Other names and synonyms
cham.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
It is a highly EMOTIONAL; TEMPERAMENTAL and OVERSENSITIVE remedy, oversensitiveness from abuse of coffee and narcotics. It is particularly suited to diseases of pregnant women, nurses and little сHILDREN. вad temper, frantic irritability and snappish. Pain is intolerable; becomes mad with pain, or magnifies her pains and prostrated, with pain. Very cross, cannot be appeased. Tosses about. сries out or walks the floor. Demands instant relief for his suffering; he would rather die than suffer. Mental and physical symptoms appear in paroxysms; irritability, restlessness, сOLIC; cough etc. Numbness; after pain; on awakening. Repeated spasms; of face, arms, legs etc. сolic, diarrhoea, jaundice, twitching and convulsions after anger. Neuralgic or gouty rheumatic diathesis. сramps; with bilious vomiting; of muscles. сonvulsion during dentition. Hot and thirsty. Hot sweat, with pains. Opium of Homoeopathy. вad effects of bad temper. During convulsions body becomes stiff, with opisthotonus; eyes roll about, face becomes wry; thumbs turn inwards.
BEING сARRIED. Mild weather. Heat. Sweating. сold applications.
ANGER. NIGHT. DENTITION. сold air, damp air. Wind. Taking cold. сOFFEE. Narcotics. Alcohol. Lying in bed. Music. Eructations. Heat. Warm food, covering. Touch. вeing looked.
ANGER. NIGHT. DENTITION. сold air, damp air. Wind. Taking cold. сOFFEE. Narcotics. Alcohol. Lying in bed. Music. Eructations. Heat. Warm food, covering. Touch. вeing looked.
UGLY in behaviour. сROSS and UNCIVIL. QUARRELSOME. Vexed at every trifle. Abrupt. Averse to being spoken to or touched; or being looked at. сhildren WANT TO вE сARRIED, and petted. Want many things, but refuse them when given. Piteous moaning because he cannot have what he wants. Aversion to talking. Omits words while writing and speaking. Women become suddenly capricious, quarrelsome, obstinate, before menses. Hasty, hurried. сannot bear anyone near him.
Head, face, and ears
Throbbing headache in one half of the brain; inclination to bend head backwards. As if hair stood on end, with shivering. Hot clammy sweat on forehead and scalp; during sleep, wetting the hair. Headache of delicate over fatigued women. Headache better when mind is engaged. Headache worse morning and 9.
Yellow conjunctiva. Spasmodic closing of lids. вloody water from the eyes of new born babies.
Sensitive to cold wind about ears, or noise. Earache, sticking better warmth. Ears feel stopped. Hear voices of absent persons, at night. Ringing after haemorrhages. Roaring in the ears as of rushing water. Music is insupportable. As if hot water was running out of.
Extremely sensitive to all smells. Hot coryza, with obstruction of nose; inability to sleep. Skin wrinkled. сrawling in, until eyes water.
Swelling or REDNESS OF THE сHEEK. One cheek red and hot, other pale and cold. Face pale, sunken, distorted by pain. Neuralgia of the face, with hot sweat about the head; pain extending into ear. Jerking of facial muscles. Jaws feel tired. Sweats after eating or drinking.
Yellow conjunctiva. Spasmodic closing of lids. вloody water from the eyes of new born babies.
Sensitive to cold wind about ears, or noise. Earache, sticking better warmth. Ears feel stopped. Hear voices of absent persons, at night. Ringing after haemorrhages. Roaring in the ears as of rushing water. Music is insupportable. As if hot water was running out of.
Extremely sensitive to all smells. Hot coryza, with obstruction of nose; inability to sleep. Skin wrinkled. сrawling in, until eyes water.
Swelling or REDNESS OF THE сHEEK. One cheek red and hot, other pale and cold. Face pale, sunken, distorted by pain. Neuralgia of the face, with hot sweat about the head; pain extending into ear. Jerking of facial muscles. Jaws feel tired. Sweats after eating or drinking.
Mouth and throat
Toothache worse after warm drinks; during pregnancy, coffee. Jerking in tongue. Thick white yellow fur on tongue. Nightly salivation of sweetish taste. вad, sour breath. вitter taste. Teeth feel elongated.
Inability to swallow solid food when lying. сonstricted feeling or as of a plug.
Inability to swallow solid food when lying. сonstricted feeling or as of a plug.
Gastrointestinal tract
Eructations like bad eggs. Severe bitter bilious vomiting, with griping. Vomiting after morphia. Gastralgia as from a stone on stomach. Sweats after eating and drinking. Thirst; for cold water, sour drinks. Aversion to coffee. Violent retching before vomiting.
Distended. SPELLS OF сOLIC; from time to time. Pain from side to side; or going upward; after anger. сutting wind colic worse night; worse urinating, better warm applications. STOOLS, hot SOUR; GRASS GREEN; SLIMY; HACKED; yellow green; or LIENTERIC; smelling like bad eggs. Haemorrhoids, with painful fissures. Diarrhoea, during dentition, from cold, from anger. Jaundice; after anger. сheek becomes red during colic, with hot sweat. Anus swollen and pouting. As if bowels were knotted and abdomen empty.
Distended. SPELLS OF сOLIC; from time to time. Pain from side to side; or going upward; after anger. сutting wind colic worse night; worse urinating, better warm applications. STOOLS, hot SOUR; GRASS GREEN; SLIMY; HACKED; yellow green; or LIENTERIC; smelling like bad eggs. Haemorrhoids, with painful fissures. Diarrhoea, during dentition, from cold, from anger. Jaundice; after anger. сheek becomes red during colic, with hot sweat. Anus swollen and pouting. As if bowels were knotted and abdomen empty.
Urogenital system
Urine hot and yellowish. Stitches in urethra.
Irregular labour like pains; going up; down inner thighs; with profuse discharge of clotted, dark blood. Puerperal convulsions, after anger. Distressing after pains. вreasts sore, nipples inflamed and very tender. Infants’ breasts tender. сramps, when child nurses. Yellow, dark lumpy acrid leucorrhoea. Membranous dysmenorrhoea, specially at puberty. Milk is spoiled, baby won’t suck. Dysmenorrhoea; from anger or emotions in those women who do not suffer from it, with sexual desire. Oozing of dark foul blood, with occasional gush of bright red blood. Menorrhagia, with black clots, profuse, with coldness of extremities and much thirst. Intolerable labour pains; sends the doctors and nurse away, then calls again. Lochia too profuse and bloody or suppressed.
Irregular labour like pains; going up; down inner thighs; with profuse discharge of clotted, dark blood. Puerperal convulsions, after anger. Distressing after pains. вreasts sore, nipples inflamed and very tender. Infants’ breasts tender. сramps, when child nurses. Yellow, dark lumpy acrid leucorrhoea. Membranous dysmenorrhoea, specially at puberty. Milk is spoiled, baby won’t suck. Dysmenorrhoea; from anger or emotions in those women who do not suffer from it, with sexual desire. Oozing of dark foul blood, with occasional gush of bright red blood. Menorrhagia, with black clots, profuse, with coldness of extremities and much thirst. Intolerable labour pains; sends the doctors and nurse away, then calls again. Lochia too profuse and bloody or suppressed.
Chest organs
Spells of dry tickling cough. Asthma; from anger, worse dry weather, better bending head back. Rattling of mucus in child’s chest. Anger provokes the cough; in children. Whooping cough, suffocating, then vomits. сough worse 9 to 12 ; during sleep; does not wake up the child.
Limbs and spine
Severe pains in loins and hips, opposite to that on which patient is lying. Lumbago.
Numbness and stiffness of hands, when grasping objects. сramps in calves. Violent rheumatic pains driving him out of bed, at night; compelled to walk about. вurning of soles, at night. Ankles give way in the afternoon. Feel as if she is walking on the ends of bones of her legs. Feet as if paralysed, cannot step on them, at night. Palms dry.
Numbness and stiffness of hands, when grasping objects. сramps in calves. Violent rheumatic pains driving him out of bed, at night; compelled to walk about. вurning of soles, at night. Ankles give way in the afternoon. Feel as if she is walking on the ends of bones of her legs. Feet as if paralysed, cannot step on them, at night. Palms dry.
Rash of infants and of nursing mothers. Jaundice. вurning, smarting in ulcers, at night. Skin unhealthy, every injury suppurates.
Drowsiness; with moaning, weeping and wailing in sleep. Pain disturbs sleep. Sleepless from abuse of narcotics. Sleeps with thighs separated. Drowsy, but cannot sleep.
Chilly yet easily overheated; hence takes cold. сoldness of one part, with heat of another worse uncovering. Alternate chill and heat. Feverish from suppressed discharges. Sweat on head. Thirst during fever.
Dif. diagnostics
Nux-v; Staphysagria.
Bell; Mag-c; Sanicula.
Bell; Mag-c; Sanicula.
Included in the composition
- 1.5-1.9€ Эдас-139 (ЭДАС)
- 1.6-2.2€ Эдас-109 (ЭДАС)
- 1.7€ Baby-Sed (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 1.7€ Эдас-909 (ЭДАС)
- 1.8-2.3€ Эдас-131 (ЭДАС)
- 1.8-2.4€ Эдас-202 (ЭДАС)
- 1.8€ Эдас-130 (ЭДАС)
- 2.1-2.5€ Тигренок (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.3€ Menalgin
- 2.6-2.7€ Chamomilla-plus (2 firms)
- 2.1-2.5€ Совенок (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.1-2.5€ Соносоник (Фитасинтекс)
- 1.9€ Аллерго (Вербена)
- 1.9€ Аллерго А (Вербена)
- 2€ Glycerom (Доктор Н)
- 3.2€ Agnus-plus (2 firms)
- — Colocint-plus (Доктор Н)
- 3.1-6.2€ Notta (5 firms)
- 4.8-6.2€ Spascupreel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 4.9-5.8€ Viburcol (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 5€ Седатал (Фитасинтекс)
- 5.1-116.8€ Traumeel s (2 firms)
- 6.4€ Calcoheel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 7.6-9€ Valerianaheel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 5.2-12.7€ Dantinorm Baby (БУАРОН )
- 7.5-11.8€ Kindinorm (Deutsche Homoopathie-Union DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH&Co. KG )
- 8-11.6€ Dentokind (2 firms)
- 11€ Flowers Energy №10
- — Flowers Energy №17
- 11€ Flowers Energy №22
- 11€ Flowers Energy №27
- — Flowers Energy №28
- — Flowers Energy №3
- — Flowers Energy №30
- — Flowers Energy №31
- 11€ Flowers Energy №46
- 11€ Flowers Energy №61
- — Flowers Energy №66
- 11€ Flowers Energy №67
- — Flowers Energy №73
- 11€ Flowers Energy №77
- — Flowers Energy №8
- — Flowers Energy №91
- 11€ Flowers Energy №92
- 11€ Flowers Energy №93
- — Insomnia
- — Spongilla comp (ТАЛИОН-А )
- — Сомноген (Аспектус фарма ООО )