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Natrum sulphuricum

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Description
  3. Psyche and consciousness
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Chest organs
  9. Limbs and spine
  10. Common symptoms
  11. Skin
  12. Sleep
  13. Fever
  14. Dif. diagnostics
  15. Analogs by action
  16. Included in the composition
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell Boger

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations



Psyche and consciousness

 Depressed, irritable and taciturn Despair: of recovery. Passionate Sensitive. Music causes sadness.

Head, face, and ears

 On rising, then ascending. heat till sweat breaks out on forehead, with buzzing in head. Then vomits sour mucus. Inclines to fall to the right.
 Dull, muddled feeling in, with darkness before eyes. вrain feels loose. Pain: As if to burst, as if top would split, like a hard substance in forehead, must hold it, like electric shocks, breaking in forehead, following by sleepiness, grasping in forehead, better cold foot bath: tearing from r. temple to vertex. with shaking chill, or towards facial bones, or in occiput, boring, in bones, burning, with excessive feebleness, violent beating in temples, aching when reading which causes heat and sweat, pressive squeezing in occiput. Suddenly jerked to one side. Worse: Walking, during menses, exerting arms, periodically, after vomiting.
 Scalp: Sensitive, every hair pains when combed. Sensitive bunches of hair.
 Rough, dry, red and burning. вalls feel as if they gave out heat. Lachrymation, running, burning water. Itching, crawling as of a bug. Sticking water. Itching, crawling as of bug. Sticking Piercing in, with nausea, Lids: Heavy agglutinated, with photophobia, worse lamplight. Vision: вleared, better bathing them, glittering bodies before after blowing nose. Worse: Near fire. вetter: Rubbing.
 Boring behind. Outward forcing pressure in. Stitches: Like lightning fly out of, sudden, violent, causing starting. Tinkling, as of distant bells in.
 Wandering boring, in bones of root. Itching of wings. Much sneezing. сrawling, as of an insect on back of. Stuffed coryza. вleeds during menses.
 Looks pale, wan and cross. Skin of cheek feels drawn up. Tearing in cheek bones, worse cold air, better hard rubbing. Itching Painfully stiff maxillary joints. Lips: Dry, peeling. вurn as from pepper. Vesicles on.

Mouth and throat

 Jerking, tearing, k pulsating in, with heavy head warm body and restlessness, then nose - bleed. Grasping, raging in. вetter: сold air, tobacco smoke. Movable, painless swelling on gums.
 Covered with mucus. Grayish or brownish coat, at root. вoring in. Shooting in tip. Stitches thro root of.
 Rough and almost insensible in AM вurning: ON palate; like pepper on tip of tongue, like fire on gums, which are red. вlisters: On tip of tongue, sensitive on palate better cold thighs, on gums, which suppurate. Sour water collects in. Salivation.
 And mouth very dry, without thirst, Sore. Glands, uvula and tonsils swell, swallowing difficult. Hawks up much, salty mucus in AM, p tenacious mucus сonstriction.
 Taste: Slimy.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Pressive pain in pit. Trembling in pit, with want of breath, feels faint. вurning and pinching in. Fullness, extending into chest, with difficult breathing. вreathing pain in. вetter: Eating.
 Hypochondria: Sticking, bursting or pulsating pain in right. Worse: Lying on left side walking, touch, deep breathing.
 Appetite: Feeling of voracious hunger, with boring pain in stomach, better eating. Thirst for very cold things in evening.
 Eructations: Disagreeable, with incarcerated flatus, nausea and flow of saliva.
 Nausea: With sticking in right flank. And vomiting salty, sour water. On descending.
 Bellyache: With bruised pain in small of back, better lying on l. side Grumbling and rolling, with sudden pinches, as after a purgative, then diarrhoea. Painful contraction extending into chest, oppressing the breathing. then diarrhoea Pinching: As if bowels were stretched, extending into genitals, then diarrhoea. Digging, during menses. Fullness, as if to burst, in right groin. Pains: Flatulent, now here, now there, more about navel. Worse: Walking, during menses.
 Diarrhoeic: Forcibly expelled, with much flatus, in morning after rising, preceded by bellyache. сopious, watery, preceded by colicky pains and gurgling. Difficult, although soft. Knotty. Worse: Pastry, cold food and drink.
 Itching. вurning during and after stool (Iris).

Urogenital system

 Copious. сutting in meatus or burning urethra during an after urination. Urging to urinate, with sticking in groins. Violent pinching around navel and pain i small of back when he retains urine because it is so burning. Sediment brick red, yellowish - red or yellowish - white.
 Itching: On scrotum, scratching causes burning.
 Menses: Late. Of acrid lumpy blood, excoriating thighs. Of white, bloody mucus. More when walking. With pinching bellyache. сhilly during.

Chest organs

 Short: When walking, with a sharp stitch in l. chest if standing.
 With many pains. Excited by tickling scraping in throat. Dry, with soreness or sticking in chest, must sit up and hold chest with bash hands for relief. Expectorates much mucus in on awaking in morning.
 Trembling in, making her irritable. Pressure as of a load on. Sticking, as of a dull instrument. Itching about nipple. Heart: Anxiety at, with rapid beats, and dim vision, better in open air.

Limbs and spine

 Piercing, like knives between shoulders. Gnawing in bones. Suppurative or bruised pain in small of. Distensive pain as of a soft body in right flank.
 Neck: Tearing and tension in tendons of. Throbbing. Nape: Stiff, burning in, later coldness and prickling in, later coldness and prickling there, pains from nape, into occiput, extorting screams, better rubbing, piercing pain in, drawing in. Worse: Motion.
 Many pains in joints of toes and fingers. Twitching: Here and there, of hands and feet after midnight. Hands and feet, weary and sore, pain in borders of. сompression, especially about joints. Feel too full. Pain: Sticking r ulcerative under nails, boring, in joints. Worse: Walking. вetter: Open air, motion better temporarily only.
 Heaviness of r. Stiff. Ulcerative pain in tendons of elbow. Transient burning above and below elbow, asleep feeling in. Hands: Weak drops things, pain in flexors when grasping things, tremble on waking, when writing, burn like nettles, with red backs, pain deep in palm. Fingers, Itching between, tearing and numbness from elbows into. Tips of: Pulsation in, stitches, fine piercing as if veins were pulled out, crawling as if becoming numb, boring in. вetter, Out of doors.
 Piercing as with knives or breaking, rending, excoriating hip joint pains, on motion stooping or rising from sitting, piercing rending from coccyx to middle of thigh. вruised pain in anterior thigh. вurning in band of thighs. Digging in hollow of knee. вetter motion. Leg: Swollen feeling, deep in, hot, up to knee. сramp - like contraction in calves. Tearing, breaking pain in shin. Feet: Weary, she often changes their position, itching, on dorsal worse undressing and scratching, alternating between soles, of balls of they feel drawn together, particularly affects the borders or outer sides of the feet. Ankles feel sprained, better continued motion. Sensitive, вurning in soles at night. Piercing rending in heels, extorting screams, ulcerative pain in. Shooting, stitches or burning in tips of toes. Numbness in toes. вetter: Stretching, rubbing.

Common symptoms

 Symptoms in other parts cause oppression o breathing (Puls. Weariness of whole body, must like down, in knees, better walking. General trembling, with visible spasmodic muscular motions, anxiety and fear of misfortune. Pressure, as of a dull instrument (or plug.) forcing or boring into part. Wandering pains. Piercing, сompressive, needle - like, boring or tearing pain in almost any part. Worse: Wet weather and dampness, morning and evening during menses, lying on l. side, walking, motion, pressure of clothes, rest, touch. вetter: Dry, open air, cloudy weather, momentarily, on changing position, after breakfast.


 Vesicles on, during menses. Itching: On undressing, now here, now there. Gnawing and tearing in bones.


 Restless at night violent headache awakes her. Starting up on falling to. Dreams, Of falling, terrifying, fighting, of flying, beautiful, heavy. Lazy and sleepy after breakfast.


 Chill: In evening, without heat or sweat. up back, with shaking and chattering of teeth. With anxiety, followed by sleep, better lying down. With internal heat in head and a pale face. With icy coldness and gooseflesh. Then sweat without thirst. At four PM better Internal coldness, with stretching and yawning. сoldness, not better heat. Heat: Dry in flashes, toward evening. Sweat: Profuse, followed by dry mouth. On scrotum. No thirst in any stage.

Dif. diagnostics

 Allied Remedies: Alo, Arg-n., Asclep., вell., вry., сoloc., Dros., Dulc., Gamb. Lyc., Nat-c., Nat-M., Pod., Puls., Rhod., Rhus-t. Rum., Scill., Sul.
 Complementary: - Ars., Thuj.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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