver.
With a deep inspiration : pains in different parts of chest and abdomen ; shooting from heart to shoulder blade.
Frequent deep inspirations.
Rapid breathing, evenings, with heat all over and sweat, most in face.
Great inclination to sighing, involuntary, with rapid beating of heart.
Suffocative fits with anxiety and fainting , (toxic).
Difficulty in breathing, as if chest was too full ; he must breathe more deeply.
Chest as if too narrow, pressure on both sides of sternum.
Difficult and noisy respiration.
** Short breath in walking, has to stand still to get breath. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Constriction of chest, with deep inspirations at times, and visible beating of heart, and a kind of oppression, especially behind two borders of sternum, along its whole length.
In region of diaphragm painful drawing with difficult breathing.
Teeth feel too long.
Teeth sensitive to touch, pressure, or while chewing.
Painful jerk in teeth each time he drinks cold water.
Tearing in lower molars, worse from cold air.
Swelling and bleeding of gums, with pain.
Bleeding gums.
Shooting from right lower teeth up to right side of head.
** Inflammation of lining membrane of alveolar processes.
Tongue : coated white, mornings ; smarting, burning in tip, as from pepper ; coated with thick, tough mucus in morning.
Tongue very tremulous and quite dry and bluish. θ Typhus.
Tongue dry. θ Typhus.
Soreness of tongue.
** Tip of tongue studded with small dirty yellow aphtha. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Papilla enlarged, sensation of dryness and contraction like after an astringent, tongue covered with a tough viscid phlegm, especially in morning.
Phagadenic ulcers on ligament of tongue.
Offensive odor like that after eating horseradish.
Bad odor from mouth. θ Incipient tuberculosis. θ сatarrh.
Dryness of whole mouth and back of it.
Increased flow of acrid saliva.
Water accumulates in mouth, with pain in abdomen.
Mercurial aphtha on roof of mouth and tongue.
Sometimes in erecting head, saliva gets into windpipe, causing a violent ejecting cough.
Frequently suffering from aphtha, want of appetite, diarrhoea. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Feeling of dryness of fauces extending into pharynx, causing contraction, as when drinking an astringent.
Great difficulty in swallowing, with ravenous appetite. θ сhorea.
Throws up some flocculi or solid lumps of phlegm, almost without cough.
Pressure in fauces as though a foreign body stuck there, which could not be removed by swallowing.
Angina tonsillaris with great dryness in throat and general weakness. θ сured by Pulsat.
Induration of tonsils, thymus and other glands.
Feeling of tension externally in region of thyroid gland.
Neck distended ; cravat feels too tight.
A burning-cooling feeling along oesophagus to stomach, as after eating cress.
Scratching sensation in throat, renewed with every attempt to sing. θ A professional singer after an epidemic influenza.
Eructations. Empty ; taste of rotten eggs ; taste of apples.
Worse from singing.
During singing a scratching in throat ; after grippe .
Oppression and constriction of larynx ; he fears suffocation.
Tickling along windpipe, with a violent, raking dry cough.
Tickling in trachea. θ Laryngo-phthisis.
** Frequent tickling irritation in windpipe. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
At night breathing was impeded, owing to closure of nose by thick mucus. θ сhronic nasal catarrh.
Oppression of chest with pain in stomach.
During inhalation : stitches in left side and below short ribs ; increasing pressure on middle of sternum ; dull stitches in liver.
With a deep inspiration : pains in different parts of chest and abdomen ; shooting from heart to shoulder blade.
Frequent deep inspirations.
Rapid breathing, evenings, with heat all over and sweat, most in face.
Great inclination to sighing, involuntary, with rapid beating of heart.
Suffocative fits with anxiety and fainting , (toxic).
Difficulty in breathing, as if chest was too full ; he must breathe more deeply.
Chest as if too narrow, pressure on both sides of sternum.
Difficult and noisy respiration.
** Short breath in walking, has to stand still to get breath. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Constriction of chest, with deep inspirations at times, and visible beating of heart, and a kind of oppression, especially behind two borders of sternum, along its whole length.
In region of diaphragm painful drawing with difficult breathing.
Appetite and food preferences
Taste : sweetish, disagreeable, nauseous ; foul ; flat ; bitter ; sharp and bitter ; metallic ; offensive, gummy, sweet, after breakfast ; sweetish-bitter when smoking ; bad at root of tongue, with slight nausea ; salty, as after herring ; rancid.
Inarticulate speech. θ сhorea.
Inarticulate speech, like from trismus. θ Typhoid fever.
Learned to speak with difficulty. θ сlonic spasm of eyes.
Left side of tongue numb, with vertigo.
Much hunger, but no appetite.
Towards evening, suddenly attacked with rabid hunger ; body covered with sweat ; tremor and weariness of limbs.
Ravenous appetite, but difficult swallowing. θ сhorea.
Much hunger, but no appetite ; early in morning ; stomach feels as if empty.
Violent thirst.
Burning thirst. θ Typhus.
Thirst rather rare, particularly in throat during chill.
Before breakfast : better.
During breakfast : nausea ; very soon satisfied while eating, and pressure and bearing down in stomach.
After breakfast : headache, a very offensive taste, dryness, burning in throat, nausea and vomiting, and pressure in stomach.
Before dinner : bitter taste ; but eats with appetite.
After dinner : inability to think ; inner uneasiness ; disgust for work ; pressing in forehead and temples ; painful drawing in occiput ; same in eyeballs ; buzzing in ears ; earache ; uneasiness in muscles of lower jaw and lips ; unpleasant taste ; biting behind on left edge of tongue ; a tearing sensation in pharynx, when swallowing saliva ; very soon hungry again ; belching ; nausea and gagging ; vomiting ; sore feeling under ribs ; fulness in stomach, even after using light food moderately ; pressure and fulness in abdomen ; expansion ; bloating ; wind passing off ; a stool with pain in anus ; short dry cough or sneezing, causing violent pain ; tension in sides of chest, and burning ; pain in back ; convulsive shaking of left shoulder ; a cold feeling as from quicksilver on left nates, in hollow of knee, on a small spot towards right ; tearing pain in left tibia ; prostration of lower limbs ; burning in thighs ; violent burning in a corn on right little toe, which does not allow him to take his siesta.
Very drowsy after dinner, quite unusual ; he sleeps very deeply and gets awake with pains in all limbs.
After supper : molesting fulness in abdomen, backache, chills.
Sleepy while eating, distended abdomen ; griping around navel ; pappy stools ; tension across chest ; nervous sensation running through body.
Better for an hour after eating while he is so exhausted ; but great sleepiness remains.
After a meal : nausea, eructations ; abdomen distended (even after moderate eating).
Eating is almost always followed by heartburn ; prunes by pressure in stomach.
After a swallow of cold water, nausea, the same quiets vomiting of phlegm ; wine indisposes to work ; coffee accelerates pulse.
Daily about three hours after a meal she has a burning at stomach, which changes into a dull pressure with nausea.
After smoking : peeling off inside of lips ; saltish bitter, exceedingly offensive taste ; belching and hiccough alternating ; sudden nausea and vomiting ; attacks of violent cough.
Inarticulate speech. θ сhorea.
Inarticulate speech, like from trismus. θ Typhoid fever.
Learned to speak with difficulty. θ сlonic spasm of eyes.
Left side of tongue numb, with vertigo.
Much hunger, but no appetite.
Towards evening, suddenly attacked with rabid hunger ; body covered with sweat ; tremor and weariness of limbs.
Ravenous appetite, but difficult swallowing. θ сhorea.
Much hunger, but no appetite ; early in morning ; stomach feels as if empty.
Violent thirst.
Burning thirst. θ Typhus.
Thirst rather rare, particularly in throat during chill.
Before breakfast : better.
During breakfast : nausea ; very soon satisfied while eating, and pressure and bearing down in stomach.
After breakfast : headache, a very offensive taste, dryness, burning in throat, nausea and vomiting, and pressure in stomach.
Before dinner : bitter taste ; but eats with appetite.
After dinner : inability to think ; inner uneasiness ; disgust for work ; pressing in forehead and temples ; painful drawing in occiput ; same in eyeballs ; buzzing in ears ; earache ; uneasiness in muscles of lower jaw and lips ; unpleasant taste ; biting behind on left edge of tongue ; a tearing sensation in pharynx, when swallowing saliva ; very soon hungry again ; belching ; nausea and gagging ; vomiting ; sore feeling under ribs ; fulness in stomach, even after using light food moderately ; pressure and fulness in abdomen ; expansion ; bloating ; wind passing off ; a stool with pain in anus ; short dry cough or sneezing, causing violent pain ; tension in sides of chest, and burning ; pain in back ; convulsive shaking of left shoulder ; a cold feeling as from quicksilver on left nates, in hollow of knee, on a small spot towards right ; tearing pain in left tibia ; prostration of lower limbs ; burning in thighs ; violent burning in a corn on right little toe, which does not allow him to take his siesta.
Very drowsy after dinner, quite unusual ; he sleeps very deeply and gets awake with pains in all limbs.
After supper : molesting fulness in abdomen, backache, chills.
Sleepy while eating, distended abdomen ; griping around navel ; pappy stools ; tension across chest ; nervous sensation running through body.
Better for an hour after eating while he is so exhausted ; but great sleepiness remains.
After a meal : nausea, eructations ; abdomen distended (even after moderate eating).
Eating is almost always followed by heartburn ; prunes by pressure in stomach.
After a swallow of cold water, nausea, the same quiets vomiting of phlegm ; wine indisposes to work ; coffee accelerates pulse.
Daily about three hours after a meal she has a burning at stomach, which changes into a dull pressure with nausea.
After smoking : peeling off inside of lips ; saltish bitter, exceedingly offensive taste ; belching and hiccough alternating ; sudden nausea and vomiting ; attacks of violent cough.
Gastrointestinal tract
Hiccough alternating with belching.
With hiccoughing : burning pains in region of heart.
Belching : with taste of food.
Nausea : with anxiety, depression, vertigo, sneezing, unpleasant sensation in stomach, stitches in liver, cutting in abdomen, rapid breathing, great weakness ; in chest.
Vomituritio and great prostration, fainting.
Vomiting : in evenings ; middle of night ; of ingesta.
Bitter vomit, with stitches in rectum and loin, followed by headache and irritation to sneeze.
Sensitive to pressure in pit of stomach. θ сhorea.
Spasmodic drawing from pit of stomach up into chest.
Drawing in of pit of stomach.
Burning below sternum.
Sense of oppression at cardiac region, as if cavity of thorax was narrowed.
** вilious dyspepsia in very nervous persons.
Cardialgia for three hours after a meal.
Burning in stomach, changing into a dull pressure, as from a foreign body, with nausea.
Heavy sensation in stomach ; faintness, with an empty feeling, sometimes alternating with a jerking sensation as of some heavy object.
From 12 to 2 P. M. daily, cramp from middle of spine through into stomach ; severe gagging and vomiting ; legs feel as if pricked all over with ice-cold needles.
Liver enlarged, congested.
Sensation of pain and drawing in right hypochondrium, as if liver had increased in weight and dragged at its ligaments.
Sharp stitches, as from needles, in region of liver ; dull stitches during breathing.
Stitches under short ribs, left side.
Pain in stomach and liver, burning from acidity.
** Enlargement of liver.
Pain in left hypochondrium, with rumbling in region of left superior flexure of colon.
Violent colic, cutting, griping, pinching.
** Popular medicine for colic with the Korjäkes.
Great noises in abdomen.
Rumbling, with constant pain deep in umbilical region ; worse from pressure.
Loud rolling and rumbling in bowels, with constipation. θ During pregnancy.
** Flatulency of stomach and bowels.
Pinching below umbilicus, attended with a bloated condition of abdomen.
Pain in abdomen with fetid discharges. θ Typhus.
Burning in abdomen.
** Ulceration of stomach and bowels. θ Typhoid fever.
A great heaviness like from a weight, most below navel.
A pressure as from a swelling from left hypogastrium to back.
In region of cecum, violent stitches, with sneezing.
Sensation of emptiness, hollowness or coldness in abdomen.
Distension of abdomen.
Undulatory jumping of upper abdominal muscles.
Twitching, tension, tearing and stitches in loins.
Subsultus of abdominal muscles.
Bruised feeling in loins, in sitting and lying.
Laming pains in loins, worse walking and standing.
** Abdominal plethora.
Weakness in loins. θ Rheumatism.
In groins, peculiar tensive sensation as if wrenched, less when walking, quivering in left.
In rectum : a sharp itching, invites to drawing upward, but is only relieved by pressing down ; burning and loss of blood ; biting after wind passes ; bearing down, tenesmus.
Prickling, itching in rectum and anus, as from worms.
Passes much inodorous flatus, every day for weeks ; more after breakfast.
Wind of odor like carrion ; like garlic.
Stool thin, yellow, fecal, slimy.
Stool mushy, most after breakfast, oftener than usual.
Stool pappy, passage of a large quantity of wind.
Stool has an abominable stench , (toxic).
Fetid stools.
Diarrhoea mostly in morning, after rising and eating, with much rumbling ; crampy colic and passing of wind.
Diarrhoea in children ; liver involved, with grass-green, bilious stools.
Diarrhoea, with cutting in abdomen ; bowels loose, stools light and offensive. θ Typhus.
Looseness commencing in morning, immediately after rising, returning after each meal with much rumbling, passing wind and spasmodic bellyache ; crampy colic. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Very hard stools ; at first hard and knotty, then soft, finally diarrheic.
Costiveness. θ Rheumatism.
Before stool : pinching and cutting in abdomen ; urgent tenesmus ; painful straining in rectum.
During stool : colic and passing of flatus ; burning soreness, smarting and cutting in anus ; sweat ; pain in loins to legs, continuing after stool.
After stool : headache ; biting in anus ; straining in rectum ; cutting pain in anus ; griping in hypogastrium ; distension of abdomen ; heaviness in abdomen and around naval ; pain in chest.
In anus : periodical violent stitches, afternoon ; tearing pain with hard stool ; heaviness and fulness ; pressing, at noon ; an urging towards it from wind ; very unpleasant sensation of dryness, had to draw it upward ; sensation as if completely closed ; paralytic weakness in sphincter ; warm feeling, burning with cadaverous smelling flatus ; heat and itching, itching and burning ; crawling as from worms, has to scratch ; moisture and oozing out ; slime appears without a stool.
A copious mush-like stool, followed by burning in anus.
Hemorrhoidal tumors burning, inflamed, swollen.
With hiccoughing : burning pains in region of heart.
Belching : with taste of food.
Nausea : with anxiety, depression, vertigo, sneezing, unpleasant sensation in stomach, stitches in liver, cutting in abdomen, rapid breathing, great weakness ; in chest.
Vomituritio and great prostration, fainting.
Vomiting : in evenings ; middle of night ; of ingesta.
Bitter vomit, with stitches in rectum and loin, followed by headache and irritation to sneeze.
Sensitive to pressure in pit of stomach. θ сhorea.
Spasmodic drawing from pit of stomach up into chest.
Drawing in of pit of stomach.
Burning below sternum.
Sense of oppression at cardiac region, as if cavity of thorax was narrowed.
** вilious dyspepsia in very nervous persons.
Cardialgia for three hours after a meal.
Burning in stomach, changing into a dull pressure, as from a foreign body, with nausea.
Heavy sensation in stomach ; faintness, with an empty feeling, sometimes alternating with a jerking sensation as of some heavy object.
From 12 to 2 P. M. daily, cramp from middle of spine through into stomach ; severe gagging and vomiting ; legs feel as if pricked all over with ice-cold needles.
Liver enlarged, congested.
Sensation of pain and drawing in right hypochondrium, as if liver had increased in weight and dragged at its ligaments.
Sharp stitches, as from needles, in region of liver ; dull stitches during breathing.
Stitches under short ribs, left side.
Pain in stomach and liver, burning from acidity.
** Enlargement of liver.
Pain in left hypochondrium, with rumbling in region of left superior flexure of colon.
Violent colic, cutting, griping, pinching.
** Popular medicine for colic with the Korjäkes.
Great noises in abdomen.
Rumbling, with constant pain deep in umbilical region ; worse from pressure.
Loud rolling and rumbling in bowels, with constipation. θ During pregnancy.
** Flatulency of stomach and bowels.
Pinching below umbilicus, attended with a bloated condition of abdomen.
Pain in abdomen with fetid discharges. θ Typhus.
Burning in abdomen.
** Ulceration of stomach and bowels. θ Typhoid fever.
A great heaviness like from a weight, most below navel.
A pressure as from a swelling from left hypogastrium to back.
In region of cecum, violent stitches, with sneezing.
Sensation of emptiness, hollowness or coldness in abdomen.
Distension of abdomen.
Undulatory jumping of upper abdominal muscles.
Twitching, tension, tearing and stitches in loins.
Subsultus of abdominal muscles.
Bruised feeling in loins, in sitting and lying.
Laming pains in loins, worse walking and standing.
** Abdominal plethora.
Weakness in loins. θ Rheumatism.
In groins, peculiar tensive sensation as if wrenched, less when walking, quivering in left.
In rectum : a sharp itching, invites to drawing upward, but is only relieved by pressing down ; burning and loss of blood ; biting after wind passes ; bearing down, tenesmus.
Prickling, itching in rectum and anus, as from worms.
Passes much inodorous flatus, every day for weeks ; more after breakfast.
Wind of odor like carrion ; like garlic.
Stool thin, yellow, fecal, slimy.
Stool mushy, most after breakfast, oftener than usual.
Stool pappy, passage of a large quantity of wind.
Stool has an abominable stench , (toxic).
Fetid stools.
Diarrhoea mostly in morning, after rising and eating, with much rumbling ; crampy colic and passing of wind.
Diarrhoea in children ; liver involved, with grass-green, bilious stools.
Diarrhoea, with cutting in abdomen ; bowels loose, stools light and offensive. θ Typhus.
Looseness commencing in morning, immediately after rising, returning after each meal with much rumbling, passing wind and spasmodic bellyache ; crampy colic. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Very hard stools ; at first hard and knotty, then soft, finally diarrheic.
Costiveness. θ Rheumatism.
Before stool : pinching and cutting in abdomen ; urgent tenesmus ; painful straining in rectum.
During stool : colic and passing of flatus ; burning soreness, smarting and cutting in anus ; sweat ; pain in loins to legs, continuing after stool.
After stool : headache ; biting in anus ; straining in rectum ; cutting pain in anus ; griping in hypogastrium ; distension of abdomen ; heaviness in abdomen and around naval ; pain in chest.
In anus : periodical violent stitches, afternoon ; tearing pain with hard stool ; heaviness and fulness ; pressing, at noon ; an urging towards it from wind ; very unpleasant sensation of dryness, had to draw it upward ; sensation as if completely closed ; paralytic weakness in sphincter ; warm feeling, burning with cadaverous smelling flatus ; heat and itching, itching and burning ; crawling as from worms, has to scratch ; moisture and oozing out ; slime appears without a stool.
A copious mush-like stool, followed by burning in anus.
Hemorrhoidal tumors burning, inflamed, swollen.
Urogenital system
Pressing pain in region of kidneys, disturbs sleep.
Stitch in right kidney.
Lameness in left kidney, sore to touch, with cramp extending into thighs.
Tensive pain while riding.
Twitching pain in bladder.
Paralytic weakness in sphincter, can hardly hold urine.
Sphincter vesica weak, with dribbling.
Urine passes at intervals and dribbles away, with a cold shrunken penis.
Urine passes in intermissions ; flows and stops.
Constant desire to urinate.
Quantity of urine very much increased, even with diarrhoea.
Urination, with coldness down legs, numbness and twitches.
After urination, urine passes off involuntarily.
Urine passes slowly in a small stream or in drops, has to press to promote flow.
Urine : watery, clear, lemon-colored, bright yellow ; dark yellow and hot ; red ; red, flocculent or powdery sediment ; watery in forenoon, in afternoon milky ; like whey ; turbid ; with a red or white sediment (phosphate of magnesia) ; iridizing on surface.
Urine profuse, colorless. θ сhorea.
Urination lessened. θ Rheumatism.
A little shimmering pellicle on urine.
Urine with red, flaky sediment ; sediment white, of phosphate of magnesia.
With urination. Spasmodic drawing in left groin ; burning in urethra, at night in orifice ; sensation as if a cold drop of urine was passing ; painful urging along urethra.
Urethra : burning stitches ; stitch like from a red-hot iron ; several fine stitches, most in orifice ; crawling, itching, tickling in orifice lessened by cold water ; discharge of prostatic juice or of a tough viscous slime ; momentary burning in orifice during night.
Viscid, glutinous mucus from urethra.
Excited sexual desire, most mornings.
After siesta, an irresistible urging, and, after emission, tensive pressure in hypochondria.
Erections night and morning.
Great desire for coition, with relaxed penis.
Pollutions : several nights ; in siesta.
After emission, pains and weakness in thighs.
Sexual power much diminished, apathy, nothing can produce an erection.
During coition. вurning in urethra ; most painful with ejaculation ; insufficient ejaculation, or very late ; voluptuous ecstasy wanting.
After coitus. Loss of appetite ; each time great relaxation for several days, lassitude ; night-sweats ; for two nights burning itching of skin, with sweat on upper chest and shoulders, afterwards on abdomen and arms.
Complaints after sexual debauches.
Drawing in testicles, with a sense of discomfort, heaviness and drowsiness ; evenings.
Spasmodic drawing in left testicle and spermatic cord.
Excessive and painful retraction of testes towards inguinal ring, has to palliate it by pressing them off with fingers.
Disagreeable sensation in urethra, only in front part of penis, like a crawling, has to squeeze penis.
Penis cold and shrunken.
Itching in penis, on foreskin and scrotum.
On left side of scrotum red swelling, tickles and itches.
Old gleets and other sequela of gonorrhoea.
Excessive itching of genitals, in mons veneris ; unbearable for several days.
Itching and burning at night above genitals, lichen pilaris urticatus.
Awful, almost intolerable bearing-down pain.
Cramps as if she must have a child, obliged to lie down.
Itching and irritation of parts, with strong desire for an embrace.
Menses too profuse, with tearing, pressive pains in back and abdomen.
At beginning of menses : nightly restlessness on account of troublesome rigors ; toothache and wakefulness.
During menses : headache, toothache, pain and itching in l. ear, lessened by boring ; pains, like those of labor, in belly and back ; pains in left arm ; itching here and there, particularly about genitals ; rigors ; palpitation ; running of water from mouth.
Swelling of vagina and several nodules (with horses).
After menses. Pain as from exhaustion ; palpitation ; headache and dizziness ; prolapsus after cessation of menses ; interrupted sleep with anxiety.
Leucorrhoea very profuse, dark colored. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Leucorrhoea, with much itching internally and externally.
Stitch in right kidney.
Lameness in left kidney, sore to touch, with cramp extending into thighs.
Tensive pain while riding.
Twitching pain in bladder.
Paralytic weakness in sphincter, can hardly hold urine.
Sphincter vesica weak, with dribbling.
Urine passes at intervals and dribbles away, with a cold shrunken penis.
Urine passes in intermissions ; flows and stops.
Constant desire to urinate.
Quantity of urine very much increased, even with diarrhoea.
Urination, with coldness down legs, numbness and twitches.
After urination, urine passes off involuntarily.
Urine passes slowly in a small stream or in drops, has to press to promote flow.
Urine : watery, clear, lemon-colored, bright yellow ; dark yellow and hot ; red ; red, flocculent or powdery sediment ; watery in forenoon, in afternoon milky ; like whey ; turbid ; with a red or white sediment (phosphate of magnesia) ; iridizing on surface.
Urine profuse, colorless. θ сhorea.
Urination lessened. θ Rheumatism.
A little shimmering pellicle on urine.
Urine with red, flaky sediment ; sediment white, of phosphate of magnesia.
With urination. Spasmodic drawing in left groin ; burning in urethra, at night in orifice ; sensation as if a cold drop of urine was passing ; painful urging along urethra.
Urethra : burning stitches ; stitch like from a red-hot iron ; several fine stitches, most in orifice ; crawling, itching, tickling in orifice lessened by cold water ; discharge of prostatic juice or of a tough viscous slime ; momentary burning in orifice during night.
Viscid, glutinous mucus from urethra.
Excited sexual desire, most mornings.
After siesta, an irresistible urging, and, after emission, tensive pressure in hypochondria.
Erections night and morning.
Great desire for coition, with relaxed penis.
Pollutions : several nights ; in siesta.
After emission, pains and weakness in thighs.
Sexual power much diminished, apathy, nothing can produce an erection.
During coition. вurning in urethra ; most painful with ejaculation ; insufficient ejaculation, or very late ; voluptuous ecstasy wanting.
After coitus. Loss of appetite ; each time great relaxation for several days, lassitude ; night-sweats ; for two nights burning itching of skin, with sweat on upper chest and shoulders, afterwards on abdomen and arms.
Complaints after sexual debauches.
Drawing in testicles, with a sense of discomfort, heaviness and drowsiness ; evenings.
Spasmodic drawing in left testicle and spermatic cord.
Excessive and painful retraction of testes towards inguinal ring, has to palliate it by pressing them off with fingers.
Disagreeable sensation in urethra, only in front part of penis, like a crawling, has to squeeze penis.
Penis cold and shrunken.
Itching in penis, on foreskin and scrotum.
On left side of scrotum red swelling, tickles and itches.
Old gleets and other sequela of gonorrhoea.
Excessive itching of genitals, in mons veneris ; unbearable for several days.
Itching and burning at night above genitals, lichen pilaris urticatus.
Awful, almost intolerable bearing-down pain.
Cramps as if she must have a child, obliged to lie down.
Itching and irritation of parts, with strong desire for an embrace.
Menses too profuse, with tearing, pressive pains in back and abdomen.
At beginning of menses : nightly restlessness on account of troublesome rigors ; toothache and wakefulness.
During menses : headache, toothache, pain and itching in l. ear, lessened by boring ; pains, like those of labor, in belly and back ; pains in left arm ; itching here and there, particularly about genitals ; rigors ; palpitation ; running of water from mouth.
Swelling of vagina and several nodules (with horses).
After menses. Pain as from exhaustion ; palpitation ; headache and dizziness ; prolapsus after cessation of menses ; interrupted sleep with anxiety.
Leucorrhoea very profuse, dark colored. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Leucorrhoea, with much itching internally and externally.
Plant characteristics
Constipation with rumbling in bowels during pregnancy.
Four weeks after childbirth a pressing pain like a swelling from left side of hypogastrium, extending towards back ; motion aggravates ; thirst ; loss of appetite.
Metastasis of milk to brain. θ Epilepsy.
Nipples itch, burn, look red.
Four weeks after childbirth a pressing pain like a swelling from left side of hypogastrium, extending towards back ; motion aggravates ; thirst ; loss of appetite.
Metastasis of milk to brain. θ Epilepsy.
Nipples itch, burn, look red.
Chest organs
Dry cough with whistling behind sternum.
** Frequent dry cough, after meals. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Cough with rattling of phlegm, without expectoration.
Dry cough from a tickling in trachea at night, shaking whole body violently.
Constant irritation to cough which can mostly be suppressed, but, if he cannot resist it, several violent convulsive shocks of cough succeed one another, which are very painful, tears run from eyes, and he has to double up.
Violent cough in isolated attacks, ending in repeated sneezing.
** Hacking cough. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Convulsive, hacking cough, with oppressive sweat.
Sudden convulsive coughs, worse forenoons, or during day.
Violent spasmodic cough at night.
Cough most at night, less in morning, in forenoon, worse towards evening.
Dry cough after dinner.
During cough : burning in chest ; stitches in left side ; palpitation.
Convulsive cough with anxious sweat.
Has to sit up in bed, or cough takes his breath.
With cough pressure in left head, running in scalp ; burning in eyes, tears run from eyes.
Spasmodic contraction of chest, threatening suffocation ; rawness of chest, shooting in left side of chest ; some saliva flies out of mouth ; nausea, retching ; burning in stomach ; heaviness in abdomen ; colicky pain impedes coughing.
Cough towards evening with frequent pulse (100) intermitting.
After each cough violent sneezing ; sometimes so rapid that he does not know if he coughs or sneezes.
Frequent hemming and bringing up small, firm lumps of phlegm, without cough. θ Laryngo-phthisis.
Mucous sputa most in morning.
** Mucus is loosened by slight clearing and comes up in small, hard, round balls. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
** Expectoration of small flakes of mucus raised almost without any cough. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Sputa sometimes consisting of large brown lumps.
Long-lasting cough and pus-like sputa.
Rattling of phlegm in chest, worse mornings and when lying on back.
Chronic catarrh.
Loose cough ; with distension of abdomen ; heaviness most in region of navel ; noise in belly ; passing of wind.
Sudden stitches in middle of chest.
** Incipient tuberculosis.
Stitching behind sternum most at end of expiration.
Very painful stinging pressure in chest, below shoulder blades, and on corresponding places in front ; has to breathe deeply.
Stitches : in right lung while walking ; with every breath in l. chest ; between sternum and nipple, pulse 90, hard and full, 3 P. M.
Jerking stitches through right lung.
Oppression of chest in region of diaphragm, with drawing pains. θ Angina pectoris.
Pressure on chest and heavy sensation.
** Sense of constriction in cardiac region, as if chest were too narrow or too full of blood. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Sprained sensation in chest, increased by taking a deep breath, evenings.
Tension in lower part of chest during motion and when sitting, taking away his breath.
Tension, pressure, heaviness and constriction of chest.
Tension over whole chest, most in front after breakfast.
Oppression behind sternum with strange beating of heart.
Anxious sensation in chest.
Burning in left chest, worse after dinner.
** Severe burning in chest. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Sensation of sore pain deep in chest, first left, then right.
Inflammation of lungs.
** All symptoms of incipient phthisis.
** Sticking, under nipple. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
** Twitches running across chest in rapid succession, accompanied by prickling. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Consumption of lungs ; tuberculous consumption.
Peculiar sensation of contraction of sternum.
Jerking, subsultus of all pectoral muscles.
Pressure on right chest near nipple, throbbing sore feeling.
** Painful pressure on middle of sternum, worse when inhaling. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Sharp stitches : like splinters in pectoralis near nipple, first right, then left, later on lowest ribs ; on different parts of thorax.
Pain in left intercostal muscles.
Twitches of pectoral muscles.
Shooting tearing pains in small spots.
** Throbbing aching pain in small spots on chest. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Soreness deep in chest in two spots, four inches on either side of sternum ; it hurts or weakens her to breathe or speak.
Copious sweat on chest during night.
Burning, biting pimples on outer chest.
** Frequent dry cough, after meals. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Cough with rattling of phlegm, without expectoration.
Dry cough from a tickling in trachea at night, shaking whole body violently.
Constant irritation to cough which can mostly be suppressed, but, if he cannot resist it, several violent convulsive shocks of cough succeed one another, which are very painful, tears run from eyes, and he has to double up.
Violent cough in isolated attacks, ending in repeated sneezing.
** Hacking cough. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Convulsive, hacking cough, with oppressive sweat.
Sudden convulsive coughs, worse forenoons, or during day.
Violent spasmodic cough at night.
Cough most at night, less in morning, in forenoon, worse towards evening.
Dry cough after dinner.
During cough : burning in chest ; stitches in left side ; palpitation.
Convulsive cough with anxious sweat.
Has to sit up in bed, or cough takes his breath.
With cough pressure in left head, running in scalp ; burning in eyes, tears run from eyes.
Spasmodic contraction of chest, threatening suffocation ; rawness of chest, shooting in left side of chest ; some saliva flies out of mouth ; nausea, retching ; burning in stomach ; heaviness in abdomen ; colicky pain impedes coughing.
Cough towards evening with frequent pulse (100) intermitting.
After each cough violent sneezing ; sometimes so rapid that he does not know if he coughs or sneezes.
Frequent hemming and bringing up small, firm lumps of phlegm, without cough. θ Laryngo-phthisis.
Mucous sputa most in morning.
** Mucus is loosened by slight clearing and comes up in small, hard, round balls. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
** Expectoration of small flakes of mucus raised almost without any cough. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Sputa sometimes consisting of large brown lumps.
Long-lasting cough and pus-like sputa.
Rattling of phlegm in chest, worse mornings and when lying on back.
Chronic catarrh.
Loose cough ; with distension of abdomen ; heaviness most in region of navel ; noise in belly ; passing of wind.
Sudden stitches in middle of chest.
** Incipient tuberculosis.
Stitching behind sternum most at end of expiration.
Very painful stinging pressure in chest, below shoulder blades, and on corresponding places in front ; has to breathe deeply.
Stitches : in right lung while walking ; with every breath in l. chest ; between sternum and nipple, pulse 90, hard and full, 3 P. M.
Jerking stitches through right lung.
Oppression of chest in region of diaphragm, with drawing pains. θ Angina pectoris.
Pressure on chest and heavy sensation.
** Sense of constriction in cardiac region, as if chest were too narrow or too full of blood. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Sprained sensation in chest, increased by taking a deep breath, evenings.
Tension in lower part of chest during motion and when sitting, taking away his breath.
Tension, pressure, heaviness and constriction of chest.
Tension over whole chest, most in front after breakfast.
Oppression behind sternum with strange beating of heart.
Anxious sensation in chest.
Burning in left chest, worse after dinner.
** Severe burning in chest. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Sensation of sore pain deep in chest, first left, then right.
Inflammation of lungs.
** All symptoms of incipient phthisis.
** Sticking, under nipple. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
** Twitches running across chest in rapid succession, accompanied by prickling. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Consumption of lungs ; tuberculous consumption.
Peculiar sensation of contraction of sternum.
Jerking, subsultus of all pectoral muscles.
Pressure on right chest near nipple, throbbing sore feeling.
** Painful pressure on middle of sternum, worse when inhaling. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Sharp stitches : like splinters in pectoralis near nipple, first right, then left, later on lowest ribs ; on different parts of thorax.
Pain in left intercostal muscles.
Twitches of pectoral muscles.
Shooting tearing pains in small spots.
** Throbbing aching pain in small spots on chest. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Soreness deep in chest in two spots, four inches on either side of sternum ; it hurts or weakens her to breathe or speak.
Copious sweat on chest during night.
Burning, biting pimples on outer chest.
Cardiovascular system
Sticking pain in apex of heart.
Stitches in region of heart, through to shoulder blade ; worse from cough.
Violent stitches in region of heart, with an intermitting pulse and great weakness.
Burning, shooting pains in region of heart, extending to left shoulder blade ; caused by deep inspiration and much worse from coughing, sneezing and hiccough.
Sense of oppression in cardiac region as if cavity of thorax was narrowed ; confined feeling.
Constant feeling of a lump in epigastrium, with pain under sternum ; drawing in region of diaphragm, sharp pains in left side. θ Angina pectoris, gastralgic form.
When he lay down at night he felt several blows in heart with trembling in pit of stomach and anxiety, caused by every slight noise.
Several twitching shocks of heart.
At night transient painful shocks at heart, with anxiety.
Oppression at heart on bending body down, with violent beating of heart.
The right heart overfilled with blood , (toxic).
When he awoke, trembling of heart.
Palpitation most in evening. θ Real convulsio cordis.
After a feeling of compression with omission of beats of heart, some very quick irregular beats.
Palpitation violent, strongly felt, worse evenings, with redness of face ; on sitting down, some irregular, strong beats ; anxious oppression.
Attack of violent palpitation of heart, with anxiety breaking out in a sweat.
Forcible beats of heart, lifting hand lying on chest and moving a newspaper she had in her hand up and down.
The prover hears the heart-throbs.
Accompanying palpitation : anxiety ; trembling in pit of stomach ; dull headache ; vertigo ; red face ; oppression.
Paralyzed feeling in left arm and hand ; shudders, crawls ; water runs together in mouth ; all the limbs are weary.
Pulse : frequent, 100 in a minute, irritated, full, strong ; beats quick, 87 ; weak, small, 60 ; felt in all parts of body, most in epigastrium ; intermits after 30 or 40 beats ; dicrotic ; weak, small ; small, irregular , (toxic). exceedingly weak ; t ; small (incipient tuberculosis) ; feeble, scarcely perceptible ; becomes slower during day, more frequent in morning ; small, uneven, very unequal, irregular, at times intermitting ; weak, tremulous (from overworking).
Pulse very frequent and small, 140 ; first sound of heart scarcely audible. θ Typhus.
General inactivity of circulation.
Stitches in region of heart, through to shoulder blade ; worse from cough.
Violent stitches in region of heart, with an intermitting pulse and great weakness.
Burning, shooting pains in region of heart, extending to left shoulder blade ; caused by deep inspiration and much worse from coughing, sneezing and hiccough.
Sense of oppression in cardiac region as if cavity of thorax was narrowed ; confined feeling.
Constant feeling of a lump in epigastrium, with pain under sternum ; drawing in region of diaphragm, sharp pains in left side. θ Angina pectoris, gastralgic form.
When he lay down at night he felt several blows in heart with trembling in pit of stomach and anxiety, caused by every slight noise.
Several twitching shocks of heart.
At night transient painful shocks at heart, with anxiety.
Oppression at heart on bending body down, with violent beating of heart.
The right heart overfilled with blood , (toxic).
When he awoke, trembling of heart.
Palpitation most in evening. θ Real convulsio cordis.
After a feeling of compression with omission of beats of heart, some very quick irregular beats.
Palpitation violent, strongly felt, worse evenings, with redness of face ; on sitting down, some irregular, strong beats ; anxious oppression.
Attack of violent palpitation of heart, with anxiety breaking out in a sweat.
Forcible beats of heart, lifting hand lying on chest and moving a newspaper she had in her hand up and down.
The prover hears the heart-throbs.
Accompanying palpitation : anxiety ; trembling in pit of stomach ; dull headache ; vertigo ; red face ; oppression.
Paralyzed feeling in left arm and hand ; shudders, crawls ; water runs together in mouth ; all the limbs are weary.
Pulse : frequent, 100 in a minute, irritated, full, strong ; beats quick, 87 ; weak, small, 60 ; felt in all parts of body, most in epigastrium ; intermits after 30 or 40 beats ; dicrotic ; weak, small ; small, irregular , (toxic). exceedingly weak ; t ; small (incipient tuberculosis) ; feeble, scarcely perceptible ; becomes slower during day, more frequent in morning ; small, uneven, very unequal, irregular, at times intermitting ; weak, tremulous (from overworking).
Pulse very frequent and small, 140 ; first sound of heart scarcely audible. θ Typhus.
General inactivity of circulation.
Limbs and spine
Tension in region of thymus gland.
** Struma.
Cervical glands swollen. θ сhorea.
Muscles in neck feel as if beaten.
Stitches in cervical vertebra.
Twitching of cervical muscles.
Stiff neck.
Tension and stiffness of muscles of neck.
Sensation as if sprained in neck when turning head to left.
Extending to nape of neck : crick in back.
Itching pimples on neck.
In back below shoulder blades, a gnawing, shooting, tearing pain.
** Sticking between shoulder blades. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Frequent sharp stitches like from splinters on dorsal vertebra.
Feels as if large splinters were pushed into back.
Violent shooting, burning pains, deep in spine.
Spasmodic, pressive, drawing pain starts from back, extends to middle of chest and into oesophagus.
Painful pulsation in spinal canal.
Dorsal muscles feel as if beaten or bruised ; on bending forward they feel short.
Backaches disturbing sleep at night ; cannot find a position to lie in, with heat.
Aching along spine and limbs.
Pain in back, as after continued stooping.
Pain along spinal column, worse when stooping.
Every motion, every turn of body, causes pain in spine.
Crepitation in vertebra of neck when stooping and crackling all along spine when moving body, in loins when stooping.
Crick in back extending from sacrum to nape of neck.
After dinner, pain in spine, especially a spot size of palm in middle of spinal column ; is very sensitive to touch, as well as at every motion of body.
Shooting pains in single vertebra.
Violent shocks starting from one of lower vertebra.
Sensitiveness of single vertebra to hot sponge. θ сhorea.
The whole spinal column is very sensitive to touch, even by a sponge, or leaning against a chair.
Biting burning in a small place on spine.
Spine sensitive to touch ; worse mornings.
Pain along spine in several places, tender to touch.
Sensation as if cold air was spreading from spine over body, like an aura epileptica.
Coldness below shoulder blade, as if touched by a piece of ice.
Chilliness over whole back.
Crawls over back and limbs.
Running heat through limbs.
Sensation of soreness and great weakness in back.
Numbness and weakness in back. θ сhorea.
Great uneasiness and weakness in spine, with twitchings.
Great weakness in muscles of back, can hardly sit straight.
Peculiar sensation of weakness and stiffness between shoulders ; extends to neck.
When stooping, spine pains as if too weak to support.
Sensation of ants creeping along spine.
Burning, biting on back.
Itching on back ; suppurating pimples.
Violent pains in first and second lumbar vertebra when turning.
Pain in first two lumbar vertebra, with sense of coldness in glutei muscles, spreading down legs, and formication in feet.
Spinal column sensitive to pressure of a hot sponge in region of second and third lumbar vertebra. θ сhorea.
Sensitiveness of lumbar vertebra. θ сhorea.
Pain in lumbar region and sacrum, especially during exertion in daytime and while sitting ; pain, sore aching ; back not sensitive to touch.
Pressure in sacrum like a heavy load, as if it would burst.
Pain in sacrum : a sort of crick in back ; extends along spine to nape of neck ; worse in evening, or goes into lower limbs.
Sudden violent stitch in sacrum while walking in open air.
Pain in back and sacrum so violent that he has to keep in bed, some palpitation, no appetite, no stool, but frequent discharge of pale yellow urine.
As if beaten in sacrum, or dislocated feeling.
Feels palpitation even in os coccyx.
Dry feeling in os coccyx.
Shoulder joint as if dislocated.
Convulsive shakes in left shoulder.
Tearing in right shoulder.
Shooting in axilla.
Icy feeling in right axilla and left inner ankle.
Rheumatism of right deltoid worse when moving joint backward, with great weakness in loins, costiveness and less urination.
Spasmodic pains in left upper arm below deltoid, followed by a similar pain in right upper leg.
Sprained feeling in deltoid and as if thousands of splinters were in it when lifting arm ; at 5 P. M.
Drawing pain. From left upper arm to forearm ; in muscles of left forearm.
Tearing in left upper arm, lower teeth and left ear, with violent itching in ear ; pains worse from lying on sore side ; from 2 P. M. till evening.
Irregular and hurried movements of arms.
Twitching and spasms in arms, ceasing when doing hard work with hands.
Violent shock of left arm, followed by wavelike twitchings of abdominal muscles ; during siesta.
Upper arm shaken like from an electric shock.
Subsultus tendinum on upper arm.
Such constant motions of upper limbs that pulse cannot be felt, lower limbs are drawn up to trunk , (toxic).
Irregular quick motions in upper limbs , (toxic).
Tension in left upper arm.
Has to put his arms often into another position.
Violent laming or paralytic pain in left hand and arm five minutes after palpitation commences.
Cannot lift his arm ; arms are stiff.
Prostration, weariness and paralytic feeling in left arm.
Burning above left elbow.
Itching on arms.
Burning itching on both hands, as if frozen ; parts hot, swollen, red.
Burning itching pimples size of millet-seed on arms.
A small painful abscess on middle of right deltoid.
Violent rheumatic pains in forearm, extending into thumb ; afternoon, in rest.
Drawing in forearm, in left, or both.
Tearing drawing pains in left elbow joint.
Rheumatic or gouty stiffness of left hand and elbow joint.
Electric stitches in olecranon of each arm.
In point of elbow, coldness like from ice.
Forearm : tearing in bones of left ; tearing between bones ; strong painless pulsation near and above right olecranon ; tension, lameness and numbness ; starting and quivering on upper surface of right hand, extending to ball of hand ; pressive trembling in right hand.
In extensor side of right forearm, sudden awful pain like thousands of splinters, with a momentary sensation as if he would lose consciousness.
Sensation like from splinters in point of left elbow.
Burning in front of left forearm near wrist as if he had burnt himself.
Burning itching on right forearm ; after scratching, white nodules, size of millet-seed, and furfuraceous peeling off.
Itching on point of elbow.
Tearing : in left wrist ; in both hands.
Burning sore pain in skin of right hand from wrist to thumb and index finger ; slightest touch with finger painful.
Trembling and coldness of hands. θ From overwork at desk.
Trembling of hands. θ Typhus.
Right hand unsteady while writing ; arm feels paralyzed from much writing.
Left hand up to forearm asleep at night in bed ; from leading a little boy during a walk.
Cold hands.
Hands chilly, nails blue, with a small, hard pulse and prostration of whole body, at noon.
Face and hands blue and icy cold.
Sometimes a warm sweat on palms.
Itching on right wrist.
Itching, redness and burning in hands like chilblains.
Tearing burning in thumbs, stitches like needles.
Spasmodic pain in thumb.
Tearing between thumb and index finger.
Drawing, tearing in left index finger as from splinters.
Burning and crawling in right index finger as if a felon would come.
Icy cold sensation in joint of middle finger ; somewhat reddened and sensitive to touch ; violent tearing.
Finger often deadens and remains a long time sensitive to cold.
Tearing in left little finger.
Frequent sudden motions of right fingers.
Tearing in joints and drawing, as if in periosteum, of all fingers.
Stiffness in fingers from gout.
Fingers itch, burn and look red, as if frost-bitten.
Points of fingers blue , (toxic).
Nails blue.
Pains over both hip joints, he gets up stiff.
Tensive, pressing tearing in hip joints as if heads of bones were pulled from sockets.
Violent ischiatic pain ; neither touch nor pressure, neither walking nor rest has any influence, but worse by stooping or change position.
Stretching pain in acetabula.
Stitches, pressing and feeling of dislocation or as if beaten in hip joint.
Coldness in region of trochanter ; at intervals shaking, pushing concussions now in left hip, now in right hand, commencing in joints of lower limbs.
Pains in legs, especially in region of right hip joint, like from fatigue.
Itching on condyles of hip bone.
Violent pains in limbs, especially left hip under gluteal muscles.
In left buttock violent tearing with sensation of coldness, wakening him out of sleep.
Twitching of gluteal muscles.
Icy coldness from glutei down to feet, most in big toes, with numbness and twitches.
Furuncle on right gluteus, size of hen’s egg, very painful, discharging black blood on seventh day, with most violent burning pains ; lasted five days.
Pressing in thighs, worse in right.
Sensation of a plug on outer side of thigh, above knee.
Rending drawing in thigh, extending to knee.
Tendons of thigh are stretched.
From groin down to middle of anterior thigh, violent contraction in flexors.
Tearing from hip joint to knee, with numbness.
Crossing legs causes pain in thighs.
Thighs pain as after a long journey on foot.
Painful weariness and heaviness in thighs.
Electric stitches or spasmodic pain in anterior part of thigh.
Burning, itching on inner and anterior portion of thigh.
Biting and burning pimples above knee.
All along flexor side of thigh violent burning, and later a thick rash like from nettles.
On front of thigh and on buttocks very painful furuncles.
In knee joint : drawing, tearing, stinging ; weakness ; sprained feeling.
Tearing drawing in knee ; worse sitting, better walking.
Violent stitches in both knees, followed by weakness.
Muscular twitches, or weakness in knees, they knock together.
Itching, violent pain, a tremulous feeling, or coldness on a small spot in bend of knee.
Pain in bones of lower legs, sometimes as if in periosteum.
Pains in bones of legs, as if in marrow.
Violent pressing pains in left tibia beginning in morning, worse at noon, better afternoon and evening.
Pains similar to syphilitic bone-pain, not worse in warmth of bed, but rather better.
Tearing drawing pains in shin bones, worse sitting, better walking.
Burning in tibia.
Pains in legs most marked when standing or sitting ; better when walking or from motion.
Dull pain along tibia ; drawing pains in shin.
In calves : tearing ; painful contraction ; stitches ; burning ; heaviness.
While walking, alternate stretching and flexion in lower limbs, causing a strange lifting and sinking of body, accompanied by merry, incoherent talking , (toxic).
Heaviness, weariness, or a tearing with a paralytic numbness in lower legs.
Painful prostration in legs, cannot go up-stairs.
The legs ache as after a prostrating sickness.
Lower limbs weak, weary, cannot support body, cannot stand, has to sit.
Heaviness : as if lead was hanging on legs ; with languor.
Weight in legs ; they feel weary and as if they had been knocked from under.
Weak and heavy in legs all day ; yellow urine.
On crossing thighs he feels a violent pain in them.
Trembling of lower limbs.
Electric shock through lower limbs, most in left, suddenly awaking him.
Jerking motion in lower limbs.
Sudden concussions in legs.
Muscular twitching, followed by biting itching on soles.
In lower limbs : coldness, burning, evening and night copious sweat.
At night in warmth of bed an itching, forcing to scratch, leaving bloody streaks.
Burning on right lower leg.
Burning itching, skin dry and peeling or small nodules.
Sweats much on lower leg.
Drawing, pressive pains in legs ; especially in ankles.
Pain worse in standing, has to walk or sit.
Pains in ankle joint waken him at 2 A. M.
Crampy pain in ankle joints extending over heels ; shooting burning pains.
Crawling and itching on dorsi of feet.
Shooting in metatarsal bones and feet while walking.
Feet cold like ice up to ankles.
Burning in feet, as if blood was glowing in veins.
Great weakness, heaviness, or formication in feet.
Stiffness in tendo-achillis.
Heels as if beaten, when standing.
In soles : tearing, shooting, like splinters, biting itching.
Cramp in soles at night.
Right little toe pains as from narrow shoes, in left second toe same sensation in a corn.
In big toe : tearing, jerking pain, digging, sudden stitches like splinters.
In all the toes : drawing, digging, shooting, crawling or prickling ; painful swellings, like nails growing in ; itching, burning and redness, as if frost-bitten.
Pain and inflammation of frost-bitten toes.
Violent pains in a corn on right little toe.
Tearing in left forearm and right thigh.
Tearing in limbs, worse in rest or sitting, better moving.
Shooting pains : in all limbs ; most in knees and nape of neck ; right knee worse going up-stairs ; in fingers and toes.
Violent pains all night along back, on chest, in loins and legs.
Pain in right knee and left hand ; pain shifts about every third day ; during attack cough only on moving about ; pains worse when he begins to move about in morning. θ Rheumatism.
Tearing and drawing in tubular bones, worse in their ends.
Pains in bones of legs and forearm, alternating with similar pains in right tibia.
Cracking and other noises in joints.
Trembling of limbs.
Restless, tremulous feeling in upper and lower limbs, with shaking and twitching.
Subsultus tendinum.
All the limbs as if beaten, after slight exertion.
After repeated and severe epistaxis, great soreness and bruised feeling of joints of limbs.
Muscular soreness as it remains in some cases after fever, in attacks of influenza.
Violent ulcerative pains in limbs prevent sleep at night, from left elbow to little finger, and from calves to heel, with beating pains in little toe ; general heat. θ A young, leprous lame girl.
Feels as if her limbs did not belong to her.
Pains in limbs with lameness and numbness.
Weakness and coldness in limbs. θ сhorea.
Limbs cold, blue , (toxic).
Livid limbs. θ Typhus.
Formication in upper and lower limbs, as if gone to sleep.
In rest : pains in forearm, metatarsus, toes ; symptoms generally.
In standing. Vertigo ; headache ; pressure in stomach ; tension in groin ; prostration in chest ; very painful palpitation ; pain in sacrum, loins, thumb, legs, knees, heels and toes ; legs weak.
Uncertain footing when standing. θ From overwork at desk.
Stooping : nose stopped up ; stitches under ribs ; oppression at heart ; spine pains.
After using flexors : most after stooping or bending forward, painful tension and soreness in different places.
When sitting : vertigo ; headache ; pressure in stomach ; cutting in diaphragm ; colic-like spasm in stomach ; tension in groin ; itching on scrotum ; dry cough ; pressure on chest ; sudden violent stitches in chest ; tension lower part of chest ; anxious, irregular beats of heart ; sore as if beaten in neck, loins, back, sacrum, hips, thighs, knees, shinbone, buttocks and lower limbs ; stitches on outer ankle ; tearing in inner heel, foot, big toe, little toe and corns ; cramps in muscles ; painful sensations in anus disappear.
Has to sit down when cough comes.
After changing position, most when rising from sitting and using extensor muscles, different, painful and other sensations in limbs.
Lying on back : rattling in chest ; pain in occiput through to glabella.
Pain in sacrum and loins lying on right side, better turning to left Worse lying on suffering side.
Lying in bed : headache, extending to left ear.
Lying down : rushing in right ear ; palpitation ; shocks at heart ; pains in loins, sacrum, knees ; shaking chill ; twitches of muscles.
With every attempt at voluntary motion twitches are increased ; no twitchings at night. θ сhorea.
Moderate motion : relieves pain in limbs, in head and limbs, in small of back, in knees, in corn, also weakness.
Motion : moving head, neck hurts ; any motion of body, back pains ; chilly ; joints crack ; pressure in eyes ; eyeballs burn ; hands tremble ; tension lower part of chest.
From slightest exertion : copious sweat.
In going up-stairs : greatest weariness in lower limbs.
Walking up hill : makes him faint.
Worse in walking : vertigo ; headache ; thirst ; stitches in chest ; pain in knees, they give way ; pain in lower limbs, in ankle joint, heel, metatarsus, soles.
From walking : vertigo ; oppression of stomach ; colic ; difficult breathing ; stitches in lungs ; stitches in sacrum ; pressure in upper part of chest.
Uncertainty in walking, tumbling over everything in the way.
Unsteady walk. θ сhorea.
While walking, pains in lower limbs and groins disappear.
Thigh most affected and painful after walking.
In writing : lameness in upper arm ; weariness in forearm ; uncertainty in hand ; cramp in ball of thumb.
If she reaches for an object, she usually misses her mark. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Uncertainty in his carriage and when walking. θ сhorea.
He stumbles over everything in his way.
Learned to walk and to speak with difficulty, and at a late date. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
In turning around : pain in back or neck.
Body sensitive to touch or pressure ; burning in canthi ; pain in spine, between vertebra ; muscles feel bruised ; pricking in left thumb, etc.
Slight touch causes shooting, even the coming near of some one.
Touch of hair : worse pressure on temple.
When touched : pain in parietal bones, in eyeballs, above eyes, maxillary joint, tip of tongue ; teeth sensitive ; stitch in throat ; abdomen sensitive ; convulsive dartings if chest or arms are touched ; small spot in middle of spine very sensitive ; wrist-pains ; back of hand sore ; stitches in thumb ; metacarpal joint of index and middle finger.
When touching or feeling with fingers : headache.
When but feeble pressure is applied to any spot, it pains a long while after.
Pressure : worse pain in scalp, in left temporal bone ; pain in stomach and in hypochondria.
Sensitive to pressure : dorsal and lumbar vertebra.
Better from pressure ; pain in temples ; boring headache ; colic in abdomen ; painless pulsation in eighth and ninth dorsal vertebra.
Limbs sensitive to pressure. θ сhorea.
A pressure on painful parts increases pain.
Rubbing : better itching in right eye.
Scratching : better itching in scalp ; stitch over left brow.
After scratching : white nodule, size of millet-seed, furfuracious peeling of epidermis.
Better from shaving : blisters on chin.
Leaning back in chair : worse pressure in sacrum.
Crossing legs : they fall asleep.
In stepping down : stitches in heel.
Slight blows : cause ecchymoses.
While riding in a carriage : tensive pain in region of bladder.
** Struma.
Cervical glands swollen. θ сhorea.
Muscles in neck feel as if beaten.
Stitches in cervical vertebra.
Twitching of cervical muscles.
Stiff neck.
Tension and stiffness of muscles of neck.
Sensation as if sprained in neck when turning head to left.
Extending to nape of neck : crick in back.
Itching pimples on neck.
In back below shoulder blades, a gnawing, shooting, tearing pain.
** Sticking between shoulder blades. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Frequent sharp stitches like from splinters on dorsal vertebra.
Feels as if large splinters were pushed into back.
Violent shooting, burning pains, deep in spine.
Spasmodic, pressive, drawing pain starts from back, extends to middle of chest and into oesophagus.
Painful pulsation in spinal canal.
Dorsal muscles feel as if beaten or bruised ; on bending forward they feel short.
Backaches disturbing sleep at night ; cannot find a position to lie in, with heat.
Aching along spine and limbs.
Pain in back, as after continued stooping.
Pain along spinal column, worse when stooping.
Every motion, every turn of body, causes pain in spine.
Crepitation in vertebra of neck when stooping and crackling all along spine when moving body, in loins when stooping.
Crick in back extending from sacrum to nape of neck.
After dinner, pain in spine, especially a spot size of palm in middle of spinal column ; is very sensitive to touch, as well as at every motion of body.
Shooting pains in single vertebra.
Violent shocks starting from one of lower vertebra.
Sensitiveness of single vertebra to hot sponge. θ сhorea.
The whole spinal column is very sensitive to touch, even by a sponge, or leaning against a chair.
Biting burning in a small place on spine.
Spine sensitive to touch ; worse mornings.
Pain along spine in several places, tender to touch.
Sensation as if cold air was spreading from spine over body, like an aura epileptica.
Coldness below shoulder blade, as if touched by a piece of ice.
Chilliness over whole back.
Crawls over back and limbs.
Running heat through limbs.
Sensation of soreness and great weakness in back.
Numbness and weakness in back. θ сhorea.
Great uneasiness and weakness in spine, with twitchings.
Great weakness in muscles of back, can hardly sit straight.
Peculiar sensation of weakness and stiffness between shoulders ; extends to neck.
When stooping, spine pains as if too weak to support.
Sensation of ants creeping along spine.
Burning, biting on back.
Itching on back ; suppurating pimples.
Violent pains in first and second lumbar vertebra when turning.
Pain in first two lumbar vertebra, with sense of coldness in glutei muscles, spreading down legs, and formication in feet.
Spinal column sensitive to pressure of a hot sponge in region of second and third lumbar vertebra. θ сhorea.
Sensitiveness of lumbar vertebra. θ сhorea.
Pain in lumbar region and sacrum, especially during exertion in daytime and while sitting ; pain, sore aching ; back not sensitive to touch.
Pressure in sacrum like a heavy load, as if it would burst.
Pain in sacrum : a sort of crick in back ; extends along spine to nape of neck ; worse in evening, or goes into lower limbs.
Sudden violent stitch in sacrum while walking in open air.
Pain in back and sacrum so violent that he has to keep in bed, some palpitation, no appetite, no stool, but frequent discharge of pale yellow urine.
As if beaten in sacrum, or dislocated feeling.
Feels palpitation even in os coccyx.
Dry feeling in os coccyx.
Shoulder joint as if dislocated.
Convulsive shakes in left shoulder.
Tearing in right shoulder.
Shooting in axilla.
Icy feeling in right axilla and left inner ankle.
Rheumatism of right deltoid worse when moving joint backward, with great weakness in loins, costiveness and less urination.
Spasmodic pains in left upper arm below deltoid, followed by a similar pain in right upper leg.
Sprained feeling in deltoid and as if thousands of splinters were in it when lifting arm ; at 5 P. M.
Drawing pain. From left upper arm to forearm ; in muscles of left forearm.
Tearing in left upper arm, lower teeth and left ear, with violent itching in ear ; pains worse from lying on sore side ; from 2 P. M. till evening.
Irregular and hurried movements of arms.
Twitching and spasms in arms, ceasing when doing hard work with hands.
Violent shock of left arm, followed by wavelike twitchings of abdominal muscles ; during siesta.
Upper arm shaken like from an electric shock.
Subsultus tendinum on upper arm.
Such constant motions of upper limbs that pulse cannot be felt, lower limbs are drawn up to trunk , (toxic).
Irregular quick motions in upper limbs , (toxic).
Tension in left upper arm.
Has to put his arms often into another position.
Violent laming or paralytic pain in left hand and arm five minutes after palpitation commences.
Cannot lift his arm ; arms are stiff.
Prostration, weariness and paralytic feeling in left arm.
Burning above left elbow.
Itching on arms.
Burning itching on both hands, as if frozen ; parts hot, swollen, red.
Burning itching pimples size of millet-seed on arms.
A small painful abscess on middle of right deltoid.
Violent rheumatic pains in forearm, extending into thumb ; afternoon, in rest.
Drawing in forearm, in left, or both.
Tearing drawing pains in left elbow joint.
Rheumatic or gouty stiffness of left hand and elbow joint.
Electric stitches in olecranon of each arm.
In point of elbow, coldness like from ice.
Forearm : tearing in bones of left ; tearing between bones ; strong painless pulsation near and above right olecranon ; tension, lameness and numbness ; starting and quivering on upper surface of right hand, extending to ball of hand ; pressive trembling in right hand.
In extensor side of right forearm, sudden awful pain like thousands of splinters, with a momentary sensation as if he would lose consciousness.
Sensation like from splinters in point of left elbow.
Burning in front of left forearm near wrist as if he had burnt himself.
Burning itching on right forearm ; after scratching, white nodules, size of millet-seed, and furfuraceous peeling off.
Itching on point of elbow.
Tearing : in left wrist ; in both hands.
Burning sore pain in skin of right hand from wrist to thumb and index finger ; slightest touch with finger painful.
Trembling and coldness of hands. θ From overwork at desk.
Trembling of hands. θ Typhus.
Right hand unsteady while writing ; arm feels paralyzed from much writing.
Left hand up to forearm asleep at night in bed ; from leading a little boy during a walk.
Cold hands.
Hands chilly, nails blue, with a small, hard pulse and prostration of whole body, at noon.
Face and hands blue and icy cold.
Sometimes a warm sweat on palms.
Itching on right wrist.
Itching, redness and burning in hands like chilblains.
Tearing burning in thumbs, stitches like needles.
Spasmodic pain in thumb.
Tearing between thumb and index finger.
Drawing, tearing in left index finger as from splinters.
Burning and crawling in right index finger as if a felon would come.
Icy cold sensation in joint of middle finger ; somewhat reddened and sensitive to touch ; violent tearing.
Finger often deadens and remains a long time sensitive to cold.
Tearing in left little finger.
Frequent sudden motions of right fingers.
Tearing in joints and drawing, as if in periosteum, of all fingers.
Stiffness in fingers from gout.
Fingers itch, burn and look red, as if frost-bitten.
Points of fingers blue , (toxic).
Nails blue.
Pains over both hip joints, he gets up stiff.
Tensive, pressing tearing in hip joints as if heads of bones were pulled from sockets.
Violent ischiatic pain ; neither touch nor pressure, neither walking nor rest has any influence, but worse by stooping or change position.
Stretching pain in acetabula.
Stitches, pressing and feeling of dislocation or as if beaten in hip joint.
Coldness in region of trochanter ; at intervals shaking, pushing concussions now in left hip, now in right hand, commencing in joints of lower limbs.
Pains in legs, especially in region of right hip joint, like from fatigue.
Itching on condyles of hip bone.
Violent pains in limbs, especially left hip under gluteal muscles.
In left buttock violent tearing with sensation of coldness, wakening him out of sleep.
Twitching of gluteal muscles.
Icy coldness from glutei down to feet, most in big toes, with numbness and twitches.
Furuncle on right gluteus, size of hen’s egg, very painful, discharging black blood on seventh day, with most violent burning pains ; lasted five days.
Pressing in thighs, worse in right.
Sensation of a plug on outer side of thigh, above knee.
Rending drawing in thigh, extending to knee.
Tendons of thigh are stretched.
From groin down to middle of anterior thigh, violent contraction in flexors.
Tearing from hip joint to knee, with numbness.
Crossing legs causes pain in thighs.
Thighs pain as after a long journey on foot.
Painful weariness and heaviness in thighs.
Electric stitches or spasmodic pain in anterior part of thigh.
Burning, itching on inner and anterior portion of thigh.
Biting and burning pimples above knee.
All along flexor side of thigh violent burning, and later a thick rash like from nettles.
On front of thigh and on buttocks very painful furuncles.
In knee joint : drawing, tearing, stinging ; weakness ; sprained feeling.
Tearing drawing in knee ; worse sitting, better walking.
Violent stitches in both knees, followed by weakness.
Muscular twitches, or weakness in knees, they knock together.
Itching, violent pain, a tremulous feeling, or coldness on a small spot in bend of knee.
Pain in bones of lower legs, sometimes as if in periosteum.
Pains in bones of legs, as if in marrow.
Violent pressing pains in left tibia beginning in morning, worse at noon, better afternoon and evening.
Pains similar to syphilitic bone-pain, not worse in warmth of bed, but rather better.
Tearing drawing pains in shin bones, worse sitting, better walking.
Burning in tibia.
Pains in legs most marked when standing or sitting ; better when walking or from motion.
Dull pain along tibia ; drawing pains in shin.
In calves : tearing ; painful contraction ; stitches ; burning ; heaviness.
While walking, alternate stretching and flexion in lower limbs, causing a strange lifting and sinking of body, accompanied by merry, incoherent talking , (toxic).
Heaviness, weariness, or a tearing with a paralytic numbness in lower legs.
Painful prostration in legs, cannot go up-stairs.
The legs ache as after a prostrating sickness.
Lower limbs weak, weary, cannot support body, cannot stand, has to sit.
Heaviness : as if lead was hanging on legs ; with languor.
Weight in legs ; they feel weary and as if they had been knocked from under.
Weak and heavy in legs all day ; yellow urine.
On crossing thighs he feels a violent pain in them.
Trembling of lower limbs.
Electric shock through lower limbs, most in left, suddenly awaking him.
Jerking motion in lower limbs.
Sudden concussions in legs.
Muscular twitching, followed by biting itching on soles.
In lower limbs : coldness, burning, evening and night copious sweat.
At night in warmth of bed an itching, forcing to scratch, leaving bloody streaks.
Burning on right lower leg.
Burning itching, skin dry and peeling or small nodules.
Sweats much on lower leg.
Drawing, pressive pains in legs ; especially in ankles.
Pain worse in standing, has to walk or sit.
Pains in ankle joint waken him at 2 A. M.
Crampy pain in ankle joints extending over heels ; shooting burning pains.
Crawling and itching on dorsi of feet.
Shooting in metatarsal bones and feet while walking.
Feet cold like ice up to ankles.
Burning in feet, as if blood was glowing in veins.
Great weakness, heaviness, or formication in feet.
Stiffness in tendo-achillis.
Heels as if beaten, when standing.
In soles : tearing, shooting, like splinters, biting itching.
Cramp in soles at night.
Right little toe pains as from narrow shoes, in left second toe same sensation in a corn.
In big toe : tearing, jerking pain, digging, sudden stitches like splinters.
In all the toes : drawing, digging, shooting, crawling or prickling ; painful swellings, like nails growing in ; itching, burning and redness, as if frost-bitten.
Pain and inflammation of frost-bitten toes.
Violent pains in a corn on right little toe.
Tearing in left forearm and right thigh.
Tearing in limbs, worse in rest or sitting, better moving.
Shooting pains : in all limbs ; most in knees and nape of neck ; right knee worse going up-stairs ; in fingers and toes.
Violent pains all night along back, on chest, in loins and legs.
Pain in right knee and left hand ; pain shifts about every third day ; during attack cough only on moving about ; pains worse when he begins to move about in morning. θ Rheumatism.
Tearing and drawing in tubular bones, worse in their ends.
Pains in bones of legs and forearm, alternating with similar pains in right tibia.
Cracking and other noises in joints.
Trembling of limbs.
Restless, tremulous feeling in upper and lower limbs, with shaking and twitching.
Subsultus tendinum.
All the limbs as if beaten, after slight exertion.
After repeated and severe epistaxis, great soreness and bruised feeling of joints of limbs.
Muscular soreness as it remains in some cases after fever, in attacks of influenza.
Violent ulcerative pains in limbs prevent sleep at night, from left elbow to little finger, and from calves to heel, with beating pains in little toe ; general heat. θ A young, leprous lame girl.
Feels as if her limbs did not belong to her.
Pains in limbs with lameness and numbness.
Weakness and coldness in limbs. θ сhorea.
Limbs cold, blue , (toxic).
Livid limbs. θ Typhus.
Formication in upper and lower limbs, as if gone to sleep.
In rest : pains in forearm, metatarsus, toes ; symptoms generally.
In standing. Vertigo ; headache ; pressure in stomach ; tension in groin ; prostration in chest ; very painful palpitation ; pain in sacrum, loins, thumb, legs, knees, heels and toes ; legs weak.
Uncertain footing when standing. θ From overwork at desk.
Stooping : nose stopped up ; stitches under ribs ; oppression at heart ; spine pains.
After using flexors : most after stooping or bending forward, painful tension and soreness in different places.
When sitting : vertigo ; headache ; pressure in stomach ; cutting in diaphragm ; colic-like spasm in stomach ; tension in groin ; itching on scrotum ; dry cough ; pressure on chest ; sudden violent stitches in chest ; tension lower part of chest ; anxious, irregular beats of heart ; sore as if beaten in neck, loins, back, sacrum, hips, thighs, knees, shinbone, buttocks and lower limbs ; stitches on outer ankle ; tearing in inner heel, foot, big toe, little toe and corns ; cramps in muscles ; painful sensations in anus disappear.
Has to sit down when cough comes.
After changing position, most when rising from sitting and using extensor muscles, different, painful and other sensations in limbs.
Lying on back : rattling in chest ; pain in occiput through to glabella.
Pain in sacrum and loins lying on right side, better turning to left Worse lying on suffering side.
Lying in bed : headache, extending to left ear.
Lying down : rushing in right ear ; palpitation ; shocks at heart ; pains in loins, sacrum, knees ; shaking chill ; twitches of muscles.
With every attempt at voluntary motion twitches are increased ; no twitchings at night. θ сhorea.
Moderate motion : relieves pain in limbs, in head and limbs, in small of back, in knees, in corn, also weakness.
Motion : moving head, neck hurts ; any motion of body, back pains ; chilly ; joints crack ; pressure in eyes ; eyeballs burn ; hands tremble ; tension lower part of chest.
From slightest exertion : copious sweat.
In going up-stairs : greatest weariness in lower limbs.
Walking up hill : makes him faint.
Worse in walking : vertigo ; headache ; thirst ; stitches in chest ; pain in knees, they give way ; pain in lower limbs, in ankle joint, heel, metatarsus, soles.
From walking : vertigo ; oppression of stomach ; colic ; difficult breathing ; stitches in lungs ; stitches in sacrum ; pressure in upper part of chest.
Uncertainty in walking, tumbling over everything in the way.
Unsteady walk. θ сhorea.
While walking, pains in lower limbs and groins disappear.
Thigh most affected and painful after walking.
In writing : lameness in upper arm ; weariness in forearm ; uncertainty in hand ; cramp in ball of thumb.
If she reaches for an object, she usually misses her mark. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Uncertainty in his carriage and when walking. θ сhorea.
He stumbles over everything in his way.
Learned to walk and to speak with difficulty, and at a late date. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
In turning around : pain in back or neck.
Body sensitive to touch or pressure ; burning in canthi ; pain in spine, between vertebra ; muscles feel bruised ; pricking in left thumb, etc.
Slight touch causes shooting, even the coming near of some one.
Touch of hair : worse pressure on temple.
When touched : pain in parietal bones, in eyeballs, above eyes, maxillary joint, tip of tongue ; teeth sensitive ; stitch in throat ; abdomen sensitive ; convulsive dartings if chest or arms are touched ; small spot in middle of spine very sensitive ; wrist-pains ; back of hand sore ; stitches in thumb ; metacarpal joint of index and middle finger.
When touching or feeling with fingers : headache.
When but feeble pressure is applied to any spot, it pains a long while after.
Pressure : worse pain in scalp, in left temporal bone ; pain in stomach and in hypochondria.
Sensitive to pressure : dorsal and lumbar vertebra.
Better from pressure ; pain in temples ; boring headache ; colic in abdomen ; painless pulsation in eighth and ninth dorsal vertebra.
Limbs sensitive to pressure. θ сhorea.
A pressure on painful parts increases pain.
Rubbing : better itching in right eye.
Scratching : better itching in scalp ; stitch over left brow.
After scratching : white nodule, size of millet-seed, furfuracious peeling of epidermis.
Better from shaving : blisters on chin.
Leaning back in chair : worse pressure in sacrum.
Crossing legs : they fall asleep.
In stepping down : stitches in heel.
Slight blows : cause ecchymoses.
While riding in a carriage : tensive pain in region of bladder.
Nervous system
Increase of strength during delirium , (toxic).
The slightest influence of the will seems to have the most powerful effect , (toxic).
All motions are much easier and are made with much more dexterity , (toxic).
Extraordinary strength of muscles. θ Epilepsy.
They lift up heavy loads and carry them with great facility for distances , (toxic).
It seems as if they were dancing, they make the strangest pantomimes with the hands , (toxic).
They run to places where they had no intention to go , (toxic).
Nervous excitement bordering on convulsions.
Extreme wakefulness and restlessness, and continual fever.
At night, 3 A. M., awakes with an inner restlessness in all voluntary muscles, followed by a trembling and finally an irresistible playing and twitching of all muscles.
Very restless. θ Typhus.
Trembling of lower jaw and lips.
Chattering of jaws and trembling of limbs. θ Typhoid fever.
Great weakness and trembling. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Tremulous sensation in whole body.
Tremor of whole body. θ Typhus.
Trembling of parts or all over. θ сhorea.
Trembling, with anxiousness and prostration.
Trembling of legs and hands, with debility ; soreness of spine ; worse at approach of thunder-storm.
Twitching of muscles in different places, now here, now there ; subsultus tendinum.
Twitching and spasms during sleep.
Muscular twitchings grow more violent ; only a few hours sleep. θ сhorea.
Twitchings : of eyelids and eyeballs ; of cheeks : in chest posteriorly ; in abdomen.
Twitching of arms ceased when patient used them in his work of shoemaking. θ сhorea.
Involuntary movements (especially with children) while awake ; ceasing during sleep. θ сhorea.
As soon as she opened her eyes in morning the two eyeballs began to turn to right and left at intervals of half a second, and this continued all day.
Spasmodic motions, from simple involuntary motions and jerks of single muscles, to a dancing of whole body. θ сhorea. θ Hysteria.
Frequent attacks of slight convulsions. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Cramps in hands and feet ; body convulsed, as if a galvanic battery was applied to spine.
Convulsions and tremor.
Convulsions, fever with hot head, lying in a lethargic state ; distortion of eyes and crying out in sleep. θ Nystagmus.
Epilepsy : with great exertion of strength ; from fright, every seven days : he falls and lies almost motionless ; from suppressed eruptions ; two or three attacks a week, after suppression of tinea capitis ; attacks increase at first and lessen gradually.
Discomfort and heaviness in whole body ; general indescribable malaise.
Great debility.
Powerlessness and great weariness, had to remain in bed on account of great weakness.
Great prostration and inability to think.
Exhaustion with delirium , (toxic).
Debility : after coitus ; with trembling of limbs ; from least exertion, with frequent palpitation ; with vertigo.
Gets tired from a short walk.
** Greatest lassitude with irresistible drowsiness, better after eating.
Great lassitude and heaviness in limbs, after a short walk, or even in bed, accompanied by anxiety and trembling. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Great weakness and viscous sweats , (toxic).
Sense of languor as if body were bruised and joints dislocated. θ Headache.
Sense of uneasiness and weakness all down spine. θ Headache.
Paralysis of lower limbs, with slight spasms of arms.
Paralysis of upper and lower limbs. θ Incipient softening of spinal marrow.
Paraplegia from congestion of lumbar part of cord.
A child, at. 15 months, paralyzed all over, eyes turned, face bluish pale, puffed up, small, irregular pulse, slight tearing and twitches in upper limbs , (toxic).
In all paralyzed parts, violent pains.
The slightest influence of the will seems to have the most powerful effect , (toxic).
All motions are much easier and are made with much more dexterity , (toxic).
Extraordinary strength of muscles. θ Epilepsy.
They lift up heavy loads and carry them with great facility for distances , (toxic).
It seems as if they were dancing, they make the strangest pantomimes with the hands , (toxic).
They run to places where they had no intention to go , (toxic).
Nervous excitement bordering on convulsions.
Extreme wakefulness and restlessness, and continual fever.
At night, 3 A. M., awakes with an inner restlessness in all voluntary muscles, followed by a trembling and finally an irresistible playing and twitching of all muscles.
Very restless. θ Typhus.
Trembling of lower jaw and lips.
Chattering of jaws and trembling of limbs. θ Typhoid fever.
Great weakness and trembling. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Tremulous sensation in whole body.
Tremor of whole body. θ Typhus.
Trembling of parts or all over. θ сhorea.
Trembling, with anxiousness and prostration.
Trembling of legs and hands, with debility ; soreness of spine ; worse at approach of thunder-storm.
Twitching of muscles in different places, now here, now there ; subsultus tendinum.
Twitching and spasms during sleep.
Muscular twitchings grow more violent ; only a few hours sleep. θ сhorea.
Twitchings : of eyelids and eyeballs ; of cheeks : in chest posteriorly ; in abdomen.
Twitching of arms ceased when patient used them in his work of shoemaking. θ сhorea.
Involuntary movements (especially with children) while awake ; ceasing during sleep. θ сhorea.
As soon as she opened her eyes in morning the two eyeballs began to turn to right and left at intervals of half a second, and this continued all day.
Spasmodic motions, from simple involuntary motions and jerks of single muscles, to a dancing of whole body. θ сhorea. θ Hysteria.
Frequent attacks of slight convulsions. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Cramps in hands and feet ; body convulsed, as if a galvanic battery was applied to spine.
Convulsions and tremor.
Convulsions, fever with hot head, lying in a lethargic state ; distortion of eyes and crying out in sleep. θ Nystagmus.
Epilepsy : with great exertion of strength ; from fright, every seven days : he falls and lies almost motionless ; from suppressed eruptions ; two or three attacks a week, after suppression of tinea capitis ; attacks increase at first and lessen gradually.
Discomfort and heaviness in whole body ; general indescribable malaise.
Great debility.
Powerlessness and great weariness, had to remain in bed on account of great weakness.
Great prostration and inability to think.
Exhaustion with delirium , (toxic).
Debility : after coitus ; with trembling of limbs ; from least exertion, with frequent palpitation ; with vertigo.
Gets tired from a short walk.
** Greatest lassitude with irresistible drowsiness, better after eating.
Great lassitude and heaviness in limbs, after a short walk, or even in bed, accompanied by anxiety and trembling. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Great weakness and viscous sweats , (toxic).
Sense of languor as if body were bruised and joints dislocated. θ Headache.
Sense of uneasiness and weakness all down spine. θ Headache.
Paralysis of lower limbs, with slight spasms of arms.
Paralysis of upper and lower limbs. θ Incipient softening of spinal marrow.
Paraplegia from congestion of lumbar part of cord.
A child, at. 15 months, paralyzed all over, eyes turned, face bluish pale, puffed up, small, irregular pulse, slight tearing and twitches in upper limbs , (toxic).
In all paralyzed parts, violent pains.
Very frequent gaping all day.
Gaping : followed each time by involuntary laughter ; makes him giddy ; and sneezing, with pain in maxillary joint ; with stretching, most of arms ; and shaking chill.
Frequent yawning : before spasms, or paroxysms of headache.
Drowsiness, cannot resist sleep, even soon after getting up.
Irresistible drowsiness in day time. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Early in evening very sleepy ; has to go to bed, but a peculiar fear as if somebody would come and disturb him prevents sleep for hours.
Great drowsiness and weariness during day ; at night a rush of ideas prevents sleep.
Sleepy and heavy headed, mist before eyes, pressure in eyes, lower limbs very tired.
Sleepiness, especially after or even while eating.
Afternoon drowsy and weary, with sexual desire.
Weary and drowsy by day, sleepless at night. θ From overworking at desk.
On falling asleep starts, twitches ; sudden complete awakening. θ сhorea.
Sopor and convulsions , (toxic).
Coma, with paralysis of face and limbs. θ Typhus.
Convulsive affections, which cease during sleep.
During sleep, one does not notice any motion of eyes whatever. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Uneasy, restless sleep ; from violent itching and burning of skin.
Restless night and chilliness.
Tosses about from annoying crawls over whole body, head, chest, abdomen and feet.
Restless nights, suffers pain in back, chest, loins and thighs.
Restless night, a burning itching pain on different parts awakens him.
Restless night, a heaviness in whole body, in head, chest, abdomen and feet induces him to toss about.
Unpleasant dreams waking him from sleep.
Dreams he could not open his mouth on account of pain in maxillary joint, and that they made him smell caustic ammonia, which wakened him.
Dreams as if he was walking up and down in his room and reading, while he was sure he was in his bed ; could not overcome it.
In his dreams, anxiety as if suffocating.
At night : frequent anxious waking ; tearing pain in scalp ; buzzing in ears ; sneezing in sleep ; pain in cracked lip ; toothache, after midnight ; grinding teeth can elderly man).
At 2 A. M. : pain in ankle joint.
Morning : itching of scalp ; spasm of eyes ; tongue coated ; hunger without appetite ; diarrhoea ; excited sexual desire ; cough ; mucous sputa ; rattling of phlegm in chest ; pulse more frequent ; spine more sensitive ; pains in tibia begin ; pain in right knee and left hand.
Towards noon : headache ; stitch like a needle over left brow ; trembling of left upper lid ; nausea ; pressing around navel ; disagreeable full, heavy feeling in anus ; stinging and tension in chest ; backache ; pain in both tibia ; out of humor.
At noon : headache ; pressure like a piece of sand under upper lid ; trembling of left upper lid ; very unpleasant, saltish, bitter, sweetish metallic taste, most on root of tongue ; cramp in stomach ; sudden stitch in region of liver ; colic ; pressure, heat and itching in anus ; cough with sneezing ; pain in chest, in region of heart ; stitch in sacrum ; in left tibia ; burning runs all along corn in little toe.
Afternoon : dizziness and dull head ; pain over eyes, in vertex, in occiput ; painful sensitiveness in upper part of nose ; coryza : toothache and pain in lower jaw ; nauseous sweetish taste ; violent thirst ; frequent belching ; pressure or burning and digging pain in epigastrium ; dull pressure in hypochondrium ; stitches in region of spleen ; rumbling in abdomen ; cutting in upper and later in lower abdomen ; soft, dark green stool ; stool with copious urination ; urine milky, fiery ; drawing in both testicles ; violent cough ; pressure here and there in chest ; sudden stitches deep in chest ; soreness in chest worse ; constant pressure near heart and uninterrupted palpitation ; irregular beats of heart ; neck puffed up ; sudden violent stitch in sacrum ; pain and lameness in arm ; pains in elbow and forearm ; burning in right thumb ; in right hip joint, and along outside of lower leg, annoying pains ; drawing, tearing in thigh ; electric shock through legs ; giving way of knee with painful drawing on back of left lower leg ; stinging in right little toe ; pains in corns ; epileptic shock of body ; sleepiness ; crawling all over.
In evening. General malaise ; dizziness with loss of sight and weakness ; double sight ; momentary jerk in side of head ; viscous yellow moisture in internal canthi ; bubbling noise in right ear and noise as if bells were ringing in distance ; warmth in face ; front teeth as if too long and sensitive ; bad taste returns, with chest and abdominal symptoms ; tip of tongue feels sore ; more appetite, even ravenous hunger ; sudden nausea and vomiting of food ; burning in scrobiculum, with a spasmodic drawing up into chest ; digging, pinching cutting in abdomen ; cutting itching in rectum ; tension in right groin ; unpleasant sensation in urethra ; drawing in testicles, ; stitches in lung ; violent palpitation ; burning or itching on sternum ; quivering in muscles of right loin ; tension along whole spine ; pains in back of sacrum ; itching on back and inflamed nodules ; tearing in left upper arm ; stitches like needles in left thumb ; in right hip joint and outside of right lower leg very tormenting pains ; electric shock in lower limbs ; pains in lower limbs ; burning in upper part of foot and violent pains in little toe ; pains in corns ; gaping ; weakness ; crawls and chills, shaking chill ; attack of heat ; sweat without heat.
Gaping : followed each time by involuntary laughter ; makes him giddy ; and sneezing, with pain in maxillary joint ; with stretching, most of arms ; and shaking chill.
Frequent yawning : before spasms, or paroxysms of headache.
Drowsiness, cannot resist sleep, even soon after getting up.
Irresistible drowsiness in day time. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Early in evening very sleepy ; has to go to bed, but a peculiar fear as if somebody would come and disturb him prevents sleep for hours.
Great drowsiness and weariness during day ; at night a rush of ideas prevents sleep.
Sleepy and heavy headed, mist before eyes, pressure in eyes, lower limbs very tired.
Sleepiness, especially after or even while eating.
Afternoon drowsy and weary, with sexual desire.
Weary and drowsy by day, sleepless at night. θ From overworking at desk.
On falling asleep starts, twitches ; sudden complete awakening. θ сhorea.
Sopor and convulsions , (toxic).
Coma, with paralysis of face and limbs. θ Typhus.
Convulsive affections, which cease during sleep.
During sleep, one does not notice any motion of eyes whatever. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Uneasy, restless sleep ; from violent itching and burning of skin.
Restless night and chilliness.
Tosses about from annoying crawls over whole body, head, chest, abdomen and feet.
Restless nights, suffers pain in back, chest, loins and thighs.
Restless night, a burning itching pain on different parts awakens him.
Restless night, a heaviness in whole body, in head, chest, abdomen and feet induces him to toss about.
Unpleasant dreams waking him from sleep.
Dreams he could not open his mouth on account of pain in maxillary joint, and that they made him smell caustic ammonia, which wakened him.
Dreams as if he was walking up and down in his room and reading, while he was sure he was in his bed ; could not overcome it.
In his dreams, anxiety as if suffocating.
At night : frequent anxious waking ; tearing pain in scalp ; buzzing in ears ; sneezing in sleep ; pain in cracked lip ; toothache, after midnight ; grinding teeth can elderly man).
At 2 A. M. : pain in ankle joint.
Morning : itching of scalp ; spasm of eyes ; tongue coated ; hunger without appetite ; diarrhoea ; excited sexual desire ; cough ; mucous sputa ; rattling of phlegm in chest ; pulse more frequent ; spine more sensitive ; pains in tibia begin ; pain in right knee and left hand.
Towards noon : headache ; stitch like a needle over left brow ; trembling of left upper lid ; nausea ; pressing around navel ; disagreeable full, heavy feeling in anus ; stinging and tension in chest ; backache ; pain in both tibia ; out of humor.
At noon : headache ; pressure like a piece of sand under upper lid ; trembling of left upper lid ; very unpleasant, saltish, bitter, sweetish metallic taste, most on root of tongue ; cramp in stomach ; sudden stitch in region of liver ; colic ; pressure, heat and itching in anus ; cough with sneezing ; pain in chest, in region of heart ; stitch in sacrum ; in left tibia ; burning runs all along corn in little toe.
Afternoon : dizziness and dull head ; pain over eyes, in vertex, in occiput ; painful sensitiveness in upper part of nose ; coryza : toothache and pain in lower jaw ; nauseous sweetish taste ; violent thirst ; frequent belching ; pressure or burning and digging pain in epigastrium ; dull pressure in hypochondrium ; stitches in region of spleen ; rumbling in abdomen ; cutting in upper and later in lower abdomen ; soft, dark green stool ; stool with copious urination ; urine milky, fiery ; drawing in both testicles ; violent cough ; pressure here and there in chest ; sudden stitches deep in chest ; soreness in chest worse ; constant pressure near heart and uninterrupted palpitation ; irregular beats of heart ; neck puffed up ; sudden violent stitch in sacrum ; pain and lameness in arm ; pains in elbow and forearm ; burning in right thumb ; in right hip joint, and along outside of lower leg, annoying pains ; drawing, tearing in thigh ; electric shock through legs ; giving way of knee with painful drawing on back of left lower leg ; stinging in right little toe ; pains in corns ; epileptic shock of body ; sleepiness ; crawling all over.
In evening. General malaise ; dizziness with loss of sight and weakness ; double sight ; momentary jerk in side of head ; viscous yellow moisture in internal canthi ; bubbling noise in right ear and noise as if bells were ringing in distance ; warmth in face ; front teeth as if too long and sensitive ; bad taste returns, with chest and abdominal symptoms ; tip of tongue feels sore ; more appetite, even ravenous hunger ; sudden nausea and vomiting of food ; burning in scrobiculum, with a spasmodic drawing up into chest ; digging, pinching cutting in abdomen ; cutting itching in rectum ; tension in right groin ; unpleasant sensation in urethra ; drawing in testicles, ; stitches in lung ; violent palpitation ; burning or itching on sternum ; quivering in muscles of right loin ; tension along whole spine ; pains in back of sacrum ; itching on back and inflamed nodules ; tearing in left upper arm ; stitches like needles in left thumb ; in right hip joint and outside of right lower leg very tormenting pains ; electric shock in lower limbs ; pains in lower limbs ; burning in upper part of foot and violent pains in little toe ; pains in corns ; gaping ; weakness ; crawls and chills, shaking chill ; attack of heat ; sweat without heat.
Common symptoms
Very sensitive to cool air.
Cold air : increases earache and toothache ; looking out of an open window, toothache and pains in limbs ; easily chilled, least cool air makes goose skin.
Easily chilled on slight movement, and in a cooler air, or if cold finger touches a warm part of body.
Very sensitive to cold, mostly hands and feet ; his face is pale and haggard.
In cold weather.
When lifting bedcovers at night, crawling and shaking chill.
To drink cold water after it increases effect and lengthens it , (toxic).
After a swallow of cold water : toothache ; nausea.
Washing or bathing palliates.
Itching, burning and redness of fingers, toes and other parts, as though they had been frozen.
Complaints from frost. θ Headache. θ сhilblains.
Chilblains, frost-bite, and all consequences of exposure to cold, particularly in face.
In open air : vertigo better or dulness ; drowsiness.
Walking in open air : staggering ; at stitch like lightning through brain ; half-sided digging headache ; vanishing of sight ; singing in right ear ; pressure in stomach ; sensation like a dislocation in groin ; sudden violent stitches in sacrum ; painful drawing in right foot ; tired in feet, weak ; a painful pressure in region of right nipple, feeling as if a deep breath would remove its cause ; frequent gaping.
After walking in open air : such a sudden weakness that he can hardly get along ; severe fluid stools with burning in anus, and a copious sweat even on scalp ; pulse frequent and small.
In room : vertigo worse or ; nausea ; chilliness ; all symptoms worse in-doors and in rest.
In bright sunshine : as if drunken Heat of sun : caused violent vertigo.
In warmth of bed : feet burn.
Vertebra sensitive to a hot sponge. θ сhorea.
Worse before a thunder-storm. θ сhorea.
Sweat. Greasy, but not offensive, all night, during sleep ; from least exertion ; often only on front of body ; at night, especially about legs ; cold, on face, neck and chest ; profuse.
Sweat when walking or with slightest exertion.
** Slight exercise causes sweat ; oily night-sweats. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Coma following febrile excitement of dentition ; eyes half open, showing whites ; breathing not hurried, but often a deep inspiration, followed by a sigh and slight convulsive twitchings of extremities.
** Ataxic typhus.
** Obstinate, intermittent.
Periodicity. In attacks : itching on scalp ; violent pressure on right eyeball upward and outward ; coughing ; pain in sternum ; pain between eighth and ninth dorsal vertebra ; heat in face.
Momentary stitches in eyeball.
Pressure first in left, then in right eyebrow.
After toothache lessens, complaints in abdomen return.
Periodical drawing up into os hyoideum.
Gets awake exactly at midnight three nights in succession.
Every seven days. θ Epileptic attacks.
Very often complaints appear diagonally ; that is, appear in upper left and lower right side. [Obs. If we compare the symptoms of our Materia Medica with regard to right and left sides, we will find that in many of them there is a decided difference between the upper and lower limbs as regards the sides, one or the other side predominating. Amanita is one of the few remedies in which the symptoms appear at the same time on opposite sides, but diagonally. If, after giving a medicine, the symptoms do not disappear in a reverse direction to their origin, we may know it is not the right remedy].
From within outward : stitches in chest and belly.
From without inward : pressing, boring, drawing pains.
From below up : a cutting boring from nostrils up to frontal bone ; drawing from pelvis up to hypochondria.
From back to front : violent momentary tearing through chest.
From left to right : shooting headache ; painful drawing in forehead ; pressure above eyes ; pain in temples ; running coryza ; griping in belly ; pain in tibia ; splinter sensation in lower limbs.
From right to left : stitches in temples ; burning soreness in back.
Worse left side : inner head, external ears, teeth, abdomen, groin, male parts, shoulder, upper and forearm.
Worse right side : outer head, hypochondrium, loins and lower limbs.
Very few semilateral symptoms.
Heaviness, as after drunkenness ; as though sharp ice touched head or cold needles pierced it ; as if a nail was thrust in right side of head ; various in left half of occipital bone ; as from subcutaneous ulcers in scalp ; stitch as of an ice cold needle in ear ; as if ears, nose and face had been frost-bitten ; as if splinters had been run into jaw ; as from needles in chin ; teeth feel too long ; as from pepper on tip of tongue ; as from an astringent on tongue and in throat ; as if a foreign body stuck in fauces ; cravat feels too tight ; burning-cooling feeling, as after eating cress, along oesophagus ; dull pressure as from a foreign body in stomach ; jerking as of some heavy object in stomach ; legs as if picked all over with ice cold needles ; as if liver had increased in weight ; as of a swelling from left hypogastrium to back ; hollowness in abdomen ; as if wrenched in loins ; crawling as from worms in anus ; coldness down legs when urinating ; stitch as from a red-hot iron in urethra ; painful retraction of testes towards inguinal ring ; disagreeable crawling in front of penis, has to squeeze it ; anxious sensation in chest ; as if cavity of thorax was narrowed ; feeling of a lump in epigastrium ; felt several blows in heart with trembling ; like splinters in pectoralis near nipple, and in back ; as after continued pain in back ; shocks starting from lower vertebra ; as if cold air was spreading from spine over body ; as if touched below shoulder blade by a piece of ice ; spine as if too weak to support ; as of ants creeping along spine ; as of a heavy load in sacrum, as if it would burst ; a sort of crick in back ; as if beaten in sacrum, or dislocated feeling ; feels palpitation in os coccyx ; as if thousands of splinters were in deltoid, extensor side of right forearm, in l. elbow and index finger ; hands as if frostbitten ; as of an electric shock in upper arm ; as if a felon would come in right index finger ; as if heads of thighbones were pulled from their sockets ; shaking pushing concussions in left hip, in right hand, in joints of lower limbs ; as of a plug on outer side of thigh above knee ; pain in thighs as after a long journey on foot ; as if lead was hanging on legs ; electric shock in lower limbs, most in left ; sudden concussions in legs ; as if blood was glowing in veins of feet ; like splinters in soles ; pains in toes as from narrow shoes ; like splinters in big toe ; painful swellings in toes like nails growing in ; toes as if frost-bitten ; as if her limbs did not belong to her ; as if touched by ice, keeping time with pulse ; as if cold water was running down back ; as from living quicksilver in different parts ; as if whole body was shaken inwardly ; as if cold needles ran through nerves ; as if whole body would dwindle to nothing ; as if skin was pasted on.
Pain : in temples ; around eyes ; in left ear during menses ; in left articulation of jaw ; in superior maxilla and teeth ; in right hypochondrium ; in stomach and liver ; in left hypochondrium ; deep in umbilical region ; in loins to legs ; in chest ; in left intercostal muscles ; in back ; along spinal column ; in first and second lumbar vertebra ; in sacrum ; over both hip joints ; in legs ; in right hip joint ; in left hip under gluteal muscles ; in bend of knee ; in bones of lower legs ; in ankle joint ; in frost-bitten toes ; in corn on right little toe ; in paralyzed parts.
Spasmodic pains : in left upper arm ; in right upper leg ; in thumb.
Lancinating : in right cheek.
Jerking stitches : through right lung.
Twitching shocks : of heart.
Gnawing : below shoulder blades.
Ulcerative pains : in limbs, from left elbow to little finger ; from calves to heel.
Cutting : in abdomen ; in anus.
Biting : in anus ; on back ; on soles.
Biting itching : on scalp ; in soles.
Smarting : in tip of tongue ; in anus.
Burning : in vertex ; in head ; in inner canthi ; of ears ; in face ; in tip of tongue ; in region of heart ; below sternum ; in stomach ; in abdomen ; in anus ; in hemorrhoids ; in left chest ; in region of heart ; pimples on outer chest ; deep in spine ; in a small place on spine ; on back ; above left elbow ; of hands ; in pimples on arms ; in front of left forearm near wrist ; on right forearm ; in skin of right hand from wrist to thumb and index finger ; in hands ; in thumbs ; in right index finger ; in glutei muscles ; in furuncle on right gluteus ; on thigh ; pimples above knee ; in tibia ; in calves ; in legs ; in ankle joints to heels ; in feet ; in toes ; of skin ; internal and external ; miliary eruption.
Stitches : in head ; in ears ; in left mastoid process ; from fauces along right eustachian tube ; in region of liver ; under short ribs, left side ; in region of cecum ; in loins ; in anus ; in right kidney ; in urethra ; in middle of chest ; behind sternum ; in left breast ; in right lung ; between sternum and nipple ; in region of heart ; in different parts of thorax ; in cervical muscles ; on dorsal vertebra ; in sacrum ; in olecranon of each arm ; in thumbs ; in hip joint ; in anterior part of thigh ; in knees ; in calves ; in big toe.
Stinging : in knee joint.
Shooting pain : in temples ; from right lower teeth to side of head ; in region of heart ; in outer chest ; in nape of neck ; in back below shoulder blades ; deep in spine ; in single vertebra ; in axilla ; in knees ; in ankle joints ; in metatarsal bones and feet ; in soles ; in toes.
Pricking : in head ; in chin ; in rectum and anus ; in chest ; in fingers ; in toes.
Sticking : under nipple ; in apex of heart ; between shoulder blades.
Tearing pain : in left half of brain ; in right ear ; in face and jaw bones ; in right side of lower jaw ; in loins ; in anus ; in right shoulder ; in left upper arm, lower teeth and left ear ; in left elbow joint ; in left wrist ; in hands ; in thumbs ; between thumb and index finger ; in left index finger ; in joint of middle finger ; in left little finger ; in joints of fingers ; in hip joints ; in left buttock ; from hip joint to knee ; in knee joint ; in shinbones ; in calves ; in soles ; in big toe ; in left forearm and right thigh ; in tubular bones.
Twitching pain : in bladder ; in back during menses ; in outer chest ; below shoulder blades ; in arms.
Jerking pain : in teeth ; in big toe.
Pinching : below umbilicus.
Digging : in big toe ; in all toes.
Burrowing pain : in temples.
Spasmodic drawing : from pit of stomach into chest ; in l. testicle and spermatic cord.
Drawing pain : in temples ; in head ; into root of nose ; in right cheek ; in pit of stomach ; in right hypochondrium ; in testicles ; in chest ; in region of diaphragm ; from back to middle of chest ; from left upper arm to forearm ; in forearms ; in left elbow joint ; as if in periosteum of fingers ; from thigh to knee ; in knee joints ; in shinbones ; in shin ; in legs ; in ankles ; in toes ; in tubular bones.
Dull pains : in forehead ; along tibia.
Soreness : of eyeballs ; of tongue ; in anus ; in chest ; in r. chest near nipple ; deep in chest in two spots ; in back ; of joints, after epistaxis ; muscular, after fever or influenza.
Cramplike pain : in temples ; from middle of spine into stomach ; into thighs ; as if she must have a child ; in ankle joints to heels ; in soles ; in muscles ; erratic.
Oppressive pains : in forehead.
Bearing down : in rectum ; in female sexual parts.
Stinging pressure : in chest.
Pressure : in right side of head ; in left half of brain ; in vertex ; in eyeballs ; in fauces ; from left hypogastrium to back ; in region of kidneys ; in back during menses ; like a swelling from left hypogastrium to back ; on chest ; on right chest near nipple ; on middle of sternum ; in hip joints ; in thighs ; in left tibia ; in legs ; in ankles.
Throbbing : headache ; in vertex ; in cheeks ; in right chest near nipple ; in small spots on chest ; in os coccyx.
Painful pulsation : in spinal canal.
Scratching : in throat, after influenza.
As if beaten : in heels ; in all the limbs.
Bruised feeling : in loins ; in muscles of neck ; in muscles of back ; of joints, after epistaxis.
Stretching pain : in acetabula.
Laming pain : in.
Rheumatic pain : in right deltoid ; in forearm and thumb.
Contraction : of sternum.
Constriction : in cardiac region ; in chest.
Compression : of heart.
Weight : in head ; in top of head ; in legs.
Oppression : in cardiac region ; behind sternum ; at heart.
Heaviness : in head ; towards nape of neck ; in stomach ; below navel ; in abdomen ; in chest ; in thighs ; in calves ; in lower legs ; in feet.
Fulness : in temples ; in anus.
Emptiness : in abdomen.
Tension : in head ; in loins ; in left upper arm ; in lower chest ; in region of thymus gland ; in muscles of neck.
Stiffness : of muscles of face and neck ; between shoulders ; in left hand and elbow ; in fingers ; in tendo-achillis.
Lameness : in left kidney.
Laming pain : in left hand and arm.
Dislocated feeling : in sacrum ; in shoulder joint ; in hip joint.
Tremulous feeling : in bend of knee ; in upper and lower limbs ; in whole body.
Painful weariness : in thighs ; in legs.
Weariness : in lower legs.
Weakness : in eyes ; between shoulders ; in loins ; in back ; in knee joint ; in legs ; in feet.
Sprained sensation : in chest ; in neck ; in deltoid ; in knee joint.
Paralytic pain : in left hand and arm.
Paralytic weakness : in sphincter.
Paralyzed feeling : in left arm and hand ; in arm after writing.
Paralytic numbness : in lower legs.
Numbness : left side of tongue ; left hand ; in legs ; in back ; in thigh.
Crawling : over back and limbs ; in right index finger ; in toes ; over whole body.
Tickling : in orifice of urethra ; on left side of scrotum.
Formication : in feet ; in upper and lower limbs ; in glutei muscles.
Crawling itching : in urethra ; on dorsi of feet.
Uneasiness : in spine.
Itching : in inner canthi ; in left ear ; of ears ; in frost-bitten nose ; in face ; in rectum ; in anus ; in mons veneris ; in penis, foreskin and scrotum ; of female sexual parts ; with leucorrhoea ; of nipples ; pimples on neck ; on back ; on arms ; on both hands as if frozen ; in pimples on arms ; on right forearm ; on right wrist ; in hands ; on hip bone ; on thigh ; in bend of knee ; on soles ; of skin ; between thumb and forefinger left hand ; miliary eruption ; whitish nodules on abdomen and legs ; small nodules deep in skin.
Itching stitches : on different parts of body.
Burning cooling : along oesophagus to stomach.
Heat : in eyes ; in face and upper part of body ; in anus ; running through limbs ; on point of elbow.
Icy feeling : on left side of chest near shoulder blade ; in right axilla ; in point of elbow ; in left inner ankle ; in joint of middle finger ; from glutei down to feet, most in big toes ; of feet.
Coldness : on right side of frontal bone ; in region of cervical suture ; icy, on head ; of face ; in abdomen ; of penis ; below shoulder blade ; in glutei muscles ; of hands ; in region of trochanter ; in buttocks ; in bend of knee ; in lower limbs ; in limbs ; on right side of frontal bone ; of hands and toes.
Dryness : of tongue ; of mouth, fauces and pharynx ; in os coccyx.
Induration of glands.
Pains in bones of face, eyes, cheeks, tubular bones, and in tibia, sometimes in elbow.
In all joints, stitching pain, stiffness in arms, back of neck and both hip joints.
All joints stiff on getting up.
Sudden tearing in tendinous tissues of different parts.
Makes blood thin.
Veins swollen, with cool skin.
Mucous membranes coated with a yellow mucus.
Muscles feel bruised from touch ; better from walking. θ сhronic rheumatism.
Pain in long bones, as if bruised, after motion.
Pains in bones morning and forenoon, especially left tibia, condyle of left elbow (like syphilitic pains ; but , rather than.
Joints feel as if dislocated. θ сhorea.
Emaciation. θ сhorea.
Cold air : increases earache and toothache ; looking out of an open window, toothache and pains in limbs ; easily chilled, least cool air makes goose skin.
Easily chilled on slight movement, and in a cooler air, or if cold finger touches a warm part of body.
Very sensitive to cold, mostly hands and feet ; his face is pale and haggard.
In cold weather.
When lifting bedcovers at night, crawling and shaking chill.
To drink cold water after it increases effect and lengthens it , (toxic).
After a swallow of cold water : toothache ; nausea.
Washing or bathing palliates.
Itching, burning and redness of fingers, toes and other parts, as though they had been frozen.
Complaints from frost. θ Headache. θ сhilblains.
Chilblains, frost-bite, and all consequences of exposure to cold, particularly in face.
In open air : vertigo better or dulness ; drowsiness.
Walking in open air : staggering ; at stitch like lightning through brain ; half-sided digging headache ; vanishing of sight ; singing in right ear ; pressure in stomach ; sensation like a dislocation in groin ; sudden violent stitches in sacrum ; painful drawing in right foot ; tired in feet, weak ; a painful pressure in region of right nipple, feeling as if a deep breath would remove its cause ; frequent gaping.
After walking in open air : such a sudden weakness that he can hardly get along ; severe fluid stools with burning in anus, and a copious sweat even on scalp ; pulse frequent and small.
In room : vertigo worse or ; nausea ; chilliness ; all symptoms worse in-doors and in rest.
In bright sunshine : as if drunken Heat of sun : caused violent vertigo.
In warmth of bed : feet burn.
Vertebra sensitive to a hot sponge. θ сhorea.
Worse before a thunder-storm. θ сhorea.
Sweat. Greasy, but not offensive, all night, during sleep ; from least exertion ; often only on front of body ; at night, especially about legs ; cold, on face, neck and chest ; profuse.
Sweat when walking or with slightest exertion.
** Slight exercise causes sweat ; oily night-sweats. θ Incipient tuberculosis.
Coma following febrile excitement of dentition ; eyes half open, showing whites ; breathing not hurried, but often a deep inspiration, followed by a sigh and slight convulsive twitchings of extremities.
** Ataxic typhus.
** Obstinate, intermittent.
Periodicity. In attacks : itching on scalp ; violent pressure on right eyeball upward and outward ; coughing ; pain in sternum ; pain between eighth and ninth dorsal vertebra ; heat in face.
Momentary stitches in eyeball.
Pressure first in left, then in right eyebrow.
After toothache lessens, complaints in abdomen return.
Periodical drawing up into os hyoideum.
Gets awake exactly at midnight three nights in succession.
Every seven days. θ Epileptic attacks.
Very often complaints appear diagonally ; that is, appear in upper left and lower right side. [Obs. If we compare the symptoms of our Materia Medica with regard to right and left sides, we will find that in many of them there is a decided difference between the upper and lower limbs as regards the sides, one or the other side predominating. Amanita is one of the few remedies in which the symptoms appear at the same time on opposite sides, but diagonally. If, after giving a medicine, the symptoms do not disappear in a reverse direction to their origin, we may know it is not the right remedy].
From within outward : stitches in chest and belly.
From without inward : pressing, boring, drawing pains.
From below up : a cutting boring from nostrils up to frontal bone ; drawing from pelvis up to hypochondria.
From back to front : violent momentary tearing through chest.
From left to right : shooting headache ; painful drawing in forehead ; pressure above eyes ; pain in temples ; running coryza ; griping in belly ; pain in tibia ; splinter sensation in lower limbs.
From right to left : stitches in temples ; burning soreness in back.
Worse left side : inner head, external ears, teeth, abdomen, groin, male parts, shoulder, upper and forearm.
Worse right side : outer head, hypochondrium, loins and lower limbs.
Very few semilateral symptoms.
Heaviness, as after drunkenness ; as though sharp ice touched head or cold needles pierced it ; as if a nail was thrust in right side of head ; various in left half of occipital bone ; as from subcutaneous ulcers in scalp ; stitch as of an ice cold needle in ear ; as if ears, nose and face had been frost-bitten ; as if splinters had been run into jaw ; as from needles in chin ; teeth feel too long ; as from pepper on tip of tongue ; as from an astringent on tongue and in throat ; as if a foreign body stuck in fauces ; cravat feels too tight ; burning-cooling feeling, as after eating cress, along oesophagus ; dull pressure as from a foreign body in stomach ; jerking as of some heavy object in stomach ; legs as if picked all over with ice cold needles ; as if liver had increased in weight ; as of a swelling from left hypogastrium to back ; hollowness in abdomen ; as if wrenched in loins ; crawling as from worms in anus ; coldness down legs when urinating ; stitch as from a red-hot iron in urethra ; painful retraction of testes towards inguinal ring ; disagreeable crawling in front of penis, has to squeeze it ; anxious sensation in chest ; as if cavity of thorax was narrowed ; feeling of a lump in epigastrium ; felt several blows in heart with trembling ; like splinters in pectoralis near nipple, and in back ; as after continued pain in back ; shocks starting from lower vertebra ; as if cold air was spreading from spine over body ; as if touched below shoulder blade by a piece of ice ; spine as if too weak to support ; as of ants creeping along spine ; as of a heavy load in sacrum, as if it would burst ; a sort of crick in back ; as if beaten in sacrum, or dislocated feeling ; feels palpitation in os coccyx ; as if thousands of splinters were in deltoid, extensor side of right forearm, in l. elbow and index finger ; hands as if frostbitten ; as of an electric shock in upper arm ; as if a felon would come in right index finger ; as if heads of thighbones were pulled from their sockets ; shaking pushing concussions in left hip, in right hand, in joints of lower limbs ; as of a plug on outer side of thigh above knee ; pain in thighs as after a long journey on foot ; as if lead was hanging on legs ; electric shock in lower limbs, most in left ; sudden concussions in legs ; as if blood was glowing in veins of feet ; like splinters in soles ; pains in toes as from narrow shoes ; like splinters in big toe ; painful swellings in toes like nails growing in ; toes as if frost-bitten ; as if her limbs did not belong to her ; as if touched by ice, keeping time with pulse ; as if cold water was running down back ; as from living quicksilver in different parts ; as if whole body was shaken inwardly ; as if cold needles ran through nerves ; as if whole body would dwindle to nothing ; as if skin was pasted on.
Pain : in temples ; around eyes ; in left ear during menses ; in left articulation of jaw ; in superior maxilla and teeth ; in right hypochondrium ; in stomach and liver ; in left hypochondrium ; deep in umbilical region ; in loins to legs ; in chest ; in left intercostal muscles ; in back ; along spinal column ; in first and second lumbar vertebra ; in sacrum ; over both hip joints ; in legs ; in right hip joint ; in left hip under gluteal muscles ; in bend of knee ; in bones of lower legs ; in ankle joint ; in frost-bitten toes ; in corn on right little toe ; in paralyzed parts.
Spasmodic pains : in left upper arm ; in right upper leg ; in thumb.
Lancinating : in right cheek.
Jerking stitches : through right lung.
Twitching shocks : of heart.
Gnawing : below shoulder blades.
Ulcerative pains : in limbs, from left elbow to little finger ; from calves to heel.
Cutting : in abdomen ; in anus.
Biting : in anus ; on back ; on soles.
Biting itching : on scalp ; in soles.
Smarting : in tip of tongue ; in anus.
Burning : in vertex ; in head ; in inner canthi ; of ears ; in face ; in tip of tongue ; in region of heart ; below sternum ; in stomach ; in abdomen ; in anus ; in hemorrhoids ; in left chest ; in region of heart ; pimples on outer chest ; deep in spine ; in a small place on spine ; on back ; above left elbow ; of hands ; in pimples on arms ; in front of left forearm near wrist ; on right forearm ; in skin of right hand from wrist to thumb and index finger ; in hands ; in thumbs ; in right index finger ; in glutei muscles ; in furuncle on right gluteus ; on thigh ; pimples above knee ; in tibia ; in calves ; in legs ; in ankle joints to heels ; in feet ; in toes ; of skin ; internal and external ; miliary eruption.
Stitches : in head ; in ears ; in left mastoid process ; from fauces along right eustachian tube ; in region of liver ; under short ribs, left side ; in region of cecum ; in loins ; in anus ; in right kidney ; in urethra ; in middle of chest ; behind sternum ; in left breast ; in right lung ; between sternum and nipple ; in region of heart ; in different parts of thorax ; in cervical muscles ; on dorsal vertebra ; in sacrum ; in olecranon of each arm ; in thumbs ; in hip joint ; in anterior part of thigh ; in knees ; in calves ; in big toe.
Stinging : in knee joint.
Shooting pain : in temples ; from right lower teeth to side of head ; in region of heart ; in outer chest ; in nape of neck ; in back below shoulder blades ; deep in spine ; in single vertebra ; in axilla ; in knees ; in ankle joints ; in metatarsal bones and feet ; in soles ; in toes.
Pricking : in head ; in chin ; in rectum and anus ; in chest ; in fingers ; in toes.
Sticking : under nipple ; in apex of heart ; between shoulder blades.
Tearing pain : in left half of brain ; in right ear ; in face and jaw bones ; in right side of lower jaw ; in loins ; in anus ; in right shoulder ; in left upper arm, lower teeth and left ear ; in left elbow joint ; in left wrist ; in hands ; in thumbs ; between thumb and index finger ; in left index finger ; in joint of middle finger ; in left little finger ; in joints of fingers ; in hip joints ; in left buttock ; from hip joint to knee ; in knee joint ; in shinbones ; in calves ; in soles ; in big toe ; in left forearm and right thigh ; in tubular bones.
Twitching pain : in bladder ; in back during menses ; in outer chest ; below shoulder blades ; in arms.
Jerking pain : in teeth ; in big toe.
Pinching : below umbilicus.
Digging : in big toe ; in all toes.
Burrowing pain : in temples.
Spasmodic drawing : from pit of stomach into chest ; in l. testicle and spermatic cord.
Drawing pain : in temples ; in head ; into root of nose ; in right cheek ; in pit of stomach ; in right hypochondrium ; in testicles ; in chest ; in region of diaphragm ; from back to middle of chest ; from left upper arm to forearm ; in forearms ; in left elbow joint ; as if in periosteum of fingers ; from thigh to knee ; in knee joints ; in shinbones ; in shin ; in legs ; in ankles ; in toes ; in tubular bones.
Dull pains : in forehead ; along tibia.
Soreness : of eyeballs ; of tongue ; in anus ; in chest ; in r. chest near nipple ; deep in chest in two spots ; in back ; of joints, after epistaxis ; muscular, after fever or influenza.
Cramplike pain : in temples ; from middle of spine into stomach ; into thighs ; as if she must have a child ; in ankle joints to heels ; in soles ; in muscles ; erratic.
Oppressive pains : in forehead.
Bearing down : in rectum ; in female sexual parts.
Stinging pressure : in chest.
Pressure : in right side of head ; in left half of brain ; in vertex ; in eyeballs ; in fauces ; from left hypogastrium to back ; in region of kidneys ; in back during menses ; like a swelling from left hypogastrium to back ; on chest ; on right chest near nipple ; on middle of sternum ; in hip joints ; in thighs ; in left tibia ; in legs ; in ankles.
Throbbing : headache ; in vertex ; in cheeks ; in right chest near nipple ; in small spots on chest ; in os coccyx.
Painful pulsation : in spinal canal.
Scratching : in throat, after influenza.
As if beaten : in heels ; in all the limbs.
Bruised feeling : in loins ; in muscles of neck ; in muscles of back ; of joints, after epistaxis.
Stretching pain : in acetabula.
Laming pain : in.
Rheumatic pain : in right deltoid ; in forearm and thumb.
Contraction : of sternum.
Constriction : in cardiac region ; in chest.
Compression : of heart.
Weight : in head ; in top of head ; in legs.
Oppression : in cardiac region ; behind sternum ; at heart.
Heaviness : in head ; towards nape of neck ; in stomach ; below navel ; in abdomen ; in chest ; in thighs ; in calves ; in lower legs ; in feet.
Fulness : in temples ; in anus.
Emptiness : in abdomen.
Tension : in head ; in loins ; in left upper arm ; in lower chest ; in region of thymus gland ; in muscles of neck.
Stiffness : of muscles of face and neck ; between shoulders ; in left hand and elbow ; in fingers ; in tendo-achillis.
Lameness : in left kidney.
Laming pain : in left hand and arm.
Dislocated feeling : in sacrum ; in shoulder joint ; in hip joint.
Tremulous feeling : in bend of knee ; in upper and lower limbs ; in whole body.
Painful weariness : in thighs ; in legs.
Weariness : in lower legs.
Weakness : in eyes ; between shoulders ; in loins ; in back ; in knee joint ; in legs ; in feet.
Sprained sensation : in chest ; in neck ; in deltoid ; in knee joint.
Paralytic pain : in left hand and arm.
Paralytic weakness : in sphincter.
Paralyzed feeling : in left arm and hand ; in arm after writing.
Paralytic numbness : in lower legs.
Numbness : left side of tongue ; left hand ; in legs ; in back ; in thigh.
Crawling : over back and limbs ; in right index finger ; in toes ; over whole body.
Tickling : in orifice of urethra ; on left side of scrotum.
Formication : in feet ; in upper and lower limbs ; in glutei muscles.
Crawling itching : in urethra ; on dorsi of feet.
Uneasiness : in spine.
Itching : in inner canthi ; in left ear ; of ears ; in frost-bitten nose ; in face ; in rectum ; in anus ; in mons veneris ; in penis, foreskin and scrotum ; of female sexual parts ; with leucorrhoea ; of nipples ; pimples on neck ; on back ; on arms ; on both hands as if frozen ; in pimples on arms ; on right forearm ; on right wrist ; in hands ; on hip bone ; on thigh ; in bend of knee ; on soles ; of skin ; between thumb and forefinger left hand ; miliary eruption ; whitish nodules on abdomen and legs ; small nodules deep in skin.
Itching stitches : on different parts of body.
Burning cooling : along oesophagus to stomach.
Heat : in eyes ; in face and upper part of body ; in anus ; running through limbs ; on point of elbow.
Icy feeling : on left side of chest near shoulder blade ; in right axilla ; in point of elbow ; in left inner ankle ; in joint of middle finger ; from glutei down to feet, most in big toes ; of feet.
Coldness : on right side of frontal bone ; in region of cervical suture ; icy, on head ; of face ; in abdomen ; of penis ; below shoulder blade ; in glutei muscles ; of hands ; in region of trochanter ; in buttocks ; in bend of knee ; in lower limbs ; in limbs ; on right side of frontal bone ; of hands and toes.
Dryness : of tongue ; of mouth, fauces and pharynx ; in os coccyx.
Induration of glands.
Pains in bones of face, eyes, cheeks, tubular bones, and in tibia, sometimes in elbow.
In all joints, stitching pain, stiffness in arms, back of neck and both hip joints.
All joints stiff on getting up.
Sudden tearing in tendinous tissues of different parts.
Makes blood thin.
Veins swollen, with cool skin.
Mucous membranes coated with a yellow mucus.
Muscles feel bruised from touch ; better from walking. θ сhronic rheumatism.
Pain in long bones, as if bruised, after motion.
Pains in bones morning and forenoon, especially left tibia, condyle of left elbow (like syphilitic pains ; but , rather than.
Joints feel as if dislocated. θ сhorea.
Emaciation. θ сhorea.
Shiverings over body, run from above downward.
Shudders : with bitter vomiting after supper, lasting all night.
Feels chilly with headache, giddiness, cold hands and feet ; chilly feeling runs along limbs.
Chilly feeling : with gaping ; blue hands ; want of strength ; bad humor ; dull senses and no appetite ; at noon.
Feels chilly all the time, cannot get warm in room, early in morning.
After sleep a chilly sensation all over, but most in feet.
Chilly on slight movement, or from raising bedclothes.
Great chilliness in open air, strikes through whole body.
Inner chilliness : with cool skin ; with natural warmth of skin ; in evening.
Sensation as if touched by ice, keeping time with pulse.
Sensation of coldness on right side of frontal bone, though the surface is warm to touch.
Coldness on buttocks.
Cold hands and toes, with contracted pulse.
Cold and blue limbs , (toxic).
Coldness and heat in alternation, towards evening.
Unpleasant coolness in whole body after going to bed.
Body cold, head hot.
Partial chill on upper part of body.
Chill with warm face, hands and feet.
Shaking chill with gaping ; chill continues until he shakes.
Chill in back as if cold water was running down, if he leans back in chair.
Feverish chill every evening without thirst and without heat.
Shaking chills when lifting his bedcover.
During violent shaking chill, after undressing in evening, a peculiar inclination to laugh.
A gradually increasing rigor, face and hands bluish, icy cold ; pulse very small and hard, forenoon 10 to 11.
Attacks of rigor, shaking whole body ; cold hands, tremble when writing ; face warm, no thirst, and no heat following.
Violent rigor with gooseflesh, followed by heat in head, painful throbbing in forehead and sweat.
After dozing awhile, violent rigor, chattering of teeth, he lies doubled up, violent headache, hands blue, no thirst.
Heat slight, chiefly on upper part of body.
Heat in face and upper half of body in repeated attacks, lasting five to ten minutes.
Heat all over : becomes burning, he has to uncover lower limbs ; blood seems to run glowing through vessels ; pulse strong, hard, tense and more frequent, disappearing gradually after midnight.
Heat at night ; turning in bed or lifting covers makes her chilly.
Violent attacks of heat, evenings ; cheeks glowing, hands cold, continual thirst, no sweat.
Frequent attacks of fever with heat in head, associated with a soporific state, rolling of eyes and screaming during sleep. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Heat and sweat in attacks, all afternoon, with a dull headache, no thirst.
General heat with cold finger ends, dry lips, thirst, clean tongue, want of appetite, with violent pains in upper and lower limbs. θ A young leprous girl.
Continual heat followed by sweat.
Anxious palpitation causing sweat to break out at night.
Sweat most on lower limbs, evening and night.
Sweat all forenoon.
Night-sweat, towards morning, with relief.
Much sweat with fainting.
Cold sweats , (toxic).
Viscous sweat and great prostration , (toxic).
With sweat exhausted feeling and trembling of limbs, canine hunger.
Shudders : with bitter vomiting after supper, lasting all night.
Feels chilly with headache, giddiness, cold hands and feet ; chilly feeling runs along limbs.
Chilly feeling : with gaping ; blue hands ; want of strength ; bad humor ; dull senses and no appetite ; at noon.
Feels chilly all the time, cannot get warm in room, early in morning.
After sleep a chilly sensation all over, but most in feet.
Chilly on slight movement, or from raising bedclothes.
Great chilliness in open air, strikes through whole body.
Inner chilliness : with cool skin ; with natural warmth of skin ; in evening.
Sensation as if touched by ice, keeping time with pulse.
Sensation of coldness on right side of frontal bone, though the surface is warm to touch.
Coldness on buttocks.
Cold hands and toes, with contracted pulse.
Cold and blue limbs , (toxic).
Coldness and heat in alternation, towards evening.
Unpleasant coolness in whole body after going to bed.
Body cold, head hot.
Partial chill on upper part of body.
Chill with warm face, hands and feet.
Shaking chill with gaping ; chill continues until he shakes.
Chill in back as if cold water was running down, if he leans back in chair.
Feverish chill every evening without thirst and without heat.
Shaking chills when lifting his bedcover.
During violent shaking chill, after undressing in evening, a peculiar inclination to laugh.
A gradually increasing rigor, face and hands bluish, icy cold ; pulse very small and hard, forenoon 10 to 11.
Attacks of rigor, shaking whole body ; cold hands, tremble when writing ; face warm, no thirst, and no heat following.
Violent rigor with gooseflesh, followed by heat in head, painful throbbing in forehead and sweat.
After dozing awhile, violent rigor, chattering of teeth, he lies doubled up, violent headache, hands blue, no thirst.
Heat slight, chiefly on upper part of body.
Heat in face and upper half of body in repeated attacks, lasting five to ten minutes.
Heat all over : becomes burning, he has to uncover lower limbs ; blood seems to run glowing through vessels ; pulse strong, hard, tense and more frequent, disappearing gradually after midnight.
Heat at night ; turning in bed or lifting covers makes her chilly.
Violent attacks of heat, evenings ; cheeks glowing, hands cold, continual thirst, no sweat.
Frequent attacks of fever with heat in head, associated with a soporific state, rolling of eyes and screaming during sleep. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Heat and sweat in attacks, all afternoon, with a dull headache, no thirst.
General heat with cold finger ends, dry lips, thirst, clean tongue, want of appetite, with violent pains in upper and lower limbs. θ A young leprous girl.
Continual heat followed by sweat.
Anxious palpitation causing sweat to break out at night.
Sweat most on lower limbs, evening and night.
Sweat all forenoon.
Night-sweat, towards morning, with relief.
Much sweat with fainting.
Cold sweats , (toxic).
Viscous sweat and great prostration , (toxic).
With sweat exhausted feeling and trembling of limbs, canine hunger.
General jaundice after convulsion , (toxic).
Burning itching, redness and swelling, as from frostbites.
Itching stitches in various parts.
Violent itching between thumb and forefinger, left hand.
Itching and burning all over body, causing great distress. θ сhorea.
Miliary eruptions ; close and white, with burning and itching.
Feeling in skin as if it was pasted on.
Skin very smooth, most in face.
Pricking as from needles on different places.
Itching stitches on different parts of body.
Electric stitches, stitches as from splinters ; corroding biting ; itching, burning, biting, stinging.
Itching all over ; changing place ; disturbing sleep ; without any eruption.
Itching eruption of easily bleeding whitish nodules on abdomen and lower limbs, spreading.
Miliary eruption in blotches.
Small suppurating pimples between index finger and thumb ; on neck ; on sternum.
Very painful furuncle in front of thigh and on buttock very large, discharging blood, no pus.
Little red, hard pimples scattered over body, like fleabites.
Lichen pilaris urticatus.
Chronic eruptions.
Indurations and tumors ; carbuncles ; fistulous ulcers ; carious ulcer ; phagedenic ulcers.
Lichen simplex.
Sebaceous tumors.
Crusty eruptions.
Ulcers corroding and excavated.
Indolent and fistulous ulcers.
The hard, rough smallpox of sheep.
Nodules in skin on neck, with cough (horses and cows).
Itching from small nodules deep in skin, especially when eyes are also affected (horses).
Epilepsy from checked eruptions.
Burning itching, redness and swelling, as from frostbites.
Itching stitches in various parts.
Violent itching between thumb and forefinger, left hand.
Itching and burning all over body, causing great distress. θ сhorea.
Miliary eruptions ; close and white, with burning and itching.
Feeling in skin as if it was pasted on.
Skin very smooth, most in face.
Pricking as from needles on different places.
Itching stitches on different parts of body.
Electric stitches, stitches as from splinters ; corroding biting ; itching, burning, biting, stinging.
Itching all over ; changing place ; disturbing sleep ; without any eruption.
Itching eruption of easily bleeding whitish nodules on abdomen and lower limbs, spreading.
Miliary eruption in blotches.
Small suppurating pimples between index finger and thumb ; on neck ; on sternum.
Very painful furuncle in front of thigh and on buttock very large, discharging blood, no pus.
Little red, hard pimples scattered over body, like fleabites.
Lichen pilaris urticatus.
Chronic eruptions.
Indurations and tumors ; carbuncles ; fistulous ulcers ; carious ulcer ; phagedenic ulcers.
Lichen simplex.
Sebaceous tumors.
Crusty eruptions.
Ulcers corroding and excavated.
Indolent and fistulous ulcers.
The hard, rough smallpox of sheep.
Nodules in skin on neck, with cough (horses and cows).
Itching from small nodules deep in skin, especially when eyes are also affected (horses).
Epilepsy from checked eruptions.
Patient type and constitution
Light hair ; skin and muscles lax.
Old people with indolent circulation.
Venous erethism. θ Diarrhoea.
Drunkards ; especially for their headaches.
Thin, spare girl, at. 18. θ сhorea.
Girl, at. 2 1/2, born with malformation of head. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
A child, at. 3, had a chronic nasal catarrh for eighteen months.
Old people with indolent circulation.
Venous erethism. θ Diarrhoea.
Drunkards ; especially for their headaches.
Thin, spare girl, at. 18. θ сhorea.
Girl, at. 2 1/2, born with malformation of head. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
A child, at. 3, had a chronic nasal catarrh for eighteen months.
Dif. diagnostics
Similar to : Actea rac., (delirium of alcoholism ; chorea ; spinal irritation) ; вellad. (cerebral excitement, but more in chorea) ; сalcarea ostr. (alcoholism ; icy cold feeling on head) ; сannab. ind. (alcoholism ; extravagant fancies) ; сicut. (spasms of eyes) ; сodein (eyelids twitching, etc) ; сoffea (ecstasy) ; Hyosc. (typhoid of drunkards ; loquacity, dancing, muscular twitchings, and with all tremor, tendency to stupor and feeble pulse) ; Ignat (hysterical or emotional chorea ; sighing ; convulsive cough ; twitches ; laughing and crying) ; Laches. (loquacious delirium ; alcoholism ; typhoid of low type, tremulous protrusion of tongue ; tremor, feeble pulse, livid extremities) ; Mygale (chorea) ; Nux. vom. (chorea ; alcoholism ; spinal irritation ; convulsions ; tremor ; paraplegic symptoms ; enlarged liver) ; Opium (alcoholism ; chorea, with spasmodic, angular jerks of flexors ; hands tremble, slow pulse) ; Pulsat. (spinal irritation ; chorea ; chilblains, etc. Sepia (icy cold feeling on head ; jerks of head and tongue, etc. Sticta (chorea with jumping and dancing) ; Stramon. (delirium tremens ; singing, laughing, dancing ; extravagant recitals ; loquacity ; chorea, with gyratory motions, etc. Tarant. (chorea, one arm and leg constantly in motion, etc. Thea (verbose ; spinal irritation) ; Veratrum alb. (icy cold feeling on head) ; Zincum (chorea).
Vinegar and Eau de сologne induce fainting. Sal Ammonia also aggravates , (toxic).
Mushrooms will not grow in ground containing either iron or coal.
Antidoted by : charcoal ; coffee ; wine ; brandy ; camphor ; fat or oil (relieves stomach) ; сalcarea ostr. (relieves icy coldness) ; Pulsat., Rhus tox. (nightly backache).
Atropine is said to be antagonistic to Muscarine, but they both, when topically used, dilate the pupil.
Muscarine is very similar to Pilocarpine, (jaborandi) since both cause arrest of heart’s action ; profuse sweat ; salivation, lachrymation ; contracted pupils, etc. Muscarine acts more on lachrymal glands, less on sweat and salivary glands ; Pilocarpine causes more urging to urinate.
Muscarine, given internally, contracts pupil more than Pilocarpine ; used topically, only the former dilates the pupil. Gelsem. is here similar to Muscarine.
Follow well : вellad., сalcarea ostr., Mercur., Opium, Pulsat., Rhus tox. and Silicea.
Acted well after Dulcam., Phosph. ac., Pulsat., and сuprum had failed. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Cured where вellad., Stram. and Hyosc. failed. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Vinegar and Eau de сologne induce fainting. Sal Ammonia also aggravates , (toxic).
Mushrooms will not grow in ground containing either iron or coal.
Antidoted by : charcoal ; coffee ; wine ; brandy ; camphor ; fat or oil (relieves stomach) ; сalcarea ostr. (relieves icy coldness) ; Pulsat., Rhus tox. (nightly backache).
Atropine is said to be antagonistic to Muscarine, but they both, when topically used, dilate the pupil.
Muscarine is very similar to Pilocarpine, (jaborandi) since both cause arrest of heart’s action ; profuse sweat ; salivation, lachrymation ; contracted pupils, etc. Muscarine acts more on lachrymal glands, less on sweat and salivary glands ; Pilocarpine causes more urging to urinate.
Muscarine, given internally, contracts pupil more than Pilocarpine ; used topically, only the former dilates the pupil. Gelsem. is here similar to Muscarine.
Follow well : вellad., сalcarea ostr., Mercur., Opium, Pulsat., Rhus tox. and Silicea.
Acted well after Dulcam., Phosph. ac., Pulsat., and сuprum had failed. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Cured where вellad., Stram. and Hyosc. failed. θ сlonic spasms of eyes.
Included in the composition
- 1.6€ Эдас-951 (ЭДАС)
- 4.8-6.2€ Spascupreel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy №33
- 11€ Flowers Energy №34
- — Flowers Energy №69
- 11€ Flowers Energy №71
- 11€ Flowers Energy №86
- — Визус (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Наркосан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug