Other names and synonyms
calc-p, calcium phosphoricum.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
The Phosphate of сalcium.
This salt of lime was prepared and proved as follows :
1. Pyrophosphoric acid in the vitreous state dissolved in distilled water by drops in lime water until the water acted neutral, the gelatinous deposit dried with filtering paper. Proved in 3d and 30th. сontains several combinations of Phosph. ac. and сalcarea.
2. Freitag : сalcined bones powdered in diluted sulphuric acid dissolved till saturated, filtered, precipitated by carbonate of ammonia, washed with water. Proved by the Allentown Academy in 3d and 30th. сontains a potency of sulphate of ammonia.
3. Lappe : Pure phosphoric acid prepared from bones, saturated with ammonia till it commences to act on reddened litmus. Standing for several days, it forms a sediment of alumina, ferrum, calcarea, or all that may be contained in it ; it is then filtered, diluted and a solution of calc. mur. added, which is discontinued before it ceases to precipitate ; it is then washed, filtered, and after drying slightly heated in a platina crucible to drive off the last remains of amm. mur. This was potentized by Lappe and Jenichen, and proved by Schreter.
4. вeneke : Phosphate of soda and muriate of lime ; the precipitate washed. сontains potencies of natr. mur.
5. Gruner separated a neutral combination by adding to one part calc. acetica one and a half of natr. phosph., washing it well. This never will remove all the acetate of sodium.
6. сate : Five parts of calcined ox bones, finely powdered, well mixed with six parts of oxalic acid and twenty to thirty of distilled water. After standing, filtered to separate the oxalate of lime. The phosphoric acid decanted and bi- carbonate of soda added till acid reaction ceased. Evaporated till phosphate of soda crystallized ; a clear solution of pulverized oyster shells in boiling acetic acid till neutral, evaporated and crystallized. Each of the two separately dissolved and solutions mixed, washed or dried. Some acetate of sodium will remain. The same as Gruner’s.
In 1833 сalcarea phosphorica mixta cured the broken femur of an old man.
In 1834 provings of this preparation by Gideon Humphreys, Green, вute and others, published in сorrespondenzblatt, Jahr, etc.
In 1835 provings in Allentown of Freitag’s preparation.
In 1846 Schreter’s provings of Jenichen 30 published in Archiv, 23.
In 1850 вeneke’s experiments.
See вritish Quarterly, xvii, 41, 637.
In 1858 сate in Transactions of the American Institute, 15th meeting, in вrooklyn.
This salt of lime was prepared and proved as follows :
1. Pyrophosphoric acid in the vitreous state dissolved in distilled water by drops in lime water until the water acted neutral, the gelatinous deposit dried with filtering paper. Proved in 3d and 30th. сontains several combinations of Phosph. ac. and сalcarea.
2. Freitag : сalcined bones powdered in diluted sulphuric acid dissolved till saturated, filtered, precipitated by carbonate of ammonia, washed with water. Proved by the Allentown Academy in 3d and 30th. сontains a potency of sulphate of ammonia.
3. Lappe : Pure phosphoric acid prepared from bones, saturated with ammonia till it commences to act on reddened litmus. Standing for several days, it forms a sediment of alumina, ferrum, calcarea, or all that may be contained in it ; it is then filtered, diluted and a solution of calc. mur. added, which is discontinued before it ceases to precipitate ; it is then washed, filtered, and after drying slightly heated in a platina crucible to drive off the last remains of amm. mur. This was potentized by Lappe and Jenichen, and proved by Schreter.
4. вeneke : Phosphate of soda and muriate of lime ; the precipitate washed. сontains potencies of natr. mur.
5. Gruner separated a neutral combination by adding to one part calc. acetica one and a half of natr. phosph., washing it well. This never will remove all the acetate of sodium.
6. сate : Five parts of calcined ox bones, finely powdered, well mixed with six parts of oxalic acid and twenty to thirty of distilled water. After standing, filtered to separate the oxalate of lime. The phosphoric acid decanted and bi- carbonate of soda added till acid reaction ceased. Evaporated till phosphate of soda crystallized ; a clear solution of pulverized oyster shells in boiling acetic acid till neutral, evaporated and crystallized. Each of the two separately dissolved and solutions mixed, washed or dried. Some acetate of sodium will remain. The same as Gruner’s.
In 1833 сalcarea phosphorica mixta cured the broken femur of an old man.
In 1834 provings of this preparation by Gideon Humphreys, Green, вute and others, published in сorrespondenzblatt, Jahr, etc.
In 1835 provings in Allentown of Freitag’s preparation.
In 1846 Schreter’s provings of Jenichen 30 published in Archiv, 23.
In 1850 вeneke’s experiments.
See вritish Quarterly, xvii, 41, 637.
In 1858 сate in Transactions of the American Institute, 15th meeting, in вrooklyn.
Psyche and consciousness
A lack of definiteness or total loss of memory.
Forgetfulness, forgets what he has done a short while ago.
Writes wrong words, or same words twice.
Dulness : with every headache ; worse from bodily exertion ; better from cold washing ; from mental occupation.
Obtuse intellect ; difficulty in performing intellectual operations ; cannot clearly distinguish.
Stupidity ; indifference ; cretinism.
Likes to be alone.
She wishes to be at home, and, when at home, to go out ; goes from place to place.
Involuntary sighing.
Often screaming and grasping with hands ; cold sweat in face, body cold ; children with open fontanelles.
Does not want to do what he has to do.
Feels as if she had been frightened.
Anxiousness with other complaints.
Anxiety of children. In pit of stomach ; with bellyache ; with chest complaints ; with palpitation.
Peevish and fretful children. θ сholera infantum.
Inclined to indignation and anger.
Feel complaints more when thinking about them.
Unpleasant news brings him beside himself ; sweat breaks out.
Ailments from grief, disappointed love.
After vexation depressed ; cannot work, walks as if lame ; looseness of bowels.
Feeling of fulness and confusion, or a dulness accompanying headache.
Forgetfulness, forgets what he has done a short while ago.
Writes wrong words, or same words twice.
Dulness : with every headache ; worse from bodily exertion ; better from cold washing ; from mental occupation.
Obtuse intellect ; difficulty in performing intellectual operations ; cannot clearly distinguish.
Stupidity ; indifference ; cretinism.
Likes to be alone.
She wishes to be at home, and, when at home, to go out ; goes from place to place.
Involuntary sighing.
Often screaming and grasping with hands ; cold sweat in face, body cold ; children with open fontanelles.
Does not want to do what he has to do.
Feels as if she had been frightened.
Anxiousness with other complaints.
Anxiety of children. In pit of stomach ; with bellyache ; with chest complaints ; with palpitation.
Peevish and fretful children. θ сholera infantum.
Inclined to indignation and anger.
Feel complaints more when thinking about them.
Unpleasant news brings him beside himself ; sweat breaks out.
Ailments from grief, disappointed love.
After vexation depressed ; cannot work, walks as if lame ; looseness of bowels.
Feeling of fulness and confusion, or a dulness accompanying headache.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo. On motion ; when getting up, or rising from sitting ; when walking in open air ; worse in windy weather ; with costiveness of old people ; dull headache, nausea, complaints of eyes, neck, aching limbs ; with whites.
Before catamenia.
Old people stagger when getting up from sitting.
Fulness and pressure in head, worse from pressure of hat.
Pressure above eyes and towards them.
Headache over forehead, with tearing pains in arms and hands, most in wrists and right middle finger.
Headache on vertex and behind ears, with a drawing in muscles of neck, to nape and occiput.
Heat in head ; burning on top, running down to toes.
Headache, throbbing through both sides, most after quick motion.
Aching, drawing pains around lateral protuberances of occiput.
Dulness with every headache ; better from cold washing and mental occupation ; worse from bodily exertion.
Headache : with gastric symptoms, with uterine complaints, or following other sensations ; in peevish and fretful children ; worse from change of weather, extending from forehead to nose, or from temples to jaw, with some rheumatic feelings from clavicles to wrists ;
Headache of schoolgirls, with diarrhoea.
Rheumatic headache ; worse at night.
Hyperemia of brain.
Acute and chronic hydrocephalus and hydrocephaloid. θ сholera infantum.
Hydrocephalus congenitus.
Sensation as if brain was pressed against skull. θ Fungus of cranium.
Meningitis involving bony structure of spine.
Idiopathic fungus of dura mater.
Stupid look, taking no interest in anything, keeps eyes shut, always worse in wane of day, great inclination for salt meat or potatoes ; fontanelles too much open. θ Incipient.
Chronic hydrocephalus.
Brain fag.
Headache ; head feels and is cold to touch.
Sore pain, drawing, rending, tearing in bones of skull, most along sutures of skull, particularly between frontal and parietal bones, or around temporal bones.
Crawls run over top of head ; as if ice was lying on upper occiput.
Head is hot, with smarting of roots of hair.
Affections of bony structure of skull.
Skull very soft and thin, crackling like paper when pressed upon. θ сholera infantum.
Fontanelles remain open too long, or close and reopen.
Nonunion of bones in fracture of skull, particularly in the aged.
Depression on occipital bone. θ Sanguineous occipital tumor.
** сranio tabes.
Cannot hold bead up ; moves it from place to place ; head totters.
Tied feeling or tension in scalp of forehead.
Itching black scurfs ; poor crop of hair, or losing hair.
Scalp sore, hurts ; creeping, numbness, or cold crawls, coldness on occiput.
Impetigo on scalp.
Scrofulous ulcers on top of head.
Light, particularly candle or gaslight, hurts eyes.
Letters change into little black points, or small round grey spots, or as if a little bird was flying from left to right.
Shimmering, glittering, fiery circles ; dreams of fire.
Veil over eyes ; eyes misty. θ Amaurosis and cataract.
Eyeballs hurt ; aching as if beaten.
Cool feeling towards or back of eyes.
Sensation in eye, as if something was in it ; renewed if others talk about it.
Squinting distortion of eyeballs, as if it was from pressure ; eyeballs seem distended, they protrude somewhat.
Eyes red, capillary vessels visible in streaks from corners to cornea.
Conjunctivitis. θ Dentition.
Ulcers and spots on cornea.
Left eye much inflamed, cornea hazy, particularly upper portion, and traversed by red vessels ; photophobia. θ Keratitis after variola.
Eyes water, most with gaping.
Furuncle between right eyebrow and upper lid, eye inflamed, lids falling or closed, most in morning.
Hot feeling in lids.
Sweat of brows and lids.
** Spasm of eyelids.
Singing and other noises, most in r. ear.
Difficult hearing.
Earache, tearing, shooting, jerking pain ; alternating or associated with rheumatic complaints.
Excoriating discharge from ears.
Heat of inner and outer ear.
Burning itching of outer ear in warm room.
Outer ears cold ; cold and aching, or hot and aching.
Cold feeling or coldness of ears, followed by throbbing, heat and hard hearing.
Ears cold ; point of nose cold.
Pimples on ears.
Soreness in and around ears.
Inner and outer ear swollen, red, sore, itching and hot.
Aching, pressing, tearing, rending in and around ears ; most behind or below.
Burning pain on a small spot over right ear, highly sensitive to slightest touch.
All bones around ears ache and hurt ; shooting outward.
Pain in processus zygomaticus.
Aching, sore pain in region of parotid glands.
Large ulcers above or around ears and in region of parotid glands.
Tickling in nose and sneezing.
Streaks of blood ; nose bleeding in afternoon.
Biting stinging in front corner of left nostril, later right nostril ; sneezing and running of tears.
Sneezing and soreness on edges of ala, fluent coryza, in forenoon.
Coryza : fluent in cold room ; stopped in warm air and out-doors.
Chronic catarrh, with scrofulous children.
** Ozana scrofulosa.
Large pedunculated nasal polypi.
Swollen nose with sore nostrils, small abscesses, ulcers, in scrofulous children.
Point of nose : icy cold ; itching.
Faceache (neuralgic rheumatic) worse at night.
Pain in face, particularly in upper jaw bone, from right to left ; extends from other parts to face, or from face to other parts.
Face : pale ; sallow ; yellowish ; earthy ; full of pimples.
Complexion dirty white or brownish. θ сholera infantum.
Heat in face : in evening ; with chill or other complaints.
Cold sweat on face ; body cold.
Coppery face, full of pimples.
^^ Warts on mouth.
Swollen upper lip ; painful, hard and burning.
^^ Swelling of submaxillary glands with soreness.
Before catamenia.
Old people stagger when getting up from sitting.
Fulness and pressure in head, worse from pressure of hat.
Pressure above eyes and towards them.
Headache over forehead, with tearing pains in arms and hands, most in wrists and right middle finger.
Headache on vertex and behind ears, with a drawing in muscles of neck, to nape and occiput.
Heat in head ; burning on top, running down to toes.
Headache, throbbing through both sides, most after quick motion.
Aching, drawing pains around lateral protuberances of occiput.
Dulness with every headache ; better from cold washing and mental occupation ; worse from bodily exertion.
Headache : with gastric symptoms, with uterine complaints, or following other sensations ; in peevish and fretful children ; worse from change of weather, extending from forehead to nose, or from temples to jaw, with some rheumatic feelings from clavicles to wrists ;
Headache of schoolgirls, with diarrhoea.
Rheumatic headache ; worse at night.
Hyperemia of brain.
Acute and chronic hydrocephalus and hydrocephaloid. θ сholera infantum.
Hydrocephalus congenitus.
Sensation as if brain was pressed against skull. θ Fungus of cranium.
Meningitis involving bony structure of spine.
Idiopathic fungus of dura mater.
Stupid look, taking no interest in anything, keeps eyes shut, always worse in wane of day, great inclination for salt meat or potatoes ; fontanelles too much open. θ Incipient.
Chronic hydrocephalus.
Brain fag.
Headache ; head feels and is cold to touch.
Sore pain, drawing, rending, tearing in bones of skull, most along sutures of skull, particularly between frontal and parietal bones, or around temporal bones.
Crawls run over top of head ; as if ice was lying on upper occiput.
Head is hot, with smarting of roots of hair.
Affections of bony structure of skull.
Skull very soft and thin, crackling like paper when pressed upon. θ сholera infantum.
Fontanelles remain open too long, or close and reopen.
Nonunion of bones in fracture of skull, particularly in the aged.
Depression on occipital bone. θ Sanguineous occipital tumor.
** сranio tabes.
Cannot hold bead up ; moves it from place to place ; head totters.
Tied feeling or tension in scalp of forehead.
Itching black scurfs ; poor crop of hair, or losing hair.
Scalp sore, hurts ; creeping, numbness, or cold crawls, coldness on occiput.
Impetigo on scalp.
Scrofulous ulcers on top of head.
Light, particularly candle or gaslight, hurts eyes.
Letters change into little black points, or small round grey spots, or as if a little bird was flying from left to right.
Shimmering, glittering, fiery circles ; dreams of fire.
Veil over eyes ; eyes misty. θ Amaurosis and cataract.
Eyeballs hurt ; aching as if beaten.
Cool feeling towards or back of eyes.
Sensation in eye, as if something was in it ; renewed if others talk about it.
Squinting distortion of eyeballs, as if it was from pressure ; eyeballs seem distended, they protrude somewhat.
Eyes red, capillary vessels visible in streaks from corners to cornea.
Conjunctivitis. θ Dentition.
Ulcers and spots on cornea.
Left eye much inflamed, cornea hazy, particularly upper portion, and traversed by red vessels ; photophobia. θ Keratitis after variola.
Eyes water, most with gaping.
Furuncle between right eyebrow and upper lid, eye inflamed, lids falling or closed, most in morning.
Hot feeling in lids.
Sweat of brows and lids.
** Spasm of eyelids.
Singing and other noises, most in r. ear.
Difficult hearing.
Earache, tearing, shooting, jerking pain ; alternating or associated with rheumatic complaints.
Excoriating discharge from ears.
Heat of inner and outer ear.
Burning itching of outer ear in warm room.
Outer ears cold ; cold and aching, or hot and aching.
Cold feeling or coldness of ears, followed by throbbing, heat and hard hearing.
Ears cold ; point of nose cold.
Pimples on ears.
Soreness in and around ears.
Inner and outer ear swollen, red, sore, itching and hot.
Aching, pressing, tearing, rending in and around ears ; most behind or below.
Burning pain on a small spot over right ear, highly sensitive to slightest touch.
All bones around ears ache and hurt ; shooting outward.
Pain in processus zygomaticus.
Aching, sore pain in region of parotid glands.
Large ulcers above or around ears and in region of parotid glands.
Tickling in nose and sneezing.
Streaks of blood ; nose bleeding in afternoon.
Biting stinging in front corner of left nostril, later right nostril ; sneezing and running of tears.
Sneezing and soreness on edges of ala, fluent coryza, in forenoon.
Coryza : fluent in cold room ; stopped in warm air and out-doors.
Chronic catarrh, with scrofulous children.
** Ozana scrofulosa.
Large pedunculated nasal polypi.
Swollen nose with sore nostrils, small abscesses, ulcers, in scrofulous children.
Point of nose : icy cold ; itching.
Faceache (neuralgic rheumatic) worse at night.
Pain in face, particularly in upper jaw bone, from right to left ; extends from other parts to face, or from face to other parts.
Face : pale ; sallow ; yellowish ; earthy ; full of pimples.
Complexion dirty white or brownish. θ сholera infantum.
Heat in face : in evening ; with chill or other complaints.
Cold sweat on face ; body cold.
Coppery face, full of pimples.
^^ Warts on mouth.
Swollen upper lip ; painful, hard and burning.
^^ Swelling of submaxillary glands with soreness.
Mouth and throat
Teeth and Gums.
Teeth sensitive to chewing.
Pain in eye and stomach teeth.
Shooting in molars ; all hollow teeth cannot bear air.
Toothache, with tearing, boring pain at night ; worse from warm and cold things.
Too rapid decay of teeth.
Slowness in teething ; also in closing of fontanelles : complaints during teething.
Slow dentition, with cold tumors and emaciation.
** сonvulsions without fever during dentition.
Foul taste and smell.
Flabby sweetish taste.
Disgusting taste when getting awake ; worse when hawking.
Bitter taste : in morning, with headache ; particularly of wheat bread ; at setting in of catamenia.
Tip of tongue sore, burning, little blisters on it.
Tongue swollen, numb, stiff ; with pimples.
Tongue white furred at root, most in morning.
A sore spot inside of right cheek.
Dryness of mouth and tongue, into choana ; with or without thirst.
Running of saliva with fluent coryza.
Sensation of weakness or emptiness in fauces and throat.
Fauces and uvula red and swollen ; warm drink does not hurt.
Sore aching in throat ; worse when swallowing.
It hurts to swallow saliva, not food.
When swallowing, pain in tongue, fauces, pharynx, chest and pit of stomach.
Dryness in throat at night.
Sore throat. With tickling cough in evening ; worse after going to bed ; with fluent coryza.
Pains and burning from other parts towards throat.
Hawking up phlegm late in evening, at night and in morning, with gagging.
Diphtheria ; first to reduce fever and limit inflammation of throat.
Chronic swelling of tonsils.
Chronic enlargement of tonsils in strumous subjects.
Hoarseness and cough, day and night.
Hoarse, sore throat and hacking cough, in morning.
** сhronic catarrh, with anemia.
** сatarrhs in scrofulous or gouty constitution.
Burning in larynx after same feeling on back part of tongue.
Must hawk or hem to clear voice ; when they talk they constantly hem or hawk.
Teeth sensitive to chewing.
Pain in eye and stomach teeth.
Shooting in molars ; all hollow teeth cannot bear air.
Toothache, with tearing, boring pain at night ; worse from warm and cold things.
Too rapid decay of teeth.
Slowness in teething ; also in closing of fontanelles : complaints during teething.
Slow dentition, with cold tumors and emaciation.
** сonvulsions without fever during dentition.
Foul taste and smell.
Flabby sweetish taste.
Disgusting taste when getting awake ; worse when hawking.
Bitter taste : in morning, with headache ; particularly of wheat bread ; at setting in of catamenia.
Tip of tongue sore, burning, little blisters on it.
Tongue swollen, numb, stiff ; with pimples.
Tongue white furred at root, most in morning.
A sore spot inside of right cheek.
Dryness of mouth and tongue, into choana ; with or without thirst.
Running of saliva with fluent coryza.
Sensation of weakness or emptiness in fauces and throat.
Fauces and uvula red and swollen ; warm drink does not hurt.
Sore aching in throat ; worse when swallowing.
It hurts to swallow saliva, not food.
When swallowing, pain in tongue, fauces, pharynx, chest and pit of stomach.
Dryness in throat at night.
Sore throat. With tickling cough in evening ; worse after going to bed ; with fluent coryza.
Pains and burning from other parts towards throat.
Hawking up phlegm late in evening, at night and in morning, with gagging.
Diphtheria ; first to reduce fever and limit inflammation of throat.
Chronic swelling of tonsils.
Chronic enlargement of tonsils in strumous subjects.
Hoarseness and cough, day and night.
Hoarse, sore throat and hacking cough, in morning.
** сhronic catarrh, with anemia.
** сatarrhs in scrofulous or gouty constitution.
Burning in larynx after same feeling on back part of tongue.
Must hawk or hem to clear voice ; when they talk they constantly hem or hawk.
Appetite and food preferences
Unusual hunger at 4 P. M.
No appetite from noon to noon, but thinking about it, she wants to eat.
Complete want of appetite before or during catamenia.
Much thirst, with dry mouth and tongue, during after-part of day.
Infants want to nurse all the time.
Eating ice-cream in evening gives him colic, and he has to vomit next morning.
Juicy fruit or cider causes diarrhoea.
At every attempt to eat, bellyache.
After breakfast belching, hawking, gagging, nausea.
With his dinner vertigo and loss of memory.
After meals, more after dinner, headache or drowsiness, weariness, itching, dull pain in stomach, with soreness when pressing on it ; heartburn and other gastric symptoms.
After supper pressure in rectum with a stool, first part hard, the last thin.
After drinking cold water, cutting in belly.
No appetite from noon to noon, but thinking about it, she wants to eat.
Complete want of appetite before or during catamenia.
Much thirst, with dry mouth and tongue, during after-part of day.
Infants want to nurse all the time.
Eating ice-cream in evening gives him colic, and he has to vomit next morning.
Juicy fruit or cider causes diarrhoea.
At every attempt to eat, bellyache.
After breakfast belching, hawking, gagging, nausea.
With his dinner vertigo and loss of memory.
After meals, more after dinner, headache or drowsiness, weariness, itching, dull pain in stomach, with soreness when pressing on it ; heartburn and other gastric symptoms.
After supper pressure in rectum with a stool, first part hard, the last thin.
After drinking cold water, cutting in belly.
Gastrointestinal tract
Sour belching and gulping up.
After belching, burning in epigastrium.
Heartburn one to two hours after dinner.
Nausea from smoking, or after drinking coffee.
Nausea, rising from pit of stomach when moving, better during rest, followed by headache and lassitude.
Vomiturition from hawking phlegm.
Vomiting, with trembling of hands.
Children vomit often and easily.
Empty sinking sensation at epigastrium.
Indescribable uneasiness in region of stomach.
Stomach feels expanded.
Flabbiness or a kind of relaxation of stomach. сompare 13.
Pressure in stomach ; better when she rests.
Burning at stomach, and rising of water into mouth.
Sharp cutting or cramplike pain in stomach, with headache.
Violent pain in stomach, with great debility, headache and diarrhoea ; pain is excited by introducing least morsel of food into stomach.
Hardness, soreness and pressure in right side.
Throbbing in right hypochondrium ; better after belching or passing wind.
Stitches shooting in region of liver when taking a deep breath.
Pressure and soreness in left side.
** After liver complaints, dropsy.
Sharp pain in region of spleen.
Empty sinking sensation around navel, or in whole belly.
Burning in epigastrium, in region of navel, in whole abdomen, rising up into chest and throat.
Aching soreness and pain around navel ; better after fetid wind passes off.
Oozing of a bloody fluid from navel of infants.
Severe pain in region of transverse colon at 3 P. M.
Pinching, shooting, stitches, running, kicking, moving in l. side of belly.
Cutting, pinching, sharp colic, followed by diarrhoea.
Bellyache better after passing wind, after stool or after leucorrhoea.
Abdominal pains, with headache, earache, hot face ; pain in groins, looseness of bowels, weary legs, crawls ; or in alternation with headache, burning in throat, uterine pains, lassitude.
Motion in belly as of something alive.
Incipient mesenteric tabes, with much diarrhoea, fetid, sometimes lienteric stools.
Abdominal wall : tingling, numb ; quivering, or aching.
Aching soreness, cutting, drawing in left groin, later in right.
Warm feeling in groins, burning, aching pain.
** Abdominal hernia, in anemic patients.
Offensive flatus.
Diarrhoea after vexation, with headache of schoolgirls ; with flatulence ; offensive pus with stools.
Diarrhoea, with much flatulence, during dentition. θ сholera infantum.
Daily watery, very hot stools.
Stools : green and loose, sometimes slimy, with children ; soft, passed with difficulty ; hot and watery ; white and mushy.
Stools, in which there were many small white points or flakes, like pus, scarcely perceptible.
Mornings copious soft stool ; renewed urgency directly on wiping, after which a little more was evacuated.
Very offensive diarrhoea.
Hard stool, with depression of mind ; with old people, causing vertigo and headache.
Hard stools with much blood.
After stools buzzing in ears ; weak feeling in male sexual parts.
Bleeding after stool, or with a soft stool followed by slime ; protrusion of piles.
Watery looseness day and night, with an urging for stool every 15 minutes.
Heaviness and urging with costiveness or after looseness.
** Removes the disposition to intestinal worms in anemic or weakly patients.
Protruding piles aching, itching and sore ; oozing of a yellow fluid, and bleeding.
Single stitches in rectum towards anus, or shooting in anus.
Warmth, burning, pulsating in anus ; bearing down towards anus.
Sore feeling in anus when getting up in morning.
Itching in anus, most in evening.
Small furuncle near anus to right with much pain ; cannot sit ; has to stand or lie on left side ; discharges bloody pus and there remains a painless fistula. Two provers.
Fistula ani alternating with chest symptoms ; Fistula ani, in persons who have pains in joints with every spell of cold, stormy weather.
Fissures of anus, in tall slim, light complexioned children who form bone and teeth slowly.
After belching, burning in epigastrium.
Heartburn one to two hours after dinner.
Nausea from smoking, or after drinking coffee.
Nausea, rising from pit of stomach when moving, better during rest, followed by headache and lassitude.
Vomiturition from hawking phlegm.
Vomiting, with trembling of hands.
Children vomit often and easily.
Empty sinking sensation at epigastrium.
Indescribable uneasiness in region of stomach.
Stomach feels expanded.
Flabbiness or a kind of relaxation of stomach. сompare 13.
Pressure in stomach ; better when she rests.
Burning at stomach, and rising of water into mouth.
Sharp cutting or cramplike pain in stomach, with headache.
Violent pain in stomach, with great debility, headache and diarrhoea ; pain is excited by introducing least morsel of food into stomach.
Hardness, soreness and pressure in right side.
Throbbing in right hypochondrium ; better after belching or passing wind.
Stitches shooting in region of liver when taking a deep breath.
Pressure and soreness in left side.
** After liver complaints, dropsy.
Sharp pain in region of spleen.
Empty sinking sensation around navel, or in whole belly.
Burning in epigastrium, in region of navel, in whole abdomen, rising up into chest and throat.
Aching soreness and pain around navel ; better after fetid wind passes off.
Oozing of a bloody fluid from navel of infants.
Severe pain in region of transverse colon at 3 P. M.
Pinching, shooting, stitches, running, kicking, moving in l. side of belly.
Cutting, pinching, sharp colic, followed by diarrhoea.
Bellyache better after passing wind, after stool or after leucorrhoea.
Abdominal pains, with headache, earache, hot face ; pain in groins, looseness of bowels, weary legs, crawls ; or in alternation with headache, burning in throat, uterine pains, lassitude.
Motion in belly as of something alive.
Incipient mesenteric tabes, with much diarrhoea, fetid, sometimes lienteric stools.
Abdominal wall : tingling, numb ; quivering, or aching.
Aching soreness, cutting, drawing in left groin, later in right.
Warm feeling in groins, burning, aching pain.
** Abdominal hernia, in anemic patients.
Offensive flatus.
Diarrhoea after vexation, with headache of schoolgirls ; with flatulence ; offensive pus with stools.
Diarrhoea, with much flatulence, during dentition. θ сholera infantum.
Daily watery, very hot stools.
Stools : green and loose, sometimes slimy, with children ; soft, passed with difficulty ; hot and watery ; white and mushy.
Stools, in which there were many small white points or flakes, like pus, scarcely perceptible.
Mornings copious soft stool ; renewed urgency directly on wiping, after which a little more was evacuated.
Very offensive diarrhoea.
Hard stool, with depression of mind ; with old people, causing vertigo and headache.
Hard stools with much blood.
After stools buzzing in ears ; weak feeling in male sexual parts.
Bleeding after stool, or with a soft stool followed by slime ; protrusion of piles.
Watery looseness day and night, with an urging for stool every 15 minutes.
Heaviness and urging with costiveness or after looseness.
** Removes the disposition to intestinal worms in anemic or weakly patients.
Protruding piles aching, itching and sore ; oozing of a yellow fluid, and bleeding.
Single stitches in rectum towards anus, or shooting in anus.
Warmth, burning, pulsating in anus ; bearing down towards anus.
Sore feeling in anus when getting up in morning.
Itching in anus, most in evening.
Small furuncle near anus to right with much pain ; cannot sit ; has to stand or lie on left side ; discharges bloody pus and there remains a painless fistula. Two provers.
Fistula ani alternating with chest symptoms ; Fistula ani, in persons who have pains in joints with every spell of cold, stormy weather.
Fissures of anus, in tall slim, light complexioned children who form bone and teeth slowly.
Urogenital system
Dropsy, after kidney disease.
Violent pain in region of kidneys, when lifting, or when blowing nose.
A painful sensation in neck of bladder, like that when having the stream suddenly stopped.
Sore aching in bladder ; worse after making water.
Pressing pain most or right side of bladder.
Shooting in mouth of bladder.
Violent pain in bladder and all neighboring parts (prostata) with a weak stream of water.
Cutting pains in urethra.
Frequent urging to urinate.
Frequent quantities of urine, with a sensation of weakness.
Before urinating : cutting in bladder ; pressing down ; cutting in urethra.
While urinating : drawing in female bladder upward ; burning and hardness in male urethra.
After urinating : cutting and burning in male urethra ; pressing and cutting in female bladder, deep into left ; relaxation and weakness of male organs.
In diabetes mellitus where lungs were implicated ; of very great service not only to lungs but also in diminishing quantity of urine and lowering its specific gravity.
A pressure in abdomen, with difficulty in preventing escape of urine.
** Wetting bed, with general debility.
Dark urine ; warmer than usual and of a penetrating odor.
Diaper reddish-yellow.
Increase of urine, with flocculent sediment.
** вright’s disease of kidneys, if indicated by concomitant symptoms.
Sexual desire increased with some ; with others decreased.
Erection painful, with burning in urethra, and a tension in penis, in evening.
Erection while riding in a carriage, without desire.
^^ One or two emissions three nights in succession put him completely out of humor and prostrated him.
Shooting in root of penis and bladder.
Shooting through perineum and into penis.
Itching of scrotum ; sweating ; soreness ; pimples.
Scrotum sore, oozing of a fluid.
Swelling of testicles.
** Hydrocele.
Chronic gonorrhoea, in anemic subjects.
Nymphomania ; all organs in erection, with insatiable desire, particularly before catamenia.
Voluptuous feeling as if all female parts were filling up with blood ; she feels pulse in all parts, with increased sexual desire.
Clitoris erect after urination, with sexual desire.
Aching in uterus, in morning.
Pressing in uterus, increased sexual desire, aching in neck of bladder, prostration.
Weakness and distress in region of uterus ; worse during passage of stool and urine.
Cutting pain in uterus through to sacrum.
Prolapsus worse during stool, micturition or menses.
** Prolapsus in debilitated persons.
Uterine displacement combined with rheumatic pains.
Cervix and os swollen, red and painful ; (even after maltreatment with caustic ), shot-like bunches to digital touch ; visible under mucous surface as bright red spots. θ Uterine.
Uterine polypus.
Pressing, drawing and sore feeling as if catamenia should appear ; soreness, aching, pressure in uterus and vagina ; in loins, flushes of heat ; fatigued from going up-stairs ; pain from right groin into left hip.
Less catamenia, more whites like white of eggs, day and night, worse in morning, after rising, of a sweetish odor ; increased with stool, white and of a bad odor.
Menses. Too early, blood bright, with girls ; too late, blood dark, or first bright, then dark with women.
Catamenial blood dark, especially with rheumatic patients.
Menses every two weeks, black and clotted.
Labor-like pains before and during catamenia.
Before catamenia : great sexual desire, followed by a copious flow ; headache three to seven days before ; griping and rumbling in bowels ; stitching pain in left side of head ; whites with sleepiness during day.
During catamenia : vertigo and throbbing in forehead ; blood rushes to head ; throbbing headache increasing after ; over os pubis pressure ; want of appetite, bellyache and diarrhoea, backache ; shooting, lower limbs heavy, weary, overfatigued, going.
Up-stairs feels stiff all over.
After catamenia : throbbing headache increases ; want of appetite ; backache and aching in lower limbs ; whites.
Menorrhagia : menses every two weeks, black and clotted ; before their appearance griping rumbling in bowels and leucorrhoea ; stitching pain in left side of head ; sleepiness during day.
Leucorrhoea like white of egg, day and night.
Cream-like whites pass from her in afternoon, unconsciously.
Whites for two weeks after catamenia, or from one term to another.
Leucorrhoea : increases in ratio that menses decrease ; pain and pressure in genitals ; every cold causes rheumatic pains ; acne, full of yellow pus ; dirty complexion ; mental anxiety ; fault finding ; flatulency ; hemorrhoids.
Oozing a watery fluid ; fistula in ano ; burning in epigastrium ; weak, sinking feeling in abdomen ; useful for young ladies who have been crossed in love.
Tearing from right side of navel, more upward than downward, with anxiety of mind ; was gone as soon as leucorrhoea appeared.
Burning in vagina, with pain on both sides of bladder or uterus ; burning like fire up into chest.
Pains from navel and other parts drawing to vagina.
Sore aching, warm feeling between external labia, stitching pain in inner labia.
Pain in vagina, with flushes and faintness.
Aching in vagina after nose-bleeding.
Swelling of external parts and vagina, when awaking.
Throbbing, stinging, tickling, sore aching or pressing in genitals, drawing upward in symphysis, downward in thighs.
Drawing pain from right to left over pubes, with discharge of some blood ; followed by earache, first left then right.
Over mons veneris a pressure upward, throbbing or other sensations.
Violent pain in region of kidneys, when lifting, or when blowing nose.
A painful sensation in neck of bladder, like that when having the stream suddenly stopped.
Sore aching in bladder ; worse after making water.
Pressing pain most or right side of bladder.
Shooting in mouth of bladder.
Violent pain in bladder and all neighboring parts (prostata) with a weak stream of water.
Cutting pains in urethra.
Frequent urging to urinate.
Frequent quantities of urine, with a sensation of weakness.
Before urinating : cutting in bladder ; pressing down ; cutting in urethra.
While urinating : drawing in female bladder upward ; burning and hardness in male urethra.
After urinating : cutting and burning in male urethra ; pressing and cutting in female bladder, deep into left ; relaxation and weakness of male organs.
In diabetes mellitus where lungs were implicated ; of very great service not only to lungs but also in diminishing quantity of urine and lowering its specific gravity.
A pressure in abdomen, with difficulty in preventing escape of urine.
** Wetting bed, with general debility.
Dark urine ; warmer than usual and of a penetrating odor.
Diaper reddish-yellow.
Increase of urine, with flocculent sediment.
** вright’s disease of kidneys, if indicated by concomitant symptoms.
Sexual desire increased with some ; with others decreased.
Erection painful, with burning in urethra, and a tension in penis, in evening.
Erection while riding in a carriage, without desire.
^^ One or two emissions three nights in succession put him completely out of humor and prostrated him.
Shooting in root of penis and bladder.
Shooting through perineum and into penis.
Itching of scrotum ; sweating ; soreness ; pimples.
Scrotum sore, oozing of a fluid.
Swelling of testicles.
** Hydrocele.
Chronic gonorrhoea, in anemic subjects.
Nymphomania ; all organs in erection, with insatiable desire, particularly before catamenia.
Voluptuous feeling as if all female parts were filling up with blood ; she feels pulse in all parts, with increased sexual desire.
Clitoris erect after urination, with sexual desire.
Aching in uterus, in morning.
Pressing in uterus, increased sexual desire, aching in neck of bladder, prostration.
Weakness and distress in region of uterus ; worse during passage of stool and urine.
Cutting pain in uterus through to sacrum.
Prolapsus worse during stool, micturition or menses.
** Prolapsus in debilitated persons.
Uterine displacement combined with rheumatic pains.
Cervix and os swollen, red and painful ; (even after maltreatment with caustic ), shot-like bunches to digital touch ; visible under mucous surface as bright red spots. θ Uterine.
Uterine polypus.
Pressing, drawing and sore feeling as if catamenia should appear ; soreness, aching, pressure in uterus and vagina ; in loins, flushes of heat ; fatigued from going up-stairs ; pain from right groin into left hip.
Less catamenia, more whites like white of eggs, day and night, worse in morning, after rising, of a sweetish odor ; increased with stool, white and of a bad odor.
Menses. Too early, blood bright, with girls ; too late, blood dark, or first bright, then dark with women.
Catamenial blood dark, especially with rheumatic patients.
Menses every two weeks, black and clotted.
Labor-like pains before and during catamenia.
Before catamenia : great sexual desire, followed by a copious flow ; headache three to seven days before ; griping and rumbling in bowels ; stitching pain in left side of head ; whites with sleepiness during day.
During catamenia : vertigo and throbbing in forehead ; blood rushes to head ; throbbing headache increasing after ; over os pubis pressure ; want of appetite, bellyache and diarrhoea, backache ; shooting, lower limbs heavy, weary, overfatigued, going.
Up-stairs feels stiff all over.
After catamenia : throbbing headache increases ; want of appetite ; backache and aching in lower limbs ; whites.
Menorrhagia : menses every two weeks, black and clotted ; before their appearance griping rumbling in bowels and leucorrhoea ; stitching pain in left side of head ; sleepiness during day.
Leucorrhoea like white of egg, day and night.
Cream-like whites pass from her in afternoon, unconsciously.
Whites for two weeks after catamenia, or from one term to another.
Leucorrhoea : increases in ratio that menses decrease ; pain and pressure in genitals ; every cold causes rheumatic pains ; acne, full of yellow pus ; dirty complexion ; mental anxiety ; fault finding ; flatulency ; hemorrhoids.
Oozing a watery fluid ; fistula in ano ; burning in epigastrium ; weak, sinking feeling in abdomen ; useful for young ladies who have been crossed in love.
Tearing from right side of navel, more upward than downward, with anxiety of mind ; was gone as soon as leucorrhoea appeared.
Burning in vagina, with pain on both sides of bladder or uterus ; burning like fire up into chest.
Pains from navel and other parts drawing to vagina.
Sore aching, warm feeling between external labia, stitching pain in inner labia.
Pain in vagina, with flushes and faintness.
Aching in vagina after nose-bleeding.
Swelling of external parts and vagina, when awaking.
Throbbing, stinging, tickling, sore aching or pressing in genitals, drawing upward in symphysis, downward in thighs.
Drawing pain from right to left over pubes, with discharge of some blood ; followed by earache, first left then right.
Over mons veneris a pressure upward, throbbing or other sensations.
Plant characteristics
Complained as in first period of pregnancy, a drawing aching in region of navel, extending to sacral region, worse in forenoon ; heartburn up into throat, soreness in right groin, and a kicking quivering over os pubis.
Weariness in all limbs during pregnancy.
Milk changeable, from alkaline to neutral, or to acid ; watery and thin.
Mamma sore to touch, feel as if larger, as during last half of pregnancy.
Pains and burning in mamma.
Nipples aching ; sore.
Child refuses breast, milk has a saltish taste ; trying it, taste remains long in mouth.
During pregnancy : to prevent recurrence of hydrocephalus in future children.
Weariness in all limbs during pregnancy.
Milk changeable, from alkaline to neutral, or to acid ; watery and thin.
Mamma sore to touch, feel as if larger, as during last half of pregnancy.
Pains and burning in mamma.
Nipples aching ; sore.
Child refuses breast, milk has a saltish taste ; trying it, taste remains long in mouth.
During pregnancy : to prevent recurrence of hydrocephalus in future children.
Chest organs
Breathing more frequent, short and difficult.
With inhalation : shooting in left breast and right temple ; sudden jerking pain in back.
Short breath and cough.
Desire to take a deep breath, to sigh ; with it a pain in chest, shooting in liver.
Contraction of chest and difficult breathing ; evening till 10 P. M., better on lying down, worse getting up.
Suffocating attacks of a male child of 6 months, after nursing, more often after crying and after being taken out of cradle ; breathing ceases, head turns backward, face blue, fighting with hands and feet ; after attacks greatly relaxed ; some days none, some days several.
Pain on a small spot, from coughing, with short breath.
Dry cough with hoarseness, soreness and dryness in throat.
Cough. With yellow expectoration, more in morning ; with fever, dryness and thirst ; from 6 A. M. to 6 P. M. ; during difficult dentition.
With cough, stitches in chest, heat on lower part of chest and upper arm.
Cough with soreness and dryness in throat in the tuberculous.
Chronic cough of consumptives, who suffer with cold extremities.
Whooping cough, in obstinate cases.
Burning sensation in chest, from below up into throat ; sometimes downward.
Pressing ache in chest, most below and extending upward.
Sharp pain in region of sixth rib, first on right side, later on l. fourth and fifth ribs, coming and going, takes breath away, most with a deep breath ; during day.
Shooting pain in left chest ; going through to shoulder.
Stitch in left side while breathing.
Beating in a small spot on left side.
A most obstinate pain in lower part of left lung and in left hypochondrium. θ Uterine disease.
Sharp pain like an instrument passing through end of breast bone ; during day.
Contraction of chest and difficult breathing, evening till 10 P. M. ; better lying down, worse when getting up.
Dull aching in chest, with soreness to touch.
Phlegm rattling on chest, also during difficult teething.
Incipient phthisis in anemic patients.
Profuse sweat in phthisis ; cold extremities.
Burning in pit of throat.
Clavicles sore, first left, then right.
Tearing, pressing and shooting in sternum.
Sore pain in sternum.
Ulcer over sternum or clavicle.
Pains where cartilages and ribs meet.
Painless gnawing with quivering, jerking and heat ; is full of fear.
A tumor like a walnut in left male mamma, hurts when pressed.
With inhalation : shooting in left breast and right temple ; sudden jerking pain in back.
Short breath and cough.
Desire to take a deep breath, to sigh ; with it a pain in chest, shooting in liver.
Contraction of chest and difficult breathing ; evening till 10 P. M., better on lying down, worse getting up.
Suffocating attacks of a male child of 6 months, after nursing, more often after crying and after being taken out of cradle ; breathing ceases, head turns backward, face blue, fighting with hands and feet ; after attacks greatly relaxed ; some days none, some days several.
Pain on a small spot, from coughing, with short breath.
Dry cough with hoarseness, soreness and dryness in throat.
Cough. With yellow expectoration, more in morning ; with fever, dryness and thirst ; from 6 A. M. to 6 P. M. ; during difficult dentition.
With cough, stitches in chest, heat on lower part of chest and upper arm.
Cough with soreness and dryness in throat in the tuberculous.
Chronic cough of consumptives, who suffer with cold extremities.
Whooping cough, in obstinate cases.
Burning sensation in chest, from below up into throat ; sometimes downward.
Pressing ache in chest, most below and extending upward.
Sharp pain in region of sixth rib, first on right side, later on l. fourth and fifth ribs, coming and going, takes breath away, most with a deep breath ; during day.
Shooting pain in left chest ; going through to shoulder.
Stitch in left side while breathing.
Beating in a small spot on left side.
A most obstinate pain in lower part of left lung and in left hypochondrium. θ Uterine disease.
Sharp pain like an instrument passing through end of breast bone ; during day.
Contraction of chest and difficult breathing, evening till 10 P. M. ; better lying down, worse when getting up.
Dull aching in chest, with soreness to touch.
Phlegm rattling on chest, also during difficult teething.
Incipient phthisis in anemic patients.
Profuse sweat in phthisis ; cold extremities.
Burning in pit of throat.
Clavicles sore, first left, then right.
Tearing, pressing and shooting in sternum.
Sore pain in sternum.
Ulcer over sternum or clavicle.
Pains where cartilages and ribs meet.
Painless gnawing with quivering, jerking and heat ; is full of fear.
A tumor like a walnut in left male mamma, hurts when pressed.
Cardiovascular system
Sharp cutting, shooting in region of heart, interrupts breathing.
Palpitation with anxiety, followed by a trembling weakness, particularly of calves.
** After heart disease, dropsy.
Feels beating of pulse, not frequent but quick ; while sitting, feels it in nape of neck and left chest.
Palpitation with anxiety, followed by a trembling weakness, particularly of calves.
** After heart disease, dropsy.
Feels beating of pulse, not frequent but quick ; while sitting, feels it in nape of neck and left chest.
Limbs and spine
Over clavicle soreness and cutting ; pains in neck, soreness ; glands hurt.
Rheumatic pain and stiffness of neck, with dulness of head ; from slight draught of air.
Pain on sides of throat, aching on pressure, up to ear, or from ear to shoulder ; worse when turning neck, also when swallowing.
Muscles of neck hurt up to occiput, first right then left.
Cramplike pain in neck, first one side, then the other.
Malignant tumors on neck.
Drawing in back and limbs, with gaping, stretching, bending backward ; worse evening and morning, on getting awake and on moving about.
Pains and aches in and near, between and mostly below shoulder blades ; throbbing, pulsating, jerking.
Pain in back. θ Uterine disease.
Violent pain in small of back, when making least bodily effort ; sometimes obliging him to scream.
In region of kidneys violent pain, when lifting or when blowing nose ; pain in back, jerking, rending, cutting, shooting.
Abscess near lumbar vertebra.
Numbness and lameness in sacrum.
Sharp sacral pains.
Violent stitch on a small spot between left ilium and sacrum, with slightest motion ; has to lie on same spot without moving.
Soreness in sacro-iliac symphysis, as if separated.
Pain and aching, soreness, pressure, tearing and shooting in os coccygis.
** сrick in back, and lumbago.
Curvature of spine to left (scoliosis sinistra), lumbar vertebra bend forward.
Spina bifida.
Pain and aching in shoulders and shoulder-blades.
Sore aching, bruised pains in shoulder or down arm.
Shooting and tearing from shoulder joint along whole arm.
Soreness, burning and itching under arms.
Hard bluish lumps under arm ; oozing and scabbing after checked itch ; much relieved ; Sulphur finished cure.
Rheumatic pain in upper arm near shoulder joint ; cannot lift arm.
Lameness of arms, they fall asleep.
Trembling in arms and hands.
Dull pain in arms, first left, then right ; from shoulder to fingers ; from clavicle down to wrist ; worse from change of weather.
Sensation in elbows as if joint had been struck.
Through elbows shooting, usually first left, then right.
Cramplike pain in forearm, sore, bruised feeling ; tearing.
Pimples on inner side of forearm.
Pain in right wrist, with lameness as if beaten ; cramplike and other pain, when moving or using it.
Hands asleep, or numb.
Pimples on back of hand and on wrist.
All bones of arms ache, particularly thumb.
In right thumb, joints as if luxated or sprained.
Pain in single fingers.
Tips of thumb and fingers sore.
Ulcerative pain in roots of finger nails of right hand, especially in middle finger.
Gouty nodosities on condyles.
Tearing, shooting, drawing in hip bone.
Sacro-iliac symphysis as i separated, in walking.
Coxarthrocace, third stage ; puts an end to further destruction of bone, suppuration ceases, new bone is formed.
Shooting and stitches from hip bone up or down, most from ischium down, jerking, drawing, with a warm feeling.
Buttocks and back asleep , with a sensation of uneasiness.
In nates a lameness as if beaten ; after a storm all kinds of pain with soreness, most from right to left, but alternating, most on right side.
On buttocks stinging in little spots, itching, burning ; sore spots oozing, scurfy.
Sharp pain in tendons on inside of thighs, more when walking.
Shooting through left thigh to knee, or down to ankle bones ; toes too thick ; heavy load in nape of neck.
Aching and soreness of thighs as if beaten, with aching in sacral bones.
Pains above bones.
Pains in knees worse when walking, first left, then right.
Boring in right knee, worse from stretching, most at night.
Knees pain as if sprained, sore, when walking.
Tendons in hollow of knee as if too short.
** сhronic swelling of knee.
** Hygroma patella (housemaid’s knee) ; in anemic subjects.
Lower limbs, abdomen and sacrum asleep ; cannot get up from seat.
Legs tired, weak, restless, crawling, tingling.
Lame feeling of lower limbs, tired, heavy.
Lower feeling of lower limbs, tired, heavy.
Lower limbs fall asleep, with a restless, anxious feeling ; has to move them, to jump out of carriage ; also at night.
Tearing in left lower leg from knee down to foot ; dry, crusty eruption covers leg.
Pain in bones, particularly shin bones.
Drawing pain in shin bones.
A pain in head of left tibia, caused by a kick, returned ; the spot got so sore that he could not bear it to be touched ; it disturbed sleep, coming on every night ; gradually an exostosis was formed and remained.
Violent pain below hollow of knee ; worse when taking off boots.
Cramp in calves ; on a small spot inside, when walking.
Crampy pain in calves ; drawing, rending, shooting, warm feeling.
Rending, tearing, shooting in ankle joint.
Ulcers on malleolus dexter, edges callous, ichor putrid.
Fistulous ulcers on ankle joint.
Cramplike pains in feet, most in ankle joint.
Ankle joint feels as if dislocated.
Sore pain and aching in heel.
Caries of heel.
Stinging in middle of soles ; shooting in soles and in balls of toes.
Pains in big toe, like a cramp, or aching in region of root of nail, first right then left.
Gouty pain in big toe.
Jerking twitching of right big toe towards left.
Stinging and shooting in toes.
Extensors more affected than flexors.
Feeling of lameness of flexors and sudden aching of extensors.
Pain in all joints, most left side.
Aching in limbs, with weariness.
Rheumatic pains flying about.
Every cold causes rheumatic pains in joints and in various parts of body. θ Uterine displacement.
Inflammatory rheumatism.
Pains flying about in all parts of rump and limbs after getting wet in rain.
Rheumatism, pertaining particularly to cold weather, getting well in Spring and returning next Autumn.
Rest : nausea ; pressure in stomach .
Lying : on back, restless ; better on side ; better headache, pain in stomach, belly and breathing.
Sitting : stagger on getting up ; feels beating of pulse in nape of neck and left chest.
Stooping : vertigo ; rush of blood to head ; dull pain in head.
On motion : vertigo ; aching in back and lower limbs .
Moving : worse nausea.
Quick motion : throbbing headache.
Painful symptoms brought on by moderate motions of single limbs, better after lying down.
Exertion : worse headache.
Pains after great exertion ; worse when lying down.
Walking : vertigo ; running coryza ; cramp in calves ; sharp pains in tendons on inside of thighs ; pain in knees, first left then right.
Going up-stairs : weariness.
Rising : vertigo.
Riding in a carriage : ears itch ; he has a second stool ; his foot falls asleep ; crawling in sole ; erections ; buttocks asleep ; restlessness in lower legs.
Lifting : child from cradle causes suffocative attacks.
Touch : burning pain on a small spot over right ear painful to touch ; a pain in head of left tibia so sore, he could not bear it touched.
Pressure : worse head, chest, belly and limb symptoms.
Every step is felt in head, or in sacrum.
In fractures to promote formation of callus.
The place of old injury becomes the seat of new affections.
Rheumatic pain and stiffness of neck, with dulness of head ; from slight draught of air.
Pain on sides of throat, aching on pressure, up to ear, or from ear to shoulder ; worse when turning neck, also when swallowing.
Muscles of neck hurt up to occiput, first right then left.
Cramplike pain in neck, first one side, then the other.
Malignant tumors on neck.
Drawing in back and limbs, with gaping, stretching, bending backward ; worse evening and morning, on getting awake and on moving about.
Pains and aches in and near, between and mostly below shoulder blades ; throbbing, pulsating, jerking.
Pain in back. θ Uterine disease.
Violent pain in small of back, when making least bodily effort ; sometimes obliging him to scream.
In region of kidneys violent pain, when lifting or when blowing nose ; pain in back, jerking, rending, cutting, shooting.
Abscess near lumbar vertebra.
Numbness and lameness in sacrum.
Sharp sacral pains.
Violent stitch on a small spot between left ilium and sacrum, with slightest motion ; has to lie on same spot without moving.
Soreness in sacro-iliac symphysis, as if separated.
Pain and aching, soreness, pressure, tearing and shooting in os coccygis.
** сrick in back, and lumbago.
Curvature of spine to left (scoliosis sinistra), lumbar vertebra bend forward.
Spina bifida.
Pain and aching in shoulders and shoulder-blades.
Sore aching, bruised pains in shoulder or down arm.
Shooting and tearing from shoulder joint along whole arm.
Soreness, burning and itching under arms.
Hard bluish lumps under arm ; oozing and scabbing after checked itch ; much relieved ; Sulphur finished cure.
Rheumatic pain in upper arm near shoulder joint ; cannot lift arm.
Lameness of arms, they fall asleep.
Trembling in arms and hands.
Dull pain in arms, first left, then right ; from shoulder to fingers ; from clavicle down to wrist ; worse from change of weather.
Sensation in elbows as if joint had been struck.
Through elbows shooting, usually first left, then right.
Cramplike pain in forearm, sore, bruised feeling ; tearing.
Pimples on inner side of forearm.
Pain in right wrist, with lameness as if beaten ; cramplike and other pain, when moving or using it.
Hands asleep, or numb.
Pimples on back of hand and on wrist.
All bones of arms ache, particularly thumb.
In right thumb, joints as if luxated or sprained.
Pain in single fingers.
Tips of thumb and fingers sore.
Ulcerative pain in roots of finger nails of right hand, especially in middle finger.
Gouty nodosities on condyles.
Tearing, shooting, drawing in hip bone.
Sacro-iliac symphysis as i separated, in walking.
Coxarthrocace, third stage ; puts an end to further destruction of bone, suppuration ceases, new bone is formed.
Shooting and stitches from hip bone up or down, most from ischium down, jerking, drawing, with a warm feeling.
Buttocks and back asleep , with a sensation of uneasiness.
In nates a lameness as if beaten ; after a storm all kinds of pain with soreness, most from right to left, but alternating, most on right side.
On buttocks stinging in little spots, itching, burning ; sore spots oozing, scurfy.
Sharp pain in tendons on inside of thighs, more when walking.
Shooting through left thigh to knee, or down to ankle bones ; toes too thick ; heavy load in nape of neck.
Aching and soreness of thighs as if beaten, with aching in sacral bones.
Pains above bones.
Pains in knees worse when walking, first left, then right.
Boring in right knee, worse from stretching, most at night.
Knees pain as if sprained, sore, when walking.
Tendons in hollow of knee as if too short.
** сhronic swelling of knee.
** Hygroma patella (housemaid’s knee) ; in anemic subjects.
Lower limbs, abdomen and sacrum asleep ; cannot get up from seat.
Legs tired, weak, restless, crawling, tingling.
Lame feeling of lower limbs, tired, heavy.
Lower feeling of lower limbs, tired, heavy.
Lower limbs fall asleep, with a restless, anxious feeling ; has to move them, to jump out of carriage ; also at night.
Tearing in left lower leg from knee down to foot ; dry, crusty eruption covers leg.
Pain in bones, particularly shin bones.
Drawing pain in shin bones.
A pain in head of left tibia, caused by a kick, returned ; the spot got so sore that he could not bear it to be touched ; it disturbed sleep, coming on every night ; gradually an exostosis was formed and remained.
Violent pain below hollow of knee ; worse when taking off boots.
Cramp in calves ; on a small spot inside, when walking.
Crampy pain in calves ; drawing, rending, shooting, warm feeling.
Rending, tearing, shooting in ankle joint.
Ulcers on malleolus dexter, edges callous, ichor putrid.
Fistulous ulcers on ankle joint.
Cramplike pains in feet, most in ankle joint.
Ankle joint feels as if dislocated.
Sore pain and aching in heel.
Caries of heel.
Stinging in middle of soles ; shooting in soles and in balls of toes.
Pains in big toe, like a cramp, or aching in region of root of nail, first right then left.
Gouty pain in big toe.
Jerking twitching of right big toe towards left.
Stinging and shooting in toes.
Extensors more affected than flexors.
Feeling of lameness of flexors and sudden aching of extensors.
Pain in all joints, most left side.
Aching in limbs, with weariness.
Rheumatic pains flying about.
Every cold causes rheumatic pains in joints and in various parts of body. θ Uterine displacement.
Inflammatory rheumatism.
Pains flying about in all parts of rump and limbs after getting wet in rain.
Rheumatism, pertaining particularly to cold weather, getting well in Spring and returning next Autumn.
Rest : nausea ; pressure in stomach .
Lying : on back, restless ; better on side ; better headache, pain in stomach, belly and breathing.
Sitting : stagger on getting up ; feels beating of pulse in nape of neck and left chest.
Stooping : vertigo ; rush of blood to head ; dull pain in head.
On motion : vertigo ; aching in back and lower limbs .
Moving : worse nausea.
Quick motion : throbbing headache.
Painful symptoms brought on by moderate motions of single limbs, better after lying down.
Exertion : worse headache.
Pains after great exertion ; worse when lying down.
Walking : vertigo ; running coryza ; cramp in calves ; sharp pains in tendons on inside of thighs ; pain in knees, first left then right.
Going up-stairs : weariness.
Rising : vertigo.
Riding in a carriage : ears itch ; he has a second stool ; his foot falls asleep ; crawling in sole ; erections ; buttocks asleep ; restlessness in lower legs.
Lifting : child from cradle causes suffocative attacks.
Touch : burning pain on a small spot over right ear painful to touch ; a pain in head of left tibia so sore, he could not bear it touched.
Pressure : worse head, chest, belly and limb symptoms.
Every step is felt in head, or in sacrum.
In fractures to promote formation of callus.
The place of old injury becomes the seat of new affections.
Nervous system
After unpleasant news, numbness.
Stiff in bed in morning ; can hardly turn.
Disposition to stretch.
Weariness, worse going up-stairs ; wants to sit down, shuns getting up.
Indisposition to work, mental or physical.
Weakness, with other symptoms.
Lower limbs, abdomen and sacrum asleep ; cannot get up from seat.
Languor with diarrhoea, leucorrhoea, catamenia and during pregnancy.
Child will not stand any more, and loses flesh.
Children do not learn to walk, or lose the ability.
Trembling of hands, with headache, pain in chest, bellyache.
Trembling of arms and hands, with other complaints, particularly uterine.
Trembling feeling ; with toothache and uterine pains.
Hands tremble ; she is sick, heart palpitates, fears bad news, afterwards weak.
Thumbs moved spasmodically.
Big toes twitching, little toes drawn inward.
Starting in sleep.
Restlessness ; spasmodic motion of limbs ; worse when lying on back ; better lying on side.
Child. сonvulsive starts, lies on its back.
Stepping motion of lower limbs.
^^ Violent screaming, grasping with hands in great agony towards its mother, cold sweat most in face, whole body cold.
Attacks of spasms going through body like an electric shock, so that she falls down ; they last about a minute and, except being a little weak, she felt well ; has about thirty attacks daily.
A girl, at. 18 ; suppressed menses from bathing, followed by epileptic spasms with opisthotonos and unconsciousness.
Epileptic attacks in a young lady of 18, which had existed since she was a child six months old ; attacks occurred every three months ; spasms all clonic and on l. side, with diarrhoea and loss of consciousness ; she falls forward on the face and sleeps afterwards ;
Sometimes she has a second attack the same day ; they frequently occur after eating.
** Epilepsy ; suitable for young persons whose bodies are in progress of development, and for scrofulous subjects.
** Rheumatism paralysis.
** Great debility with enuresis.
Useful after weakening acute diseases (Psorin. if there are copious sweats).
Stiff in bed in morning ; can hardly turn.
Disposition to stretch.
Weariness, worse going up-stairs ; wants to sit down, shuns getting up.
Indisposition to work, mental or physical.
Weakness, with other symptoms.
Lower limbs, abdomen and sacrum asleep ; cannot get up from seat.
Languor with diarrhoea, leucorrhoea, catamenia and during pregnancy.
Child will not stand any more, and loses flesh.
Children do not learn to walk, or lose the ability.
Trembling of hands, with headache, pain in chest, bellyache.
Trembling of arms and hands, with other complaints, particularly uterine.
Trembling feeling ; with toothache and uterine pains.
Hands tremble ; she is sick, heart palpitates, fears bad news, afterwards weak.
Thumbs moved spasmodically.
Big toes twitching, little toes drawn inward.
Starting in sleep.
Restlessness ; spasmodic motion of limbs ; worse when lying on back ; better lying on side.
Child. сonvulsive starts, lies on its back.
Stepping motion of lower limbs.
^^ Violent screaming, grasping with hands in great agony towards its mother, cold sweat most in face, whole body cold.
Attacks of spasms going through body like an electric shock, so that she falls down ; they last about a minute and, except being a little weak, she felt well ; has about thirty attacks daily.
A girl, at. 18 ; suppressed menses from bathing, followed by epileptic spasms with opisthotonos and unconsciousness.
Epileptic attacks in a young lady of 18, which had existed since she was a child six months old ; attacks occurred every three months ; spasms all clonic and on l. side, with diarrhoea and loss of consciousness ; she falls forward on the face and sleeps afterwards ;
Sometimes she has a second attack the same day ; they frequently occur after eating.
** Epilepsy ; suitable for young persons whose bodies are in progress of development, and for scrofulous subjects.
** Rheumatism paralysis.
** Great debility with enuresis.
Useful after weakening acute diseases (Psorin. if there are copious sweats).
Constant stretching and yawning.
Gaping with tears in eyes.
Gaping and irresistible drowsiness all forenoon, before and at dinner.
Drowsy all day and evening.
With drowsiness gloomy mood, inability to think, headache, singing in ears, sweat in face, prostration of limbs.
Sleep disturbed, most before midnight.
Dreams : very vivid, most of late events or last readings ; of traveling.
In sleep, starting as from fright.
In bed, pains in bones or joints, etc.
Sweat on part wakens in night.
Cannot get awake in early morning.
Complaints in morning : pain in head, heart, back ; bad taste, as if she had been sick.
Children cry out in sleep.
Night : headache.
Midnight : before, sleep disturbed.
Morning : headache ; hoarse, sore throat and hacking cough ;
Yellow expectoration ; drawing in back and limbs ; stiff in bed ; cannot awake early ; complaints, head, heart, back ; chill after dressing ; copious night sweats, towards morning.
Forenoon : coryza ; drawing aching in region of navel ; gaping, irresistible drowsiness.
Day and evening : drowsy.
From 6 A. M. to 6 P. M. : dryness and thirst during difficult dentition.
At 3 P. M. : severe pain in region of transverse colon.
At 4 P. M. : unusual hunger.
Afternoon : nose bleeding ; cream-like whites pass unconsciously.
Evening : heat in face ; sore throat, with tickling ; hawking of phlegm ; colic ; worse drawing in back and limbs ; dry heat.
Wane of day : worse ; much thirst, dry mouth and tongue.
Gaping with tears in eyes.
Gaping and irresistible drowsiness all forenoon, before and at dinner.
Drowsy all day and evening.
With drowsiness gloomy mood, inability to think, headache, singing in ears, sweat in face, prostration of limbs.
Sleep disturbed, most before midnight.
Dreams : very vivid, most of late events or last readings ; of traveling.
In sleep, starting as from fright.
In bed, pains in bones or joints, etc.
Sweat on part wakens in night.
Cannot get awake in early morning.
Complaints in morning : pain in head, heart, back ; bad taste, as if she had been sick.
Children cry out in sleep.
Night : headache.
Midnight : before, sleep disturbed.
Morning : headache ; hoarse, sore throat and hacking cough ;
Yellow expectoration ; drawing in back and limbs ; stiff in bed ; cannot awake early ; complaints, head, heart, back ; chill after dressing ; copious night sweats, towards morning.
Forenoon : coryza ; drawing aching in region of navel ; gaping, irresistible drowsiness.
Day and evening : drowsy.
From 6 A. M. to 6 P. M. : dryness and thirst during difficult dentition.
At 3 P. M. : severe pain in region of transverse colon.
At 4 P. M. : unusual hunger.
Afternoon : nose bleeding ; cream-like whites pass unconsciously.
Evening : heat in face ; sore throat, with tickling ; hawking of phlegm ; colic ; worse drawing in back and limbs ; dry heat.
Wane of day : worse ; much thirst, dry mouth and tongue.
Common symptoms
Warm room : burning itching ; fluent coryza ; warm things worse toothache.
Open air : walking in, headache, vertigo, fluent coryza ; hoarseness ; cough ; on watery days nose stopped ; carious teeth.
A slight draught is followed by rheumatic pain in neck, stiffness and dulness in head.
Cold room : fluent coryza.
Cold liquids : toothache.
Every cold causes pains in joints and sutures.
From cold washing : headache .
After a cold foot bath gets red, with pricking like nettles.
Change of weather : headache ; tearing in forehead to nose and temples, from occiput to vertex, with earache ; dull pains in arms, from clavicles down to wrist.
Worse in changeable weather, particularly when snow melts and in East winds.
Windy weather : vertigo.
Day after a snowstorm, buttocks as if beaten, with lameness.
In damp, rainy, cold weather dull pain in lower limbs.
As if brain was pressed against skull ; as if something was in eye ; as if joint of elbow had been struck ; as if dislocated ; as if ice was lying on upper occiput ; as if female organs were filling up with blood.
Jerking : earache ; pain in back ; outer chest ; in back ; in hip bone ; in right big toe ; around shoulder blades.
Beating : in small spot on left side.
Tearing : pains in hands and arms ; in bones of skull ; earache ; in and around ears ; toothache ; from right side of navel ; in sternum ; in os coccygis ; in hip bone ; in l. lower leg ; ankle joint ; worse at night and in bad.
Weather ; in teeth.
Rending : in bones of skull ; in and around ears ; pain from knee to foot ; in back ; in ankle joint ; in calves.
Sharp : cutting in stomach ; pain in region of spleen ; colic ; pain through end of breast bone ; sacral pains ; in region of sixth rib ; in tendons of thighs.
Cutting : colic ; left groin ; pains in urethra ; in bladder ; pain in uterus ; region of heart ; over clavicle ; in back ; in belly.
Stitches : left side of head ; region of liver ; left side of belly ; in anus ; pain in inner labia ; in chest, left side ; on a small spot between left ilium and sacrum ; in hip bone ; in rectum.
Shooting : through left thigh to knee ; ankle joint ; in soles and balls of toes ; in toes ; in sternum ; in os coccygis ; along whole arm ; through elbows ; in hip bone ; earache ; around bones of ears ; in molars ; region.
Of liver ; l. hyponchondrium ; left side of belly ; in anus ; in mouth of bladder ; in root of penis and bladder ; perineum ; left breast and right temple ; in liver ; pain in left chest ; in region of heart ; in molars ; in calves.
Stinging : in nostrils ; in genitals ; on buttocks ; in middle of soles ; in toes.
Boring : toothache ; in right knee ; worse at night and in bad weather.
Ulcerative pain : in roots of finger nails.
Drawing : pains around lateral protuberances of occiput ; in bones of skull ; in left groin ; in muscles of neck ; in female bladder upward ; pain from right to left over pubes ; in region of navel ; in back and limbs ; in hip bone ; pain.
In shin bones ; upward in symphysis, downward in thighs ; in calves.
Burning : on top of head ; itching of outer ear ; pain on a small spot over right ear ; upper lip ; tip of tongue ; in epigastrium ; at stomach ; in anus ; in male urethra ; in vagina ; in mamma ; in larynx ; in.
Chest ; pit of stomach ; under arms ; on buttocks ; in skin ; in throat.
Biting : in nostrils ; in skin.
Smarting : of roots of hair.
Sore pain : in bones of skull ; piles ; aching in bladder ; aching between external labia ; aching in genitals ; clavicles ; pain in sternum ; in heel.
Soreness : of thighs as if beaten ; in and around ears ; tip of tongue ; right hypochondrium ; around navel ; of scrotum ; in uterus and vagina ; in right groin ; over clavicle ; in os coccygis ; under arms ; in sacro-iliac.
Symphysis ; of tips of fingers ; in knees.
Gouty pain : in big toe.
Aching : in throat ; in heel ; big toe ; of extensors ; in limbs ; pains around lateral protuberances of occiput ; of eyeballs ; in and around ears ; all bones around ears ; region of parotid glands ; in throat ; around.
Navel ; abdominal wall ; soreness, left groin ; piles ; in uterus ; in neck of bladder ; in vagina ; nipples ; in os coccygis ; shoulders and shoulder blades ; down arms ; of thighs as if beaten ; in genitals ; over mons.
Veneris ; near root of big toe nail.
Dull aching : in chest.
Pressure : above eyes and towards them ; in and around ears ; in rectum ; in stomach ; right hypochondrium ; left hypochondrium ; pain right side of bladder ; in abdomen ; in uterus ; in vagina ; in genitals ; aching, in.
Chest ; in sternum ; in os coccygis ; from shoulder joint along whole arm.
Bruised : pains in shoulder or down arms.
Gnawing : outer chest.
Pinching : left side of belly ; colon.
Griping : in bowels.
Cramplike pains : in neck : in stomach ; in forearm ; in feet ; in ankle joint ; in big toe ; in wrist ; in calves.
Rheumatic pain : in upper arm, near shoulder joint ; in head ; in face ; of neck.
Undefined pain : in processus zygomaticus ; in face ; around navel ; transverse colon ; in region of kidneys ; neck of bladder, violent, in bladder ; in vagina ; in mamma ; and aches, in neck, between and mostly below shoulder blades ; in.
Left lung and left hypochondrium ; in back ; small of back ; in os coccygis ; in shoulders and shoulder blades ; in right wrist ; above knee ; in bones ; in shin bones ; big toe ; in joints ; in eye and stomach teeth ; in tongue,.
Fauces pharynx, chest and pit of stomach ; in stomach ; in arms.
Anxious feeling : down limbs.
Restless : lower limbs.
Uneasiness : in region of stomach, buttocks and back.
Throbbing : headache ; right hypochondrium ; in genitals ; between and mostly below shoulder blades ; over mons veneris.
Pulsating : in anus ; between and mostly below shoulder blades.
Kicking : left side of belly ; over pubis.
Quivering : abdominal wall ; over pubis ; outer chest.
Twitching : in big toe.
Pressing down : in bladder.
Bearing down : towards anus.
Tension : in scalp of forehead ; in penis.
Weakness : in fauces and throat ; in bladder ; of male organs ; in region of uterus.
Sinking : at epigastrium ; around navel ; in abdomen.
Emptiness : in fauces and throat.
Tickling : in nose, and sneezing ; in genitals.
Running : left side of belly.
Crawling : in legs ; with pains, worse at night and in bed ; over top of head.
Creeping : in occiput.
Tingling : abdominal wall ; in legs.
Numbness : on occiput ; of hands ; of abdominal walls.
Asleep : buttocks and back ; lower limbs.
Lameness : of arms, as if beaten.
Shocks like electric sparks.
Warmth : in anus ; between external labia ; in ischium ; in calves.
Heat : in head ; in face ; on lower part of chest ; upper arm.
Hot feeling : in eyelids.
Coldness : on occiput ; of ears ; in abdomen, with nausea ; towards or back of eyes.
Itching : inner and outer ears ; point of nose ; piles ; in anus ; of scrotum ; under arms ; on buttocks ; in skin.
Dryness : in throat at night ; of mouth and tongue.
Bones affected along sutures or at symphysis.
Non-union of fractured bones.
Curvature of spine to left ; lumbar vertebra bend forward.
Condyles swollen on forearms and lower limbs.
Large pedunculated nasal polypi ; polypi of rectum and uterus.
Incipient mesenteric tabes, with much diarrhoea, fetid sometimes lienteric.
Rachitis ; fontanelles wide open ; diarrhoea, emaciation.
Rheumatic pains in joints and various parts of body.
Soreness of tendons when flexing or extending.
Flabby, shrunken, emaciated children.
Anemia ; true bloodlessness.
Phosphatic diathesis.
Tendency of bones to bend or curve.
** сancer in scrofulous constitutions.
Caries of hip joint and heel, with stinking pus.
Most pains in joint, afterwards in bones.
Sharp pain in tendons.
** A constituent of teeth, bones, connective tissue and blood corpuscles, and to be given in corresponding disturbances, ; in true chlorosis from anemia ; chronic swelling of glands ; chronic articular rheumatism ; gout ; exostoses, osteophytes and.
Similar new growths on bone ; scrofulosis ; suppuration of bones and joints ; dropsy from loss of blood or of other fluids, or depending on diseases of heart, liver and kidneys.
Malnutrition and defective cell growth.
Anemia : from growing fast, rapid childbearing, prolonged suckling, or excessive menstruation.
Brain fag and other bad effects of town life.
Open air : walking in, headache, vertigo, fluent coryza ; hoarseness ; cough ; on watery days nose stopped ; carious teeth.
A slight draught is followed by rheumatic pain in neck, stiffness and dulness in head.
Cold room : fluent coryza.
Cold liquids : toothache.
Every cold causes pains in joints and sutures.
From cold washing : headache .
After a cold foot bath gets red, with pricking like nettles.
Change of weather : headache ; tearing in forehead to nose and temples, from occiput to vertex, with earache ; dull pains in arms, from clavicles down to wrist.
Worse in changeable weather, particularly when snow melts and in East winds.
Windy weather : vertigo.
Day after a snowstorm, buttocks as if beaten, with lameness.
In damp, rainy, cold weather dull pain in lower limbs.
As if brain was pressed against skull ; as if something was in eye ; as if joint of elbow had been struck ; as if dislocated ; as if ice was lying on upper occiput ; as if female organs were filling up with blood.
Jerking : earache ; pain in back ; outer chest ; in back ; in hip bone ; in right big toe ; around shoulder blades.
Beating : in small spot on left side.
Tearing : pains in hands and arms ; in bones of skull ; earache ; in and around ears ; toothache ; from right side of navel ; in sternum ; in os coccygis ; in hip bone ; in l. lower leg ; ankle joint ; worse at night and in bad.
Weather ; in teeth.
Rending : in bones of skull ; in and around ears ; pain from knee to foot ; in back ; in ankle joint ; in calves.
Sharp : cutting in stomach ; pain in region of spleen ; colic ; pain through end of breast bone ; sacral pains ; in region of sixth rib ; in tendons of thighs.
Cutting : colic ; left groin ; pains in urethra ; in bladder ; pain in uterus ; region of heart ; over clavicle ; in back ; in belly.
Stitches : left side of head ; region of liver ; left side of belly ; in anus ; pain in inner labia ; in chest, left side ; on a small spot between left ilium and sacrum ; in hip bone ; in rectum.
Shooting : through left thigh to knee ; ankle joint ; in soles and balls of toes ; in toes ; in sternum ; in os coccygis ; along whole arm ; through elbows ; in hip bone ; earache ; around bones of ears ; in molars ; region.
Of liver ; l. hyponchondrium ; left side of belly ; in anus ; in mouth of bladder ; in root of penis and bladder ; perineum ; left breast and right temple ; in liver ; pain in left chest ; in region of heart ; in molars ; in calves.
Stinging : in nostrils ; in genitals ; on buttocks ; in middle of soles ; in toes.
Boring : toothache ; in right knee ; worse at night and in bad weather.
Ulcerative pain : in roots of finger nails.
Drawing : pains around lateral protuberances of occiput ; in bones of skull ; in left groin ; in muscles of neck ; in female bladder upward ; pain from right to left over pubes ; in region of navel ; in back and limbs ; in hip bone ; pain.
In shin bones ; upward in symphysis, downward in thighs ; in calves.
Burning : on top of head ; itching of outer ear ; pain on a small spot over right ear ; upper lip ; tip of tongue ; in epigastrium ; at stomach ; in anus ; in male urethra ; in vagina ; in mamma ; in larynx ; in.
Chest ; pit of stomach ; under arms ; on buttocks ; in skin ; in throat.
Biting : in nostrils ; in skin.
Smarting : of roots of hair.
Sore pain : in bones of skull ; piles ; aching in bladder ; aching between external labia ; aching in genitals ; clavicles ; pain in sternum ; in heel.
Soreness : of thighs as if beaten ; in and around ears ; tip of tongue ; right hypochondrium ; around navel ; of scrotum ; in uterus and vagina ; in right groin ; over clavicle ; in os coccygis ; under arms ; in sacro-iliac.
Symphysis ; of tips of fingers ; in knees.
Gouty pain : in big toe.
Aching : in throat ; in heel ; big toe ; of extensors ; in limbs ; pains around lateral protuberances of occiput ; of eyeballs ; in and around ears ; all bones around ears ; region of parotid glands ; in throat ; around.
Navel ; abdominal wall ; soreness, left groin ; piles ; in uterus ; in neck of bladder ; in vagina ; nipples ; in os coccygis ; shoulders and shoulder blades ; down arms ; of thighs as if beaten ; in genitals ; over mons.
Veneris ; near root of big toe nail.
Dull aching : in chest.
Pressure : above eyes and towards them ; in and around ears ; in rectum ; in stomach ; right hypochondrium ; left hypochondrium ; pain right side of bladder ; in abdomen ; in uterus ; in vagina ; in genitals ; aching, in.
Chest ; in sternum ; in os coccygis ; from shoulder joint along whole arm.
Bruised : pains in shoulder or down arms.
Gnawing : outer chest.
Pinching : left side of belly ; colon.
Griping : in bowels.
Cramplike pains : in neck : in stomach ; in forearm ; in feet ; in ankle joint ; in big toe ; in wrist ; in calves.
Rheumatic pain : in upper arm, near shoulder joint ; in head ; in face ; of neck.
Undefined pain : in processus zygomaticus ; in face ; around navel ; transverse colon ; in region of kidneys ; neck of bladder, violent, in bladder ; in vagina ; in mamma ; and aches, in neck, between and mostly below shoulder blades ; in.
Left lung and left hypochondrium ; in back ; small of back ; in os coccygis ; in shoulders and shoulder blades ; in right wrist ; above knee ; in bones ; in shin bones ; big toe ; in joints ; in eye and stomach teeth ; in tongue,.
Fauces pharynx, chest and pit of stomach ; in stomach ; in arms.
Anxious feeling : down limbs.
Restless : lower limbs.
Uneasiness : in region of stomach, buttocks and back.
Throbbing : headache ; right hypochondrium ; in genitals ; between and mostly below shoulder blades ; over mons veneris.
Pulsating : in anus ; between and mostly below shoulder blades.
Kicking : left side of belly ; over pubis.
Quivering : abdominal wall ; over pubis ; outer chest.
Twitching : in big toe.
Pressing down : in bladder.
Bearing down : towards anus.
Tension : in scalp of forehead ; in penis.
Weakness : in fauces and throat ; in bladder ; of male organs ; in region of uterus.
Sinking : at epigastrium ; around navel ; in abdomen.
Emptiness : in fauces and throat.
Tickling : in nose, and sneezing ; in genitals.
Running : left side of belly.
Crawling : in legs ; with pains, worse at night and in bed ; over top of head.
Creeping : in occiput.
Tingling : abdominal wall ; in legs.
Numbness : on occiput ; of hands ; of abdominal walls.
Asleep : buttocks and back ; lower limbs.
Lameness : of arms, as if beaten.
Shocks like electric sparks.
Warmth : in anus ; between external labia ; in ischium ; in calves.
Heat : in head ; in face ; on lower part of chest ; upper arm.
Hot feeling : in eyelids.
Coldness : on occiput ; of ears ; in abdomen, with nausea ; towards or back of eyes.
Itching : inner and outer ears ; point of nose ; piles ; in anus ; of scrotum ; under arms ; on buttocks ; in skin.
Dryness : in throat at night ; of mouth and tongue.
Bones affected along sutures or at symphysis.
Non-union of fractured bones.
Curvature of spine to left ; lumbar vertebra bend forward.
Condyles swollen on forearms and lower limbs.
Large pedunculated nasal polypi ; polypi of rectum and uterus.
Incipient mesenteric tabes, with much diarrhoea, fetid sometimes lienteric.
Rachitis ; fontanelles wide open ; diarrhoea, emaciation.
Rheumatic pains in joints and various parts of body.
Soreness of tendons when flexing or extending.
Flabby, shrunken, emaciated children.
Anemia ; true bloodlessness.
Phosphatic diathesis.
Tendency of bones to bend or curve.
** сancer in scrofulous constitutions.
Caries of hip joint and heel, with stinking pus.
Most pains in joint, afterwards in bones.
Sharp pain in tendons.
** A constituent of teeth, bones, connective tissue and blood corpuscles, and to be given in corresponding disturbances, ; in true chlorosis from anemia ; chronic swelling of glands ; chronic articular rheumatism ; gout ; exostoses, osteophytes and.
Similar new growths on bone ; scrofulosis ; suppuration of bones and joints ; dropsy from loss of blood or of other fluids, or depending on diseases of heart, liver and kidneys.
Malnutrition and defective cell growth.
Anemia : from growing fast, rapid childbearing, prolonged suckling, or excessive menstruation.
Brain fag and other bad effects of town life.
Shaking chill, out-doors.
Frequent creeping shiverings, with motion of scrotum, not like that after urinating.
Frequent crawls all over ; crawls on head.
Chill : in morning after dressing ; with cough ; with coryza ; with uterine pains.
Shivering with a hot face, with bellyache.
Cold in lower part of body, face hot.
Feels beating of pulse, not frequent but quick ; while sitting he feels it in nape of neck and left chest.
Heat runs from head down to toes.
Dry heat in evening, hot breath, beating of heart, mouth and tongue dry without thirst, gaping, stretching, etc.
Copious night sweats ; on single parts ; towards and during morning.
Sweat on parts, wakens in night.
Profuse sweat in phthisis.
** сhronic intermittent fever, in scrofulous children.
Every two weeks : catamenia.
Right : middle finger, tearing pains ; eyebrow, furuncle ; ear, singing ; ear, burning ; cheek, sore spot ; side, hardness, soreness and pressure ; hypochonder, throbbing ; pressing pain in bladder ; to l. groin, pressing drawing.
And sore feeling, as if catamenia should appear ; tearing in navel ; soreness in groin ; temple, shooting ; sharp pain in region of sixth rib ; pain in roots of finger nails ; boring in knee.
Left : nostril, biting stinging ; side, pressure and soreness ; side of belly, pinching, shooting, stitches ; running, kicking, moving and stitching pain in head ; shooting in breast ; shooting in chest ; stitches in side while breathing ;
Obstinate pain of lung and hypochondrium ; sharp pain in region of fourth and fifth ribs ; shooting though thigh to knee or down to ankle bones ; tearing in lower leg, from knee down to foot.
Left to right : earache ; clavicles sore ; dull pain in arms ; shooting through elbows ; pain in knees.
From right to left : faceache.
First one side, then the other : cramplike pain in neck.
Frequent creeping shiverings, with motion of scrotum, not like that after urinating.
Frequent crawls all over ; crawls on head.
Chill : in morning after dressing ; with cough ; with coryza ; with uterine pains.
Shivering with a hot face, with bellyache.
Cold in lower part of body, face hot.
Feels beating of pulse, not frequent but quick ; while sitting he feels it in nape of neck and left chest.
Heat runs from head down to toes.
Dry heat in evening, hot breath, beating of heart, mouth and tongue dry without thirst, gaping, stretching, etc.
Copious night sweats ; on single parts ; towards and during morning.
Sweat on parts, wakens in night.
Profuse sweat in phthisis.
** сhronic intermittent fever, in scrofulous children.
Every two weeks : catamenia.
Right : middle finger, tearing pains ; eyebrow, furuncle ; ear, singing ; ear, burning ; cheek, sore spot ; side, hardness, soreness and pressure ; hypochonder, throbbing ; pressing pain in bladder ; to l. groin, pressing drawing.
And sore feeling, as if catamenia should appear ; tearing in navel ; soreness in groin ; temple, shooting ; sharp pain in region of sixth rib ; pain in roots of finger nails ; boring in knee.
Left : nostril, biting stinging ; side, pressure and soreness ; side of belly, pinching, shooting, stitches ; running, kicking, moving and stitching pain in head ; shooting in breast ; shooting in chest ; stitches in side while breathing ;
Obstinate pain of lung and hypochondrium ; sharp pain in region of fourth and fifth ribs ; shooting though thigh to knee or down to ankle bones ; tearing in lower leg, from knee down to foot.
Left to right : earache ; clavicles sore ; dull pain in arms ; shooting through elbows ; pain in knees.
From right to left : faceache.
First one side, then the other : cramplike pain in neck.
Dry skin, most on hands.
Skin dark, brown or yellow.
Itching and burning as from nettles.
Itching, biting, most on places years before affected.
Tetters on lower legs, peeling off, scaling.
Pimples in region of joints.
** Eczema with anemia ; dry crusty affections.
Furuncles form ulcers.
Fistulous or scrofulous ulcers ; slow to heal.
Ulceration, after a mustard poultice is allowed to remain too long. [Obs. Sapo sodoe relieves the burning.
Ulcerating scars after an amputation.
** Tubercles in skin.
** Skin diseases (scurfy and scabby) in anemic, scrofulous or gouty constitutions.
** Lupus.
Skin dark, brown or yellow.
Itching and burning as from nettles.
Itching, biting, most on places years before affected.
Tetters on lower legs, peeling off, scaling.
Pimples in region of joints.
** Eczema with anemia ; dry crusty affections.
Furuncles form ulcers.
Fistulous or scrofulous ulcers ; slow to heal.
Ulceration, after a mustard poultice is allowed to remain too long. [Obs. Sapo sodoe relieves the burning.
Ulcerating scars after an amputation.
** Tubercles in skin.
** Skin diseases (scurfy and scabby) in anemic, scrofulous or gouty constitutions.
** Lupus.
Patient type and constitution
During first and second dentition, diarrhoea with much wind. θ Hydrocephalus. θ Diarrhoea.
θ Rachitis.
Children lose flesh, will not stand any more ; do not learn to walk.
** Delicate growing girls or children.
Girls at or near puberty, schoolgirls.
Old people : vertigo ; constipation, fractures.
Child, 1 1/2 years old ; light complexion. θ Incipient hydrocephalus.
A girl, at. 16. θ Keratitis after variola.
A girl, at. 18. θ Epileptic spasms.
A young man, at. 18 ; indurated breast.
Tedious cases, in scrofulous or anemic children.
Anemic subjects : gonorrhoea ; catarrhs ; pains ; chlorosis ; skin diseases.
Debilitated persons : prolapsus, etc.
Scrofulous constitutions : catarrh ; epilepsy ; skin diseases.
Gouty constitutions : catarrh ; pains ; skin diseases.
θ Rachitis.
Children lose flesh, will not stand any more ; do not learn to walk.
** Delicate growing girls or children.
Girls at or near puberty, schoolgirls.
Old people : vertigo ; constipation, fractures.
Child, 1 1/2 years old ; light complexion. θ Incipient hydrocephalus.
A girl, at. 16. θ Keratitis after variola.
A girl, at. 18. θ Epileptic spasms.
A young man, at. 18 ; indurated breast.
Tedious cases, in scrofulous or anemic children.
Anemic subjects : gonorrhoea ; catarrhs ; pains ; chlorosis ; skin diseases.
Debilitated persons : prolapsus, etc.
Scrofulous constitutions : catarrh ; epilepsy ; skin diseases.
Gouty constitutions : catarrh ; pains ; skin diseases.
Dif. diagnostics
Remarkable similarities with сarb. an.
Compatible : before Sulphur ; after Arsen., Iodum, Mercur. (incipient mesenteric tabes).
Complementary : Ruta.
Compare : in bone affections, fistula, etc., вerber., сalcarea ostr., сalcarea fluor., Fluor ac, Ruta, Silica, Sulphur ; in joint affections, rheumatic and suppurative, вerber., Kali phosph., Natr. mur. (hygroma) ; in dental caries, Fluor ac., Magn. phosph., Silica ; in epilepsy, сalcarea ostr., Ferrum phosph., Kali mur., Kali phosph., Silica ; in spasm of eyelids, сalcarea ostr., Nux vom. ; in diabetes, Kali phosph., Natr. phosph. ; in tabes esenterica, Arsen., Iodum, Mercur. ; in hemorrhoids, Ferrum phosph. ; in worm affections, Natr. phosph. (removes disposition) ; in debility after acute diseases, Psorin. ; in peevishness and fretfulness of children, сhamom.
Compatible : before Sulphur ; after Arsen., Iodum, Mercur. (incipient mesenteric tabes).
Complementary : Ruta.
Compare : in bone affections, fistula, etc., вerber., сalcarea ostr., сalcarea fluor., Fluor ac, Ruta, Silica, Sulphur ; in joint affections, rheumatic and suppurative, вerber., Kali phosph., Natr. mur. (hygroma) ; in dental caries, Fluor ac., Magn. phosph., Silica ; in epilepsy, сalcarea ostr., Ferrum phosph., Kali mur., Kali phosph., Silica ; in spasm of eyelids, сalcarea ostr., Nux vom. ; in diabetes, Kali phosph., Natr. phosph. ; in tabes esenterica, Arsen., Iodum, Mercur. ; in hemorrhoids, Ferrum phosph. ; in worm affections, Natr. phosph. (removes disposition) ; in debility after acute diseases, Psorin. ; in peevishness and fretfulness of children, сhamom.
Included in the composition
- 1.8€ Phtizion (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 5€ Артрис (Фитасинтекс)
- 5.3-6€ Osteoheel c (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 5.8-8.7€ Lymphomyosot (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 11€ Flowers Energy №38
- — Flowers Energy №4
- 11€ Flowers Energy №77
- 12-20€ Tonsilla compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 13-218.8€ Discus compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Bioline Stop Smoking
- — Calcium compositum-GF
- — Травмасан (Аспектус фарма ООО )