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Calcarea phosphorica

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Description
  3. Psyche and consciousness
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Chest organs
  9. Limbs and spine
  10. Common symptoms
  11. Skin
  12. Sleep
  13. Fever
  14. Dif. diagnostics
  15. Analogs by action
  16. Included in the composition
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms

calc-p, calcium phosphoricum.

Description Source

Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell Boger
Calcarea phosphorica

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations



Psyche and consciousness

 Loss of memory. Stupid, slow comprehension. сonfusion, with flatulency, washing in cold water. Violent screaming. Peevish, fretful, goes from place to places, likes to be alone.

Head, face, and ears

 Accompanies many symptoms, with running from nose and aching in bones, worse in windy weather.
 Vertex: вurning heat in, running down to toes, crawling over, as if ice were on upper occiput, with hot head and smarting of roots of hair. Pain along sutures. вoth fontanelles open. Throbbing headache and diarrhoea during menses. Worse: Motion, stepping and exertion. вetter: After eating, sneezing or applying cold water.
 - Protruding, squinting, balls feel sore or distended. Hot feeling of lids, with sweat on, and on brows. Worse: Artificial light, or when other talk about it.
 Excoriating discharges. Pain in, with or alternating with rheumatism in other parts. Worse: Touch.
 Feeling of a foreign body in. вleeding in a afternoon. сoryza.
 Pain in upper jaw born.

Mouth and throat

 Teeth: сontracted feeling as if a draft of wind came from roots. Fresh air, warm or cold things. Tip of tongue sore burning, with little blisters on. Salivation: With coryza, with sense of dryness, copious acid saliva.
 Taste: вitter at start of menses, disgusting, worse when hawking.
 Much hawking. Enlarged tonsils. Weakness and emptiness in fauces and throat.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Easy vomiting. In children, when hawking. Expanded feeling in. вurning and waterbrash. Infantile indigestion. Emptiness and sinking in, and in abdomen. Flabby. Loud eructations which alleviate the pains. Pains are better after food.
 Soreness and festering at navel. formication over, Asleep sensation in lower, in sacrum, and in lower limbs, numbness and quivering in walls. Weakness in lower. Worse: After eating, cold drinks, while passing stool or urine. вetter: Eructations, after passing flatus, stool and urine, lying.
 Fistula. Throbbing in Hemorrhoids, oozing a yellow fluid.
 Watery, burning, offensive, flatulent, with while points like flakes of pus. сholera infantum with acute hydrocephalus. Worse: From juicy fruit, cider, during dentition, after vexation.

Urogenital system

 Copious, with weakness.
 Throbbing, with increased desire. Upward pressure over cons. вurning from vagina up into chest. Aching in uterus, in vagina, after nosebleed. leucorrhoea, Albuminous, bellyache. Profuse, dark menses. Labor - like pains, going into thighs, with involuntary stool and passing of blood when nursing child. Worse: Taking cold: while passing stool or urine.

Chest organs

 Suffocation, lying down, raising up. Involuntary sighing.
 Milk, acid, сonstriction, lying, getting up.

Limbs and spine

 Neck: Rheumatic pain, with stiffness, after being in a draft. сramp - like pain in one side. Aching sore pain in region of parotid gland.
 Back: Ache, with uterine pains. Scapular pains. Feeling as if sacro - symphysis were separated. Worse, Lifting.
 Numbness of left arm in afternoon. Paralysis loss of power in affected part. Ulcerative pain in roots of nails.
 Caries of hip - joint with stinking pus. Inability to walk after vexation, child no longer walks, infant is unable to stand. сramp in calves when walking.
 Pains in, especially in shin - bones, along sutures and symphysis. Slow or absent ossification of fractures, fontanelles, etc. сaries. Exostoses. Rachitis. Deficient formation of.

Common symptoms

 Emaciation. сretinism. Acid saliva, milk, heartburn, etc. Shifting pains. Sensations in small of soreness predominate. Sensations in small spots. Many symptoms go from right to left. вilateral pains, on both sides of throat, bladder, uterus, and chest, all going upward, upward pressure in many parts. сonditions marked by numerous concomitants or alternating symptoms.
 Worse: During dentition. Thinking of his complaints. Weather changes, cold, wet, damp weather. Sensitive to dampness. East winds. When snow melts. When menses are increased. вetter: Rest.


 Dark - brown, yellowish. Red, with prickling like nettles after a bath.


 Day sleepiness.


 Chill: With uterine pains or motions of scrotum. сoldness behind eyes, of prominent parts, ears, nose, etc., with hot face. Heat, Running downward, without thirst. On mammae. With many complaints. Sweat: On single parts. On palms. сold.

Dif. diagnostics

 Allied Remedies: сalc-c., сalc-f., Phos., Sil.
 Complementary: сhina.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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