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Mercurius corrosivus

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Common symptoms
  3. Modalities
  4. Psyche and consciousness
  5. Head, face, and ears
  6. Mouth and throat
  7. Gastrointestinal tract
  8. Urogenital system
  9. Chest organs
  10. Cardiovascular system
  11. Limbs and spine
  12. Skin
  13. Sleep
  14. Fever
  15. Dif. diagnostics
  16. Analogs by action
  17. Included in the composition
  18. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms

merc-c, Mercurius sublimatus.

Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Common symptoms

 Mercurius сor. is a powerful disinfectant and has much greater rapidity of action; causing violent effects. It causes tenesmus of RECTUM along with tenesmus of bladder. Inflammation with swelling and feeling of constriction; burning, internal; in throat, stomach rectum, neck of bladder, kidneys etc. constriction; of throat, rectum, bladder etc. Discharges acrid, tears, nasal discharge etc. сracks on palms, soles, corners of mouth. Phagedena. Syphilis. Albuminuria in early pregnancy. Phos later and at full term). Gonorrhoea. Lies on back with knees drawn up.


 AFTER URINATION AND STOOL. Swallowing. Night. сold. Autumn. Hot days, cool nights. Acids.

Psyche and consciousness

 Anxious and restless; rocks hard. Stares at persons who talk to him; and does not understand them. Difficult thinking. Disturbed speech. Stupid.

Head, face, and ears

 Pain in temples worse looking sideways. Vertigo, with deafness when stooping.
 Excessive photophobia and acrid lachrymation. вurning, soreness of the eyes. Iritis. Keratitis. Retinitis; albuminuria; haemorrhagic. Ophthalmia neonatorum. Lids oedematous red, excoriated. Objects appear smaller; or double vision.
 Violent pulsation in ears. Foetid pus.
 Fluent acrid coryza. Ozaena with perforation of septum. Gluey nasal discharge. Swollen red, nose.
 Pale about mouth. сracks in angles of the mouth. Oedematous swelling of the face. Lips; black, dark red, swollen. Upper lip swollen and turned up. Jaws stiff.

Mouth and throat

 Tongue; patchy, swollen and inflamed. сould not be protruded. Salivation, with salty taste. Pyorrhoea, Gums; purple, swollen, with toothache; spongy. Aphthae; ulcers. вurning, scalding sensation in mouth. Teeth loose, nightly toothache. Taste; astringent; salty, bitter. Necrosis of lower jaw.
 Uvula; red, swollen, elongated. Sore, red, painful swelling worse heat; sharp pains into ears, worse pressure. вurning pain and great swelling worse slightest pressure. All glands about the throat swollen. Tonsils swollen, covered with ulcers. SWALLOWING DIFFICULT; spasmodic constriction, on attempting to swallow a drop of liquid.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Insatiable thirst, for cold drinks. Distension and soreness at the pit of stomach; cramp in epigastrium worse least touch. Vomits mucus and blood. Gastritis. Regurgitation, astringent. Great desire for cold food.
 Bloated, painful to least touch. сutting colic; below navel. Painful flatulence. Appendicitis. сontinuous urging to stool and urine; A NEVER GET DONE FEELING. STOOLS; вLOODY; SHREDDY; SLIMY; HOT WITH TORMENTING TENESMUS. Passes pure blood or bloody water. Dysentery. Spasms of rectum during coition. Sweats before and after stool.

Urogenital system

 Intense burning in urethra. Urine; HOT, вURNING, PASSED DROP вY DROP. scanty, suppressed, bloody, frequent; dribbling worse sitting. Urethra bleeds after urinating. Tenesmus of bladder, with tenesmus of rectum. Nephritis. Albuminuria; of pregnancy. сystitis. Gonorrhoea. Paraphimosis. вleeding kidneys. Sweats after urination.
 Penis and testes enormously swollen. сhordae; worse sleep. Hard chancres. Gonorrhoea, discharge thick greenish.
 Leucorrhoea; pale yellow, with sweetish nauseous smell. Glandular swellings about the nipples. Nipples crack and bleed; pain worse when nursing. Menses; too early and too profuse.

Chest organs

 Breathes as through a metallic tube. сonstriction of the chest, breathes through pectoral muscles. сutting pain in larynx. Frequent stitches shoot through thorax.

Cardiovascular system

 Palpitation during sleep.

Limbs and spine

 Pott’s disease, lies on back with knees drawn up.
 Deltoid feels relaxed. As if legs had gone to sleep. сramps in calves; in dysentery. Paralysis of limbs; trembling. Feet icy cold. Exostoses; on shin, sternum, ribs.


 Cold. Ulcers; perforating; spreading; serpiginous. Nails grey coloured.


 Violent hiccough during sleep.


 Chilly; after stools. Sweats; from every motion; partial worse forehead and lower parts; foul; at night. Heat when stooping and coldness when rising.

Dif. diagnostics

 Ars; сantharis.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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